How to stretch shoes at home - a treasure trove of useful tips. How to stretch shoes at home: simple tips

Shoes are one of the essential items that no person can live without. At the same time, everyone wants to purchase a high-quality item that will maintain an attractive appearance for a long time, provide maximum convenience and remain durable and intact.

But it often happens that the purchased shoes do not meet the comfort requirements because they are too narrow. The condition for overcoming this problem is the quality of the raw material, which can be processed. These requirements are best met by leather shoes, which always look stylish and do not lose their characteristics for a long time. This article is devoted to the question of how to stretch leather shoes at home.

Features of leather shoes

Everyone knows that leather shoes can stretch, taking the shape that is most comfortable for a person. However, this can only be said about products made from good quality leather, manufactured in compliance with all technological processes. Only such things evenly stretch both in length and width during wearing.

Before stretching leather shoes at home, it is worth remembering that they do not always stretch correctly, acquiring or maintaining an attractive appearance. For example, if you choose boots or shoes that pinch your toes, you will soon have to throw them away or throw them in the closet, since in such cases the product either continues to be uncomfortable and rubs, or, as it stretches, becomes deformed when worn, which leads to complete loss presentable appearance. It should also be taken into account that such shoes can only stretch in width. Therefore, you should think carefully before purchasing something that is too tight or does not fit your feet.

When to stretch your shoes

Shoes have their own characteristics. In some cases, a product you like in a store turns out to be uncomfortable or tight when worn. This may be due not only to a certain cut of the model, but also to the characteristics of a particular person’s legs. Therefore, the question of whether leather shoes can be stretched has remained quite relevant for many years.

Yes, this is possible, just not in all places. The front part and toe area respond very well to this procedure. If the problem is related to these parts, then you can safely begin to eliminate the discomfort. This must be done primarily because uncomfortable shoes not only interfere with normal walking and cause pain in the legs, but can also lead to deformation of the joints of the legs. And this is already fraught with serious consequences.

How to stretch leather shoes to length in a workshop

Almost all modern shoe workshops have special equipment that can be used to quickly stretch leather shoes that are too tight.

Such equipment consists of special metal pads that heat up and cool, which leads to stretching of the skin in the desired direction.

There are also special wooden lasts with adjustable widths and insertable bone simulators that can be placed in different holes depending on the shape of the leg.

However, such methods involve some risk, since no workshop can guarantee that during such stretching no seam will come apart, which will lead to the need for subsequent repairs.

How to stretch shoes at home

At home, you can buy a special foam that is intended for stretching shoes. It's easy to use: you just need to spray the inside of the product and quickly put it on. After a few minutes, the foam will harden, allowing you to give a little away to leather shoes, moccasins, boots, etc. How to stretch leather shoes by 1 size? This procedure should be repeated several times until the product is stretched to the desired size. If it just rubs or pinches a little, a one-time procedure of applying foam will be enough, which will quickly affect the thin fibers of the skin.

Of course, you can try to wear your shoes in, periodically wearing them for short walks and walking around the apartment. To achieve a faster effect, it is better to wear thick socks. However, this method requires a certain amount of time and involves some discomfort that will have to be experienced during the breaking-in process.

How to stretch leather shoes with water

Many people purchase leather shoes for daily use, but their inconvenience is discovered only after the start of active use. In this case, you may simply not have the opportunity to take the shoes to a workshop or try to wear them while walking around the apartment. Therefore, quite often you can come across the question of how to quickly stretch leather shoes at home. In fact, there are many similar methods that are very effective.

One of the most effective methods, which still raises many doubts among many, is the use of an ordinary thick bag of water. The essence of this method is that a bag filled with water is placed inside leather shoes. It is noteworthy that thin polyethylene bags should not be used as containers, as they can simply tear, which is very undesirable. After this, the shoes are placed in the freezer for a while so that the water in the bag freezes. As you know, water expands when it freezes, which allows you to stretch leather shoes both in width and slightly in length, without experiencing discomfort and without wasting extra time going to the workshop.

One of the methods that can be applied to genuine leather products is to use boiling water. Boiling water needs to be poured inside the shoes and kept in this form for 5-10 minutes. After this, the water is drained, and after cooling, the product is put on and worn. You can enhance the effect with cotton socks, which should also be pre-wetted and the shoes should be worn until they are completely dry.

other methods

Since stretching leather shoes at home is not difficult, you can try the following methods.

Hot air can help make leather shoes more comfortable. To do this, you just need to warm up the areas where the product is pinching or rubbing with a hairdryer, and walk around the room a little. This procedure must be repeated until the shoes become comfortable. However, you should be aware that on shoes in which the leather is heavily glued before stitching, glue smudges may appear, which will have to be removed using a special eraser. Do not try to remove droplets of glue with cologne or other means, as the leather may become damaged or lose color in these places.

Another option for stretching leather shoes at home, which causes many conflicting opinions, is the use of wet newspapers. The method involves filling leather shoes with damp newspapers and leaving them in a dry place for a day. You should not try to speed up the drying process of newspapers by placing them near a heater or radiator. In this case, although the leather shoes will expand, they may become deformed under the influence of heat. In addition, you should know that before using wet newspapers you need to pull out the insoles, as they will absorb all the moisture that is needed to act on the skin. Newspapers should be removed only after they have dried themselves, which happens after about a day (depending on the humidity in the room).

How to quickly stretch your shoes

How to quickly stretch leather shoes? There are several stretching methods that are only suitable for genuine leather products. You should not use them on goods made of artificial leather or poor quality leather, since in this case the material can not only be severely deformed, but also become completely unusable.

An effective way to stretch leather shoes to size is to use a 3% vinegar solution. You need to moisten the inner surface with this solution, and then put it on and wear it for 30-60 minutes. If after this the shoes do not stretch enough, the procedure should be repeated. This method is especially effective when it is necessary to stretch shoes in the toe area.

What to do if leather shoes squeak?

Another problem that often occurs when purchasing leather shoes is the appearance of a characteristic unpleasant squeak. Many people believe that this is one of the skin effects that you just have to live with, but this is not true. In fact, squeaking leather shoes can be eliminated using regular vegetable or castor oil. A few drops of it should be thoroughly rubbed on the sole.

If desired, the oil can be replaced with natural heated drying oil. However, you should not put on shoes immediately after such treatment. It should stand until the oil or drying oil is completely absorbed into the sole.

Today we will share with you the secrets of how to properly stretch your shoes at home. The article will consist of the following points:

    How to stretch shoes at home using ice and frost
    To do this, you need to pour water into plastic bags, tie them tightly and put them inside the shoes. Next, the shoes are placed in the freezer or on the balcony if it is very cold outside. Wait until the water freezes completely, this will allow the shoes to quickly stretch and take on a shape that is comfortable for you. Unfortunately, shoes made of genuine leather may crack after this procedure, so it is better not to experiment.

    How to stretch shoes with heat
    Wear your uncomfortable boots with a thick wool sock, then use a hairdryer on high until you feel warm. As soon as your boots and socks get warm, you need to break them in - walk around the apartment as long as possible until they cool down. This procedure cannot be carried out with leather shoes, as they may crack and become unusable.

    "Old-fashioned methods" of stretching shoes
    Stuff as much wet newspaper as possible into your boots, then wait until it is completely dry. Take out the newspaper and check if the boots have stretched to a comfortable size for you. There is another way in which you need to be very careful. Pour 100 milliliters of boiling water into your shoes and pour them out after a few seconds, then put them on and walk around the apartment at a slow and fast pace.
    The “cowboy” method is also very relevant, just add a lot of whole grains to your shoes, add the required amount of water, and then leave for 12 hours. In the morning you will see that the grain has swollen. Take all the grain out of the shoes and put them on, then wear them until they are completely dry. But this method is also unsafe, since walking in wet shoes is not recommended, so do not wear shoes for more than 30-60 minutes.
    Don't risk stretching suede or leather shoes. It may crack, become covered with white spots, burst, and so on. It will be even more offensive if the shoes were very expensive. It is better to save the receipt and exchange the shoes if you purchased them recently. Also remember that suede and leather shoes become harder when exposed to water.

    Alcohol will help stretch your shoes well!
    Take cologne, water and alcohol in equal proportions and mix. Next, wipe your uncomfortable shoes inside and out with this mixture. Don’t get carried away with wiping the outside; you only need to treat the toughest areas. Most shoe stretchers contain alcohol, but in varying proportions, so this method is very effective. But you shouldn’t get carried away with wiping with alcohol: the paint will begin to crack and dry out, the color of the shoes will change, cracks may appear, and so on. In this way, you can also process winter boots, but be extremely careful.

    Oil, vinegar, paraffin will also help us!
    If you haven't worn shoes for a long time, you can use vegetable or castor oil. You can also use Vaseline for stretching. Treat your shoes in the same way as with alcohol, and then walk around the apartment in them. After one or two hours, you need to wash off the oil, be sure to thoroughly clean your shoes. The method is harmless to natural leather; artificial leather can also be processed. Sometimes leather shoes squeak while walking, lubricate the sole with a thin layer of castor oil, and when it dries, the squeak will disappear.
    To increase the size of your shoes, you can wipe them with a 3% vinegar solution, inside, of course. But don't risk rubbing the outside of your shoes because vinegar is a harsh chemical just like alcohol.
    The most gentle method is wiping with paraffin. Rub the candle on the inside of the shoe, and then leave it overnight; you can remove the paraffin in the morning. But such stretching will not help to expand the heel of the shoe; for this, the back part is treated with alcohol, and only then rubbed with a thick layer of paraffin.

    What sprays exist for stretching shoes?!
    Many people are afraid for their shoes and do not want to expose them to chemicals, as this can lead to unforeseen consequences. In such cases, it is better to purchase a special spray at a shoe store. The best sprays are now produced by the following manufacturers: Oke, Salton, Twist, Duke of Dubbin, Silver, Salamander and Kiwi. You need to apply a small amount of spray to the place where the shoes rub the most. Then woolen socks and shoes are put on to break it in and stretch it. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions before applying the product.

    You can cope with this problem yourself at home, you just need to familiarize yourself with the basic tips and recommendations.

    Two professional ways

    Before using traditional methods, you can use professional means.

    These drugs include the following drugs:

    1. Special spray. When using, shake the can thoroughly and spray the contents over the surface of the shoes. After which you need to put it on and walk around in it for 15 minutes. If everything remains unchanged, the procedure should be repeated again.
    2. Using special wooden blocks, designed specifically for stretching and enlarging shoes. Using this tool you can easily and without much difficulty change the size in length, width and volume.

    Self stretching

    If you have tried all the professional remedies and everything remains without any visible result, then it is recommended to opt for folk remedies, of which there are a very large number. Therefore, before choosing one, you need to get acquainted with the specifics and features of each method.

    The most basic and popular methods include the following methods:

    • using liquid soap;
    • alcohol;
    • freezing;
    • oil;
    • paraffin;
    • wet wool socks;
    • cologne;
    • boiling water or cold;
    • newspapers;
    • vinegar;
    • foams, sprays and aerosols;

    Remember that each of these methods has its own characteristics, pros and cons, which should also be known and taken into account. Let's look at and get acquainted with each of the methods separately.

    Wet wool socks

    Experts advise walking for a little more than an hour, and the result will not disappoint you, since the shoes will stretch significantly and increase to the size you need.

    This option is considered the most effective and efficient, which is also easy to use and does not take much time and effort. But this method is perfect for leather shoes.


    If the shoes you purchased cause you discomfort when moving, then the inside of them should be lubricated with vodka or another solution that contains alcohol.

    After the entire surface has been thoroughly lubricated from the inside, you need to put it on and do the same procedure, but from the outside. It is recommended to spend a little more than an hour in it.

    Liquid soap

    Today, a method based on liquid soap is also in great demand and popularity.

    To do this, you need tools such as a towel or polyethylene, colorless liquid soap and warm water.


    1. Stir the solution to the desired consistency, which includes colorless soap and warm water in a ratio of 1 to 4. Remember, the water should not be higher than 50 degrees.
    2. Use a container with a spray bottle into which this substance should be poured.
    3. Treat the internal and external surfaces with the solution.
    4. Wait until the water is absorbed into the skin.
    5. Use special wooden blocks, or put on woolen socks and shoes, walk around the house for about 1 hour, more can be done to achieve a greater effect.

    Remember that this is the simplest and safest method that will not cause any harm to the skin structure.


    For this method you will need a couple of rags and triple cologne. The soaked rags should be carefully placed inside the shoes, which should then be wrapped in a plastic bag and left overnight. In the morning, before you go outside, you should walk around the apartment in it.

    Boiling water

    If you have leather shoes, then boiling water is perfect, pour it inside and drain it, after which it should cool a little and you can put it on. It is advised to walk until it cools down completely.


    You can also use cold water, in other words, the freezing process occurs. You need to take 2 plastic bags and fill them with cold water, carefully place them in your shoes and put them in the freezer.

    After the liquid in the bag freezes, it is recommended to take out the shoes and wait for 30 minutes until the water begins to melt and you can safely remove the bags of water. She needs to be dressed and walked around immediately. If you do not achieve the desired effect, the procedure should be repeated.

    Hair dryer and wool socks

    Put on your shoes and socks and direct the warm air to the part that hurts the most.


    You should treat the toes of shoes with 3% vinegar, but only on the outside, since the acid from the inside can ruin the quality of the material and base.


    You can smear the inside with paraffin from the candle, and after 12 hours, the remaining substance can be easily removed.

    How to stretch leather and suede shoes?

    .For these procedures you will need the following tools:

    1. Special stretchers - sprays.
    2. Alcohol solution

    It is necessary to moisten the stretchers from the inside with an alcohol solution, then you need to put on your favorite pair of warm socks and walk around the house.

    How to stretch faux leather shoes?

    It is best to use the newspaper method. If no changes occur on the first attempt, the procedure can be repeated several more times over the course of a month.

    What is needed for this:

    1. Wet the newspapers.
    2. Place newspapers inside. Remember, the more newspapers, the better the effect.

    If after repeated use of this method no changes have occurred, then the workshop will not help you either, since this is one of the features of artificial leather.

    How to stretch suede shoes?

    A method based on an alcohol solution is ideal, and you can also use the following options:

    1. Freezing
    2. Thick wool socks and heating
    3. Wet newspapers
    4. Groats . We fill it with cereal and fill it with water, after a short period of time the cereal will swell under the influence of water, therefore, this should affect the size.
    5. Potato peel. In this case, the entire potato peel should be placed tightly inside and left in this state for the whole night. In the morning the peel is removed. This procedure can be done several times.

    1. The sizing process is more suitable for leather shoes. If you have it made of synthetic materials, then you will only damage the base and will not achieve any results.
    2. Patent leather shoes, which are at the peak of popularity today, should be treated from the inside.
    3. It stretches better in width than in length.

    When resorting to all the various folk and professional methods and methods, you should remember that the size will increase by only a couple of millimeters.

    Sometimes we have to face the need to stretch new shoes if the shoes were purchased in the wrong size, or expand old shoes that have dried out during long-term storage. There are many ways to deal with this problem. First of all, you need to find out where to stretch shoes and how much it costs to stretch shoes in a workshop. In any workshop, using special equipment and lasts selected for your foot size, specialists will stretch your shoes in length, width, instep or shaft. You can stretch your shoes one size in a workshop, or even two sizes - it depends on what you are used to and what is comfortable for you.

    What should you do to stretch your shoes?

    In a shoe workshop, any stretching of shoes can be done, and it should be noted that such a process will take into account not only the quality of the material. All the features of the location of accessories and seams are also important, because not every shoe can be stretched without problems.

    If you don’t want to look for a shoemaker and be puzzled by how much it costs to stretch shoes in a workshop, then you can try breaking in and stretching uncomfortable products yourself at home. But to do this, you need to choose the most suitable method for stretching shoes.

    Important! You can stretch new shoes only made of genuine leather, nubuck or. Shoes made of artificial leather (leatherette) or fabric, as well as rubber, cannot be stretched. Even a specialist shoemaker will not undertake such a procedure.

    How to stretch leather shoes?

    Many people wonder whether it is possible to stretch shoes in length? You can only stretch your shoes in width on your own. We offer you several ways to do this.

    Method number 1. Use of special means

    To stretch tight shoes, use special sprays and aerosols for stretching shoes.

    For example, buy a special Oke stretcher in the store, which not only effectively softens all types of skin, but also gives it elasticity without leaving any marks or contours on it.

    Apply the product directly to the problem area that requires stretching:

    • For leather shoes - from the outside.
    • For patent and suede shoes - on the inside.

    After applying the product, put on your shoes and walk around in them for 7-10 minutes.

    Important! Using special means, you can stretch your shoes using last-shaped devices made of natural wood. These products allow you to stretch your shoes as efficiently as possible without disturbing the shape of your shoes. This adjustable stretch fits all types of shoes.

    Method number 2. Alcohol treatment

    Pour a little alcohol (or vodka) or, in extreme cases, cologne into tight shoes. After this, put the shoes on your feet and wet the top of the shoes. The skin will soften, stretch to the desired size and take the shape of the leg. Walk around the house in your shoes until you feel comfortable.

    Important! If the hard heels of new shoes rub your feet, also moisten them with alcohol.

    Method No. 3. Boiling water treatment

    This method, in some cases, is even more effective than using alcohol. The essence of the method is as follows:

    1. Cover the problematic surface of the product with a cloth.
    2. Take a kettle of boiling water.
    3. Slowly pour boiling water over the top of the stretched surface.
    4. Put a sock on your foot and walk around the house for about an hour until the shoes take the desired shape.

    Important! High-quality leather can withstand temperatures up to 300 C, so nothing will happen to such shoes, but this method will not work for patent leather products.

    Method number 4. We use wool socks

    This method of how to stretch shoes not in a workshop, but at home, is suitable even for winter boots with fur:

    1. Put thick socks on your feet and squeeze into tight shoes.
    2. Use a hair dryer to heat the pressure, tight areas of the boot.
    3. When the problem areas are thoroughly heated, begin to bend your feet as much as possible for 30 seconds.
    4. Walk around the house in your shoes until they cool down.
    5. Try on the shoes with thin socks to see if you achieved the desired result.
    6. If not, repeat the procedure several more times.

    Method No. 5. Stuffing with wet newspapers

    To stretch your shoes to size, use a damp newspaper:

    1. Squeeze several newspapers into a tight ball.
    2. Hold the tight boots over the steam.
    3. Wet a newspaper ball thoroughly with cold water and insert it into the shoe.
    4. Leave the shoes to dry completely.
    5. Take out the newspapers and try on the shoes. They should become looser when exposed to moisture.

    Important! Dry your shoes naturally, away from heating devices, otherwise the shoes may become deformed.

    Method number 6. Freezing

    You will need 2 bags ¼ filled with water (if both shoes are too tight):

    1. Place water bags inside your shoes. The bags should evenly fill the stretchable shoes.
    2. Place your shoes in the freezer overnight to freeze the water.
    3. Remove the shoes from the refrigerator and wait until the ice melts (about 20 minutes).
    4. Remove the packages.
    5. Try on the shoes. If you do not achieve the desired result, then repeat the procedure again.

    Important! Do not use this method for patent leather shoes.

    Method No. 7. Use of cereals

    To stretch leather shoes, as well as shoes made of synthetic materials, use the old American method:

    1. Fill the boots with any cereal that can swell when exposed to moisture.
    2. Pour a small amount of water into the cereal.
    3. Leave the shoes on overnight. Under the influence of water, the grain will swell and stretch the problem areas of the shoe.
    4. After the stretching procedure, wear your shoes around the apartment for several days so that they dry and take the shape of your feet.

    Important! You probably also have a pair of sports shoes, which are also not always immediately comfortable and require appropriate care. So find out and...

    1. Stretch any shoes gradually so as not to make them too loose.
    2. In order for the skin to acquire its original appearance after stretching, at the end of this procedure, be sure to apply a special cream to the outer surface. By doing this you will not only protect the products from the influence of negative stretching factors, but also give the shoes an ideal appearance.
    3. Do not subject expensive shoes made of thin leather to such harsh methods as treatment with boiling water and freezing.
    4. Don’t rush to break in new shoes using harsh methods. Maybe after a couple of days, they will stretch to the desired size, because natural stretching is, although not the fastest, but the most effective way of stretching. In this case, the shoes do not become deformed and fit exactly according to the shape of the foot.
    5. Treat hard shoes with fish oil or castor oil, and then polish them with a woolen rag or brush.
    6. If the shoe pinches in a certain place, then drop wax or paraffin from a burning candle onto this area and place the shoe on the last. After a few days, the shoes will stretch in the right place.
    7. Before stretching your shoes, inspect them, clean them, remove the insoles and, if possible, remove all accessories and decorative elements (laces, buckles). Also determine what material the shoes are made of to help you figure out which method you should use.

    Important! There is another innovative solution that will allow you to stretch shoes without harm to your feet, not in a workshop, but at home. At the same time, you don’t even have to limit yourself in wearing products. Buy special silicone stickers - they are available from different manufacturers in different shapes and sizes:

    • in the form of small drops for point stretching of shoes;
      in the form of strips that are convenient to place on the backs and front;
    • in the form of large elements suitable for lining under the sole of the foot.

    Having pasted such pads, you can absolutely safely walk down the street in new shoes, and after a week, take them off and continue wearing shoes that are already suitable in shape and size.

    How long can shoes be stretched in a workshop?

    Stretching shoes in a workshop is a simpler and more trouble-free way for the simple reason that you, in fact, do not have to do anything, but just find a suitable shoemaker.

    Stretching shoes in a workshop is completely different from the methods that many people use at home:

    1. Before starting work, the master shoemaker will take detailed measurements of the foot and determine the amount of work required for a particular pair.
    2. The masters perform a set of modern methods of adjusting shoes to the individual size of the foot and lower leg, and to carefully change the shape of the shoes, as well as their surface, specialists use related products.

    Professionals often use several types of stretching in combination, so if you don’t want unnecessary problems and costs, then give your problematic shoes for stretching to specialists from a shoe workshop.

    Important! The workshop will increase the width of the shoes (stretch them in width), increase the tops of the boots, and also increase the volume, but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to change the length of the footprint due to the design of the shoe model.

    Stretching technology

    Having your shoes professionally stretched in a shoe shop takes many measures to fit your shoes. Typically, hot stretching of shoes is performed on special machines that have special attachments of different sizes. They allow you to stretch any men's, women's and children's shoes, as well as high-heeled shoes.

    Shoes are put on these attachments, and special “bumps” inserted on the attachment stretch the shoes exactly in those places where it is tight. Due to a special attachment on the heel, the special shape of this part is corrected. Therefore, when handing over your shoes to the workshop, be sure to tell the master about all problem areas.

    The duration and cost of repairs depend on the complexity of each individual case, as well as the volume of work. You can familiarize yourself with the cost of services and prices by studying the price list for shoe repair services.

    We hope that you have chosen the necessary method and method of stretching for your favorite shoes. In the case of expensive shoes or shoes made of thin leather, contact specialist shoe workshops. Let your “clothes for legs” please you for many years and create coziness and comfort for you.

    Probably every person in his life has experienced discomfort from uncomfortable shoes. Often women cannot resist buying beautiful patent leather shoes, even if the right size is not available. The euphoria from the purchase passes with the appearance of the first calluses, and the desire to return the shoes to the store arises. And even if everything was great when trying on in the store, then after a few hours beautiful new shoes can rub and press. The thing is that our legs sometimes swell. And the more stress we give them, the more they swell. What to do with expensive shoes that are too tight? You can give it to a shoemaker, who, using “magic,” will fix everything. You can also stretch your shoes at home.

    There are many ways to stretch your shoes. They are all good, but the effect is different on different shoes. For example, nubuck shoes are very sensitive and delicate, while varnish shoes can crack due to temperature changes.

    How to stretch leather or suede shoes

    As you know, suede and leather are natural materials. Due to this, shoes made from these materials can be easily adjusted. And even stretching shoes to size is not a problem if the shoes are made of suede. Below are a few ways to do this.

    1. Leather shoes can be adjusted to fit your feet using boiling water. This sounds scary, of course, but in fact everything is painless. You just need to pour boiling water into the boots and then pour it out immediately. As soon as the shoes have cooled down a little, put them on your feet and walk until they dry. However, if your shoes are made of artificial leather or leatherette, you shouldn’t do the boiling water trick, since only leather can withstand high temperatures.
    2. The second way to stretch shoes is also based on the laws of physics. You will need a regular tight bag or a balloon. Place it in the shoe and fill it with water. Place everything in the freezer overnight. Water, turning into ice, will expand and increase the volume of your favorite shoe.
    3. A very common way to break in tight shoes quickly is to treat them with alcohol. Even vodka or the good old “Triple Cologne”, known since Soviet times, will do. It’s enough just to treat your shoes inside and out, put them on a thick sock and walk for two hours. Better, of course, around the house. On the street they won’t understand you like this. The heel of the shoe should be thoroughly treated with alcohol. This will make it softer and stop rubbing.
    4. Put on socks, tights or stockings and wear new shoes around the house for a few days. This is enough to slightly adjust the shape. For best results, wear wet socks.
    5. You can purchase stretching spray at a shoe store. Just make sure it is suitable for suede before purchasing. At home, you should treat the inside of your shoes and let them dry.
