How to maintain and prolong lactation. Preservation of lactation during illness, mixed feeding, introduction of complementary foods A small video on this issue

Breastfeeding is a special period in the life of a new mother. Breastfeeding helps to recover faster after childbirth, provide protection from mastopathy and establish close relationships with the baby. Often breastfeeding mothers face a shortage of milk. Today we will tell you how to increase lactation at home, and what to do if there is practically no milk in the chest.

5 main factors influencing the increase and maintenance of lactation

Proper development of a child is impossible without proper nutrition. Mother's milk is ideally suited to the ability of the baby's body to absorb food. From breast milk, the baby receives everything he needs: enzymes, growth factors, immunoglobulins that protect the child's body from infections.

Important! Every baby should receive breast milk for at least 6 months, because it is completely tailored to the individual needs of the crumbs.

Among the many factors affecting the occurrence, increase and preservation of milk secretion, the most important are:

  1. The health status of the nursing mother and baby.
  2. The mother's desire and will to breastfeed her baby.
  3. The state of mind of a nursing mother and the situation in the family.
  4. Regular attachment of the newborn to the breast;
  5. Conscientious preparation and learning of proper breastfeeding technique.

What to do if there is not enough milk? We will definitely talk about many effective ways to improve lactation, but first we advise you to watch this video:

Before concluding that the mother has little milk, the above factors must be excluded. If there are errors in the correct attachment of the breast, the physical fatigue of a nursing mother or excessive mental stress (excitement, anxiety), then a lack of milk is only a consequence of existing problems. Their solution will help to avoid a decrease in lactation and premature weaning.

Menu for a nursing mother: a list of products to increase the amount of milk

The quality of milk and its quantity directly depend on the diet and diet followed by a nursing mother. A varied diet stimulates the improvement of lactation and helps to establish proper breastfeeding.

Foods that should be included in the daily diet of the mother:

  • boiled milk and fermented milk products (kefir, curdled milk) - at least 0.5 l / day;
  • cottage cheese or curd products - 50-100 g / day;
  • boiled meat - at least 200 g / day;
  • fresh vegetables (carrots, onions, sweet peppers, radishes) - 600 g / day;
  • butter - 30 g / day;
  • boiled chicken eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • fruits (green apple, pear) - at least 300 g / day;
  • black bread with cumin - 400 g / day.

Also in the lactation period, it is recommended to use vegetable oil daily as a dressing for fresh vegetables or dishes with cereals (about 20 g / day). Sunflower oil is a natural source of vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. We talked about it in one of the previous issues.

Foods that increase lactation:

  • warm green tea (low brewed);
  • hot chicken broth;
  • liquid cereals in milk from rice and barley groats;
  • bee honey (as a substitute for sugar);
  • watermelons;
  • walnuts;
  • first courses with sea and river fish.

Nursing mothers need to monitor the amount of fluid consumed per day. It must be at least 2.5 liters (including all liquid dishes). 10-15 minutes before the next feeding, it is useful to drink a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of honey - this simple drink helps increase lactation and stimulates the flow of milk in the breast.

What foods to avoid when lactating:

  • natural coffe;
  • meat semi-finished products;
  • fast food, chips and crackers with flavorings;
  • store-bought sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, cheese sauces, etc.);
  • canned products of industrial origin;
  • foods high in cocoa (including chocolate);
  • any alcoholic beverages (strictly prohibited!).

Note! In recent years, there has been a tendency for infants to be born with a deficiency of the immune system. Try to avoid eating foods that can cause allergies in your baby.

Increasing lactation folk remedies

Home methods to increase milk production were used by our grandmothers. Complaints about the lack of breast milk occurred at all times, and nursing mothers tried all available methods to solve the problem of breastfeeding. Many of them are relevant to this day.

More liquid!

Drinking fluids helps increase milk production - this is a well-known fact. Try to drink whenever possible as often as possible. Lactation improves with the use of warm herbal decoctions, milk, special herbal drinks for mothers.

Many of the herbs can be found in drugstores for pennies: dill seeds, anise, cumin, and fennel. A vitamin drink will help to cope with a lactation crisis.

Recipe 1. Take a teaspoon of cumin seeds, pour a glass of water. Bring to a boil over heat, then simmer covered for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat, let it brew for half an hour, strain the resulting broth. To improve the taste, you can add 0.5 tsp. honey.

Recipe 2. Pour anise seeds into a thermos, pour 200 ml of boiled hot water. Close the lid and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then strain the infusion and cool. Take a drink of 50 ml before each feeding.

Self-massage of the breasts

Kneading the breast after feeding develops the inflows well, stimulating the production of milk and its frequent flushes. Massage should be done on the breast that the baby was fed. Hand movements during the massage should be circular, from the nipple to the periphery, with light finger pressure over the entire surface, for 5-7 minutes.

Breastfeeding on demand

Feeding your baby on demand is the key to proper breastfeeding and the production of the right amount of milk for each feeding. Do not take night breaks, let the baby be applied to the breast as many times as his body requires. Frequent application is the best way to stimulate lactation without any additional methods. Try to do the first months without calculating feeding by the hour - the baby knows better when it is time for him to eat, and your breasts will “adjust” to his requirements.

What to do so that the child does not starve and how to improve lactation? New mom tips:

Medications to improve lactation

Currently, the question of how to increase lactation can be solved with one trip to the pharmacy. Many medicines have been tested by mothers and help to solve an acute problem with HB - a decrease in lactation and a lack of milk. If folk remedies do not help, and the lactation crisis has dragged on, then it's time to contact a breastfeeding specialist and find the right drug to increase the amount of milk.

Release form Titles Operating principle
Herbal teas for nursing mothersLactavit, Hipp, Humana, Grandmother's basket, LaktafitolLactogenic agents with a firming and tonic effect. Teas based on natural herbs (fennel, cumin, anise, etc.) have a pleasant taste and are used as daily drinks in the diet.
Tablets and granulesLactogon, Apilak, MlecoinEffective drugs to increase lactation. Taken with food as an active supplement when breastfeeding is over. As part of natural ingredients - nettle, ginger, royal jelly.
Milk mixtures to improve lactationLactamyl, Milky Way, Femilac, Bellakt Mama+, MD mil MamaNutritious milk formulas fill the needs of a nursing mother in vitamins, minerals and stimulate the glands to produce breast milk. It is enough to dilute the mixture with water and drink several times a day as a cocktail. Milk formula, when used regularly, helps to produce milk and increase its quantity.

Means for stimulating lactation can be a real help in reducing milk in the breast. But you should not expect a quick effect: in one case, it will take a couple of days to normalize feeding, in the other it will take a week.

On a note! A lactation consultant will help you choose the most suitable drug - having studied specifically your history of feeding and observing the process, it will be easier for a specialist to suggest the best solution to your problem and, if necessary, choose a drug with you.

5 best ways to stimulate milk production

Before resorting to medical methods, it is better to try simple methods that you can use at your own discretion and without the recommendation of a doctor.

  1. Frequent breastfeeding
    Nature herself made sure that the baby was full of mother's milk. At the time of each application to the breast in the body of a woman, two important hormones are released and activated: oxytocin and prolactin. They are responsible for the amount of milk produced during lactation. The more often the baby suckles the mother's breast, the more milk will arrive at each moment of feeding.
  2. Baby feeding at night
    A night break is detrimental to breastfeeding - if the baby does not suckle for a long time, there is less milk. The body of nursing mothers believes that the child will receive enough milk, which means that you can reduce its amount. So there is a decline in milk production. Try to feed your baby at least two times at night to maintain lactation at the proper level.
  3. Ensuring tactile contact with the baby
    “Skin to skin” is the basic recipe for more milk without any additional recipes. Lactogenic hormones wake up at the moment of communication between the mother and the baby, when the baby is rocked or carried in her arms. Caress your baby more often, and the problem with a lack of milk will be solved by itself.
  4. Rest, rest and only rest
    At the time of the formation of lactation, free yourself from at least some of the household chores and chores. Sufficient sleep - at least 7-8 hours a day, good nutrition and peace of mind - these are the main conditions for the full production of a sufficient amount of mother's milk.
  5. Easy and useful “chest” gymnastics
    Daily gymnastics for the chest stimulates the ducts, blood circulation and the production of breast milk. It is necessary to engage in standing or sitting on a fitball in a comfortable position. Place both hands together, palm to palm. Get them over your head. Tilt your head back, then vigorously press the back of your head against your folded arms several times. Repeat the exercise 2-3 more times.

P.S. Earlier we talked about the nutrition of a nursing mother and about products. Let's reinforce this topic once again, since it is proper nutrition that is the key to good lactation:

The process of lactation is a milk production mechanism very sensitive to the needs of the baby, concentrated in the body of a nursing mother. At the same time, the amount of milk depends entirely on the effective removal of it from the mother's breast. Therefore, when a young mother refuses, for certain reasons, from breastfeeding, the milk production process gradually fades away. This does not mean that the milk of a nursing mother disappears irrevocably and the restoration of lactation is impossible.

In history, there are cases when older women breast-fed their baby grandson in wartime. Cases of the appearance of breast milk in the glands of women who breast-fed "foreign" children are also described. Today it is commonly called induced lactation, when breastfeeding is practiced by a woman who has not previously breastfed and even not previously pregnant, or she decides to take the baby from the orphanage. This indicates the complexity of breastfeeding processes. To understand how it is possible to return lost lactation or start it from scratch, it is important to know that the trigger lies in the woman's great desire to feed her baby. The processes of lactation begin functioning both at the physiological level (during pregnancy, breastfeeding mechanisms are triggered) and at the psychological and emotional level. Therefore, the desire of a nursing mother, her motivation is very important for the restoration of guards.

Causes of early termination of breastfeeding

Mother's milk is the ideal food for a baby. But life dictates its own conditions and often the mother stops lactation prematurely and wean the baby from the breast due to certain circumstances. A baby younger than 1.5–2 years old is still in dire need of a valuable milk elixir. At the same time, a young mother may feel discomfort from an overcrowded breast, which can cause lactostasis or. The most common causes of premature termination of lactation are as follows:

  • Mistakes in the organization of breastfeeding and feeding technique. Incorrect attachment technique to the breast can cause pain in the nursing woman and make it difficult for the milk to flow. At the same time, the baby shows anxiety, requires more frequent feedings, and a woman may mistakenly perceive such behavior as a lack of milk in the breast and start using an artificial mixture. Errors in the organization also include the lack of nightly feedings, supplementation with water, etc.
  • Maternal diseases incompatible with breastfeeding. It is known that in case of mother’s illness, antibodies enter breast milk, which support the immunity of the newborn, preventing the baby from becoming infected or easier to transfer the infection. But there is a list of diseases in which breastfeeding is contraindicated (open form of tuberculosis, heart disease in the stage of decompensation, severe renal and hepatic pathology, mental disorders, oncological diseases, etc.).
  • Taking certain medications by a nursing woman. In the case when a nursing mother is prescribed a drug incompatible with breastfeeding (metronidazole, cimetidine, salicylates, etc.), a woman can resume lactation without any problems, maintaining it during the treatment period.
  • Diseases of the baby and his weakened state. It happens that a premature baby or a child after a long birth is weakened, experiences severe stress and his sucking reflex is weakened. A short bridle, pain in the mouth during teething, inflammation of the ear, a runny nose in a baby can cause refusal of the breast and the end of breastfeeding.
  • Unusually long separation of mother and baby. There are times when a mother and baby are separated for health reasons or a mother is absent for a session. If during this period a woman does not support lactation by expressing milk gradually disappears.
  • Overexcitation, stress, overwork. Excessive physical and emotional stress, excitement triggers the production of stress hormones that suppress lactation. Therefore, family conflicts, frequent worries can be the reason that mom's breast milk is gone.
  • . These periods of a physiological decrease in the amount of mother's milk are often interpreted by a young mother as indications for supplementary feeding with mixtures and a gradual decrease in the proportion of breastfeeding.
  • Breastfeeding mother's anxiety. For successful breastfeeding, a firm conviction is required, setting for a long lactation period. What to do in such a situation and how to restore breast milk can be suggested by an experienced lactation consultant or psychologist.
  • Lack of support from relatives and medical staff. Adverse attitudes towards breastfeeding today, and especially towards long-term feeding, persist due to many unfounded myths. A woman after childbirth is very vulnerable, suspicious and needs support from loved ones. Therefore, when parents, husband, girlfriends are advised to give up breastfeeding for "the best" motives, a young mother dependent on them often has to give in, refusing good nutrition for the child.

Breastfeeding is not only the process of saturating the baby. When feeding, a woman feels the fullness of maternal happiness, close emotional contact with her child, sucking calms the baby: maternal closeness gives the baby a sense of security. The benefits of women's milk are invaluable and irreplaceable by any of the most innovative mixtures. In addition, artificial nutrition can cause a baby to have upset stools, overeating, etc. It is these factors that most often influence a young mother's decision to relactate.

Is it possible to return breast milk and how to restore lactation after a break, an experienced breastfeeding consultant can correctly suggest. At the same time, in each specific case, an individual approach and taking into account all the existing nuances of the ongoing relactation remains very important. So, at the age of a child younger than six months, the recovery process is easier than in older children. It also matters how the baby was previously fed (from a bottle, spoon, syringe, SNS system), whether the mother practiced pumping, whether a dummy was used, whether the child is familiar with the mother's breast, etc.

“What should a nursing mother do if the baby refuses to breastfeed?”, “How to competently restore lactation after a long break?” and “What to do if milk is gone after depression?” - these are the most popular relactation questions, the difficulties of which can be successfully overcome with the right approach.

10 steps to restore lactation

Step 1 Preparatory. Restoring breastfeeding, a young mother must be firmly convinced of its necessity, significance for the health and development of the child. A woman must understand that this process can take all her time for several weeks, it will require patience and perseverance. At this stage, it is very important to enlist the support and understanding from relatives, a close friend. If there are other children in the family, try to explain to them in advance your future actions.

Step 2 Liquidation. It is necessary to return lactation by abandoning all sucking objects. Nipples, pacifiers, bottles are removed as far as possible. The alternation of these objects with the breast can disorient the child and the baby will choose a more familiar and easy way to get food and comfort. In some situations, such actions are carried out gradually even before the onset of relactation, daily reducing the contact time of the baby with the nipple. For supplementary feeding, a cup, a spoon, a syringe without a needle, and an SNS system are used.

Step 3 Contact. When a new mother is looking for an answer to the question of how to return to breastfeeding, she cannot do without establishing a close emotional connection with her baby. For this, skin-to-skin contact, the Christina Smiley method or self-attachment, the nesting method, baby-wearing, co-sleeping, frequent and prolonged carrying on the hands are used. All these methods, to one degree or another, are aimed at the solitude of mother and baby, their continuous coexistence and contact. At the same time, it is very important to exclude everything that can distract the baby: massage, going to the clinic, visiting guests, etc. It is important that the care of the child is provided exclusively by the mother.

Step 4 Limiting. The essence of this stage is to reduce the proportion of artificial nutrition when feeding the baby. In this case, the meal plan must be agreed with a pediatrician or a consultant on HS, since it depends on many individual factors (age, monthly weight gain, the presence of complementary foods, the amount of mother's milk, etc.).

Step 5 Restoring. If after lactation, more precisely, after the last act of feeding, a rather long period has passed, breast milk has disappeared and the woman has not made any attempts to stimulate its production processes, it is necessary to resume them. This also applies to mothers who have never breastfed. The process of milk production must be resumed a few days before the start of applying the baby to the breast. These incentives include the following:

  • tune in to successful and long-term breastfeeding;
  • establish the processes of pumping;
  • take a warm drink before feeding;
  • warm the chest with a warm compress, shower before feeding;
  • stimulate nipples;
  • master the technique;
  • after consultation with a doctor, use lactogenic preparations and dietary supplements (Femilak, Mlekoin, Laktogon), (dill, cumin, anise, nettle, yarrow, fenugreek, etc.), (Lactamil, Milky Way and others);
  • normalize the diet and sleep.

Restoring the missing amount of breast milk should be gradual. When the baby begins to actively empty the chest, this will become the most effective way to stimulate it.

Step 6 Liberal. Do not put too much pressure on the baby by offering him a breast. You need to be patient, give the baby some freedom, allow him to show interest in the breast and nipple. Always offer feedings before bed, when you are awake and anxious. If the attempt fails, reassure the baby. The child should not be allowed to cry at the breast. Don't push, but don't despair either.

Step 7 Corrective. This is a very important stage in terms of the quality of breastfeeding, when a woman, trying with all her might to capture the breast with a baby, sometimes forgets about the technical side of feeding. Therefore, it is very important to observe the basic rules for the position of the child at the breast, to choose, to adhere to all the principles of breastfeeding (alternation of the breast, etc.).

Step 8 Control. After observing a positive trend in relactation processes, the questions “How to return milk?” and “Is it possible to restore lactation?” lactating mothers have new, no less important, regarding a sufficient amount of milk and compliance with the proportions of supplementary feeding. You can check whether the processes of milk formation are sufficiently active using the Moll method. To do this, measure the temperature in the armpit and under the mammary gland. The process of lactation is normal if the body temperature under the breast is 0.1–0.5 ° higher.

A “wet diaper test” can be done to determine if you have enough milk by looking at weight gain or using other methods. What to do with supplementary feeding is usually decided by the pediatrician, based on weight indicators.

Step 9 Consolidate the results. Don't let your guard down. The baby needs close maternal communication even with successful breastfeeding. Try not to leave the baby for a long time, show love and willingness to help more often. The psyche of the baby is extremely vulnerable.

Step 10 Final. This is a very important stage, which will largely affect the duration of established breastfeeding. After all, breastfeeding is a process no less pleasant for the mother herself. Therefore, if a woman learns to enjoy breastfeeding, she will try to keep it and prolong it. Breastfeeding is one of the most touching aspects of motherhood. Having overcome the difficulties of relactation, the young mother begins to feel the charm of breastfeeding more acutely and to a greater extent, enjoying every contact with the baby.

If milk is gone, how to resume lactation? This question is asked to the doctor by many breastfeeding women. After all, a lack of nutrients can cause serious problems with the health and development of the baby.

In order not to wonder how to restore lactation, possible causes of the problem should be excluded. Let us analyze the main factors affecting the milk production of a woman.

  1. stress. The main reason for the disappearance of milk or a reduction in its production is the negative psycho-emotional state of a woman. Problems in the family, excessive overwork and the negative impact of various external factors depress the emotional mood, provoke stress. As a result of psychological crises, the hormonal background in the body changes, which leads to a reduction in milk production.
  2. Reducing the daily number of feedings. The flow of milk into the alveoli is directly related to the reflex stimulation of the mammary glands that occurs during the feeding of the baby. A baby's poor appetite, the use of nipples, pacifiers and bottles, a decrease in the number of breastfeeds or a break in feeding (for medical reasons or in the event of a temporary separation from the baby) leads to the fact that the mother's body does not receive a signal to produce milk.
  3. Improper organization of breastfeeding. Feeding a child strictly by the hour and the absence of nightly attachments to the breast negatively affect lactation.
  4. Lack of contact between mother and child. Tactile contact stimulates the production of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin, which affect lactation processes in the female body.
  5. The growth and development of the child. As the baby grows, the need for food increases. If the body cannot cope on its own, urgent measures should be taken to restore lactation or introduce complementary foods.
  6. lactation crisis. In this case, the problem is due to the physiological processes taking place in the body, and there is no need to wonder how to return milk to a nursing mother. The crisis may come under the influence of certain physiological and external factors, but there is no reason to worry.

The duration of the crisis is on average 3-7 days, after which the problem is eliminated by itself.

7 ways to get milk back

The question of how to return breast milk is asked by about 30% of nursing women, and 50% of mothers are forced to supplement or completely transfer the baby to artificial mixtures. In order for the child to remain breastfed as long as possible, experts advise adhering to the following recommendations:

The younger the child, the easier and faster the process of restoring lactation
  1. Limit the impact of negative environmental factors. The health of the mother and exposure to toxic substances in her body can cause milk to disappear. In order not to think about how to restore lactation, if milk is gone or it has become less, it is necessary to completely exclude the ingress of toxins from food and medicines into the body.
  2. Avoid stress. All family members should take care of the mother's psychological health and protect her from stressful situations. The woman herself should be attentive to her health, try to control her emotions and not worry for no reason.
  3. Stimulate milk production. Always be close to the baby to ensure bodily contact. As often as possible, put the baby to the breast, reduce the number of supplements, refuse bottles and nipples. , he has a poor appetite, he does not completely empty his chest, the remaining milk must be expressed (manually or using a breast pump).
  4. Perform massage treatments. A warm shower, massage of the chest and back (between the shoulder blades and the collar zone) help increase lactation.
  5. Adjust nutrition. The diet should include lactogenic foods. Foods that negatively affect milk production should be limited or completely eliminated.
  6. Apply folk remedies. Some medicinal plants are actively used in folk medicine to enhance milk production. Below we will analyze how to restore breastfeeding with the help of herbs and other folk remedies.
  7. Take medications prescribed by your doctor. On the pharmaceutical market there are various drugs that normalize lactogenesis. These are biologically active additives, and homeopathic remedies. But before you start taking any remedy, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The use of chemicals adversely affects the health of mother and child, may lead to agalactia after discontinuation of the drug.

How to improve the nutrition of the baby, if there is not enough milk, says a breastfeeding specialist:

breastfeeding mom diet

Hypogalactia may be associated with maternal malnutrition. How to return lactation in this case? You should adhere to a diet and observe a drinking regimen.

Hundreds of mothers come to us complaining about the lack of milk. They ask, is it possible to return lactation?

Medicines should not be taken unless absolutely necessary. While the production of milk is physiological, its volume can be stimulated by a diet that includes the use of lactogenic products and physiotherapy.

Liquid foods should be introduced into the diet, and the consumption of dry foods should be limited. The daily volume of fluid consumed should be at least 2 liters. Water and drinks (comotes, herbal infusions) should be warm.

It is permissible to use drugs such as Lactogon and Apilactin. These funds help to avoid problems with lactation.

Products in the daily diet for a nursing woman

The diet of a nursing mother must include cereals as the main source of carbohydrates, as well as fresh and stewed vegetables.
  • meat products rich in protein (rabbit meat, turkey, veal);
  • dairy and dairy products;
  • cereals (the main source of carbohydrates);
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • walnut, hazelnut;
  • vegetable oils;
  • ginger.

Prohibited foods for HB

During breastfeeding, you should temporarily exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • smoked and canned foods;
  • hot spices (namely, red and black pepper);
  • parsley and mint;
  • citrus fruits (if the child has an allergic reaction to them);
  • chocolate
  • lingonberry tea and sage decoction.

Folk remedies to restore breast milk production

Is it possible to restore lactation with folk remedies? Yes, some products, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs help increase milk production.

The use of folk recipes is preferable in the absence of allergic manifestations in a child
  1. Honey and radish. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to take radish juice, honey and cold boiled water in equal parts. The product is consumed before meals, 3-4 tablespoons.
  2. Dill seeds. This tool is recommended for those who do not know how to restore lactation after stress. Dill seeds are poured with boiling water and infused for 2-3 hours. To prepare, take 2 tablespoons of seeds in 2 cups of water. Means drink 2-3 times a day before meals. The daily norm of infusion is 1-2 cups.
  3. Caraway. A decoction or cream drink is prepared from cumin seeds. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 15 g of cumin, add a glass of sugar and 1 lemon. Pour the mixture with water and cook for 20-30 minutes. To prepare a creamy drink, put a tablespoon of cumin in a glass of cream and simmer in the oven for 35-45 minutes. Liquid drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.

You should not use folk remedies with a tendency to allergic reactions to plant pollen or bee products. If the child does not sleep all day, you are worried why there was such a change in the behavior of the child, then it will help you understand the essence of the problem.


To stimulate lactogenesis, the doctor may prescribe the following:

  • biologically active additives based on royal jelly (Apilak, Apilaktin, Laktogon);
  • homeopathic preparations (Mlekoin);
  • balanced supplementary nutrition for nursing mothers based on cow's milk powder, plant extracts and minerals (Femilak, Lactamil).

You should not decide how to resume lactation on your own. The decision to use any other means should be made by a specialist.. Usually, the doctor prescribes drugs if it is impossible to normalize the physiological processes in the body in other ways.

How to tell if a baby is full

During the recovery period of lactation, you should carefully monitor the condition of the baby. To determine that the child is full after feeding, and does not remain hungry, the following procedures will help:

If the child is full - it can be seen in his behavior. In addition, make it a rule to monitor his height and weight weekly
  1. Weighing. To know exactly how much milk the baby received in one feeding, it must be weighed before and after the procedure. The difference will mean how much the baby received. Feeding rates increase with age. If - this is a significant cause for concern. More details about the causes and consequences of this problem are described in the article at the link.
  2. Wet diaper test. This method can help determine the amount of milk received by infants under 6 months of age. A small number of urination per day may indicate that the child does not have enough food. The norm for boys is from 12 to 18 times a day, for girls - 10-16 times a day (for ages from 2 weeks to 6 months).
  3. Baby growth and weight control. Gain in height and weight is a sure sign that the child is full. An increase below the norm indicates that the baby is malnourished. For control, it is recommended to weigh and measure the growth of the child every week.


Lack of breast milk can cause developmental problems for the baby. Therefore, a nursing mother should know how to resume lactation if milk is gone, and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Hypogalactia can be partially or completely eliminated with the help of medical correction, a balanced diet and a proper lifestyle. You can additionally see the causes and signs of a decrease in lactation in this video:

Often women ask the question - how to increase lactation while breastfeeding at home? Before we start talking about this, let's look at why breastfeeding is worth actively fighting for. After all, it is the understanding of how important breastfeeding is that motivates a woman not to give it up when problems arise, but to try with all her might to cope with the difficulties.

World Health Organization (WHO) experts say that “Virtually all mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurate information and support from families and communities, as well as from the health care system.” A woman who understands the importance of breastfeeding will do whatever it takes to understand what lactation is, how to increase lactation and keep breastfeeding as long as possible.

The key argument in favor of breastfeeding is the irreplaceable value of mother's milk for the baby. In the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Nutrition, WHO experts characterize breast milk as "Ideal Nutrition for Healthy Growth and Development of Infants".

Why is breast milk the ideal food for a baby? Why is an increase in milk lactation a priority in case of its insufficiency? Because breast milk is a living product containing such unique components as immune cells, protective proteins - immunoglobulins, beneficial bacteria, enzymes, hormones and other substances.

Of course, formula-fed babies can also grow up to be healthy babies. Especially today, when there is a wide choice of mixtures, adapted to the needs of the infant. They will be able to provide them with the necessary energy for growth and development, structural components for building cells, vitamins and minerals. However, it is more difficult for such children to encounter adverse factors, primarily infection. This is due to the lack of valuable resources (immune cells and proteins) that are contained in breast milk, and help your own defense mechanisms to mature faster and more efficiently. Also, these children are much more likely to have allergic diseases and digestive disorders.

Thus, the components of breast milk are necessary not only to meet the nutritional needs of the infant, but also directly affect the digestion of food, the formation of protective immune mechanisms, and the regulation of growth and development processes. All these valuable substances can only be passed from mother to baby during feeding.

In addition, as the baby grows and his needs change, the composition of breast milk also changes. Thus, no matter how advanced the technology is, no formula manufacturer is able to obtain such a perfect product, optimally adapted to the constantly changing needs of the baby, as breast milk.

The famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky, talking about the benefits of natural feeding, focuses on a number of its advantages over mixed or artificial:

  • Breast milk is the ideal purity of food. There is no risk that microbes will get into the food for the baby, which can cause an intestinal infection. This is very important, because in the child's body, especially in the first weeks and months of life, the mechanisms that help to resist dangerous microbes have not yet matured.
  • Breast milk is at the temperature most comfortable for the baby.
  • Mother's milk contains not only all valuable substances, but also enzymes that help them digest and assimilate.
  • Mom's milk contains a huge amount of immune factors that protect the baby's body from viruses, bacteria, fungi.
  • Breastfed children are much less likely to suffer from allergic diseases due to the optimal structure of proteins (cow's milk proteins are foreign to the baby's body, therefore they often provoke allergic reactions).

Evgeny Olegovich also draws attention to the fact that with natural feeding, the mother has practically no inconvenience when feeding the child outside the home: there is always healthy food for the baby with her, which does not need to be heated, sterilized, etc. Also, a significant advantage of breastfeeding is financial savings: the purchase of high-quality artificial mixtures is a serious expense for the family budget, while breast milk is given to us by nature absolutely free of charge.

Why is it important to know what increases milk lactation, and how can you take care of maintaining breastfeeding? Because babies who receive mother's milk, as a rule, develop motor (motor) skills faster, start to crawl and walk earlier, master the world faster, which has a beneficial effect on their mental development. It has also been proven that children who receive mother's milk have a higher intellectual development than artificial ones. (Kildiyarova R. R. 2011).

Another argument in favor of the fact that with insufficient lactation it is necessary to look for a way to increase milk production in a nursing mother is the importance of breastfeeding not only for the baby, but also for the woman herself. The textbook "Pediatrics" (edited by Shabalov) lists the following positive aspects of breastfeeding for a woman:

  • Ensuring the best conditions for the rapid recovery of a woman immediately after childbirth (subject to early attachment of the baby to the breast) - contraction of the uterus, reducing the risk of uterine bleeding;
  • When following a diet (the absence of a large amount of fat in the diet of a nursing mother), breastfeeding helps to reduce weight in a woman, prevent obesity and metabolic disorders;
  • Reducing the risk of developing malignant diseases of the genital organs (ovaries, mammary glands)

An unconditional argument in favor of breastfeeding for a woman is the joy of feeling closeness with a baby, which is difficult to experience in any other way. During feeding, a woman often experiences an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. So, talking about how and how to increase lactation, Dr. Komarovsky focuses on the importance of breastfeeding for the self-realization of a woman.

The child you breastfeed will prove to you very quickly that you are a real woman, the doctor explains. - Not a single man, no matter how Casanova he may be, is not able to do this.

What is the danger of a situation when a child does not have enough breast milk?

So why is the situation dangerous when the mother does not have enough milk? Why is it necessary to know how to quickly increase the lactation of breast milk so as not to deprive the baby of this most valuable food? In order to better understand this, let's look at some of the consequences of hypogalactia (insufficient milk production) in different areas of an infant's life (based on information from WHO "Infant and Young Child Nutrition", the textbook "Pediatrics" edited by Shabalov, as well as some other sources).

The sphere of a child's life

The consequences of a lack of breast milk

Physical health and development

  • High risk of intestinal infections(due to insufficiency of immunoglobulins A transmitted from the mother and the immaturity of their own defense mechanisms)
  • High risk of infection with bacterial, viral, fungal infections(due to a lack of immune cells passed down from the mother)
  • High risk of developing allergic diseases(mother's milk contains proteins that do not provoke the development of allergic reactions)
  • Digestive disorders, which is often expressed in the so-called infant colic (mother's milk contains enzymes that compensate for the lack of enzymes in the baby's body)
  • Higher risk of bone formation problems(breast milk contains the optimal ratio of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, necessary for bone formation)
  • Lack of beneficial bacteria in the gut involved in digestion and protecting the body from infections that produce vitamins (mother's milk contains over 600 types of protective bacteria)
  • Higher risk of vision problems(milk contains vitamins and polyunsaturated fats valuable for vision)
  • More often there are violations of the formation of the facial skull, which leads to a violation of the growth of teeth, speech therapy problems, cosmetic defects (sucking the breast creates a load in which the jaws and bones of the facial skull develop correctly)
  • Higher risk of developing metabolic disorders(diabetes, obesity, etc.)
  • Lagging growth and development of both the organism as a whole and its individual systems(breast milk contains hormones and growth factors that stimulate the maturation of all organs and tissues)

Mental and intellectual development

  • Higher risk of developing memory problems and attention(breast milk is rich in a valuable carbohydrate - lactose, necessary for the formation of brain cells)
  • The intellectual level of babies who received breast milk is often higher than that of "artificial"(also associated with a lack of lactose and polyunsaturated fatty acids, necessary for brain cells and nervous tissue)

social development

In children who have not been breastfed for enough time (less than 6 months) subsequently, aggressiveness, fears, problems with establishing contacts with others are more often observed. This is due to the fact that breastfeeding gives the baby a sense of security, which allows him to form trust in the world, to be more open, contact, friendly.

It is important to know the reasons why a nursing mother has little milk, since knowing the reasons allows you to find an effective method to eliminate them and thus increase lactation. You can read about the most common reasons.

Lactation after childbirth in the first month

The first month after the birth of a child is the most important time for the formation of lactation. It is the correct behavior of the mother during this period that will help prevent the development of various feeding problems in the future, to understand what increases lactation, and what affects it negatively. During the first days and weeks after childbirth, mother and baby get to know each other, at this time there is a special physiological and psychological mutual "attunement" of the woman and the child.

Each baby has its own unique characteristics, which a nursing mother must learn to understand. How and when is the best time to breastfeed? How to determine that the baby is full? How to understand if a newborn has enough milk? What is the reason for his concern? The more a woman is set up to breastfeed immediately after childbirth, the faster she will learn to understand her baby.

How to increase lactation of breast milk in the first month of feeding? The most important point is the early attachment of the baby to the breast. World Health Organization experts recommend doing this no later than 30-60 minutes after the baby is born. The value of breastfeeding for the formation of the psychological well-being of the baby lies in the rapid restoration of closeness between mother and mother and the baby that arose during pregnancy.

Early attachment to the breast is beneficial in terms of the psychological well-being of the baby. It helps to restore and strengthen the bond between mother and child that was formed during pregnancy, gives the baby a sense of security that facilitates mental and physical adaptation to new living conditions. A special role in the emergence of a feeling of psychological comfort in a newborn at the first breastfeeding is given to the taste of early milk - colostrum.

According to the psychologist, candidate of medical sciences, dealing with the psychological aspects of breastfeeding I.A. Tishevsky, the organs of taste and smell are the first to form in the fetus in the womb. Therefore, taste sensations in a newborn baby are the main source of information about the world. “That is why the taste and smell of mother’s milk, similar in composition to amniotic fluid, is recognized by all newborns, children quickly cope with the stress of birth and calm down precisely when they are applied to the mother’s breast early”(I.A. Tishevskoy, "Psychological aspects of the organization of breastfeeding of young children").

Early breastfeeding is also very beneficial for the development of the child's physical health. Colostrum is the most valuable product, a source of energy, nutritional components, vitamins, immune components for the baby.

And, of course, early application is a powerful impetus to stimulate lactation in the mother. How to increase the flow of milk after childbirth? Attach the baby to the mother's breast immediately after birth. This stimulates the nerve endings in the nipples, and this activates the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of milk and oxytocin, which contributes to its separation. Thus, early application contributes to the rapid activation of the mechanisms of milk production and excretion, which subsequently ensures more stable lactation in the mother (T.E. Borovik, K.S. Ladodo, G.V. Yatsyk, 2008).

Feeding on demand

How to increase the lactation of breast milk at home in the first month of a child's life? An important point that allows you to establish the production and separation of mother's milk is feeding on demand. Encouraging breastfeeding on demand rather than on schedule is one of the ten principles developed by WHO/UNICEF as guidelines for successful breastfeeding of newborns.

What is on-demand feeding? The Union of Pediatricians of Russia defines it as a feeding regimen in which the mother gives the child a breast not according to any schedule, but on demand, including at night. Feeding on demand is the answer “what to do to increase lactation in the first month of a baby’s life?”. This is due to the fact that with this feeding regimen, the child receives breasts, on average 10-12 times a day (may be a little more or less often, depending on the individual characteristics of the child). With this frequency of application, the mother's nipples constantly receive stimulation, in response to which hormones are released that ensure lactation.

How to increase the supply of breast milk? This will help night feedings. The fact is that prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production, is more actively secreted at night. The peculiarity of prolactin is that it is responsible for the formation of milk in the breast, which will be used for the next feeding. Therefore, putting the baby to the breast at night will ensure a better supply of milk in the morning.

The famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky explains that many mothers (at the suggestion of some breastfeeding experts) perceive on-demand feeding as a constant stay of the baby at the breast and attachment “at the first squeak”. In this case, the number of applications can be up to 30 times a day and more. This often leads to overwork of a woman, refusal of a social role, deterioration of relations with her husband.

Speaking about how to increase lactation, Komarovsky recommends reasonable feeding on demand in the first month of a child's life. Evgeny Olegovich suggests putting the baby to the breast often, but not constantly, for example, every hour. At the same time, milk production is fully stimulated, and the mother has time to do other things. After the child is one month old - and by this time, as a rule, the process of lactation has already been completed, Komarovsky recommends switching to free feeding. At the same time, the child is fed according to his appetite (including with the preservation of night feedings), but not more often than once every two hours. The time spent at the breast is limited to 15-25 minutes.

Is it necessary to supplement the child?

What should be done to increase lactation? Both WHO experts and Russian pediatricians say that in order to maintain breastfeeding, it is important not to give the child additional fluids, including water, until 6 months. The Handbook on natural feeding of children, published by the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, states that when breastfeeding, the baby is completely provided with liquid, since mother's milk is 83-87% water. Due to the fact that in a newborn baby the centers of thirst and hunger are combined, when an additional amount of liquid (even without nutrients) is consumed, the child feels full and may begin to refuse the breast. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease in lactation.

Pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky explains that breast milk is able to fully compensate for the physiological fluid loss. What does it mean? In the process of life, the child's body constantly loses fluid: it produces sweat, urine, saliva, and digestive juices. Also, a lot of fluid is spent by the baby's body to moisten the inhaled air. All this is normal (physiological) fluid loss, which is covered by the water contained in milk.

The problem is that fluid losses are not only physiological, but also pathological, that is, abnormal, unnatural. So if the child is in a room where the air temperature is 30 degrees and the humidity is about 20% (and such conditions are often created in nurseries, as parents are afraid that “the child will catch a cold”), then he will additionally spend a huge amount of liquid on moistening the inhaled air and sweating.

According to Yevgeny Olegovich, massive overheating of children and dry air, especially in winter during the heating season, is a huge problem. The situation is often aggravated by the fact that adults dress the baby too warmly - they wrap him up, fearing drafts. In this case, the child sweats and fluid loss increases.

Many lactation consultants (usually those who do not have a pediatric education and are not able to analyze the problem comprehensively) believe that supplementation carries huge risks for breastfeeding and is therefore unacceptable, explains Dr. Komarovsky. “At the same time, they do not want to see the difference between physiological and unnatural fluid losses. As a result, children suffering from heat and dry air at the height of the heating season (and we have it for six months!), scream with thirst. Moms apply their breasts 20 times a night, but they do not replenish fluid losses. The issues of climate technology and the correct air parameters are often ignored by lactation consultants.

What to do in such a situation? Create optimal conditions in the room where the baby is located in order to prevent additional fluid loss. The air temperature should not exceed 18-20 degrees Celsius, and the humidity should be in the range of 50-70%.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, if the battery in the room is not equipped with special regulators, you can simply cover it with blankets, blankets, etc. To increase the humidity of the air, you can use special humidifiers and evaporators. Evgeny Olegovich explains that at an air temperature not exceeding 20 degrees, the baby himself will refuse to drink water.

The desire or unwillingness to drink water is an extremely convenient criterion for answering the question: is there overheating or not. - says Dr. Komarovsky. - He's healthy, but he drinks greedily, - it means that he's overheated.

Thus, to increase milk in a nursing mother, it is necessary to exclude unnatural fluid loss by the infant's body, requiring supplementation. To do this, you need to take care of creating the right microclimate in the room, providing the baby with cool air saturated with a sufficient amount of moisture, stop wrapping the baby.

It is important to remember that pathological also includes fluid loss that occurs during an intestinal infection (if there is diarrhea), at elevated body temperature associated with a respiratory infection and other diseases, etc. Dr. Komarovsky focuses on the fact that if the child has pathological fluid loss, then it is necessary to supplement it! For this, Evgeny Olegovich advises using spring or artesian water (which has not been boiled), mineral water of a neutral taste without gas, and also a decoction of raisins. It is desirable to supplement with a spoon in between feedings.

Pumping to increase lactation

Will pumping help increase lactation? When it comes to how to increase lactation, there are different reviews about such a method as pumping. According to the WHO/UNICEF Basic Rules for Successful Breastfeeding, with properly organized breastfeeding, milk is produced exactly as much as the baby needs, so there is no need to pump after each feeding.

At the same time, when the question arises of how to increase milk in a nursing mother with insufficient production, both WHO experts and Russian pediatricians consider pumping as one of the methods of stimulating lactation (along with frequent breastfeeding). Pumping is recommended after the baby has finished feeding.

Also, pumping is necessary in situations such as milk stagnation -, and. In these situations, the separation of milk is difficult, which exacerbates the situation of stagnation. Therefore, with these violations, it is necessary to express milk from a diseased breast to the last drop.

How to increase lactation with a breast pump? A breast pump is a great alternative to manual pumping, it allows you to spend much less effort on the procedure. According to pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky, the use of electric breast pumps, both to increase breast milk in case of insufficient lactation, and in situations with lactostasis and mastitis, can greatly facilitate the life of a mother.

Also, thanks to pumping, you can create a supply of breast milk, which is useful in a situation where the mother needs to leave. Also, milk supplies can be very relevant in the event of a lactation crisis - a temporary shortage of breast milk associated with an increase in the child's needs for food. Lactation crises are quite common at 2-3 weeks after birth.

How to keep breast milk after pumping? Freezing is the best way to store it for a long time. According to the recommendations of a neonatologist, candidate of medical sciences E.K. Budaeva, it is best to freeze breast milk intended for long-term storage immediately after receiving it in a deep freezer with a constant temperature below 20 degrees Celsius. Milk frozen in this way can be stored for up to 7 months with all useful properties preserved.

When freezing milk in a chamber with a constant temperature above 20 degrees Celsius, the shelf life is reduced to 3 months. In the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 - 4 C, breast milk can be stored for no more than 2 days.

How to warm frozen breast milk before feeding a baby? According to Dr. Komarovsky, the best way is to heat the milk in a "water bath"- the bottle is placed in a container of water standing on the stove. As the water in the container heats up, the milk also warms up. In no case should you defrost breast milk in a microwave oven, as this destroys the most valuable components in its composition!

How to increase milk lactation? In order for a mother to be able to successfully breastfeed her baby, she needs to remember that this is a process provided by nature itself to maintain the life of a newborn baby. Therefore, the best means to increase lactation are not miraculous teas and pills, but frequent breastfeeding and a positive psychological attitude that helps to cope with emerging difficulties.

Also, as an effective means for lactation, it can be considered, allowing a woman to recover faster after childbirth, avoid complications, increase vitality and emotional tone. In addition, when a mother is faced with the question “how to increase the volume of breast milk during feeding?” it is important to remember how to properly organize the process of breastfeeding, how to attach the baby to the breast. Do not forget about such aspects that affect feeding, such as maternal nutrition, breast massage, etc.

How can milk lactation be increased? As we have said above, the best way to stimulate the production of breast milk is to suckle the baby at the breast. Why are we talking about mental attitude as the most important factor for maintaining breastfeeding? Because these moments are closely interconnected. The connection between a woman's ability to breastfeed and her psychological attitude was repeatedly emphasized by the famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky.

So, speaking about how to increase the amount of breast milk, Komarovsky explains that the stage of lactation formation, which lasts 2-3 months, is considered the most responsible for establishing and maintaining breastfeeding. A lot depends on how breastfeeding will take place during this period.

Often a woman begins to get nervous about the fact that the baby does not have enough milk, and begins to feed him, - explains Evgeny Olegovich. – In this case, instead of suckling the breast and stimulating lactation, the baby simply eats up the mixture and falls asleep. Thus, in fact, put an end to breastfeeding.

The experiences that a woman experiences, in turn, inhibit the production of the hormone oxytocin, which regulates the release of milk from the breast. Thus, a nervous breastfeeding mom essentially sets off a vicious cycle. The more negative emotions, the less milk she has. The less milk, the more negative emotions.

The most difficult for nursing mothers are the moments of lactation crises, in which the child really lacks milk. They can be observed at 2-3 weeks, at 2-3 months of a child's life and later. Lactation crises are not associated with the fact that less milk has been produced, but with the fact that due to the growth of the baby, his food needs increase. A woman begins to worry - how to increase milk lactation urgently? Dr. Komarovsky says that in these situations, two factors are important for maintaining breastfeeding - constant stimulation of the breast by sucking and a positive attitude.

Sometimes it seems - why put the baby to the breast when there is nothing there? - says Evgeny Olegovich. – Just the opposite, exactly when it seems that there is nothing in the chest, you can and should apply it. Because the very process of intensive sucking even on an empty breast sends signals to the lactation center. Wherein the main task for mom is to keep the mood “everything will be fine, milk will appear now!”.

WHO/UNICEF experts in leadership "Breast-feeding. How to ensure success", talking about how you can increase milk lactation, emphasize that a woman's confidence in her ability to breastfeed is a critical success factor. What makes up this confidence and how to keep the mother positive, even when faced with difficulties in feeding the baby?

Very important woman's initial attitude to breastfeeding- the formation of the so-called lactation dominant. Because, as E.O. Komarovsky, in humans, most of the physiological functions are controlled by the cerebral cortex, a conscious attitude to lactation, combined with a physiological restructuring of the body, gives the best results in ensuring long-term breastfeeding.

It is desirable that a woman's attitude to breastfeeding be formed during pregnancy (and even better - when planning it), thanks to the study of the literature, consultations with medical workers (preferably those participating in the WHO / UNICEF breastfeeding programs), communication with other mothers who are successfully breastfeeding. Knowing how to properly organize feeding, what problems she may encounter in the process of feeding a baby, and how to overcome them correctly, will help a woman gain confidence in her abilities and tune in to a long full-fledged feeding.

The emotional state of a nursing mother is greatly influenced by the atmosphere in the family. According to pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky, the big mistake of many mothers is the desire to fanatically follow the recommendations of some breastfeeding experts. The situation when the baby “permanently hangs on the chest”, leaving the woman no time either to rest or to communicate with other loved ones, can lead to a deterioration in the situation in the family. When a mother is concerned only with the same questions - how to keep breastfeeding, how to increase the amount of milk, all other family members are out of her field of attention.

- Many breastfeeding experts believe that only the mother, mother's breast and child are involved in the process of lactation. But besides this, there is still a society that influences this system, - Evgeny Olegovich explains.

Alienation from loved ones leads to a deterioration in the atmosphere in the family, the emergence of conflict situations that adversely affect the emotional state of the nursing mother. Therefore, Dr. Komarovsky advises not to forget that From the moment of birth, a child is the same member of the family as everyone else. Therefore, you should not bring attention and love to the baby to an extreme degree, forgetting about everyone else, jumping up to him at night every ten minutes and not leaving him for a second during the day. We need to look for the right balance, the golden mean.

Most often, dads suffer from a lack of attention of a woman who is overly enthusiastic about breastfeeding. Unfortunately, men, as a rule, are unprepared for what will happen in the family after the birth of the baby. And if the mother does not find time to give her husband her attention and care, the relationship can be in serious danger. Dr. Komarovsky says that as a result of this approach, there are very often situations when a child is left with milk (although it is often lost as a result of stress), but without a dad.

Therefore, after the end of the neonatal period - the first month of a child's life - during which, indeed, it is necessary to put the child to the breast very often in order to ensure the formation of lactation, E.O. Komarovsky advises switch to free feeding.

Under this regime, the mother retains the opportunity and time to implement social functions and communicate with other family members, explains Evgeny Olegovich.

At the same time, it is important for those closest to us - dad, grandparents - to remember that a nursing mother needs emotional support and help with household chores. Unfortunately, situations are not uncommon when during pregnancy a woman is literally “carried in her arms”, and after the baby is born, they are left alone with problems. Sometimes, to help a mother increase her milk supply while breastfeeding, you just need to give her elementary help, such as laundry, cleaning, washing dishes, etc. This will give her the opportunity to rest, which will have a positive effect on the emotional mood and breastfeeding.

Another problem that a nursing mother often faces is obsessive advice from older family members regarding the feeding regimen and child care. Very often, refusal to breastfeed begins with psychological pressure (primarily from grandmothers), that the child does not have enough milk, he is starving, gaining little weight. Illiterate advice on how to increase the amount of milk in a nursing mother, statements that the baby needs to be supplemented - all this increases stress in a woman who is already anxious. And at some point, she can follow the lead of the "advisers" and start feeding the baby, reducing the chances of maintaining natural feeding.

In order to avoid such situations, a woman should talk in advance (preferably even before the baby is born) with potential helpers about modern views on feeding and caring for children. Explain why on-demand feeding in the first month of life and free feeding thereafter is best for both baby and mother. If possible, give literature to read to relatives, for example, the book of E.O. Komarovsky "The Beginning of Your Child's Life", where there is a special chapter dedicated to grandparents. In the book, the doctor explains why some of the approaches that were effective in the past will not help keep the child healthy today. Evgeny Olegovich says that children from families in which grandmothers live separately or do not interfere in their upbringing are much less likely to end up in the hospital.

- The most important rule that must be followed by grandparents: never, under any circumstances, make any decisions regarding the lifestyle of the child, and even more so, impose these decisions on his parents, - says Dr. Komarovsky.

Dr. Komarovsky advises the nursing mother herself to strive to organize her life in such a way that the need for assistants is minimal. Good organization of the day, according to the pediatrician, will allow you to find time for feeding and child activities, and for household chores, and for relaxation, and for self-care, and for communicating with other family members. With this approach, a nursing mother will be able to enjoy the baby and maintain a calm, friendly atmosphere in the family. What is the most important condition for maintaining breastfeeding.

The source of microvibration in the body is muscle cells. The fact is that in addition to the skeletal muscles that give us the opportunity to move, there are millions of other muscle cells in the body - they are in most organs. Muscle cells are constantly vibrating – even at rest or during sleep. About 80% of the energy generated in the body is spent on maintaining the work of muscle cells, and half of this energy is spent on microvibration at rest. Why does the body expend so much energy to maintain it?

The fact is that all metabolic processes in our body, the delivery of nutrients to tissues and the removal of harmful substances and dead cells depend on the level of microvibration. Microvibration affects the work of all organs and systems, but it is especially significant for the state of the lymphatic system (and the immune system closely related to it) and excretory organs - the liver and kidneys. The main source that provides the body with a high level of microvibration is physical activity. Sports, walking, swimming - all this allows you to create the necessary microvibration background, which is maintained even at rest and during sleep.

Maintaining a sufficient level of microvibration is especially important during pregnancy and lactation. During the bearing of a child, a woman needs to provide this most valuable resource not only to her body, but also to the growing body of the fetus. In addition, the excretory organs of the expectant mother have an additional burden, because it is necessary to neutralize and remove harmful substances that form both in her body and in the body of the baby.

Why are we talking about microvibration when we consider the question of how to increase the lactation of breast milk? Because the state of her body affects the production of milk in a woman. In the first months of a baby's life, a woman needs a lot of energy to take care of the baby. At the same time, many mothers experience fatigue and weakness after childbirth, which negatively affects lactation. Lack of energy also affects the emotional state of a nursing mother, giving rise to uncertainty in her ability to breastfeed a child.

How to increase the amount of breast milk in a nursing mother? An increase in the level of microvibration allows you to feel a surge of physical strength, fill up with energy, recover faster after childbirth, which will have a positive effect on lactation. But how to do this if a nursing mother does not have enough time and energy for sufficient physical activity? Charging, regular bathing, daily walks - not every woman has enough energy for this in the first weeks of a baby's life.

In this situation, vibroacoustic therapy will be the best way out. with the help it allows to compensate for the deficiency of biological microvibration of tissues, to have a beneficial effect on metabolism, immune and regenerative processes. What are the benefits of phonation during breastfeeding?

  • lets a woman restore resources faster after childbirth. Increasing the level of microvibration, which is achieved with the help of Vitafon devices, contributes to the activation of the general tone of the body, gaining energy. All this has a positive effect on the emotional state of a woman, which is so important for lactation. That is why vibroacoustic therapy is the choice of women who are thinking about how to recover faster after childbirth, how to keep breastfeeding if there is not enough milk. Also, the use of Vitafon devices allows you to restore metabolic processes, which are often disrupted during pregnancy and lactation, which also has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a nursing mother.
  • Improving the beneficial properties of milk. How to increase the flow of milk during breastfeeding and improve its properties? To do this, it is necessary to support the systems responsible for the production of milk. Thus, the lymphatic and circulatory systems are actively involved in the formation of milk. The circulatory system is responsible for delivering fluid and nutrients to the mammary glands, where milk is produced. The role of the lymphatic system is to remove harmful, processed substances, as well as dead cells from cells and tissues. Due to the fact that during pregnancy, the excretory organs (kidneys, liver) are subjected to a double load, they are overloaded with harmful substances. If this situation persists after childbirth, it can adversely affect the milk production process. In addition, the state of the lymphatic system is closely related to the work of the immune system. At the same time, one of the most important functions of breast milk is to provide the baby with immune cells and protective substances.
  • The ability to share a resource with an infant. A newborn child experiences an acute shortage of microvibration energy. In the first weeks and months of life, the child is deprived of the opportunity to actively move, that is, independently make up for this deficit. The only resource available to him is crying (sound, acoustic microvibration). This is especially true for premature babies, for children born with insufficient muscle mass. Often, such children cannot sleep and constantly scream, because during sleep the background muscle activity decreases, it ceases to be enough for the basic support of the body. During breastfeeding, the mother not only satisfies the child's hunger, but also intensively exchanges microvibration energy with him. The closest physical contact that occurs during feeding allows you to create conditions for the baby that resemble those in utero, when the exchange of energy between mother and fetus was very active. In order to fully provide the child with a valuable resource, the mother herself needs to maintain the energy of microvibration at the proper level, in which phonation using Vitafon devices can help her.
  • Microvibration therapy can also be used directly for the improvement of the babies themselves. Resource support has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all organs and systems of the baby. Having a positive effect on the digestive system and accelerating its maturation, vibroacoustic therapy reduces the risk of intestinal colic. Support for the immune, lymphatic and excretory systems reduces the likelihood of developing allergic diseases, increases the baby's resistance to infections. Also, the use of Vitafon devices helps the child to recover faster from birth injuries, contributes to the normalization of muscle tone, creates favorable conditions for the development of motor and mental activity of the infant.
  • Prevention and treatment of serous (lactation) and (stagnation of milk). These problems often occur during breastfeeding and make it difficult to feed. Phonation with the use of Vitafon devices allows you to get rid of these complications, helping to eliminate congestion, accelerating the healing of cracks, which are the entrance gates for infection, stimulating general and local immunity. That is why, when analyzing effective means for milk lactation, it is necessary to consider vibroacoustic therapy as a way to support and maintain breastfeeding. You can read more about the treatment of serous mastitis with the help of Vitafon devices, the method of treating lactostasis is described.

The effectiveness of vibroacoustic therapy lies in the fact that it has a positive impact on both general and local resources. What is the best way to use Vitafon devices as a means to increase lactation?

The baby is going through a difficult period - the transition to life outside the mother's body. Nature has provided a special mechanism for easy and painless adaptation - breastfeeding. WHO states that the ideal food for young children is breast milk. Realizing this, many young mothers are wondering how to increase lactation in order to provide the child with good nutrition without the addition of artificial mixtures.

The rate of production and quality of breast milk

Nursing mothers often suffer from doubts about the quantity and quality of their milk. In such a situation, the question often arises: is there any norm that reflects ideal indicators?

Numerous studies have confirmed that throughout the day the rate of milk synthesis is not constant and is inversely proportional to the fullness of the breast: the more it is emptied, the faster and more milk appears in it. Therefore, it is not advisable to talk about the norms for the production of this product: it is individual in relation to each woman and her baby.

The same can be noted about the quality of breast milk. Its nutritional value changes not only depending on the age of the child, adjusting to his needs, but also during each feeding: the first portions are designed to give the child more to drink and therefore watery. The liquid produced further is more fatty and nutritious.

Therefore, it is difficult to establish the actual nutritional value of breast milk, it can only be judged by focusing on the child's weight gain, his behavior during sleep and wakefulness. However, these indicators are indirect and do not always directly depend on the quality of mother's milk.

Why breast milk disappears: common causes of reduced lactation

The lack of mother's milk from the first days of its production, called primary hypogalactia, occurs due to hormonal disruptions, postpartum complications and underdevelopment of the female mammary glands. Such a phenomenon occurs infrequently.

Usually, young mothers are faced with secondary hypogalactia, when at the initial stage milk is produced in full volume, and then lactation decreases.

During breastfeeding, physiological conditions sometimes make themselves felt, accompanied by a decrease in milk production - lactation crises. In medical practice, it is believed that they are based on the adjustment of the mother's body to the growing needs of the baby, and it cannot happen at lightning speed.

Inadequate milk production is often the result of the wrong actions of the mother:

  • Feeding the baby according to a strict schedule in compliance with well-established intervals.
  • Strict time frame for each feeding.
  • Incorrect application technique. The mammary glands are not stimulated enough if the baby does not latch on to the nipple properly.
  • Uncomfortable posture of the mother: any tension in the process of feeding negatively affects the separation of milk.
  • Supplementing a baby without a serious reason. Water gives the child an imaginary satiety, since the centers of saturation and thirst, due to age-related anatomical features, are located close to each other.
  • Use of bottles and pacifiers. Satisfying the natural natural need for sucking at their expense, the baby will stimulate the mother's breast less, and this reduces lactation.
  • Attempts to create a dairy reserve. The mammary glands work on demand: the more milk came out of the breast, the more will appear again. Left "in reserve" is perceived by the body as an unclaimed surplus.
  • Refusal of night feedings, the most important for lactation.
  • Separate location of the child and mother.
  • Women's perception of breastfeeding as an ordeal. So she personally complicates the situation, obsessing over a possible (often hypothetical) lack of milk. The stress experienced by a woman does not affect prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production, but it affects another hormone, oxytocin, which acts on the release of fluid from the breast. Therefore, under stress, this process becomes more difficult: this is a natural protective mechanism that prevents milk loss during difficult periods of life.
  • Lack of rest and sleep. Days spent in worries and sleepless nights are a standard situation for a mother of a baby.
  • Taking medications. Some of them are able to disrupt the hormonal regulation of lactation.

In most cases, it is possible to increase lactation by eliminating the listed factors and without taking additional measures.

Signs of a lack of milk

It is important for a nursing mother to be able to separate imaginary signs of a lack of milk from a real decrease in lactation.

Lack of lactation: an imaginary problem

“The baby is not full” is a popular misconception among young mothers, which results in supplementary feeding with milk mixtures, the baby getting used to the bottle and already a real decrease in milk production.

In many cases, mothers' concerns about lactation problems are unfounded.

  • The baby often asks for a breast. This is not always a sign of hunger: perhaps the baby needs communication with his mother or satisfaction of the need to suckle. If an hour has passed after feeding, he could really get hungry: mom's milk is absorbed faster than an artificial mixture.
  • Baby anxiety. The reasons for this behavior can be varied, and they are not always associated with hunger.
  • Sensation of soft, not filled breasts, lack of "tides" before feeding. If the baby is fed on demand, the production of milk adjusts to this regime, it arrives when applied.
  • The baby does not refuse the bottle after feeding. In fact, many babies, even when fully satiated, are not averse to giving free rein to the sucking reflex, moreover, it is easier to do this with a bottle or nipple than with a breast.
  • Lack of milk when expressing. With established lactation, it is produced depending on the needs of the baby, so there is no need for this procedure.

Reliable signs of reduced lactation

Medical practice recognizes only two criteria for assessing the sufficiency of lactation as reliable:

  • Counting the number of urinations of the child during the day. Disposable diapers and supplements for this period should be excluded. 10-12 or more wet diapers in 24 hours is an indicator that the baby has enough milk. If there are fewer of them, we can talk about insufficient lactation.
  • Weighing. If the baby is healthy and has enough mother's milk, monthly weight gain will be from 0.6 to 2 kg, and an average of 120 g weekly.

An additional guideline for assessing the sufficiency of lactation may be the stool of the baby. On average, a breastfed child has 6-8 bowel movements per day, feces have a mushy consistency and a yellowish color. Prolonged absence of stools sometimes indicates "hungry constipation" caused by a lack of breast milk. However, this sign is not always informative in itself. If available, a wet diaper test is recommended.

Mother's milk or formula?

With an obvious decrease in lactation, all measures should be taken to restore it, since today all studies confirm that breastfeeding provides significant benefits for the child and his mother.

The uniqueness of mother's milk lies in its ability to change the composition based on the needs of the child at different stages of development, at different times of the day, and even during each individual feeding.

This product contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio that is optimal for a young child. In addition, it contains immune cells, immunoglobulins and several types of bifidobacteria. Such a composition not only contributes to the full development of the baby, but also increases the body's resistance to foreign agents and forms the correct microflora in the intestines.

Unlike artificial mixtures, breast milk has an optimal temperature, is never stale or adulterated, and is always sterile.

Breast sucking helps the baby to form a correct bite and facilitates the process of teething the first teeth.

None of the highest quality milk formulas will provide your baby with nutrition that meets his needs like mother's milk.

With an obvious decrease in lactation, it is not advisable to immediately transfer the baby to artificial nutrition. The best option would be the transition to mixed feeding. At the same time, measures should be taken to restore lactation, gradually reducing the amount of supplementary feeding.

How to increase lactation

If the lack of milk has become obvious, do not immediately panic. Often simple measures help to increase lactation to the required level.

Stimulation of milk production

  • It is necessary to evaluate how correctly the child is applied to the breast, if necessary, changing the technique to the correct one.
  • To stimulate lactation, frequent applications are important, at least every 1.5-2 hours during the day, at night - after 4 hours. Night feedings are very valuable for milk production, so you should not refuse them.
  • You can take the baby from the breast only after he releases it himself.
  • To increase lactation, close physical contact between mother and baby is important: carrying on hands, sleeping together.
  • Do not supplement the baby with water unless absolutely necessary.
  • Mom should forget about the fears associated with a lack of milk, and relax - in the truest sense of the word. A woman needs to learn how to find an opportunity for rest and good sleep.
  • Breast massage is useful, which is done between feedings with kneading and stroking movements. Massage manipulations are periodically interrupted to express some milk.
  • If the goal is to increase lactation, pacifiers and bottles should not be used. Supplementary feeding is offered to the child from a spoon, from a cup, using a syringe without a needle.

In addition to these methods, it is worth paying attention to the diet: foods eaten can affect milk production in different ways.

Products that increase lactation

A complete diet will not only help solve problems with lactation, but also prevent disorders in the mother's body during breastfeeding. It is worth paying attention to the following products:

  • Fatty fish.
  • Low-fat cheese and cottage cheese.
  • Walnuts.
  • Beekeeping products: royal jelly, honey, perga, royal jelly (use in the absence of allergies in infants).
  • Dried fruits.
  • Weak meat broths and soups cooked on them.
  • Carrot.
  • Buckwheat and oatmeal.
