Name Paul in different languages ​​tattoo. Tattoo names: ideas and fonts (photo)

Today, tattoo names are more popular than ever. If you are just planning to get yourself such a tattoo, it's time to think about its location and font.

Many people choose the names of their children, parents, lovers or a nickname. Less common are tattoos in the names of pets, in particular dogs.

Tattoo names

If you already have tattoos somewhere on your body, you can arrange the name so that it harmonizes with the overall design. If you are still thinking about the first tattoo, then here are the most common places where people usually get name tattoos. Places for tattoo names: inner side of the arm, outer side of the arm (mainly biceps), wrist; less often - lower back, feet, ankle.

Tattoo names: whose name to choose?

Think twice before choosing the name you will wake up with for the rest of your life. You must be 100% sure of your choice, and not just succumb to the opinion of your friends or a fleeting desire. Tattoo names always remind us of the people we need to take care of and love. For this reason, the most common choice is the names of children or parents. The name of the spouse or spouse is also not a bad option, confirming your desire to be with your chosen one to the end.

Tattoo names: choose a font

Tattoos in the form of a name can be applied as a separate word, or you can create a whole work of art by including additional elements with your composition. More on this later. If you settled on a simple tattoo in the form of one word, then the font plays a very important role here, with which, in fact, it will be tattooed. Here are the most common fonts when choosing a name tattoo.

It is not uncommon for young people to choose to convey the meaning of their name.


Tattoo names: ideas

Do you want to make your tattoo original and different from others? Here are some ideas to help you choose your design.

Tattoo names and heart

Probably the most common design for this tattoo is the name and heart. You can either place the name inside the heart or next to it. A very funny option for girls is a heart with wings. No less beautiful looks and a lot of small hearts around the name.


Tattoo names: flowers

As a rule, such a tattoo is made by men. And, of course, the name of their beloved is placed next to the flower.

rose flower lotus two roses

Tattoo names: baby

Loving parents can get tattoos in the form of the names of their children. Here the imagination for design is simply limitless. It can be a handprint, a baby's dummy, a key to the heart, or a cartoon character.

handprint key to the heart baby pacifier

Tattoo names: wedding rings

Recently, wedding ring tattoos have become increasingly popular among newlyweds. One of the varieties of such a tattoo is a ring of spouses' names. The wife chooses the name of the husband, the husband - the wife. Very romantic and promising.

The name of each person is part of the personality, what is the first thing they remember when they meet. People believe that the name affects fate and character. Therefore, tattoos with a name (own or a loved one) are so popular. Today, during the period of interest in tattoos, tattoos with the name are among the leaders in popularity. The choice of spelling styles for names is simply huge, everyone will find a suitable font, writing style or language for themselves. Names are stuffed by people who have deep feelings for a child, husband, boyfriend, and so on, because a tattoo can tell about the strength of feelings experienced much more than a thousand words.

Tattoos with the name of the child

Parents do not have a soul in a child; sometimes, to express the fullness of feelings, a loving mother or father makes a tattoo on the body with the name of the child. Such tattoos are large and colorful or relatively small, but no less beautiful. Not everyone is positive about tattoos of this type. Some argue that this is sinful and will negatively affect the fate of a beloved child, they forbid making such tattoos, they consider the name sacred, this applies to believers. For the most part, these are speculations, superstitions - everyone decides what to believe in. Tattoos with the name of the child, in comparison with the tattoo of the name of a loved one, carry a positive emotional charge much longer. A person sometimes regrets a tattoo dedicated to a soulmate (in the event of a break in relations or betrayal), and tattoos with the names of children are extremely rarely upset. The value of a tattoo with the name of a child cannot be overestimated. Even when the baby grows up, there will be a reminder of childhood, youth and depth of feelings for the child on the body of the parent.

Tattoos of the names of loved ones

Most esotericists claim that the name applied to the skin can enhance a person's energy. Of course, this statement refers to the application of personal names and initials on the body, but the names of loved ones allow you to feel this energy instantly. Each letter carries an energy charge, while each sound affects different parts of the brain. As a result, multiple visual repetition of the name emotionally affects the partner, in addition, the tattoo of the name of a loved one is an oath of allegiance. The name of your girlfriend inscribed on your own body is a declaration of eternal love.

On what parts of the body are names “stuffed”

The meaning of a tattoo for each person is individual, however, as for names, this is an expression of friendship or love. For this reason, such tattoos are made on sensitive parts of the body, more often a name tattoo on the wrist. In addition, men make tattoos of this type on the shoulders and upper chest, on the neck and in the shin area. At the same time, the style is diverse - from the inscription in ancient Russian runes to the original tattoo, the name of which will be written in Latin art. Tattoo (name applied to the body with the help of a tattoo) is beauty, individuality, an indicator of the depth of feelings and memory.

Body painting is a special kind of art, fashionable in the modern world. Now tattoos with the mention of children have gained great popularity. This could be the child's name, picture, or date of birth. Moms and dads, in an effort to perpetuate the look of their beloved child, choose different designs. Why are tattoos with the names of children so popular and should they be done?

Digital tattoos are considered a simple option, for example, with a date of birth. It is more difficult to fill the real appearance or the whole name. Many parents (including even men) ask to make an imprint of the baby's foot or his palm, evidence of tender and reverent love.

Why make tattoos with names?

In salons, masters of underwear painting are interested in clients why they chose this or that option and why they need a tattoo at all. Often, clients talk only about beauty and attractiveness or belief in a talisman. If an option is chosen for beauty, then most often it simply does not make sense. But things are more complicated with ideological tattoos.

Why do parents choose tattoos with their children's names? More often than not, they express love and tenderness for their offspring, pride, and also want to emphasize that the child comes first. This is all, of course, cute and unusual, but it is worth considering once again whether such a tattoo is really necessary.

Family values ​​can be emphasized in other ways - put a photo of the baby in your wallet, hang his drawings on the wall, set a screen saver on your phone. No need to unconditionally follow fashion trends, because tattoos with the names of children are not the most important way to express love.

Name tattoos are a fashion trend

Modern people are trying in many ways to emphasize their attitude towards children, friends, spouses and parents. Often the initial painting with a hidden meaning is made by people from show business, actors and athletes. For example, Beckham and Aguilera, Jolie and Ksyusha Borodina. Fans make similar tattoos in honor of their idols.

In general, it is better to do a tattoo consciously, and not according to fashion trends or the example of celebrities. Do not listen to other people's opinions or follow someone's advice. And even more so, do not, for example, make a tattoo with a name on your arm without thinking about it.

Men's tattoos with meaning

Often, men come to the salons, who consider the family to be the main priority. They want to perpetuate the appearance of the child and spouse. Often they say that certain inscriptions associated with a child always come to mind, because this person is the main thing in life. Unlike women, men choose sacred places hidden from the eyes of people for nominal and semantic tattoos.

For example, a strong half of humanity chooses such inscriptions: "in the heart forever", "my life". In general, tattoos for men with meaning are different from women's. Men fill not just the names of children or initials, they put all their feelings into a seemingly simple phrase. Often, following the example of husbands, wives make the same tattoos, and the same inscriptions for spouses look original.

Should you get family related tattoos?

Before going to the underwear painting salon, parents are interested in whether it is possible to make a tattoo with the mention of children, whether they affect the future fate of the child. There are no downsides to this issue. Here the parent must make an independent decision. But what if the mention of the baby becomes a sad moment?

The child is alive and well, makes parents happy every day and makes them smile. Of course, in this case, the tattoo will only be a pleasant reminder of the existence of the dearest man in the world. But if a woman asks to make her a tattoo in the form of a heart with an imprint of a child's foot inside, then here we are talking about a tragic event. Perhaps there was a miscarriage, the birth of a dead baby or his death. Many people do not understand the meaning of certain tattoos, and ignorance can lead to unpleasant questions. But tattoos for men with meaning or a bias towards family values ​​can also have a touch of sadness in the future if tragic moments happen in life.

Tattoo artists say that women never regret having tattoos with a mention of their babies, which cannot be said about tattoos associated with the second half. After all, there is no guarantee that the relationship lasts a lifetime, but the tattoo will remain.

What tattoo to choose and where to fill?

If you decide to get a tattoo, then think about whether you want to hide it from the eyes of strangers. This question becomes fundamental in some situations. Even tattoos with the names of children located on the wrist can be a reason for refusing employment where there is a dress code. A common place for personalized tattoos is the back, less often the arms. It all depends on the imagination. There are no prohibitions on tattoos on the legs, stomach or waist. Some clients ask to have their children's initials printed on the chest.

Is it possible to dilute a tattoo with the names of children with something? You can pay attention to the portrait image, which is characterized by drawing on the body of a sketch of the appearance of a person from a photo. But a master capable of such work is hard to find.

You can knock out a tattoo with the name and date of birth of the child - a simple and interesting option. Not everyone will understand the meaning of this tattoo, but that's good.

Personalized tattoos on the hands look very elegant. A list may be displayed that contains several children. Tattoos with a name on the arm are suitable for both men and women. For some, a date of birth without a name is enough. However, the meaning of any tattoo will be known only to the wearer, if others know nothing about him.

When you don’t want a big tattoo, but leaving a memory of a person is important, many choose tattoos with names. How to make a tattoo with the name of a loved one or child and not make a mistake with the choice, read

When you don’t want a big tattoo, but leaving a memory of a person is important, many choose tattoos with names. How to make a tattoo with the name of a loved one or child and not make a mistake with the choice, read on.

Tattoos with a name - how best

Any spatial phrase is suitable here: “taste and color”, “of course, it's up to you”, “see for yourself”. Such tattoos are more popular with those who want a modest and often inconspicuous tattoo, but we believe and know that even in modest drawings quality comes first, idea comes second. There are millions of unprincipled low-quality tattoos with names in search engines, people are looking for cheaper ones, but cheap does not equal “good”. See what happens when you turn to highly professional masters:

Tattoos with their own names deserve a separate discussion: don't do it like that. In a professional tattoo environment, this is considered a bit strange. It is better to choose a symbol that reflects the character well or is close to the heart.

Tattoo with the name of a loved one

At the request “tattoo names cover ups”, search engines give out a lot of images with alterations of unsuccessful tattoos of parted people. Nothing is eternal. Sad, but this is the truth of life, so think many, many, many times before typing the name of your beloved or loved one. If you make a paired tattoo with some kind of abstract image, it will be much cooler - the drawing will remain with you, it will be a warm reminder and will not irritate your new partner :)

Tattoo with the name of the child on the arm

The most popular tattoos with names are the names of children. Parents are filled with love for the child and want to capture bright moments as a keepsake.

It is already a matter of taste, but the important components - quality and idea - remain in the first place. Love is a beautiful and bright feeling, even if the tattoos with the names of children are beautiful, of high quality, with an idea.

Interesting: celebrity name tattoos

A common theme in tattoos also applies to those who walk the red carpet. Celebrities write the names of parents, lovers, children, decorate with monograms and abstract paintings, choose different fonts and colors. And sometimes, if there was a mistake of youth, they reduce or interrupt :)

Names began to be given to people BC. Evidence of this is the notes of Chrysippus. The ancient Greek philosopher singled out names as a separate group of words 2,500 years ago.

There is no earlier evidence. But, scientists tend to believe that people began to hail their neighbors back in Paleolithic times. They began to live in communities. Speech skills developed. It was not always possible to approach, pull the hand.

Saved the voice. A proper name was required so that it was clear who exactly they were addressing. At first, they relied on external similarities. Red means the sun. Eyes all the time in a wet place, so Dazhd. In a civilized society, tactics have changed. The main thing in the name was the quality that they wanted to reward the child.

Elena, for example, is enlightened in translation from ancient Greek. The name is still the hallmark of a person. No wonder so many do tattoo names. Let's talk about them.

The meaning of a tattoo with names

In addition to the generally accepted meanings of names associated with their etymology, history, there is also an individual meaning. Usually, it has an emotional, sensual overtones. Someone is stuffing baby name tattoo. Someone perpetuates the initials of a loved one on their body. There are tattoos with the names of parents, friends, idols. Most of them are evidence of warm feelings, respect, admiration.

Tattoo "Children's names on the arm" may be supplemented with their own initials. The latter, most often, indicate pride, contentment with their name. This is confirmed by Zemfira. Back in the 1990s, she had a "Z" near her right shoulder. The letter has become a symbol of two favorite names at once - one's own and a musical group.

Esotericists say that inscriptions-names - tattoo capable of enhancing human energy. We are talking about using your own initials for tattoos. Each letter carries a certain "charge". The more often signs are used in a person's life, the stronger he himself is. Some physiologists even say that character formation is connected with this.

Each sound affects certain areas of the brain. The repeated repetition of the name all the time involves the same areas. They are more active and developed. Here are the main personality traits. A drawing is not an audio recording. But, the visual image in the form evokes in memory the characteristic sound.

If the name of a loved one is used for a tattoo, this serves as a kind of oath of allegiance. Tattoo names of girls they talk about the seriousness of feelings, confidence that they have found the one and only. Mariah Carey's husband, for example, put her name not only in his heart and passport, but also stuffed it on his back.

It is located horizontally in the region of the shoulder blades. The initials of the beloved put on his body and the husband of the singer Pink. Motorcycle racer hart wears name tattoo on wrist, stomach, back. In total, five tattoos are dedicated to the wife. Pink herself is in no hurry to display the name of her beloved on her body. There are objective reasons for that. Let's move on to them.

The nuances of applying a tattoo with names

A photo It's not uncommon for celebrities to become disillusioned with their tattoos. Basically, the negative is connected just with the names of loved ones. Today it seems like it's for life. Tomorrow, I have to go to the salon to reduce the tattoo. So did Angelina Jolie.

She did arm tattoo. Name Billy Bob flaunted on his shoulder. The rocker became the second and, as she thought, the last husband of the actress. However, the marriage broke up a couple of years after the wedding. The large inscription began to annoy Jolie. Pink is also afraid of this. Refusal of tattoos with the name of her husband is a kind of amulet of their marriage.

Disappointment, as a rule, does not overtake carriers tattoo with children's names. A photo such tattoos posted online, for example, David Beckham. Of the Russian celebrities, you can specify Ksenia Borodina, Alena Vodonaeva, Katya Zhuzhu and Aiza Dolmatova. The ex-wife of rapper Guf has a son named Sami.

Isa wears it name on hand. A photo Borodina's tattoos also show the inscription on her hand. TV presenter's daughter - Marusya. Zhuzha also has a daughter, her name is Nicole. Vodonaeva placed the name of her son Bogdan on the elbow of her right hand.

Tattoo names for men and women's are applied not only in their native language. For tattoos, any alphabets are used, even those not used today. So, for example, you can emphasize the origin of the name. What if it's Latin? In the 21st century, only physicians, biologists and other scientists know a couple of words in this language. So, consider the options for the alphabets used for tattoos with initials.

Beautiful tattoos with names in different languages

Let's continue the theme of Latin names. There are hundreds of them, for example, name is Maxim. Tattoo with him in his native language looks like this: - "Maximus". The meaning is related to the modern word "maximum" - the largest. The same singer Zemfira has a Bashkir name. The artist chose the English “Z” for the tattoo. But, the Bashkir inscription would more accurately reflect the character of the girl.

Bashkir, Thai, Mongolian inscriptions are a rare request. Still leading the way tattoo names in latin, in English, Japanese and Chinese. True, the use of Asian alphabets can distort the meaning of words. Tattoo hieroglyphs "Names" selected for sound.

That is, the tattoo should be read like the sound of the original source. At the same time, Pavel is no longer small, Alexander is not a winner, Elena is not bright. Often, the translation of the inscription does not even contain a hint of the person's name, it can be provocative, unpleasant. This is worth considering when looking at sketches-tattoo "Names".

Names written in Hebrew or Arabic script are gaining popularity. At the same time, not all initials are historically related to these languages. On the other hand, adherence to one or another religion is often traced. So, adherents of Judaism want to display an English or Russian name in Hebrew, and Islam in Arabic.

In these languages, each letter does not have its own meaning, like hieroglyphs. Therefore, there is no reason to worry about deciphering the tattoo. Only the sound of the name matters. Even having a European origin, it may be on the list of eastern ones.

A prime example is Arthur. Origin is English. But, in Armenian there is a phrase that sounds almost identical. It translates as "given by God". Therefore, the name quickly took root among the eastern.
