Embryo development at 10 weeks gestation. What should you do? Danger and discomfort

This week, the fetus is already 8 weeks old - at this time the embryonic stage of the development of the baby is completed. Already next week, from the "status" of the embryo, he will move into the "status" of the fetus, a new period of its development will begin - the fetal one. In the meantime, the sensations at the 10th week of pregnancy make themselves felt in the same way as a week ago, hormones continue to do their job, which means that toxicosis has not yet passed. The expectant mother can calm herself in this case by the fact that in the very near future, toxicosis will remain in the past: usually its symptoms disappear by week 12. Nausea and occasional vomiting are accompanied by other sensations, such as drowsiness, fatigue, absent-mindedness. There are also mood swings, emotional instability.

Belly at 10 weeks pregnant

Despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since conception and the fetus continues to actively grow and develop, the stomach at the 10th week of pregnancy has not yet begun to round. At the same time, at this stage, some pregnant women may find a dark stripe on their stomach that runs from the navel to the bottom - this is the result of increased synthesis of the melanin substance in the body of the expectant mother. Although the stomach has not yet begun to grow, nevertheless, a certain increase in weight is noted - by about 2-3 kg. The woman is obliged by the “additional” mass to the increasing volume of blood, the engorgement of the mammary glands, and also to the growing uterus.


The size of the uterus already reaches the size of a large apple or grapefruit, it slowly becomes “cramped” in the pelvic cavity. For this reason, the uterus at 10 weeks of pregnancy already begins to rise above the pubic joint, and very soon it will begin to be felt by hand.


Usually, for a period of 10 weeks, a woman is already aware that in a few months she will give life to a new little man. If for some reason up to this point the woman has not yet been registered, then now is the time to go to the antenatal clinic in order to do this. And - get a referral for tests at the 10th week of pregnancy, which without fail involve taking a sample for a general blood test, a urinalysis, and a blood test for sugar.

When conducting tests at the 10th week of pregnancy, experts pay special attention to blood sugar levels, especially for women over 25 years old, those of pregnant women who are overweight or whose relatives have diabetes. Also, by conducting a blood test, they analyze the level of testosterone in a woman's body, which can be slightly increased during pregnancy.

Among other things, the doctor often prescribes an analysis of hCG at the 10th week of pregnancy. Typically, such an analysis is performed if there is a suspicion of a possible miscarriage. The hormone chorionic gonadotropin is actively produced by the tissues of the fetus from the first days of conception, and its level constantly increases as the embryo develops. The dynamics of the increase in the level of hCG allows you to determine how favorably the pregnancy is proceeding, whether there is a threat of its termination.

At week 10, according to the indications, a biopsy of the fetal villi is also analyzed. It may be required for the timely prenatal detection of genetic abnormalities in the development of the fetus already in the early stages of pregnancy.

At the same time, an ultrasound examination at this time is usually not yet carried out, only a date is set for the corresponding examination: usually the first ultrasound is performed before the 14th week of pregnancy. However, at week 10, an ultrasound may be needed to confirm a progressing pregnancy and clarify the due date.


During an ultrasound scan at the 10th week of pregnancy, you can clearly see the fetus, which is already unusually similar to a person - however, very small. The size of the baby now resembles a small plum, but this “plum” already has miniature knees and ankles. And an ultrasound at the 10th week of pregnancy can display how the fetus bends its knees, how it waves its arms and bends them at the elbows, how it moves its legs.


The fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy completes the fundamental laying of all major organs and systems. This means that with the next crisis stage of its development passing, many factors that posed a threat to the baby at the first stage of its development will no longer be so dangerous. From now on, the baby will only grow, gradually "gathering" all the new cells to the laid "foundation".

The size of the fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy reaches 30-40 mm, its weight is on average 5 g. And, at the same time, this tiny miracle already bears a direct resemblance to a human cub. Let the baby still be completely transparent, the hairs are not yet growing, and the fluff is just being laid, his heart is already working very powerfully, up to 150 beats per minute.

The fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy can “boast” of formed limbs, on which fingers are visible, knee and elbow joints. The auricles and oral cavity have also formed - the baby is already actively grimacing, closing and opening his mouth, bringing his hands to his face and putting his fingers in his mouth.

At the 10th week of pregnancy, the fetal brain develops with great speed: about 250 thousand neurons are created in 1 minute. At the same time, the nervous system is already completely divided into central and peripheral.

Already at such an early date, the laying of the rudiments of the milk teeth of the future baby begins, and therefore the presence of calcium-containing products in the diet of a pregnant woman becomes a necessity. The intestines, rectum, bile ducts have almost completed their development, while the liver is still actively developing. The formation of the lymphatic and immune systems also continues.

Despite the fact that the genitals are not yet visible, it is nevertheless possible to determine gender: if a boy grows in the womb of a woman, the testicles already produce the male hormone testosterone.

Pain at 10 weeks pregnant

In the early stages of pregnancy, many women are characterized by complaints of pain of one kind or another. A pulling and painful sensation in the inguinal regions, for example, experts explain by the tension of the ligaments of the uterus.

Unless the leading positions are occupied by complaints of pain at the 10th week of pregnancy in the abdomen. In this case, the nature of the pain must be carefully analyzed. If the pain is located in the upper abdomen, most likely, this makes the stomach aware of itself. To eliminate the pain, it may be enough to simply review the diet and reduce portion sizes, if it does not help, you should plan a trip to the gastroenterologist.

Much more dangerous pain at the 10th week of pregnancy in the lower abdomen, pulling or cramping, sharp. Such pain may indicate a high risk of premature and spontaneous abortion, especially if accompanied by bloody or brown discharge. Therefore, an appeal to a doctor should be made immediately, if necessary - even with a call to an ambulance at home.

You should also consult a doctor if the pain at the 10th week of pregnancy is accompanied by a still frequent urination. Rezi, itching, burning in the genital area when emptying the bladder indicates the presence of a urinary tract infection and also requires mandatory treatment.


The same recommendations - about consulting a doctor - are also relevant if painful sensations accompany uncharacteristic discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy. Normally, the discharge at this time is light or milky in color, moderate, of a uniform consistency. If curdled, purulent or mucous discharges, flakes or vesicles, discharges with a pungent and unpleasant odor appear, you should definitely consult a doctor, because such discharges indicate the development of an infection.

Most often, a woman during pregnancy is disturbed by candidiasis (thrush), colpitis, but the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy can also be associated with infection with chlamydia, gonococci, Trichomonas and other pathogens. Infection of the mother and untimely treatment is dangerous because the infection can infect the fetus in utero, which is fraught with a violation of its development and even the death of the baby.

Bloody or brown discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy most often indicates a miscarriage that has begun. Usually, the threat of interruption is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, similar to painful or pulling sensations during menstruation. In this case, you need to act without delay, calling an ambulance team - timely qualified intervention in most cases allows you to save the pregnancy.

However, it should be borne in mind that spotting at the 10th week of pregnancy may occur after a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse. Such manifestations are characteristic in the presence of cervical erosion: loose tissues of the uterus are easily damaged and bleed, but pain in the abdomen is not observed.


Bleeding of various kinds in early pregnancy is not uncommon: according to statistics, approximately 30% of pregnancies are accompanied by recurrent bleeding. And if minor spotting may not pose a significant threat, then bleeding at the 10th week of pregnancy is already considered a pathology, indicating a threat of miscarriage. In this case, the blood can be bright red, pink or brownish, and the bleeding is accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen and aching in the lower back.

Another reason why bleeding can occur at the 10th week of pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy is a complex and dangerous pathology that occurs when a fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterus, but outside it (most often in the fallopian tube). An ectopic pregnancy very skillfully “disguises” itself as a normal pregnancy, you can suspect something is wrong by aching and pulling pains in the lower abdomen and spotting. If an ectopic pregnancy is not detected in time, the risk of rupture of the fallopian tube from overstretching due to the growth of a fertilized egg is inevitable. And this often happens at the 10th week of pregnancy, accompanied by severe pain and heavy bleeding. With a rupture of the fallopian tube, the question of saving a woman goes on for seconds, hospitalization and surgical intervention become an absolute necessity.

Colds and fever at 10 weeks pregnant

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is most susceptible to all sorts of viral diseases. Weakened against the background of adaptation to new conditions of "work", the body is easily attacked by pathogens, and therefore a cold at the 10th week of pregnancy, and even more so - in the midst of a "violence" of viral diseases, spring and winter periods.

A cold at the 10th week of pregnancy, according to experts, no longer poses such a threat as at an earlier date - the most important critical period has already passed. And yet, this does not mean that with a cold, you can let the situation take its course and wait "when it goes away by itself." It is necessary to treat colds, definitely, after consulting a doctor. After all, most medicines are still banned, and the priority in treating a cold at the 10th week of pregnancy is for traditional medicine.

In the fight against nasal congestion, rinsing the nose with water with a salt solution will help, with a sore throat - rinsing with water with soda and salt. Inhalation can help to cope with a runny nose and sore throat - provided that there is no temperature. Do not forget about vitamins: it is advisable to fill the need for vitamins (especially vitamin C) with fresh vegetables and fruits, rosehip broth. For cough, you can also use traditional medicine recipes, for example, drink onion juice settled with honey.

With regard to temperature, the recommendations that apply to the previous weeks of pregnancy remain valid. The temperature at the 10th week of pregnancy, reaching or even exceeding 38 degrees, can and should be brought down. On the recommendation of a doctor, children's rectal suppositories can be used, but first you can try to cope with a high temperature through rubdowns and lotions. If the temperature at the 10th week of pregnancy fluctuates between 37-37.5 degrees, then this situation is often regarded by doctors as the norm and is explained by the "violence" of hormones.

If we talk about the basal temperature, then normally the temperature at the 10th week of pregnancy in this case should not exceed 37 degrees, and also decrease below 36.8 degrees.


Alcohol is known to be a highly toxic substance. And the most dangerous alcohol for the fetus, which is rapidly developing in the womb. Despite the fact that the 10th week of pregnancy is marked by the completion of the laying of all the main organs and systems of the unborn baby, the fetal brain continues to develop rapidly, as discussed above. And not a single physician can guarantee that alcohol at the 10th week of pregnancy will not “hit” just this one of the main organs of the baby and will not make him crippled even before birth.

Although many medical experts are of the opinion that alcohol in small quantities - for example, a glass of dry red wine - is safe for the fetus, yet most authoritative organizations in the form of the WHO, the institutes of pediatrics and gynecology insist on the complete rejection of alcoholic beverages during gestation baby. After all, the consequences that alcohol can provoke at the 10th week of pregnancy can be severe and very sad. If in one case alcohol may not harm the fetus, then in another it can become a catalyst for the development of all kinds of defects and anomalies in the baby, for which there is even a common name - fertile alcohol syndrome.


But you should not refuse carnal pleasures for a period of 10 weeks of pregnancy, of course, if there are no contraindications in the form of a threat of termination of pregnancy. Sex at the 10th week of pregnancy is not only possible, but also necessary - despite mood swings and not very good health. The husband often looks at his wife at this time with a “new look” - he is definitely attracted by the rounded forms of the woman and the smoothness that has appeared in her movements. And, unpleasant symptoms such as toxicosis, irritability and fatigue have not yet exhausted the woman completely, then sex at the 10th week of pregnancy can be a pleasant relaxation and a way of even closer rapprochement between future mothers and fathers. That's just to be zealous, as well as unnecessarily "active", practicing sex at the 10th week of pregnancy, after all, is not desirable.

Nutrition at 10 weeks pregnant

The issue of nutrition at the 10th week of pregnancy is also relevant for the expectant mother. Of course, nutrition at the 10th week of pregnancy must necessarily be healthy and balanced in order to provide the fetus with all the necessary nutrients and nutrients.

The diet of the expectant mother at this time must necessarily include a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits (in addition, they also improve intestinal motility and help avoid constipation), meat and fish (protein), as well as dairy products (a source of calcium).

It would be time to give up coffee, as well as strong tea. The ban also includes spicy, fatty, salty foods, marinades that irritate the stomach, as well as sweets that increase blood sugar levels and contribute to the development of diabetes. Products made from white flour (bread, pasta) is the time to replace products made from wholemeal flour, white rice - brown rice.

It is necessary to take food fractionally, the best option is 5-6 times a day in small portions. Dishes are best steamed, baked, stewed or boiled. Late dinners should be abandoned - the last meal should be no later than 19 hours, with a strong feeling of hunger, it is permissible to eat a couple of apples (other fruits) or drink a glass of kefir.

10 obstetric week is the third month of pregnancy - the time when many women stop suffering from toxicosis. The most difficult period of the formation of the baby is left behind. However, the expectant mother must remember that she still has about 30 weeks of gestation.

At the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy, active hormonal changes occur. Expectant mothers are often afraid of change:

  • enhancing hair growth;
  • the appearance of a "gun" on the face, stomach or chest;
  • skin pigmentation.

You should not be afraid of such manifestations - they themselves will disappear after the birth of the baby.


The belly at the 10th week of pregnancy is not visible to every expectant mother - sometimes it appears a little later.


The uterus at the 10th week of pregnancy continues to gradually increase. Now it is slightly above the pubic bone. For many expectant mothers, trousers become cramped in the hip area. Rounding is slightly noticeable at the bottom of the abdomen, but at first glance it is still impossible to guess about the “interesting” position of the woman.


The child is developing rapidly. The skeleton, once composed of flexible, fragile cartilage, gradually transforms into hard tissue.

The baby's face formed, facial muscles began to develop, an upper lip appeared. The nose still contains mucus, but there are already olfactory receptors. Now the baby has ears.

There is a formation of muscle tissues of the mouth. The fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy develops chewing muscles, muscles of the neck and pharynx. Now the stomach of the crumbs has taken its rightful place: it has completed the movement to the abdominal cavity, while it is growing and improving.

Now you can see the outlines of the spine and the nerve endings extending from it. The forehead of the crumbs is high and protrudes noticeably forward.

The most important organs have already been laid down. Now they are working and improving. Small nails appeared on the fingers, the whole body is covered with fluff. The elbow joints are now fully developed, and the baby can bend the limbs.

At this stage, nerve endings begin to form. The heart beats very fast. About half the length of the body of the crumb falls on the head. The full size of the fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy is about 3-5 cm.

The baby is still inside the amniotic sac and continues to swallow amniotic fluid.

Feelings at 10 weeks pregnant

Many women at 10 weeks of gestation continue to suffer from toxicosis. However, sometimes pregnancy passes without this unpleasant manifestation.

Toxicosis can only remind of itself for a while, and the expectant mother feels good again. Sometimes vomiting at this time increases. In such a situation, you need to get expert advice.

The urge to urinate is still frequent, which is explained by the growth of the uterus. Sometimes at 10 weeks of pregnancy there is a feeling of bloating in the abdomen and constipation. They will pass when the uterus goes beyond the small pelvis and stops putting pressure on the internal organs.

The discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy is white or yellowish, without a sharp unpleasant odor. It is important to closely monitor the discharge from the vagina. So, if brown discharge appears at the 10th week of pregnancy, you should immediately consult a specialist.


For a period of 10 obstetric weeks, pregnancy is often accompanied by heartburn. The muscles between the esophagus and stomach contract, and the contents of the latter rise up. The lining of the esophagus is irritated by stomach acid, resulting in a burning sensation in the chest. Feelings of discomfort or pain at the 10th week of pregnancy often appear in the digestive tract.

Many expectant mothers note that their breasts have stopped hurting at week 10, and its sensitivity is decreasing. During this period, some women do not gain body weight or even lose it. This is usually due to toxicity.

The baby grows, and its development depends on the behavior of the mother. To ensure good conditions for the baby, a woman should be guided by simple recommendations.


At 10 obstetric weeks, most women are still trying to overcome early toxicosis. However, the expectant mother should not completely limit herself in food. If she wants to eat a certain dish, then she should not deny herself.

The expectant mother does not need to abruptly switch to proper nutrition at the 10th week of pregnancy: this way she can remain hungry. Now the body is in a state of stress, so you should not deprive it of the opportunity to enjoy delicious food.


If there is no toxicosis and there is a constant appetite, a woman should avoid eating harmful foods: alcohol at the 10th week of pregnancy, spicy food, uncooked meat, a lot of sweets. The latter can be replaced with dried fruits.


With the help of vitamins at the 10th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother will make up for the lack of nutrients in the body necessary for the proper development of the fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy:

  • folic acid;
  • iodomarin;
  • vitamin E (in certain cases).

Usually multivitamins are prescribed by a specialist a little later. With the threat of miscarriage, Magnesium B 6 can be recommended to relieve uterine hypertonicity.


You can continue an intimate life, but you should avoid dangerous positions. There are still risks of termination of pregnancy, so it is better to take precautions: everything should be done gently and safely.

If a woman has previously had miscarriages or increased uterine tone, most likely, the doctor will recommend not having sex at the 10th week of pregnancy.

Physical activity

If the bearing of the baby proceeds without complications, and at the 10th week of pregnancy there is no discomfort from activity, you should move more. You can sign up for the pool: swimming will benefit the expectant mother. As before, you should perform gymnastics for pregnant women, corresponding to the period.

Daily half-hour walks will also benefit the expectant mother and baby. However, a woman should feel her condition and, in accordance with it, perform physical activities.

Medicines and medical procedures

At 10 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother sometimes needs progesterone. This hormone supports the life of the baby, so its decrease is unacceptable. If the doctor prescribed progesterone, then there are reasons for this.


In the normal course of pregnancy, the expectant mother should not get involved in drugs. Now the best remedy is a good sleep. However, if a woman caught a cold at the 10th week of pregnancy, then the doctor's recommendations should be strictly followed. Self-medication during this period is unacceptable.


Normally, the discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy is insignificant, has a white or yellowish tint. But if they are bloody or brown, you should definitely visit a doctor. A crumbly white, greenish or fetid discharge at week 10 may indicate an unfavorable course of pregnancy. If itching occurs, it is also necessary to consult a specialist.


If a woman has bleeding at the 10th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Possible problems

10 obstetric week of pregnancy is less dangerous than the previous ones. However, during this period, a woman is also not immune from all sorts of problems.


The temperature at the 10th week of pregnancy, accompanied by pain in the abdomen and a sharp cessation of toxicosis, can be caused by a missed pregnancy. This condition is extremely dangerous for a woman, so a visit to the gynecologist should not be postponed.

The 10th week of pregnancy should not be accompanied by severe pain in the lower back and abdomen. You should definitely tell your doctor about them.

In women in an "interesting" position, the stomach often tingles. If these sensations at the 10th week of pregnancy are not strong, you should not focus on them. They are often caused by gas and constipation. However, if the tingling seriously bothers the woman and is accompanied by bloody discharge, it is urgent to consult a doctor.

Tests at 10 weeks pregnant

At 10 weeks of gestation, many expectant mothers turn to a consultation for registration. If this has already happened, then until the end of pregnancy, the woman will not have to take any tests other than blood and urine. After the first visit to the gynecologist, the expectant mother must pass:

  • blood for hepatitis and HIV;
  • urine (general analysis);
  • smear from the vagina on the flora;
  • blood (general analysis);

Pass the:

  • coagulogram;
  • measurement of the pelvis, weight and height;
  • cytological study.


The 10th week of pregnancy does not require a mandatory ultrasound. The gynecologist may prescribe an ultrasound examination if the woman is just getting registered, or the doctor suspects some kind of pathology.

When conducting an ultrasound scan at the 10th week of pregnancy, it is possible, but so far it is problematic to determine the sex of the child. However, future parents can see that every organ is working and improving.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At 10 weeks, the threat of miscarriage is still present, so a woman needs to be most attentive to her own health. You should not forget about the blood test for progesterone: thanks to the maintenance of this hormone, the baby lives and prepares for the birth.

It is also necessary to take tests for estradiol and hCG on the recommendation of a doctor.

Video of the tenth week of pregnancy

At the tenth week of pregnancy, the symptoms that bothered many expectant mothers in the first trimester have already reached their peak and are starting to subside little by little. Soon, at the beginning of the second trimester, they will completely disappear, and you will feel full of strength and energy - there will be a kind of "respite" before the third trimester.

The future baby continues to grow actively. He already has all the main organs, now they will mature, grow, improve, their structure will become more and more complex.

Signs and symptoms 10 weeks pregnant

All the same symptoms that bothered in previous weeks persist:
· Increased vaginal discharge. Normally, they are transparent, have the consistency of egg white, odorless. The cause of this symptom is the action of hormones- estrogen and increased blood flow to the uterus and vagina. Abundant discharge during pregnancy plays a protective role: they do not let in microorganisms that can harm the unborn child.

· Constant fatigue. The body of the expectant mother spends a huge amount of energy that is required for the growth and development of the fetus. In addition, restless sleep affects.

· Frequent mood swings. Stormy joy is instantly replaced by tears, tenderness - by sadness and depression. One reason is hormones. In addition, some women by 10 weeks still cannot get used to the idea that they are pregnant, they experience strong emotions about this.

· Nausea and vomiting - fairly common symptoms at 10 weeks pregnant. For many women, they are already on the decline, and at the beginning of the second trimester they should disappear altogether.

· Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. The breast is preparing for feeding the baby, for many women this began in the previous weeks of pregnancy.

· The veins under the skin become more visible. This is due to the fact that the volume of blood and its flow to the uterus increase, the work of the cardiovascular system is rebuilt.

· Dizziness and weakness. They occur due to a decrease in blood pressure, since the hormone progesterone relaxes the walls of blood vessels.

· Bloating, gas and constipation. They are caused by relaxation of the intestines due to hormonal effects.

· Heartburn occurs due to the relaxation of the muscles that are located on the border between the esophagus and the stomach and normally prevent the backflow of acidic gastric contents.

· Craving or aversion to certain foods. Some of the dishes that you loved before are disgusting, while others, sometimes very strange, you want to eat all the time.

What is round ligament pain?

The tenth week of pregnancy is the time when the uterus begins to increase significantly. Her ligaments are stretched, resulting in pain and cramps in the abdomen. Many women experience a condition known as round ligament pain. It manifests itself in the form of sharp pains and cramps in the abdomen, pelvis and groin.

The round ligament is part of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus, which helps to hold the organ in the correct position. During pregnancy, it stretches, becomes tense, thickens. Because of this, pain occurs. They usually increase during sudden movements, laughter, coughing, changes in body position (for example, when you toss and turn in bed, get up quickly).

If you are concerned about incomprehensible pain in the abdomen, you need to see a doctor. Usually it is easy to cope with the pain of the round ligament: painkillers, exercise, warmth on the lower abdomen help in this.

Pregnancy at 10 weeks with twins

If a woman is pregnant with twins, the symptoms of pregnancy are more pronounced, the expectant mother puts on weight faster. However, all this is very relative and individual. Twin and multiple pregnancies can only be accurately diagnosed during the first ultrasound screening.

The tenth week of pregnancy is how much?

This article is about obstetric gestation, which is not entirely accurate, but convenient, since it is counted from a specific event - the first day of the last menstruation. It is for this period that obstetricians and gynecologists are guided. Real fertilization occurs about two weeks later, and from that time begins embryonic period. It is more accurate, but inconvenient, because no one, including the woman herself, can say for sure on what day the egg met the sperm and gave rise to the embryo.

So, 10 weeks of obstetric gestation usually corresponds to eight weeks of the embryonic period. Ten weeks of embryonic term is 12 weeks of obstetric.
You are about two months and one week pregnant.
Calculate what is the gestational age in weeks and calculate the date of delivery by the last menstruation

What happens to the embryo at 10 weeks pregnant?

At week ten, your unborn baby is no longer an embryo. It is now officially called a fetus. Accordingly, in its development begins fetal period.

The difference between a fetus and an embryo is that it is already a full-fledged little man, he has all the main organs. True, they still cannot ensure his life outside the mother's tummy: for this they have to go a long way of maturation and complication of the structure.

The body of the fruit is now the size of a medium strawberry. Its length is 3 cm, weight - 4 grams. And a lot of changes continue to occur in his body.

In the unborn child, cartilage and bones are actively formed. He already has knee and ankle joints, his arms can bend at the elbows and wrists - now they are bent, and the hands are folded at the chest in the region of the heart. Tiny nails appear on the fingers, the first thin hairs appear on the skin. The skin of the fetus is transparent because there is no pigment in it, and the subcutaneous layer of fat is not yet developed at all. Through it, the internal organs and the spine are clearly visible.

The head is still about half the size of the body. The forehead stands out especially strongly: the skull is actively growing, the space for the developing brain is increasing inside. Every minute, 250,000 new nerve cells appear in it. Spinal nerves diverge from the spinal cord to the right and to the left, which later will control the work of almost all organs.

The kidneys, brain, intestines, liver begin to function - now it takes over the functions of the yolk sac and begins to produce red blood cells. The rudiments of teeth appear in the gums, but they will not erupt soon - only when the already born child is 6 months old. The stomach and intestines produce digestive juices, the liver produces bile, the pancreas produces enzymes and the hormone insulin. The thyroid gland begins to work. Part of the intestine still protrudes into the umbilical cord, gradually it returns to the abdominal cavity.

The external genitalia begin to take on the shape characteristic of boys or girls. But determining the gender by their appearance is still very difficult. Boys' testicles begin to produce testosterone.
A ten-week-old fetus makes many active movements, but it is still very small, it is spacious in the uterus, so the expectant mother does not feel anything.

Ultrasound at 10 weeks pregnant

Usually, the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes the first ultrasound screening at 11–14 weeks of gestation. There is not long to wait: very soon you will be able to see your future baby and hear how his heart works. Read more about ultrasound article on week 11. If you conduct an ultrasound at week 10, the picture will look something like this:

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 10 weeks pregnant?

By the tenth week of pregnancy, the uterus has more than doubled in size. Now it is the size of a large grapefruit. In many women, the stomach begins to increase in size, but this is noticeable only if you take off your clothes and look closely. People around you won't notice. Therefore, at the tenth week, pregnancy can still be kept a secret.

How much weight should the expectant mother gain?

For women with a normal body mass index (BMI: how to calculate it correctly and what is considered normal, read the text on 9 weeks pregnant) the recommended weight gain for the entire first trimester is 1400-2300 grams. Sometimes it is less, sometimes a woman does not add at all and even loses weight, especially if she is worried about nausea and vomiting. early toxicosis, aversion to food. Often this is normal. If you're experiencing symptoms of morning sickness (vomiting several times a day) or if you think something strange is going on with your weight, see your doctor.

Women who are pregnant with twins add more - about 450 grams per week, and for the entire first trimester - about 4500 grams. But even with a twin pregnancy in the early stages, weight loss is possible. You will start to get better when you move into the second trimester, and you will no longer be bothered by nausea.
Calculate weight gain in mom during pregnancy by week

How to eat right?

Food for the expectant mother should be varied, complete, safe.
Many women at 2-3 months of pregnancy begin to worry about constipation. The fact is that the body of the fetus needs a lot of nutrients, and the hormone progesterone solves this problem in its own way. It relaxes the intestinal wall and thereby slows down the movement of food. In addition, stool masses, being in the intestine for a long time, lose a lot of water and become more dense. As a result, there are problems with the chair. Fortunately, in most cases, they can be dealt with by changing the nature of the diet:

· Eat 25-35 grams of dietary fiber daily. They contain whole grains, peas and other legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits (raw or lightly cooked), dried fruits. Lettuce and other green leafy vegetables, bran, psyllium, kiwi help normalize bowel function. However, it is important not to overdo it with fibers: if there are too many of them, the food will quickly leave the intestines, and the body will not have time to extract all the necessary valuable substances from it. Look at the ingredients on the packaging of foods: they usually tell you how much fiber they contain. Be aware that fiber can increase bloating ( flatulence) is a symptom that already worries many women in the first trimester.

· Limit foods that make constipation worse. These are all kinds of sweets containing added sugars, processed meats (especially fried, grilled), processed foods, fast food, dairy products, white bread, white rice, soft wheat pasta.

· Drink enough liquid. "Sufficient" means 12-13 glasses of warm water daily. Fruit, vegetable juices and broths are also suitable. Fluid helps make the stool softer and easier for it to pass through the intestines. Prune juice also acts as a mild laxative and is safe during pregnancy.

· Pay attention to the medications you are taking. Vitamins, antacids against heartburn, iron preparations contribute to increased constipation. If you think that your bowel function has become worse because of these drugs, consult your doctor.

· Take Probiotics. They help to improve the functioning of the intestinal microflora, intestinal bacteria begin to help in the breakdown of food more effectively.

For normal bowel function, regular physical activity is necessary. Especially useful Kegel exercises which help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. In no case should you endure if you want to go to the toilet. The longer the feces are in the intestines, the more water they lose, the more difficult it becomes to defecate.

Laxatives should be treated with caution. Sometimes they can only hurt. Check with your doctor before using them.

When will constipation stop bothering you? They often persist throughout pregnancy. In the third trimester, the effects of progesterone are joined by compression of the intestines by a greatly enlarged uterus. Compliance with the above recommendations most often allows you to keep bowel function under control.

Physical activity

There are three important indicators, they determine how well a woman will endure pregnancy, childbirth, and how quickly she will return to form after them. These metrics are:
muscle strength
muscle tone;
muscle endurance.

In order for all three parameters to be normal, they need to be trained. During pregnancy, you need physical activity within reasonable limits. You can walk and swim during all nine months of your pregnancy.

What are Kegel exercises during pregnancy?

For the successful course of childbirth and the prevention of some complications after them (stress urinary incontinence, prolapse of the uterus and vagina, rectum, and even stool incontinence), expectant mothers are recommended to perform special exercises for the pelvic floor muscles. They are called Kegel exercises, after the name of the gynecologist who developed them. It is useful to start classes from the earliest possible period of pregnancy, after consulting with your doctor.

How to feel the pelvic floor muscles? They are also called intimate muscles, because they are in the area perineum(between the vagina and the rectum) and play an important role during sex. If you have never trained them before, then most likely you do not feel them and cannot control them. Engage in a “search” for intimate muscles:

· About halfway through urination, try to stop the flow of urine (but don't do this more than once, as this can lead to incontinence or a urinary infection). The muscles that you had to strain at the same time are “the very ones”.

· Once you have found your intimate muscles and figured out how to control them, try squeezing them a few times by inserting your finger into the vagina. If you do everything right, the walls of the vagina should squeeze your finger.

How to do the exercises? Kegel exercises are actually just one movement, compression of intimate muscles. First you need to try to keep them tense for 5 seconds. Then relax for 5 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times. Perform "intimate gymnastics" several times a day. By the way, this can be done during sex - your partner will definitely appreciate it. Then increase the time to 10 seconds, increase the number of repetitions. Finally, increase the time to 20 seconds. This is the maximum time. In order to maintain a good tone of the pelvic floor muscles, it is enough to perform exercises 3 times a day.

If you constantly forget about classes, download the application for your smartphone. It will remind you. There are special vaginal simulators, including digital ones, with electrical muscle stimulation, which can diversify Kegel exercises and make them more effective. But during pregnancy, such devices should be used with caution, with the permission of a doctor.

Is it possible to have sex?

Sex in the tenth week of pregnancy is completely safe and cannot harm the baby, unless, of course, the doctor says that there are contraindications in your case. The main thing is that you want it, and you experience pleasure. Find positions that are most comfortable for you to have sex. And remember that in everything you need to know the measure.

· Perhaps now is the time to go shopping (remember that during pregnancy you should not drive yourself) and buy new, more spacious things for yourself.

Drinking plenty of water helps with weakness and dizziness. As a first aid measure, you can eat something sweet and lie down.

Uncomfortable sleep? Buy a special large body pillow.

Do not forget that during pregnancy you should never smoke or drink alcohol. Taking any medications - only with the permission of a doctor.

· Ask your OB/GYN for advice on good prenatal vitamins.

The breasts increase more during the first pregnancy. In the tenth week, you should think about purchasing a special bra for expectant mothers.

Every woman wants to look beautiful, but you need to remember that before the 12th week of pregnancy, it is not recommended to use permanent hair dyes. They can harm the child. Semi-permanent paints are allowed: they contain much less hydrogen peroxide and synthetic dyes.

What research needs to be done?

From the tenth week of pregnancy, a woman can undergo a non-invasive prenatal test (abbreviated as NIPT). This is an accurate diagnostic method that helps to identify common chromosomal abnormalities and determine the sex of the unborn baby with an accuracy of more than 99%.

How does NIPT work?

Fragments of fetal DNA constantly enter the mother's blood and circulate in it. They can be discovered and studied. The main advantage of such tests is that they are non-invasive and completely safe. It is enough to take about 20 ml of blood from a vein of a future mother. Importantly, NIPT helps to detect the anomaly at an early stage. If the analysis shows a high risk of chromosomal pathology, then the woman will have time to think things over and decide whether she is ready to keep such a pregnancy and raise a “special” child in the future.

What diseases can be detected?

There are different types of non-invasive prenatal tests, they are presented by different companies. As a rule, they identify the following most common chromosomal disorders:

· Down syndrome, which occurs due to trisomy 21 chromosomes. The disturbances it causes can be expressed in varying degrees. Sometimes the child looks almost normal, he has a somewhat reduced, but still quite high intelligence, and sometimes the disease manifests itself as profound mental retardation, malformations of the heart and other organs.

· Klinefelter syndrome. A relatively common anomaly, when a boy has at least one extra X chromosome. In this case, some violations of puberty occur. The child may have reduced intelligence, impaired cognitive abilities, he may have difficulty expressing his thoughts in words.

· Turner-Shereshevsky syndrome. It occurs in girls with a lack of one X chromosome. Manifested in the form of short stature, infertility, some disorders of physical development.

· Patau Syndrome. Arises as a result of additional 13 chromosomes. It manifests itself in the form of severe malformations of the skull, face, nervous system, heart and other internal organs. Most children born with Patau syndrome die before reaching the age of one. In rare cases, the child manages to live up to 5-10 years, while he suffers from severe mental retardation.

· Edwards syndrome. It is a trisomy of chromosome 18. Manifested in the form of various malformations. Many children die before the age of 3 months due to impaired breathing and heart function. Some manage to live up to a year.

· Additional sex chromosomes. Sometimes girls have an extra X chromosome, boys have an extra Y chromosome. These anomalies can manifest as small physical, behavioral abnormalities.

How to get prenatal DNA screening?

DNA screening is not included in the standard mandatory screening programs. This is a relatively new medical service, a woman can use it exclusively voluntarily and at her own expense. The cost of NIPT in Russia currently averages 25,000–30,000 rubles. You can get tested in some frequent clinics and genetic centers.

Who should be tested for chromosomal abnormalities first?

Some women are at increased risk of having a child with chromosomal abnormalities:
· The age of the future mother is more than 35 years and the age of the future father is more than 42 years.
The presence of chromosomal abnormalities in one of the parents or cases in the family of one of the parents.
· If before that it was not possible to get pregnant for a long time, there were miscarriages.
If the woman already has a child who has been diagnosed with a chromosomal disorder.
If standard first prenatal screening (see article about 11 weeks pregnant) showed a high risk of chromosomal abnormalities.

How accurate is a prenatal DNA test?

The accuracy of screening during pregnancy can be characterized by two indicators:

· False negative rate when the child has a chromosomal abnormality, but the analysis shows that everything is in order. It is known that standard biochemical screening does not detect about 15-20% of cases of Down syndrome. The accuracy of NIPT in this regard exceeds 99%.

· The frequency of false positive results, when everything is in order with the child, but the analysis shows a high risk of an anomaly. At the same time, to confirm the diagnosis, a woman is sent for invasive diagnostic methods, during which a needle must be inserted into the abdomen. Such studies are unsafe: they carry the risk of infection and miscarriage. With standard biochemical screening, the risk of a false positive result is 5%, with NIPT it is less than 1%.

What you need to know about urinary tract infections during pregnancy?

Urinary tract infections are the most common bacterial infections during pregnancy. The hormone progesterone is often to blame for their occurrence: it relaxes the urinary tract, which helps slow the flow of urine and the growth of pathogens.

The source of infection is most often bacteria that live in the rectum: they can penetrate the urethra, then rise up. Often this leads to the development of inflammation in the bladder - cystitis. The disease is manifested by symptoms such as:
Discomfort, pain, burning during urination.
Pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
Urine becomes cloudy, acquires an unpleasant odor.

Untreated cystitis during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth. If you have similar symptoms, you need to see a doctor. The disease is treated with antibiotics. The doctor will prescribe safe drugs. Usually, against the background of antibiotic therapy, the condition improves very quickly, but you should not stop taking the medication as soon as you feel better. The course must be completed to the end, otherwise the infection may return.

Sometimes there are microorganisms in the bladder, but this does not show any symptoms. Such a state is called asymptomatic bacteriuria, it is diagnosed by analysis. You will also need to take antibiotics.

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy

The female vagina has its own microflora. When bacteria that are normally in the minority begin to multiply and become dominant, a condition known as bacterial vaginosis develops. It manifests itself in the form of gray or milky-white discharge, an unpleasant "fishy" odor (usually worse after sex), irritation and itching around the vagina. Approximately half of women who have bacterial vaginosis do not experience symptoms.

Bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth. In this case, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic treatment.

Yeast infection during pregnancy

Approximately one third of women in the vagina have fungi of the genus Candida. Under certain conditions, they can begin to multiply rapidly and cause infection - candidiasis. During pregnancy, this is facilitated by an increased level of estrogen, which enhances vaginal production. glycogen- it creates a good breeding ground for the fungus. There is evidence that estrogen directly stimulates the growth of candida, helping them to more effectively attach to the walls of the vagina.

In principle, candidiasis during pregnancy is not dangerous. But during childbirth, the fungus can infect the baby, as a result, the baby will develop thrush, the main manifestation of which is white spots in the mouth. Fortunately, the disease is not serious and is treated quite well.

Mood swings week 10 - Video guide

Quietly, imperceptibly, a miracle happens inside. Literally from nothing, new organs are formed, tissues and cells are laid. Very soon, organogenesis will be completed, and it will be possible to exhale, relax - one of the most difficult critical periods of intrauterine development has been passed.

What happens to the baby

At the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy, the fetus completes the formation of internal organs and quickly changes externally:

  • The head is rounded and gradually straightened;
  • The eyelids are developed, the eyes are half-closed, but the pupils are already pigmented;
  • Ears take shape;
  • Cells appear in the mouth, from which teeth form a little later, and taste buds appear on the tongue;
  • The external genitalia are formed;
  • Fingers grow on the upper and lower extremities;
  • The foot continues to increase;
  • Tail degeneration begins;
  • The first ossification points appear in tubular bones.

From this point on, all the bones in the baby's body will gradually become ossified. And for this you need calcium, a lot of calcium! The expectant mother will have to take care of an additional source of vitamins and macronutrients.

Fruit length and weight

During the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby grew rapidly. Its length is already about 3 cm, and its weight is 10-15 g. Women often complain that the weight and height characteristics of the fetus differ from each other on many resources. This is due to the difference in the measurement system. To determine the length of the embryo, two characteristics are used - the total length and the coccygeal-parietal size. In the early stages, the difference between these indicators reaches 2-10 mm.

What's going on with mom

The uterus reaches the size of an average grapefruit. In the small pelvis, she is cramped, and she rises above the pubis. In overweight women or expectant mothers with strong abdominals, the tubercle of the uterus is almost invisible. You can only feel it with your hands. It will take a couple of weeks before the slight bulge looks like a real pregnant tummy. What happens to the appearance, besides the slowly growing belly? There are changes, but they are hardly noticeable:

  • the mammary glands continue to grow in volume;
  • blood flow to the pelvic organs causes cyanosis and swelling of the external genitalia, which is a variant of the norm;
  • in HPV carriers, the number of small papillomas on the neck, under the arms increases.

In 40% of pregnant women with toxicosis, by the 10th week of pregnancy, nausea and morning vomiting are on the wane. The remaining 60% will have to endure until 12-13 weeks. Drowsiness, apathy and lethargy continue to affect mood and performance. Emotional instability and irritability persist.

To remove the negative manifestations of a fluctuating hormonal background, fine coordinated work of the hands, for example, knitting, coloring, drawing, folding puzzles, solitaire, helps well.

The ovaries gradually increase the production of progesterone, which is needed to reduce the tone of the uterus and the growth of the mammary glands. But along with the tone of the uterus, progesterone also weakens the tone of the intestines, due to which its peristalsis worsens, so that the tenth week of pregnancy in expectant mothers is marked by the beginning of problems with regular stools.

The best option to improve digestion is to add pumpkin juice, dried apricots and prunes, beet dishes to the diet. If it is difficult with these products, wheat or rye bran can be used as an additional source of dietary fiber. It is only important to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water in order for dietary fiber to properly perform its function.

Analyzes and examinations

The main block of analyzes of pregnant women falls on 12 weeks. Up to this point, you need to submit:

  • General urinalysis and bakposev;
  • General blood test, for blood type and Rh factor, for HIV, RW and HBsAg;
  • Scheduled ultrasound screening, carried out simultaneously with a double biochemical test of hCG and PAPP A;
  • Smear for cytology and flora.

With a complicated history, unsatisfactory results of a general analysis of urine and blood, the patient's complaints of pain, strange discharge and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, the doctor may prescribe a test for hormones, specific infections, etc.

Dangers and Complications

10 weeks of pregnancy - the middle of the second critical period of fetal development. The baby develops vital organs, placental circulation is formed, so that any damaging factors can cause serious harm to the health of a small person. The following organs and systems are most sensitive to the impact of negative factors at this time:

  • CNS, as it continues to develop and improve almost until childbirth;
  • the heart, in which, under the influence of teratogenic factors, defects of the interventricular septum are formed;
  • genital organs, the formation of which is distorted by anatomical and functional defects.

The most dangerous and harmful factors include:

  • chronic endocrine diseases of the mother, for example, diabetes mellitus;
  • biological pathogens (toxoplasmosis, rubella);
  • chemicals (retinoids, gestogen-containing and anticonvulsant drugs, antidepressants, broad-spectrum antibiotics, etc.);
  • temperature and ionizing effects.

In addition to infections, medications, X-rays, elevated temperature in the bath and sauna, seemingly harmless herbal decoctions, infusions, and extracts pose a certain danger to pregnancy in the early stages.

Some in all respects useful and healing herbs are highly abortifacient. There are many of them, but we will list the main ones: oregano, brittle buckthorn, barberry and common tansy, medicinal dandelion, hops, yarrow, cinquefoil, etc.

Stress at this time is not as dangerous as it is commonly believed. Daily work shocks and occasional household troubles will not bring harm to the child, but really strong shocks are best avoided.

Pregnancy is still a new state for you, so there are many questions, and even more ambiguities. We will try to talk about what most often excites expectant mothers.

How dangerous is toxicosis for a child? What will happen to him if I am still losing kilograms?

Vomiting up to 4-5 times a day will not harm the child. As well as the loss of 4-5 kg ​​of maternal weight. The female body has thoughtful and amazingly accurate compensatory systems, so you should not worry about the child. Yes, for myself too. Lost pounds will more than return in the second and third trimesters!

When should you buy maternity clothes?

If things begin to reap and squeeze the hips, legs, chest, stomach - feel free to go shopping. Now it is especially important to make sure that nothing interferes with the lymph and blood flow. This is important not only for health, but also for your beauty - the deterioration of blood and lymph circulation in the legs, hips and waist will manifest itself as cellulite by the third trimester. Getting rid of it is difficult and expensive.

Spotting - is it dangerous?

Any discharge that is pink, red, or brownish in color is a danger sign. And only a doctor can determine what caused them. It can be both a threat of miscarriage and a miscarriage that has begun. Don't wait for it to go away on its own. Go to the doctor.

Take care of yourself, take care of your baby and be healthy!

By the middle of the third month of waiting for the baby, the expectant mother is already quite accustomed to her position and takes all the changes that happen to her for granted. Outwardly, no special changes were noticed compared to the previous week, but for the baby they are quite significant. What happens at the 10th week of pregnancy with him, and how does mom feel?

fetus at 10 weeks pregnant

The 10th obstetric week is 9 full obstetric weeks or 7 full fetal weeks. Very soon, the gynecologist will begin to call the embryo a fetus, but for the expectant mother this is not essential: for her, a “baby” lives in her tummy from the first days.

Size and weight

The child has already grown significantly. In length, it can reach 3-4 centimeters and weigh about 4 grams. Now there is an intensive growth and development of the future man, the formation of internal organs and functional systems of the body continues.

What develops in the tenth week?

The placenta is already intensively forming, and "on the go" takes over the reproduction of hormones. The baby's heart now has 4 chambers, the main blood vessels are practically formed. The brain grows, eyes, arms, legs continue to develop. The development of the intestines and respiratory system continues. The baby already has an anus, and the kidneys produce urine.

10 obstetric week is important in that this is the moment of the beginning of the formation of the reproductive organs (ovaries or testicles). And now the baby is moving inside the mother, however, she still does not feel it.

What does the baby look like?

The baby looks more and more like a human. His rudimentary tail has already fallen off, the arms and legs have “peeled off” from the body, bend at the joints, fingers form on them. The tip of the nose stands out on the face and there are already the rudiments of the eyelids. It is not yet possible to know the sex of the baby. However, the next screening at 12 weeks is already able to show who the mother is carrying under her heart - a son or daughter.

Feelings at 10 weeks pregnant

What's new in the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy for a woman?

Physiological changes in a woman

The beginning of the third month of pregnancy is not yet noticeable changes in the appearance of the expectant mother. But she herself notices these changes. Due to the increased volume of circulating blood, veins in the legs and abdomen may become visible. However, red blood cells are not produced as quickly as plasma, and due to the lack of the first, a woman feels weak and quickly gets tired.

If the toxicosis is not very harassing, and the appetite does not decrease, then by the 10th week a woman can add up to 2 kilograms in weight. So far, the belly is not very noticeable, and a special “pregnant” wardrobe is not required.

How does the uterus react in the tenth week of pregnancy?

At 9 completed weeks of the obstetric period, the uterus increased markedly in size. Now she is 8-10 centimeters in height. Now the baby in the uterus is reliably protected from external influences by a cork - a clot of mucus that covers the cervix. The cork will stay in place until childbirth.

Already now you can start doing Kegel exercises - this will prepare the uterus for childbirth, make the muscles of the vagina elastic and elastic. However, with hypertonicity of the uterus, such activities are prohibited!

Breast at 10 weeks pregnant

Some women notice that their breasts have stopped hurting at 10 weeks pregnant. This is due to the fact that the hormonal "boom" has somewhat slowed down. The breasts may become noticeably larger and heavier. Nipples and areolas become darker. Large veins may pop out. Now is the time to start preparing for lactation: “harden” the breast, otherwise the sensitivity of the nipples can cause severe pain when the baby starts eating. The chest should be washed with water at room temperature and rub the nipples with a waffle towel.

Nausea at 10 weeks pregnant

Nausea still worries in the morning on an empty stomach. The blame for everything is hormones that have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the intestine. To avoid discomfort, it is worth eating often and in small portions, it is better to take breakfast in bed. After each meal, it is recommended to lie down a bit. Drinking will help from frequent nausea - water or sour fruit drinks, juices, mint tea saves well. For many women, brushing your teeth frequently or rinsing your mouth with breath fresheners also helps. Vomiting more than 5-10 times a day is a possible reason for hospitalization, as it can cause dehydration.

Discharge at 10 weeks pregnant

Normally, at the 10th week of pregnancy, vaginal discharge may change color and consistency - become thinner or thicker than usual. This is due to hormonal influences. However, there should be no blood impurities in them.

An unpleasant odor and a cheesy consistency of vaginal discharge can be symptoms of vaginosis or thrush. This is a reason for a premature visit to the doctor! Fortunately, today there are enough safe drugs for these ailments, and the doctor will select the best course of treatment.

Sometimes it can be frightening to quickly get wet underwear or daily pads. The reason is the leakage of urine. The pressure on the bladder increases due to the growing uterus, and the muscles of the bladder itself weaken. Sneezing or laughing aggravates muscle hypotonia, and urine may leak slightly.

Features of IVF pregnancy

IVF is an assisted reproductive technology that has helped many couples with infertility. The main difference between IVF and normal pregnancy is that conception occurs outside the female body, and the embryo is transferred to the uterus at the age of 2 to 5 days. But according to statistics, only a third of women carry IVF children before delivery.

7 full embryonic weeks of IVF pregnancy are characterized by the same intensity of development of the embryo's organs as during natural pregnancy, however, with hormonal support with progesterone-containing drugs. If there are no complications, a woman can be registered at the antenatal clinic, however, many expectant mothers prefer observation by their reproductologists.

Features of multiple pregnancy

A multiple pregnancy - pregnancy with twins or more - is diagnosed at the first ultrasound, but if it has not yet been performed, the doctor can detect it during a manual examination of the patient - the uterus, as a rule, is larger in size than it should be for a period of 9-10 weeks. An analysis for hCG will also help confirm the fact of a multiple pregnancy - the hormone in the blood will be significantly higher than normal.

Pregnancy with more than one child is considered a high-risk pregnancy and requires special monitoring. Mothers should be prepared to attend counseling more often. In the first trimester, such a pregnancy carries few more complications than a singleton.

Problems in the tenth week of pregnancy


Symptoms of toxicosis may still not leave the pregnant woman. However, by this time, most women have already adapted to the peculiarities of their state of health and have learned to correct them.

Weakness and dizziness occur due to a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension). If the pressure is constantly low, the child receives less oxygen. Against the background of hypotension, migraine may develop. Headaches can only be treated with a limited number of drugs, and they must be recommended by a doctor. The best remedy for a migraine is sleep, even for a short time.

Toxicosis usually goes away after 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Diarrhea and constipation

Constipation often torments pregnant women. They pose a danger, and a very significant one. So, for example, against the background of constipation, the development of hemorrhoids, painful cracks in the rectum, and even the threat of miscarriage is possible.

From constipation, the main and safe remedy is an adequate intake of fluids and foods rich in dietary fiber. Only a doctor can recommend a laxative, since it is difficult to choose a drug without contraindications on your own. In no case should you resort to enemas - they cause uterine contractions! Sometimes you can use glycerin suppositories - this remedy is safe.

But there is also the opposite problem - diarrhea.

If diarrhea is a manifestation of an eating disorder, it is quite simple to eliminate it, “fixing” products will help:

  • crackers;
  • millet, rice porridge;
  • baked apples;
  • soups on lean meat broths;
  • low-fat cottage cheese.

From folk remedies, a decoction or blueberry and bird cherry jelly, compote of their dry pears, an infusion of pomegranate peel help well. At the same time, it is important to control the water-salt balance: you need to drink a rehydration solution prepared from a liter of water, 6 teaspoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt. You can take prebiotics. If diarrhea is caused by infectious diseases, you need to go to the hospital.


Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn, and not only at the 10th week of pregnancy. Heartburn occurs due to the effect of gastric juice on the esophageal mucosa, resulting in a burning sensation behind the sternum - a rather unpleasant sensation.

Heartburn can be due to the effects of hormones during pregnancy, and it is also caused by certain foods (sour foods, pickles, fried foods, brown bread, and others). It is necessary to adjust the diet, a gynecologist can give good advice, but you may need to consult a gastroenterologist, since sometimes heartburn is a symptom of very serious gastrointestinal diseases.

It hurts and pulls the stomach

Abdominal pain during pregnancy in the first trimester is different. Small pulls at the bottom with recoil on the sides can be caused by uterine distension. Such pains are of a non-permanent nature, without bleeding and a general deterioration in the condition of the expectant mother. Sometimes an eating disorder can be the cause.

But the stomach at the 10th week of pregnancy sometimes hurts for more serious reasons, for example, with:

  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • abdominal trauma.

If the pain is permanent, accompanied by bleeding, fever, fainting - this is a reason to immediately seek medical help!

Bleeding at 10 weeks pregnant

Why does he bleed at 9 obstetric weeks? It is no longer possible to confuse bleeding with menstruation, the embryo has long been fixed in the uterus, therefore, implantation bleeding is already in the past. What are the possible reasons?

Sometimes it can be slightly “smeared” after a gynecological examination in the chair or ultrasound with a vaginal probe. Such secretions are caused by minor damage to the inner layer of the epidermis of the vagina. In addition, it can bleed if a woman has not treated the previously formed erosion before pregnancy. The presence of polyps or cysts in the vagina is another possible cause of spotting. As a rule, this does not pose a threat of termination of pregnancy. But the reasons may be more serious. For example:

  • cystic drift is the degeneration of chorion cells into vesicles, in which the embryo resolves, however, pregnancy symptoms persist, but abdominal pain, increased pressure and bleeding are symptoms when ultrasound is required;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • threatened abortion.

Any suspicious vaginal discharge is a reason to immediately consult a doctor!

Ectopic pregnancy

A fairly common pathology is an ectopic pregnancy, in which the attachment of the embryo does not occur to the wall of the uterus, but in the fallopian tube, less often in the ovary, in the abdominal cavity or in the cervical canal of the uterus. At seven embryonic weeks, the embryo is already quite large, it grows, and the fallopian tube expands, which can cause severe pain and fainting in a woman. If measures are not taken in time, this may result in a pipe rupture. In this case, the woman has no chance of having a child, the extraction of the embryo is a prerequisite for saving her life and further reproductive ability.

Threatened miscarriage at 10 weeks pregnant

The middle of the third obstetric month of pregnancy is still a rather alarming period of bearing a child. The threat of miscarriage is mainly due to a lack of progesterone or due to increased uterine tone. An experienced gynecologist will definitely notice if there is a threat, but the woman herself should not be silent about suspicious symptoms.

Another reason for the threat of miscarriage at the beginning of the fourth obstetric month is ICI - isthmic-cervical insufficiency. With this diagnosis, the cervix becomes shorter and opens slightly, and the lower region of the fetal egg lends itself to infection, the elasticity of the membranes is lost, which can lead to the death of the fetus. At the same time, a woman is able to experience no pain at all. The doctor should detect the problem during the examination, and ultrasound can confirm or exclude the diagnosis. Timely diagnosis of ICI increases the chance of carrying a baby and giving birth without pathologies. Treatment consists of conservative or surgical methods. Surgical treatment is carried out either by suturing or by installing a special ring on the cervix.

The age of the mother is an important indicator for the normal course of pregnancy. The older the woman, the higher the risk of miscarriage. However, the obstetric 10th week of pregnancy (from conception - the eighth) is a kind of milestone, when it is left behind, the risk of natural abortion is sharply reduced.

Frozen pregnancy at 10 weeks

When pregnancy is desired, its termination is a real psychological blow for a woman. One of the indications for medical interruption is missed pregnancy. With such a diagnosis, the initially normally developing gestation stops for some reason, the fetus stops growing and dies. However, spontaneous miscarriage may not happen. Sometimes a woman carries an already dead fetus inside for quite a long time, unaware of it, because the symptoms of a progressive pregnancy can persist.

However, the diagnosis can be confirmed by:

  • a blood test for hCG - the hormone concentration will be low for the expected gestational age and its growth will stop;
  • Ultrasound, which will show the lack of dynamics in the development of the embryo.

The most likely causes of pregnancy failure are genetic mutations or infections. The likelihood of a successful subsequent pregnancy is increased after a thorough examination of both partners and, if necessary, appropriate treatment.

Termination of pregnancy at 10 weeks

The risk of termination of pregnancy haunts women, starting from the 5th obstetric week, and it is still there at 9 complete fetal weeks. According to statistics, up to 25% of planned pregnancies end in natural termination. Sometimes the reasons lie in the wrong lifestyle of a woman who abuses alcohol, nicotine or drugs. A miscarriage can occur due to physical overload, stress, due to an infectious disease suffered by a pregnant woman.

But most often, spontaneous abortion occurs due to:

  • gross malformations of the embryo;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus of a woman;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system of the mother;
  • lack of progesterone.

Termination of pregnancy can be prescribed by a gynecologist, if there are strong indications for this. Some women are able to make the decision to end their pregnancy on their own through medical or surgical abortion, and at 9 completed weeks, they are fully entitled to do so. There are still disputes about the ethical and religious side of this issue, but it is illegal to condemn a failed mother for this step.

Colds. SARS, fever, flu. Whether it is possible or probable antibiotics?

Antibiotics are, of course, irreplaceable drugs, but they have many contraindications. Pregnancy is one of them for most drugs. And especially this taboo applies to the first trimester, but since it is not known for certain when the formation of the fetal organs is completed, antibiotics are not recommended until the end of the fifth month of pregnancy. But what if the disease attacked - to no avail to drink decoctions recommended by traditional medicine, and then deal with complications, or take a chance and take a pill?

The table below shows the most well-known antibiotics that have indications and absolute contraindications for use during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Indications for use at 10 obstetric weeks of pregnancy
Name of the drug (active ingredient) Possible Complications
Safe according to indications
not identified

Appointed with obvious indications
not known

Fusidic acid
Not recommended
maternal and fetal liver dysfunction

fetal skeletal disorder
Sulfamilanide (for Streptocid tablets)
possible violation of embryonic development, mutations (studies were conducted on animals)

In fact, the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy is not a reason to put a woman's health at risk by refusing effective drugs. There are antibiotics allowed at this time. But there is one condition: their reception is possible only according to indications!

Food poisoning - what to do?

Despite the fact that during pregnancy a woman should carefully monitor her diet, no one is immune from food poisoning. But if under normal circumstances you can use a whole list of drugs for poisoning, what should the expectant mother do?

You should definitely seek medical help, because vomiting and diarrhea that have opened as a result of poisoning can cause dehydration of the body, and intoxication is dangerous for a child. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to wash the stomach, take sorbents and provide bed rest.

Toxoplasmosis at 10 weeks pregnant

With intrauterine infection at week 10, there is a risk of developing pathologies that are not compatible with life. The probability that the fetus will be infected is approximately 30% of all maternal cases.

Analyzes and examinations

Ultrasound at 10 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound at week 10 of the obstetric period can be prescribed for:

  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy or IVF pregnancy.

However, unscheduled ultrasound, according to some experts, can carry a potential risk to the fetus, therefore, without special instructions, diagnostics should not be done once again.

HCG at 10 weeks pregnant

Perhaps right now, hCG has reached its peak, and from this week its level will gradually decline. The maximum concentration of the hormone in the blood at week 10 is 290,000 mIU / ml.

If the hormone is still growing, this may indicate:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • Down syndrome in a child;
  • overestimated pregnancy.

The situation is clarified by ultrasound and additional laboratory blood tests.

Norm of progesterone

Progesterone is the most important hormone that allows you to support the development of the baby. A lack of progesterone leads to pathologies of pregnancy, and, as a rule, causes a threatened miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

By the 10th week of the obstetric period, the progesterone content is normally 23-28 ng / ml.

The lack of progesterone is compensated by the additional intake of hormonal drugs: Utrozhestan (oral and / or intravaginally) or Duphaston and their analogues.

Endometrium at 10 weeks pregnant

If for successful implantation, the embryo needs the endometrium to be from 7 millimeters thick, but as the embryo grows, the endometrium must also thicken. In the first trimester, its thickness is normal - 15-20 millimeters.

However, the endometrium thickens not only during a normal pregnancy - with some pathologies, for example, with an ectopic pregnancy, the endometrium still continues to grow.

The tenth week of pregnancy can bring mom both satisfaction from her appearance and grief.

Mom's beauty and health: skin care, hair, nails

Now, under the influence of hormones, the skin of a pregnant woman becomes smooth and elastic. However, pimples are not uncommon. Acne often accompanies the mother until the very birth. According to popular belief, the deterioration in appearance is due to the fact that a girl develops in the mother’s stomach, “stealing” her beauty. However, from a medical point of view, the cause of acne is exactly the opposite: when carrying a boy, due to an excess of male hormones, the body reacts with skin rashes.

Mother's skin now needs special care: to prevent stretch marks that particularly attack the chest, hips and abdomen, it is worth using special creams or ordinary cosmetic oils. Solarium is not recommended!

Now mom's hair pleases her more than ever - they have become softer and more obedient, they have stopped falling out and splitting at the ends. Many are afraid to visit a hairdresser, but the harm from hair coloring on the fetus has not been proven.

If in doubt, you can replace the usual dyes with natural ones, basma or henna, or completely postpone the staining. But the perm should be abandoned!

Manicure at the 10th week of pregnancy is not contraindicated, but it is better not to do nail extensions. It is worth visiting only proven, trustworthy masters - there are frequent cases of infection with a fungus and even HIV precisely through manicure tools.

Sex at 10 weeks pregnant

Despite the fact that a woman may experience increased attraction to a man, sex is dangerous at 10 weeks of gestation if:

  • there is a threat of miscarriage (especially with IVF or multiple pregnancy);
  • the uterus is in good shape;
  • There are doctor's orders.

If everything is good with the health of the expectant mother, then closeness will benefit her - positive emotions are very important now.

Sometimes couples experience some embarrassment from the realization that a third person is present during their lovemaking. However, in fact, the child practically does not feel any vibrations - he is protected by amniotic fluid and the wall of the uterus. And during an orgasm that a woman experiences, due to the flow of blood to the pelvic organs, the baby receives more oxygen.

Sports at 10 weeks pregnant

Sports, with the exception of swimming, are a risk factor for miscarriage at 10 weeks. Strength exercises and sports such as wrestling (karate, boxing, and so on), running, jumping pose a particular threat.

Relaxation exercises and breathing techniques have a positive effect on pregnancy. You can apply static exercises to stretch the muscles (especially the spinal ones).

Travel: travel and flights

Due to the woman's still unsettled condition and the high risk of miscarriage, it is better to postpone long and tiring trips until at least the 18th week of pregnancy. If the expectant mother suffers from toxicosis and hypotension, flights can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.

The best options for recreation at this time are sanatorium or resort without a noticeable change in climate and time zones.

Diet in the tenth week of pregnancy

Due to the manifestation of toxicosis, the expectant mother sometimes does not want to eat at all, but it is still necessary to eat. And the opposite problem may arise - an excessively high appetite. It's not worth overeating! It is best to take meals frequently (every 3-4 hours) in portions of about 150-250 grams.

What can't be eaten

So that there are no problems with digestion and the baby does not receive "harmful things", and the mother feels good, it is worth excluding or limiting from the diet:

  • coffee;
  • milk chocolate;
  • smoked meats;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • blue cheeses, smoked and very salty;
  • soda;
  • whole milk;
  • meat and fish products of insufficient heat treatment: sushi, slightly salted fish, steak with blood, and so on;
  • citruses.

Do not eat foods with carcinogens, artificial colors and flavors, high in preservatives.

What can you eat

A balanced diet is the key to good health for both mother and child. How should mom eat?

The basis of the food pyramid of a pregnant woman at week 10 should be cereals and cereals (cereals, bread, pasta). Vegetables and fruits, vegetable proteins (nuts, seeds) are the next "floor" of the pyramid: they should be enough in the mother's daily menu. A slightly smaller part should be seafood, fish, meat and poultry. This is followed by dairy products, preferably fermented milk and cottage cheese. In general, the daily need of a pregnant woman for food can be traced in the table.

Supplements, vitamins

The end of the ninth, the beginning of the tenth week of pregnancy is a period of special need for both the mother's body and the fetus in vitamins and trace elements. Even the most balanced diet is not able to cover the needs for them. So, for example, iodine, which is important for the endocrine system of mother and child, is not enough for all pregnant women, unless, of course, they live on the coast. And folic acid from food is practically not absorbed, and in fact it is necessary for the formation of the nervous system of the fetus. Calcium also comes from food in a small amount, and the skeletal system of the mother and baby suffers from its lack. Vitamin C is also needed, which is important in the hematopoietic system and the immune system, and it is destroyed during the heat treatment of fruits and vegetables. How to be?

Vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women will help. It is rather difficult to approach their choice due to the variety of manufacturers and prices. However, the doctor will advise the best option, taking into account the needs and requirements of each patient in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Is alcohol allowed?

Do you think that a little beer or a sip of wine at the very beginning of pregnancy is safe? This is not true!

Alcoholic embryopathy affects up to 50% of newborns born to mothers who abuse alcohol.

“For a child, the very conception in a state of alcoholic intoxication is already dangerous,” warns the author of a textbook on neonatology, Professor Shabalov L.P. “These children have lower intelligence, neuroses, visual and hearing impairments, and high aggressiveness are more common.”

Children whose mothers drank alcohol in the first weeks after conception already suffer from a deficiency of folic acid and vitamin E, zinc and oxygen in utero. As a result, they inhibit the synthesis of proteins and DNA, slow down the development of the brain, develop pathologies of the cardiovascular system and internal organs. In addition, such children are more prone to deformities: they can be born with facial asymmetry, a cleft palate or cleft lip, with underdeveloped fingers (fused) or with muscular hypotonia. The risk of cerebral palsy, oligophrenia increases. At the same time, the mother is not always to blame - it is enough that the father was drunk at the time of conception.

The tenth obstetric week of pregnancy is a relatively calm stage in a woman's life. Now there is still no particular fatigue from work, the body has not undergone significant changes that require a change of wardrobe, toxicosis is slowly receding. You should beware of physical overload, review your diet and enjoy every day, bringing new sensations and joy from the realization of upcoming motherhood.

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