Injection methods in cosmetology. Types of injections under the eyes and injection procedures for rejuvenation Injection cosmetology what

Injection procedures - a well-proven minimally invasive method of rejuvenation and correction of the face and figure. "Injections of youth and beauty" have become an excellent alternative to plastic surgery, which for many years was the only way to get rid of signs of aging and skin defects.

Today, thanks to injection cosmetology, it is possible to without surgery , quickly, effectively and almost painlessly eliminate deep nasolabial and vertical frown lines, radial wrinkles in the outer corner of the eye (the so-called "crow's feet"), change the shape of the lips, etc. No wonder that injection cosmetology has so many fans.

The appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging directly depends on the content of collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin, which, alas, decreases with age. However, with the help of special preparations (botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid), the aging process can be slowed down. The introduction of these substances under wrinkles smoothes them, and into the facial muscles - reduces the number of their contractions. The method successfully eliminates already existing skin defects, and, in addition, prevents the appearance of new ones. In the same way, other biologically active substances and vitamins can be introduced into the dermis.

In our clinic, this popular area of ​​cosmetology is represented by the following procedures:

Properly selected technique and professionalism of doctors is a guarantee of success. We employ only highly qualified specialists - dermatocosmetologists with many years of experience, who own the most modern techniques. We use high-quality, certified methods and preparations, and we carry out procedures in sterile conditions, in compliance with all necessary sanitary norms and rules. All this, combined with equipment from the best European manufacturers, gives an invariable result - patients leave us rejuvenated, beautiful and healthy.

The effect of injection procedures:

  • correction of age-related changes in the skin (flabbiness, dryness, swelling, unhealthy complexion, age spots);
  • nutrition, skin hydration;
  • correction of wrinkles on the forehead, on the bridge of the nose, around the eyes, around the lips;
  • getting rid of pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • increase in the volume of the lips;
  • face oval correction;
  • restoration of the shape of the cheekbones;
  • nutrition, hydration, restoration of skin turgor;
  • acne treatment;
  • treatment of the scalp with thinning (loss) of hair;
  • getting rid of local fat deposits on the face and body, cellulite, stretch marks.

Advantages of injection cosmetology:

  • instant effect;
  • minimally invasive (non-surgical, not requiring anesthesia, method);
  • does not require long-term rehabilitation and does not violate the usual rhythm of life;
  • minimization of allergic reactions;
  • combined with other therapies (eg.

For a long time, the only way to achieve rejuvenation was plastic surgery. In recent years, a more rational solution has appeared, excluding surgical intervention. This is an injection cosmetology that can give an instant effect.

What methods are used?

Injection cosmetology in Moscow involves a wide range of offers. If you do not want to be disappointed in your choice, the following recommendations:

  • ask the institution for a license;
  • ask family and friends to tell you about the quality of service if they have ever been treated here.

Please note that:

  • the absence of patients in the foyer is a bad sign;
  • a competent doctor seeks to avoid serious intervention as much as possible;
  • a sign of a good clinic is a detailed patient survey;
  • a real specialist will never go home.

What injection techniques in cosmetology are offered in modern clinics?

  • biorevitalization and mesotherapy;
  • botulinum therapy;
  • contour plastic and softlifting;
  • mesothreads and bioreinforcement.

The listed injection methods in cosmetology are the most popular.


Biorevitalization is associated with the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin. Collagen preparations are also used. All these components are an integral part of the epidermis. It is they who provide its hydration and elasticity. With age, the production of these substances decreases markedly. This is sometimes facilitated by adverse environmental factors:

  • ultraviolet rays of the sun;
  • exposure to chemicals;
  • mechanical damage.

The most striking example of reduced collagen production is the formation of wrinkles.

What areas are affected? This is the face, neck and décolleté, the back of the hand. The drug is injected into the skin at a depth of 1 cm. Before this, you need to carry out local anesthesia.

After the procedure, small papules are formed, which pass on their own after 3 days.
Usually the doctor prescribes the procedures in a course (2-3 sessions). Patients visit them once every two weeks. After their completion, it is enough to carry out maintenance therapy. To do this, you should visit a beautician once every three months.

In what cases is biorevitalization justified:

  • after a trip to hot countries;
  • in the presence of very dry skin;
  • after chemical peeling or photorejuvenation;
  • when plastic surgery is due.


It involves the use of a high dose of the drug, administered subcutaneously. It is used for individual areas of the skin or in the immediate vicinity of the site of the lesion.

Sometimes the procedure is done manually with a syringe. It is carried out once a week. Assign a course of 7-10 sessions.

Areas treated: face and body, scalp.

Preparations that are used in mesotherapy are often based on homeopathy.

Botulinum therapy

The technique allows for the correction and prevention of mimic wrinkles. Special drugs are used in the form of injections of Botox, Xeomin, Dysport.

They help to relax the neck and facial muscles. Thus, the problem that caused mimic wrinkles is eliminated.

The drug is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. The doctor uses very thin needles, due to this, the pain of the procedure is almost zero.

Please note that botulinum toxin therapy does not give the face the appearance of a "mask". That is, it is completely preserved looks fresh and cheerful.

  • "crow's feet" around the eyes;
  • and bridge of the nose;
  • downturned corners of the mouth;
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

The presence of serious experience is what injectable cosmetology necessarily requires. Training should be carried out according to a special program.

The full course involves the study of theoretical and practical material. Beauticians who want to improve their own skills and learn about new techniques can try this direction.

First, students are given introductory lectures. At them, students will learn the meaning of basic concepts and what equipment they will work with. They are told about the principles and effects of certain procedures. After that, injection cosmetology is taught in the form of practical exercises.


Another innovative technology. It allows:

  • provide;
  • fill the deficit of soft tissue volume.

Injection cosmetology is most popular among representatives of show business. As for softlifting, it is in high demand in Western countries. Compared to standard plastic fillers, it is considered more effective. At the same time, it is characterized by a lower level of injuries.


It is noticeable almost immediately. It can be seen how the volume of the soft tissues of the face, lost due to various reasons, is restored. The rehabilitation period is not provided, as there is no need for it.


The technique is based on modeling the frame of the face and body in 3D. At the same time, mesothreads with the finest structure are used. A thin needle is used to inject the material - polydioxanone.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the cosmetologist chooses one or another direction of movement of the thread. Maximum comfort is the main advantage of the procedure. For the absence of pain, professionals use topical creams.

The threads are elastic. For this reason, the resulting frame is stable. Rehabilitation is not required in most cases. Another plus is the absence of traces after injections. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour.

Effect Duration

The effect of the procedure is immediately visible and lasts up to 2 years. Much depends on the patient himself. Usually 1 session is enough to get the desired result.


Injection procedures in cosmetology guarantee maximum convenience and comfort for the patient. An example of this is bioreinforcement. It is highly effective and pain free. This non-surgical technique involves the use of anesthesia. After that, the doctor introduces a special drug according to a special scheme.

There is a uniform distribution of the active substance under the skin. Due to this, it equally affects the metabolic processes occurring in cells.


  • loose skin folds;
  • the presence of vague contours in the zone of the lower jaw and chin;
  • lowered corners of the eyebrows, eyes and mouth.

Sometimes an injection cosmetology clinic may offer a patient to resort to bio-reinforcement in order to enlarge certain areas of the face, cheeks, for example.


  • infectious processes in the active stage;
  • diseases of the blood system;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

If biorevitalization is carried out, ignoring all these contraindications, side effects are possible. The result of the procedure itself may also not be the most successful.

But even for absolutely healthy people, preliminary preparation is required. As prescribed by the doctor, a few days before the session, the patient takes Dicinon or its equivalent. This measure is aimed at preventing hematomas.

To avoid problems with the circulatory system, it is required to exclude anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamin E for 2 weeks.

Contour plastic

Injection cosmetology is recognized today as one of the best ways to painlessly eliminate skin defects. It allows you to prolong its youth and beauty for many years, it is used when there is a shortage of soft tissue volume. In this case we are talking about Specialists use the so-called fillers. They are subcutaneous fillers.

Areas of use:

  • various folds (chin, nasolabial, and so on);
  • lips (for enlargement);
  • nasolacrimal folds;
  • atrophic scars.

The duration of the procedure is 20-40 minutes. Before starting work, the specialist applies a special anesthetic cream.

Temporary preparations based on hyaluronic acid have become popular in recent years. They provide a long lasting effect. Such a solution is considered more physiological than fillers.

General provisions:

In the Bodenseeklinik clinic, only those preparations that are based on biological or endogenous materials are used as cosmetic fillers (dermal fillers) for smoothing wrinkles and facial contouring. For this reason, many thousands of patients who regularly take these procedures in our clinic have never experienced medical complications. Our main principle: first of all - health, and then - beauty!

Professor Mang is a recognized luminary and founder in the field of application in aesthetic medicine of injection methods for smoothing wrinkles and for contouring and volumetric plastics. In the early 1980s, Prof. Mang became the first to use collagen injections in Germany. These methods have proved to be excellent all over the world. Along with preparations based on collagen, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are also used in this area with excellent results.

Filler injections are made subcutaneously, the corresponding drugs are injected into problem areas of the skin of the face. The desired effect comes quickly, but its duration is individually limited. For the stability of the effect, an annual repetition of this procedure is recommended. Thousands of satisfied patients are adherents of this method.

Botox injections are the most effective non-surgical method used to smooth facial wrinkles in the forehead and bridge of the nose. Botulinum toxin has been used in medicine for many years and provides excellent results.

After a thorough skin analysis, the type of filler for injection that is optimally suitable for your skin type is selected. The final decision to achieve the best effect determines whether collagen, hyaluronic acid, lipofilling (injections of one's own fat) or Botox will be used. The choice of the correct type and type of injection is highly individual for each individual patient and depends on many factors. Of course, only very experienced and highly qualified specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine can make the best decision. All of the above procedures are performed in the clinic on an outpatient basis, using local anesthesia.

Lipofilling (injections of the patient's own fat) leads to excellent results. In recent years, a new technique has been used for collecting and preparing fat for transplantation, processing fat cells, which allows for a stable long-term effect (previously, the duration of lipofilling was incomparably shorter). Fat cells are deep frozen and stored in the clinic, where, depending on the need, they are reused for the patient. For optimal results, 6-12 weeks after the first injection, a second injection is recommended, which is also performed on an outpatient basis, without any surgical intervention.

More about the lipofilling procedure:

For the lipofilling procedure, the patient's fat cells are taken using special equipment through micro-incisions in problem areas of the body. After special treatment, these fat cells are injected subcutaneously (by micrografting) into those parts of the face where it is needed. Both the collection and the introduction of fat cells are performed through punctures that do not leave marks. This is a very effective technique that can significantly slow down the aging process of the skin. Professor Mang called this rejuvenation method "Space Lift".

Post-procedural period:

After all the above procedures, patients should not wet their face and use decorative cosmetics for a day. At this time, alcohol should also be excluded. A day after the procedure, you can resume the use of the usual cosmetics and return to the normal rhythm of life. After the lipofilling procedure, it is recommended to stay at the clinic's hotel for a day, where a wide range of various procedures is offered for a speedy rehabilitation. For example, a very effective cooling system to prevent swelling.

Injections under the eyes, or injection blepharoplasty, are today one of the most popular non-surgical methods of rejuvenation. The first signs of aging of the delicate skin around the eyes appear at the age of 30-35. Due to the specific structure of human skin, cosmetics applied to its surface cannot penetrate deeply into the epidermis and do not provide the necessary anti-aging effect.

Skin aging factors

The thin skin around the eyes requires special care and nutrition. Negative internal and external factors can lead to premature aging and structural changes.

Special injections for the eyes act on the deep layers of the dermis, nourishing the cells and muscle fibers. After the procedures, the facial muscles of the periorbital zone contract.

It is necessary to take care of the skin around the eyes from the age of 20-25, but the intense effect that injections from wrinkles under the eyes provide is recommended to be used after 30 years.

  • bad ecology;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad habits;
  • excessive facial expressions;
  • increased insolation;
  • excessive load on the eyes (computer work, reading);
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • wrong make-up removal;
  • internal (systemic) diseases;
  • insufficient rest, insomnia;
  • stress.

These factors lead to the accelerated formation of dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles and hernial sacs.

Who needs youth injections

The decision on the need for rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes is made not only by the patient. The question of the selection of methods for correcting age-related changes, indications and contraindications is decided by the doctor after certain studies (history, measurement of skin thickness) and taking into account the wishes of the client.

Indications for the use of "beauty injections" are age-related changes:

  • deep wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, the so-called "crow's feet", arising from a decrease in skin elasticity;
  • swelling, dark circles, hernial sacs caused by impaired blood flow through the veins and lymph;
  • deepening of the nasolacrimal groove, which appears against the background of ptosis (sagging) of the tissues around the eyes;
  • dry skin and a change in its color, which indicate a violation of the nutrition of cells;
  • the appearance of age spots and rosacea (vascular network).

To eliminate degenerative changes in the skin, a set of injection therapy methods and the composition of the “cocktail” are selected, which are used to inject. The main sign of a highly professional cosmetic impact is an individual approach to the choice of means and methods that provide a long-term result.

Methods of injection blepharoplasty

The most popular and popular methods for eliminating age-related changes around the eyes are:

  • biorevitalization;
  • mesotherapy;
  • botulinum toxin injections;
  • plasmolifting;
  • contour plastic;
  • oxygen-ozone therapy.

Injections for wrinkles, bruises, bags and other manifestations of age-related skin changes in the intraorbital zone are not without reason called “youth injections”.

The advantage is:

  • the absence of skin injuries that lead to the appearance of scars, adhesions;
  • short rehabilitation period;
  • no risk of postoperative complications and infections;
  • the effect of rejuvenation is similar to surgical procedures, but without changing the appearance (eye cut, for example).

Thanks to injection therapy, the skin around the eyes is tightened, smoothed, brightened. Modern methods can also get rid of more pronounced changes - hyperpigmentation, vascular network, deepening of the nasolacrimal sulcus.

Biorevitalization procedure

Based on the injection of hyaluronic acid preparations. It is used both in monotherapy and in combination with vitamin preparations, products containing trace elements, enzymes and other components for nutrition and tissue repair in the periorbital zone.

Specially processed hyaluronic acid “attracts” and retains water in tissue cells. Thanks to the biotechnology of the processing of molecules, hyaluronic acid is slowly excreted and provides a prolonged rejuvenation process. Providing tissue hydration allows you to make the skin more elastic, resilient, remove bruises under the eyes and fine wrinkles.

Mesotherapy with cocktails

Mesotherapy is the introduction of a pharmacological "cocktail" of vitamins, trace elements, collagen, plant extracts. The composition is individual and is selected taking into account structural changes in the skin, its structural features and other important characteristics. The severity of the cosmetic problem affects the number of procedures required in order to achieve the expected effect of rejuvenation.

A cocktail consisting of 2-3 components is injected with a thin needle to a depth of several millimeters. The procedure is carried out both manually, making injections according to a certain scheme, and with the help of a cosmetic device. In order to achieve a fixation of the effect obtained, it is recommended to carry out a course of procedures (3-8) with an interval of 7-10 days.

The procedure allows you to improve the nutrition of tissues, eliminate wrinkles and congestion, remove bags under the eyes, swelling and swelling, improve the color of the epidermis.

Botulinum toxin injections

One of the reasons for the early appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is the increased activity of facial muscles. All human emotions are accompanied by a contraction of muscle bundles attached at one end to the skin. Laughter, sadness, crying lead to the formation of creases, which deepen against the background of a decrease in the elasticity of the epidermis.

Preparations of purified botulinum toxin - Botox, Xeomin - block the contraction of muscle fibers, smoothing the skin and preventing the appearance of new wrinkles. The effect lasts for 6-8 months, after which the contractility of the fibers is restored and a new procedure is required.

Plasmolifting, contouring and oxygen-ozone therapy

When the patient is given injections of his own purified plasma. This procedure allows you to achieve an effect similar to mesotherapy. The advantage of plasmolifting is the absence of the risk of rejection of the drug and the absence of an allergic reaction.

The non-surgical contouring procedure allows you to correct gross defects - a deep nasolacrimal groove, deep wrinkles around the eyes. The introduction of self-absorbable fillers ensures the "pushing out" of wrinkles, strengthening the skin, smoothing the relief. The introduction of gels is carried out both under the skin, filling the creases, and intradermally.

Saturation of the blood circulating in the vessels of the periorbital zone with oxygen helps not only to cope with wrinkles. A special oxygen-ozone mixture normalizes blood flow and lymphatic drainage, so that the patient gets rid of bruises under the eyes.

Dermaheal EYE BAG SOLUTION allows you to get rid of fat deposits in the upper and lower eyelids in just 4-10 procedures. It consists of 4 biometric peptides - growth substances and hormones. They provide the production of their own collagen and elastin. Today, a number of cosmetic companies are developing drugs based on biometric peptides that can replace botulinum toxin.

Get rid of dark circles under the eyes can introduce a new drug - Dark Circle Solution. Injections eliminate congestion in the capillaries of the venous network, reduce the severity of rosacea (vascular network), even out the color of the skin.

The modern pharmaceutical industry continues to improve the composition of drugs used to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. The effect of the “shots of youth” is becoming longer and more pronounced. Such a miracle injection not only removes existing changes, but also prevents the appearance of new ones, prolonging youth, and allows you to get rid of bags under the eyes.

Possible consequences of injections

The use of approved and licensed drugs, the high professionalism of a cosmetologist, compliance with the rules for the introduction of cosmetic products and compliance with asepsis standards guarantee minimal injection consequences:

  • redness and peeling of the skin;
  • slight swelling;
  • formation of a hematoma at the injection site;
  • mild pain after the procedure.

Normally, these effects disappear within a few weeks. But there are examples that indicate the occurrence after the procedure of a serious threat not only to the appearance, but also to the general state of health of the patient.

Low qualification of a specialist and the use of low-quality drugs can lead to serious consequences, including:

  • prolonged paralysis of facial muscles;
  • allergic reactions;
  • impaired blood supply, ischemia and tissue necrosis;
  • filer migration;
  • the formation of scar tissue;
  • the appearance of the Tyndall effect (a change in skin color at the site of injection and spread of the filler).

In order to avoid such consequences, one should approach the choice of a cosmetology clinic with great responsibility, study the reviews of former patients, check the availability of licenses and documents on the professional training of specialists. Additionally, the professionalism of the doctor is evidenced by preliminary appointments and tests, a detailed study of the anamnesis and a survey about the previous experience of rejuvenation injections.

Injected drugs should have holographic protection and be opened in the presence of the patient. It is necessary to carefully study the document that is given to sign the consent to the procedure. It should indicate the possible consequences and contraindications. Following these simple requirements will make injection methods of rejuvenation safe.

Injection procedures today represent the most advanced methods of preventing skin aging. With their help, an immediate result is achieved, they do not carry high risks associated with complications, and the needle in the healing process does not penetrate too deeply, excluding damage to nerve endings. But in order to achieve the maximum effect, the required precaution must be observed, both in all and specifically in injection procedures.

Preparing the skin for the treatment process

Before invasive procedures, the skin first needs to be worked on. Below are the step by step preparations.

1. The doctor must familiarize himself with the patient's medical history, living conditions, past illnesses.

2. Structuring a productive method of gentle care for the epithelium.

3. If you want to assign procedures:

Laser therapy (lasers based on high-intensity light pulses, including fractional ones);


4. To avoid seals after injections:

Use special creams;

Try to achieve the effect of bromelain by drinking pineapple juice;

Refuse anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, vitamin "E", acetylsalicylic acid, fish oil.

List of obligations that the doctor should be aware of

1. When andinjection procedures it is necessary to make sure that the patient does not suffer from an allergic dependence on the drugs and components that make up the injections.

2. Ensure proper preparedness, as immunosuppressants increase the chance of chronic infections due to the biofilm formed after the injection.

3. Increased risk of infection with chemotherapy agents.

4. Inform the patient which dietary supplements contribute to the appearance of seals.

1. Cosmetic procedures related to skin resurfacing. This group includes retinoids, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, bionic alpha acids. In fact, all of them remove the stratum corneum, reduce pigmentation, increase hydration, and speed up metabolism.

2. Formation of the basis of the dermis. A very important indicator that qualitatively affects the properties of the skin. Matrixyl, selective peptides, aminofil, NeoGlucosamine component will be useful.

3. Use drugs from, including the latest developments (Aminophil). It increases the content of glycosaminoglycans, hyaluronic acid in the dermis. Structural compounds are strengthened, chemical reactions in cells are accelerated, the percentage of collagen increases without visible side effects.

Application of modern pharmacological advances

4. Hyaluronic acid consists of a number of components, one of which is neoglucosamine (shared use with retinoids is allowed). Being a natural component, it exfoliates, brightens the upper areas of the skin, blocks tyrosinase, and prevents new pigmentation. N-acetylglucosamine accumulates water, improves skin texture, improves firmness and elasticity.

5. The latest alpha hydroxy acids. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, improve and moisturize the subcutaneous base, promote metabolism, remove harmful accumulations from cellular structures. Alpha hydroxy acids prevent premature aging of the skin, prevent the appearance of pigmentation after an ultraviolet burn. To provide a high synthetic effect, alpha hydroxy acids can be combined with matrix peptides or retinol. Thanks to synthetic fusion, the level increases collagen, fibronectin, which, among other things, form a smooth, elastic skin.

6. When using substances - neurotoxins for resorption of fats in the cervical and other parts of the body, it is required to use creams, which include citric acid. It has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Use in the treatment of several products

Drawing final conclusions, we can conclude that preliminary preparation before injection procedures is an integral important part of the entire invasive process. In addition to the obligatory wiping of the injection site with alcohol, it is advisable to combine several auxiliary substances, where peptides, hydroxy acids, retinoids, antioxidants are present - at the last stage, sunscreens. They will serve as a barrier against ultraviolet radiation and make the skin more protected.
