What does a geisha tattoo mean? world traditions. Japanese tattoos

June 6, 2011, 19:01

One of the types of Japanese tattoos are women's tattoos. Initially, Japanese geisha, with the help of a tattoo, managed to circumvent the ban and naturally showed their naked body. The thing is that a Japanese tattoo covers virtually any centimeter of skin, leaving only the face, neck, palms and feet not tattooed. Consequently, the body turned out to be as if covered with a fabric with a multi-colored pattern. The legendary Japanese geisha did not change partners - they were supposed to have a permanent partner according to their status. The geisha practically became the 2nd wife, with whom the customer not only had fun on the mats, but also talked, asked for recommendations, and complained about his own troubles. Consequently, a geisha became a kindred spirit for a man, as a result of this it is not strange that high feelings often arose between them, in commemoration of which couples applied the same tattoos. For example, dots-moles were pricked into a symbol of fidelity and loyalty to a friend, moles, which, when the palms were joined, mutually had the opportunity to overlap with rather big fingers. The names of lovers and tattoos-hieroglyphs "inoti" were also pricked, meaning the word "fate" in translation, with a Russian interpretation - "love to the grave." One curious type of female tattoo in Japan was the distinctive form of the tattoo, the kakushi boro. This tattoo was made using rice powder, which was rubbed into artistically made incisions. In a simple condition, nothing was noticeable on the skin. Although as soon as the body was excited, a gentle pattern appeared. The same thing happened after swimming. In the form of motifs for women's tattoos, ancient legends and Japanese fairy tales were used, where dragons, samurai knights, and other animals that bring bliss were among the key characters. Updated on 06/06/11 23:55: Found a photo of a kakushi boro.

Let's try to understand the meaning of a geisha tattoo. The word itself consists of two hieroglyphs and in translation means "art" and "man". So it is customary to call women who entertain visitors and guests with the help of dances, songs and the conduct of a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. The Japanese woman is dressed in a kimono, she has a traditional make-up and hairstyle. The classic hairstyle is a high chignon. To save it, the geisha sleeps with her neck resting on a wooden roller. This procedure ultimately helps not only to save a spectacular hairstyle, but also to make posture, back, neck more elegant. Before the first performances, Japanese beauties have a momovare hairstyle on their heads, which means “divided peach” in translation.

Geisha are engaged in holding various banquets in special tea houses, as well as Japanese-style hotels, Japanese restaurants. At such events, they are the main persons. The duties of a geisha include entertaining guests (men and women). It is she who must do everything to ensure that the pastime of visitors is really fun and interesting. A geisha often directs the conversation and can sometimes even flirt. But at the same time, the Japanese woman tries to maintain self-esteem.

There are not so many geishas left in modern Japan. If in the twenties there were more than eighty women of this profession in the country, now there are no more than a thousand of them. Moreover, in cities you can often see people dressed in Japanese clothes posing for a photo, rather than real geishas.

Geisha tattoos are most often done by women. Although sometimes representatives of the stronger sex also choose such wearable drawings. Now we offer to find out what such a tattoo will mean for men and women.

The meaning of a geisha tattoo for women

Many women and girls prefer a tattoo depicting a beautiful Japanese woman. Moreover, it must certainly be a geisha. Such a tattoo for women means:

  • attractive beauty
  • fortitude
  • mystery
  • striving for beauty
  • passion for Japanese traditions

A spectacular tattoo with a Japanese woman will make a woman even more attractive in the eyes of men. Such wearable drawing will be able to emphasize the beauty and charm of its owner.

And a spectacular image will tell about the mystery of a woman. Moreover, such a tattoo can tell that the girl not only has a beautiful appearance, but also a strong strong-willed character.

Geisha tattoos most often indicate that their owners are unusual people and always strive for a better, ideal life. For them, beauty in all its manifestations is very important.

The meaning of a geisha tattoo for men

Despite the fact that such a tattoo is more suitable for the fair sex, sometimes men also choose it. For them, such a wearable pattern will mean:

  • striving for beauty
  • love for tender and beautiful girls
  • passion for Japanese culture

If a man wants to emphasize his sympathy for beautiful ladies, he can decorate his own body with such a spectacular pattern. In addition, such a tattoo will emphasize it striving for beauty desire to make life more interesting and beautiful.

An ancient profession of Japanese women. Beautiful (by Japanese standards) geisha entertained their guests with singing, dancing and small talk.

Who will suit?
This is a beautiful, feminine and very sophisticated tattoo.
Suitable for girls who can charm any man who interests them. Applying for this, all female charms.
Often, such a tattoo is done, focusing on its brightness and attractiveness. Ignoring the meaning of the symbol and the fact that the image of a geisha is rooted in ancient Japanese culture.

Places and style of the tattoo.
Such tattoos are most often applied on the back or shoulder. The bright realistic image looks spectacular.
Less commonly applied drawing in black and white.

Symbol meaning

A tattoo depicting a geisha symbolizes the mystery of the female soul, attractive beauty, refinement and grace of movements.
The name of this ancient profession consists of two hieroglyphs: "man" and "art". Thus, we get a literal translation - "man of art."
A geisha is a woman who "elevates" men. Such an image combines meek humility and great fortitude.
The meaning of the symbol is the desire for beauty, internal and external. Striving for everything beautiful and refined.
For girls, the meaning of the symbol can be formulated as follows:

  • femininity,
  • meek disposition,
  • beauty,
  • the strength of the spirit.

A tattoo with a geisha, rarely, is also found in men.
Image geisha on male body means his desire for beauty. The ability to appreciate female beauty and body.

In Japan, there was a ban on showing a naked body. Therefore, the entire surface of the body of a geisha, with the exception of the palms, face and feet, was covered with drawings.
On their bodies, geisha depicted plots of historical events or myths.
According to tradition, a geisha could be in close relationship with only one man.
Today, geisha in Japan, on the contrary, are forbidden to apply drawings on their bodies. But, this ban is successfully "managed", thanks to the technique of white (invisible) tattooing.


The process of applying a tattoo with the image of a geisha on the leg.

Contrary to popular Western belief, the Japanese geisha is not a woman of ill repute. The word literally means "man of art".

A geisha is a professional whose main task is to entertain people. Music, dancing, knowledge of history, the ability to strike up a conversation and create a relaxing atmosphere are the main duties of a geisha.

Geishas are immaculately dressed in luxurious and expensive kimonos. Their manners are not only impeccable, but gentle and calm, in keeping with the ideals of feminine beauty they embody.

In modern Japan, the geisha is a symbol of traditional values. In the West, it symbolizes the grace and exotic beauty of the East.

In tattoo art, a geisha is often depicted among cherry blossoms, with sakura at the bottom of the kimono, and chrysanthemum at the top. These are traditional flowers in Japanese tattoo.

A geisha tattoo is perfect for girls who can understand men at a glance: with high intelligence, smart, wise. In other words, to all women who understand the power of their beauty, but at the same time always give primacy to a man, knowing full well in whose hands the true power is.

Geisha tattoo meanings: a mysterious female soul, grace, beauty, meek humility along with fortitude, the desire for everything beautiful and refined.

Men rarely tattoo with a geisha, but if you see one, then you should know that in front of you is a man who worships the beauty of the female body and mind.

Best places to apply: back and shoulders. The tattoo is especially spectacular in a realistic style, the black and white version for this drawing is used quite rarely.
