How to prove to a boy that I love him. How to prove to a guy that you love him

This question may seem controversial. Perhaps someone will be surprised: “Does love need to be proven? It’s either there, and then it’s visible, or it’s not there, and then there’s nothing to prove.” However, life is not divided into “black” and “white”. Sometimes situations arise that require confirmation of feelings. Then the question arises, how to do this?

Why is there such a need?

Indeed, a lot depends on what exactly prompted the girl to prove her love. Different reasons require different approaches. Sometimes such evidence is aimed at correcting mistakes, sometimes it is an impulse of the soul. Here are just a few possible reasons:

  • Spontaneous desire of the girl herself. For example, from an excess of feelings and emotions overwhelming her, a girl strives to express her love so unambiguously that no one, let alone a guy, has any doubts: she loves him!
  • Guy's need. He periodically expresses doubt that the girl really loves him. Perhaps he accuses him of being cold, stingy with emotions, inattentive, etc. As a result, a girl who does not understand the reason for such mistrust begins to look for a way to express her feelings so that he believes in them and calms down.
  • Mistakes Made. In a relationship that was completely prosperous up to a certain point, a crisis suddenly occurred. The girl made a mistake or offended her boyfriend, as a result he doubted the sincerity of her feelings. Now she strives to prove to him that she truly loves him, as before, and perhaps even more.
  • The guy basically doesn't believe in love. Or, at least, he claims so. Even an even, pleasant relationship does not bring the girl complete joy, since the guy does not want to talk about love, declaring that it does not exist. The girl tries to prove the opposite to him by her own example.
  • The guy is confused in himself. Let's say there is a struggle in his soul between the desire to be with his girlfriend and to return to his ex, who suddenly decided to return him at any cost. At the same time, he doubts that the current girl really loves him (perhaps the relationship is just beginning to develop and the girl has not yet opened her whole soul to him), while the ex uses all the leverage available to her, proving her love.

There may be other reasons, so there is no single recipe. You can only combine different techniques and follow the general advice for each situation. Then the guy will sooner or later understand that you really love him. It is in his interests to understand this early, and not when it is too late.

Of course, no one is perfect, and in every girl, along with advantages, there are also disadvantages. Guys tolerate and forgive many of them, however, if a girl wants to convince a guy of her love, some antics should be strictly tabooed. So, when communicating with your beloved guy is strictly prohibited:

  • Encourage advances and attention from other guys. Even in order to revitalize relationships and raise your own self-esteem. That is, the signs of attention themselves can take place, but the guy must see that the girl is not at all happy with him and does not intend to flirt with other men.
  • Be ashamed of your boyfriend. Whatever he does (even if you really feel embarrassed for him), do not show it, making it clear to others that you will always support your young man. Then you can express all your dissatisfaction to him face to face, but in public you only need to demonstrate endless loyalty and iron support.
  • Humiliate his self-esteem in any way. Such moments are usually never erased from a man’s memory. Subsequently, the situation may develop in such a way that you will be able to prove to him the truth of your love, only he will no longer care.
  • Humiliate your own dignity. In this case, the guy may also turn out to be completely indifferent to all the feelings that you experience towards him. A guy simply won’t want to continue a relationship with a girl whom he (and perhaps those around him - for men this is often very important) does not respect. At the same time, whether she loves him or not will no longer matter.

There are also recommendations on what, on the contrary, it is highly advisable to do. Of course, the behavior of a loving girl should include some mandatory aspects, but not everyone and does not always pay attention to them in time. So, these principles (aspects) include:

  • Correct prioritization. The guy should know that he occupies one of the highest places on this list. This is easy to determine: let him know that for his sake you will free up almost any time, put aside most of your affairs and will always happily give him attention.
  • Confidence in support. He must understand that he can count on you in any situation. Even if he never needs your help or support (or rather, he does not ask for it), he should feel that if necessary, you will do everything possible for him.
  • Permanent care. This does not mean at all that you should inquire about his health every minute and ask if he had lunch, if he was dressed warmly, etc. Caring lies in even the thought of this. You just need to let him know that throughout the day you think about him every now and then, turn to him mentally, and care about his tomorrow.

However, these are only general principles. As for more specific, visible manifestations of love, here it is necessary to grasp the main thread on which words, actions, and emotions are strung. Figuratively speaking, this basis can be expressed as follows: “You are the main thing for me. The rest is just nuances.”

How to Express "Main Thread"

To make a guy understand that he is truly the most precious and valuable thing for you, you should constantly focus your attention on him in the process of communication. What he was experiencing, what he felt, what he was thinking about in this or that situation. For example, when he talks about some event, say an unpleasant one, first of all you should ask whether he was hurt, whether what happened affected him. Only then clarify the details and express your opinion on this matter.

Show sensitivity to his emotions. It is necessary to rejoice with him when he is happy, and show your dissatisfaction and indignation if someone upset or hurt him. If he shared with you his experiences related to unpleasant words spoken to him by someone, or a dishonest act committed towards him, it is necessary to express his extreme condemnation about this. Say something like: “well, you understand that this person said something stupid” or “he did this out of envy of you, he will never achieve such success.” You can add something else like: “How beautifully you came out of this situation, I would like your endurance” or “It’s so good that you did exactly that, that’s why I love you.”

Demonstrate the importance of his opinion to you. Ask for advice as often as possible and follow it. The guy should feel that his opinion is not only important, but also necessary for you. Sometimes you can say the following phrases to a guy: “today I was so confused in one situation, I didn’t even have time to think carefully, so I just imagined what you would do” or “I often ask your advice because I admire your ability to find the right way out” . And any conversation can end with a phrase from the series “I’m so happy that I have you.”

Well, don’t forget to say kind words to the guy, and periodically say the cherished phrase “I love you.” All this together will help him believe in your love. If he asks for proof, perhaps he just likes your expressions of love and wants to experience them as much as possible. Then don’t refuse him, pamper your loved one!

Many of us need proof of love from time to time. As a rule, they are wanted by those people who themselves experience the most sincere feelings, but are not confident in their other half. It is usually unusual for men to demand actions or words of love from girls, but in difficult periods of a relationship it is simply necessary to show your loved one through words and actions that he is truly dear.

You can often hear the opinion that only guys should look after and take steps in developing relationships, and girls are not obliged to prove anything to anyone, their only job is to happily accept signs of attention. In fact, this is a misconception about relationships, and such an attitude will not lead to anything good. Psychologists say that both partners should work on the relationship. And this is true, since couples where one experiences trembling feelings, and the other only allows himself to be loved, as a rule, break up after some time.

It’s good when a woman, through words and deeds, helps a man understand that he is truly loved. This encourages him to respond. Mutual care helps you easily get through turning points in a relationship and not lose your true feelings.

Expressing our feelings in words

The word is often considered an empty phrase, but in fact it is very effective in a situation where you need to convince a person. Proving your love with words is not easy, but this is the only way if you are at a distance from the person. In this case, telephone conversations, video calls and SMS can help. To express your feelings, you can use:

  • confidential conversations;
  • praise;
  • direct confessions;
  • affectionate nicknames.

If for some reason you cannot meet your boyfriend in the near future, then a letter will be a good way to prove your love. It is advisable to send it by regular mail or email, try to fit everything into a large text message or create a video message. What the message will be is up to you. If you feel that feelings have faded in your couple or a crisis is brewing, then you can send a message even if you are in the same room.

Praise is a very important component. Any person is pleased to receive a positive assessment of his actions. It doesn’t matter what your boyfriend did - he completed the renovation in the shortest possible time or just washed the dishes, in any case, his actions are worthy of praise.

You should be careful with affectionate nicknames, since not all of them may suit your boyfriend’s taste. Remember the situation from the film “What Men Talk About”, the nickname “sleepy Cheburashka”, according to the heroes of this film, sounds stupid and annoying. If we turn to one more moment from this movie, then it is worth paying attention to the tone that you use to talk to the guy. Distorting the pronunciation of letters can also cause an unexpected reaction.

How to prove love with actions

Words that are not backed up by anything can become insufficient proof of feelings for a guy, so it is important to back them up with actions. Don't be afraid to look after your boyfriend. Small signs of attention will please any person, regardless of gender. There are several simple and accessible ways to prove to a guy that you love him. To do this, you will need not to sit idly by, but do for him:

  • delicious romantic dinner;
  • a small pleasant surprise (if the guy is a romantic, a poster with a declaration of love will do, but if the young man has a rational approach to relationships, it’s enough to make him coffee and serve it in the morning);
  • an unexpected small gift.

Any of these methods of conveying your feelings can be used many times, because any person will be pleased to receive an additional sign and attention for no reason on an ordinary weekday.

Down with jealousy!

Many people think that jealousy is an additional way to show love, but this is not true. Jealousy is the embodiment of a sense of ownership. She relates to destructive feelings, so you shouldn’t give in to her. You should not do the following:

  • try to control;
  • sort things out;
  • view correspondence;
  • give reasons for retaliatory jealousy.

It is very important that there is a trusting relationship within the couple without excessive control. A girl who constantly calls and texts her boyfriend and wants to control his every move can annoy a guy. It is worth giving your loved one freedom and proving your feelings with trust. If your loved one goes to meet friends, you just need to write him a gentle SMS once with recognition and words that you are waiting for him and miss him. Direct questions that require an account of where and with whom he spends time should not be asked. It is important to learn patience and wisdom in relationships.

To avoid the need to make excuses and constantly provide evidence of your love, you should not provoke the guy and create ambiguous situations. If you accept signs of attention from another person (or create the appearance of advances from an unknown man), then trust will be undermined once and for all.

Often young guys become disappointed in love and stop trusting girls. They look at the fair sex with caution and suspicion and do not dare to open up to them. The reason may be betrayal or betrayal by an ex-girlfriend, after which the young man stopped trusting the entire female sex. In such a situation, you have to remind the guy again that there is a person in the world who sincerely loves him and wants to be near him. You just need to be patient and put in a little effort to win him over.

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When should you prove your love?

Usually love does not need proof. It is noticeable in actions and visible to the naked eye. It is clear from the eyes, gestures and words how a person feels.

Many girls become confused when they realize that they have to prove their love to a guy. After all, it has always been a man’s task to conquer and show the seriousness of his intentions. Sometimes you have to prove your love and devotion to a guy in the following cases:

  • when disagreements happen;
  • there were suspicions of treason;
  • mistrust arose;
  • the guy has negative experience from previous relationships.

If a girl's feelings are sincere, it will not be difficult for her to do this. It is easy to break the wall of mistrust if you are always there, caring and sincerely, but not too emotionally, rejoicing in meeting your loved one.

Being a visual person and trusting his eyes more, the guy will watch the girl and question her words. Non-verbal cues and touch during conversations are important to convince him of your genuine interest.

How should a girl behave?

A girl should show delicacy and caution if she does not want to alienate a young man who is disappointed in love. To prove to a guy that this is a real feeling, patience and the correct expression of your feelings will help. It is necessary to create an atmosphere of trust, calm and comfort around yourself. You should not compare him with other men and talk about past love relationships. You cannot be intrusive and openly offer your love.

You need to be interested in his affairs, be able to cheer him up and be useful in at least something. This behavior will encourage him to look at his girlfriend with respect, and over time he will feel the need for this person. Having earned the guy's trust, you should start confessing. First, hint about your interest by correspondence, sending him SMS on his phone or letters by email.

You need to remind yourself more often and be available, at least by telephone. We can humbly mention that we are happy that we met such a person who has so many virtues. Men also love compliments, and they are pleased to hear good words about themselves . They don't understand hints, but they see inviting glances. Calmly talk about your feelings, but do not expect immediate declarations of love and do not be offended without hearing a mutual response.

You have to convince yourself of your love in the following cases:

Situation Behavior
When a girl feels guiltyYou need to apologize and then explain that your feelings haven’t changed and it’s all because of a bad day. And the bad boss at work or the teacher at the university is to blame for the spoiled mood. She just lost it and her harshness has nothing to do with him
When you offended a guyBriefly apologize and assure that this will not happen again. Show sincere remorse and offer to make amends
If he doubts her fidelityIt all depends on why he doubted her honesty. If he already has experience of cheating, it will be very difficult to convince him otherwise. We need to talk and find out why he decided that his beloved was cheating on him, and who told him this. Be sure to find out everything and make peace

Don't think about what the guy doesn't like. Don’t ask him about this, but tell her yourself that his actions show concern for her, and he loves her too. The main thing is to keep a positive tone and smile, boldly pointing out his feelings.

Psychologists' opinion

The advice of psychologists boils down to a few rules and gives effective results in both building relationships and restoring trust. The most proven ones are:

  1. 1. If a guy doesn’t trust a girl because of negative experiences in the past, you can mention that you are also familiar with this situation firsthand, but do not go into details. And that they dealt with it because they wanted to be happy and loved, no matter what. We must convey to him that one dishonest person cannot judge everyone poorly. He has a lot of good qualities and is sure to be loved by someone. Perhaps even a worthy girl like her.
  2. 2. Separate for a while, but regularly send him SMS, take an interest in his affairs, talk about yours, but do not write that you miss him. It will be useful to prove your love and loyalty from a distance.
  3. 3. Select him and show him in public that you are dating the best guy. Under no circumstances should you be ashamed of your boyfriend. He needs to know that the girl considers him worthy and is happy to be with him.
  4. 4. Do not rummage through his things and do not create scandals. The couple should develop a trusting relationship based on respect.
  5. 5. Give compliments and gifts. Praise for your help and give cute souvenirs. These could be objects of his hobby or just men's gifts. The way to the heart of many men is through the stomach, and he will definitely be delighted with homemade cakes or an unusual and satisfying salad.
  6. 6. Be attentive and take care. These are the first and most important indicators of love, precisely defining this word.

After being patient and gaining experience in proving her love, a girl may feel tired and even doubt whether she really loves her boyfriend. And then it will be his turn to show that her efforts are not in vain, and they really have a real feeling that must be protected.

The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure; problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

Not everything is happy enough in the relationship between a guy and a girl. Sometimes it happens that the guy whom the girl loves does not believe in her sincere feelings, or maybe he simply pretends that he does not believe in it. This situation needs to be sorted out. Many guys, having heard a girl declare their love, want them to prove it in bed. One can hardly expect anything more from this person than the desire to take advantage of the situation. On the other hand, if a person is dear to you and has ever experienced strong love disappointment and does not believe your feelings, then it is important to find a special approach in how to prove to a guy that you love him.

In answering the question of how to prove to a guy that you love him, an important aspect is to remember the main thing. Specifically, what distinguishes female behavior from male behavior in the system of interpersonal relationships. Men act unambiguously, directly, while women's behavior is characterized by caution, mystery and playfulness. Due to the fact that it is men who give gifts, flowers, take them to restaurants, cinemas and look after girls, one might think that men have more opportunities to show feelings and prove love. But this belief can be considered erroneous, because in a relationship something completely different is important: tenderness, mutual understanding, the ability to make some compromises and concessions, fidelity, passion.

There is one little secret. Psychologists have been able to prove that if, in the process of communicating with a loved one, looking “eye to eye,” a girl says to herself, “I like you,” then her look will change. At the same time, he will become more sensual and gentle, even elusive to the guy’s consciousness. In other words, your loved one will not be able to notice some changes, but will very well feel sympathy for him. Due to the fact that all women are actresses at heart, there will be no problems in learning how to control their voice - from a sexy low tone to a thin sweet voice. The chosen one will definitely be able to notice the feelings with which communication with him takes place. It is also important to constantly talk about love with him, make plans for the future and simply sacrifice something for the sake of spending time together.

As soon as the guy sees that the girl has begun to live his life, then any doubts that there are no feelings will disappear. There is only one reason why people begin to live the lives of others - it is love. Pay attention to the interests of your loved one, his problems, goals, mood. If this can affect you as much as it does him, then he will definitely understand and appreciate it. Be sincerely happy when you meet your loved one. It’s also worth watching how the kids greet their mom and dad from work. You won't have to copy them, but you need to learn a lot from them. Any guy will not be able to resist the radiant, sincere joy and even happiness that children are experiencing at the moment. If you meet a guy in this way every day, then there will be no doubt about the sincerity of your feelings.

You will also need to make your beloved guy smile more often, at least for a while. It is necessary to give happiness, especially when he does not care about it because of failures. Joking about him is prohibited, because a joke can lead to a scandal and seem cruel. It is also important to give gifts, not necessarily expensive ones. These can be little things that you create yourself. They can easily help cheer up your partner. You also need to learn to be an active and attentive listener. Even if busyness does not allow this, you should periodically smile, nod, sympathize, or touch each other. And then a verbal response to each remark will not even be necessary. It should be remembered that a girl should not give reasons for jealousy.

To prove your feelings, you should also hug your significant other more often and touch him affectionately more often. Even passing by you can pat him on the shoulder. This is much better than any conversation. Doing everything to make your loved one believe in the sincerity of feelings, you do not need to demand anything in return. It takes time before a person understands and appreciates women's efforts. Do what he likes. You can just cook his favorite dish, just give him a ticket to football or his favorite movie. In order for your loved one to be able to accept proof of the sincerity of your feelings, it is important to competently show your love for him. You should not impose yourself, because men are good connoisseurs of freedom, and in a situation where he begins to feel that his freedom is not safe, he may simply disappear.

Every girl in love needs to behave carefully, like a cat. Even if bright feelings overwhelm you from within, and it is written on your face that you really like the guy, you should not throw yourself on his neck. Vows of your love should also be kept to yourself. Every action must be done carefully. This is the main female trick that helps to convey feelings to the guy you love. If it has long been clear that there is very little hope for the guy’s reciprocity and there is no desire to meet you halfway and there is no desire at the moment, then you should leave such a man. No matter how painful it may be. And then you shouldn’t rack your brains over the way that will help prove your feelings to a guy.

Things don't always go smoothly. Yes, this is correct, because if lovers never quarrel, it means they have huge problems. In this article I would like to tell girls how to prove to your loved one that you love him.

Why is this necessary?

Girls may wonder why they need to prove what is already obvious. But not everything is so simple, talking about your feelings and proving your love from time to time is simply necessary. This will give the young man the idea that he is doing everything right, and the girl is just encouraging him in this way and appreciating his efforts.


So, you need to praise your young man as much as possible. This is necessary not only when the guy has committed a serious, worthwhile act, but also when he even washed the dishes at home after drinking tea. Praise is a great incentive to cheer up your man. Also, do not forget about the various affectionate nicknames that you can and even should call your boyfriend. “Cats”, “suns” and “babies” are a great way to prove your love. However, you need to have certain boundaries here: you should call your lover differently in the company of friends and behind a closed bedroom door. Thus, the phrase “my pot-bellied hedgehog” can not only humiliate a guy in the eyes of his comrades, but also give him a not very good reputation.


How else can you prove to your loved one that you love him? Do something nice for him. What can be useful for this? A delicious dinner prepared by yourself, a beautiful handmade card, a small cute gift - all these are little things that can express love without words. You need to make pleasant surprises as often as possible, and then the person will simply see for himself that the girl’s love is real and sincere.

Down with jealousy

The next tip on how to prove to your loved one that you love him: trust him completely. This is especially true for a guy’s communication with other women. There is no need to fall into hysterics after talking to your employee or former classmate on the street or on social networks. Boys need space; they do not like total control and groundless jealousy. This can not only upset the relationship in a couple, but even lead to a breakup. However, it is also important to remember that you do not need to give reasons for jealousy yourself, specifically provoking your young man to inappropriate conclusions.

More freedom

You can prove it by even giving him a little freedom without offense or scandals. There is no need to resist if a young man wants to watch football once a week or drink beer with his friends. This will only benefit the relationship, because short separations bring the couple closer and give young people time to miss each other.


The next tip on how to prove that you love a person: be interested in the life of your chosen one. You need to learn to listen and, most importantly, hear, and not just talk about yourself. Just by listening to your loved one after a working day or by listening to your man’s not very interesting, but very important speech about how he repaired his car, you will already talk without words about your love for your chosen one. You can also call your loved one a couple of times throughout the day to wish him a bon appetit or ask how he is doing. However, you shouldn’t be too intrusive, calling every half hour or asking for a full report on your day. Young people don’t like this too much, and sometimes even irritate it.


The following arguments between a guy and a girl are not uncommon: “Do you love me?” - "I love!" “Prove it!” - “I’ll prove it!” But how to do this? So, it is best to ask your chosen one what kind of proof of his love he wants to see. And after that, bring your man’s desires to life. However, here you need to be careful and not agree to all the nonsense that your loved one can offer. It is worth remembering that you need to preserve your honor and take care of your own health.


Well, the simplest and most effective way to prove your love is to simply tell a young man about it. Then you won’t need to prove anything. There is absolutely no shame in a girl admitting her feelings. But what's the best way to do this? You can tell everything over a romantic dinner during a date. However, not all ladies will be able to take such a desperate step. You can do it more simply - send an SMS or an email. An excellent and very romantic way is to write a regular letter about your feelings to your chosen one and confess everything on paper. This will be easier to do. And the letter itself can be either given to him or sent by mail.

Both work

However, it is always worth remembering that a relationship requires the work of both members of the couple, and not just the girl. As they say, you can't clap with one hand. If a young man does not try at all to maintain the relationship, it is worth thinking about whether this is love, or maybe just a convenient and pleasant pastime of two beautiful young people.
