Is parsley bad for pregnant women? Pregnancy nutrition - what greens are the most useful? General information about parsley

Juicy parsley has long been an integral part of many dishes, if not as an ingredient, then at least as a decoration. This is not surprising. Many, not only men, but also women fell in love with this spice for its taste, aroma, and numerous beneficial properties. Expectant mothers, in pursuit of vitamins and important mineral elements, try to include in their diet not only a lot of vegetables and fruits, but also greens. Is it safe to eat parsley during pregnancy? Is this product really useful for expectant mothers?

Parsley is familiar to everyone since childhood. There are about 30 varieties of spices, each of which is not inferior to each other in composition and useful components.

Composition of parsley

Competent and correct use of parsley will allow for a natural healing of the body, giving it many useful elements. The mineral composition of the spice allows you to compensate for the lack of such macronutrients as potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, as well as representatives of microelements - iron, iodine, manganese, zinc. Parsley will also contain:

  • Vitamins A, C, E, K, H, representatives of group B.
  • Folic acid (B9).
  • Chlorophyll.
  • Fatty oil (22%), essential oils (6%)
  • Bioflavonoids.

parsley properties

Such a rich chemical composition of the product determined its range of effects on the human body. So:

  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is found in excess in parsley, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, endocrine glands, and stimulates the immune system.
  • Vitamin B9 - folic acid - normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, contributes to the normal development of the fetus.
  • The high content of potassium normalizes the heart rate, reduces high blood pressure.
  • The complex of antioxidants helps to remove free radicals from the body.

Parsley also has a diuretic, wound healing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect.

benefits of parsley during pregnancy

The need for additional saturation of the body with vitamins and mineral elements especially increases during the period of gestation of the peanut. Now all supplies must be distributed for two, moreover, the baby will take everything he needs in the first place. What benefits can parsley have for a future mother?

  • A high concentration of folic acid is especially important at the stage of crumb formation (in the first trimester of bearing a toddler). The lack of this element can cause congenital disorders of the baby's neural tube, the development of a spinal hernia.
  • The iron content ensures the prevention of anemia.
  • The inclusion of beta-carotene and vitamin A is important for expectant mothers with vision problems.
  • Potassium and magnesium, which are present in large quantities in parsley, are a good prevention of edema, and also help reduce the manifestations of this condition. Lack of potassium can lead to disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  • The diuretic effect of parsley is useful in the fight against the same edema.
  • The components of the spice contribute to the removal of toxins and free radicals from the body, thereby increasing its protective properties.
  • The inclusion of greens in the diet normalizes metabolic processes, the work of the digestive tract - helps fight flatulence, bloating.
  • Vitamin K and calcium are involved in the process of assimilation of the latter. And, as you know, a sufficient intake of calcium for a pregnant woman is extremely necessary.

Why You Shouldn't Eat Parsley During Pregnancy

It would seem that such a rich composition of the product is simply obliged to make parsley the main participant in the diet of a pregnant woman. However, it is not. The main concern associated with the use of parsley is the ability of the product to have a stimulating effect on the walls of the uterus.

  • As a result of uterine contractions, the risk of spontaneous termination of pregnancy before the due date increases.

That is why avoid including parsley root during pregnancy, because. in it, the nutrients of the product are in an increased concentration. But even spice leaves should not be abused.

  • Excessive passion for greens can lead to allergic rashes, headaches, convulsions, loss of consciousness.
  • Myristicin, which is part of parsley oil, is able to cross the placenta. Higher doses of this component can increase the heart rate of the fetus.

If the expectant mother is healthy and has no contraindications to the use of parsley, a moderate amount of spice will not have any negative impact on her body and on the body of the baby in her womb.

Parsley during pregnancy

Are there any features and restrictions on the consumption of spices, depending on the gestational age of the baby under the heart of a woman?

Parsley during early pregnancy

Starting from the first days of the birth of a new life and up to the 13th week - the first trimester of bearing crumbs - the most important and responsible period for the further prediction of pregnancy. At this time, the formation of all vital systems of the baby takes place. That is why as soon as a woman is registered for pregnancy, a gynecologist prescribes multivitamin complexes for her. But what could be better than natural products and the beneficial elements contained in them? Some doctors oppose the consumption of parsley in the early stages of expectation of a child, referring to the ability of the spice to provoke uterine tone and all the problems that follow from this. These concerns are justified if you eat parsley in large quantities (for example, 100 g in one sitting) or drink a decoction of spices. A sprig of greens (10-15 g) per day will not bring any harm, but will only give the expectant mother some of her vitamins (saturate the body with calcium, phosphorus, iron), improve digestion - constipation will stop tormenting, stool normalizes.

Parsley during late pregnancy

Adding parsley as a seasoning to a dish is allowed (in moderation) at all stages of pregnancy, including the third trimester. Magnesium and potassium will strengthen the heart muscle, the load on which during this period increases even more. But, if a woman wants to eliminate some health problems, such as swelling, by consuming greens, then caution will not hurt here. Parsley has a stimulating effect on the walls of the uterus at all stages of gestation. A concentrated infusion of parsley can provoke premature birth, so you should not drink it even as a remedy for edema.

How best to use dill and parsley during pregnancy

In order for herbs to bring exceptional benefits, it is important to use them correctly. This applies not only to parsley, but also to dill, the increased consumption of which can also provoke an abortive effect.

Parsley and dill during pregnancy

The safest way to eat greens during pregnancy is to add a small amount of spices to various dishes. So you can avoid oversaturation of the body with useful, but at the same time dangerous components during pregnancy, and at the same time enjoy your favorite parsley and dill.

Parsley decoction during pregnancy

The high concentration of spice components, which is noted in a decoction or infusion of parsley, makes this remedy acceptable exclusively for external use. The prepared composition can be used:

  • With conjunctivitis. Plentifully moisten cotton pads with parsley decoction and cover them with eyelids several times a day. Unpleasant symptoms (swelling, pain) will soon disappear.
  • In case of damage to the gums (gingivitis), as well as stomatitis, it will not be superfluous to rinse the mouth with a decoction of parsley.
  • Unpleasant age spots can be lightened if you regularly wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in parsley broth.
  • Daily washing with a decoction of greens will help to cope with skin rashes.

Contraindications to the use of parsley during pregnancy

Some properties of fragrant spices can have a negative impact on the health of the expectant mother. In what cases should the consumption of parsley pregnant be reduced to nothing?

  • Threatening course of pregnancy (for example, due to preeclampsia or cervical insufficiency).
  • History of early delivery.
  • The diuretic effect of parsley makes it unacceptable for pregnant women who have problems with the kidneys or other organs of the urinary system.
  • Allergic reaction to parsley.
  • Violation of calcium metabolism.
  • Epilepsy.

How to choose parsley

Of course, it is best to grow greens with your own hands. So you will be sure of its safety and environmental friendliness. But if you are not on your way with gardeners, when choosing a spice, pay attention to such points:

  • The appearance of greenery, its freshness, smell.
  • Parsley grown in greenhouses is less useful than seasonal parsley.
  • Before adding to the dish, thoroughly rinse the greens, removing all dirt and spoiled leaves. Poorly peeled greens are fraught with food poisoning.

A balanced and nutritious diet is the most important component of a woman's well-being and the normal course of pregnancy. Do not get carried away with any one product, because everything is useful in moderation. Be healthy!

A sprig of parsley is a traditional decoration for many dishes. It is used as a seasoning for salads, improves the taste of meat, borscht, side dishes. Men also love healthy greenfinch. Many representatives of the weaker sex are not indifferent to her. However, the use of popular greens during the period of bearing a baby has its own characteristics. Let's learn about everything in detail.

Vitamin E, which is saturated with a herbaceous plant, has a positive effect on women's health, protects the child in the womb from developmental defects, disorders of the nervous system.

Spicy vegetable infusions have anti-inflammatory properties. This helps expectant mothers to get rid of swelling in the legs in the third trimester of gestation and not resort to medications.

To terminate a pregnancy, a woman used parsley infusions or its juice, inserted green tampons into the vagina, which caused muscle contraction and provoked an early miscarriage. But today, such methods are considered a Stone Age practice, they are dangerous because they can cause severe bleeding. You can not use them even with an ectopic pregnancy. Termination of an unwanted pregnancy should be carried out by medical specialists.

Parsley juice is used to stimulate labor.

Myristicin in parsley oil can cross the placenta if used in high doses: it can increase the heart rate of the fetus.

You should also be aware of other negative effects of parsley, or rather its oil. Myristicin can also produce hallucinogenic effects. And the expectant mother will feel dizzy, loss of coordination, even convulsions.

Parsley during pregnancy:

- at an early stage

So, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that parsley oil, its juice in large quantities, is fraught with the greatest danger. It is unlikely that women will lean on them during pregnancy. But a sprig of fresh herbs as a seasoning for various dishes will only serve as an appetite stimulant. It will not harm the female body. Therefore, daily consumption of 10-15 grams of fresh herbs is the norm. You should not use more than 100 grams of the product at a time in the early stages of bearing a child - this will increase the tone of the uterus. But hardly anyone can eat such an amount in one go.

- at a later date

As a seasoning in a small amount, greens can be used in the third trimester. As for the infusion of greens as a means to relieve swelling, then you should not use it on your own. You need to consult a doctor. After all, concentrated infusion can cause premature birth.

But in the postpartum period, this remedy will help the uterus return to normal. It also stimulates the production of breast milk.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

Parsley, due to its beneficial properties, has long been a permanent residence in the diet of many families. However, this tasty and healthy herb has a number of properties that make it impossible to use during pregnancy. How justified are the fears of expectant mothers who have excluded parsley from their diet?

What threatens the use of parsley

There is an opinion that parsley is harmful. This fresh herb contains the substance myristicin, which causes muscle cramps and hallucinations. Parsley, as a strong muscle stimulant, can tone the uterus and cause miscarriage. In the old days, healers, aware of these properties of parsley, actively used it for abortion. Consumed in large quantities, parsley can even provoke premature birth, especially in women over 40 years of age.

The myristicin in parsley, which has strong hallucinogenic properties, could theoretically cause dizziness and loss of balance. However, for such adverse effects to occur, a woman needs to consume at least a bunch of parsley, but a few chopped sprigs sprinkled with salad will not cause harm.

Parsley, even in small quantities, is contraindicated for pregnant women suffering from diseases of the bladder and kidneys, as it has diuretic and choleretic properties and increases the load on these organs. In addition, consume large amounts of parsley, suffering from low blood pressure.

The positive properties of parsley

Some doctors recommend that pregnant women eat parsley in small quantities. It contains antioxidants that protect against luteolin, a free radical that is unsafe for a woman carrying a child. A sufficient amount of antioxidants, combined with vitamin C, which parsley is very rich in, will protect against infections and oxidative stress. That is why the future, who often get sick, need to use this tasty and fragrant greens more often.

Parsley is an excellent source of iron, which prevents the development of anemia in pregnant women. In addition, it contains a lot of calcium and vitamin K, which are necessary for the formation of fetal bones. Parsley is rich in folic acid, indispensable for the proper formation of the baby's nervous system, as well as magnesium and mineral salts responsible for the development of the fetus.

In small quantities, parsley is very useful for expectant mothers. By the way, if a pregnant woman is worried about joint pain, swelling of the limbs, indigestion, bloating and gases, parsley fresh or decoction will help to cope with these problems.

Parsley is a valuable source of various vitamins and useful microelements, which are in dire need of the body of a pregnant woman. So, this plant must be present in her diet, but in reasonable measures so as not to cause harm. We will consider in detail the useful properties of greens below, as well as the existing contraindications to its use.

Can pregnant women eat parsley?

Parsley is only welcome in the diet of a pregnant woman, due to the following characteristics:

  • contains four times more vitamin C than lemon, and also saturates the body with vitamins A, groups B, K and E, therefore it helps to maintain immunity in the cold season, when there is a risk of beriberi;
  • contains phosphorus and calcium, which are useful not only for the mother's body, but also are directly involved in the process of the formation of the baby;
  • the composition contains valuable antioxidants that will help not only feel good, but also look great for expectant mothers, since these substances minimize the negative impact of environmental factors;
  • helps to get rid of various digestive problems (for example, constipation or diarrhea), as it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • parsley essential oil quickly removes all excess fluid from the body, which, along with other methods, helps to prevent the appearance of edema;
  • is one of the natural lactation stimulants and has a positive effect not only on the quantity, but also on the quality of breast milk (for this reason, parsley is especially useful after childbirth).

Parsley is a plant rich in valuable vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. The benefits of greens, which are also relevant for pregnant women, are revealed by Elena Malysheva:

During the period of bearing a baby, you need to use only natural and high-quality products, which also applies to parsley. It is advisable to grow this plant yourself, without the use of chemicals or other harmful substances. Before eating, parsley must be washed well, and all wilted and dry leaves are removed.

It is important to remember that even a little untreated greens can lead to indigestion or other undesirable consequences, especially if you grow greens on the windowsill and you have a cat who likes to trample on plants after using the toilet.

Contraindications and warnings

Despite all the benefits of parsley, it is not recommended to use it in large quantities - no more than 30-50 g per day, as there the risk of developing uterine hypertonicity and the onset of premature birth, moreover, a miscarriage can be provoked. What is the reason for this? The fact is that the herb is an abortive agent - during pregnancy it has a stimulating effect on the uterine muscles, provoking their active contraction.

So, if a woman previously had a miscarriage or there is a threat of a miscarriage, you need to completely avoid parsley in any form, especially as part of seasonings.

It is strictly forbidden during pregnancy to drink tea made from parsley seeds, since it is in such a drink that the concentration of substances that cause uterine muscle contraction is maximum.

There is one more contraindication: parsley is prohibited for pregnant women suffering from cystitis and kidney problems (especially if nephritis and oxaluria are diagnosed). This is due to the fact that it is considered a strong diuretic, and also contains substances in its stems and root that cause the worsening of these diseases.

If there are no contraindications, parsley in small quantities does not pose any threat to pregnant women. At the same time, all recommendations regarding the quantity and quality of greens consumed are relevant both in the initial stages of pregnancy and in the later ones.

How to use parsley during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, it is allowed to use fresh parsley, for example, crumble it on a sandwich or in a salad. It can also be added to various dishes, such as soups or vegetable stews. At the same time, a bunch of greens can be used for a long time, since parsley can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time without losing its beneficial properties.

The use of parsley in cosmetology

Parsley during pregnancy helps to get rid of the problem of excessive pigmentation. But to get the maximum benefit, you need to use it when the first signs of darkening of the skin and the appearance of freckles appear:

  1. Several bunches of green stems of the plant are poured with boiling water.
  2. The composition is left for 60 minutes.
  3. The limp greens are rubbed through gauze or a strainer.
  4. The pulp in its pure form or with the addition of kefir is applied to darkened areas of the skin or diluted with boiled water and used for washing every day.

This tool can be frozen - pour into ice molds and transfer to the freezer. Use ice cubes to rub your face. The effect will not keep you waiting long - pigmentation is eliminated, the skin returns tone and elasticity. Inflammatory phenomena on the skin are quickly eliminated with regular washing with parsley infusion.


A decoction of parsley will help get rid of gum disease. To prepare it, follow these steps:

  1. A bunch of parsley is boiled for a couple of minutes in 1 glass of water.
  2. Then the mixture is infused for about half an hour and the grass is removed.

Rinse your mouth with the resulting solution 5-6 times a day until the problem is completely eliminated.

The plant perfectly disinfects the oral cavity, therefore it is recommended when diagnosing stomatitis.

A decoction of this plant also helps during the treatment of inflammation of the eye conjunctiva. For this purpose, cotton pads pre-moistened with warm broth are applied to closed eyes. A wet cotton swab leads from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. After several procedures, such unpleasant symptoms as swelling and pain in the eyes are eliminated.

If there are no contraindications, pregnant women can consume parsley in small quantities. It saturates the woman's body with vitamins, phosphorus and calcium, and also enriches with valuable hemoglobin and improves digestion. However, if after its use there are signs of a deterioration in well-being, you need to consult with your doctor, because individual intolerance is possible.

Initially, parsley was used as a medicine, and only then it began to be used as a seasoning for dishes. Today, such a plant is used to normalize the digestive system, with anemia and colic. But is it worth eating parsley during pregnancy?

Parsley is a plant that is used as a food supplement and in the treatment of diseases. Both roots and stems with leaves have been used. The rich vitamin and mineral composition of the plant:

  • Seeds: oils - stearic, linoleic, oleic, petrozelin; useful components - phenylpropanoid, myristicin, apiolin and pyrene, vitamin E, B, B1, B2, B3, B5, iron, potassium and copper with manganese.
  • Parsley root: apigenin - bioflavonoid, vitamin K, A, C, dietary fiber and flavonoids.
  • Stems and leaves: apiin glycoside, mineral salts, organic acids, iron, sodium, sulfur, antioxidants, furanocoumarins, carotenoids, chlorophyll and a number of vitamins.

The composition of greens includes a large number of useful components and vitamins, minerals and necessary for the human body. Essential oils and bioflavonoids, folic acid and chlorophyll are the components that support blood vessels, making them elastic and pliable under pressure changes. Parsley is often used for cosmetic purposes, as a bleaching agent against freckles and age spots.

Parsley juice promotes the dissolution of salts, which serves as an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis.

Benefits for the body

The beneficial properties of parsley have been known for a long time. The plant is used in the form of decoctions, additives in juices and simply as fresh herbs for meat, fish and salads. The beneficial effect of the plant on the body:

  • Anti-inflammatory action.
  • Antibacterial and analgesic properties.
  • Strengthening blood vessels, blood restoration.
  • Bactericidal qualities that allow wounds to heal faster.
  • Choleretic and diuretic effect.
  • Normalizes the work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, bladder.
  • Improves digestion and appetite.
  • Eliminates colic and pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Regulates menstruation with their unstable manifestation.

Such a plant is useful not only for women, but also for men. In particular, green juice is used in combination with other components as an excellent prophylactic for the prostate gland.

Parsley juice helps to improve lactation, that is, the woman in labor produces more milk.

Is it possible to eat parsley during pregnancy in the early and late stages

women ask questions about how useful it is to eat certain foods. Doctors unequivocally recommend including greens, in particular, parsley and dill, in the daily diet.

Such plants are indispensable sources of folic acid, which is especially important at the initial stages of gestation, during the formation of the neural tube of the fetus and its organogenesis. The lack of such an element provokes a developmental delay in the child. And the placenta is formed with pathological anatomical features, which further contributes to the complication of pregnancy.


Parsley has several varieties, and the use of one or another variety is advisable, based on the history of diseases and indications during pregnancy.

So, the root of this plant has milder diuretic properties. Therefore, a decoction from the root or grated on a fine grater is used for the purpose of treatment:

  • anemia;
  • depression;
  • cystitis;
  • gout;
  • swelling and tired legs.

Pregnant women who suffer from kidney disease should be careful to take such a spice. You should also be aware of the safe doses and portions of the plant. For example, seed oils are highly toxic when used in large doses. In addition, the oil can provoke uterine tone, which is dangerous for the child.


Fresh parsley stems and leaves are healthy and can be eaten daily with meat, fish, or simply in a salad.

Particular attention should be paid to those pregnant women who are overweight, complain of swelling and shortness of breath. When eating meat, a few stalks of greens will help digest heavy meals faster.

dried parsley

If in the summer and autumn seasons such a seasoning is in sufficient quantity, then in the cold season it is in short supply. Many housewives dry greens, then adding it to salads, second and first courses. You can eat such a product, but you should pay attention to the amount of spices used. And also do not combine it with ginger and garlic. This ratio of seasonings will contribute to premature birth, miscarriage in the early stages.
