Beautiful snowflakes how to fold paper. How to cut a beautiful paper snowflake with your own hands

"Beauty snowflake" Master class with step by step photos.

Paper cut snowflake.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten combined type No. 8 "Aistenok", Michurinsk
Description: this master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: for decorating the premises for the New Year, Christmas holidays, a gift, Christmas decorations, can serve as work for the New Year, Christmas exhibition, competition.
Target: making paper snowflakes.
Learn how to cut paper snowflakes.
Introduce the technique of cutting 6 and 8 ray snowflakes.
Develop scissor skills Creative skills, imagination, fantasy, aesthetic taste.
To cultivate diligence, patience, accuracy, the desire to bring the work begun to the end, the desire to do something pleasant for relatives and friends.

Dear colleagues, today I want to present a master class on cutting a paper snowflake. Everyone once cut out snowflakes from paper. Have you noticed that a miracle is happening? We folded a simple sheet of paper, cut it out, cut it out ... And, you don’t even mean that you are doing magic with your own hands, what happens under New Year! What happens there is not clear. Then carefully unfold and ... This is no longer a simple sheet of paper, this is beauty! The symmetry of a snowflake fascinates, attracts the eye, you want to look at it, admire it.
This master class is designed for children from 6 years old. The work will be of interest to everyone who loves to create, to please friends and relatives on Christmas holidays.

Some interesting information:
Once upon a time, people believed that snow or rain were water droplets. IN warm time Years pour from the clouds like rain, and in winter they fly out like snowflakes. But scientists have proven that snowflakes are not formed from water droplets, but are obtained from steam.
This vapor is constantly in the air. He rises high into the sky, where it is very cold. There the water vapor turns into tiny pieces of ice. The pieces of ice move, collide and cling to each other. So they grow, become bigger and bigger. And they begin to fall to the ground with beautiful snow stars.

Ah, beautiful and sweet!
How could she become like this?
All of the rays are needles.
But needles are not from Christmas trees!
And so delicate!
I'll get her now!
Today I bring to your attention a master class on making paper snowflakes.
Materials needed for work:
1. Sheet of A4 paper
2. Scissors.
3. Simple pencil

Rules for handling scissors:
1. Before work, check the tool. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
2. Do not hold scissors upside down, do not carry them in your pocket.
3. Do not use scissors with a loose hinge.
4. Do not cut with scissors on the go, do not approach your comrades during work, do not leave the scissors with open blades.
5. Pass the scissors only when closed, with rings towards a friend.
6. Place the scissors on the table so that they do not hang over the edge of the table.
7. Monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
8. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Step by step workflow:
Paper for cutting snowflakes can be taken office, colored paper For children's creativity, origami paper.
1 way. Cutting out an 8-ray snowflake.
It is easier to lay down such a snowflake base for children of preschool and primary school age.
We fold the blank for the snowflake from a square sheet of paper, so we cut off the excess part

The resulting triangle is folded in half along the perpendicular to the base

Fold in half again, joining sharp corners triangle

Fold again, aligning the sides

Cut off the excess. The resulting triangle is the basis for the snowflake.

A simple pattern can be cut immediately without preparation:

Such a snowflake turned out

2 way. Cutting out a 6-ray snowflake.
You need to fold the paper to make a regular hexagon
Starting to fold from a square

Place the triangle upside down

The expanded angle of the base of the triangle is divided into three equal angles

We wrap one sharp corner according to the photo

We impose a second acute angle on it

Trim straight to make a triangle

Fold triangle in half

Using a simple pencil, we apply a drawing to the base.

Cut out the shaded part

Unroll carefully. Got a snowflake.

You can make the pattern more interesting by cutting out small triangles, stripes, etc.

The same snowflake will be more carved and beautiful

We will cut out the next snowflake without a pencil sketch. The more fine pattern on the basis, the more beautiful the snowflake will turn out

Connect fantasy, cut as you like

Cut until there is very little paper left on the base.

Carefully deploy

And here she is - our beauty

Using such snowflakes, we decorate the group for the New Year holidays

What if we insert the most beautiful snowflake in a frame? It turned out like this:

Today, even preschoolers know that a real snowflake has 6 rays. But many still believe that it is easier to cut out snowflakes with 8 rays from paper. In fact, it is easier for a child to cope with a six-ray snowflake for two reasons: firstly, fewer layers of paper have to be cut; second, you can do more large parts snowflakes, which, again, are easier to cut.

There are several ways to fold paper for a snowflake with 6 rays. To work with children preschool age The best way is to use a template. The advantage of this method is that the child quickly masters it. WITH younger students you can work with a compass, and with a protractor, and with a multi-stage method of folding paper.

Template for a snowflake with 6 rays

To make a template, you will need a sheet of paper in a cage, a pen or pencil, and a ruler.

1. Fold a sheet of paper in half exactly along one of the lines.

2. In the middle of the folded sheet, draw a straight line along the ruler, also exactly along the line between the cells.

3. From the bottom point of this line, set aside 7 cells to the right and left, and 12 cells up.

4. Through the obtained points and the lower point of the straight line, draw lines along the ruler.

5. Trim excess paper from the top, leaving a sheet height of about 8cm.

Folding a snowflake with six rays according to a pattern

1. Bend the corner of the sheet, aligning its edges.

2. Cut off the excess paper.

3. Once again folding the paper in half, outline the middle of the resulting square.

4. Unfold the paper, leaving it in a triangle. Attach the bottom point of the template to the middle of the paper.

5. Put two dots at the ends of the lines.

How to fold paper for a 6-ray snowflake using a template.

6. Remove the template. Attach a ruler to new point and the middle of the sheet. Push the line with something hard, like a small nail. Repeat the same with the second point. According to the lines outlined in this way, a sheet of paper will be easily bent.

7. Bend the corners.

8. Fold the sheet again. A blank for a snowflake with six rays is ready.

Cutting a snowflake with 6 rays

1. Draw a sketch on the workpiece.

2. First, cut small holes around the edges of the workpiece. Cutting them on an almost finished snowflake will be much more difficult.

3. Cut out the outlines of the snowflake.

4. Cut through small external parts.

5. Expand the snowflake.

To work with children, you need to choose thinner paper. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the baby to cut several layers at once. Details for the first snowflakes should be large. For kids under 5 years old, you can skip the last fold on the paper and draw the same details on both edges. With such a snowflake, the baby will cope much better.

The same pattern can be made for a snowflake with 5 rays. But instead of 7 cells, you need to take 4. Then wrap the sharp corners to the points obtained and wrap them again towards the middle.

A snowflake with five rays can be folded quite neatly without a template.
1. Take square sheet put the papers in front of you.

2. Attach opposite corners to each other and bend the sheet diagonally.

3. Attach the resulting sharp corners to each other and bend again.

4. Unfold the last fold and turn the triangle with the long side towards you.

5. Bend one corner to the point of intersection of the folds.

New Year is a time of magic and miracles, when everything sparkles around bright colors and lit up with lights. Everyone decorates their houses, and on the windows of almost every house you can see paper snowflakes. Do you want to diversify your interior and make decorations for windows, but do not know how to fold paper for a snowflake? We will tell you now, because there is nothing complicated in this!

DIY paper decoration

You can make a paper snowflake out of plain sheet do-it-yourself paper, and there is nothing complicated here, because even a child can do it. With such a snowflake you can perfectly decorate your house in the days new year holidays, create fabulous atmosphere and comfort in the apartment. You can do this with your child. So you will not just make a decoration, but will spend time with your baby, teaching him how to work with paper and scissors. This activity will bring joy to both of you. the main task is to teach the child to work safely with scissors. And in order to make a wonderful snowflake from a simple sheet of paper, you will need a set of colored paper, glue and scissors, and every child and adult already has the desire to cut it out.

If you cut out snowflakes from colored paper, they will turn out to be multi-colored and will attract more attention due to their brightness. Prepare these snowflakes with your child a large number of to decorate the windows in the apartment and the room itself where the Christmas tree is located on New Year's Eve. The child will be happy that his snowflakes decorate the house and the Christmas tree in such wonderful holiday. You can even cut snowflakes in the summer, if you really want the New Year holidays to come as soon as possible. And let the garden grow green outside the window and flowers grow, but the kid will be happy to prepare for the day when the good wizard will bring him a gift for working so hard and preparing New Year's paper snowflakes.

You can fold the sheet for the snowflake and cut out the patterns in completely different ways as you like, but the standard sheet is folded 5 times: four times in half and one final - diagonally.

You can draw with a pencil those lines along which to make cuts. Such the way is fine if you already have a template or some ideas.

To do volumetric snowflake, you need to cut out six standard snowflakes from thick paper, which are then glued together, and you get a wonderful product that will look even more spectacular and elegant.

Did you like this kind of needlework? Then we suggest getting to know the Kirigami better.

Kirigami - paper magic

There is no such person who, in childhood, on the eve of the New Year holidays, did not try to cut intricate snowflakes from a piece of paper. various sizes and forms. This, it would seem, simple occupation, it turns out, there is a very difficult name - Kirigami. This is a relatively young, but no less popular type of creativity; in the 80s of the 20th century, it was invented by the Japanese architect Masahiro Chatani. It happened spontaneously, the master folded the paper figure in half to cut holes in it, then unfolded it and tried to add volume to the resulting figure. Noting the good result of the resulting model, Chatani realized that in this way it is possible to create models of buildings, structures, any geometric bodies, and even household items.

For some, work in the kirigami technique may resemble a more common variety of arts and crafts with paper figures, namely, origami. However, this is not at all the case. Unlike origami, where only paper, the hands of the master and his imagination are used, in kirigami it is allowed to use glue, scissors and other cutting devices to make the figures more stable and durable.

To date, the art of kirigami is just beginning to gain popularity among admirers. paper art. This occupation is more common among designers, fashion designers and architects. With the help of this technique, they bring their ideas to life, creating three-dimensional layouts of varying degrees of complexity.

For beginners, working in the kirigami technique may not seem very difficult, because after studying the materials about this art form and considering various schemes cutting shapes available on the Internet, you may get the impression that it is enough to put a stencil on paper, quickly cut it out and that's it - the masterpiece is ready. It's not like that at all. Creating figures in kirigami requires the master to have great concentration and clarity of movement. Therefore, in addition to paper, glue, pencil and ruler, various clamps are used, very sharp scissors small size And stationery knives different sizes.

According to the technique of complexity, kirigami can be divided into two types: flat and volumetric.

Flat kirigami is less complicated, because the work uses one sheet of paper folded in half, on which a contour is drawn with a pencil future figure and cut out excess parts. The main difference from the volumetric kirigami here is that all the faces of the figure being cut out are located in the same plane. However, with all the ease of this method, masters working in this technique are able to create real masterpieces.

This type of kirigami is perfect as a joint family leisure even with the smallest children. With kids, you can come up with a whole paper fairy tale and decorate windows and walls in the children's room with carved characters. In addition to the schemes available on the Internet for cutting out your favorite characters animated films, children will be able to invent and draw their own characters, which will not be difficult to cut out.

Volumetric kirigami is used to create various layouts, decor for albums and books, as well as amazing greeting cards with large elements. Initially, the cut out figures are flat, but as soon as you open the page, they seem to come to life, acquiring volume. With this technique, you can create real castles in the air and whole cities with the smallest details and huge accuracy with the original. The figures, made in the technique of three-dimensional kirigami, due to the fine texture of the materials used, seem weightless and floating in the air. Children will also like this kind of kirigami. Using this technique, they will be able to design their first simple, and therefore more touching, postcards for the most dear and beloved people.

Despite the fact that kirigami is a relatively young type of creativity, many people today prefer it when choosing an activity for a pleasant pastime. After all, having plunged into the work of cutting intricate paper figures, you can temporarily escape from everyday problems and again plunge into fairy tale, where the main character, of course, will be the author who creates it.

If you want to decorate your room before the New Year with beautiful paper snowflakes, first of all, you need to know how to fold and prepare the paper for this. Well, then, when you do everything right, all that remains is to pick up scissors and be guided by your inspiration and imagination. And the diagrams and instructions that we provide in this article will help you correctly fold paper for a snowflake.

How to prepare paper for a snowflake

Let's say you have a sheet in front of you. office paper A4 format. How to make the right blank out of it in order to cut a snowflake? It's pretty simple. In addition, from an ordinary office sheet, you can make a blank for not one, but for as many as three snowflakes of different sizes. How to do this, you will understand if you carefully consider the attached diagram. First, fold it, but not in half, but so that you get two unequal parts, as shown in the figure. Then, bend each part at a right angle and cut off the excess. You got two paper squares different sizes. Finally, when cutting off the smaller part, you will get another rectangle. If you do the same manipulations with him, then you will get another small square blank. It can also be used to make a small snowflake. As you can see, so far everything is very simple.

How to fold paper for a snowflake. Scheme

classic snowflake has six rays. So from paper square we need to make a hexagon first. Carefully consider the schemes that we offer you, and you will see that it is not simple, but very simple.

First, fold your square blank into a triangle. Like this.

Now you need to take two of its opposite corners and lay them on top of each other, at about a 60 degree angle. But don't worry, you won't need a protractor. high precision is not required here. The most important thing is to roughly outline the middle of the base of the triangle and from it already bend the corners to the opposite edge. If you did everything right - and we are sure that this is the way it is, then you will get such a paper figure.

Cut off the hanging corners - and you have a hexagonal blank. It is not necessary to unfold it at all, you can immediately start cutting a snowflake. Moreover, you will burn not even pre-cut the corners, but immediately start cutting a snowflake along the folds. For example - like this.

When you unfold it, you will get something like this picture. Just unroll very carefully.

How to fold paper for a snowflake with eight rays. Scheme

It's also very simple. We begin to fold our paper blank as we did in the previous version. In other words, first add like this.

Then we bend our triangle again and get:

We fold our future snowflake again.

And again we bend it - pay attention to exactly how this should be done.

We cut off all excess.

And we begin to cut the snowflake.

The end result is a snowflake with eight rays.

Learn to do) 4- or 8-end options. In nature, snowflakes always have 6 vertices (on extreme case, three). I decided to be closer to nature and chose the 6 end option. I myself learned this technique at school, and every year before the New Year I make a lot of snowflakes.

All you need for this project is paper and scissors. Some use some kind of color, fancy paper, but I cut out pure white snowflakes - it's easier and more natural.

Step 1

Start simply with a square white sheet. I usually make two snowflakes from each A4 sheet, so first I cut it in half, then I cut a square out of each half. The size of the snowflakes is about 12 cm. If you are just learning, it is easier to start with bigger size snowflakes, cutting out one from a whole sheet of A4.

Making a square out of a rectangle is very easy. Place the piece of paper in front of you and attach one of the top corners sheet to the opposite side so that an isosceles triangle is formed (such as you see in the photo). The extra piece of the sheet just needs to be cut off evenly.

Step 2

Fold the square diagonally to form a triangle.

Step 3

Fold the resulting triangle in half again to make a smaller triangle.

Step 4

Imagine a triangle divided into three equal parts, and fold it in three. If you want to be precise and use a protractor for this, then every third equals a 30 degree angle.

Step 5

Bend and fold the left third. Try to keep the folds clear and all thirds are equal. This will make the snowflake as symmetrical as possible.

Step 6

cut off upper edge paper at an angle. Make sure you cut off all layers of the folded paper so that the cut is the same on all sides of the snowflake. The corner cut forms the tops of the snowflake. Soon you will learn how to cut at different angles to make more or less sharp peaks.

Step 7

And this is where your imagination comes into play. Start cutting pieces different shapes on the sides of the folded paper. Smaller triangles are easiest to cut out, but don't forget to experiment with different shapes.

For this snowflake, I slightly changed the top edge so that my tops are of a different shape. I also cut out a couple of "thorns" inside. Use your imagination to decorate!

I don't use any stencils for my snowflakes, I just cut and design as I go. I never get two identical snowflakes. Sometimes I find some elements that I like and use them in several snowflakes, but I have never completely copied the ornament.

Step 8: Reversal

Once the cut is complete, carefully unfold the snowflake.

At first the snowflake will not be even and flat, so I usually put the snowflake between the pages of the book for a while to make it even. I also ironed them (between two sheets of paper) to line them up perfectly. If you repeat this, be careful, as the paper can become very hot during ironing (never use a steamer!). Therefore, before taking a snowflake in your hands, let it cool down. And of course, remember the flammability of paper.

Ironing will stiffen the snowflake a little, which is great if you plan on hanging the snowflake instead of gluing it to a surface.

Step 9: Hints!


Use sharp scissors and keep your hands clean. Dirty hands will leave marks on the snowflakes, which is not very festive!

Some people recommend using nail scissors, they are easier to cut intricate patterns. I don't like it for two reasons. Firstly, nail scissors are uncomfortable to hold in your hand. And is it important. Secondly, you can go too far with the ornateness of the pattern, too many tiny cuts and insufficient cutting along the contours can turn a snowflake into a lacy doily. The look and feel is lost.

Snowflake carving experts recommend using tracing paper and an X-acto knife for finer ornaments and more perfect symmetry. But I still prefer plain paper and scissors - they are in every home and are safe for children, you can cut snowflakes together.

Some people cut out snowflakes from wrapping paper or other colorful paper. You can take any material to create desired effect. Pure is closer to my soul, White paper simply because I wildly like to create beauty from something simple and ordinary.

Cutting process:

I usually make my snowflakes while I sit on a couch or chair with a coffee table in front of me, holding a small trash can at my feet. On the table it is convenient for me to fold the paper, and then I sit comfortably and cut out the ornament, throwing the scraps into the urn. So I don't litter around me in the process.

When folding paper, steps 4-5 are the most difficult, especially dividing the triangle into equal thirds “by eye”. When you fold the second side part, very often it turns out that it is not equal to the other two. Then you have to unfold and bend the parts over again, and so on until you get three equal parts. The more identical parts you get, the more symmetrical the snowflake will be in the spread. Given the thickness of the paper and the number of folds, getting a perfectly symmetrical snowflake is next to impossible. The most big asymmetry will be in the center: look at my snowflakes. The asterisk in the center of some of them is not perfect. Real snowflakes also have defects, so don't worry too much about it.

Avoid what I call "voids". This is when you cut out the snowflake in step 7, and leave a large space of paper without any cuts. Any place on a snowflake more than half a centimeter can be decorated, for example, with the same “thorns” that I cut out in my snowflake. Otherwise, when you unroll the snowflake, you end up with a rough ornament instead of a patterned, detailed snowflake. Too flickering in the pattern is also not worth it, it is better to use small and large details together.

Snowflake decoration:

Stick a small piece of double-sided sticky tape on each top of the snowflake and stick it on the surface to be decorated. I like to hang mine on the windows so they can be seen both inside and out. At night they look beautiful in the dark.

You can also hang snowflakes from the ceiling, but be careful as they are quite fragile. For such purposes, it would be better to cut out snowflakes with thicker outlines and not too detailed ornamentation (think of a snowflake with a wide “skeleton and small details around the main lines). Suitable for hanging white thread or fishing line.

Snowflakes can be beautifully decorated with gifts instead of bows. I like to just stick one snowflake on gift box and a postcard with the recipient's name over a snowflake. lacy snowflake creates beautiful background for signature.

Don't throw away the A4 cutoffs after cutting out the squares. Use this paper to cut small snowflakes, which are beautifully hung between the larger ones. This will create beautiful effect placers and allows you to fill the space between large snowflakes. Unfortunately, this idea came to me after I took the photos below.

Step 10: Analyzing the Snowflakes

If you want to try to copy the snowflakes you saw somewhere, then you need to understand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you can repeat someone else's drawing. Looking at finished snowflake, try to visualize a repeating fragment of the ornament. This snowflake contains 12 identical pieces. This will be the fragment between the two lines. One line bisects the top, going from the center. And the second line runs between the two vertices in the middle. You can think of a snowflake as a clock, and the lines we need are between 12 and 1 o'clock. See the markings in the photo.

This fragment shows which cuts need to be made on both sides in order to end up with the same snowflake. If you look at a dark background, then all the dark fragments are what you need to cut out.

Step 11: Recreate the Real Snowflake
