Play cats strike force is the last frontier.

Strike Force of Kittens - the game is capable of capturing the attention of every player from the first minutes. The third part turned out to be no less exciting and with its own characteristics. The new part has been improved, and everyone loves the fluffy and cute characters. Although we should not forget that they are dangerous to their enemies.

Features of the third part

In the third part of the game Strike Force of Kittens, all actions take place on the ground. This time there were more enemies, the foxes formed an alliance with the raccoons and together they began to attack the kingdom of kittens. Brave Strike force kitty warriors fight as best they can and hold the tower; if necessary, medical seals return the injured to duty.

You can improve your team's abilities by purchasing costumes or using cheats. The costume gives the character the necessary abilities to defeat the enemy. All of them are represented by either melee or ranged weapon abilities. You can remove ammunition from a damaged enemy and use it, which may deceive the raccoon. The game does not provide last stand Gym, but this is compensated by a large list of possibilities. All commands in the game are carried out with the mouse, only cheats are launched with keys. To attack simultaneously, click the mouse. Try to collect as many fish as possible and complete the castle before a new attack. Your squad will become better with the purchased costumes and abilities. An army that, after a duel in the Shock Squad of Kittens, is left without uniforms will lose, because it will be forced to leave the field. It is not uncommon to find on the battlefield strong enemy raccoon boss, but if you play with cheats, then you will definitely win this battle.

Benefits of cheats

Cheats are unofficial codes that make it easier to complete levels in the game. Gamers who have already used cheats know very well how good they are in action. Firstly, to run them in Strike force kitty you don’t need any special knowledge or skills, the main thing is to understand what each key does. Secondly, with them the game becomes much easier. Thirdly, cheats are provided for free. In addition, you can always practice, see how to pass the level, and then play without them. This simplification of the process will appeal to both girls and boys, because it is much more fun to complete levels than to get stuck halfway. The game Strike Force of Kittens allows you to use the L key to increase points, K is responsible for endurance, and J is responsible for increasing lives.

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The point of the game is to dress up fighting kittens as various popular characters from cartoons, anime, films and games. Often with new clothes they gain additional abilities (skills) or improve characteristics. There is also “classic” leveling of fighters. You can increase attack power, defense, the speed of treatment of kittens in the hospital, the rate of fire of shooters on towers, as well as the bonus period during which the squad has an increased chance of receiving new clothes from defeated enemies or use your unique skill. Unlike other games of this type, abilities are upgraded for the entire squad at once, and not individually for each individual fighter, which is very original.

A bit reminiscent of a game from the tower defense genre, although there are no towers here :). It seems to me that the developers managed to come up with their own small genre. Credit must be given to ingenuity.


The kitten strike force defeated all the foxes that attacked their castle, but their leader remained unharmed. Now he has matured new plan to capture the cat's castle.

This scoundrel invited a gang of Raccoons to his place and paid them well so that the Raccoons would capture the castle. They thought it would be a simple task... ha ha... :) Whether the kittens will be able to recapture the castle or not now depends only on you!

Features of Strike force kitty 3

It is also worth noting that despite a slight change in the “scheme” of the game (compared to the second part of the game) and the addition of a lot of new costumes and weapons, the old drawn models of kittens, bosses, etc. were largely used. For example, despite the fact that this time we are fighting with raccoons, and not with foxes, the same huge fox is used as the first boss, which is now called not Foxzilla (as in the second part of the game) and Coonzilla (Raccoonzilla). Apparently the developers tried to release new part games with minimal costs, but we must pay tribute to their sense of humor.

P.S. If you want to download Strike force kitty 3, then you need to click on this link and save the file to your disk.

Video review of the game from Crystal

Forward, my friends, only forward!

Description of flash game

Cat Army 3 - Strike Force

StrikeForce Kitty League

Cats are adorable creatures, which touches everyone with just their appearance. But even they can release their claws if the situation requires it, and in the game “Cat Army 3” you can watch this with enviable frequency.
The characters in the game are ordinary cats, they are very dependent on their king, and have been valiantly serving him for several decades. Warrior cats line up around the castle to protect it from intruders. But their enemies do not want to leave them alone, and now, new army monsters are heading towards the castle to destroy it once and for all.
Your cats will stand to the last; they have sharp blades and cannons in their arsenal. But these kittens don’t have 9 lives, so you need to monitor their indicators so that they remain normal. To do this, please contact ambulance, which will constantly appear on your screen. Of course, for a few minutes your knight will disappear from sight, but then he will return healthy and full of strength for a new fight. Exciting toy, which can attract you to the monitor screen for a long time, if this is what you were looking for, then run ahead. Don't forget that cats are cute creatures, but their hearts contain audacity and power.
