How does estrus appear in cats. Tablets from lichen for cats

Previously, lichen (trichophytosis, microsporia) in cats was classified as an incurable infectious disease, and since it poses a serious threat to humans, sick animals were euthanized. Fortunately, today there are many innovative veterinary developments that allow treating lichen without consequences, even in severe forms.

Why the disease develops

Lichen is an infectious disease characterized by damage to the epidermis and coat. Provoke the disease pathogenic microorganisms - fungi dermatomycetes Trichophyton Microsporum canis, Microsporum gypseum. Carriers of pathogenic bacteria - rodents.

The causes of the disease are:

Lichen spores are stable in the external environment. When in favorable conditions for him, they last up to two years. In addition, mushrooms are unusually mobile and, if no measures are taken to destroy them, they infect new, healthy areas.

The source of infection is an infected animal, as well as objects that surround it - toys, bedding, bowls, furniture, etc. However, even if a four-legged pet is not from home and does not communicate with its street counterparts, this does not exclude the risk of lichen. Spores can even enter the house on the soles of the owner's shoes.

Which breeds are more susceptible

Not a single cat is immune from lichen, however, according to veterinary data, artificially bred breeds are most susceptible to pathology. These include Persian, Scottish, British cats that do not have the body's innate protection against lichen. In this case, the disease most often affects kittens, young cats in which the immune system is not yet fully formed, as well as in older cats, whose immunity weakens with age.

Main symptoms

Microsporia has a number of specific features, by which it is quite simple to identify it. The initial stage is asymptomatic, with the exception of the appearance of small bald patches. In the future, the cat can be observed:

  • skin redness;
  • the appearance of spores on the head and muzzle;
  • dry, brittle coat;
  • alopecia;
  • the spots are covered with scales.

Lichen in a cat can be of three types:

  1. Pink. A pink spot appears on the skin, covered with a dense dry crust.
  2. Weeping. The spots are pink, wet and hot. After a few days, small bursting bubbles form on them.
  3. Multicolored. The most contagious type of pathology. A rounded spot forms on the dermis, the color of which can vary from brown to pale yellow.

Lichen is accompanied by severe itching, which causes considerable discomfort to the animal. The cat becomes nervous, sometimes aggressive, stops eating.

At the first alarming symptoms, you should immediately examine the cat from a specialist!

Diagnostics in the veterinary clinic

Only a doctor can make a diagnosis based on an examination of the animal and the necessary diagnostic tests. Since lichen masquerades as other skin diseases, it is important to differentiate it from scabies, allergies, subcutaneous mites, and flea dermatitis.

The main diagnostic method for suspected lichen is the transillumination of the affected area with a Wood's lamp. The goal is to identify pathogenic microorganisms on the surface of the dermis. When exposed to the rays of the lamp, the fungi emit a fluorescent glow. However, it should be noted that this method is not sufficiently informative. Its reliability is no more than 60%.

A more reliable method is skin scraping. Crusts and scales from the affected areas act as the studied biomaterial.

Treatment, prognosis

Lichen treatment is carried out in a complex. With timely treatment to the veterinary clinic and adequate therapy, it is quite possible to get rid of microorganisms in 1-2 months.

In severe cases, for example, when lichen is complicated by purulent dermatitis, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

The best way to treat lichen is to administer a complex vaccine (Vakderm, Microderm, Polivak). It is administered twice (intramuscularly) with an interval of 10-14 days.

Local treatment is carried out using antifungal ointments Miconazole, Clotrimazole, Tiabendazole, Sanoderm. The ointment prescribed by the veterinarian should be used for 1-2 months 2-3 times a day until complete recovery. These drugs give a stable effect, help get rid of extensive lesions and heal the skin.

Also, the veterinarian may prescribe oral antifungal drugs, such as Terbinafine, Griseofulvin, Itraconazole.

Instead of an ointment, you can use a spray, for example, Fungin, but it is less effective and is not always able to cope even with the initial stage of the disease.

Before treatment with ointments or spray, the skin on the affected area is cut out with scissors or a razor, which are then disinfected or discarded and treated with an antiseptic. The pet should be washed with a therapeutic shampoo (Nizoral, Sebozol) containing ketoconazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal component. The use of detergents improves the condition of the coat and skin and relieves itching.

To avoid the spread of lesions, lichen is cauterized with iodine. This must be done carefully so as not to provoke the appearance of skin burns.

What to do at home

The first thing the owner should do when he suspects a cat has lichen is to isolate him from other family members (especially children) and pets. The isolation will last at least three weeks, so it is advisable to provide the cat with toys. At the end of treatment, they must be burned.

The apartment should be disinfected and vacuumed. The contents of the bags are incinerated. Particular attention is paid to the room where the sick animal is kept. It is regularly aired, wet cleaning is done.

Bedding, cat rugs need to be washed, and then treated with antifungal drugs Virkon-S, Blanidas. A four-legged pet should have separate bowls.

Sofas and armchairs in the apartment are treated with vinegar diluted in water.

You can't bathe a cat!

The food of the animal must be complete, including meat, vegetables, cottage cheese. Be sure to use vitamin and mineral complexes to strengthen immunity.

Every time you visit a pet, use a change of shoes and clothes, disposable gloves. After carrying out the necessary therapeutic and hygienic procedures, wash your hands with soap and water, then wipe them thoroughly with a solution of Chlorhexidine. In order not to become infected with lichen from a pet, it would be useful to take the drug Ornidazole, which has antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity.

You can not try to get rid of depriving with the help of folk remedies! Treatment is prescribed by a specialist based on the age, health status of the animal, area of ​​lesions. To eliminate itching, speedy regeneration of the dermis, you can use, for example, onion juice, calendula tincture, birch tar, celandine juice, but they cannot replace a full-fledged treatment.

Possible Complications

If left untreated, lichen takes a chronic form, from which the cat will suffer all his life. The affected areas fester, become inflamed, and skin and lymphatic tissues suffer further.

In other cases, microsporia is not dangerous. It does not affect the internal organs, does not have a negative impact on the reproductive function and does not limit the mobility of the fluffy after recovery.

After treatment of lichen in the affected areas of the dermis, the cat has unaesthetic scars, pigmentation and bald patches. However, these are just cosmetic flaws that do not cause concern to the four-legged pet.

Preventive actions

A pet should be periodically examined by a specialist and vaccinated. Vaccination protects animals from many terrible diseases. Even if the cat becomes infected with the fungus, the treatment will be faster and easier.

Try not to allow the cat to communicate with stray animals, and after a walk, always inspect it.

All types of lichen in a cat are united by a common feature: in some places, hair falls out and skin pigmentation changes. This is where the similarity ends: the causes, the nature of the lesions, their methods of treatment are different. Preventive measures will help prevent the disease.


The word " deprive"Used in everyday life to refer to negative changes in the coat and skin of animals, but this name hides various diseases with a specific etiology.

Ringworm of fungal and viral origin is transmitted by contact: after contact with a sick animal, through common objects.

Dermatophyte spores also live in the soil, so they enter the house on street shoes and clothes or with street air. Mice and rats become peddlers.

Lichen, regardless of variety, is more common in immunocompromised animals.

The following factors predispose to this:

The risk group includes kittens, older and young cats up to a year old: their immune system either did not have time to get stronger or weakened. The likelihood of infection with the fungus increases in long-haired animals and those who walk unattended.

Each type of lichen begins with a single lesion of damaged or shed hairs. Further development is different. With a disease of fungal etiology, new foci appear over time, they grow and merge. In the absence of treatment, the lesion becomes generalized, bacterial infectious diseases join.

With pink lichen, one maternal spot also appears first, then others surround it, but after 1-2 months they spontaneously disappear. It is difficult to predict the development of eczema: the disease fades away if the causes are found out and eliminated in time.


Visually, the types of lichen are distinguished by the nature of the affected areas:

Pink and weeping are accompanied by itching, with ringworm it is weak, with pityriasis it is absent.


External signs are not enough to distinguish between fungal and non-infectious species, dermatitis.

Three laboratory methods are used in the veterinary clinic:

  1. Examination under a Wood's fluorescent lamp . The rays of the device paint the places affected by fungi green. The method is considered inaccurate: sometimes healthy tissues glow due to the effects of drugs, synthetic detergents, and individual yeast-like microorganisms are not highlighted.
  2. microscopic examination . Hairs and skin scrapings from damaged areas are examined under magnification. This method also does not give 100% accuracy: pathogen cells are sometimes not detected in sick animals.
  3. mushroom cultivation . The method is more reliable than the others, but you will have to wait up to 3 weeks for the result. Skin scrapings are placed in a nutrient solution, observed for changes, then examined under a microscope.

At the same time, urine, feces and blood are taken from the cat for clinical and biochemical analyzes, and the state of health is determined.


Treatment regimens for lichen varieties are different, their doctor chooses them based on a laboratory-confirmed diagnosis and the severity of the disease. Self-treatment will either be useless or harm the cat.

Ringworm and pityriasis

Both types are fungal infections, so the same medicines are suitable for them:

  1. Vaccines. In Russian clinics, the drugs "Microderm", "Vakderm" are used, they are prescribed for both prevention and treatment. In the first case, it is administered twice, in the second case three times with an interval of 10 days. There is no single point of view on the benefits of vaccinations, some doctors doubt the effectiveness of vaccines, and they do not use them in foreign clinics.
  2. External means with antifungal components. These include shampoos, ointments, sprays, liniments, solutions - they are prescribed when there are few foci. Before use, the skin is cleaned of dirt, crusts, hair is cut off. A protective collar is put on the pet's neck and the medicine is rubbed into the affected areas with a cotton pad. Suitable for cats "Fungin" , "Fukoricin" , "Sanoderm" , "Clotrimazole" , "Thermicon" .
    Shampoo the cat once a week "Sebozol" or "Nizoral" : after them, the condition of the coat improves, itching decreases. Do not wash with ordinary shampoo, with water, spores quickly spread throughout the body.
  3. oral medications. Tablets are prescribed when local remedies do not give an effect for more than 2 weeks, or with extensive lesions. For cats, Griseofulvin, Itraconazole, Ketoconazole are used. Medicines are designed for humans, so the veterinarian calculates the dosage for cats.

At the same time, fungus spores are destroyed in the apartment: the pet's bedding is changed, the floor is washed, care items with disinfecting solutions. Treatment lasts from 3-4 weeks.

Wet and pink

Zhiber's disease does not require special therapy; after 4-6 weeks, self-healing occurs.

Human help lies in caring care. The pet’s diet is enriched with vitamins, sore spots are treated with apple cider vinegar, and immunity is supported with drugs. "Ribotan" , "Anandin" . The animal must not be bathed or left in the sun.


Prevention measures are to support immunity and proper care:

A variety of pharmaceutical preparations help to successfully cure a pet from depriving. The main thing is to be patient and meticulously follow the recommendations of the veterinarian.

Everyone has! If you think that you are able to protect yourself from these parasites - you are mistaken! The organisms of people and animals have evolved, they have adapted to live with neighbors, albeit with undesirable ones. However, the ability to adapt does not always save, the quality of life of an infected cat is much lower than that of a healthy pet. Not every owner knows what worms look like in cats, there is only a general idea - these are worms.

Note! When examining feces under a microscope, it is often possible to detect eggs of worms. Eggs have a different shape, size, and sometimes color, which simplifies diagnosis.

Roundworms have a very mobile body and rounded tips. It is difficult to name the minimum size of this species, but the maximum recorded length of roundworm (Toxocara) was 12.5 cm.

Note! Quite often, owners confuse toxocariasis and ascariasis, but these are related concepts, all the main types of toxocariasis are called roundworms.

With a strong invasion of roundworms, you can found in vomit and feces. Usually the owner does not see the whole worm, but a fragment of its body in a small clot of mucus. If you find moving worms, the invasion is colossal. In cats (especially kittens) with severe invasion, an open peritoneum (pear-shaped figure) is observed.

Read also: Toxoplasmosis in cats: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Toxocara (Toxascaris leonine)

Cat Toxocara (Toxocara cati)

Note! The larvae often settle in the respiratory organs, which causes coughing. With a spasm, the larva can "clear out", enter the oral cavity and be swallowed. Once in the intestine, the larva molts and turns into an adult.

Intermediate carriers of Toxocara larvae can be rodents, large insects, and even worms.. If the cat eats the host, the larvae will enter the intestines, turn into adults and start laying eggs.

Read also: Pityriasis versicolor in cats: diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Tape and flat worms (cestodes, flukes)

The fertilized egg settles in the shell, which is a segment of the tail. Each egg has its own house and the more eggs, the longer the tail. The egg in the last segment of the tail is the oldest and when it is ready to move, a piece of the worm separates and leaves the body. The shell is a bag of muscle, it can crawl and climb. Some of the pouches get stuck in the fur around the anus…that is, they can be located anywhere a cat sits or lies. Sometimes eggs can be found in feces, they look like sesame or rice seeds.

Important! It is not always possible to remove tapeworms with the help of prophylactic drugs; the extraction of large (adult) individuals requires surgical intervention.

Wide tapeworm (Dyrhyllobothrium latum)

A dangerous worm that grows to a length of 1.5 meters. This species is also dangerous to humans. By the way, the official “record” was recorded when a 15-meter ribbon was removed from a person. These worms live in the intestines. Symptoms that may indicate a lesion are delayed development of kittens, sudden weight loss for no apparent reason, a desire to eat feces.

It is quite easy to get infected with a wide tapeworm. The larva develops in the body of a crustacean or fish. When eating raw or insufficiently processed foods, the larvae enter the digestive tract, molt and stick to the walls of the intestine. Eggs come out with feces, fall into the water (including groundwater) and the cycle resumes.

Cucumber tapeworm or borage (Dipylidium caninum)

Note! The main carrier of borage is a person, but any carnivores can infect the worm.

Ringworm in cats and cats is an infectious disease caused by fungi called dermatophytes. Most often in cats, the skin is affected, but often the claws and coat are also damaged. The disease is also insidious in that it can be transmitted to humans. Today we will tell you about the causes, symptoms, signs and treatment of lichen in cats, incl. at home. Of course, over time, lichen in cats can disappear on its own without any therapy, but lichen treatment is still necessary, as there is a danger of infecting the owner.

Before we start talking in detail about lichen in cats, we have prepared for you the answers to the most pressing and pressing questions.

What to do if you find lichen in a cat?

If you find signs of lichen in your cat, you need to:

  • Do not panic, in most cases, ringworm is easily treatable.
  • Temporarily protect the cat from contact with people and other animals.
  • Disinfect the place where the cat was and the objects with which it came into contact, as some types of lichen can be transmitted to humans.
  • Contact a veterinarian. The cat needs to be shown to a specialist so that he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.
  • More details about the symptoms and treatment of lichen at home are written below.

Is ringworm transmitted from cats to humans or other animals?

As mentioned above, some types of lichen can actually transmit to humans and other animals. You can become infected both through personal contact with an animal, and through objects that are in a room with an infected animal and have been in contact with it (for example, toys, furniture, carpets).

Do cats have congenital lichen?

Dermatophytes - fungi that cause lichen, cannot be transmitted in utero. Newborn kittens, having a weakened immune system, can become infected after birth from their mother. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the cat itself should be ill with lichen, it may well be a carrier of dermatophytes.

How long is lichen in cats treated on average?

Lichen treatment lasts an average of 3 weeks. But some types of lichen can affect the deeper layers of the epidermis, and in this case, treatment can take up to six months or more.

The first signs of lichen in cats

There are several signs you can tell if your cat is infected with lichen:

  • The skin is noticeably modified - local superficial inflammations appear, the stratum corneum gradually loosens;
  • There is a sudden loss of hair (most often in the head area,
  • neck, back of a cat);
  • Scales and dried crusts may form on the surface of the skin;
  • The cat may begin to scratch some areas of its body vigorously.
  • For more information about the visual symptoms of lichen in cats, see the photo below.


The cause of the development of lichen in cats are microorganisms. These include:

  • Trichophyton;
  • Microsporum canis;
  • Microsporum gypsum.

A microorganism called Trichophyton causes a type of lichen that has the scientific name of trichophytosis, and the other two microscopic fungi cause microsporia. Although the microorganisms have a different name, the signs of the disease in cats are completely identical. It is because of the symptoms that this disease is called ringworm.

Microscopic fungi can get on a cat's coat from another cat, as well as from the territory where she lives. Pet infection occurs when spores (they can remain viable for 2 years) of microscopic fungi enter a warm and humid environment. Fungal spores can remain on furniture, carpets, and shedding wool for a long time. For a long time, the disease may not manifest itself at all, and only after a few months external signs of the disease may appear.

In most cases, lichen affects small kittens whose immune system is not yet fully developed.


At the initial stage of lichen in cats, the most characteristic sign is the presence of a round-shaped spot in the pet, on which there is no hair. In the center of this area, small pustules, scales or vesicles can sometimes be observed. If there is no treatment for lichen, then its area may increase. In this case, itching may disturb or not appear at all. In some cases, lichen can spread to the entire body of the cat, while the skin of the animal becomes greasy and also flakes heavily.

It is necessary to distinguish between dermatitis and ringworm in cats, which may be similar in some symptoms. The owner of the cat should remember that the primary signs of the disease are excessive shedding and the constant appearance of hairballs. Also, the animal often scratches its ears. When lichen is localized in the claws, they begin to deform and grow incorrectly. What does lichen look like in cats, look at the photo:


How to identify lichen in a cat? Diagnosis of the disease includes the study of the affected area of ​​​​the body using a Wood's lamp. The principle of operation of this lamp lies in the fact that fungi, falling under its glow, begin to emit a fluorescent glow. The accuracy of this method is quite low (60%), since many microorganisms can also fluoresce.

Next, we will tell you about the general rules for treating lichen in cats at home. After diagnosing the disease, the cat is treated with antifungal ointments, which must be lubricated with the affected areas of the body. The most commonly used ointments are called miconazole and thiabendazole. The cat also needs to provide good nutrition. Treatment for lichen should include checking the cat for other illnesses. So, how to treat lichen in a cat at home?

Also, the owner should remember that the animal must be isolated from other individuals. and, preferably, from people to exclude the possibility of their infection. In severe cases, not only local treatment with ointments is used, but also oral preparations are used. If the cat has long hair, then to treat it from depriving it is necessary to cut it. In this case, you can not affect the affected areas of the body of your mustache, in order to avoid the spread of lichen throughout the body.

It must also be remembered that sheared wool and scissors used for shearing may contain fungal spores. This means that these items are subject to mandatory sterilization.

Lime sulfide baths are often used to treat lichen in cats. In this case, the animal's coat may turn yellow, but the effect is very good. Lichen can be treated with lotions or shampoos that contain miconazole or enilconazole.

In severe cases, when the entire body of the animal or the claws of the animal is affected, specialists prescribe the following oral preparations for the treatment of lichen in cats:

  • Griseofulvin;
  • Terbinafine;
  • Itraconazole.

Treatment of lichen with these drugs can lead to some complications, which means that the disease should never be started.

Ringworm in cats (microsporia, trichophytosis)

Ringworm in cats is a fungal disease called dermatophytosis. The appearance of this type of lichen is provoked by fungi of the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton. These fungi penetrate into the superficial layers of the cat's skin, using the upper epithelium of the animal's skin for their nutrition. For cats with long hair, this disease is of particular danger, since at the initial stage, under the long hair of a cat, it can be very difficult to discern foci of inflammation gradually spreading over the skin. Ringworm is rather a conditional term and can mean a number of dermatophytosis caused by fungi of different species.

First symptoms

The first symptoms of ringworm in cats are rounded patches of baldness and scales in the form of a white ash-like coating, usually appearing in the ears and on the cat's limbs. It is impossible to accurately indicate the typical signs of this dermatophytosis, since depending on the specific case, the area of ​​​​the affected area and its appearance may vary. General clinical signs of lichen can only indicate its presence, but an accurate diagnosis should be made by a specialist based on analyzes and relevant studies. That is why at the first suspicion of ringworm in your cat, you should immediately contact a specialist. What ringworm looks like in the initial stage, see the photo:


How to treat ringworm in cats? This disease is a very dangerous and contagious disease and, if not adequately treated, can cause a number of complications. Therefore, the approach to the treatment of ringworm in cats should be systemic, using both topical and internal antimycotic drugs.


Immediately before starting treatment, the area around the affected area must be shaved and treated with any antiseptic. Also, the cat can be washed with a shampoo containing an antifungal component. Nizoral and Sebozol shampoos have proven themselves well for lichen in cats

Shampoo Nizoral contains as an active ingredient ketoconazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. Sebozol shampoo also contains ketoconazole as an active ingredient and is a budget analogue of Nizoral shampoo. It should be remembered that the antifungal shampoo itself does not have a pronounced therapeutic effect and cannot lead to a complete recovery of the cat. Shampoos are used as an addition to the main treatment: to relieve itching, improve the condition of the skin and coat and speed up the recovery of the animal.


As a local treatment, it is possible to use such antifungal ointments as Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Sanoderm, Fungin spray.

  • Clotrimazole ointment is applied to damaged skin 3 times a day and treatment is continued for 1 month or more until recovery.
  • Miconazole ointment is applied to damaged areas of the skin 2 times a day for 1-2 months until recovery.
  • Sanoderm ointment is a complex preparation containing a broad-spectrum antibiotic, an antimycotic component, clotrimazole, and an anti-inflammatory component. This ointment is applied to the affected area 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks or 1 month, depending on the severity of the disease. Ointment Sanoderm has a number of contraindications, so additional consultation with a veterinarian is required before use.

Other means

Spray Fungin is a veterinary drug, the main active ingredient of which is clotrimazole. The spray is sprayed onto the affected area of ​​the skin, or applied to a gauze bandage and applied to the sites of inflammation for 1-2 weeks.

Perhaps the doctor will prescribe complex vaccines against dematophytes for your cat: Vakderm, Polivak. Usually, infected cats are vaccinated with these drugs twice, but in especially severe cases, three times the vaccine is allowed with an interval of 10-14 days.

You can see the current price of drugs from Lichen and buy them right here:

Weeping lichen in cats (weeping eczema)

First symptoms

Symptoms that indicate that your cat has the first signs of weeping eczema may be painless red spots on the skin with a local increase in body temperature in areas of inflammation. Subsequently, these spots are covered with dense bubbles filled with exudative fluid. Depending on the course of the disease and treatment, these vesicles can resolve, and if left untreated, they can open and become infected, which further leads to the formation of abscesses. After the abscesses rupture, the skin at the site of inflammation becomes moist. With the right approach to treatment and the presence of air access to inflammation, the area of ​​weeping eczema is quickly covered with crusts, which fall off in the form of scales, making room for a new healthy skin.


Weeping lichen in cats is quite difficult to treat, and achieving a full recovery can be very problematic, since the slightest deviation from the course of treatment can lead to a worsening of the situation. In any case, before proceeding with the treatment of weeping eczema, you need to see a veterinarian who will determine the factor that provoked its appearance in your cat. General recommendations for the treatment of weeping eczema include a number of antiseptic and astringent agents that can significantly improve the condition of the cat's skin in places of inflammation. These remedies include, first of all, ointments for lichen for cats based on natural ingredients, such as: salicylic ointment, sulfuric ointment, ichthyol ointment, tar ointment, YaM BK ointment.

Pityriasis rosea in cats at the initial stage is a pink spot, clearly defined and flaky, which causes great discomfort to your cat with its itching. Usually after a few days, this spot is covered with a dry crust. Similar spots can spread to other parts of the cat's body. Pink lichen in cats is not contagious to humans.


Since the occurrence of pink lichen is usually associated with a sharp decline in the cat's immunity, the essence of the treatment is to strengthen and maintain the cat's immune system. This type of lichen does not require special treatment. You just need to provide your cat with peace and good nutrition, which includes the whole complex of vitamins and microelements. It is strictly forbidden to wash the animal. You should also protect your cat from direct sunlight. Within 1-2 months, pink lichen passes on its own. In the photo, most likely pink lichen in the initial stage:

Pityriasis versicolor in cats

Pityriasis versicolor in cats is highly contagious to humans and other animals. This type of lichen usually begins as a small, oval-shaped patch on the cat's body, sometimes ranging in color from pink and pale yellow to brown. Further, the spots begin to spread rapidly throughout the cat's body and begin to merge into one. Pityriasis versicolor in cats is contagious to humans and other animals.


It should be noted that the treatment of pityriasis versicolor requires a responsible and competent approach, so be sure to contact your veterinarian when the first signs of this disease appear. For the treatment of pityriasis versicolor in cats, products containing enilconazole, such as Imaverol, are usually used. Also, in especially severe cases, treatment of the animal with Lime Sulfur may be indicated.

Imaverol- a drug based on enilconazole, used in the form of a diluted emulsion. To prepare an emulsion, 1 part of the drug is diluted in 50 parts of warm distilled water. The prepared preparation is used to treat the localization sites of lichen 1 time in 3 days. These treatments should be carried out no more than 4. It is possible to immerse the cat in a diluted emulsion.

Lime Sulfur- a solution of hydrogen sulfide lime of high concentration. This drug is diluted in the following proportions: 1 ml of a concentrated substance is added to 33 ml of water. The animal is treated with the prepared emulsion no more than once a week, strictly after consultation with a specialist.

Important! The substance is extremely toxic, so when working with this solution, observe the following precautions:

  • Be sure to wear a mask and protective gloves before handling the animal.
  • Do not exceed the dosage of the drug, do not allow the cat to come into contact with a concentrated substance.
  • Avoid getting the drug in the eyes and on the mucous membranes of the cat.
  • The substance has an extremely unpleasant odor, so the treatment of the animal should take place in a well-ventilated area.
  • It is strictly not allowed to lick the drug by a cat, so it is advisable to use a special collar.

Other antimycotic agents listed above can also be used to treat pityriasis versicolor.

Shingles in cats and cats

According to a very common misconception, shingles is often ranked as a disease diagnosed in animals. In fact, shingles is a disease that is unique to humans. Cats and other animals do not get sick. It is possible that one of the above types of lichen is called shingles in cats.

Ringworm in a pregnant cat

The main feature of the treatment of lichen in pregnant cats is that the use of aggressive antifungal drugs during pregnancy is undesirable, as this can harm the offspring that have yet to be born. In this situation, it would be advisable to use herbal medicine in the fight against lichen. There are many remedies for treating lichen in cats, based on the principles of traditional medicine.

Plants commonly used to treat skin conditions in cats include:

  • oregano,
  • burdock,
  • common valerian,
  • tricolor violet,
  • pharmaceutical camomile,
  • plantain large,
  • common yarrow and others.

These components are combined or used separately, depending on the specific type of disease. Here are some recipes.

Recipe #1

Pour 2 tablespoons of this collection into 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Give the cat inside 3-4 times a day in a warm form 30 minutes before meals until complete recovery.

Recipe number 2

Method of preparation and use: Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the mixture, boil in a water bath for 25-30 minutes, strain. Give the cat inside 3-4 times a day in a warm form 30 minutes before meals until complete recovery. This infusion should especially please your cat, as it contains common valerian in its composition.

Well proven in the treatment of lichen tea tree essential oil. Due to its pronounced antimycotic properties, it has a beneficial effect on maintaining and improving the general condition of the cat's skin during lichen. Tea tree oil can only be used diluted: 3-4 drops are diluted in 1 tablespoon of the base (olive oil or peach kernel essential oil). This oil mixture is recommended to be applied 2-3 times a day to the affected areas of the skin until complete recovery.

Always remember that treating a pregnant cat is a double responsibility. Therefore, if your pet is found to have lichen, immediately contact a qualified specialist in order to avoid further complications.


In order to prevent the cat from getting lichen, the following instructions must be observed:

  • constant cleaning and disinfection of the place where the cat lives;
  • furniture must be carefully cleaned;
  • it is desirable to treat surfaces with a weak solution of bleach, to which most fungi and microorganisms are sensitive;
  • when buying a new animal, it must be examined;
  • it is desirable to protect the animal from walking on the street;
  • do not allow your pet to come into contact with other cats, for example, at exhibitions or while walking.

If you have any questions about the treatment of ringworm in cats, ask them in the comments - we will try to answer! Lichen incubation period can range from 3-4 days to 2-3 months. It all depends on the immunity of a particular animal and on the type of lichen itself. During the incubation period, signs of the disease in a cat may be completely absent.

Do you have any questions? You can ask them to our site staff veterinarian in the comments box below, who will respond to them as soon as possible.

    Hello! Urgently to the clinic! It is necessary to exclude deprive. The animal's hair breaks off and the spot grows. 3 months have passed since deworming, it can already be repeated. But the first thing is to see a doctor and exclude a fungal infection.

    Hello Daria, I need some advice. We visited the veterinary clinic, passed the analysis (scraping from the nose), found chlamydia, now we are taking a course of antibiotics for 20 days. The dermatologist prescribed prednisone hormones, change dry food, food was changed, no improvement. Hormone is not given yet. Bok constantly licks, and noticed that she drinks a lot of water. Can you tell me what other tests to take? And often he gets sick antibiotics for the 3rd time we drink. (

    Hello! What antibiotics were prescribed for chlamydia? What does the dermatologist suspect? What food are you eating now? I advise you to take a general and biochemical blood test. If the animal is old, if it drinks a lot (and especially pisses a lot), then donate blood for sugar too. You can also check your urine. Animal age? Which side is licking (right / left or both) and where exactly? What other symptoms?

    An antibiotic was prescribed Unidox Solutab for 20 days, a dermatologist diagnosed bacterial otitis media against the background of an undesirable reaction to food (?), now we eat orijen with fish. The dermatologist recommended Farmina Vet Life Ultra Hypo, we will switch to it. Age 10 months, side licks right and left in the abdomen, to such an extent that the whole wet. There are no more symptoms, everything is normal.

    Get an ultrasound. It is necessary to examine the internal organs, most likely, something is bothering the intestines or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, and this is how it tries to attract attention or relieve pain. Examine the skin. Maybe there is redness, red dots, scales, vesicles or something else. An interesting diagnosis, of course. I didn’t think that bacterial diseases develop on food =) it would be okay if I had allergic otitis media, I would still believe it. But bacterial. Antihistamines and transfer to a hypoallergenic strict diet. REMOVE ALL MILK AND PREPARATIONS WITH CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM AND ALUMINUM FROM THE DIET UNTIL THE END OF TREATMENT WITH ANTIBIOTICS FROM THE TETRACYCLINE GROUP! DO NOT PRESCRIBE OTHER ANTIBIOTICS, T.K. TETRACYCLINES ARE VERY capricious and NOT COMPATIBLE WITH MANY DRUGS

Hello. Help with advice. We don't have a vet. A 3 year old cat often fights on the street with others. 4 days ago I saw a swollen upper eyelid. Yesterday I examined that the skin in this focus is covered with bubbles, as it were, the hair did not fall out, in place. this morning, it was as clear as powdered sugar sprinkled on this hearth. It doesn't seem to scratch. Lichen? Can you send a photo?

  • She treated the kitten for a month, her hands were already sinking, she turned to the third veterinary clinic. They advised to process the apartment, they said there is a recurring infection. They advise all their clients to use Tristel Fuse for surfaces, it is much more convenient than checkers and more effective than anything else. They washed everything in the apartment with them, as the doctor advised, now we are doing tests for the cat and we will wash everything again, to be sure)) Maybe it will come in handy for someone - it was necessary right away, the doctor said to disinfect the entire apartment and isolate the cat, so that later only wash in that room. Good luck to all!.

    Hello! I adopted a kitten 12 days ago. The hostess said that he was vaccinated with vakderm for preventive purposes. Today I took her for revaccination, they found lichen, vaccinated again. When to expect the first improvements and what to use locally? Visible manifestations only on the ears. How to cure as quickly as possible? Also a child in the house, there is nowhere to isolate the animal. The veterinarian did not give any recommendations, except to come back in 2 weeks. Again, if treatment does not begin until 2 weeks after vaccination, then why go so early for a check-up?

  • Polina 15:16 | 28 Sep. 2018

    Hello. They brought a kitten from the village. A week later, we noticed that there was no hair on the tail and the skin was peeling off, and the hind leg was also a little “peeled off”. Went to the vet and they said it was ringworm. They made the Vakderm vaccine and told me to treat it with iodine in the evening, with furkacil in the morning. We also have a cat that got infected from a kitten. Her ears are peeled off, and there is a sore in one ear. When the kitten was taken for the second vaccination, they took it with them. She also got Vakderm. The kitten was given another vaccine. Is the treatment correct?

    • Dasha is a veterinarian 17:43 | 28 Sep. 2018

      Hello! Um, it's not in my rules to change other people's treatment regimens, but ... Why do Iodine? Probably, doctors do not know the pharmacokinetics of iodine? It is not an antifungal agent, actually. And its frequent use (especially in the same place) can lead to tissue burns. Having studied a large number of scientific papers and clinical studies, and having checked it in my own practice, I did not notice the fastest recovery with the vaccine. What with its use, what without it, the animal recovers in the same time UNDER the use of antifungal drugs (the same itraconazole, ointment, corny clotrimazole). In our clinic, we have been working for several months without vaccinations (we managed to convince even old-timers and adherents of vaccination of small animals for lichen). Local treatment with solutions and ointments, antifungal drugs inside, outside you can still spray (Zoomikol though). It's enough. And home disinfection is a must

      Dasha is a veterinarian 13:47 | 30 Sep. 2018

      Hello! And when is the due date for vaccination with Nobivak? How was the cat treated for lichen (vaccinated or treated with pills and local antifungal treatments)? Is the animal FULLY recovered? Are the affected areas overgrown with hair? How can one say when it is possible to vaccinate if there is no data on how the disease proceeded and when the animal recovered. Only healthy animals are subject to vaccination, it is forbidden to vaccinate with a weakened immune system. Ideally, wait a month, but if the deadline is running out, then 2 weeks after the complete recovery of the animal. Don't forget about double deworming.

      Dasha is a veterinarian 13:53 | 30 Sep. 2018

      About vaccinations: the trio trio is good, but be sure to add anti-rabies (it is ALLOWED to vaccinate on the same day with these vaccines, but you can wait 2 weeks after vaccination with the triket).
      Again, please note: if you are at least 1 day late with the annual revaccination, then it is better to inject the biological product twice (as you did at 2 months of age) so that the immunity tension is better. If you manage to do it on time, then a single introduction of the triquet is enough. But rabies, if you didn’t vaccinate last year, be sure to do it twice, and then repeat it every year.
      And my advice: get a passport for a cat (even if it's domestic), let the clinic enter the dates and note what they vaccinated / dewormed. This is your own protection. especially if the cat is biting. There will be a mark that vaccinated against rabies.

  • Hello. Yesterday I found a pink spot on the tip of the cat's ear, covered with a crust, from which the hair fell out. They immediately took him to the veterinarian, they shone a lamp, nothing showed. They did a tick test and everything was fine. They said it was like an allergy. They prescribed vitamins and said to treat with chlorhexadine. Today I noticed that the wound became the color of the cat's skin and began to become covered with hair again. The cat's behavior has not changed, the wound does not hurt or itch. The veterinarian said to come for a re-examination in 10 days. Maybe it's not deprive?

  • Irina 22:03 | 17 Mar. 2018

    Hello! We live in the countryside, there are no veterinarians and clinics closer than 200 km. British cat pregnant 1.5 months. Recently I noticed to the left of the tail, often with clear boundaries without hair, black (skin color), then another one a little lower, the same shape, even, round. I do not know what to do. The cat does not go outside. Contacted only with a cat when mating.

  • Nastya 19:17 | 11 Mar. 2018

    Hello! Dash, thanks for your reply! She always fed the cat with proplan, but this time (the last month) they ate kitekat.
    Now I give good food again and took shampoo. After a couple of days, everything began to pass, there were almost no seeds.

    Nastya 09:25 | 04 Mar. 2018

    Hello, I've read a lot of different information and got even more confused ((
    The cat has been itching around the clock for the last 3 weeks! At first I thought it was fleas, because. how many drugs I have not tried, there is no sense, we live in a private house, so the cat is constantly on the street and trouble with fleas !!! I began to examine the animal and it has bald patches on its back + a lot of light brown seeds, in clusters. At first I did not pay attention, I thought they were fighting with cats and licking their wounds. Now the whole ridge is in such a state.
    Maybe I would not have paid attention to all this until the child had the same crusts formed behind the ear!

  • Nika 01:07 | 08 Feb. 2018

    Hello, my cat in the abdomen, on the tail and on the hips on the hind legs, in large areas, such not quite bald patches appeared, but rather very sparse hair, which shows the skin. Bald patches are not formed, without clear edges. The skin in these places is pink without wounds and without crusts. In one place I only found a few pimples and nothing else. Could it be lichen? I haven't taken my cat to the vet yet. As a child, this happened to him, wool grew very poorly on his stomach. We were prescribed vitamins, we drank them and everything became normal. And now again and only more. What to do? Again, buy him vitamins or carry to the veterinarian. I agree, I probably feed the cat badly, but it just so happens

  • tell me, please, 3 weeks ago they took a kitten from the private sector. A few days later, lichen appeared. The kitten was about four months old. The veterinarian gave us the first injection with microsporin. A few days later, another lichen appeared, already naked, hairless, pink in color. It began to grow and the front of the muzzle was already half-bald. went around the kitten’s eye with short hairs, the eye became swollen and red. After a decoction of chamomile with a string as a lotion on the eye, the puffiness subsides, and then reappears. that this is not ringworm (although he examined only the second, not paying attention to the first with cut hair. The first veterinarian prescribed we used Unisan ointment (chlorhexidine + zinc ointment), and made a vaccine, and the second said that the kitten was vaccinated in vain, I use antifungal ointment (terbinafine) in vain, it is not needed. He said to give vitamins and smear with Unisan. But from him there is no one effect. I myself started giving the kitten Terbinafine tablets and smearing with terbinafine. It’s not clear who to listen to in the end. And I’m very afraid that the child will get sick. next? How to treat a kitten if it is not possible to isolate it, and how to protect the child?

  • Hello. I have a kitten 2 months plus a week, lives with us for a month and about a week ago I found a small speck on the neck, but I thought the little one might have considered herself wrong, because the speck was already covered with wool, after a couple of days I saw a small speck on the paw and let's go we went to the veterinarian, there she was examined with a lamp and it turned out that the muzzle was all green and the paws and also on the neck but a little on the tips of the wool, they gave it in advance from worms, dripped from fleas, thought to go for vaccination, but waited for three months of age, because I found out that from rabies after three months, they do it, it didn’t work out, as they say, in general, the doctor prescribed us to smear the affected areas with Nezoral shampoo 1 time in three days and every day 1 time per day with Furgin Forte spray, we treat the kitten for three days, but the spots appear next to one and on the other paws already appeared. What should we do? A 2-year-old kitten sleeps with me for a month and now they tried to isolate it, and she asks for meows all night long, she herself is in tears, it’s a pity and I’m afraid for the child and the fluffy, it’s a pity how terrible it is. It turns out already 10 days, maybe it's a non-transmissible lichen, are there such ??? And the lesions are small inside a pink speck in one place, just a thin crust and just pink. What should we do to continue treating or go to another veterinarian? Or are injections necessary? We have homemade food (there is everything chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cabbage color, milk, oatmeal, buckwheat), I give vitamins with folic acid for kittens and pregnant cats, as advised to the zoo.

  • 23:56 | 21 Jan. 2018

    Today, a round spot on the stomach, which formed yesterday after washing, turned pink. It and the nipples are the only clearly bald. The bald spots above the eyes are already 2 months old, but sparse hair grows through them. Between the shoulder blades -3 weeks, but it is also not clearly bald and grows without killing the hair to the end. I don’t know what to do. Is there such a “hairy” fungus? I don’t know what to do, wash or not, smear or not. How to distinguish that this is not dermatitis, and if it is dermatitis, then I absolutely do not understand what to do in this case?

  • 19:19 | 21 Jan. 2018

    Sorry, I didn't write well and didn't write well. Three days ago she smeared with clotrimazole and the reaction was scales. Yesterday I bought a shampoo with ketoconazole. After washing around the nipples, there is a clear round baldness, the nipple itself and three millimeters around it is red. A new bald spot appeared after washing on the stomach with a centimetric baldness in the middle - white. The inner side of the ear is a pink spot of irregular shape, it also flakes off on clotrimazole and for the first time after krkma it gave a straight round slightly swollen shape.

    18:08 | 21 Jan. 2018

    Please, help! I’ve been suffering for two months, I’m already hysterical and have chronic lack of sleep - don’t lick all day and all night. We are in Paraguay, they do not treat here, they only wash and curl. Afterbirth. Once I went for drops from conjunctivitis, they put three bottles and they say choose. I chose with prednisolone (quite oak in medicine). The ear mite here “does not exist” is the answer for everyone.
    Cat, 6 years old. Two months ago, unbearable itching began. Licked the entire belly and paws to the ground. The skin was red with pimples very rare. On the neck dry pimples-crusts - three, four. Prokapan on the withers, then fipronil. The itch doesn't go away. The bald patches above the eyes are increasing, also with "pimples". Fur flies violently. Pads on one foot - depigmentation patches in pink. I don’t understand the claws, and they are not clean and not particularly altered. On the remaining paws, the sixth heel turned white.
    I think I'm allergic to Purina. We go to nature, the itching does not go away. Now - the bald patches are in the same condition, the hair on the stomach and legs does not grow back. A bald spot appeared between the shoulder blades, but it is hairy or something and there is no clear rounded shape. When she smeared the bald patches above her eyes and between the shoulder blades everything was covered with scales. More nipples! They have become bald round and the nipple itself is very red and white around the spots. I understand that I expect only an assumption from you, but I need it. I was completely lost. There aren't even any lights here. Does it look like mushrooms?

  • Hello. I have an adult cat, in the fall I picked up a dying kitten on the street. I took it to the veterinarian, treated it for fleas, worms, applied, as directed by the veterinarian, prophylaxis against lichen in the form of a suspension. About a month ago, both cats' ears began to peel off, itching began to torment. Took the youngest to the vet. He did not find anything, gave me ampoules containing fipronil and diflubenzuron, ordered me to apply three times with an interval of 3 weeks. Both cats are at home, they do not walk outside. There was no improvement after the first use of the medicine. Please tell me what it can be and how we can be treated

  • Hello! The cat has a little baldness on the neck. Discovered by accident, so we do not know how long ago it appeared. The veterinarian said that it was lichen. They prescribed to lubricate with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, they gave an injection of the POLIVAK-TM vaccine. The cat is tame, very often we take it in our hands. When can we expect illness? Also, how to teach to eat varied, eat only raw chicken necks and dry food.

  • Hello. Tell me please. I have a British cat. 1.5 years. Today I found two small bloody scratches near his ear and a dark spot nearby, the hair does not fall out in this place. It's the weekend, no time to go to the vet. The cat is not outside.

  • Good afternoon! Tell me what can be done in this situation: I feed street cats and one cat seems to have wet lichen. She is not given in her hands, but she comes to eat with everyone. She lives separately from other cats. At first it was a little near the tail, and now it went down the back. How can you help her and not infect others? We live in Luhansk. Thank you.

  • Good afternoon. On December 3, I picked up a stray cat. I took her to the vet clinic. There they treated him with stonghold, cleaned his ears and prescribed sinulox tablets for 7 days. On the second day, diarrhea began, I called the clinic, they said to drink fortiflora. On December 13, a small spot appeared on the head. On December 16, I was taken to the clinic. They shone a lamp and said lichen. They made the vaccine wakderm s. 68. Another cat lives in my house, they didn’t find lichen in him, but they made the same vaccine. Then I treat the sick cat 2 times a day with terbinafine ointment and give both cats half a tablet of terbinafine 1 time a day. The cat has 2 spots - on the head and near the eye. It does not grow near the eye, but on the head it becomes more and more. They said to smear the ointment for 7 days, then stop and do not smear for 3 days. On the 10th day, a second vaccination was prescribed. I continued to give fortiflora. Is it correct? And why does the spot keep growing? Maybe you need to change your medication. At home I treat everything with vinegar.

  • Hello. We have a kitten in our family. He had no signs of depriving him, until I noticed pimples on myself and on a child (3 years old), terribly itchy, in two days, they became much more. When examining the kitten, I noticed thinning of wool on his ears and something like keratinization (scales). We live in the village, we are going to the doctor tomorrow in the city. It is not possible to isolate the kitten. Tell me how to treat him? And is lichen manifested by rashes on the human body?

  • Hello Daria, please answer me. We took a kitten in the private sector, he lived in their basement. Naturally, there were a lot of diseases, ear mites, fleas, worms, probably too. Still watery eyes and snot from the nose, sneezes. I went to the vet for the first time. He examined. True, I did not examine the lamp for lichen. He prescribed treatment against ticks and fleas and worms. Three weeks of treatment. Then I started to worry about lichen, took me back to the clinic, enlightened me with a lamp, I didn’t seem to find anything. She said about the eyes and nose that we have an allergic one. But he scratches near his ears, and it seems to me that this place is balding, and on the other hand, where the ear is, but not directly naked, there are small hairs. Whether a question it can be shown deprive. It's been 25 days since they brought it home. There is a child going through. What is the incubation period. . He's also losing his hair. We feed dry food royal horse for kittens. Should I be worried that it's lichen? The kitten plays sometimes, often sleeps, eats well a lot. It scratches only near the ears, 4 times a day. Thank you.

    • Thanks for the answer. I probably didn’t quite write clearly, on the first day they bought what fleas they could remove with their hands. And immediately the next day, we dropped a leopard from fleas on the withers, repeated 14 days later. And they immediately began to drive the worms, with milbimax 2 times half a tablet. Well, they took it because of the patient’s inexperience, they didn’t look at the ears. But we cured them in three weeks, with aversectin ointment, and first cleaned them with a stick dipped in peroxide. And why not peroxide, the doctor said so to treat?

      Then the doctor looked a second time when they came, under a microscope, she said there were no more ticks.

      Thank you. Then advise and me such drops. I will buy, and after how much can I drip again? In a month I will drip then. I have a feeling that when he lubricates, he bites himself near his paws and a little body, I also assume that fleas may have remained, but you are right, I didn’t process the apartment, but it was necessary, yes? And another question, can now, instead of ointment, drop drops from ear mites into the ears, or will it be too much? The kitten is 3 months old now. He is probably allergic to flea bites ... But I don’t see fleas running around him. Although before that, when they just brought it, they saw it right well.

      Well, I dripped BlochNet for my old woman (the name is funny, but I liked how it worked). They are enough for a month (in a month you can repeat). Based on 1 ml of the drug per 10 kg of body weight, so maybe look for something more gentle (after all, the kitten is small). The apartment, of course, needs to be treated (but no one should remain in it during and after treatment for a day, the preparations smell unpleasant, but all insects are killed). At the expense of replacing ointments with drops, alas, I cannot interfere with the prescribed treatment regimen. I would immediately prescribe drops, they penetrate deeper into the ear canal. Yes, and somehow faster (usually in a week you can deal with ticks with drops in your ears).

      Thank you very much Daria. The apartment cannot be processed. I hope they do not appear again, because we killed the big fleas almost immediately. YES and now the kitten is free of fleas, I see no signs. And yes, I clean often. Because I'm at home. It seems to me the probability is very small that they managed to breed. There were 7 of them on the kitten. When brought home. And they washed the kitten, he did not go almost around the house. And after bathing, another one was caught (that day, the first one did not have running fleas left on it), and the next day I already bought drops of leopard. What do you think?))) I tortured you already) with questions)

      Hello Daria, Happy New Year! I wish you all the best and bright) I have a question a little off topic lichen). I would like to know why the kitten's eyes squint when we play with him with a laser pointer, otherwise he looks quite normal outwardly. From his eyes, he still has strong discharge, transparent, like tears, and then accumulates in the corners and looks brown. And from the nose, too, transparent discharge, and 2 weeks ago there was a crack on the nose where the nostril is on one. And just from the side where he has more discharge from the left and from the eye, from the other nostril and eye there is less discharge. The kitten is 4 months old, eats and plays well. But he sleeps often. What could it be?

      Hello! thanks for the congratulations and wishes. All the best to you too.
      On account of the kitten: you need to inspect. What do you feed the kitten? What kind of food? Did you drive worms? Have you been vaccinated? Is there an itch? Maybe the kitten is itching. Did the wool begin to climb? Eyes can twitch due to the fact that weak muscles. And when a pet tries to focus on one point for a long time, his eyes squint. Change the game. Replace the laser with a good old rope toy (it's bigger than a dot, doesn't need that much focus). Maybe the eye gets tired, so it waters. Cracked nose could be due to the fact that the skin is dry. Either he does not drink enough, or the air is too dry, or there are not enough vitamins and minerals in the diet. In general, you need to examine the animal and observe it in order to understand for what reason certain symptoms occur.

  • Hello! please help me, this is the problem: A cat (British, ?-th month old) is completely domestic, eats PropLan Delicacy and Pronature - dry food, sometimes I indulge in spiders, in general, two days ago a small spot appeared above the eye - pink, as it was wet, the hair did not fall out, I treated it with miramistin, by the evening of the second day over the other eye - the same began to appear, only a little less noticeable than the first, I also treated it twice, this morning the spots are almost not noticeable - only if you look closely you can see whitish skin under the hair in those places , the cat has changed a little, has become sadder, does not eat as often as before and has not gone to the toilet for half a day - (write), I worry about what is happening to her. Today is Sunday, but I will try to call the doctor, can it be an allergy to food, quail yolk (I began to give it to her for two months, twice a week) or to selikogel (we temporarily replaced her with a new one, the one that we always take - not it turned out in the store, they took a package of another, but we have been using it for the second week) maybe the reaction didn’t immediately manifest itself, to something ... I suspect an allergy ... but I don’t know there, I’m not a doctor. In general, I will definitely go to the doctor with her, but I would also like to see your guesses ?! Thanks in advance!

  • Hello, we have a Persian cat, she has lichen on her hair and a small wound on her ear .. she took her daughter to the veterinarian, the diagnosis was established ... they prescribed Micazole spray .. but her daughter didn’t really treat her, she just gave birth and was afraid to approach her .. I took the cat home and in addition I found out that she is pregnant .. please tell me how to treat her so as not to harm the kittens .. what kind of drugs can be given to her .. we live in the USA .. I don’t trust local doctors .. they have a goal to extract more money from the client) .. many thanks in advance!

    • Hello! I won't name the drugs because I don't know how they work in America. This we would advise in the first place vaccination. Then a course of antifungal drugs WITHOUT CONTENT OF TAR. You have 2 options: either you are trying to save the kittens and do not treat the cat at all, but you risk getting sick yourself, or you treat the animal, realizing that there is a risk for the kittens. For the most part, everything goes without complications. Much more risk from the disease itself than from therapy. So spray it on. If there are vaccines against lichen, then pierce 3 times with a difference of 10-14 days. At home daily wet cleaning and disinfection (you can steam). avoid contact with other animals. Don't forget to wash your hands after interacting with your pet.

      Thank you very much for the answer .. regarding the preparations, there are Russian pharmacies here ... can you tell me which antifungal ointments are suitable for her ?! And another question, will it be enough to do without a vaccine, only ointments + spray?! Once again, thank you so much for your help .. for creating such a site !!!

      The vaccine helps to speed up recovery, immunity is developed, so that the animal fights the causative agent of lichen faster. The only thing is that after vaccination, the animal remains a spore carrier for a year (it can infect other weakened animals), but it itself will be with active immunity against ringworm for another year. Improvement usually occurs after the second vaccination, but it is necessary to carry out all 3. Sometimes, after the first vaccination, an exacerbation is noted (it spills even more), but this is normal. Someone manages without vaccinations, treatment is simply delayed. If there are "Russian" pharmacies, ask for drugs for the complex treatment of a cat. There are a lot of medicines, but they are different in different regions.

  • Good evening! Tell me, please, what can it be? We have 2 cats (I moved to my daughter temporarily), and after 3 months my cat had a spot like a wound, we thought that the cats had a fight with each other, but after a couple of days these dried wounds appeared on the back and neck, and then they became a white spot and the fur peeled off. And a couple of days later, this appeared in my daughter's cat, but her cat sometimes goes out into the stairwell. Maybe it's lichen, otherwise I don't have the opportunity to go to the vet right now. Thanks a lot!

  • Hello. I'll tell my story. They threw in a cat, looking British or mestizo. They took it home, washed it, dried it, fed it. Apparently homemade. Went to the tray immediately, affectionate. After 2 weeks, my child and I had spots on the body. With the child, we went to the family clinic, they took a scraping. We got a negative result. She herself went to the state, they said lichen. I called the veterinarian to the house, enlightened with a lamp, it glows green on the head and front paw. I got vaccinated and will get another one tomorrow. There are no spots, there are no bald spots on the cat’s body, this infection is on the ends of the coat. The veterinarian gave some kind of drug, I dissolve it in water and rub it against the coat.” already done times. I feel sorry for the cat, and especially the child and myself. In the KVD, the doctor said to throw the cat away. I can't do it. I clean the house every day, everything smelled of bleach. I can’t isolate the cat, there is nowhere. Lives in the kitchen. I bought a quartz lamp, quartz every day. I don't know if it's real and cure it

  • Hello! Since yesterday evening, spots have appeared on the body, they itch and pepper. Today I noticed a couple with my daughter. We had a cat from the street 2 weeks ago, today I examined it and noticed a small spot without hair (white). Maybe lichen, what to do? Today is Saturday

  • Good afternoon! The kitten has a strong itch, the hair came out on the edge of the ear, on the thigh there is a small speck, rough, gray. The appetite is good. What could it be, lichen? Accustomed to homemade food, it seems that there can be no allergy.

  • Hello! We picked up a kitten, he was a little over a month old, he turned out to be lichen. It’s a pity to throw it away, lichen was confirmed in the veterinary clinic, but they said the vaccine can only be done from 3 months. No external agents and pills were prescribed. How to be?

  • Good evening! The cat has been itching for 2 months, at first very strongly, already hiding in secluded places and did not get in touch with us, they showed it to the veterinarian, wormed it with pills and treated it with flea drops. The itching seems to have disappeared, but not completely, and now the cat has an oval speck of a naked body near the tail, covered from above with long hair - it looks like water has got in. British cat, 4 years old, neutered, does not go outside. What could it be?

  • Good afternoon! My domestic cat began to lose hair for a month, then a bald spot appeared on the back closer to the tail. The tail is bald, there is little hair behind the ears, it itches often. Then only a neighbor told me when she saw the cat that it looked like a lichen and immediately advised me to smear the bald spots with brilliant green, which I did. And when I read it on the Internet, I realized that I had done something stupid. On the back, which is a large spot with a diameter of approximately 3.5 cm - the skin is grayish in color, does not get wet, there are small scratches, and on the neck there are small dried crusts in the wool. At first I thought it was a food allergy, but now I realized that it was not. By the way, no one got infected at home. Please tell me what to do and whether it is necessary to vaccinate now during the period of illness?

    • The veterinarian came home, immediately said that it was not lichen, but a terrible allergy, but it’s not clear what ... ((Of course, I aggravated everything with Zelenka, my skin corroded (((she injected her with an antibiotic, an antihistamine injection and vitamins. She treated the wounds with chlorhexidine and sprinkled with some kind of purple spray. She also said to smear it with levomekol later. Now the wounds have begun to heal. Still, I want to understand - what could cause such a terrible allergy?? She doesn’t have fleas. Her ears are clean. True, a year ago she ended up in our basement. I sat there 24 hours, we got her fleas out. Then she scratched her ears for a long time. Maybe some kind of tick wound up? (((In any case, this allergen needs to be eliminated somehow. Thank you for the detailed advice!)

      If it was an ear mite, then you would notice that the cat has black in its ears (you can carefully remove the dark coating from above with a cotton swab, shake it off on a white sheet of paper and look. If the black dots move, then you can suspect a tick). But with otodectosis, cats itch a lot, shake their ears, and there is a smell from the ear. People cannot get otodectosis from a cat, even if they sleep on the same pillow.
      Purple Spray - Most likely Chemi Spray. A kind of "brilliant green", only much safer. It contains tetracyclines. Very good for treating wounds and abrasions.
      Allergies to food can develop. My friend's cat has been eating Hills, Purina or Pro Plan for neutered cats for 10 years. Never any problems. But then suddenly the wool began to get confused, dandruff appeared, a terrible itch. Removed food, changed to hypoallergenic. Wool improved, dandruff disappeared, but the itching remained. We began to select food, gradually changing producers, observing the reaction. Then antihistamines began to be given to remove the symptoms of allergies. But they understand that senile hypersensitivity has developed. Maybe the quality of the feed has deteriorated, some ingredients have changed, so the cat has such a reaction. And if your cat eats something budget (whiskas, kitiket and others), then it is not surprising that he began to itch. So there are a lot of dyes and preservatives. Start your allergen search with food. Get well soon

  • Good afternoon! They picked up a kitten from the street, within 3 days he spent at home, contacted both with people and with an adult cat. On the 4th day they took him to the vet for a checkup. As it turned out, his age was about 3 weeks, they found lichen, in large quantities. There is no way to isolate him, there is nowhere to overexposure either. The doctor ordered the treatment of the kitten with Vetoklin (dissolve 1/10 tablets in 200 ml of water and wipe with a sponge only 1 time in 48 hours for 7-8 days).
    She also prescribed ketaconazole, 1/50 tablets once a day for 1 month. And for an adult cat, 1/10 tablet once a day. I painted it in detail, I really hope for your answer .. I want the kitten to get better as soon as possible, and also not to infect us with the cat. Is contact with him too dangerous? And do you think it might be worth introducing some other drugs for a speedy recovery? Thanks in advance for your reply!

  • Our cat has a pink spot without hair, and in the center of the wound, and on top it seems to be covered with a transparent film. She doesn't itch. Today is Saturday. We can only get to the vet on Monday. What can be taken?

  • Hello. They took the kitten from overexposure, after a couple of days I noticed bald spots with scales on the paw. A cat and two children are at home. So far, no one seems to have become infected, they have not yet come into contact with our cat. There is an opportunity to treat a kitten for overexposure, but I really don’t want to give it away. Is the kitten infectious during treatment? Or can be treated at home?

  • Hello, I don’t know what to do, I picked up a fluffy kitten, and after some time 3 children became infected with lichen, 2 more cats were at home, they prescribed Vakderm to everyone at the veterinarian twice, they did it twice with a break of 10 days in different paws, another month passed on the kitten, the lichen glows, let there be fewer foci, but yes, I read that it was necessary to do 3 and even 5 times, that now more than a month has passed after 2 injections, whether the third one will have an effect.

    • Hello! no, there will be no point in 3 injections. You need to start from the beginning. The whole point is precisely in small breaks of 10-14 days, when immunity tension is created. So simply and quickly, lichen will not go away anyway. In addition to vaccines, local therapy (antifungal drugs) is also required. But 5 times is clearly too much. The cat can still glow for some time (carriage remains). And if your whole house is already sick, then recovery will be delayed for a very long time (it is unlikely that you do disinfection of the entire room, furniture, toys and things every day).

      Thank you very much, children 2 are already healthy, the cat was evicted to a separate room, initially after infection I treated everything with a steam mop and iron, washed everything in bleach at a high temperature and ironed it with us, it seems clear now how to raise the cat if I now repeat three injections to him in 10 days I won’t kill him, and if externally treated with fungin? PLEASE ADVICE THE BEST.

      Hello, I have a problem, a cat (pregnant) has lichen, they didn’t prescribe a specific ointment in the veterinary clinic, they said, take, they say, any suitable for such a case, I purchased, “pits”, and read on the Internet that it was for the ears not suitable, because contains aggressive substances and can burn the skin, and lichen is just on the ear, I read about other ointments, pregnant cats can’t, what else can I use to treat lichen on the ear?

    • Galya 22:29 | 21 Sep. 2017

      Our adult cat got sick. Private house, walks on the street. As soon as they realized that something serious was taken to the doctor.
      The doctor gave an injection and prescribed Sanoderm ointment, plus tablets. 10 days passed, again to the doctor, again an injection, the same ointment, and the tablets were changed to Nystatin. After 10 days again for vaccination, the doctor said that we were on the mend, but very slowly… There are two more kittens at home, also outside. One of them fell ill two weeks later, after the eldest. The second kitten is still "holding on".
      The situation is sad that, despite the timely visit to the doctor, the treatment is very delayed and more and more animals are at risk (sick animals are isolated from the first days of treatment) ... What can we do wrong? How should the room be disinfected? What kills this fungus? We have three more domestic cats (they never leave the house), they are also at risk because ... We are very afraid that they will not get infected. Can you vaccinate for prevention? Or hope for natural immunity?

      • Dasha is a veterinarian 14:53 | 22 Sep. 2017

        Good afternoon! The second kitten developed symptoms as soon as the incubation period passed. The treatment is going well, the lichen will never go away in a day or 2. A month is the minimum! I myself saw kittens, which before the third vaccination are only on the mend, but still the treatment continues. Do not worry, you are doing everything right (if you follow the treatment regimen, then the animal is already on the mend, just be patient). How were your sick animals isolated if they live on the street? Your domestic cats have been at risk for a long time, because you bring spores of the pathogen into the house on your clothes and hands. Spores are afraid of high temperatures (that is, clothes, a sofa, iron or steam curtains). Constantly wet cleaning with disinfectants (ask at the veterinary pharmacy, they will tell you what is best to take from their assortment). For your peace of mind, it was necessary to vaccinate ALL pets at the same time (as soon as the treatment of the patient began). But it is very expensive, and most owners hope for a chance. Sometimes you're lucky and other animals don't get sick. but remember that even after recovery, the kitten will remain a source of infection (sporulation persists for up to a year).
        As a preventive measure, pets are not usually vaccinated against lichen. Only if there are several animals at home, and one is sick. But completely healthy ones are usually not touched (an exception is young cattle on the farm, so that there is no outbreak of the disease due to overcrowding), but kittens and puppies are not vaccinated unnecessarily. Get well

        Daria, thank you so much for such a detailed answer.
        The first cat with deprivation never recovers, our doctor makes a helpless gesture, says that most likely he just has a weak immune system (we take him to the doctor every 10 days ... Shampoos, vitamin injections, antifungal tablets, Sanoderm ointment has already been removed because it has been a long time the course lasts .. Our ginger has already lost almost all of its hair (((it is very painful to watch how nothing helps, or at least it doesn’t help by outward signs. I’m worried if he will recover at all ??? Besides that he “ate so much” » lichen, he feels fine, eats, plays, as usual.
        They decided to pierce all the other cats with Microderm. Yes, not cheap, but for the sake of reassurance ... They themselves managed to get sick and recover .. Of course, this has never happened to us before. But no one is immune from this, which is a pity.
        Please answer, have there been such neglected cases in your practice? It’s a pity for our Gingerbread Man, there is a chance that he won’t be cured or some more terrible options =(

        Good afternoon. You are right that no one is immune from this. What is the cat's age? Maybe already “elderly”, so the body copes worse? Usually, even without treatment, lichen begins to go away on its own over time. Did you look at the hairs under a microscope? Maybe in addition to depriving the cat, something else? Did you rule out demodicosis? Could the allergy rage against the background of such aggressive treatment, which further aggravates the course of the disease? Maybe there are both types of fungus (both the causative agent of trichophytosis and microsporia)? Do the spots continue to grow or has the baldness process stopped? If it stops and does not grow anymore, then you just need to improve the diet, enrich it with vitamins and minerals (zinc, copper, selenium, iodine). The coat will regenerate slowly. If the hair continues to fall out, the skin becomes covered with scabs, then the cat is unlikely to cope, alas. And it would be nice to see the hairs and skin scrapings under a microscope.

        The veterinarian looked under the lamp, did a scraping. Says only deprive and nothing more. Additional diseases are not found. I don’t know about the varieties of mushrooms, I didn’t specify (The cat is 8 months old, he fell ill already 3 months ago (((He continues to go bald, and it’s very fast for the last 10 days ... Fuuuh, we don’t know anymore, take him to another doctor? Is there any point? That doctor , which is now quite time-tested)) in view of the fact that I have a lot of animals, we have already visited different clinics in the city, we chose this one, it seems that the doctor is sensible, but I still think that we, the owners, missed something at the very beginning , I don’t know what exactly = (at the beginning of the treatment, the cat was doing well, the foci did not spread much, but now the hair has suddenly begun to fall out everywhere .... Of course, it’s difficult for you to judge or say something without seeing the animal. Well, we will do everything, fight then it is necessary to the last) let's hope that this last will be the recovery of our pet)

        Try adding vitamins and minerals to your diet (sulphur, zinc, magnesium, manganese, biotin, and group B). Review the food. Pick up a super-premium class or holistic for allergy sufferers. Maybe because of the intensive treatment, the liver is tired and detoxification (droppers) is needed. Usually after a few months the disease fades, and then, on the contrary, the exacerbation began. Although an exacerbation is better than a sluggish current form of any disease. Do you have Zoomikol spray in the vetapets of your city (classmates work on calves with advanced trichophytosis, they praise it very much, and have they tried it on domestic small animals)? Do not use ointments that contain tar. It is contraindicated for cats.

        Yes, not for anything. Just do not listen to those who are far from veterinary medicine. They'll advise. Just hurt the animal. Always seek PERSONAL help from a specialist. And be sure to look for the allergen. Without eliminating it, you will continue to sit on antihistamines, the pet will only suffer. And follow the entire treatment regimen strictly, as prescribed by the doctor. Even if you see that the mustache is feeling better, do not stop therapy on your own. They will say 7 days to treat, 7 days everything and let's follow the scheme. They will say 10, which means 10 days, even if on the fifth day it seems to you that the pet has fully recovered. If something is wrong, take the animal to the doctor immediately. If after 3 days no visible improvements are noticed, go to the doctor again, maybe he will change the drugs.

        Good afternoon. Do you prescribe treatment yourself or did you visit a veterinarian? Vaccinations are done regardless of the physiological state (pregnancy, lactation), but with caution. Ointments and sprays must be applied carefully so that sucking kittens cannot lick and sniff these products. According to the rules, kittens should be removed from a sick cat! But since they are with their mother, then, most likely, in a week or two, they may develop symptoms of lichen. And you have to treat the whole brood. Contact of a sick animal with other healthy ones is undesirable (especially small ones, which still have no immunity to anything).

        No, so far it has not been possible to show the veterinarian, the cat is good, caring, she feeds one cute kitten, no one will take him away from her. The question is, what treatment can be the safest and most necessary during lactation? The cat was abandoned, someone betrayed, it seems, having learned that she was pregnant. Perhaps lichen is a consequence of stress and other consequences of such a situation ...

        So maybe it's not deprive at all? =) Maybe it's just the wool came out (due to beriberi, allergies, after childbirth)? What do the spots look like? Clearly rounded with a brighter circumferential end and a lighter center (there may be subtle scales, or there may be scabs)? Where exactly are the spots located? Are they increasing in size and quantity? It is advisable to at least shine a Wood's lamp to make sure of the diagnosis. Treatment is necessary in any case. If indeed lichen, then this is zooanthroponosis (transmitted from animal to person). Fungal spores will quickly spread throughout the apartment. You can then treat yourself for a long time if you do not start animal therapy and disinfection of the room. Treat the cat according to the general scheme: vaccination + antifungal ointments / sprays. No iodine and greenery! Even if you do not deprive - iodine and brilliant green are prohibited.

        Daria, my name is Sergey, I have a cat "Abyssinian" after the first birth, her adrenal glands failed and the veterinarians put her on dexamethasone, if she is not given this drug, she begins to count, she is also transferred to Z \ D anti-allergic food. The cat is four years old and we spayed her two months ago. After that, she caught lichen somewhere, although it doesn’t happen on the street. I turned to the veterinarian, he made an injection of VAKDERM with an interval of 10-12 days, we repeated it three times, but nothing helps, as they told me that this is due to the fact that we give dexamethasone, it extinguishes all therapeutic actions. Help me what to do I am ready to meet with you or by phone I am ready to pay for treatment I will be glad even for advice. Can you tell me who to contact or help me yourself.

        Best regards, Sergey +79103115338

        Good afternoon. You could bring the lichen yourself (elementarily, spores got on the shoes when you walked where the sick / ill animal lay or passed).
        Unfortunately, yes, dexamethasone does interfere with the treatment of animals. This is a hormonal drug (both heals and cripples). And the animals very quickly “sit down” on it. If at least once they were treated, then in almost 99% of cases it is for life. As soon as you cancel it, problems with the skin and the work of internal organs immediately begin.
        Have you applied any ointments? In general, lichen gradually disappears on its own. Immunity is developed, and the animal heals itself (even without vaccinations). It only takes more than one month. And in your case, it can drag on for a very long period from the use of hormones. Try Zoomikol spray (maybe there will be its analogues in the veterinary pharmacies of your city). It also beats fungi well, and copes with dermatitis.

        A day is more than enough for the spores of the fungus to spread throughout the apartment. You hardly did high-quality disinfection of the entire room. Therefore, look at weeks 2 to see if the child shows signs of lichen. A kitten is still not allowed to be picked up earlier than in a month. Because injections are given three times! and after the last one, you need to wait another 2 weeks for immunity to finally develop. And after a month and a half, you may not even want to take this kitten. I cannot say with 100% certainty that the kitten is safe after all vaccinations. Sporulation persists for up to a year. But if the immune system is strong, then it will cope with such weakened fungi. Immunity will be developed (in a person after an illness, including). In my practice, there was a case when a sick kitten was brought home (there were no signs of lichen yet, only after 2 weeks they appeared), another cat, a dog and a hostess were infected at home. While the animals and the owner were being treated, no one else got sick at home. No husband, no 3 month old baby.

        I processed everything on the day when the kitten was found to have lichen, 10 days passed since the kitten was gone, but I still got lichen, we decided to take another kitten for ourselves, please tell me how many days you can bring the kitten into the house so that it does not get infected

        Don't be in a hurry. You can see for yourself that your lichen appeared after 10 days (the standard incubation period). In humans, this infection takes longer (no vaccinations). All hope for immunity and competent treatment (the use of fungicidal preparations, including ointments). If you hurry up and get a new pet, then you will simply create a vicious circle in the house where you will reinfect each other. You need to fully heal, recover. Daily disinfection at home (in the veterinary pharmacy you can buy special disinfectants for washing floors), wet cleaning. It would be nice to steam the furniture and all the things that the kitten and you have come into contact with in order to destroy the spores. And only after a couple of months, when your disease has completely passed, disinfection will be carried out more than once at home (including steam treatment), it will be possible to get a new pet. Otherwise, the new pet is at risk of getting sick.

        Did you do scrapings with microscopy? Glow appears only with microsporia. With trichophytosis, there will be no glow! In addition, the glow can appear even with dermatitis (when there are areas of dry skin). Therefore, the lamp is not a 100% guarantee of health or illness. It is always necessary to do more research. Moreover, if you say that you have been sick for only a week, then this is very little. Now it is possible to attenuate the disease, but after a week or two, symptoms may appear again. Treatment still cannot be stopped. Do not rush with the animal if you do not want to treat it later.

        Dasha is a veterinarian 14:30 | 20 Sep. 2017

        Good afternoon Maria! It's so easy, without examining the animal, it's hard to say what exactly your pet has. If you suspect lichen, then you still can’t do without an examination. But with microsporia and trichophytosis, there is usually no swelling. Most likely, an eye disease (may be conjunctivitis). Is there lacrimation, redness, swelling increased? Maybe it scratches the eye, rubs it? Maybe some kind of discharge from the eye? On one eye only, the second healthy? Are there any other spots on the muzzle and body? Is the upper eyelid or lower eyelid affected? Scots, British and Persians are prone to eye diseases, unfortunately (lacrimation is often noted, conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis).

        Good day everyone!
        My daughter has had microsporia for the second year already, this year she noticed again, the doctor was not particularly sprayed to explain what it was and how - she prescribed an expensive drug from 500 rubles, and according to the prescription to prepare salicylic alcohol - they gave another 83 rubles for it, and we didn’t have enough for everything treatment (stretched as best they could). This year, there is no longer a desire to buy a thousand drugs, especially with an unknown end - I started looking for similar stains on the Internet - and everything came together - and she casually talked about it
        And I began to seriously think about where she was missing him from: no one in the family has them, and then I remembered about my cat, who died in June of this year (though while he was sick, they dragged him to veterinary clinics, not one veterinarian did not hint about 3 years ago, our cat came from some fight, covered in blood on the cheek - cured, then on the withers - cured, even sent a photo to a friend of the vet, prescribed treatment and helped, and so periodically he combed it - it didn’t even completely overgrow with hair, they thought it was due to an injury on the skin, but since February of this year he fell ill and it was serious - the reason began with combing at the same withers - he combed it into blood at a time, then problems with the jaw began - for no obvious visible reasons. He could not chew food, but he wanted to eat strongly - he yelled and ran after us, from February to June - he dried up (anorexia), of course we rushed with him like a child and proplan and through a syringe, and a stone was cleaned; in the end, they took him to the dacha - where, to our surprise, he lived 2 more months - the appetite either took up and he ate, then again it was unbearably painful for him to chew.
        Question: Still, can lichen or microsporia end like this within 3 or 4 years?
        At the moment, I’m still smearing my daughter with iodine so that it doesn’t spread anywhere, although she already has it on her head - she’s been scratching her head for almost a year (I thought it was nervous, but today I saw small crusts there). Iodine helps noticeably, there are no more foci - only faded drawings remain. When you apply iodine to the foci, they are visible, they are more noticeable than the skin, and now even in the most productive place there are fewer of them even under iodine. For the sake of interest, I will continue to smear her with iodine, so that she herself begins to appreciate health and cleanliness!

      • We have two cats. We live in a private house. One walks on the street, the second is small, sits at home or in the yard under supervision. An adult cat caught lichen. We contacted the veterinarian. The little one was given a vaccine for prevention, and the adult was already given the Polivak vaccine twice. He's on the mend. But the little one got sick. We process the infected area. There is no way to isolate it. Is it possible for an adult cat to get sick again? What should I do?

      • We also walked the cat from time to time, and then he picked up lichen. Well, they noticed in time - the affected area was still small. They cured it with fungin, they smeared the place itself and along the edges of the hearth so that the lichen did not grow. Healed for ten days.

  • Lichen is a medical term for skin diseases of various etiologies, and is also characterized by the formation of small and itchy rash nodules that do not transform into another type of rash. Ringworm, or ringworm, is a contagious animal disease caused by a fungus of the genus Microsporum.

    Types of lichen in a cat

    Deprive - the disease is extremely unpleasant, but quite treatable. The scheme of therapy, as well as its total duration, directly depend on the type of fungal pathology:

    Ringworm requires special attention, which is very common in both street and fully housed cats. Infection of a pet occurs as a result of contact with sick animals and carriers of fungal spores. Among other things, infection can occur when using household items contaminated with spores, as well as in a household way.

    Lichen symptoms

    The symptomatology of such a feline disease as lichen directly depends on the damaging factor:

    • feline weeping lichen accompanied by the appearance of painful and hot red spots of various sizes on the skin. Spots covered with bubbles are filled with a clear or slightly yellowish liquid, the outflow of which is accompanied by the appearance of a pustular infection. Under conditions of proper therapy, the affected areas of the skin quickly become covered with a crust, after which cell renewal occurs, and the growth of a new coat;
    • pink lichen, completely harmless, from the point of view of contact, for a person, a form represented by the appearance of pink, itchy and flaky spots that have characteristic, very clear boundaries. The cause of this pathology is most often too reduced immunity in a pet;
    • versicolor versicolor has no significant differences in symptoms from most other types of skin pathology. Numerous spots appearing on the skin are characterized by an elongated oval shape. In this case, the spots on the affected skin can merge, and also have inflammation, pink, yellow or brown;
    • lichen planus characterized by the appearance on the skin of small red-pink and brownish-bluish plaques with a shiny surface. The color of such lesions has noticeable, sharp differences from the surrounding healthy skin. In the central part, the appeared nodules may have depressions, as well as a kind of transverse striation. In the process of the development of the disease, several lichen spots merge into a single and rather large focus.

    Important! Remember that the detection of a disease such as lichen and the diagnosis of pathology in cats are largely difficult, since the pet's coat partially hides all areas affected by the fungus, and constant licking masks itching well.

    When a pet is affected by ringworm, there is a fairly active loss of hair, as well as the appearance of a noticeable whitish coating on the skin. The treatment of this skin lesion in cats differs in some characteristic features, and the diagnosis requires laboratory confirmation.

    Diagnosis and treatment

    Correctly diagnosing skin pathologies can be based on a visual examination of the animal, a careful study of the collected anamnesis and the results of clinical studies. Only after determining the form of the lesion, the most effective scheme of therapeutic measures is selected. Therapy for feline lichen involves the use of external agents, which can be presented:

    • 2%, 5% and 10% antiseptic and anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical salicylic ointment, which has a pronounced astringent effect. The medicinal composition is applied a couple of times a day, for ten days;
    • anti-inflammatory and antifungal sulfuric ointment, the treatment of which is carried out a couple of times a day, for one to three weeks, until the inflamed spots disappear completely;
    • highly effective ichthyol ointment, which significantly accelerates the process of skin regeneration and is applied a couple of times a day for ten days;
    • antifungal tar ointment, gradually restoring all affected skin and applied a couple of times a day for ten days.

    The scheme for ridding a pet of pink lichen involves the restoration of immunity through fortification and the use of external ointments that effectively accelerate the process of cellular regeneration. Therapy for multi-colored lichen consists in the use of "Imaverol", diluted with distilled water in a ratio of 1:50 and applied to the affected areas three times a day. A good result is also given by the appointment of "Lime-Sulfur", which is processed once a week, due to the rather high toxicity of the composition.

    It should be remembered that improper treatment of a disease such as ringworm can provoke severe complications, so it is advisable to use only the most effective and fast-acting drugs in therapy:

    • ointment "Clotrimazole" - applied to the affected areas three times a day, until the onset of complete recovery;
    • pharmacy anti-allergic and antibacterial drugs "Miconazole" and "Sanoderm" - used twice a day;
    • spray or solution "Fungin" - used as compresses a couple of times a day;
    • antiseptic ointment "Yam" - applied to the areas of skin affected by lichen at least two to three times a week.

    Type of drug and treatment course necessarily must be prescribed by a veterinarian. After the full course, it is necessary to visit a veterinary specialist in order to perform repeated analyzes and visual examination.

    It is interesting! The guarantee of effective treatment for lichen in a cat is stable and strict adherence to all medical prescriptions. Any violation of the systemic therapy can cause only temporary improvements and progression of the pathology.

    If the treatment of progressive ringworm with the above drugs does not give the desired effect, then the veterinarian may prescribe vaccination of the pet with the well-established Polivak and Vakderm preparations. Vaccination activities are carried out with a standard interval of 10-14 days.

    Diet during treatment

    In the treatment of skin diseases in cats, dietary nutrition is of great importance, which is able to provide access to a sufficient amount of food in the animal's body, taking into account the general state of metabolism. Properly selected diet contributes to the most effective treatment and rapid recovery of the pet.

    When choosing a fully balanced diet, you will need to take into account a number of the most important and interrelated factors:

    • amount of essential nutrients;
    • general indicators of energy value;
    • indicators of the usefulness of digestibility;
    • taste characteristics of the feed;
    • hypoallergenic diet.

    Balanced dietary rations can be defined as foods that do not allow loss of nutritional components and are able to maintain metabolic balance in the animal's body during the treatment stage. Such diets must necessarily be a source of the most important nutrients that satisfy the daily nutritional needs of a sick animal.

    It should be remembered that dietary feeds are complete only for a certain category of cats, and are able to provide an influx of nutrients only at the treatment stage, therefore they are prescribed strictly by veterinary specialists and, as a rule, for a fairly short period of time. For any healthy pet, diet food is absolutely inferior.

    Important! An additional diet for an animal undergoing treatment for lichen, with special vitamin and mineral complexes that increase the weakened immunity of a pet.

    Increased attention will be required by the organization of dietary nutrition for pets suffering from weeping lichen against the background of allergic manifestations. A significant part of the food products used in the nutrition of domestic cats are not capable of causing any allergic reactions in pets.

    However, in some cases, the inclusion of immunological mechanisms is due to strictly defined antigens, which are most often represented by proteins or proteins. For example, possible cat allergens typically include milk and soy protein, wheat and yeast, beef and horse meat, chicken and pork, and chicken eggs.

    Clinically, an allergic reaction can occur very suddenly, even after years of exposure to the allergen. In this case, the allergic reaction does not have a seasonal nature, as well as depending on the age or gender of the animal.

    During this period, the pet can be given ready-made therapeutic diets that are designed to get rid of food allergies. After the condition is stabilized, the animal can be gradually transferred to a daily diet intended for feeding pets prone to allergic reactions.

    Prevention methods

    Preventive measures that allow you to very effectively protect the animal and its owner from being infected with lichen are to follow the following recommendations:

    • creation of conditions under which it will be absolutely impossible for any stray animals to come into contact with pets;
    • systematic implementation of highly effective sanitary and hygienic treatments of all pet care items, its bedding and accessories;
    • providing full-fledged feeding of the animal with the obligatory introduction of all the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes into the daily diet, which guarantees the support of the immune system in a stable, good condition;
    • compulsory use of special vaccines. Experts warn that vaccination of an animal, unfortunately, does not contribute to the development of immunity against the most common fungal infections. As practice shows, the use of the widely used vaccines "Polivak-TM", "Vakderm" and "Trimivak" is indicated only for therapeutic purposes.

    There are also a number of herbal remedies that provide a fairly high preventive effect. A good result is given by herbal mixtures based on nettle, succession, oregano and violet.

    ½ teaspoon of each medicinal herb is mixed and then brewed with half a liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for a quarter of an hour, after which it is filtered. The infusion is given to a pet for the purpose of prevention three times a day.

    An infusion based on licorice root, horsetail, chamomile, valerian root and thyme has a similar preventive effect. Prevention of lichen in cats and cats using all kinds of folk remedies is, of course, a longer process, but it is definitely quite effective and absolutely safe for a pet.

    It is interesting! Zoological stores offer cat owners special shampoos against lichen in animals - Sebozol and Nizoral. However, such products are not able to completely rid the animal of skin problems, so the use of these shampoos is, as a rule, purely preventive.

    Lichen is not a serious threat to the health of the animal, but such a disease can greatly damage the exterior of the cat, and can also be transmitted to other pets and their owners, so the very first manifestations of this pathology should not be ignored.
