How to kiss correctly: we study various techniques. Learning to kiss, exploring ways and techniques of kissing

Part 1

How to initiate a kiss

    Let your partner take the initiative (optional). If you are very nervous, wait until your partner takes the initiative. Just repeat what he (she) does during the kiss.

    Take risks. Over time, you will be able to initiate the kiss, and you will develop your own technique.

Part 4

How to kiss after a date

    Lean in closer. A kiss after a date may or may not happen, so if you want to kiss your partner, be close to him or her. When it's time to say goodbye, you'll be close enough to kiss without having to make any unnecessary moves.

    • Boys, at such moments you usually panic and peck the girl on the cheek, which practically means: “You remind me of my sister” - not a very good way to end a date. When you walk a girl to her car or door, place your hand on her shoulder. The barrier has almost been overcome! Now she already imagines your intentions, now you can safely stand closer to her.
  1. Watch the girl's reaction. If she leans away or moves away from you or tries to create distance between you, then you shouldn't try to kiss her. There is no need to be offended and make a scene out of it - smile, thank her for the wonderful evening and say goodbye. Perhaps the girl is not yet ready for a kiss.

  2. . If a person stands close and looks into their partner's eyes, it usually means that they are about to kiss them.

    • If you look into her eyes for too long, she may feel uncomfortable. Try not to stare, otherwise she will feel like she's being interrogated. Look into her eyes, but from time to time you need to look away - for example, at her lips.
    • Perhaps you think that you don’t need to let the girl know so clearly that you are going to kiss her. But you are wrong - if she is ready for a kiss, then everything will go more smoothly. There is no place for surprises here - otherwise it will lead to bruises, broken noses and teeth, inconvenience and misunderstanding on her part.
  3. Stop the conversation. If you want to kiss her, you don't have to talk all the time. At the moment of goodbye, when it is time for a kiss, people usually start to worry and talk a lot.

    • There is no need to abruptly end the conversation - otherwise she will think that it is time for you to leave and will begin to say goodbye. But, on the other hand, there is no need to continue it endlessly.
    • Let your answers be monosyllabic, but friendly - then the conversation will soon end and it will be time for a kiss.

It is impossible to imagine your life without kisses; with their help you can express a whole range of feelings: gratitude, tenderness, affection, respect and, of course, love. They are the essential companions of love, serve as the beginning of a serious relationship, and no couple in love can do without them. Therefore, sooner or later, every person wonders how to kiss correctly. This topic is especially of interest to those who have never had the opportunity to do this.

Before the first kiss

Usually, failures during the first kiss happen due to the fact that people constantly think about it, are afraid of leaving an unpleasant impression or appearing incompetent, or, on the contrary, they express themselves too actively, trying to show themselves as capable and experienced. Therefore, you should not get hung up on it.

While kissing, try to relax and enjoy yourself. Forget about memorized movements, rely only on your sensations and feelings.

However, it is worth remembering that your partner also wants to be kissed. At the same time, it is very important that your jaws move synchronously, try to get into the rhythm of your loved one’s movements, do not immediately seize the initiative, a little later you will be able to set the rhythm yourself.

When kissing, do not be afraid to touch your partner; you can stroke his hair, face, shoulders, etc.

All your actions should be gentle and relaxed.

Try not to rush and not to delay the first kiss too much; it is better if it is short-lived.

Not everyone manages to enjoy a kiss for the first time. This is due to the fact that most of the attention is paid to assessing the situation, as well as one’s own actions. But as soon as you manage to get rid of these thoughts, relax and completely surrender to the process, you will understand how pleasant it is to kiss.

There is nothing incomprehensible or difficult in the art of kissing; everyone can learn to do it correctly. First of all, you need to make sure that you are ready for the kiss. There should be no unpleasant odors coming from your mouth, as they can repel even the most passionate lover. You should also keep your teeth and tongue clean. To achieve this, in addition to toothpaste, use special fresheners and mouth rinses.

Now we can take a closer look at the kissing process itself:

After waiting for the right moment, you can start kissing. To do this, slowly begin to tilt your head towards your partner until your lips touch. At the same time, pull your lips forward slightly so that they remain relaxed. After contact, close your eyes and focus on the sensations.

Without haste, gently kiss one of your partner’s lips with your two lips, ideally it should be between your lips. At the same time, lightly compress your lips. To determine the grip strength and practice, you can squeeze your index finger with your lips. This kiss should last about 2-4 seconds.

After this, lean back about 4 centimeters, open your eyes and look at your loved one. This point needs to be given special attention, as it will help you determine whether it is worth continuing or whether it is better to stop. Monitor your partner's reaction, if it is positive, you can move on.

Start kissing one of your loved one's lips again, then move to the other and back again. At the same time, you can suck it lightly or move your tongue over it. You can also use your teeth and start lightly biting your lip, but you should be very careful here so as not to hurt your loved one. When kissing, be sure to watch your partner’s reaction and give him the opportunity to kiss you too.

French Kiss

This is a very intimate type of kiss in which one partner touches the lips, mouth and tongue of the other partner with his tongue. Usually it becomes a continuation of a kiss on the lips, but can also occur separately. If you and your lover have never kissed in this way, you don’t need to immediately put your tongue in his mouth, try to act gradually and tactfully, taking into account the situation and your partner’s reaction.

Where to begin:

So, first you need to know your partner's reaction. So start with a simple kiss, then open your mouth slightly and run the tip of your tongue over your loved one’s lips and wait until he responds. In this case, the guy can take active action himself. If he doesn’t dare, then open your lips a little wider and very slowly spread his lips with your tongue. Then move your tongue back slightly and wait for his reaction. Repeat this action until your tongues touch.

The video below will more clearly demonstrate to you how to kiss correctly. Please note that the video shows a kiss from partners who have long passed the stage of the first kiss and can afford much more. You can find a visual aid to the first kiss in the video at the end of this article.

Passionate French kiss with tongue

French kiss technique

  1. Try to behave naturally, relax, discard shyness and excitement.
  2. You can make any movements with your tongue: suck easily, move from side to side, touch slightly, etc., the main thing is that your loved one likes it. Explore, add new movements, and you can easily determine his tastes. Just remember that when kissing, all manipulations with the tongue must be performed smoothly and with moderate force, so as not to cause discomfort to your partner.
  3. To begin with, you can run your tongue along the inside of your lips; men really like this, since one of the erogenous zones is located there.
  4. Tongue sucking. While kissing, you can lightly suck your partner's tongue. It may be quite difficult for you to catch it right away, but soon you will learn to do it quickly. Suck the guy's tongue like a cocktail straw. At the same time, you may need to press closer to your partner so that he does not recoil in surprise. But as soon as the guy relaxes, you can start sucking his tongue with pulsating movements. Such caresses usually give the partner great pleasure.
  5. Tongue rotation. You can make rotational movements with your tongue when kissing, this gives great pleasure to many. To do this, touch your partner's tongue with yours and begin to make clockwise rotational movements around it.
  6. Simultaneous movements of the tongue. Usually one of the partners initiates the kiss, so at first he acts independently. But there are also situations when a couple begins to kiss using the tongue at the same time. At the same time, a kind of game occurs when the partners seem to catch up with each other with their tongues.
  7. Pressing on the tongue. You can press on the tongue with such force that it would be pleasant for you. In this case, the partner may, as it were, resist in response, pressing on your tongue.
  8. The force of pressure on the lips. The lips can be applied with different strengths. It is recommended to start with a soft, gentle touch, and after a little time you can add intensity. Change the pressure on your lips and the pace of the kiss: sometimes weakly, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. Constant change and variety are the basis of any kiss.
  9. Duration of the kiss. The duration of a kiss can be completely different; the optimal time is from 0.5 to 5 minutes. But this figure is very individual, for some one minute is enough, while for others half an hour is not enough. The fact that the kiss was successful is indicated by slight excitement and slight shortness of breath.

What is better not to do when French kissing:

  • When kissing, you should not bite your tongue, since even the most gentle and light biting can give your partner unpleasant sensations.
  • Also, do not stick your tongue too deeply, as this can also cause discomfort.
  • There is no need to focus on just one language, make the process varied, alternate different types of kisses.
  • Don't grab your partner's lips or tongue too hard or too often.
  • Don't drool. Watch your salivation, if it is too strong, alternate different types of kisses.
  • Don't lick your partner's entire face and mouth - why be like a dog.

Whatever your experience in kissing, never be afraid to experiment, because only through trial and error will you be able to perfect your technique. Kiss your loved one as your heart tells you, and then you will remember these wonderful moments for the rest of your life.

What not to do while kissing

1) Don't try to look at your partner. Just close your eyes and enjoy the kiss. If during a kiss your partner opens his eyes slightly and notices that you are looking at him carefully, this may confuse him.

2) Don't try to talk or interject while kissing. A kiss is an absorbing process, if your partner is drowning in the kiss, he simply may not hear what you say, or, on the contrary, will move away from your lips in order to better understand what you are saying.

3) Do not try to passionately pull your partner’s hair while kissing, as you may have seen in some erotic scenes in movies. If you just want to repeat what you saw in the movies, it can be executed simply ridiculously.

4) Don't open your mouth wide. A kiss is primarily the interaction of the lips and tongue of the partners; do not try to eat your gentleman.

5) Do not try to lick your partner’s face with your tongue; the kissing area is your partner’s lips and tongue. Everything that goes beyond this zone can already be considered preliminary caresses before the start of intimacy.

Video instruction: how to kiss correctly for the first time

Many articles and books have been written about how to kiss correctly. This is not surprising, because a kiss is not only a manifestation of love and tenderness for each other, but also a whole art. It helps boost immunity, lift your mood and avoid stress.

During the process, about 30 facial muscles are involved, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and helps prevent the occurrence of wrinkles. It has been proven that not only knowledge of how to kiss correctly, but also the number of kisses - at least 7 per day - plays a significant role.

In contact with

Types of kisses on the lips

There are so many kissing techniques that they are studied in a separate science - philematology. She considers the process from the point of view of physiology and psychology. Based on these criteria, different types of kisses are distinguished.

It is this type of lip contact that has gained the most popularity. Its key feature is the penetration of the tongue into the partner’s mouth. This makes the process more sensual, but the most technically challenging. Before trying it out in practice, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how to kiss correctly:

  1. You need to prepare in advance. The success of a kiss largely depends on the freshness of your breath, the pleasant smell of your body and hair, and your neat appearance. Immediately before touching your lips, you should use chewing gum or a lollipop.
  2. It's better to start with a light kiss. Haste is not the best companion in how to kiss properly. Light touches should develop into a passionate French kiss gradually, and it is recommended to increase the pace slowly.
  3. Give in to emotions. Only a sincere gesture will bring real pleasure. How to kiss on the lips correctly will be largely dictated by emotions and feelings.

Perfecting the French technique can require extensive training. However, the simplest kiss with the tongue can be done by lovers without experience. The main thing is mutual attraction and sympathy, and knowledge of how to kiss correctly will come with it.


Surprisingly, in France the famous love gesture is called the “English kiss”. According to some historians, this name for the French method was obtained due to the celebration of Kiss Day. The custom originated in the 19th century in Great Britain and is still celebrated every year on July 6th. Two decades ago, the holiday officially received international status.

There is no difference between how to kiss on the lips - in English or in French.


Italians are famous for their passionate behavior, both in everyday life and in love. However, the Italian kiss is completely different, it is also known as the flirting kiss. The gesture is soft, gentle, romantic. How to kiss in Italian:

  1. Touch lips. This must be done slowly and gently. Before kissing, it is better to wet your lips or use hygienic lipstick. In this case, they will be the softest and will give the partner maximum pleasure.
  2. Movements should not be sudden. You should move your lips carefully. Excessive passion is not acceptable in an Italian kiss.
  3. You shouldn't use your tongue. In this case, the Italian kiss turns into a French one.
  4. It is important to reserve time. The main feature of the Italian method is duration. This is a great way to kiss passionately without tongue, if you have a few hours of free time. Such a lingering kiss can drive even the most persistent and sensible people crazy.

Without tongue

Touching lips without using the tongue is typical for couples who have just started dating or for young lovers. However, even in family relationships, a kiss of this kind can add novelty and romance, because it emanates naivety and tenderness. How to kiss without tongue:

  1. Preparation. Before kissing without tongue, it is important to freshen your breath. Before a date, you should not eat onions, garlic, horseradish and other foods that have a strong unpleasant odor. It is advisable to use perfume, but in moderation.
  2. Condition of the lips. Smooth lip skin is an essential condition. It is better to take care of its condition in advance: make a scrub, lubricate it with oil, and use other moisturizers.
  3. Process. A long look into the eyes can serve as a signal that a partner is not against a kiss. It is necessary to slowly approach the face of your lover or lover, touch your partner’s lips with your lips, and close your eyes. An important point in how to kiss correctly is relaxed lips.

After mastering touching with your lips, you can move on to the next stage - kissing with your tongue. This is the very French method, of which two varieties can be distinguished:

  1. "Dry". How to kiss in French correctly was indicated above, but the dry method has its own characteristics. This gesture does not tolerate excessive salivation; the kiss should be moderately wet. This is a more preferable option for young couples, unfamiliar lovers or conservatives.
  2. "Wet". In addition to the traditional French method of tongue penetration, the process is accompanied by copious amounts of saliva. Not every partner will approve of this gesture, but there are true fans of wet kisses.


Passionate kisses can be with or without tongue. How to kiss passionately:

  1. Start. When approaching your partner, you need to touch his lips with yours. You should move slowly, gradually increasing the pace.
  2. Complication. You can suck, bite, or run the tip of your tongue along your lover’s lips.
  3. With tongue. If your partner opens his mouth towards you, you can carefully insert your tongue. You shouldn’t do this suddenly, you need to speed up gradually.
  4. Important. Answering the question of how to kiss correctly, it is worth noting that other gestures also play an important role. You need to hug your beloved, you can clasp his head with your hands, run your palm through his hair. This will allow you to feel emotions more clearly.

How to kiss correctly?

For this business, spontaneity is much more important than rules. In order for a kiss to be memorable and enjoyable, it is important:

  1. Choose the right person. It is this, and not the mastery of numerous techniques, that is the key to success. A kiss with a loved one is a priori successful.
  2. Don't be nervous. Embarrassment or worries will not allow you to relax, which means they will ruin the whole impression of the kiss. You should get rid of thoughts about how to kiss correctly in advance.
  3. There is no need to be afraid of making mistakes. It is impossible to make a mistake in a kiss if it comes from the heart, unlike the phrase “how to kiss correctly,” which many users mistakenly type into the search bar.

The benefits of kissing

More than one scientist has not yet developed a single algorithm for kissing. To get an idea of ​​how to kiss on the lips, you can:

  1. Honing your skills on your own. Many people received their first knowledge of kissing through tomatoes. Other smooth vegetables or fruits will also work. It won't be possible to rehearse the French method, but it is quite possible to feel more confident when kissing without a tongue.
  2. Cinema and video. Romantic movie characters know better than anyone how to kiss properly. It is quite possible to adopt their experience by turning on a film about love.
  3. Training videos. Suitable material can be found upon request on the Internet. These videos not only tell you how to properly kiss lips on lips or with tongue, but also provide valuable comments.

The most important thing is practice, practice and more practice. Regular kisses with your loved one will allow you to quickly learn all the secrets.

The first kiss is a special and important moment in the life of a girl or guy. It is this that will remain in memory; it is this that cannot be repeated or changed. How to kiss for the first time if:

  1. You are a guy. The main task is to choose the right moment. If you try too early, you can scare the lady of your heart. However, a long delay can cause a similar effect. As soon as the girl begins to give signs, hold her gaze on her lips for a long time, look into her eyes, you can act.
  2. You are a girl. The female wait-and-see attitude is more beneficial for those who have no practical knowledge of kissing. You need to show the guy your readiness for the process. If he does not dare, then it is not forbidden to take the initiative into his own hands.

Most men take the first step on their own. All that is required from a girl is patience and openness. There are a number of secrets that will bring this moment closer:

  1. Open face. You should not cover your face with your hands, a scarf, or turn away from the guy. Such behavior will likely be seen as an attempt to distance yourself.
  2. Look into the eyes. Making eye contact is the first step to lip contact.
  3. Give an answer. During the kiss itself, you should reciprocate the guy's feelings, even if you have never kissed before.

In relation to the fair sex, it is better to act boldly and decisively. However, excessive zeal can cause resentment or aggression in the lady of the heart. You should not persuade her to kiss if she is not ready or does not want to.

How to kiss a girl correctly:

  1. You shouldn't do this in public. A quiet square, an uncrowded cafe or the last rows of a cinema will do. Extra eyes do not increase self-confidence.
  2. It's better to scout out the situation. A light touch on the cheek, neck or hair will help you understand your lover’s readiness. If she doesn't pull away, then you can act.
  3. Be gentle. You don’t need to turn on the passionate macho right away; a gentle kiss will do for the first time. In the process, it is better to observe how the girl reacts.

How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you?

Some timid boys hesitate to kiss a girl for a very long time. In this case, you can try to do it yourself. How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you:

  • he gazes at the neck or lips for a long time;
  • the guy often comes close, but retreats at the last moment;
  • when talking, he bites his lips or touches them with his tongue.

In order for things to come to a kiss, you need to prove yourself on a date, namely:

  1. You need to prepare for a date. A neat appearance, neat clothes, and unobtrusive perfume will create a pleasant impression at first sight.
  2. Place. It is better to choose a location based on your own preferences. In summer it’s good to just walk through the park or sit on the open veranda. In winter you can go to the cinema or anti-cafe.
  3. In progress. You should not swear, talk very loudly, or smoke. You should behave politely and calmly. It is not forbidden to use a good sense of humor.
  4. After the date. Regardless of how the evening goes, you need to thank the girl. If the outcome is favorable, you can immediately discuss the next meeting.

Useful video

How many types of kisses do you know? Air, French kiss... This video contains the most common types of kisses:


  1. It’s quite difficult to say how to kiss with your tongue and lips correctly.
  2. The optimal solution would be to take any technique you like as a basis, but act according to the situation.
  3. It is worth remembering that a kiss is not an exam, but its main purpose is pleasure, which means there is no need to be nervous.

Do not hurry. Lean in slowly for the kiss to create a sense of dramatic anticipation. The more you and your partner anticipate the kiss, the more sensual it will be.

  • Start with short kisses and later progress to longer, more intense kisses. By starting small, you will create a special intimate connection with your partner.
  • Pause between kisses to look at each other without touching lips. You can leave your hands on your partner's hips, shoulders, or caress your partner's face with your hands. By looking closely into your partner's eyes, you can show him or her that you are only thinking about him or her.

Give slobbery kisses to your dog. There's nothing worse than a sloppy kiss. In fact. This way you will not only create the impression that you don’t know how to kiss, but you will also completely spit on your partner. Well, maybe not completely.

  • Don't open your mouth too wide. This way you will leave too much saliva on your partner's precious face.
  • Swallow frequently. Don't forget to swallow any excess saliva while kissing. Your saliva needs somewhere to accumulate, so don't let it be your partner's face.
  • Let your lips purse lightly. You want your lips to be soft and plump, so don't squeeze them too hard. If you purse your lips too much and pull them out, they will lose their fullness and will not be as attractive to kiss. (Ladies: this is the expression you put on lipstick with).

    Tilt your head slightly to one side or the other. Most right-handed people naturally tend to tilt their head to the right, and most left-handed people naturally tend to tilt their head to the left. The important thing is that you and your partner tilt your heads in the same direction (for example, both to the left or both to the right), creating a mirror effect and allowing your lips to meet.

    • Change your head position subtly. You can make the process even more interesting by changing the movements from side to side every few kisses. The change of position should occur at the end of one and the beginning of the second kiss.
    • Don't move your head from side to side too often. This will make the kiss too wet and uncomfortable.
  • Use your tongue to kiss passionately. Slowly and lightly run your tongue over your partner's lower lip, tongue, and gums. Start very gently and slowly begin to increase the pressure and continue if your partner responds to your kisses.

    • Don't put your tongue all the way into your partner's mouth; you only need to use the front third of your tongue. Use quick, sliding movements and make sure your tongue is constantly moving. It's not sexy at all if you just leave your tongue in your partner's mouth.
    • In this case, the kiss can easily turn into too slobbery. Make sure to swallow saliva frequently rather than pour it into your partner's mouth. If there is a clear line between sexuality and drooling. Try not to cross it.
  • Stop kissing for romantic looks. Pull your lips away from time to time to move away a little and look into the eyes. The pause will make your next kiss even more passionate. Plus, there's no better way to show your attention than with a cute look.

  • Be creative. Try different combinations of biting, sucking, kissing and tongue use to keep the experience fresh and exciting.

    • Try kissing your partner's upper lip while your partner bites and sucks your lower lip, and then switch.
    • Alternate kisses with biting and pinching. Sensually biting your partner's lower lip can change the rhythm of the kiss in a good way. Keep an eye on that. To avoid biting your partner's lip too hard, you don't want to eat their face.
    • Alternate small kisses with long, passionate kisses. This way you will make them more varied and can take a break from long kisses.
  • Kissing is a kind of romantic game for girls and boys. She occupies a special place in the relationship. After all, with a kiss you can say a lot to your partner. And how can you not love kissing?

    Indeed, during this caress, feelings literally overwhelm you. It would seem that a kiss is so ordinary and banal, but if you think about it, many questions arise. How should you kiss with your tongue? How to kiss on the lips correctly? How to kiss without tongue?

    Today we will quickly teach you how to kiss a guy or girl correctly, and most importantly, beautifully.

    There are a large number of types of kisses, and they all have their pros and cons.

    Here we have collected the most popular and the most interesting of them.

    • Inato. This is a very gentle and romantic kiss on the lips. It is distinguished by its smoothness and lightness. The main rule is that you should not touch your partner’s teeth and you need to pay attention to every millimeter of your loved one’s mouth.
    • Playful kiss. A characteristic feature of this caress is the guy’s gentle biting of his girlfriend’s lips, and at this time she fuels his passion by moving her tongue in his mouth.
    • A gentle kiss. The youngest and newly formed couples should start with it. Gentle touches of the lips and the first, timid movements of the tongue make it especially romantic.
    • A passionate kiss. This is a whole series of a large number of kisses starting from the neck and chest, to the inner thighs. It is capable of arousing hidden desires in both partners and creating a storm of emotions.
    • French kiss. One of the most famous and popular types of weasel. The most important thing about it is the contact between the tongues, it can be stroking or biting, the choice is yours.

    How to learn to kiss?

    How to learn to kiss without a partner?

    Most girls and guys are very nervous before their first kiss. After all, for the first time we don’t know what exactly to do and what to expect, so a lot of awkwardness may arise.

    So if you want to make sure everything goes well the first time, here are some tips on the basics of kissing.

    It is worth thinking carefully about what exactly bothers you in this matter. By putting things in order in your head, you can easily cope with this task. But first, come on Let's deal with what might scare you.

    1. You don't know how to do it. In this case, everything is extremely simple. To begin with, you should study the technique of kissing, practice a little, and that’s it. Remember that no one was immediately born a master of kisses and that this skill can be easily developed if desired.
    2. You doubt your partner. If the person you're about to kiss doesn't appeal to you or there's something about him that turns you off, then don't rush into it. Perhaps you just don’t know him enough or he’s just not right for you. The main thing in this matter is to listen to your heart, so that in the end you don’t have to regret anything.
    3. You haven't done this before. There is nothing strange about this. We all do something for the first time. The first kiss is something everyone has to go through. So take it easy and try to enjoy this moment.
    4. Kissing technique. This is exactly what its quality directly depends on. To develop a master of kisses, just read the descriptions of one type or another and simply apply your knowledge in practice. It is clear that you will not experiment with your partner right away; for this you can use any soft vegetable or fruit that holds its shape well enough, for example, a tomato or peach. First you need to give it at least a slight resemblance to the lips of your loved one and start practicing.

    How to learn to kiss without tongue?

    A kiss without a tongue carries lightness and tenderness. So during training you should not act too decisively and harshly.

    If you practice this type of kiss without a partner, on vegetables or fruits, make sure that they do not become deformed and juice does not run out of them.

    To kiss with your tongue correctly, in addition to the above tips, you can use a couple more.

    • Try different tongue movement techniques. This will not only give confidence to the movements, but with constant training it will also make the tongue more flexible.
    • Exercise with a ball. Try putting a small ball, such as a ping pong ball, in your mouth and pushing it out with your tongue. At first you may not succeed, but after a couple of minutes you will notice progress. This will help in improving your tongue movement technique.

    How to learn to kiss with tongue with your partner?

    If you have already reached the point of training with a girl or guy, you should start with the simplest and smoothest movements. There is no need to move your tongue randomly in different directions or push it too far.

    There must be moderation in everything. And after just a few attempts you will feel more confident.

    What else should you pay attention to when kissing?

    Here are a couple more nuances that you can pay attention to avoid inconvenience.

    1. It is worth taking care of the freshness of your breath. Even for the most loving guy or girl, this can completely discourage any attraction to you.
    2. It is worth taking care of the condition of the skin of your face and lips. This is especially true for the autumn-winter period, when the skin can be chapped and dry.
    3. Don't freeze in one position. This can be very confusing for your partner, especially if, like you, he is new to this matter.
    4. The main thing is sincerity. Your kiss should let your partner know how you feel about him and what he means to you.
    5. It is worth tilting your head slightly. Otherwise, you will bump noses with your partner.

    Kissing techniques

    Kiss with tongue (or French)

    • It’s worth starting with light touches to your partner’s lips.
    • Afterwards, you should let your loved one know that you are ready by opening your mouth slightly.
    • After penetrating your tongue into his mouth, you should start with delicate stroking.
    • When kissing, you should not open your lips; they should interact with each other.
    • No need to hurry. It is worth doing everything smoothly and gently.

    Kiss on a hickey

    • Lean slightly towards the girl or guy and touch his lips.
    • In this case, you should make circular movements with your tongue and then run it along the inside of your lips.
    • Then you need to start slowly sucking your partner’s lips, gradually increasing the pace.

    During caresses, you should not focus your attention on the technique and literally try to bring it to life. You need to trust yourself and your feelings, then everything will definitely work out for you.

    The most common mistakes:

    • Do not open your mouth too much;
    • try to be more gentle and not dig into your loved one;
    • watch your salivation;
    • if you have to kiss someone, it is better not to use bright lipstick;
    • Don't be too active or too passive.

    At what age can you kiss?

    It's very individual. For some, the first kiss may occur in kindergarten, and for others in high school. If you haven’t found a suitable partner yet, don’t rush. So, if a guy or girl doesn’t know how to kiss at the age of 14-16, there’s nothing wrong with that.

    It's worth remembering that learning how to kiss properly will take time, so don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time.

    Mother of two children. I have been running a house for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try different means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, more fulfilling. I love my family.
