Formation of logical thinking of children of primary preschool age. Development of logical thinking in older preschool children by means of logical games and exercises Formation of logical thinking in preschool children

Preschool age is the period when the base is created, the foundation for the full mental development of the child at an older age. In order for the baby to be interested in learning new things, not to be afraid of difficulties, to be able to overcome them, it is necessary to take care of the comprehensive development of the preschooler. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the logical thinking of the child.

Development of logical thinking

Children already at an early preschool age are faced with a variety of sizes, shapes, colors of objects around them. The perception of the surrounding world goes without special training. However, if assimilation occurs intuitively, it is most often incomplete, superficial.

The development of logic and thinking is an integral part of the successful preparation of the child for school and its harmonious development.

Senior preschool age is marked by the beginning of the appearance of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness. This period becomes important in general for mental development, for the formation of readiness for schooling.

To designate objects, sequences, sets, it is customary to use symbolic symbols, which is what children are introduced to in preparation for school. Kids actively accept it.

Especially if such models are invented together, focusing on the use of notation not only in words, but also graphically (for example, not only rectangles, but also other shapes that have 4 corners fall into one group of objects, the emphasis is on the number “4”) .

Parents to develop the child's logical thinking

A preschooler who knows how to use logical operations is doomed to successful learning, the absence of problems in the cognitive sphere, since the intellectual level will help to cope with difficulties.

If you want to help your child to be prosperous, we advise you to use the following developmental tasks. They will turn your communication into a fun and useful game.

To start classes with a child, it is not necessary to have a pedagogical education.

oral games

Games with words - simple, accessible, not requiring special training, can be played in any convenient place. Such tasks develop horizons, clarify, enrich vocabulary. Choose those that teach you to find analogies, generalize, classify objects and phenomena into groups, and make logical connections.

  • Come up with a new ending for a well-known fairy tale;
  • Compose a story, poems together, that is, one begins, the other continues in meaning;
  • Play “guessing games”: the parent guesses an object, object or phenomenon and invites the child to guess it using questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”;
  • Play "believe - do not believe." You make a statement, such as "All dogs are purebred" or "A pear is a tree." The child answers whether the given sentence is correct. If the answers and decisions are controversial, so much the better, there is an opportunity to reflect and come to an answer, reasoning logically.

The game "Associations" (we develop verbal - logical thinking)

Task: choose the right word for the indicated one on a certain basis, corresponding to the one that is present in the previous pair, explain your choice.

For example, a bird is a nest, a person is ?. The bird lives in a nest, which means that for the word “man” we will choose a word denoting housing - “house”.

  • Deaf - song, blind - ... (picture);
  • Airplane - pilot, bus - ... (driver);
  • Summer - cap, winter - ... (hat);
  • Ladle - pan, spoon - ... (glass, glass);
  • Spoon - soup, fork - ... (salad, potatoes, meat, vermicelli), etc.

Game "Name it in one word" (we develop logical operations of classification, generalization)

Task: the presented group of words must be called one generalizing word, explain your decision.

  • Kissel, compote, tea, fruit drink (drinks);
  • Microwave, vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, bread machine;
  • Nest, hollow, hole, anthill;
  • Bicycle, scooter, airplane, motorcycle;
  • Baker, tour guide, seamstress, salesman, etc.

Games with cards, paper, pens

Preschoolers love to play with colorful pictures. It is necessary to take advantage of this by using not only cards, but also a pen and paper. The proposed ideas can be supplemented with your own, complicating or simplifying at your discretion.

  • Use games to compare and group items;
  • Apply ready-made puzzles with matches;
  • Make up connected stories based on plot pictures. It will be useful at the beginning to offer them to the child in the wrong sequence;
  • Go through labyrinths, rescuing heroes, solve rebuses and puzzles on paper.

Board games

Colorful boxes with sets of drawings, rules, figures attract not only preschoolers, but also their parents. An evening spent in a close family circle is useful both for communicating with family members and for the development of a little fidget. Lotto, sea battle, chess are classic games that have stood the test of time.

These are classes that will always be relevant, suitable for family holidays. They teach how to win and accept defeat beautifully, to enjoy communication and the game process.

In addition, chips and pictures from board games can be used for learning. Let's consider several ways.

  • Invite the preschooler to recognize objects with their eyes closed, by touch;
  • Arrange objects according to a certain algorithm. For example, make sequences from them: increasing, decreasing, by colors, size, shape;
  • Use dominoes and trominoes to learn counting, addition and subtraction.


It is possible and necessary to develop and train logical thinking in preschool age in different ways. It is important that the development of cognitive abilities is carried out not spontaneously, but purposefully. The main task of parents is to find and offer the child interesting didactic games, developing tasks or other interesting formats of classes that will stimulate the development of the child in the right direction.

One of the essential indicators of the intellectual development of the child and its age-appropriateness is logical thinking. It develops in stages, starting from the simplest to the most complex. And thanks to modern developing technologies and unusual tasks, from boring and monotonous learning, it can be turned into an exciting game that both parents and children will surely enjoy.

The development of logic is one of the most important aspects of intellectual development.

Patterns of development of thinking in preschool age

In general, the thinking of preschoolers goes through three basic stages in its development:

  1. Visual-effective thinking allows you to solve the problems that arise before the child by manipulating the objects around him.
  2. Visual-figurative thinking begins to develop in the preschool period. It already allows the child to solve some problems in the mind with the help of the images in his memory.
  3. Verbal-logical thinking enables the child to think with the help of not the objects themselves, but their verbal designations. This type of thinking manifests itself already in the older preschool age.

Board games are the best way to develop logical thinking

Logic is one of the highest stages in the development of thinking.

General rules for the development of logic in a child

Play is the main activity in preschool age. However, despite this, logic plays an important role for preschoolers. Imagination during this period is still not well developed, and in order to make learning easier and more efficient, it is necessary to use a maximum of visual material in the process of classes: toys, pictures, puzzles, counting sticks, etc. Bright didactic material will turn any lesson into an exciting game in which the child will be happy to take part.

Geometric shapes - the development of logic in a playful way

As the child grows older, he will need less and less demonstration material. And the solution of an increasing number of tasks will occur in the mind, by connecting already verbal-logical thinking.

Logical thinking in early preschool age

The younger preschool age covers the period from 2 to 4 years. At this time, the child learns to compare objects, classify according to such elementary features as color, shape, size.

Developing classes at this age are best done using bright toys or didactic cards. It is desirable that the images are as simple as possible and contain a minimum of distracting details.

Classes with the baby teaches him to think logically

Logic tasks for younger preschoolers are varied. Typical exercises for the development of logic at this age can be:

"Put it in order"

The game helps the child understand cause and effect relationships, and also improves his perception of time.

For this exercise, you will need cards with pictures of animals and their babies. Children can be offered to pick up a pair for each card, having previously laid out adult animals in front of him and giving him cubs. After all the cards have taken their places, it will be possible to explain to the child that a chicken or a rooster grows out of a tiny chicken, a dog grows out of a puppy, etc. Over time, this task can be made more difficult by offering the child pictures of scenes from his favorite fairy tales. And offer to put them in order, restoring the plot.

Matching game

"Finish the chain"

The child is offered logical chains of objects or pictures belonging to a certain class: these can be flowers, trees, animals or birds. And next to it is a group of different pictures, among which there should be one belonging to the items in the chain. The task of the child is to complete the chain with a suitable element.

This task, despite its simplicity, well develops the ability to generalize and analyze, compare and classify.

"Whose subject?"

In this task for preschoolers, you can invite the child to name:

  • items used by representatives of various professions;
  • details of certain machines or devices;
  • parts of the human body, animals, birds;
  • house elements.

Online game Find the exact same cat - kid can play online

"Remove the excess"

A group of pictures depicting various objects or toys is laid out in front of the child, among which there should be one extra that does not fall under the general category. The task of the child is to find and remove this object with the help of logical thinking. It is very desirable that the child could also explain his choice, telling why this or that object turned out to be superfluous.

Game Choose the smallest object

Over time, the task can be somewhat complicated by adding natural phenomena, flowers, etc. to specific items. The logical connections between them are somewhat more complicated, and in order to cope with this task, the child will need to try very hard.

Classes for the development of logic in senior preschool age

The senior preschool period is marked by the intensive development of many mental processes. In particular, by the age of four, children begin to manifest verbal-logical thinking, which allows them not only to solve certain tasks, but also to clearly argue their position.

Joint games develop logic in older preschoolers

The child is no longer in need of visualization due to a fairly well-developed imagination and an increase in memory capacity. And although it is still desirable to use all kinds of didactic material in the classroom, as early as 4 years old, you can offer your child to solve some problems in his mind.

Here are just some logic tasks for older preschoolers.


The development of the thought processes of preschoolers is very well facilitated by ranking (for example, by size, color, and later - the severity of a particular feature). It is imperative to clarify to the child what exactly serves as the basis for ranking.

Spot the Difference is one of the varieties of ranking games.

"General and private"

By the senior preschool age, in the conceptual apparatus of the child, ideas about the general and the particular have already been fully formed. Therefore, he can already be offered to complete tasks on this topic.

Logic maze is a favorite entertainment for preschoolers

Games for the formation of ideas about the general and the particular are quite simple. It is enough just to lay out objects or cards with objects of the same type in front of the child and invite the child to determine the logical connections between them, naming them in one word. Just like in previous games, here you need to move from simple to complex, first using the simplest categories, where the common feature will lie on the surface. And over time - to complicate the task, expanding the number of groups used.

If in the process of completing tasks, preschoolers will have any difficulties, be sure to talk to them about it. And solve problems together.

The thought processes, in particular, logic, of preschool children develop at a fairly intensive pace and by the time they enter school they are already at a good level, which allows them to master the school curriculum as efficiently as possible.

Preschool is special. At this time, cardinal changes take place in the behavior and psyche of the child, his abilities are revealed, and the foundation for future successes and achievements is laid. It is not surprising that attentive parents try to make every effort for the development of their baby. And often they face the question: what and how to develop? Abstract-logical thinking is considered the highest form of thinking, and it affects the success of schooling. But does it make sense to develop it in 4–5 years? Is not it too early? Before answering this question, let's first understand the peculiarities of the thinking of a preschooler.

Cognitive activity is the ability to establish connections and relationships between phenomena and objects and draw conclusions. And it does not exist separately from the psyche as a whole, but is connected with all the processes that occur in the mind of the baby. And there are many of them, because a child at this age discovers and learns the world.

Fundamentals of mental activity of a preschooler. Prerequisites for abstract-logical thinking


Perhaps the most cardinal role in the mental development of a preschooler is played by the comprehension of the art of speech or, as psychologists say, the symbolic function of consciousness. Words-signs are the most important tools of thinking. And the better the baby speaks, the more successful will be the development of his thinking.

And the point here is not only in vocabulary, but also in mastering the entire grammatical structure of speech. Thus, knowledge of the gender of nouns is associated with:

  • the most complex analysis of the most diverse information;
  • understanding the connections and relationships of living beings;
  • the transfer of certain characteristics (genus) from one object to another, including from living to inanimate.

And that requires abstract thinking. Knowledge and use of definitions, additions and circumstances, the complication of sentences makes not only speech richer, but also thinking.

Any information about the outside world is material for thinking, and the channel through which this information enters the brain is. At preschool age, children are already more attentive, they know how to consciously focus, they are interested in a lot in the world around them:

  • enjoy looking at flowers and clouds floating across the sky;
  • notice the change in color of the leaves in autumn;
  • love to watch kittens and puppies, butterflies and birds;
  • listening to music with interest;
  • they taste sometimes inedible things from the point of view of adults.

Toddlers actively accumulate material for the development of their thinking. Of great importance is their need to connect speech to the process of cognition, to give “names” to everything that they see and feel, to describe, to tell. Often children do not have enough words for this, and they turn to adults who must help. The designation of things and phenomena, objects and actions is a significative function of speech, it is very important for the development of thinking, primarily conceptual, abstract-logical.

Assimilation of sensory standards

At preschool age, an important role is played by the understanding of sensory standards, that is, ideas formed in society about the characteristics of things, their properties, relationships. The simplest sensory standards include:

  • geometric figures,
  • colors,
  • temperature characteristics,
  • dimensions, etc.

Understanding and operating with sensory standards (distinguishing colors, geometric shapes, comparative characteristics of sizes and weights, etc.) is a very important prerequisite for the development of abstract-logical thinking. So, understanding that the sun drawn in the picture is round, and the house is square requires preliminary complex mental work: analysis, comparison, selection of the characteristic of the standard (circle or square), abstraction (separation) of this characteristic and transferring it to another object.

It is also important that the standards are interconnected by complex relationships, the understanding of which is an important step in the development of children's abstract thinking. For example, the rings of a pyramid can be put on a stick, but the circles cannot, a triangular roof can stand on a square house, but cannot on a round ball.

Mastery of subject activity

This is another important prerequisite for the development of thinking. Children do not just play with objects, they study their properties and features. And up to the age of 4, the child's thinking proceeds mainly in objective activity, in the process of games, manipulating things. In children in early childhood, only visual-effective is possible. And when they do not play with objects, there is no mental activity.

There is another important point. In the process of evolution, it turned out that hands are of fundamental importance for a person, therefore there are a huge number of points on the palms and fingertips associated with different parts of the brain. As psychologists say, by training fine motor skills of the hands, the child develops the brain.

At preschool age, children love to do everything with their hands:

  • molded from plasticine, dough and dirt;
  • draw on paper and walls;
  • enthusiastically collect Lego constructors.

The movements of their hands become more precise, coordinated, and with them the thinking becomes more developed and complex.

All these changes are important prerequisites for the complication of mental activity; visual-effective thinking is being replaced by figurative - more complex and already abstract thinking.

In the world of images

Images in the thinking of children of this age occupy the main place, in fact, they perform the function of signs, in the role of which words will later act. There is also a speech form of thinking, but it is not yet independent and is subject to images, depends on them and is determined by them. Therefore, children love bright pictures so much and draw with pleasure. Some psychologists even believe that drawing partly replaces abstract thinking for kids and creates a basis for it. Therefore, visual activities are very conducive to the development of children's thinking.

  • Unlike visual-effective thinking, figurative thinking already allows you to be distracted from a specific situation and even fantasize. At this age, such a vivid, lively imagination that, with the weakness of rational thinking, children sometimes take the images of their imagination for real beings. Remember "Carlson, who lives on the roof." This is a very realistic story about a boy and his fictional friend.
  • Images are involved in all mental operations, and they are still more important for the child than abstract concepts. But children are already able to understand schematic images, for example, a circle, an oval and four sticks to it depicted on a piece of paper will be unmistakably called a little man. And if you explain to them what a plan is, then they enthusiastically begin to draw a plan of the house and “place” furniture, doors, windows, toys in it.

At preschool age, children are also able to solve rather complex logical problems, however, if they can operate with images. For example, listening to a fairy tale about Kolobok, they unmistakably conclude: that Kolobok was eaten, he himself is to blame - there was no need to run away from grandparents. True, they still cannot bring the fairy tale to another logical end - after all, otherwise the Gingerbread Man would have been eaten by grandparents.

Using images, children successfully cope with all logical operations:

  • analysis,
  • comparison,
  • comparison,
  • synthesis.

It can be said that figurative thinking in itself contains the prerequisites for mastering logical thinking. And by the end of preschool age, these two types of thinking perfectly coexist and complement each other.

How to help your child develop logical thinking

Of course, abstract-logical thinking must be developed. But do not forget that the figurative is also very important:

  • Firstly, this is the basis of creativity, figurative thinking must be treated very carefully and not interfere with children's imagination, but, on the contrary, develop imagination in every possible way.
  • Secondly, psychologists associate the active process of development of abstract-logical thinking with primary school age.

Therefore, you should not rush and put the cart before the horse - the child's psyche is not yet ready for full-fledged logical thinking. But the basis for it, the prerequisites for further successful development are really needed.

What should be developed

The main tools of logical thinking: words-concepts and verbal constructions - judgments and conclusions. Therefore, the development of the sign function of consciousness, that is, speech, must be taken as seriously as possible.

  • When studying with a child, one should pay attention to both the volume of the vocabulary and understanding the meaning of the words that the child uses.
  • The structure of sentences is also important. Complex and complex sentences are forms of logical thinking in which connections and interdependencies between objects, a sequence of actions, etc. are established. Therefore, you need to help the child build and use complex sentences in speech.
  • At this age, the child uses speech, pronouncing his actions and reasoning while playing and drawing. Such speech is only an addition to figurative thinking, but it can be gradually turned into a full-fledged speech by inviting the child to tell what he is doing.

The word is not yet an unconditional tool of thinking, therefore it is important to organize play activities so that the child actively uses speech and learns to use words not only in external, but also in internal speech.

The next direction in the development of logical thinking is the child's assimilation of abstract concepts, that is, the meanings and meaning of such words that are not associated with specific sensory images. The simplest of these concepts are sensory standards, it is easier for a child to understand them, because there is still a binding to specific objects. More complex concepts for a child are:

  • joy;
  • justice;
  • holiday;
  • game, etc.

The abstract concepts of logical thinking include signs, for example, road signs and numbers. Mathematical actions with them are very useful for the development of a higher form of thinking. As a rule, children at the senior preschool age already know how to perform the simplest arithmetic operations, but they do them based on the image, counting, for example, cars, apples, bunnies.

Assimilation at the elementary level of the basic forms of logical thinking (analysis, comparison, synthesis) is also quite accessible to children of this age. For example, establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Toddlers are very fond of asking: "Why?" And adults should not just answer the child's questions, but invite him to reason and find the answer on his own. Even though this answer may not be entirely correct in fact, it is important that it be logical. For example, to the question: “Why is there wind outside?” the child can say: "Because the branches of the trees sway a lot, they disperse the air and get wind." In fact, this is the wrong answer, but it is quite logical within the framework of the baby's knowledge. And he should be praised for such an answer, but given the right one.

How best to develop logical thinking

The development of a child is a very delicate process, especially when it comes to his psyche. Therefore, there are 3 basic rules to follow:

  1. The formation of logical thinking should take place in a playful way, since at this age the game is the leading activity.
  2. The game must be collaborative. The more actively the adult interacts with the child, the more effective the development will be.
  3. Developing activities will be beneficial only if the child enjoys them.

Therefore, it is worth showing creativity and ingenuity, inventing and organizing exciting games. And if you can’t come up with it, then you can use ready-made development exercises. There are quite a lot of them on the Internet. And we offer you a few as examples.

Exercises to develop logical thinking in preschoolers

Speech development exercise "Composing a fairy tale"

Children are happy to invent stories, stories about their favorite toys and pets. But they do it with adults. It is the adult who should be the initiator, invite the child to choose a character, come up with his adventures.

Initially, it is difficult for the baby to find a suitable plot, so an adult should help by starting sentences and asking leading questions. For example, like this:

- One morning the kitten Murzik went for a walk ... Where to?

- Who? What did they start doing? Etc.

Such exercises not only develop speech well and the ability to build a sequence and logic of events, but also the child’s imagination.

word games

You can come up with a lot of games with words, using existing knowledge and supplementing them with new ones. Knowledge of the names of colors and the transfer of color characteristics to objects can be practiced in the game: “What color lives in the kitchen?” Ask your child to name items, such as red or brown, in your kitchen.

You can search for items with a specific letter or those in which a number is hidden. For example, a chair, a dog, a pillow, etc. have the number four.

Show your child geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square) and ask them to tell you what they look like. You can also suggest to finish these figures. For example, make a bun or a sun out of a circle, a house or a gnome's hat out of a triangle and a square. You may have to do the first drawings yourself, but children are happy to join this game when they understand what is required.

The same exercise can be done in reverse. Invite the child to say what shape the ball, pancake, book, cat's ear, etc., looks like.

Exercise "Pathfinder"

For him, you will need to draw different traces on the sheet: a person, animals, birds. Then ask the baby: “Who walked in this snowy clearing?” You can even complicate the exercise by introducing into it the task of finding a logical inconsistency. Draw traces of bare human feet on the “snow” and ask the child: “What is wrong, wrong?” If he guesses that no one walks barefoot in the snow, then, then, with the development of his logical thinking, things are going well.

Such exercises and games can be made independently, and even better, having done various exercises with the baby, invite him to come up with a task for mom or dad himself.

Any of these exercises develops a whole complex of mental processes. In addition to logical thinking, speech, imagination, objective activity, and figurative thinking are activated in them. And no less important, children learn to solve problems together with adults, they see in their parents not only elders with power, but also their partners and friends. And how important this is, it will become clear when your children will be.

“I think, therefore I exist!” - the great philosopher and scientist Descartes once said, and one cannot but agree with him. After all, a little work is worth explaining to a child how to write and count, add and subtract. But to teach to think is a much more difficult task. It is important for parents to understand that their kids need not only delicious food, affection and attention. It is also necessary to “feed” the child’s brain, because the sooner you start developing logical thinking in children, the more likely it is to grow them up successful. For information, the vast majority of people who have achieved recognition have become so not so much because of a good education or profitable connections, but thanks to the useful habit of working with their heads and thinking outside the box.

Logical thinking in preschool children

The ability to separate the significant from the unimportant, to find common ground and come to certain conclusions, to be able to prove and disprove, to be thoughtful and thorough - this is what logical thinking means. Throughout life, a person uses this quality more than once, however, most people today think in a stereotyped way and do not strive to develop logic. But it needs to be trained, and this should be done from a very early age. It is only important to know by what rules the development of logical thinking in children is carried out, and also to understand the principle of operation of these rules.

Very young children are not yet able to think abstractly. They are characterized by visual-effective, and a little later - visual-figurative thinking. All they need is to touch and see, they "think with their hands".

At the senior preschool age children develop verbal and logical thinking. This stage is considered the pinnacle of development, from that moment the logic is improved throughout the subsequent life. It ceases to be important for the child to contemplate or feel what he thinks or speaks about. Over time, as an adult, he will learn to evaluate the tasks assigned to him, as well as set goals, plan and look for ways to solve problems.

Methods for the development of logical thinking in children

You can begin to engage in the development of logical thinking in children from the age of two. Usually during this period, the baby is already making the first attempts to understand the simplest cause-and-effect relationships. The main thing to remember in this case is that you need to act completely unburdensome for the child, using games and conversations. It is clear that the leading role in the conversation will initially belong to an adult: “Why is it so light in the room? Correctly! The sun is shining through the window!”, “And who is crowing in our yard? That's right, cock." If the baby starts adding something of his own and sharing his own opinion, this will mean that he has accepted the rules of the game and is happy to join it.

With a 3-4-year-old kid who already knows the basic colors and geometric shapes, you can try to play a "guessing game". Moreover, you can guess not only the properties of objects, but also their signs (for example, a cucumber can be long, green, fresh, etc.). At this age, children find great joy in solving problems of sorting something that is similar in one way (size, shape, color). You can also start teaching your baby to compare things. At first, it is easier to determine how they differ from each other, and then look for something in common. During this period, games with constructors and mosaics are very important for children. When creating three-dimensional buildings or pictures, they develop the ability to generalize.

For the development of logical thinking in preschool children, tasks are becoming more and more complicated. For example, you can do solving riddles, picking up puzzles, analyzing proverbs and sayings. While explaining something, it is desirable to draw the baby's attention to specific words, definitions and concepts; learn to select synonyms and antonyms for them (preliminarily, of course, talking about the meanings of these terms). All this has a beneficial effect on thought processes and the development of logic.

Along with exercises within mathematical concepts (more-less, classification in ascending-descending order, remove unnecessary), classes to improve speech will be useful. In the older preschool age, the child is able to comprehend rather complex cause-and-effect relationships. For example, you can discuss together a book you have read or something you have seen, giving your child the opportunity to draw their own conclusions.

Everything has its time

All of the above techniques are undoubtedly very useful for the development of logical thinking in children. Naturally, for their implementation it is necessary to make considerable efforts. But after all, any, even the most difficult task, if you approach its solution creatively, is easily feasible. The main thing is to understand the key laws of logical thinking:

  • You can always develop logic, both when you are very small and already having considerable life experience behind you;
  • There are certain exercises for each level of mental activity; there is no need to jump over the steps, no matter how primitive and banal these tasks may seem. It is not necessary, for example, to demand some complex conclusions from a little peanut with his visual thinking;
  • In no case should you separate logic and creativity. After all, the harmonious development of mental abilities is impossible without fantasy and imagination. Only complex classes will form a full-fledged intellectual power of a person.

Summing up, I would like to say: in order to succeed in raising a child as a versatile personality with developed logical thinking, it is worth choosing those games and activities that he likes. It is unlikely that boring exercises will bring much benefit, and there is no point in this - you can acquire new knowledge and at the same time have fun. Good luck!


"The development of logical thinking of preschool children through

logico-mathematical games.

Teacher Agamagomedova Nazira Kunagbekovna.

Railway 2014

Hello. Dear colleagues, your attention is invited to the presentation of the teacher of kindergarten No. 11 Agamagomedova Nazira Kunakbekovna on the topic “The development of logical thinking in preschool children through

logico-mathematical games"

1 slide. One of the most important tasks of education in preschool age is the development of the mind, the formation of such mental skills and abilities that make it easy to learn new things. To solve this problem, the methods of preparing the thinking of preschoolers for schooling should also be directed.

Thinking is one of the highest forms of human activity. Some children are able to logically formulate their thoughts by the age of 4. However, not all children have these abilities. Logical thinking needs to be developed, and it is best to do it in a playful way.

2 slide. RELEVANCE

Why logic to a small child? The fact is that at each age stage, a certain “floor” is created, as it were, on which mental functions are formed that are important for the transition to the next stage. Thus, the skills and abilities acquired in the preschool period will serve as the foundation for development at school age. The most important of these is logical thinking, the ability to "act in the mind." A child who has not mastered the methods of logical thinking will find it more difficult to study and solve problems. As a result, the health of the child may suffer, interest in learning will fade.

3 slide. Goals

To create conditions for the effective use of logic and mathematical games as an effective means of preparing children for school.

To promote the development of cognitive activity of children.

4 slide. Tasks

develop the creative and intellectual abilities of children;

develop children's imagination;

develop the logical thinking of children;

increase the level of knowledge of children on the development of elementary mathematical concepts;

develop the mental abilities of children through logic and mathematical games.

5 slide. Project objectives

In the process of developing logical thinking, the child develops the ability to reason, draw conclusions in accordance with the laws of logic, build cause-and-effect relationships;

also develop such qualities as: curiosity, ingenuity, ingenuity, observation, independence, memory, attention.

6 slide. The intellectual development of a preschool child is the most important component of his mental development. The basis of a person's intellect, his sensory experience, is laid in the first years of a child's life. In preschool childhood, the development of perception, attention, memory, imagination, as well as the formation of the first forms of abstraction, generalization and simple inferences, the transition from practical thinking to logical thinking takes place. Mathematics plays a special role in the development of the child's intellect, since the results of teaching mathematics are not only knowledge, but also a certain style of thinking. Mathematics has great opportunities for developing the thinking of children in the process of their learning from a very early age.

The education and development of the child should be unconstrained, carried out through the type of activity characteristic of this age - the game.

7 slide. Among the variety of games that allow you to reveal the mental abilities of children, intellectual and educational games can be distinguished. The main purpose of these games is to develop the operational side of the intellect: mental functions, techniques and operations of mental activity. A characteristic feature of these games is the presence in them of some kind of cognitive content, and the search for hidden ways to solve the game problem, the finding of which requires ingenuity, ingenuity, non-standard creative thinking, and planning of one's mental operations.

At the present stage of education and training, logical and mathematical games are widely used - these are games in which mathematical relationships are modeled, patterns that involve the performance of logical operations and actions.

8 slide. I use a variety of formats and techniques in my work.

Direct educational activities;

Gaming activity;

Independent activity of children;


Reading fiction.

9 slide. Means that develop logical thinking

Poetic texts on the development of operations of generalization, classification and concretization.

Games and exercises to establish cause-and-effect relationships in natural and social phenomena.

Activities, games and exercises to develop comparison and causation operations.

Puzzles. Tasks are jokes.

Puzzle games.

Games with counting sticks.

Solving puzzles.

10 slide. An important condition for the full development of children is a very accessible, developing environment, which must be open, mobile, and focused on the zone of proximal development of the child.

11 slide. In my work I use games for the development of intellectual abilities of various authors. These games develop the ability to analyze the similarities and differences of objects, which is improved in the course of solving "comparison" tasks. This is an intellectual game of the form: “Two (three) have the same, different”. When performing tasks of this type, visual perception and arbitrariness of attention, short-term memory and imagination are improved.

12 slide. Children are very fond of logical exercises that develop observation and attention, such as: “What is drawn? ”, “Name the object in the row”, “Name the object in one word”, “What is superfluous? Why? ”, “Domino”, “How to name objects in one word”.

For the development of intellectual abilities, children play such a game as "I know five ...". She teaches to classify and generalize.

... From which dishes you can not eat anything? (From empty)

* A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken stand on two legs weigh? (2 kg)

* One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How many minutes does it take to boil 6 eggs? (4 min)

* There were 4 apples on the table. One of them was cut in half and placed on the table. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples)

Funny tasks in verses,





13 slide. Also, children love the game fold the square. the performance of game tasks contributes to the development of intelligence, spatial imagination, logical thinking.

14 slide. Cuisener games Purpose of the game:

To develop in children the concept of number;

Teach them how to measure with a yardstick;

Develop combinatorial abilities;

Familiarize yourself with orientation

Learn to lay out planar and three-dimensional figures and compositions, letters, numbers.

15 slide. I also use games with Gyenes blocks, they introduce children with the shape, color and size of objects, with mathematical representations and basic knowledge of computer science, in an accessible, visual basis, develop creativity, perception, memory, attention and imagination. I use logical blocks: a) in outdoor games (subject landmarks, designation of houses, paths, labyrinths);

b) as desktop-printed (make cards for the games "Russell tenants", "What figure is missing", "Find a place for the figure", "Puzzles");

16 slide. A particularly favorite game is checkers, which will help in the future to solve difficult situations, an incentive to win, a sports spirit.

17 slide. We all know how children like the characters of various cartoons, how they are interested in the game of dominoes cartoon characters, which develops attention and logical abilities, teaches them to find the same pictures and connect them in chains.

18 slide. Individual work according to logical schemes is very important

19 slide. I considered it expedient to introduce into the educational process work in notebooks on a printed basis "I solve logical problems" by E. V. Kolesnikova. I work as a separate lesson in a playful way. Various fairy-tale heroes come to visit the children and the children help them complete the task, teach them how to do it, correct the mistakes made by the heroes in completing the tasks.

20 slide. Also in working with children, I use a large number of collective games, both in joint and independent activities. These are such games as "Domino", "Guess", "Unusual figures", "Settled houses", "Where, whose garage". In these games, in addition to learning tasks, I set myself tasks of a personal nature:

Learn to work in a team;

Adhere to certain rules;

Be able to lose, but strive to win in fair ways;

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, empathy, sympathy for the loser.

21 slide. One of the factors contributing to the better development of logical thinking is the great help of parents. At the parents' meeting, she explained that the development of logical thinking will help children in their further education at school, both in mathematics classes and, possibly, in their future life.

In the corner for parents, I placed information about the meaning of entertaining games, how to manage them, and gave a description of how to make them.

The result of working with the parent community is obvious! I constantly feel their help and support in the development and upbringing of the children of my group.

Carrying out work on the development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age, I came to the conclusion that this is a necessary work, that this is an interesting work, both for me and for the children, which is the most important thing.

22 slide. Conclusion The development of logical thinking occurs gradually. For one child, visual-figurative thinking is more characteristic, for another - visual-effective, and the third one easily operates with concepts.

The logical-mathematical game is one of the forms of development of logical thinking. During the game, various mental processes are activated and take on an arbitrary character.

The use of mathematical games increases the efficiency of the pedagogical process, in addition, they contribute to the development of memory, thinking, attention, imagination in children, having a huge impact on the mental development of the child.

23 slide. Thus, we can conclude that the pedagogical possibilities of logic games are very high. Games and exercises in logic develop all aspects of the child's personality, activate hidden mental and intellectual abilities. As a result of mastering spatial and practical actions in games, children learn the properties and relationships of objects, numbers, arithmetic operations, temporal relationships; learn to draw conclusions, classify, generalize, solve logical, problematic tasks. All this will allow the child to succeed in school.


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The development of logical thinking in children of primary preschool age

"Do not forcefully teach the dearest

children science, and through the game, then you

better to see who is inclined to what ”

Everyone has long known that mathematics is a powerful factor in the intellectual development of a child, the formation of his cognitive and creative abilities. It is also known that the success of teaching mathematics in elementary school depends on the effectiveness of the mathematical development of a child in preschool age.

We often ask the question, why do many children find mathematics so difficult not only in elementary school, but even now, in the period of preparation for educational activities? I will try to answer you this question. After analyzing the literature and my pedagogical experience, I came to the conclusion that only a small part of children are able to think logically, analyze and generalize.

Thinking is the highest stage of human knowledge, the process of comprehension of reality. Allows you to gain knowledge about such objects, properties and relationships of the real world that cannot be directly perceived at the sensory level of knowledge. In the process of mental activity, certain techniques or operations are developed (analysis, synthesis, comparisons, generalizations, concretization).

Logical thinking is a type of thought process in which a person uses logical constructions and clear concepts.

And you ask, will our children need logical thinking in everyday life? Oh sure. Sherlock Holmes, the hero of Conan Doyle's novels, used the deductive method in his reasoning, based precisely on logical thinking and logical conclusions. The secret of many successful people is not in education and not in extensive connections, but in the habit of turning on your head and, if necessary, thinking logically.

The development of the thinking of a preschooler goes through three stages:

Logical thinking can be compared to a long intellectual ladder, and games are its original steps. On each of these steps, the child must climb. If he misses one of them, then it will be much more difficult for him to reach the next one. If he runs very quickly along the ladder, then he has already “outgrown” these steps - and let him run. But in front of him there will definitely appear one in front of which he will stop and perhaps here he needs help.

To understand the world, younger preschoolers use sensory perception of the environment in combination with units of simple information learned in their past experience. But they base their understanding on what they see rather than on logical reasoning. They need to go through many illogical thought processes before they begin to comprehend the logical sense of the world. For example, Fedya entered into an argument that there are more cubes in his "tower" than in Pauline's "train". I tried to help them, and the three of us counted the cubes in each building. There were an equal number of cubes, but Fedya still claimed that there were more cubes in his "tower". It will take many more studies before Fedya makes the leap to the realization that his initial perception was wrong.

Having provided the child with the opportunity to learn through the game, it is necessary to remember the following parameters of his thinking:

When the shape, appearance of objects changes, it becomes difficult for preschoolers to understand that their number remains the same. For example, Masha laid out the cubes from the box on the table, and Vasya, looking into his box, asks offendedly why Masha has more cubes than he does. He does not logically understand that if Masha's cubes are put back into the box, their number will both look and be the same.

Younger preschoolers have a hard time focusing on anything other than their own initial perception, and tend to sort things by one rather than two. For example, having received several cubes of different sizes, colors and shapes, Misha decided to sort them, arranging them in one line in size like a "train". But older children are already able to organize a group of cubes according to two criteria (color-shape, color-size).

Younger preschoolers are quite illogical when it comes time to comprehend abstract numbers. By pouring sand blades and counting them “one, two ... five”, Kostya does not mean the correspondence of the counted to the real amount of poured sand. But through the direct experience that he will gain in the process of this lesson, Kostya will come to understand the meaning of numbers and counting.

And in conclusion, I would like to suggest the games that we play with children:

Fish - worm

The game teaches to argue their answers, broaden their horizons.

Required equipment: pictures of animals, birds

How to play: First, a poem is read:

Bunny loves carrots

Bear - raspberry,

Sparrow - mountain ash,

Fish - worm,

Avoid, fish, hook.

You name the animal, and the child needs to quickly and correctly say what it eats, for example: a cow - hay, a dog - a bone, a mouse - cheese, a cat - milk, etc.

You can play as two participants, and more. Periodically change roles with the child, this is a great incentive for him.

We fix: ask the child questions: “What does Carlson love? cat", etc.

Play the reverse game: carrot - hare, grain - bird, horse - hay.

To complicate things: can a chicken chew on a bone? Does the dog peck at the grain? Ask the child to argue his answer, if the baby is at a loss, find an explanation together.

One, two, three extra go away

The game helps to form conceptual thinking; cut off the excess (analysis - synthesis)

Required equipment: pictures.

How to play: show pictures with objects of the same class, but of different groups, for example: a bus, a car, a motorcycle - an airplane; tram, bus, train - KAMAZ; fire truck, ambulance, grocery car - taxi, etc. Which picture of the four is superfluous? Why?

Consolidate: Change roles. You can also play the verbal version of this game. It is advisable to take various concepts familiar to the child, for example: “clothes”, “shoes”, etc. Help the child, if he finds it difficult, to justify the answers.


The game helps to form logical thinking, creative imagination

Equipment needed: ball.

How we play: it is better to play this game with the whole group, then the child will quickly master it.

The host throws the ball to the player and says a phrase. If this phrase is a fiction, then there is no need to catch the ball, for example: “The wolf is walking in the forest,” the player catches the ball. "The wolf is sitting on a tree" - you do not need to catch the ball. "Girl draws a house" - the player catches the ball. “The house is drawing a girl” - you don’t need to catch the ball, etc.

Try to come up with as many funny, ridiculous phrases as possible.

The one who never makes a mistake wins.

Play this game more often, because a child of this age loves to invent shifters, fables.

Consolidate: Play Tales with short stories. For example: “For Vanya’s birthday, the children ate apples, ice cream, cookies, etc. salty sweets. The child should correct your mistake and explain why it is wrong.

Do you cook cabbage soup in the kitchen? Use this situation for the game. “I put onions, carrots, cabbage in cabbage soup. pear." Laugh with your child, switch roles.

You can play with pictures. For example: the picture shows winter: sun, snow, snowflakes, snowman, etc. butterfly. Ask the child why the butterfly is superfluous, what can happen to it? What can I do to keep her from dying?

Next time, you can come up with up to 3-4 fables in the story. For example:

The sparrow sat on the house,

The roof collapsed.

Under the birch with a cat

Polka mice dance.

The flies ate the spider.

The fish are catching the fisherman.

The horse sat on the cart,

Drives the rider.

sweet tooth

The game helps to form visual control; develops the perception of size

Equipment needed: drawings of jars of jam, bitten apples.

How to play: show the child several painted jars of jam of varying degrees of filling. Ask which jar Carlson ate the most jam from? Ask him to explain why he made such conclusions? Show pictures of bitten apples. Ask him to answer, which apple, in his opinion, was bitten by a bear, a hare, a sparrow, a caterpillar? Why did he decide so?

We fix: draw traces of a bear, a hare, a mouse. Where are the traces? On the street, ask the child to determine where the footprints of an adult are in the snow or sand, and where is the child? Where are the bird and dog tracks?

"We sat on the sled"

The game teaches you to select the right items for each season; defend one's opinion

Necessary equipment: pictures of the seasons, related items to them.

How to play: show pictures of the seasons and related items. For example: sleds, skis, ice skates, rubber boots, an umbrella, a ball, a net, a basket, a bucket, a spatula, molds, etc. The child must correctly correlate objects with the seasons. Ask them to explain why the sled cannot be put with the summer picture, and the bicycle with the winter picture, etc.

We fix: remember the poems and songs about the seasons: “Let's go to the garden for raspberries. "," We sat on the sled, we took the skates. ". When you go for a walk, ask why did you take these toys with you today?

Making it harder: play the word game “Reverse”. Name the season first, then its attribute. For example: summer is a scooter, winter is a sled, spring is a paper boat, and what about in autumn? Etc.

Ways of development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age

Chadaeva V. Yu., educator

MBDOU combined type d. №110

Samara, st. Nagornaya, 33, tel. 951-14-18

Analyzing the process of thinking in preschool age, many authors agree that, based on the specificity and significance of this stage in the life of an individual, thinking should be considered during this period in conjunction with the mental development of a preschooler. This approach is due to a number of objective reasons.

Preschool age, according to psychologists, is a stage of intensive development. At the same time, a feature of this period is that progressive changes are noted in all areas, from the improvement of psychological functions to the emergence of complex personality neoplasms. Based on the research materials of the Moscow Institute of the Brain, a number of scientists agreed that the most complex frontal areas mature completely by the age of 6-7 years. In these parts of the brain, there is a rapid development of associative zones, in which brain processes are formed that determine the manifestations of the most complex intellectual actions associated with logical thinking. A significant morphological restructuring of the brain structures of a six-year-old child is accompanied by even more significant changes in brain activity and is reflected in his mental functions.

According to J. Piaget, two simple functions of thought can be distinguished: the function of explanation and the function of inclusion, which constitute the unity of the entire activity of thought rather than two closed areas.

The tendency of children's thought is not only to put in the foreground the intention to explain what is happening, but also to find the reasons for everything. This is where the inclusion function comes from. The explanatory function tends to things, the inclusion function tends to ideas or judgments. At first, the child's thought is equally removed from both ideas and objects - it occupies an intermediate position.

In his works, Z. Zak emphasized that the complication and development of an early form of mental activity leads to the appearance of figurative thinking in him, which intensively develops during preschool childhood. Its simplest manifestations are already present in early childhood, however, the tasks solved by the baby in terms of ideas and images are more primitive. In the period of preschool childhood, the child faces the problem of solving problems that require the establishment of dependencies between several properties and phenomena. Ya. Z. Neverovich argued that the further development of figurative thinking brings the child to the threshold of logic. However, the role of emotions in the regulation of activity is still so significant that "emotional-figurative thinking" remains dominant in the structure of the intellect for a long time. L. S. Vygotsky also adhered to this point of view, saying that the unity of affect and intellect is not a lack of thinking, but its specific feature, which allows solving a wide range of tasks that require a high level of generalization without resorting to logical formalization. At the same time, the decision process itself is emotionally colored, which makes it interesting and meaningful for the child.

Visual-effective thinking is preparatory, it contributes to the accumulation of facts, information about the world around us, creating the basis for the formation of ideas and concepts, that is, it precedes abstract, logical thinking.

In addition, a preschool child is sure that "... everything depends on everything and that everything can be explained to everyone." This nature of thinking indicates the tendency of children to prove, to substantiate, to find reasons. It is this feature of thinking, according to J. Piaget, that is the reason for the emergence of a huge number of children's questions.

In the process of visual-active thinking, prerequisites appear for the formation of a more complex form of thinking - visual-figurative, which is characterized by the fact that the solution of a problem situation can be carried out by the child only in terms of ideas, without the use of practical actions.

The end of the preschool period is characterized by the predominance of the highest form of visual-figurative thinking - visual-schematic. The advantage of this form of thinking is the ability to reflect the essential connections and dependencies between the objects of the external world. The behavioral reflection of a child's achievement of this level of mental development is the schematism of a child's drawing, the child's ability to use a schematic representation in solving problems. In itself, visual-schematic thinking provides great opportunities in the development of the external environment, being a means for the child to create a generalized model of various objects and phenomena. While acquiring the features of the generalized, this form of thinking remains figurative, based on real actions with objects and their substitutes. At the same time, it is the basis for the formation of logical thinking associated with the use and transformation of concepts. With directed developmental education in the senior preschool age, the assimilation of a certain type of mental actions and concepts is already taking place. Thus, a 6-year-old child can approach solving a problem situation in three ways: using visual-active thinking, visual-figurative and logical. Taking into account the development of search and planning activities by this age, the ability to analyze and use the information obtained in the course of solving problems, his mental potential turns out to be quite high. At the same time, its possibilities, especially if they are considered in terms of the fixed development of a logical form of thinking, the assimilation of a system of concepts, should not be overestimated. One more feature of the thinking of children of the period under consideration should be noted. The fact is that a huge amount of information that a child cannot understand on the basis of verbal communication with adults, he easily learns when this knowledge is given to him in the form of actions with models. This is confirmed by studies conducted by E. L. Yakovleva. She noted that the explanation of the above fact is that the word as such is not yet used by the child as an independent means of thinking. Although a preschooler can see the prerequisites for the emergence of visual-figurative thinking. After all, often children cope with the tasks facing them, not being able to explain their actions in words.

However, children gradually begin to use logical forms of thinking in the process of solving - he learns the simplest concepts, learns to reason, draw conclusions. ZA Zak emphasized that at this age the development of figurative thinking allows the child to create ideas that underlie abstract concepts. In this regard, he notes that "... starting to establish a relationship between objects or phenomena, a preschooler gradually comes to the ability to recognize a situation that requires special permission." The child’s awareness of the incomprehensibility of what is perceived creates the need to explain and understand the phenomenon, thereby creating the prerequisites for the development of new forms of mental activity in preschoolers - he begins to use thinking to cognize what goes beyond his own activity. The development of ideas largely characterizes the process of formation of thinking, the formation of which at this age is connected to a large extent with the improvement of the ability to operate with ideas at an arbitrary level. This possibility increases significantly by the age of 6 in connection with the assimilation of new ways of mental actions with external objects, which the child masters in the process of development and learning.

There is a point of view that the early development of logical thinking can have negative consequences, since it is carried out to the detriment of the formation of higher forms of figurative thinking. Therefore, a number of authors believe that the senior preschool age should be considered only as a period when the intensive formation of logical thinking should begin, as if determining the immediate prospects for mental development. So Z. A. Zak believes that thinking, starting to develop at preschool age, cannot provide all the necessary conditions for the assimilation of all kinds of knowledge by children. However, many teachers and psychologists note that the main foundation of logic and basic logical operations can be formed precisely at preschool age. There is reason to believe that when certain conditions are created, it is possible to reorient the child's consciousness from the final result of the activity to the methods of its implementation, and thereby contribute to the emergence of more complex structures of mental activity. It is assumed that it is the age of 6-7 that is sensitive to the assimilation of generalized means and methods of mental activity. By the end of preschool age, children develop a number of major mental neoplasms that significantly change the structure of the intellectual processes of preschool children and contribute to the emergence of elements of logical thinking.

At this age, any child freely understands and uses in his own speech words that express concepts of varying degrees of generalization. But the use of these words does not indicate an understanding of the relationship between generic and specific concepts. Such relationships, which underlie logical thinking, as a rule, are not acquired at preschool age without specially organized training.

One of the conditions for the formation of logical thinking in preschoolers is to take into account the characteristics of the mental development of children of a given age. All psychological neoplasms of children of this period are characterized by incompleteness. This determines the peculiarities of their learning, which should combine the features of the game and directed learning, while focusing on the established forms of thinking - visual-effective and visual-figurative development of new formations: sign-symbolic function, elements of logical thinking.

The position of N. P. Anikeeva regarding the ways of the formation of logical thinking seems interesting. After a series of experiments, the author proves that the considered type of thinking can be formed through a less abstract form, through figurative thinking. With regard to the preschool period, the proposed strategy is most fully feasible within the framework of game activity, since, when analyzing the situation, the child must resort to logic, operating with figurative models.

If it is necessary to introduce games or game techniques into classes with children, you just need to give the child an image, a rule, related roles or individual objects that need to be combined in a single plot, and the lesson will turn into a game, as we will create the basis for the development of game activity.

It is important to note the features in the relationship between play and learning that appear by the end of preschool age and are of lasting importance in terms of the formation of higher forms of thinking. These features relate to the game with the rules. It immediately precedes the learning activity. In addition, games with rules involve a special stage during which children learn the rules of the next game. In other words, for a successful game, a preschooler must master its method at the preparatory stage. This stage is very important for the mental development of children and their subsequent improvement of the ways and forms of thinking.

In older preschool age, in addition to the role-playing game, other types of games are of great importance: mobile and didactic. A common feature of mobile and didactic games is that they are games with rules. Participating in didactic games, the child is less interested in the procedural side of the activity and begins to be guided by educational interests, the desire to acquire some new knowledge and skills.

In the classroom for the development of logical thinking, various games are used. Games such as “Who flies? ”, “Edible-inedible”, “Riddles” - they contribute to the formation of the child’s attention and his intellectual abilities, teaches to highlight the essential features of objects.

Games where you need to look for the same properties or signs of objects: "Wonderful bag", "Identify the object by touch", "Find an object that distinguishes from others." In such games, the child learns to reason, to be attentive.

For the development of intellectual abilities, children play a game such as "I know five ...". She teaches to classify and generalize.

The game "White Sheet" is aimed at developing the perception of the properties of objects, such as shape, size, and the development of hand motor skills.

To form the concepts of quantitative and qualitative concepts, we use such exercises “Find the picture with the lowest tree”, “Find the picture with the tallest boy”, “Show the ball of medium size” and others.

The games "Labyrinths", "Continue the row", "Place the missing figure" develop logical thinking, ingenuity, quick wits.

By the end of the year of the preparatory group, children play more complex games: “Computer”, “Knight's move”, “Games with hoops”, “Where, whose house? ". The purpose of these games is the formation of ideas about the algorithm, classification by one property, the formation of a logical operation.

It was revealed that the mental development of preschoolers occurs both in a qualitative and quantitative sense. It covers a large number of areas and the result is the child's exit to a new stage of development. The use of this fact in the process of organizing play activity makes it possible to stimulate the formation of mental processes through play, bringing them to the highest stage of mental development (i.e., to logical thinking).

After analyzing all of the above, it can be emphasized that preschool age is a stage of intensive mental development, covering all areas, from the improvement of psychophysiological functions to the emergence of complex mental operations.

The development of a preschooler's thinking occurs in stages: from visual-effective to visual-figurative, and from it through visual-schematic to logical thinking.

The whole set of methods for the formation and development of logical thinking in preschool children is divided into two groups: methods that form logical thinking in preschool age when visiting kindergarten. And the methods of intellectual training, which contribute to the complex development of thinking, including logical thinking, in children of senior preschool age, increase their level of readiness for learning in elementary school.

The proposed strategies are most fully feasible within the framework of gaming activity, since it creates favorable conditions for the development of the child's intellect, for the transition from visual-active thinking to figurative and to elements of logical thinking. It is in the game that the child's ability to create generalized typical images develops, to mentally transform them, since, analyzing the game situation, the preschooler must resort to logic, operating with figurative models.

A special place in the process of formation of logical thinking is given to mathematics. This is justified by the fact that no other science provides an opportunity for a deep and meaningful transition from visual-effective to figurative, and, then, to logical thinking. In addition, mathematical knowledge involves the study in its pure form of the processes of analysis and synthesis through classification, grouping, comparison.

Based on the foregoing, at preschool age the prerequisites for the formation of logical thinking and the very basis of this thinking are conditioned and formed through all mental processes. And it is updated to the fullest extent in gaming activities in the process of assimilation of mathematical knowledge.


1. Anikeeva N. P. Types of activity in the process of formation of thinking. SPb. : Peter, 1998. - 158 p.

2. Kolyagin Yu. M. Mathematics and the development of logical thinking. Moscow: Growth, 2000.- 24-28.

3. Elkonin D. B. Psychology of the game. M.: Pedagogy, 1978. - 304 p.

Card file of games for the development of logical thinking for children of senior preschool age.

We offer linguistic and didactic games, logical tasks, fables with logical errors, which are aimed at developing coherent speech, logical thinking, enriching the lexical vocabulary of preschoolers. All games are selected according to lexical topics.


Word game "Name and explain."

We took baskets in the morning

And they went into the woods.

And we found under the aspen

Little fungus. Which? (Boletus)

And Petya and Vasya

Hands like butter.

What mushroom did they find? (Oiler)

The brightest and most beautiful

Don't put it in the cart:

He is dangerous to people! (Amanita)

Questions. What is this mushroom? What are the benefits for animals? What is dangerous for people? Can it be useful to people?

Word game "Explainers":

Explain the origin of the names of mushrooms (berries): boletus, boletus, butterdish, chanterelle, camelina, fly agaric (strawberries, blueberries).

Logical tasks. There are three glasses with berries on the table. Vova ate one glass. How many glasses are left on the table? (Three) Children in the forest picked mushrooms.

The boys had big red buckets without a bottom. And the girls - small, green. Who will collect more mushrooms? (Girls) How many mushrooms can be grown from spruce seeds? (Mushrooms cannot be grown from spruce seeds) Two girls went into the forest for mushrooms, and two boys met them.

How many children go to the forest in total? (Two girls) Two walked, stopped, one asked the other: “Is it black?”. - "No, it's red." - Why is she white? - "Because it's green." What were they talking about? (About currant)


Logic problems. Marina had a whole apple, two halves and four quarters. How many apples did she have? (Three) A pear is heavier than an apple, and an apple is heavier than a peach. Which is harder:

pear or peach? (Pear) There are two oranges and four bananas on the table. How many vegetables are on the table? (Only fruits are on the table) There are four pears on the table. One of them was cut in half.

How many pears are on the table? (Four) There are three tangerines in the basket. How to divide them among three boys so that each gets one tangerine and one tangerine remains in the basket? (Give the boy a tangerine in a basket).

Didactic game "Put the pictures in your envelopes." Each child has envelopes with geometric shapes pasted on them (different in color and size) and a set of pictures depicting vegetables and fruits. Children must arrange the pictures in envelopes, choosing the principle of grouping (on their own or on the instructions of the teacher) according to shape, color, size.

Didactic game "Where will you go, what will you find?" Each child has a large card with a picture of a forest (garden, garden) and an envelope with a set of pictures (vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries). Children should tell what is shown on the card and select the right pictures (for example, “In the forest you can find berries, cones, mushrooms, nuts”, etc.).

Fables. Children find nonsense in the text.

square ripe tomato

And I saw how in the garden

The vegetables were playing hide and seek.

More details on the site

The development of logical thinking in preschool children through gaming activities

Sections: Work with preschoolers

  • Visual-effective (when a child thinks through action by manipulating an object) is the main type of thinking of a young child.
  • Visual-figurative (when a child thinks with the help of images with the help of representations of phenomena, objects) is the main type of thinking of a preschool child.
  • Verbal-logical (when a child thinks in the mind with the help of concepts, reasoning, words) - this type of thinking begins to form at the senior preschool age.

In preschool children, the first two types of thinking are the main ones. If a child has well developed all kinds of thinking, then it is easier for him to solve any problems, and he thereby achieves greater success in life.

The child's development and learning should be carried out through age-appropriate activities and pedagogical means and should be relaxed. One such educational tool for preschoolers is the game.

Everyone knows that children love to play, and it depends only on an adult how useful and meaningful these games will be. During the game, the child not only consolidates previously acquired knowledge, but also acquires new skills, skills, develops mental abilities.

In the game such personality traits are formed as: ingenuity, resourcefulness, independence, constructive skills develop, perseverance is developed. Based on this, in my developments, for the development of logical thinking, I include puzzles, ingenuity, a variety of game exercises, labyrinths and didactic games.

Theme: "Vegetables"


Demonstration: a picture with a silhouette of a hare, a picture with a vegetable patch, a picture for the task "How many hares hid behind a bush?"

Handout: maze, cards for the game "Harvest", cards with the image of a hare from geometric shapes, cards with the image of hares with and without carrots (according to the number of children).

Lesson number 1 "In the garden"

Game: "Find the path."

3. Something our bunny was confused. Guys, let's help the bunny collect vegetables.

Game: Harvest.

Gather vegetables in one basket and fruit in another. Show with arrows what to put in each basket.

4. Our bunny is tired. Let's take a break with him.

Physical education: "Bunny"

Kindergarten №193 - Bereginya » Archives » The development of logical thinking in preschool children


The development of logical thinking in preschool children

Thinking is a mental process by which a person solves a problem. The result of thinking is a thought that is expressed in words. Therefore, thinking and speech are closely related.

With the help of thinking, we gain knowledge, so it is very important to develop it from childhood.

Thinking develops in three stages:

  • Visual-effective (when a child thinks through action by manipulating an object) is the main type of thinking of a young child.
  • Visual-figurative (when a child thinks with the help of images with the help of representations of phenomena, objects) is the main type of thinking of a preschool child.
  • Verbal-logical (when a child thinks in the mind with the help of concepts, reasoning, words) - this type of thinking begins to form at the senior preschool age.

In preschool children, the first two types of thinking are the main ones. If a child has well developed all kinds of thinking, then it is easier for him to solve any problems, and he thereby achieves greater success in life.

On the basis of figurative thinking, logical thinking is formed. It is the highest stage in the development of thinking. Classes on the development of logical thinking are very relevant today, as they are important for the future student.

The main and main criteria for the development of logical thinking in children are: the ability to distinguish essential features from minor ones, the ability to reason, compare, analyze, classify objects, argue one's point of view, establish cause-and-effect relationships, develop non-standard thinking.

The child's development and learning should be carried out through age-appropriate activities and pedagogical means and should be relaxed. One such educational tool for preschoolers is the game.

Everyone knows that children love to play, and it depends only on an adult how useful and meaningful these games will be. During the game, the child not only consolidates previously acquired knowledge, but also acquires new skills, skills, develops mental abilities.

In the game such personality traits are formed as: ingenuity, resourcefulness, independence, constructive skills develop, perseverance is developed. Based on this, in my developments, for the development of logical thinking, I include puzzles, ingenuity, a variety of game exercises, labyrinths and didactic games.

In order to develop in children the ability to perform sequential actions: analyze, generalize on the basis, think purposefully, compare, in my work I use simple logical tasks and exercises. Any unusual game situation in which there is an element of problematicness always arouses great interest among children. Tasks such as the search for a sign of difference between one group of objects from another, the search for missing figures in a series, tasks for the continuation of a logical series contribute to the development of ingenuity, logical thinking and ingenuity.

One of the main guarantees of successful education of children is the use of entertaining visual material in working with preschoolers. In the classroom, I paid great attention to pictorial and illustrative material, as it helps to attract the attention of children, develops visual-figurative thinking, which, in turn, stimulates the cognitive activity of the child.

The development of the logical thinking of a preschool child depends on the creation of conditions that stimulate his practical, playful and cognitive activities. Therefore, the group has a corner of entertaining mathematics, where there are manuals for joint and independent activities. This corner presents various didactic games, entertaining material: puzzles, mazes, puzzles.

In conclusion, I bring to your attention the abstracts of classes on the development of logical thinking of children of senior preschool age:

Theme: "Vegetables"

To develop the ability to perform tasks that involve the development of mental operations - analysis and synthesis of objects.

Encourage children to build a whole from parts.

Learn to recognize the subject in detail.

Learn to distinguish several objects from a group according to a certain attribute.

To educate children in independence, initiative, a sense of responsibility and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

Learn to reason and justify your choice.

To develop the ability to observe and compare, highlight the common, distinguish the main from the secondary.

Develop attention, perception.

Stimulate the cognitive activity of children.


Demonstration: a picture with a silhouette of a hare, a picture with a vegetable patch, a picture for the task “How many hares hid behind a bush?”

Handout: maze, cards for the game "Harvest", cards with the image of a hare from geometric shapes, cards with the image of hares with and without carrots (according to the number of children).

Lesson number 1 "In the garden"

1. Guys look carefully at the picture.

Who do you think came to visit us? That's right, a bunny (the teacher takes out a toy). He came to us not empty-handed, but with interesting tasks. Do you want to know which ones?

2. Mom sent a bunny for vegetables, but he got lost and cannot find his way to the garden. Let's help him.

Game: "Find the path."

3. Our bunny is tired. Let's take a break with him.

Physical education: "Bunny"

Material from the site

Pedagogical experience "Development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age through educational games" - Kindergarten Club

Pedagogical experience "Development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age through educational games"

Preschool childhood is a period of intellectual development of all mental processes that provide the child with the opportunity to get acquainted with the surrounding reality. One of the most important tasks facing the system of preschool education is the comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler: the development of cognitive, mental, physical, moral and aesthetic abilities, the formation of physical and intellectual maturity.

For the successful development of the school curriculum, the child needs not only to know a lot, but also to think consistently and conclusively. It follows from this that it is possible to teach a child to think logically only in a situation requiring reflection. The inability to resolve difficulties in the usual way, and we must encourage the child to actively search for means and ways to solve problems.

Logical thinking is formed on the basis of figurative thinking and is the highest stage in the development of thinking. Achieving this stage is a long and complex process, since the full development of logical thinking requires not only high activity of mental activity, but also generalized knowledge about the general and essential features of objects and phenomena of reality.

One should not wait until the child is 14 years old and reaches the stage of logical operations, when his thinking acquires the characteristic features of the mental activity of adults. The development of logical thinking should begin in preschool childhood.

The development of logical thinking includes the use of educational games, ingenuity, puzzles, solving various logic games and mazes and is of great interest to children. Psychologist L. S. Vygotsky said: “Scientific concepts are not assimilated and not memorized by a child, are not taken by memory, but arise and add up with the help of the greatest tension of his own thought.” Hence, the only correct way leading to the acceleration of logical thinking is a game.

The development of logical thinking in children through educational games is important for the success of subsequent schooling, for the correct formation of the student's personality.

I widely used my educational games in directly - educational activities on mathematical development, in the "Quiet Corner" in the mathematical game library, in the free, play activities of children, in the form of didactic games in the joint activities of children and parents, in work with parents: Parent Club " Scrabble, in game minutes.

Since the senior preschool age is a sensitive period for logical thinking, I developed an interest in modeling, in sign systems, in coding numbers, as well as independence in solving a particular task. Children of older preschool age are more quickly involved in solving the problem.

Here, children have always been full-fledged participants: they heatedly discussed possible options for solving tasks. In the process of such tasks, children mastered the main actions of logical thinking - comparison, reconstruction of the whole from parts, the modeling process, the search for patterns, subject-schematic models, coding and cartography elements.

All games - tasks I divided into several groups:

1. Reproductive.

Games that require the use of pre-acquired knowledge or methods of action.

Names of the games: "Name the object in one word", "Edible - inedible", "Fish - birds - animals."

2. Training.

Tasks that require the child to imitate the model of an adult.

Names of the games: "Name the object in the row", "I know 5 ...", "Continue the row", "Place the missing piece."

3. Creative.

Games that require the child to search for activity when doing something new.

Names of games: "White sheet", "Knight's move", "Games with hoops", "Computing machine".

4. Partially - search engines.

Games that require the child to independently find a solution.

Names of games: "Labyrinths", "Puzzles", "Tangram".

Every preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the world with joy and surprise. And our task is to help him preserve and develop the desire for knowledge, to satisfy the child's need for active activity, to give "food" to the mind of the child.

Developing games rightfully occupy a very large place in the system of preschool education. They hone the child's mind, develop the flexibility of the mind, thinking, teach logic. All these qualities will be useful in school education.

Where the child is not in a hurry to get rid of the difficulties of life, where they try to give room for research and activity, there educational games will enter the life of the child and can become a powerful stimulus for the development of logical thinking.


1. Venger L. A., Dyachenko O. M. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children. – M.: Enlightenment, 1989.

2. To the teacher about the children's game.: A guide for kindergarten teachers. / Ed. T. A. Markova. - M .: education, 1982.

3. Kozlova V. G. "Preschool pedagogy" - M .: Academy, 1998.

4. Loginova V. I. Formation of the ability to solve logical problems in preschool age. Improving the process of forming elementary mathematical representations in kindergarten. - L .: 1990.

5. Shchedrovitsky G. P. Methodological remarks on pedagogical research of the game. // Psychology and pedagogy of the game of preschoolers. – M.: 2003.

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Development of elementary logical thinking in children of senior preschool age

Sections: Work with preschoolers

Preschool childhood is a period of intellectual development of all mental processes that provide the child with the opportunity to get acquainted with the surrounding reality.

The child learns to perceive, think, speak; he masters many ways of acting with objects, learns certain rules and begins to control himself. All of this involves the work of memory. The role of memory in the development of the child is enormous.

The assimilation of knowledge about the world around us and about oneself, the acquisition of skills and habits - all this is connected with the work of memory. School education makes especially great demands on the memory of the child.

For the successful development of the school curriculum, the child needs not only to know a lot, but also to think consistently and conclusively, to guess, to show mental tension, to think logically.

Teaching the development of logical thinking is of no small importance for the future student and is very relevant today.

Mastering any method of memorization, the child learns to single out a goal and carry out certain work with the material to achieve it. He begins to understand the need to repeat, compare, generalize, group material for the purpose of memorization.

Using the opportunities for the development of logical thinking and memory of preschoolers, it is possible to more successfully prepare children for solving the problems that school education sets before us.

The development of logical thinking includes the use of didactic games, ingenuity, puzzles, solving various logic games and labyrinths and is of great interest to children. In this activity, important personality traits are formed in children: independence, resourcefulness, ingenuity, perseverance is developed, and constructive skills are developed. Children learn to plan their actions, think about them, guess in search of a result, while showing creativity.

Classes for the development of elementary logical thinking for preschoolers are compiled using didactic games. After all, for them the game is a leading activity.

Games of logical content help to cultivate cognitive interest in children, contribute to research and creative search, desire and ability to learn. Didactic games as one of the most natural activities of children and contributes to the formation and development of intellectual and creative manifestations, self-expression and independence.

The development of logical thinking in children through didactic games is important for the success of subsequent school education, for the correct formation of the student's personality and in further education they will help to successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science.

In the classes on the development of logical thinking, children play games saturated with logical content, logical structures are modeled in them, and in the process of the game, tasks are solved that help to accelerate the formation and development of the simplest logical structures of thinking in preschoolers. These classes will help children in further education to successfully master the basics of mathematics and computer science.

In the classroom for the development of logical thinking, various games are used. Games such as "Who flies?", "Edible - inedible", "Riddles" - they contribute to the formation of the child's attention and his intellectual abilities, teaches to highlight the essential features of objects.

Games where you need to look for the same properties or signs of objects: “Wonderful bag”, “Identify an object by touch”, “Find an object that distinguishes it from others”. In such games, the child learns to reason, to be attentive.

Games and exercises teach to be observant and attentive: “What is drawn?”, “Name the object in a row”, “Name the object in one word”, “What is superfluous? Why?”, “Domino”, “How can objects be called with one word”.

For the development of intellectual abilities, children play a game such as "I know five ...". She teaches to classify and generalize.

The game "White Sheet" is aimed at developing the perception of the properties of objects, such as shape, size, and the development of hand motor skills.

Such exercises “Fish-birds-animals”, “Clothes-furniture-utensils”, “Vegetables-fruits-berries”, as a result, children learn that representatives of the species are within the genus.

To form the concepts of quantitative and qualitative concepts, we use such exercises “Find the picture with the lowest tree”, “Find the picture with the tallest boy”, “Show the ball of medium size” and others.

The games “Labyrinths”, “Continue the row”, “Place the missing figure” develop logical thinking, ingenuity, quick wit.

By the end of the year of the preparatory group, children play more complex games: “Computer”. “Knight's move”, “Games with hoops”, “Where, whose house?”. The purpose of these games is the formation of ideas about the algorithm, classification by one property, the formation of a logical operation.

So, in conclusion, we can conclude that the development of logical thinking, the ability to classify, generalize, group objects, build graphic models, develop intellectual and personal qualities, self-expression and independence is important for successful mental development and subsequent schooling.

Didactic games, various conversations, puzzles, labyrinths, riddles contribute to the development of the ability to find similarities and differences in objects, highlight the most significant features, group objects based on common features, and ensure that children learn generalized names.

Teaching children about classification contributes to the successful mastery of a more complex way of remembering - the semantic grouping that children encounter at school.

The development of the ability to think in preschoolers leads to certain changes in the behavior and psyche of children: self-control and independence of their activities increase.

Teaching children in the process of playing, there is a desire that the joy of playing activities gradually turn into the joy of learning. Teaching should be joyful.

Target: To teach children to select species concepts for generic ones and vice versa.

Continue to teach children to independently build a model of the relationship between concepts. To fix the idea of ​​the system of graphic display of the classification of concepts. Continue to work on the ability to reason; develop attention, thinking, observation.

To instill in children a sense of the team, to be attentive to each other, to help their comrades in difficulties.


  • Demo: models of planets, moons, stars hung on the ceiling; rocket, attributes for playing in space; flashlight, mazes, logic tree models, Euler circles, Find 10 Differences illustration, chalk, pointer.
  • Dispensing: subject pictures, models of geometric figures, models with a symbol of a person, geometric figures; cut illustrations.

Stroke: Guys, look how many guests we have today, Let's say hello.

“And now the brave crew of the Inquisitive Thinkers starship to space flight, line up. (The teacher is the alleged flight leader, he has a cap on his head. The flight leader gives the command. Children put on attributes).

Captain (one of the children): The crew of the Inquisitive Thinkers is ready for space flight. Allow me to leave.

Flight leader: I allow you to go on a space trip. Bon Voyage!

Captain: The crew to take their places. (Children sit in a rocket, which is built from a large building material). 5,4,3,2,1 - start. (The lights go out, space music of the Space group plays.)

The captain finds planets with a flashlight, comments on this:

  • Attention, to the left of the board is the giant planet Jupiter. It is the second brightest planet after Venus. Jupiter is orange.
  • Attention, to the left of the board is the brightest and most beautiful planet Venus. It is named after the goddess of love.
  • Attention, the next planet is Mars. Radio operator say hello to the Martians.
  • Attention, I see the planet Saturn. Admire the splendor of his rings. In a telescope, it is noticeable that the ball of Saturn is greatly flattened.
  • Attention, we have the moon in front of us. Lunar craters are visible on the Moon.

A loud knock is heard, the flashlight runs from side to side.

Captain: The rocket collided with an incomprehensible object, the pressure drops. There was a forced landing. (The lights turn on, the children get up from their seats)

Children:- Where are we? Where did we get? What do we do?

(Pleasant music is heard. A teacher appears in a star costume)

Star: Don't worry guys, I am a magical star and will help you on your journey. I will help you find out where you are and return home. But you are not afraid of difficulties? (Not) . Then go.

On the lunar map we will find a way out. (The teacher shows a colored sheet with a red broken line).

Captain: The team will split into two groups to make it easier to examine the left and right sides.


I. On the logical tree diagram board. Task for the first group of children.

- Guys, you need to decipher the models. This big dot will be animals that live in the forest, but what will these small dots be called?

(With the help of a pointer, children name the points: fox, hare, wolf, squirrel, bear, hedgehog)

Task for the second group of children:

- And now I will name the small dots, and you will name the big dot.

(Pig, cow, sheep, dog, cat, calf are pets)

Teams receive stones for correct answers.

Star: According to the lunar map, we need to pass the next test, and it is located in this area.

II. There are sets of subject pictures on the tables for each child. It is necessary to determine what is superfluous and why.

For the correct answers, children receive pebbles.

Star: And now our path lies in this direction. But we again need to overcome the obstacle. Can you handle it? (Yes) . Then go ahead.

III. On the floor are sets of models for building a logical tree. The first command builds a model of "geometric shapes".

The second team is the “Human” model.

Star: Well done, all teams coped with such a difficult obstacle and got pebbles. Now, according to the lunar map, we have to go through the labyrinths. Let's send scouts to survey the area and help us get out. (Teams choose one child each - scout).

IV. Scout Competition.

Labyrinths are drawn on two paper sheets. The scouts complete the task “Go through the labyrinth quickly”.

For the successful completion of this task, children receive pebbles.

Star: According to the lunar map, now we need to turn here. (Children approach the tables on which there are sets of geometric shapes)

v. The first team makes up a hare figure from geometric shapes.

The second team makes a figure of parsley.

Star: guys, now we have to find ten differences in the picture.

(A picture is drawn on the paper, and each of the children names the difference, for which he receives a pebble)

VI. Game "Find ten differences"

Star: And now another test. You guys need to make a picture of the parts.

VII. The game "Make a picture from parts."

Star: Our journey ends. You did everything right, and therefore you succeeded. I am very glad that you are so smart and attentive. And now we need to count the pebbles and each team needs to find a star with the same number as the number of pebbles the team has.

(Children count pebbles, find stars with the name “Logic”)

Children: The country is called Logic.

Star: Well done, children. You really traveled through the amazing country of Logic. Only brave, smart guys can get here and become winners. And you have proven that you are.

For this, I will help you return to kindergarten. I'll give you these starships. (Star gives paper spaceships to children)

Star: Goodbye, goodbye. (Children seem to fly away, beating the plot with starships.)

Lesson on the elementary development of logical representations in the preparatory group

Topic: Contest of the savvy “Hurry up and don’t make a mistake”

Target: Learn to process information, draw conclusions: generalize objects on a certain basis, isolate an extra object. To consolidate the ordinal count with children, the ability to work with geometric shapes. Develop imaginative thinking, memory, speech.

Cultivate perseverance, ingenuity and ingenuity.


  • Demo: posters - labyrinths, illustration "Find 10 differences", tambourine, chips, riddles - jokes. Prizes for children: paper boats and spaceships.
  • Dispensing: subject pictures, models of geometric shapes, cards with a blank: pyramid rings are drawn;

Stroke: Guys, today we will have a competition of savvy and resourceful. He will win in it. who will not be distracted, will quickly and correctly solve everything, will complete the task faster than others, I will give a chip. At the end of the competition, each of the children will count the chips, and we will find out who the winner is.

The teacher invites the children to choose chips of two colors, during which two teams are formed. Table work.

  1. Task: find a sheet where a pyramid is drawn: you need to paint over the first, third, fifth rings. Whoever does it quickly, beautifully and accurately, gets a chip.
  2. Task: draw the desired figure in an empty cell, and explain why. The teacher listens to the answers of the children, marks with chips.
  3. Task: lay out the pictures in a row, look carefully and say what is superfluous here and why. The teacher listens to the reasoning of the children, marks the answers with chips.
  4. Game - warm-up: to music or to a tambourine, children perform the following tasks: walk in steps, jump one after another, run, jump around themselves, walk on toes, run scattered around the hall, march.
  5. Envelopes with geometric shapes lie near the edge of the carpet. The game "Roly - Get Up": whoever first lays out any object from those figures that he has in the envelope, he must stand up to his full height. Children lay out objects, the teacher marks the children with chips.
  6. The game "Who will quickly pass the maze." According to the rhyme, one child is selected, the fastest brings the chip to the team.
  7. Task: find ten differences. First, one team names the differences, then another.
  8. 8. Tasks - jokes are made in turn. There were 4 apples on the table, one was cut in half. How many apples are on the table? (four) - There were 3 glasses of berries on the table. Vova ate 1 glass of berries and put it on the table. How many glasses are on the table? (three) - Grandmother went to the market, carried a basket of eggs, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (not one) - There were three birds sitting on the path, the cat crept up and ate one bird, how many birds were left? (none)
  9. Lost Numbers Game
  10. Game "Count by touch"

The results of the competition are summed up, the chips of the team as a whole are counted, and the awards are given.

- Well done, guys, you turned out to be the most savvy, the most dexterous, erudite, and attentive. Such qualities are needed by those who work as pilots, fly into space, they will receive prizes - spaceships. And I will give ships to the other team, you will be captains.

Lesson on the elementary development of logical representations in the senior group

Topic: Selection of a generic concept for species.

Target: Continue to teach children to establish and graphically display relationships between concepts, use concept symbols. Continue to consolidate the ability to classify concepts on different grounds; develop logical thinking, imagination, memory and observation .. To instill in children a sense of team, the ability to empathize with each other, the desire to help a friend in difficulty.


  • Demo: set of illustrations of animals: wild animals, birds, fish, insects; pictures for the game “Logic train”, toys, ball.
  • Dispensing: sets of subject pictures, cards with geometric shapes, geometric shapes; sheets of paper, pencils.

Stroke: Guys, close your eyes and listen. What do you hear? (Buzz) . Who can buzz? (Beetle, bee, fly). You correctly named it, but it was the cheerful Carlson who flew to visit you. Why is he buzzing?

That's right, he has a motor.

- Hello guys! I love to play. Let's play.

Offers the game “Name it in one word”, uses the ball in the game.

- Guys, I wanted to see the pictures, but they fell and got mixed up. Help me figure it out.

- Can we help Carlson? (Yes)

Working with Euler circles. children divide the pictures into two groups: flowers and animals. Group animals are divided into four groups: animals, birds, insects, fish.

- And now let's sketch all the divided groups schematically so that Carlson can understand it better. (The teacher draws on the board, the children on the sheets).

Carlson thanks the guys and offers to play some more.

The game "What is superfluous".

- Carlson is such a naughty, he deliberately put an extra card and wants to see how observant you are. (Carlson checks how the children completed the task.)

- And Carlson is such an entertainer, he loves to play. He says that he is the greatest inventor and dreamer. Take a card with a geometric figure and find an envelope with the same figure. (Children throughout the group are looking for their envelopes).

- Then they themselves fantasize and lay out figures from geometric figures, and Carlson guesses.

Carlson makes a riddle:
