Pregnancy test 25 mme ml when. When can I do a pregnancy test

A pregnancy test is the most effective and affordable modern tool for determining the presence of hCG, a special hormone in the body of a pregnant woman. The diagnostic procedure does not require the creation of special conditions and medical supervision.

How reliable are the tests? What is their sensitivity? What types of tests do medical professionals recommend? You will find answers to these and other questions in our new article.

Features of checking pregnancy using tests

The popularity of hCG tests is also due to the variety of their types.

You can determine pregnancy in the early stages using the following tests:

  1. Strip tests- strips impregnated with a special reagent, which begins to act when it is placed in the urine of a woman. The two red stripes that appear indicate the presence of a fertilized egg, one indicates its absence. The result is available within 5 minutes. The disadvantage of this preparation is that sometimes the strip may not be sufficiently saturated with the reagent, which will show an incorrect result. It happens that the strips do not appear clearly enough, which raises doubts. The advantage of the tool is its cheapness. The cost of a strip test is from 10 rubles.
  2. tablet test- is a plastic box with two holes. A pipette is attached to it, with the help of which a few drops of urine are applied into one of the holes. The result in the form of strips is displayed in another hole after a few minutes. There is a tablet hCG test from 50 rubles and more.
  3. Inkjet test- this tool is convenient in that there is no need to collect urine in a separate container. The product can be placed directly under the stream of urine during urination. The cost is from 100 rubles and more.
  4. Digital or electronic test- a relatively new invention that allows you to accurately determine the presence of pregnancy. Instead of stripes, which are sometimes difficult to see, either inscriptions, or signs “+” and “-”, or funny and sad emoticons appear on the electronic scoreboard. Prices for electronic express tests range from 180 rubles and more.

Details about the types of hCG tests, about which test is better to choose in this video:

What is test sensitivity

In order to choose an effective, reliable express test from this variety, you need to pay attention to such a criterion as sensitivity when buying.

This criterion is indicated by a number that shows what is the minimum number of hCG that the test will notice and interact with them. The most effective hCG tests that can diagnose pregnancy, already in the first days after a possible conception, before the delay in menstruation, are indicated by a number from 10 mIU / ml. up to 25mIU/ml. The lower the number, the higher the sensitivity.

Typically, express analyzes have the following indicators:

  • strip tests - 25 mIU / ml. and more;
  • tablet tests - from 10 to 25 25 mIU \ ml .;
  • inkjet and electronic tests - 10-15 mIU / ml.

What pregnancy tests often lie

Women often face the fact that rapid tests give incorrect results, both negative and positive.

In order for the pregnancy diagnosis procedure to be as reliable as possible, the following factors must be considered:

  1. Compliance with the instructions on the packaging.
  2. Quality and current expiration date of the product.
  3. Timely deadline.
  4. The sensitivity of the hCG test used.

The express test lies in the following cases:

  • a positive result in the absence of a fetus is caused by the presence of protein or blood in the urine, as well as taking certain medications;
  • a false negative result is issued if an expired test was used, the operating rules were violated, and too much liquid was drunk the day before.

A negative answer will also be obtained if an insensitive test is used too early. These include a strip test with an indicator of 20-25 mmu per 1 ml.

Which tests are the most sensitive

To get a reliable answer about the condition of a woman, before purchasing a test, you need to find out the principles of its work and the names of companies that produce high-quality drugs.

According to the reviews of women who regularly use means to determine pregnancy, a rating of the best hCG tests has been compiled.


A remedy from a German manufacturer that can determine whether a woman is pregnant or not, two days before a missed period. It has a sensitivity of 15 mm.

There are several varieties of Frautest:

  • Frautest express ultra-sensitive - standard express strip;
  • Double control - two test strips that need to be used alternately with an interval of 48 hours;
  • Frautest expert - cassette test;
  • Frautest exclusive axiom and Comfort are super sensitive inkjet tests that can be done at home in a few seconds.


The hCG test made in Germany is sensitive in terms of 20 mIU to human chorionic gonadotropin. This allows you to fix the fact of conception in 99% before the delay of menstruation. As in the case of Frautest, Evitest has several varieties: from classic strips to the latest generation of highly sensitive electronic inkjet.


The British manufacturer produces all types of express analyzes. Differs in the maximum supersensitive indicator: in 3 minutes the result becomes known. Digital express analysis not only provides information about the presence of pregnancy, but also shows the possible day of conception.

BB test

French drug for testing for the presence of pregnancy in the form of a strip in the early stages. It has a sensitivity of 10 mm, which allows you to determine whether conception has occurred, even before the delay of menstruation.

be sure

A strip test from a domestic manufacturer, the Moscow company Factor-Med, has a sensitivity of 20 mmu / ml, which is a high indicator for strips. The presence of hCG can be determined as early as 7 days after conception.

In the early stages, the second strip will have a pale color due to the small amount of hormones in the pregnant woman's body. You can do an analysis with the help of Bishur a few days before the onset of a delay in menstruation.


Vera is one of the most inexpensive, but good domestic express analyzes. It has a sensitivity of 25 mIU / ml, which allows it to be used only after a delay. In order to avoid errors, before doing the analysis, you need to carefully read the instructions for use and strictly follow it.


Eva is an inexpensive remedy from an American manufacturer in the form of standard strips. An express test with a sensitivity of 25 mmU is best done two weeks after the intended conception or on the first or second day of delay. At an earlier date, the express test will not see hCG and will give a negative answer.

Clover I was born

Express analysis with such a comic name of Moscow production has two types: a strip and cassettes. Naturally, the effectiveness of the two verification methods will differ from each other. An analysis is carried out two to three days before the delay in menstruation, depending on the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

It is difficult to understand which remedy will be better and more effective in the procedure for diagnosing pregnancy at home.

It all depends on several factors:

  1. Variety and cost. If in order to find out the exact result, you do not think about how much you need to spend, it is better to buy an inkjet or electronic express test, which will provide the necessary information with an accuracy of 99%. In addition, they are more convenient to use, for the procedure it is not necessary to use an additional container for urine. The process of conducting an express analysis will take no more than 10 minutes.
  2. Manufacturer. According to women, German and British brands have proven themselves well. Despite the relatively high cost, Clearblue, Frautest, Evitest express tests are popular with women.
  3. Capabilities and sensitivity of the hCG test. The choice of means depends on how soon you need the result. If the delay in menstruation has not yet come, but you want to know as soon as possible whether conception has occurred, then you need to buy an ultra-sensitive inkjet hCG test with an indicator of no more than 10 mIU. They are able to determine the presence of chorionic gonadotropin already a week after the fertilization of the egg.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the packaging of the product. On it you can find information about the manufacturer, expiration date and sensitivity. Inside the box there should be instructions for use, set out in an accessible language.

You need to buy two products at once, since it is recommended to carry out an express analysis twice to make sure the result is accurate. For any suspicious signs, you should immediately consult a doctor and donate blood for hCG. Laboratory analysis is the most reliable.

Factors affecting cost

The principle of operation of all hCG tests is almost the same. Only the level of sensitivity distinguishes them. This is what causes their high prices.

A woman, wanting to immediately confirm the diagnosis, is ready to pay more than usual, and manufacturers take advantage of this. In addition, more expensive rapid tests are more convenient to use than their cheaper counterparts.


The procedure for determining hCG using a pharmacy test is the most affordable and safest method for diagnosing pregnancy at home. The high sensitivity of some devices allows you to determine pregnancy already 1-2 days after the delay, or even before it.

To date, pregnancy tests are presented in a wide range. There are several types of tests:

  • Strip tests: special strips that must be dipped into a container with urine, the sensitivity threshold is 10-25 mIU / ml (the amount of hCG in 1 ml of urine).
  • Tablet: a plastic case in which a window with a substance sensitive to hCG is located. A few drops of urine should be added to this window. The threshold of sensitivity is 10-25mIU / ml.
  • Inkjet: do not require urine collection in a separate container - a pregnancy test can be carried out directly during urination, substituting the analyzer under the stream. Sensitivity threshold from 10mIU/ml.
  • Electronic (digital): have several varieties and can be intended for multiple use or determining the duration of pregnancy, etc.

Each test type has its own advantages and disadvantages. And what pregnancy tests are the best, we will try to figure it out now.

Frautest Express Ultra Sensitive


The cost of a package with one strip test is about 85 rubles.

The sensitivity of the Frautest Express pregnancy test starts at 15 mIU / ml and, according to the manufacturer, it can be used without waiting for a delay in menstruation, and even 2 days before the date when (possibly) the countdown from the "missed" first day of menstruation begins. The test determines the results 3-5 minutes after you have removed the strip from the urine container.

Flaws. Having to look for a container for urine, fill it up, withstand a strip test in it for 10 seconds, and then think about how to dispose of the filled “container” is not very convenient in an out-of-home environment.

Advantages of this pregnancy test - ease of use and high reliability of results (up to 99%). Well, let's not pretend that the cost does not matter. The democratic price is a huge plus.

conclusions. One of the best pregnancy tests. A well-deserved score of 10 out of 10.

Reviews.“I have already bought a test from this company twice, or rather, this time his husband bought it, and he did not disappoint again. My opinion is that there is no need to buy expensive tests, even if they tend to show the number of weeks. This pregnancy test is reliable, It is sold in all pharmacies, it is convenient to use and attractive at a price.

Frautest Planning


The cost of a set of 5 strip tests for determining ovulation, 2 for pregnancy and 7 disposable containers for collecting urine is about 380 rubles.

Another "nominee" from the Hungarian company Human takes a leading position in the ranking of the best pregnancy tests. Frautest Planning is an excellent tool for women who are planning a pregnancy and who want to make sure of the fact of its occurrence (well, or the need to keep trying) without leaving the cash register.

The thoughtful configuration of this strip kit allows you to cover the entire period from the probable date of the onset of ovulation and “catch” the moment necessary for conception, before pregnancy is determined (you can start checking 2 days before the expected day of delay). An additional bonus is disposable urine collection containers that are easily disposed of and allow you to pass the test in any conditions.

Flaws. The only drawback is the high cost. But this is only at first glance: the same set, but “scattered” in separate packages, will cost about 70 rubles more.

conclusions. The best pregnancy test for those who care not only about the right lifestyle from the first days of pregnancy, but also understand the importance of planning this fateful moment. Well deserved ten!

Reviews. « I made a big mistake several times when I used ovulation tests and pregnancy tests from different manufacturers. The consequences were, to put it mildly, painful for my nervous system. 3 months after using Frautest for planning, I finally got to the right “schedule”. The result - in the fourth month, a pregnancy test confirmed that you can rejoice. I highly recommend - expensive, but reliable and not confusing with false results.

Clearblue Digital


The cost of a package with 1 digital test is about 480 rubles.

Advantages. If we take as a unit of quality the percentage of accuracy with which the test determines the presence of pregnancy, then Clearblue Digital takes an incredibly high bar: above 99%. One hundred percent accuracy is within reach, and this test is by far one of the most reliable. But that's not all. In addition to the mark on the presence / absence of pregnancy (“+” - yes, “-” - no), a figure will appear in the window indicating the gestational age in weeks. The format of indicators corresponds to the range of 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks and more than three (the display will show the image “3+”). If conception did occur, then the accuracy of determining the term, according to the manufacturer and the results of research, is 92%. Impressive, isn't it?

With a delay in menstruation, the test can be used from the very first day of their intended start. But if “it’s unbearable to wait,” and the body persistently hints at your interesting situation in other ways (for example, by the desire to eat persimmon, after smearing it with toothpaste), then the test can be done 4 days before the date of the probable delay.

Flaws. Not everyone will consider determining the duration of pregnancy a necessary function. All the same, a visit to the doctor, an ultrasound examination and blood tests are still ahead - in the aggregate, all this will set the deadline without a test. But let's remember the "surprises" of pregnancy, which can easily coexist with regular periods. In this case, it is often important for a woman to understand: how long she is, and whether she has enough time to go to the antenatal clinic and register. A classic example is a long business trip or business trip, when the dilemma “drop everything and go home vs there is still time, you can wait” breaks all plans. So, whether this is a disadvantage or not, it's up to you.

conclusions. Considering that not everyone is interested in setting an exact period without going to the doctor, but this function makes the price “bite”, then the rating is 9 out of 10.

Reviews. “I felt something was wrong as soon as I arrived on vacation. With my floating and irregular monthly cycle, I assumed that the pregnancy might not be early. The Cleablue test showed that I had been in the position for more than three weeks. I limited myself to attractions and other active entertainment, and when I returned a week later and went to the doctor, the period turned out to be 6 weeks. The test did not disappoint.

Evitest Proof


The cost of a package with one tablet test is about 190 rubles.

Advantages. The main advantage relates, rather, to the design of the test: the tablet model allows more even distribution of urine over the surface of the substrate with the reagent, which, accordingly, increases the reliability of the results. The second plus is the "purity" of the results. It is impossible to touch the reagent, which is located in the recess of the window, even by accident, so the possible contamination of the sample (far from a fantastic event, by the way) is simply excluded.

Flaws. Perhaps you will feel like a professor in a chemical laboratory, who carefully and carefully introduces a special substance (urine) onto the surface of the object (test) being examined so that an explosion does not occur. Nothing really explodes, except maybe your patience if you're nervous and your hands are shaking. Therefore, it is better to conduct "experiments" at home, where you can afford to relax (or at least pretend) and finish what you started.

conclusions. One of the best tablet pregnancy tests in terms of accuracy. And that's the main reason why you decided to buy it, isn't it? So, to give him a rating of 10 out of 10 would be correct and fair.

Reviews. « For a long time she was treated for infertility and used only this test. I don’t even know why - I was superstitiously afraid to change it to another. And after 2 years, he showed a positive result for the first time! positive and correct».

Premium Diagnostics


The cost of packaging with one inkjet test is about 120 rubles.

Advantages. A quick and accurate result (up to 99% - if the test is carried out after the first day of delay), for which there is no need to collect urine - an excellent alternative to the "strip" traditions. At the same time, in the cassette, which is a test, a control window is provided. Regardless of whether the result is positive or not - if a red line appears in the control window - the test was carried out correctly.

Flaws. The ability to perform a test without the need to collect urine for some will prove to be a very useful quality of the test, for some it is inconvenient. But, as they say, you won’t be nice to everyone - we won’t rank this as a minus.

conclusions. An excellent pregnancy test that will fulfill its purpose both in a cozy home environment and in "marching" conditions, when there is no time or opportunity to look for and fill a urine container. In our opinion, 10 points is a well-deserved rating.

Choosing the best pregnancy test is quite problematic, as each has its own advantages and disadvantages: some are too expensive, others are inconvenient to use, and others do not always show accurate information. How to choose the best test? What to look for when buying and how to use it correctly so as not to get a false result?

Tests can be found not only in pharmacies, they are often sold in supermarkets and small shops. Analyzers for early detection of pregnancy are presented in a wide range of prices depending on the manufacturer and type.

The action of a pregnancy test is based on the mechanism of interaction of a special substance with chorionic gonadotropin (). This hormone begins to be intensively produced in the female body after a short time after conception. It is produced by the embryo starting from the eighth day after the fusion of the male and female gametes or the day after the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

The test is based on the method of immunochromatography. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the substance that needs to be detected combines with antibodies to it, resulting in a positive reaction. When determining pregnancy, such a substance is hCG.

An active substance with a coloring agent is applied to the test strip. When urine enters, a gradual movement of hCG occurs, and when the “positive reaction” strip is reached, the dye is released and shows the result. If there is no chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, then the staining of the second line will not occur.

When a hormone appears in the urine, its concentration increases twice every day. On the 7-10th day after the fusion of the egg and sperm, the amount of chorionic gonadotropin reaches 25 mIU / ml, and its peak concentration can be observed between the eighth and eleventh weeks of pregnancy.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally which pregnancy test is better, since there are a large number of different types. Tests with high sensitivity to hCG can detect pregnancy after a week.

Review of the best tests of foreign production

There are a large number of diagnostic strips that can be called the best early pregnancy tests. All of them are divided into several groups, depending on the degree of sensitivity and material.

Strip test

The most common and affordable pregnancy tests used in the early stages.

Frautest Express - a paper test strip packed in an individual bag and a box with instructions. The sensitivity is 15 mIU/ml. The advantages of the test include low cost, ease of use, quick results (after 3-5 minutes).

According to the manufacturer, the reliability of the results reaches 99% even when used 1-2 days before the expected date of the start of menstruation. However, user reviews do not always match this statement.

Of the negative sides - the need to use containers for collecting urine.

How to use the test strip:

  1. Read the instructions.
  2. Fill the container with urine.
  3. Open the individual pouch and remove the test strip.
  4. Dip the test into a glass of urine to the indicated level and wait 10 seconds.
  5. Place on a horizontal surface.
  6. Evaluate the results after 5 minutes, but no later than 10.

Frautest Double Control has similar characteristics, the only difference is that the box contains two test strips to confirm the result.

Evitest One also applies to strip tests. The package contains one test strip. The sensitivity of hCG is 20 mIU / ml, which allows you to determine the exact result from the first day.


  • affordable cost;
  • clear instructions for use;
  • ease of use;
  • reliability of results 98%;
  • It is sold not only in pharmacies, but also in stores, so it will not be difficult to purchase it.

Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that the price of these products is slightly higher than for similar test strips from other manufacturers. Also, the results of the test are not always easy to decipher due to the fact that.

Evitest is easy to use:

  1. After removing from the package, dip the strip into the container with urine to the level marked on the test for 5 seconds.
  2. Evaluate the results after 3-5 minutes. The appearance of two red marks indicates the presence of pregnancy.
  3. If in doubt, a retest the next morning is recommended.

Evitest Plus contains 2 strip tests in a cardboard box and is intended for reliable pregnancy detection.


Frautest Expert is considered to be one of the best pregnancy tests. The analyzer is a cassette with a sensitive strip enclosed inside, complete with a pipette for applying urine. The test is ultra-sensitive (15 mIU/mL) so it can be done a couple of days before your period. Accuracy - up to 99%.

Instructions for use:

  1. Collect morning urine in a container.
  2. Remove the tablet test and the included pipette from the package.
  3. Pick up a couple of drops and place them in a special window on the cassette.
  4. Place the test on a flat surface.
  5. Evaluate the received data after 5 minutes.

Of the positive characteristics, it should be noted the high accuracy of determining pregnancy, the use even with a small amount of urine, the detection of pregnancy before the start of the delay.

The disadvantages include some difficulty in application, as well as a higher price compared to test strips.

Evitest Proof – a tablet test for detecting pregnancy with a sensitivity of 20 mIU / ml and an accuracy of up to 99%. Its main advantage is the convenient design of the cassette, in which the test window is located in a recess, which eliminates the possibility of accidental contamination with fingers and changes in diagnostic results. In addition, the tablet allows the urine to be distributed more evenly, which affects the reliability of the results.

Of the negative points: to conduct the test, you need to be in comfortable conditions, preferably at home, since it is necessary to very accurately introduce a couple of drops of urine into the hole intended for this.

Instructions for use are the same for all tests of this type.


According to doctors, they give the most accurate results. To get an answer whether you are pregnant or not, diagnosis is best done in the morning, when the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is highest.

Using inkjet tests is simple - in the process of urination, you need to substitute the analyzer under the stream of urine, wait a bit, and after 3-5 minutes get an answer to the main question.

Frautest Comfort - an ultrasensitive test that shows results at a concentration of hCG in the urine from 15mIU / ml. The special design allows the diagnostic device to be used without any difficulties and in any place where there is a toilet.


  • no need to collect urine;
  • convenient structure of the test;
  • the tight-fitting cap eliminates the possibility of disturbing the test results.


  • high price;
  • small risk of getting your hands dirty when urinating.

Frautest Exclusive has the same characteristics as the previous product. The only exception is the more modern appearance of the case, made in pink.

Evitest Perfect is a plastic case with a protective cover, inside which is placed a diagnostic strip. The manufacturer indicates a sensitivity of 20 mIU / ml.

Premium Diagnostics - a highly sensitive jet-type pregnancy test that gives results at a concentration of hCG from 10 mIU / ml in the urine. According to the manufacturer, this jet test allows you to establish the fact of pregnancy on the seventh day after conception.


  • ease of diagnostics;
  • high accuracy of results (99%);
  • the test can be performed at any time of the day;
  • can be used in the doctor's office to confirm the results of the examination.

There were no clearly identified negative characteristics of the test.


To date, analyzers are the best tests for determining pregnancy.

The Digital device is one of the most modern and most accurate methods for express pregnancy diagnostics at home. It has hypersensitivity - 10mIU / ml.


  • the accuracy of the results exceeds 99%;
  • in addition to the presence of a pregnancy mark, the device shows on the screen the estimated period (1-2 weeks, from 2 to 3 weeks and more than 3 weeks);
  • with the established fact of fertilization, the accuracy of determining the term is 92%.

The disadvantage is the high price, exceeding the cost of all previously mentioned samples.

Instructions for using the electronic test:

  1. Place the diagnostic test site under the stream of urine, being careful not to let the urine come into contact with the rest of the device.
  2. Attach the cap and wait for the test results to appear on the screen.
  3. The test can also be used by dipping into a container of collected urine.
  4. For accurate results a few days before the expected day of menstruation, the test is best done in the morning.

Many women refer to Clearblue Digital as the best pregnancy test.


The rarest type of pregnancy test, which is a measuring cup with a built-in test strip on its surface to determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Such tests are difficult to find in pharmacies, they are very expensive, so their demand is very low.

Review of the best Russian-made tests

The domestic pharmaceutical industry is also engaged in the production of funds for the rapid determination of fertilization. However, today there are only a few analyzers, mainly represented by test strips. We will try to identify the best Russian-made pregnancy test.

Strip test

Russian pregnancy test strips:

  • Insure - a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 12.5 mIU / ml. Its advantages include high accuracy of results, starting from the expected start date of "critical" days, simple and understandable instructions for use, affordable price. There are no obvious flaws, this is one of the best pregnancy tests.
  • "Rest assured" - a test popular among Russian women that shows accurate results. Strip strips are sensitive to hCG in the urine, starting from a concentration of 25 mIU / ml. The advantage is the low cost. No negative aspects have been identified.
  • "HCG-IHA-VERA" . The susceptibility of these strips begins at a concentration of 20 mIU / ml. The product has a very low price, which is why it is in demand, however, customer reviews often indicate that the diagnosis was not accurate, and even morning urine testing often showed.


"BIOCARD HCG" - a test in the form of a cassette with two windows: in one it is necessary to place 3-4 drops of urine with a pipette, and in the other after 5 minutes the result will appear. The sensitivity is 20 mIU/ml. According to the recommendations specified in the instructions, it is good to do the diagnosis in the morning, immediately after waking up. In this case, the day before, you should not abuse the liquid and take medications, so as not to get a false result.


  • high degree of accuracy - up to 99%;
  • acceptable cost in comparison with imported analogues;
  • the test is effective from the first day of missed menstruation.


  • long waiting time for the reaction - more than 5 minutes;
  • the second strip is not always clearly painted;
  • for reliable indicators, it is recommended to conduct a test with morning urine.

Using the analyzer is simple - bring the test under the stream of urine, then close the cap and wait about 5 minutes.

What to look for when choosing a test

According to the manufacturers, the lower the figure indicated in the instructions, which reflects the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, the higher the accuracy and sensitivity of the analyzer. However, this is not a completely true statement, since hCG is detected only 7-8 days after fertilization with a concentration of 25 mIU / ml, and this value doubles every day.

At the minimum period, it is better to do a pregnancy test in the morning, the hormone content in the urine is maximum at this time. The implementation of this simple rule allows you to detect the conception that has taken place from the first days of the delay.

The pharmaceutical industry, both foreign and domestic, produces a large number of devices for the rapid diagnosis of fertilization, so it is difficult to unambiguously answer which pregnancy test is better. According to statistics, inkjet and electronic tests show the most accurate results.

Useful video about the best pregnancy tests


For the normal course of pregnancy, favorable growth and development of the fetus, certain hormones are necessary, which begin to be intensively produced after conception. In the early stages, they are produced mainly by the corpus luteum. In turn, the function of the corpus luteum to produce hormones stimulates and supports a special hormone - hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). He also “slows down” the work of the ovaries so that ovulation no longer occurs throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

There are only a few days in each menstrual cycle when there is a chance of getting pregnant. If unprotected or unprotected intercourse occurred during this ovulation period, then it makes sense to test no earlier than 10 days after PA (if you use a supersensitive test), and even more reliable - 14 or more days after it.

The fact is that hCG begins to be produced only from the moment of implantation of the ovum into the uterine cavity, which occurs no earlier than 5-7, and sometimes 10-12 days after intercourse. And on the first day after the egg is fixed in the uterus, the amount of hCG is still too small for the test to be able to identify it. This is possible only a few days after implantation.

When to do a pregnancy test with a sensitivity of 10, 15, 20, 25 mIU / ml: before the delay or after the delay

The minimum concentration of gonadotropin in the urine, which a pregnancy test can determine, is 10 mIU / ml. Such tests are called hypersensitive, and they can be carried out even before a missed period.

Tests with a sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml or 15 mIU / ml can show pregnancy already 10-12 days after ovulation (and in some cases even after 7 days from the moment of conception), that is, a few days before the expected start of menstruation. If the menstrual cycle is 28 days, then such a test is able to determine pregnancy already on the 22-24th day of the cycle.

The result of a tester with a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU / ml depends on which day it is used. The indicated concentration in the urine of hCG reaches only 2 weeks or more after conception, which approximately coincides in terms with the date when menstruation should have begun. Therefore, the results of such tests can be considered reliable only if they are carried out on the second, third or more day of the delay. If you want to get the most truthful result, then it is better to do a pregnancy test no earlier than on the 5th day of delay. Research results show that tests carried out on the first day of delay show the presence of a real pregnancy in only 16% of cases, despite the encouraging promises of manufacturers.

All given figures and terms are rather conditional. In each individual case, the difference can be several days, and this is influenced by a large number of factors: the date of ovulation in any of the cycles can shift, a fertilized egg, due to various reasons, can get to the uterus longer than it usually happens, etc. These and other nuances can affect the rate of hCG production and, consequently, the time in which the level of the hormone in the urine reaches a level sufficient to be determined using a test. Physiological fluctuations in the cycle can occur in absolutely every woman, even if she always had a clear regular cycle before.

Modern tests declare the reliability of the results of about 99%. But numerous studies show that false results are much more common. The most common reason for this is too early diagnosis. Even a difference of one day plays a big role here, because the concentration of hCG after fixing the fetal egg in the uterus doubles every day, that is, it increases very rapidly.

In view of this, doctors recommend testing no earlier than on the first day of the delay, but for greater reliability - 2-3 days after the date of the expected start of menstruation. Moreover, no matter what result you get, it cannot be considered guaranteed true and it is always recommended to repeat the test at least one more time after 2-3 days.

When to take a pregnancy test if the cycle is irregular

With an irregular menstrual cycle, calculating when you can take a pregnancy test is quite difficult, if not impossible. After all, ovulation in this case occurs every time in a different period, and if you do not track it in a special way (that is, you do not conduct tests intended for this and do not conduct diagnostic laboratory observation), then there is no point in doing a test before the delay, since it is not known with accuracy on which day the next period should begin. Most often, erroneous results are obtained by women with an irregular cycle.

Doctors recommend testing with an irregular menstrual cycle no earlier than 16-17 or more days after unprotected intercourse, using ultra-sensitive testers, or no earlier than 14 or more days after ovulation, taking the longest cycle as a guideline. The fact is that even with a very long or short cycle, menstruation always occurs approximately two weeks after ovulation, that is, the lengthening or shortening of the cycle always occurs due to its first phase.

When to take a pregnancy test after ovulation: in the morning or in the evening, at any time of the day

It is believed that modern tests with a high sensitivity of 10 mIU / ml, which in particular include inkjet pregnancy tests, can be used at any time of the day. However, there are specific medical facts that cannot be argued with: the more concentrated the urine, the easier it is to detect hCG in it and, accordingly, determine pregnancy. Therefore, to increase the reliability of the results, it is better, nevertheless, to do a pregnancy test early in the morning immediately after waking up, or at least not urinate for 4 or more hours before the test. For the same purpose, it is recommended to exclude the use of diuretic drugs and the use of diuretic foods and drinks on the eve of the test.

When to take a pregnancy test - in the morning or in the evening - if the delay is already several days or weeks, it does not really matter, because at this time pregnancy will almost certainly be determined even by a test of low sensitivity.

When to do a pregnancy test with HB

Although this is very difficult, even the most impatient women can wait a few days of delay and take a pregnancy test or have already repeated it by this time. What if you don't have periods while breastfeeding? When to do a breastfeeding test and should it be done?

It is not at all necessary, but very often menstruation does not occur during lactation. Under such conditions, a woman can become pregnant and not even know about it (if conception takes place in a cycle in which menstruation was supposed to begin for the first time after childbirth, but this did not happen due to the onset of pregnancy). So that the surprise does not make itself felt already at 3-4 months of pregnancy, gynecologists advise doing a breastfeeding test every month - so to speak, for reinsurance.

When to do a pregnancy test after insemination and after an injection of hCG

Despite the fact that during insemination, conception occurs without sexual intercourse (active spermatozoa are planted directly into the woman's uterus during the period of ovulation), all subsequent processes for conception and implantation of the fetal egg occur similarly to natural fertilization. Therefore, a pregnancy test after insemination can be carried out already 18 days after the procedure - these terms are approximately the same as always. But blood for hCG can be donated earlier - after 14 days. In case of unsuccessful attempt, menstruation will begin 12 or more days after insemination.

If there was a stimulation of pregnancy, and the woman received hCG injections, then, of course, any test carried out after that would be positive. Therefore, in order to obtain a true result, it is recommended to do a pregnancy test after an hCG injection no earlier than after 15 days.

When to take a pregnancy test after IVF

All the same applies to artificial fertilization, followed by implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. Usually, IVF is the lifeline for infertile couples, their last and strongest hope. And, of course, any woman who has experienced in vitro fertilization is passionate and eager to know when to take a pregnancy test after the embryo.

The processes of hCG production during IVF occur in exactly the same way as during natural conception. If the embryo takes root in the uterus, then it will immediately begin to produce hCG, and therefore, 2 weeks after the embryo transfer, you can already start doing tests. But to get a more reliable result, doctors advise donating blood for hCG in the clinic.

When to take a pregnancy test after an abortion

After an artificial termination of pregnancy, the level of all hormones that began to be actively produced with the onset of conception, including the level of hCG after an abortion, will remain elevated for some time, until the hormonal background stabilizes and recovers.

If the question of when to do a pregnancy test after an abortion interests you for the reason that you want to make sure that there are no membranes left in the uterine cavity, then it is better not to rely on testing in this case. Only an intravaginal examination is able to determine the condition of a woman's genital tract and identify possible complications: better go to a gynecologist. But in general, 2 weeks after the abortion, hCG, as a rule, returns to normal, and the test should already be negative.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

With the invention of tests for early, and most importantly, simple determination of pregnancy, women can become happy before the prescribed 6-8 weeks of an interesting situation, when the gynecologist confirms the fact of the development of a new life.

Two cherished stripes bring a lot of joyful emotions to future parents. In this article, we will talk about all the intricacies of home express pregnancy diagnostics, teach you how to do the test correctly and understand the result.

How does the test work?

All tests are based on a single mechanism - the determination of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin or hCG in the urine, the production of which begins from the moment the villi of the growing placenta enter the uterus, i.e. attachment of the embryo. Every day its quantity is growing, but at the very beginning, the growth of this hormone can only be determined by a special study of venous blood (the result will be positive 5 days earlier than the most sensitive tests begin to strip).

The sensitivity level of most rapid tests starts at 25 mUI hCG. Some manufacturers write on the packages that the test is sensitive already at 10 mUI hCG, but this is difficult to prove. As pharmacists say, this is more of a publicity stunt than the truth. Another tricky advertising ploy is the inscription that the test has the highest probability of determining pregnancy before a delay, an accuracy of 99.5-99%, etc.

If you have a regular menstrual cycle

The release of a mature egg, ready for fertilization, falls in the middle of the cycle. With a 30-day cycle, this is the 15th day, with a 28-day cycle, the 14th day. Within the next two days, fertilization can occur. After the fusion of the egg with the sperm for another 4-5 days, it “floats” to the placentation site in the uterus. Those. at about day 22 of the cycle, a blood test can already see a growing hCG. The most sensitive and high-quality tests can show 2 strips even 4 days before the expected period, when the level of hCG in the urine becomes more than 25 mUI.

Thus, you can do a highly sensitive test on the 26th day of the cycle with a 30-day cycle, and on day 24 with a 28-day cycle!

If you have an irregular menstrual cycle

To determine when ovulation occurred, you can use:

  • increase in the level of basal temperature;
  • appearance .

Having designated for yourself the date of approximate ovulation, 12 days are added to this number - you can already detect an increase in hCG in the blood (see). 15 days after approximate ovulation, you can do a test with high sensitivity.

What time of day should you take a pregnancy test?

As a rule, the instructions for the test strips do not recommend what time of day to test. This means that during pregnancy, the test will show 2 strips at any time.

Gynecologists also advise doing the test in the morning, using night urine. In this case, the result will be reliable, especially in early pregnancy. If you test during the day, there is a possibility of an error, since the urine is not as concentrated due to the liquid consumed during the day. The same is possible if you do the test in the evening - the content of hCG in the urine will be less. If there is a need to test during the day, then it is better to do this after a four-hour abstinence from urination, while limiting fluid intake to obtain more concentrated urine.

General rules for the correct use of pregnancy tests

  • The pregnancy test must be stored under the conditions specified by the manufacturer on the package;
  • The packaging with the dough must not be damaged;
  • Expired tests cannot be used;
  • You cannot use the same test 2 times;
  • It is best to test on night urine;
  • The packaging with the dough is opened immediately before use;
  • Before urinating, you should wash yourself and dry yourself with a towel;
  • Urination should be carried out in a clean container;
  • It is very important to strictly follow the instructions: dip the test into the urine exactly to the indicated level, keep it in the urine no less and no more than the recommended time, evaluate the result only at the indicated time.

Pregnancy test - instructions for use

Pharmacies sell a variety of tests. All of them have a different cost, but they promise the same exact result. We will figure out how to use them correctly and which ones will still be the most reliable.

  • The most popular and reliable are Frautest and Evitest pregnancy tests. The tests of these German manufacturers occupy an average price niche (100-140 rubles), but do not sin with false results.
  • All other tests can be considered equally reliable if used correctly, especially the time to delay. The most reliable result can be obtained by testing in the first 1-3 days of a missed period.
  • The cheaper the test, the cheaper the reagent that is used in it.

Strip test

Popular and inexpensive tests in the form of a paper strip coated with a layer of antibodies in hCG. The hormone contained in the urine reacts with the impregnation of the strip, and a second strip appears on the test.
Instructions for using the test. For testing, you will need a clean container in which a few milliliters of urine is collected. The test is lowered with the tip into the urine to the designated mark and held for 10 seconds. The result is evaluated within 1-10 minutes (the less hCG in the urine, the later 2 strips will appear).
Reliability - from the first day of delay.
Pros: cheap.
Cons: not convenient to use, does not show the result before the delay, may be wrong.

  • FRAUTEST Express
  • Evitest №1
  • secret
  • Femitest Practice

  • BBtest (140 rubles)
  • Femitest Practic Ultra
  • Itest Plus

tablet test

Produced in a special box with two windows. The principle of operation is the same as the strip test. The kit includes a cup for collecting urine and a pipette.
Instruction. In one window you need to drip 4 drops of urine. The result is evaluated in the second window after 1-10 minutes (1 or 2 strips).
Reliability - from the first day of delay. Until the delay does not show pregnancy.
Pros: Inexpensive, easy to read result.
Cons: Requires a lot of work.

  • Frautest Expert
  • Evitest Proof
  • Sezam
  • KnowNow optima

  • LadyTest-C
  • Femitest handy
  • clear blue

Inkjet test

The name itself suggests that it can be placed under the stream of urine.
Instruction. The test is placed under the stream of urine or in a container with urine with a filter tip for 10 seconds. The result is evaluated in 1-10 minutes in a special window (1 or 2 strips).
Reliability - determines hCG 5 days before the delay. One of the best tests.
Pros: accurate, most convenient to use.
Cons: expensive.

  • Femitest jet ultra
  • clear blue
  • clear view

  • Evitest Perfect

Electronic pregnancy test

Another name is digital. The most modern rapid test.
Instruction. The test is dipped into the urine with a filter tip until it is soaked. The result is evaluated after 3 minutes: in case of pregnancy, the “+” sign or the inscription “pregnansy” appears in the window.
Reliability. Can show pregnancy even 4 days before the delay. It is considered 99% accurate when tested 2 days before the expected period.
Pros : The result cannot be misjudged, the most highly sensitive.
Cons: the result is visible only for about a day, then the inscription disappears, it will not work to leave proof of pregnancy as a keepsake. The most expensive.

Can there be a negative pregnancy test result?

HCG levels rise differently for everyone. Within 2 weeks after the delay, the test may still be negative if the woman has endocrine dysfunction or a threatened miscarriage. It will also be a false negative test if it is used too early, some women start doing tests from the day of a possible conception. Well, there is nothing harmful in this, but is it worth tormenting yourself, expecting a miracle?

Another reason is non-compliance with the rules for using the test.

False positive test result

This happens in the following cases:

  • in the first 2 months after delivery;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • the development of a hormone-producing tumor (chorioncarcinoma,);
  • when using an expired test.

Is the result of a test carried out during menstruation reliable?

For some women, menstruation may continue even during pregnancy. However, menstrual blood in no way affects the sensitivity of the test, so the result will be reliable. Even if a woman did a test in urine stained with spotting, if there is a proper level of hCG in her, the test will show bright 2 stripes.

Test results for ectopic pregnancy

With an ectopic pregnancy, as you know, the attachment of the fetal egg occurs outside the uterus, more often in the fallopian tube. But hCG begins to be produced in this case too. A feature is the lack of hCG growth or its slight increase.

Thus, a regular pregnancy test will show the same 2 strips. Probably, the second strip will be barely visible or more blurry than during a normal pregnancy, and the test will become positive only after the onset of a delay in menstruation.

A special INEXSCREEN test allows you to suspect an ectopic pregnancy a couple of weeks after the delay. Diagnosis is based on the detection of the level of the modified isoform in the composition of hCG, which in ectopic pregnancy is significantly lower than the prescribed 10% characteristic of normal pregnancy.

Test results for a missed pregnancy

If a clear, positive result obtained several times during the week becomes doubtful, and then the test shows only one strip at all, it is highly likely that the pregnancy is frozen. You should urgently visit a doctor.

How to decipher a dubious result?

A doubtful result occurs when there is doubt whether there is a second strip. It can be faintly visible, blurry or slightly translucent as if from the inside. The reasons:

  • a low level of hCG, borderline with a minimum, at which the test becomes sensitive;
  • unusable test, non-compliance with testing rules;
  • a woman's great desire to see 2 stripes. Too often we wishful thinking.

What to do if the test showed a questionable result? Repeat it after a few days, and preferably 1-2 days after the delay.

Pregnancy test anti-rating

Unfortunately, it also happens that, with strict adherence to the rules for conducting express diagnostics, a pregnancy test shows a result that does not correspond to reality. Tests sin with false positive and negative results:

Faith rest assured bee sure Bebichek Mon Ami
