Emergency care for a woman in labor: how to give birth outside the maternity hospital. Childbirth without pain

· Preparing for a partner birth

Preparation for joint childbirth can be divided into several fundamental stages:

  1. Solution - a very important component, and the very first task. Each couple must weigh the pros and cons of partner childbirth and act exclusively independently, not paying attention to the opinions of outsiders and fashion trends.
  2. Psychological preparation- here special literature, videos, special courses on preparing for childbirth, communication with specialists and reviews from experienced partners who have gone through partner childbirth together will come to the rescue.
  3. Practical aspect- a maternity hospital is not an entertainment establishment, you can’t easily get there, and you can’t get into every maternity hospital at all. To gain access, a partner must, at a minimum, obtain a certificate from the clinic confirming that he is healthy. Partner birth They assume that tests for HIV, hepatitis, RV, as well as general blood and urine tests, fluorography and other tests that the maternity hospital requires will be in order.

Now let's look at all this in order.

· Partner childbirth: pros and cons

Partner childbirth is serious work and real co-creation. Therefore, the decision to “give birth together” must be conscious and always mutual, especially if it concerns spouses. There is a lot of talk around joint childbirth and a lot of arguments “for” and “against”. Among them there are worthy of attention and outright myths, but one way or another this issue requires a balanced approach and serious discussion with your partner, whoever it is: husband, mother or girlfriend. You need to come to an agreement in advance, decide on the details (presence of the partner for the entire period of labor “from start to finish” or only during contractions, without going into the delivery room, participation in cutting the umbilical cord, etc.) in order to have time to consult and prepare properly.

There are circumstances in which it is better for the partner not to be present at the birth. In particular, partner childbirth has a number of weighty arguments against, for example:

  1. Excessive impressionability of the partner. Many have heard stories about how a dad faints right in the delivery room - and this is not always fiction. Is it worth exposing the father of his baby or own mother deeply experiencing everything that is happening, emotional shock? When the partner is frankly unable to do this, the woman in labor is only needlessly worried, and the doctors are faced with unnecessary trouble, this is a clear argument “against” partner childbirth. If a partner birth with a friend clearly threatens to turn into meaningless “groaning” and useless running of the latter around the ward, then it is better to limit yourself to reassurance over the phone.
  2. The woman in labor pays extra attention to the aesthetic aspect of the matter. Childbirth is a natural process and has nothing to do with the Oscar ceremony. If a young lady is afraid to appear to her man without makeup, sweaty, red, it is better not to embarrass her with the presence of her dad, not to distract her attention - all the woman’s forces should be directed entirely to childbirth. In this case, it is better to prefer a partner birth with a friend or mother - a person who does not provoke complexes in the woman in labor.
  3. The spouses' relationship needs resuscitation. Partner childbirth, and the birth of a child in itself, is not best solution for gluing cracks that threaten to grow into abysses. You need to understand that partner childbirth for a couple is a certain test of mutual understanding, sympathy, and complicity.

These are just the main points when partner childbirth has more “against” than “for”. In these cases, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​“giving birth together.” But, besides them, there are a lot of other, individual “contraindications”, and we are not talking about medical indications (by the way, the presence loved one not prohibited even during childbirth by caesarean section). Here the question is more about personal relationships and depth of mutual understanding, therefore each couple must decide for themselves, taking into account the specific pros and cons of joint childbirth.

As for the arguments “for” partner childbirth, they are also mostly deeply emotional. In addition to specific physical assistance and psychological support from a partner for a woman in labor, there are also certain nuances in favor of joint childbirth, relating to the direct participation of the father in the birth of an heir or heiress:

  1. Childbirth for a woman is not just a physical, but also a powerful psychological experience that helps to reveal her feminine essence and the feeling of motherhood. Such an experience is no less important for the father. Psychologists have noticed that among men who were present at the birth of their babies, the activation of “paternal instincts” occurs in the first minutes of the baby’s life, and not during the first few months, as is usually the case. There is a popular opinion among psychoanalysts that cutting the umbilical cord (the honorable duty of which is often entrusted to the father during partner childbirth) for a man symbolizes the final separation from the mother, the release of the child from her care. Thus, the birth of an heir marks the symbolic act of birth of the father.
  2. Partner births become a new step in relationships, and fathers begin to treat more carefully and even reverently not only towards their own wife, but also, in principle, towards women. Among men ignoring pregnant women standing in public transport or mothers with heavy strollers, you are unlikely to find fathers who “gave birth.” In addition, at the most “inconvenient” moment, in order not to be embarrassed, you can always ask dad to go outside the door of the delivery room, for example, to send him for water. And even if dad stays, his attention from the piquant scenes will most likely be diverted by the doctors themselves: for example, they will ask him to hold the head of a woman in labor. So the man simply won’t see the unsightly bloody details.
  3. For a newborn, the presence of the father from the first minutes of life is also capable of producing indelible impression. During the first half hour after birth, the baby is in a state of so-called calm alertness. As soon as the baby screams, taking his first breaths, he does not sleep, does not eat, but looks at the world and establishes contact with it. This period of wakefulness is extremely important in the formation of long-term bonds and attachments. Experts believe that this is why in families where spouses have decided to have a partner birth, there is an amazing atmosphere of love, mutual responsibility and understanding, and the bond between the child and the father is stronger.

Keep this in mind when evaluating partner childbirth, the pros and cons of the idea of ​​giving birth together.

· Joint childbirth: how can a partner help during childbirth?

Firstly, When entering the hospital, any person is unlikely to experience joy and remain calm and relaxed (no matter how good the clinic and attentive medical staff are). Therefore, the very first task of the partner during childbirth is to mitigate as much as possible the irritating influence of white coats and hospital walls. While next to the woman in labor, the partner should instill calm in her and maintain a positive attitude.

Secondly, in the maternity hospital, the partner has a very important buffer role - a link between the mother and the medical staff. It is the partner who will have to figure out all sorts of incomprehensible points, for example, whether a pregnant woman can move around during contractions, whether she needs to take anything with her to the delivery room, remind the obstetrician, place the newborn on the mother’s stomach immediately after birth, clarify when she can start first feeding, how to care for a baby, etc. The birth partner can act as a mediator for the woman in labor, ask the medical staff to explain the use of medications and procedures, inform the doctor about the start of pushing, and call for help. If necessary, act as an advocate for the interests of the mother in labor.

Third, it would be good to work on it natural pain relief techniques for childbirth with the participation of a loved one. Surely everyone knows that main principle painless childbirth is the absence of fear, which provokes tension in the muscles that need to be relaxed in order to quickly and easily “release” the baby out. When taking a course or consulting with a specialist, be sure to explore these methods, they may be especially useful.

Fourthly, the presence of a partner during childbirth is not the limit of heroism. The most “interesting” part will begin when the newly-exhausted mother with her newborn baby is transferred to the ward. Now in most maternity hospitals the baby is not taken away from the mother, as it was before. That is, the mother, after the incredible labor of labor, does not have the opportunity to fully rest and sleep, because she needs to care for the baby. And babies are often very restless - it was also hard, the child may simply be in shock from what is happening, having left the cozy mother’s tummy. Often it is at this moment that the mother needs help, even more than during childbirth. She feels dizzy, has no strength, everything hurts, tears ache, and the baby needs a diaper, then an enema, then dressed, then undressed, then rocked, then fed... That’s why we need double, family rooms, where the happy dad is, a newly minted granny or a caring friend can prove to be a real support and an indispensable assistant, providing invaluable support.

· Partner birth: advice for your partner during childbirth

If a decision has been made in favor of a partner birth, it is important to decide in advance what exactly the help of a loved one will involve.

A partner can:

1. Maintain your own calm and exude confidence that everything is going as it should. The woman in labor, feeling this, will be calm herself, since the woman in labor gives control over the situation in joint childbirth to her partner.

2. Measure the duration of contractions and the time periods between them in order to understand at what stage the labor process is. It is important to get an idea in advance of exactly how childbirth occurs.

3. Hold the woman in labor by the hand, give her water to drink, wipe away sweat, and do whatever she asks.

4. Help a woman relax her muscles with pleasant stroking, reminding her in a quiet and calm voice to relax;

5. Adjust to the breathing of the woman in labor in order to better feel her condition and, if necessary, help establish a breathing rhythm.

6. During and between contractions, do a pain-relieving massage, stroke the stomach and massage the sacral area and lower back.

7. Helping the woman get to the toilet, reminding the woman about this every hour, even if she doesn’t feel like it, is advisable to relieve herself. Usually, painful sensations decrease after visiting the toilet.

8. Help change position and take comfortable position with the help of pillows or a ball, or simply support while the woman hangs on her partner.

9. Provide psychological support and praise during childbirth. When something doesn’t work out, ask to concentrate on breathing and do it again.

10. If agreed in advance, the partner can cut the umbilical cord under the guidance of a midwife. And, of course, film the first minutes of the life of the new little man and his happy mother on video or with a camera.

· Partner childbirth: tests and necessary things and conditions for joint childbirth

Most maternity hospitals require only general analysis blood, a certificate from the clinic that he is healthy and fluorography, which, as a rule, is already available exchange card women in labor. However, the conditions in each maternity hospital are different, so the requirements should be clarified exactly where you are going to give birth. Sometimes it is necessary to take additional tests for your partner.

Partner births, tests:

  1. for HIV,
  2. for hepatitis,
  3. for syphilis.

The future dad (grandmother or girlfriend) will need replacement shoes and clothes:

  1. cotton trousers and a clean T-shirt (or robe),
  2. washable slippers.

A disposable gown, mask and cap are usually provided in the maternity hospital, but it would be better to check this moment in advance and bring it with you if necessary. The only condition for clothing is that it is clean and light - it is not advisable to sweat in labor, but it is hot there (both literally and figuratively), and the ventilation is poor (to avoid drafts).

Naturally, doctors prefer that the partner present at the birth be well prepared, although no one will require a certificate of completion of the relevant courses.

· Partner birth, how does it happen?

First stage of labor

Normally, a woman during labor is recommended active behavior- get out of bed, take comfortable poses, walk. An upright position during this period will help speed up the labor process, promoting rapid dilatation of the cervix and the descent of the fetus, although there is no “ideal” position suitable for everyone. It is important to control and record the frequency and duration of contractions.

Positions of the woman in labor in the first stage of labor

It is advisable to discuss in advance with the obstetrician the possibility of a vertical position during contractions, since prolonged lying on the back can not only slow down the progress of labor, but also provoke “inferior vena cava syndrome”, worsen blood supply and adversely affect the condition of the baby. If a horizontal position seems more comfortable to a woman in labor, then it is better to lie on her side, changing sides at least once an hour. You can try sitting almost vertically, leaning back a little and leaning on your partner.

At the end of the first period of labor, contractions become stronger, longer and more frequent. Fulfillyou can start from this moment, but if they are unsuccessful, if it causes inconvenience, it is better to refuse breathing exercises. The partner can breathe loudly with the woman in labor if it helps, but you should not insist on doing them - everything is individual. Your partner can also use other techniques to help ease the pain during contractions and help you relax between them. In this case, you should follow the woman’s instructions, depending on what brings her more relief.

Techniques for pain reduction and relaxation

You need to try to relax as much as possible between contractions, although this will become increasingly difficult. It is advisable to change position more often and choose the most comfortable one. In the intervals between contractions, the partner should remind you of the need to relax, help change position, and walk with the woman in labor around the bed. A massage of the lower back helps to relax; during contractions, you can actively massage the sacrum with your fist.

Second stage of labor

In the second labor period, pushing will be added to intense contractions. You should take a position appropriate for pushing (depending on the conditions of a particular maternity hospital). The best position for pushing is considered to be a semi-sitting position, so that the weight of the fetus is involved. When pushing, you should try to control your efforts, coordinating them strictly with the midwife’s recommendations: start pushing at the doctor’s command and stop pushing if he recommends it. Partner can lead, focusing on medical instructions, support the back during pushing, help the woman in labor rest between pushes, hold her hand, help stay in the chosen position, encourage when efforts are needed, inform about the progress of labor. When the baby is born, your partner can cut the umbilical cord and hold the baby first.

After clamping the umbilical cord, the first care procedures are carried out with the newborn: his condition is assessed on the Apgar scale, he is wiped, identification tags are applied, drops are injected into the eyes to protect against infection, he is weighed, and swaddled. After this, if there is no need for additional procedures, the baby is handed over to his mother and father. Normally, a mother can start breastfeeding her baby right after giving birth. This early application promotes better uterine contraction, establishment of lactation, rapid adaptation of the newborn baby.

Third stage of labor

After the birth of the child, the third stage of labor begins, which ends with the birth of the placenta ( membranes and placenta). The woman in labor may feel mild contractions, but may not even notice them. When the placenta is born, any cuts or tears, if any, will be stitched up. At this time, the partner can hold the baby, get information from the neonatologist about his condition, bring the baby to the mother for feeding, film or photograph the newborn.

Of course, childbirth does not always proceed according to the plan planned in advance, but general scheme labor gives an idea of ​​its course and allows you to plan behavior in advance, not forgetting about the possible occurrence of atypical situations, but also not expecting them.

· In what cases may joint childbirth not be permitted?

There are cases when a doctor can refuse this legal service and prohibit the participation of a father, grandmother or girlfriend in childbirth. For example, a partner may not be allowed in if the birth block is full - a matter of chance, but then even a preliminary agreement may not be valid. The reason for refusal may be the banal lack of an individual delivery room in the maternity hospital. Partner births are strictly prohibited when there is quarantine in the maternity hospital. And of course, plans to give birth together can even be ruined common cold partner.

Therefore, it is important for a woman in labor to realize that she is the main one in childbirth, that how it will go depends only on herself and her mood. Husband, mother, friend, medical staff and even a midwife - they are all just my mother’s assistants in such a difficult, but amazing and great job the birth of a baby!

Yana Lagidna, especially for MyMom .

Editor's response

About two weeks before the date of birth, women are advised not to leave home for a long time, since regular contractions of the uterus, that is, contractions, can begin at any time. It is contractions that are considered the formal beginning of labor and a signal for the immediate departure of the woman to maternity hospital. If a woman finds herself at home during the first contractions, it is important to call doctors as soon as possible, and before they arrive, provide her with first aid.

There are three periods in childbirth: cervical dilatation, expulsion of the fetus and the afterbirth period. The period of dilatation of the cervix, from the beginning of regular contractions to full disclosure cervix and rupture of amniotic fluid, is the longest. In primiparous women it lasts on average 13-18 hours, and in multiparous women - 6-9 hours.

At the beginning, contractions are weak, short-term, rare, then they gradually intensify, become longer, lasting up to 30-40 seconds, and frequent, for example, every 5-6 minutes.

Before the expulsion period begins, the fetus usually sheds amniotic fluid. After childbirth, in 1-2 attempts the placenta is born and up to 250 ml of blood is released.

What to do?

Call for help. If you find yourself next to a woman giving birth, then call ambulance. It is necessary to hospitalize a woman as quickly as possible so that she can receive qualified care and avoid possible complications.

Gather information. It is important to find out whether the woman is giving birth for the first time or repeatedly. If this is the first birth, which usually proceeds more slowly, then there is a greater chance of having time to deliver the woman in labor to a medical facility.

Reach out to those around you, because perhaps there is a doctor or person with medical education, who will better orientate and provide qualified first aid.

Calm down and reassure the woman in labor. Childbirth is in any case stressful situation, especially if they started unexpectedly and in an unexpected place. However, calmness and an attitude towards a positive outcome are almost the main components of a successful birth.

What can you do?

If it is not possible to transport the woman or find a doctor, while waiting for help you should:

  • Isolate the woman from others.
  • Lay the woman down on a clean cloth or oilcloth that is at hand. In the first stage of labor, a woman can take any position convenient for her (on her side, back) and even stand up for a short time.
  • Help the woman remove tight clothing that is squeezing the stomach and interfering with breathing.
  • Support a woman, talk to her, try to support her, relax her.
  • Help a woman breathe. If a woman knows how to breathe correctly, then simply encourage her or even breathe in the right rhythm with her - for moral support. The fact is that proper breathing has an analgesic effect. At the beginning of contractions, some women find it easier to breathe “like a dog” - often and superficially. To minimize discomfort, you can exhale completely through your mouth and then inhale through your nose. By the way, at the end of the first stage of labor, when the baby’s head drops down, you want to push, but you can’t do this yet. Breathing on a count helps to overcome the desire: first, as usual, exhale completely and take a deep breath, and then several short inhalations and exhalations (from 1 to 5 and in reverse order), ending with a long exhalation through pursed lips.

What not to do:

  • touching your stomach with your hands or stroking it - this can cause irregular contractions and disrupt the birth process;
  • The woman in labor should not sit, as this interferes with the process of dilation of the cervix;

If labor has begun

Before the start of the period of expulsion of the fetus, as a rule, amniotic fluid flows out. This is a signal that the woman in labor should already be lying on her back with her legs apart and bent at the knees, resting her heels on some fixed object.

Everyone present during the birth must remove woolen clothes and shoes, wash their hands hot water with soap, using a brush, sponge or thick rag, then rinse your hands with an alcohol solution.

If possible, the woman should be given razor accessories for shaving, after which the external genitalia and inner surface thighs should be washed with soap and water or wiped with cotton wool moistened with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine. As a last resort, disinfection with vodka is suitable.

Place a clean cloth, towel, sheet or, if necessary, under your buttocks. as a last resort, underwear of a woman in labor. Support the woman, motivate her to push harder, otherwise fetal asphyxia may occur.

In the second stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, pushing occurs. At this point, pushing and breathing should be synchronized to relieve pain. You need to push after taking a deep breath, as if pushing the baby out with the help of the diaphragm. Outside of pushing, the woman should breathe deeply.

While pushing, the woman should hold tightly to the knees of her bent legs and pull them towards herself.

When the fetal head appears, the woman needs to restrain her efforts, for which she must breathe frequently and shallowly with her open mouth. The person assisting in childbirth must support the head and then the torso of the newborn baby.

As soon as the baby takes his first independent breath, you will hear his cry, and his body will change color from bluish to pinkish. If this does not happen, you need to make patting movements on the buttocks and back.

Remove mucus from the mouth and nose (with a bandage or a clean cloth, you can suck out the liquid through a thin tube).

After the birth of the child, when the pulsation of the umbilical cord is no longer detectable, with a piece of any clean fabric you need to tie it tightly in two places, about 5 centimeters above the umbilical ring of the newborn and 10-15 centimeters away from this knot. The umbilical cord is cut with pre-disinfected scissors between the nodes, and the places of ligation and cutting are treated with antiseptic agents.

The end of the umbilical cord remaining with the child must be tied with a bandage. After this, you need to carefully wipe the child, wrap him in a clean warm cloth and place it on the mother's chest.

After childbirth, the placenta is born, the placenta leaves in about 25-30 minutes and up to 250 ml of blood is released.

If possible, give the woman a clean drink boiled water. It is recommended to place something cold on your stomach, such as an ice bottle, cold water. If this is not possible, then any weight weighing 2-3 kg will contribute to faster contraction of the uterus and the prevention of uterine bleeding.

The woman and child who have given birth must be transported to the maternity hospital or hospital as quickly as possible. It is also important to send the afterbirth with them, which must be examined by a doctor. You can pack the placenta in a plastic bag.

We strongly advise future young dads to approach such a decision with full responsibility. Sometimes doctors have to provide assistance not so much to the woman in labor, but to the negligent father, whose psyche could not withstand the load. It happens that at the sight of his wife’s suffering, a man falls into various nervous states from stupor to hysteria from helplessness and not knowing how to help his beloved woman. Hence the first piece of advice: be sure to attend joint childbirth preparation courses if you are determined to see the birth of your heir. Experienced specialists will explain how childbirth proceeds, how to behave so as not to disturb the maternity hospital staff, how you can help, and will psychological preparation dads.

The role of the future father during childbirth

Doctors assign dad the role of an assistant who can support expectant mother and somewhat ease the course of labor. In fact, not much is required from a man: to create a feeling of security and confidence for the woman in labor with his presence. Therefore, the father himself must be confident in himself, otherwise it is better to stay at home and wait for the baby to be born.

What should a man do during childbirth?

A young father can provide support to his wife kind words, touches. The fact is that it is impossible to anesthetize the process of childbirth, but a woman’s condition can be alleviated with massage, breathing exercises, showers and some other methods. The doctor will tell you all about this during the preparatory courses. The man’s task is to learn to interact harmoniously with his wife, to react sensitively to her behavior, to remind her of breathing exercises and to do them with her. Before giving birth, talk to your wife about it, find out what kind of help she expects from you at this moment, and try not to forget what you hear. Learn proper breathing during childbirth, a massage that will relieve pain during contractions, try to take positions that may be comfortable for your partner during childbirth.

No one knows what position your wife will be comfortable in during labor. Some women feel better if they lean on a window sill or other surface located at its level, others squat down, and others find it easier to endure pain while standing on all fours. Very often, women sit on the separated knees of their husbands, sometimes literally hanging on their necks in a “standing” position. Be prepared for anything, you may have to accept various poses to somehow ease the contractions. Be prepared for an unexpected reaction from your partner; during childbirth, women often lose control of themselves and behave very strangely. In the practice of any doctor maternity hospital There were even funny cases. But that’s not about that now...

Course of labor

Childbirth occurs in three phases. The first phase of contractions is the longest, and it is during this time that the spouse will have to provide maximum support. Sometimes a woman has nothing to do, she forgets everything she was taught in the school of motherhood, and her partner, as a reliable support for his fragile half, should tell her how she needs to breathe now and so on. The second stage of labor is pushing. At this time the woman classic scenario ends up on the delivery table. Sometimes the state of a woman in labor at this stage of labor is far from adequate; the husband can, through his actions, tell the woman in labor how to push correctly, give her his hand so that she can cling to it more tightly, or simply wipe the perspiration from her forehead. The third stage of labor is the birth of the baby. Often, a happy new father is given the right to cut the umbilical cord. All the hard work is behind us, the doctors are treating the newborn and monitoring the condition of the young mother. Dad can only watch the doctors’ manipulations, looking tenderly at his family. Parents can already take the baby in their arms, at this time the child is put to the breast for the first time, if there are no complications.

The presence of the father at childbirth plays a special role in strengthening family relationships

Almost all women are unanimous in the opinion that the birth of a child is a special, most memorable moment in their lives. And how nice it is to realize that at this important moment your chosen one was nearby, helping and supporting in every possible way. The mother of your children will remember with gratitude all her life the care that you showed towards her in such a difficult hour. Being present at childbirth often forces a man to look at his chosen one with different eyes, to understand how much a woman needs protection with all her fortitude. A man, as a rule, begins to treat his wife more reverently and tenderly.

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With your husband? Of course, you can laugh it off and say something like this: yours the wife is giving birth and instead of watching TV or nervously drinking beer at a bar, you are next to her... But it’s far from so simple...
The birth of a child for a man is no less important an event than for a woman. Therefore, during such a period, being with your “other half,” your beloved woman and the mother of your child is your sacred duty and responsibility. What to do at this time? Yes, anything, within the limits of what is permissible in this particular maternity hospital, just to make it easier for the woman to endure what is happening. Distract her by talking, give her a massage, sing with her, etc.

The main thing is that she feels your participation and that this participation is as effective as possible. And for this you need to clearly understand what they are and, speaking seriously, prepare well for them.

Childbirth has three periods: contractions, pushing and placenta..

First period
The first stage of labor lasts from the beginning of the first true contractions until the cervix is ​​fully dilated. The most difficult thing in the first phase is pain in the sacral area. The sensations that a woman experiences are difficult to describe; they are strong, but not necessarily painful.

What can a spouse do?
Measure the frequency of contractions. The time between contractions is measured from the start of one contraction to the start of the next. Periodically measure this time and write it down. If contractions are more than 10 minutes long, measure them more often.
Support the spirit of your pregnant wife. Relaxation of the woman in labor is very important in this early phase of labor. To achieve this, the husband must also be calm and relaxed both internally and externally. The anxiety of one always affects the other, not only during a conversation, sometimes his own nervous condition can be transferred to another person even by touch.
Doing relaxation exercises together or a gentle, slow massage can help both, but it's too early for breathing exercises.
Keep your sense of humor and help your wife keep it, then time will go faster. It will be easier to laugh now than later, when stronger contractions begin. Keep the woman in labor busy with something to at least temporarily make her forget about childbirth, for example, read aloud , watch an interesting program on TV, go for a short walk.

In the next phase, contractions become longer, stronger and more frequent. At the beginning of this phase you should already be in the hospital.

What can a spouse do?
Whenever possible, try to keep the doors to the delivery room closed, the lights dimmed, and silence reigning. Watch your contractions. If your fetal monitor is on, ask your doctor or midwife to tell you how to recognize a contraction from the recording.
Breathe loudly with the woman in labor during contractions, if this helps her. You can massage the abdomen or sacral area of ​​the woman in labor, use “anti-pressure” or other techniques that reduce labor pain(these techniques should definitely be studied when preparing for childbirth).
Follow your wife's instructions: what kind of pressure or what kind of massage brings her more relief. Remind her about urination (about every hour). Don't be offended if your wife doesn't talk to you or is irritated. Remember that childbirth is not about enduring pain.

Second period
The second period lasts from the full dilatation of the cervix until the birth of the child. During this stage, pushing joins the contractions: strong downward pushes by the muscles of the uterus and abdomen. Thanks to the pushing, the head baby is coming down through the small pelvis. The most powerful impression in the second period is the feeling of an unusually strong urge to stool.

What can a spouse do?
Continue to support your wife's spirit, try to provide her with comfort. Don't be offended if your wife stops noticing you.
Her attention is elsewhere. Guide her pushing and breathing, applying the principles you learned earlier.
While pushing, support your wife’s back if necessary; hold her hand; wipe her forehead if she wants. Help your wife stay in the appropriate position. Periodically inform your loved one about how the birth is progressing.
If you are asked to hold your baby immediately after birth or a minute after cutting the umbilical cord, do not panic. Both are not difficult, and you will do it step by step, according to the instructions of the doctor or midwife.

Third period
During this period, the uterus continues to contract, the placenta is separated from the walls of the uterus, then expelled - labor is over!

What can a spouse do?
Do not spare words of gratitude and praise for your wife.
Hold the baby in your hands, press him to you - this way you will become attached to the baby faster. Don’t forget to also hug your wife. Ask the midwife to bring some juice for your wife. If you have a video camera, then you can capture both the birth and the joyful moments of the first meetings.
You will get an unforgettable experience: the baby's first cry, the first gentle touch... The little person stepped into life - and this happy moment will remain in your memory forever.

Giving birth to the mother of your child is not just the act of bringing another individual into the world. This is a contribution to the treasury of your shared spirituality with a woman, a significant contribution to your family building. And one more thing: when your child grows up, he will be proud that his father I didn’t prefer anything else to meeting him in this life full of various temptations.

It so happened that the issue of pregnancy, pregnancy and childbirth itself is considered a purely feminine issue for many people. Perhaps these are the consequences of the Soviet mentality. All the troubles with raising children and home were on women's shoulders. It was not typical for a man to poke his nose into these matters. And especially childbirth! Well, what does a husband have to do with childbirth?!

At the present stage, this issue is changing every day. Partner births (the presence of the husband at the birth) are becoming increasingly popular. What should a man do with them? How can I help my wife?

Psychological support for husband

Of course, all women want to Hard time their loved one was nearby. And the process of childbirth is one of the most difficult and important events in a woman's life. It has been proven that childbirth is stressful and deeply disturbing. The husband can make it easier during childbirth psychological situation and help my wife cope with her emotions.

Unfortunately, many representatives of the stronger sex, despite sincere feelings, cannot express them in words. During childbirth, you need to console your loved one, you can say: “calm down, everything is fine,” “don’t worry, there’s still a little bit left.” A woman needs encouragement: “good girl, everything is going great,” “darling, our baby will appear soon,” “you can handle it, you’re so strong.” Sometimes you just want them to just feel sorry and say words of love and gratitude: “I’m so sorry for you”, “thank you for doing this for me, us and our future”, “I love you so much, no one can compare with you”, “ Be patient a little." And just sympathize: “I understand you,” “if I could take on your pain even a little, I would do it.” There are many more words and phrases that can support your wife.

Psychologists also advise to distract and entertain your significant other in every possible way. You can make her laugh, sing songs and even tell jokes. The only thing is, don’t do this when the contractions are already strong and the pain is excruciating. At this point, this behavior is simply annoying. Try to feel what your other half needs right now.

Types of massage during childbirth

During childbirth, a woman needs a soothing, relaxing, pain-relieving massage. Who else but the husband and his loving hands Can you help me with this issue?!

  1. A relaxing massage is needed at the beginning of labor to relax the muscles and calm the nervous system wife, relieve anxiety and worries. A woman sits on a ball or kneels, leaning on the edge of the bed with her back to her partner. A man massages the collar area. With slight pressure, slide your palms from below from the lower back to the top, then back. A man sits on the floor with his legs spread. The woman sits with her back between his legs, leaning on her partner. He hugs his stomach, stroking his palms back and forth, up and down, in a circle.
  2. An anesthetic massage is needed during severe contractions. You need to make rubbing movements in the lumbar region and pressing on the tailbone. Moreover, the stronger the contraction, the more intense and stronger you need to do massage movements. As for massage, you should definitely try and practice during pregnancy so that there are no misunderstandings in birth period.
  3. Stimulating massage labor. Essentially this acupressure. Circular movements with strong pressure between the large and index finger. Massage in lower area ankles. Pressure and massage of the bases nail plate little toes

Let's breathe together

It would seem, why would a man do breathing exercises during childbirth?! The husband needs to learn to breathe correctly, master all the techniques and exercises. This need arises because a woman gets confused, forgets and gets tired of breathing correctly. This is due to the long duration of labor and severe pain. When someone next to you breathes with you? It’s easier to get back to exercise and not get discouraged.

The husband is also the controlling person during childbirth. He can call a doctor, remind his wife of his recommendations, monitor and help her implement them.

The moment of cutting the umbilical cord is especially trembling. Sometimes this procedure is entrusted to the father.

Husbands, be attentive and caring to your wives, take care of your treasure, because soon it will be she who will give you the wonderful joy of fatherhood!
