Statements about the bad attitude of a man towards a woman. Wise thoughts, parables, quotes and sayings about the relationship between a man and a woman, about relationships in the family

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I don't separate myself
From the world
I am human,
I live-
Among people.
Mores of the world
We don't live like people
The laws of animals.
As if everything
from a flock of abandoned
where there is little meaning
But a lot-
Squabble and Drac-
For food
And to snatch
More blessings.
We do everything
Endless and stupid
Not understanding
What are we
In illusion captivity.
To the grave that you have accumulated
You won't take
Born naked-
Naked and leave.
But you want-
Human, not Beast
To be-
Enjoy the sun and love.

My wife, I have few requests
But you do this, for God's sake!
I ask: appreciate my yesterday's friends
All those to whom I once was dear
Which long ago, even before our years with you, I loved and appreciated
Love the people with whom at first
I walked along a gentle and steep path
Whatever my friends are now
They are part of the life lived
Let you consider their habits strange
Do not convict them of any fault
All the little sins and flaws
Forgive them as you forgive me
Hurry to meet friends, dear,
Open the door for them and don't measure them with your eyes
Think it's youth
Suddenly there was a knock on our door.

Meet to part
Fall in love to fall out of love.
I want to laugh
And burst into tears, and not live!
They swear to break oaths
Dreaming to curse dreams...
Oh, woe to those who understand
All the pleasures of vanity.
The village wants a capital...
The capital wants a soul...
And human faces everywhere
Inhuman soul...
How often beauty is ugly
And there is beauty in ugliness...
How often baseness is noble
And innocent lips are evil.
So how can you not laugh
Do not burst into tears, how to live,
When it's possible to part
When is it possible to fall in love?

Because you like me, and it is important for you, because I am like a mirror for you, because there is something in me that answers you and understands you?
In fact, all people should be such mirrors for each other, they should respond in such a way, correspond to each other in such a way, but such eccentrics as you are rare and easily stray into something else: they, as if bewitched, cannot see or read anything. in other people's eyes, they don't care about anything. And when such an eccentric suddenly nevertheless finds a face that really looks at him and in which he senses something similar to an answer and kinship, well, then, of course, he rejoices.

Men want sex with a woman. Then they want to have sex with another woman. Then - with the third. And then they want cornflakes and some sleep, and then they want sex again, until they die. Women want relationships. They have a purpose. Men have no purpose. Therefore, they come up with artificial ones and place them on different sides of a large clearing. And invent football. Or they get into a fight, or they try to get rich, or they start fighting, or they find themselves a whole bunch of other idiotic activities, just to somehow compensate for the lack of a goal.

Or maybe it was. You just don't understand what half means. People think that this is the perfect couple, and everyone wants to find her. But the real half is like a mirror, it shows everything that you lack, draws your attention to yourself, so that you change your life. Your soul mate is the most important person in your life, because it is he who breaks down all barriers and makes you wake up. But live together forever? Well, I do not. Too hard. The halves come into our lives to discover our other essence, and then they leave.

There is a collection that is much more difficult to collect than any other, and this does not at all depend on the well-being of the collector himself. Such a collection has no monetary equivalent, but, despite this, it has a much greater value than a collection of Faberge or Ferrari park, but as a rule, you begin to understand this already when you are already far beyond ... This unique collection can be called - “a collection of memories and human relationships”, and each of us somehow collects and accumulates it throughout our lives ...

Parents must stop clinging to their children and be afraid to let them go, and for this they need to stop considering children as their property, their integral part. And children should understand that they are not obliged to please their parents and justify their expectations. A person cannot and should not break his own life to please his parents. A spouse is your future, because children appear in the family, and children are a movement forward. Choosing between parents and spouses, you should choose the future. It's elementary! But for some reason, few people understand this.

Internet is like that. It is a bit like a confessional, and conversations are something like a group confession. Sometimes you turn out to be a confessor, sometimes a confessor. This is the result of distance and the certainty that you can always pull the plug out of the socket.
There is nothing distracting here. No smell, no appearance, no breasts that are too small. On the Web, you create your image with words. In my own words. You never know how long the plug will be in the socket, and therefore you immediately go to the main thing and ask really important questions.

The storm has melted. The sky is clear.
The grass is covered in silver.
Light and damp. I want terribly
Walk across the rainbow barefoot;
With a cheerful song rise
And at the top of the arc colored
Sit on horseback and whisper
With the last cloud of thunder!
I will be joyful and fearless.
Around - the radiance of blue dreams,
Below - squares of colorful arable land,
Zigzag rivers and fluff forests.
And if the rainbow suddenly disappears,
Turning pale, hiding in the blue, -
I will die with her in the azure abyss
Or I'll sail away to the world of the sun!


When intimacy is too much, it becomes very bad. And, on the contrary, when this is not enough, people are ready to go to any feats. Everything that has ever happened in world literature, whether it's between family members or not, has to do with the fact that someone wanted to be together. Or break this closeness. That's all. The inner feeling of the world is important here, because the nature of a person is dual: on the one hand, he must be with someone, on the other, he must still be alone. Few people manage to be together and at the same time save themselves.

The truth is that there are no bad or good people. Good and evil are not in people, but in their actions. People remain just people, and they are connected with good or evil by what they do - or refuse to do. the truth is that in one moment of true love, in the heart of a person - both the noblest of all, and the most lost - is enclosed, as in a lotus cup, all life, all its meaning, content and purpose. The truth is that we - every one of us, every atom, every galaxy, and every particle of matter in the universe - are moving towards God.

There will be different men in my life, and each of them will evoke new shades of love, as if another petal will open on a flower, and when it leaves, it will stay with me forever, and I will become brighter, more receptive, stronger. Oh yes, by the age of sixty I will be irresistibly multifaceted. If anyone wants to see it! Thank you dear for being with me. And now I'm moving on. And now you are with this girlfriend of yours, and I am sitting here alone in an idiotic pose and trying to find something alive inside me that has nothing to do with you.

And now it seemed to see - happiness, grabbed it, but was mistaken. He looked back, it was too late, and again forward and something was shining there, something beckoning and calling. And he rushed, and this is old age, and thought, and that's all, and doubted whether this was life. And suddenly I realized: but there was happiness, and I took it for the ordinary. I lived, I walked. And it became easier, calmer. And probably this is how everything will be, but something is hard to believe that everything will be exactly like that. And the years will pass faster and the road will not be easy, and I almost did not notice happiness.

The most mysterious and at the same time the most beautiful phenomenon is the relationship between a man and a woman. And no matter how much a person tries to define the whole variety of manifestations in one phrase, he covers them only partially. Statuses about relationships for social networks are an attempt to emphasize in this phenomenon what he himself experienced. Or make it clear to an important person how you treat him.

Original statuses about the relationship of a man and a woman

  • and a woman is possible. Assuming some degree of physical revulsion towards each other."
  • "Worse than losing a relationship can be losing yourself in that relationship."
  • "The distance is perceived as an amazing adventure if you are expected at the end of the path."
  • "Why words, if looks are so eloquent?"
  • "Only the one who gives warmth himself can hope for the warmth of others."
  • "In an ideal relationship, everyone feels as easy as in solitude, and as fun as in society."
  • "The best development of relations is to switch not to you, but to us."
  • "Nothing characterizes a person better than his behavior after a breakup."

Funny and woman

Relationship statuses are often humorous.

  • beloved woman for me ladybugs.
  • "Before the wedding, my wife and I agreed to eat more vegetables and less of each other."
  • "I didn't know I was in a relationship with her until she started looking into it."
  • "Our relationship moved to a new level when I began to take out the garbage from her apartment."
  • "Only those women who are fed with words love with their ears."
  • "Why didn't they tell me earlier that this is not a marriage certificate, but another labor certificate?"
  • in two cases: if it is the current former and the former current".
  • "Men would never leave if the presence of a woman was as desirable as the intimacy with her."
  • "A smart woman never forbids her husband to go fishing. A wise woman helps to pack things and ... children there."
  • "Working women sometimes also want to have a wife."
  • "Women are smart as long as they are not in love."
  • "Next to a woman, any man can turn into a millionaire. From a billionaire."
  • "If a man stares into a woman's eyes, then he has already considered everything else."

Beautiful statuses about relationships

  • "Each of us is an iceberg. Until we recognize the warmth of another person."
  • "The attitude of a man to a woman directly depends on the attitude of a woman to herself."
  • "It costs great effort, having burned one, not to punish the other."
  • "Love is too dangerous to play. But it's so beautiful that it's worth it."
  • "Nothing saves a person like the embrace of a loved one."
  • "You don't have to be perfect. You have to be perfect for each other."
  • "In promises, men are all equal. Their actions stand out."
  • "A woman doesn't want to be the best. She wants to be the only one."
  • "No one causes so much pain as the one who gave the highest pleasure."

Statuses about relationships are more popular, the more beautiful they sound.

Statements about relationships with meaning

  • "The easiest way is to love for one quality. And try to love everything in a person ..."
  • "Even one thread in a relationship can keep people close, if not pulled like a tightrope."
  • "The fear of losing another cannot be the foundation for a long-term relationship. Because of it, everything just collapses."
  • "What is the point of cheating? If you want to be with a person, don't change. If you want to change, don't keep the person."
  • "A man can understand himself when he looks at his woman. For the worthy, she shines with happiness."
  • "It's not as detrimental to a relationship as a hard conversation as an understatement."

Statuses about relationships help users of social networks to hint or directly tell a dear person about what is on their minds. Also, don't forget to be frank in private conversations.

The hut of happiness is better than the palace of cold luxury, and where there is love, everything is there. David Copperfield

You can't be angry with someone who makes you laugh.
Jay Leno

Get married no matter what. If you get a good wife, You will be an exception, and if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher.

If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen. Oscar Wilde

No one becomes a woman's friend if he can become her lover.
O. de Balzac

Women are argued with the heart, not the mind.
M. Arnold

You need to have something in common in order to understand each other, and something different in order to love each other. Paul Geraldi

It is easier for a prudent and indifferent cunning man to convince a woman that he loves her and succeed than a passionate lover with his ardent expression of feelings.
J. Addison

Robbers demand a purse or life, women - both.
S. Bailer

A woman is the main stumbling block in human activity. It's hard to love a woman and do anything. To do this, there is one means with convenience without a hindrance to love - this is marriage. L. Tolstoy

Of all the paths that lead to a woman's heart, pity is the shortest.
D. Byron

Men look like April when they are courting, and December when they are already married. William Shakespeare

Seeking diversity in love is a sign of impotence.
O. de Balzac

Because if you didn’t love, then you didn’t live and didn’t breathe.
V. S. Vysotsky

A woman can be the wind in the sails of a man or a storm that will drive him into deadly waters. She can be an anchor for him in a raging sea, or she can throw a ship right on the rocks. Francine Rivers

Love is like luck: it doesn't like to be chased.
T. Gauthier

Divorce is the safety valve of the marital boiler.
A. Decursel

Conjugal love multiplies the human race, friendly love improves it, and immoral love corrupts and destroys it.
F. Bacon

Separation is for love, what the wind is for fire: it extinguishes the weak, it inflates the big one.
R. Bussy-Rabutin

Jealousy is a source of torment for the lover and resentment for the beloved.
C. Goldoni

Whoever has a good son-in-law has gained a son, and whoever has a bad son-in-law has also lost his daughter.

Marriage cannot be happy if the spouses do not know each other's manners, habits and characters to perfection before entering into the union.
O. de Balzac

Rushing too quickly to pay for the service, this shows that gratitude weighs on him. P. Buast

The art of liking is the art of deceiving.
L. Vauvenargues

Love is the strongest of all passions, because it simultaneously takes possession of the head, heart and body. F. Voltaire

All limited people strive constantly to disgrace people of a solid and broad mind.
K. Helvetius

Depravity, whatever it may be, exhausts the soul, leaves grains of poison that will always act. A. I. Herzen

No animal will kill another unnecessarily. Only man is capable of this.

People are the end, not the means. And the attitude towards them should be appropriate.

You know, sometimes it seems to me that guest workers laid the foundation for our relationship with you.

Every woman wants to see her beloved man next to her. Otherwise, she will see someone else.

Best Status:
It is stupid when a person is interested in what others think of him. Especially if he does not put these others in a penny.

If you pay attention to the shortcomings of others, you will get tired of telling them where they should go.

The same worldview helps to establish good relationships, different - makes them brighter.

Do not be afraid, having decided on a frank conversation, jeopardize relations with a person. It is unlikely that such relations were very good. The conversation will simply dot the “and”.

There is only one true way to start a relationship. I really want to know him.

A happy marriage is a marriage in which the husband understands every word that the wife does not say.

Relationships are like a girl's hair. The longer they are, the more difficult it is to decide to chop them off.

Experience has taught me that if people do something against you, it will ultimately benefit you.

No one becomes a woman's friend if he can become her lover.

Sometimes a woman avoids approaching a man, not because she doesn't like him, but because she's afraid he won't like him.

Sometime time will pass. You will understand that this is the end. But this will only be the beginning of a new one.

In my opinion, marriage and its bonds are either the greatest good or the greatest evil; there is no middle.

At a certain age, decent people forgive each other's mistakes and previous weaknesses, while the stormy passions that drew a sharp line between them give way to tender affection.

Relationships are like air: in order to spoil, it’s enough not to hold back once

It’s even nice to be sick when you know that there are people who are waiting for your recovery, like a holiday.

Man is the only animal that hurts others for no other purpose.

A person should be treated as a great goal, but never as a means.

Listen, I have a feeling that Tajiks built our relationship with you.

All girls need to have a loved one nearby, if you are not there, then there will be someone else nearby ...

We are so vain that we attach importance to what people think of us, to whom we do not attach importance.

If you do not accept people as they are, then you will have to send them where they belong.

The common views and interests of people make their relationship pleasant, but it is the differences that make them interesting.

If, as a result of a clarification of relations with someone, they deteriorated, it means that they were not good before they were clarified. Finding out just put everything in its place.

In dealing with friends, advise them to do only what they are able to do, and lead them to good without violating decorum, but do not try to act where there is no hope of success. Don't put yourself in a humiliating position.

There is only one right way to build a relationship, and we would all like to know it.

If you can't change the situation, you should change your attitude towards it.

Millions of people offer each other to become friends when they are trying to end a relationship ... Although this is where they should start!

A dead end in a relationship is like a dead end on the road, there is nowhere to go, and it is pointless to stand still.

Even family ties would fall apart if our thoughts were written on our foreheads.

A weak person turns away when he sees a loved one with another. A stupid person tries to break up the relationship. And only a strong person can let go of the one he loves

The climate of relations depends on the weather conditions of the characters.

It is better to immediately stop at the ellipsis than to gradually reach the point.

The relationship between parents and children is just as difficult and just as dramatic as the relationship between lovers.

The best way to ruin a relationship is to start sorting it out.

Whoever has a good son-in-law has gained a son, and whoever has a bad son-in-law has also lost his daughter.

One-sided self-sacrifice is an unreliable basis for living together, because it offends the other side.

When you are dear to a person, he will definitely answer you even to that message, to which, in fact, there is nothing to say.

Aphorisms about relationships - Any relationship between people is a deal.

Relationships don't define values, values ​​define relationships. Otherwise, the unshakable is torn in the web of the elusive.

If people are together and they feel good, then it doesn’t matter what their relationship is called.

The future worries us, but the past holds us. That is why the present eludes us.

When you were born, you cried, and everyone around rejoiced. Live in such a way that when you die, only you smiled, and everyone else cried ..

It is very easy to give a fairy tale to each other ... .. But for some reason we rarely remember this ... ..

“I will cover the sky with a sea wave, I will breathe only minute meetings ..

“People are like ships… each has its own coordinates, its own speed, its own tailwind…”

I always tell everyone that everything is fine with me, no matter what. because our thoughts are material!

I learned to keep silent about the love that I wanted to scream about ...

I love Just to watch you laugh..I love to call you my sun..I love to just look into your eyes..and only you can say I LOVE YOU..

If you see him, tell him that every evening I wish him good night ...

I'm not a magician, I'm still learning, and the trick “do not miss you” is still not working for me ...

Hearts in the same rhythm. . . Dreams one course. . . I miss you

I will smile, dream, invent - and I will definitely become the Greatest Joy in the World for someone

Friendship is not needed for life, it is one of those things without which life is not needed ...

I feel good only next to you, minutes, please, become eternal .. ”

Love is what makes you smile, even when you're tired.

Who once fell in love, he will not love again.

why do people leave, what do they find there, far away, where dreams live ..

Love cannot bear those who have turned their backs on it for too long. Love loves decisive and courageous people who do not make mistakes precisely because they are not afraid to make them.

She could speak with just a glance.

... sometimes inexplicable miracles happen - but only to those who believe that miracles happen. (C) Paulo Coelho

Help me get through this night. Make my scream quieter... quieter! After all, you know, only you can help me. I do not want to count the seconds until dawn - They are endless, like these tears, again ... And I feel separation, and it smells like gunpowder. ©

“If I were offered an eternity without you, I would choose a moment, but with you.”.

Or maybe you forget about everything, And open my heart and let my soul go. Or maybe tell you about everything, After all, I won’t sleep if I don’t know ..

And people are looking for each other ... Everywhere, Constantly. Among passers-by, facing each other, apologizing, smiling and looking back...

You asked me what I really am... I finally understood... a little enthusiastic child who was scared and forced to learn how to be strong...
