Group of short stay in preschool educational institution: educators and parents. Groups of short stay in kindergarten

No one disputes or questions the significance of where he is surrounded only by love and positive emotions. Parents want to create all the necessary conditions for the excellent emotional well-being of their offspring, his normal mental development. However, not all mothers and fathers, unfortunately, realize the importance of some points, understand the need to communicate with the baby and take into account the peculiarities of the pedagogical impact on children under three years old. Sometimes it happens that parents would be happy to bring all this to life, but someone does not have enough time, someone has certain knowledge, someone is just too lazy to pay attention to the child.

In this regard, the group of short stays in kindergarten is popular. What are its features and advantages? Why is such a

Firstly, the short stay group in kindergarten differs from the usual nursery in that the child does not receive psychological trauma due to separation from his mother. After all, it is with her that he first visits, gradually getting used to his new friends, tutors, doing interesting and suitable for his age things.

Secondly, the child does not spend the whole day here, but only about 3.5 hours 3 times a week, which allows experienced teachers and psychologists to organize the educational process in such a way that the child receives all the knowledge necessary for him, not a single important detail is overlooked. Thanks to this, time is distributed economically, it is enough for both planned classes and free activities.

Thirdly, the group of short-term stay in kindergarten has a special specificity, which implies the existence of a special educational program, taking into account the age of the kids, their psychological and emotional characteristics.

Fourthly, we must not forget about the mother, who can leave her child to professionals with peace of mind and in the same few hours have time to visit a hairdresser, cook dinner or just relax.

What tasks do short-stay groups perform in the main ones:

  • strengthening the physical and mental health of children;
  • the formation of emotional stability, taking into account the physiological characteristics of children;
  • expanding horizons, age-appropriate development of abilities;
  • helping children adapt to a particular institution;
  • formation of means and ways of communication with peers and adults;
  • familiarizing them with the necessary activities.

The short-term stay group in kindergarten is of great help to parents in the correct and appropriate upbringing of children in all respects. Teachers conduct games with children that are aimed at speech, fine motor skills, imagination, memory, perception. In addition, a music director and a physical education specialist work with the kids. A short stay group in a preschool educational institution is not just a fun and interesting pastime, but also a huge benefit for both children and their parents.

Your baby has grown up, and you are already tired and thinking about work? The most budgetary option is to send the child to the state budgetary kindergarten. What is needed for this and how to get there, we will tell in this material on the example of Moscow.

How to enroll a child in kindergarten?
If you have a Moscow residence permit, then getting into a state kindergarten is not difficult. To do this, it is necessary in advance, it is better immediately after the birth of the child, to enroll the baby in three kindergartens, which are located closest to your place of residence. You can do this on the portal. You can enroll a child under the age of three in a short stay group (SCT). A short-term stay group is a kindergarten group in which there are children under the age of three, for a maximum of three hours a day. Even if you are not going to take your child to a short stay group, in any case, it is better to sign up for it, so that later it will be easier to get to the right kindergarten in a full-time group for children from three years old. If you need a full day nursery, then a budget kindergarten can only help you if your family has many children.
After you have queued for kindergarten on the public services portal, you will receive an SMS notification that your turn to kindergarten has come up. After receiving the notification, you will need to go to the kindergarten and submit the necessary documents.

Documents for registration in kindergarten:
- Birth certificate of the child.
- Passport of the parent.
- SNILS of the parent and child.
- Certificate of form 08, certifying the registration of the child in Moscow at the specified address.
- Application for admission to the state garden.
If your family has many children, then a certificate of a large family will be added to this list of documents. With this place in the kindergarten, you will be able to get out of turn.
A month before the expected date of entering the kindergarten, do not forget to issue a child's medical card with the pediatrician, having made all the necessary vaccinations, having passed the tests (general urinalysis, complete blood count, scraping for enterobiasis, i / g) and going through all the doctors (pediatrician, surgeon, orthopedist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dermatologist, neurologist, speech therapist, dentist, psychologist).
Three days before the expected date of going to the garden, go to the Healthy Childhood office or to the pediatrician, and get a certificate there that your baby is healthy and has not been in contact with sick children.
In the kindergarten itself, along with honey. card, most likely, the nurse will ask you to bring a photocopy of the medical policy.

Kindergarten: benefits for large families.
Families with many children have the right to:
- Get a place for a child in a kindergarten out of turn.
- Arrange a child under the age of three in kindergarten for a full day.
- Providing a child in a budget kindergarten at the expense of the state.

Due to the fact that kindergartens have now been canceled, many groups of budgetary kindergartens are faced with the fact that in the same group with three-year-old children there are children who have not even reached the age of two.

To give or not kids, under three years old, to the kindergarten for a full day?
We all remember that each child is individual and each kid needs his own trip. If one child calmly goes to kindergarten at 2 years old, asks for a potty and eats with a spoon himself, then another can pee in his pants at 3.5 years old and sob all day long, missing his mother.

1. Before you send your baby to kindergarten, try to leave him, for example, with his grandmother for a day, the child should have at least some experience of separation from his mother.
2. Try to start potty training your child, at least somehow, kindergarten teachers will most likely help you in this difficult task, but you must perform the main function. As a last resort, you can negotiate with the caregivers so that the baby first goes to kindergarten in diapers.
3. Teach your child to eat on their own. It is important! Educators will have no time to feed your child from a spoon, he should definitely be able to eat on his own.

A pediatrician with 20 years of experience at the Center for Immunology and Reproduction advises “ start visiting a kindergarten in the warm season, when there is no rise in the SARS epidemic, starting at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, so as not to scare the child with a long absence of his mother and not cause him a negative attitude towards kindergarten. In addition, it is not a secret for anyone that the majority of children visiting preschools for the first time often begin to get sick with various acute respiratory viral infections, especially for children who, for various reasons, were not vaccinated due to their age. And this is the main problem that worries parents. ».

Why does this happen and how many times children with normal immunity get sick in the first years of visiting a kindergarten, you can find out in the material of the pediatrician Gulnara Farkhatovna Mukhamedova!

XI. Requirements for short stay groups, family preschool groups and other similar types of preschool organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership

11.1. Groups of short-term stay of children, family preschool groups and other similar types of preschool organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, including those created in the form of structural divisions of state and municipal preschool educational institutions, can be located on the basis of preschool educational organizations, organizations additional education and other adapted premises.

In groups of short stay, family preschool groups, services for supervision, childcare and (or) educational activities can be provided.

11.2. The occupancy of groups depends on the age of the children and their state of health, which should not exceed the established by these sanitary rules.

11.3. The length of stay of children is determined by the possibility of organizing meals, daytime sleep and walks:

- without catering and sleep - the stay of children should not exceed 3 - 4 hours;

- without organizing sleep and with the possibility of organizing a single meal - the stay of children should not exceed 5 hours;

- when organizing meals with an interval of 3 - 4 hours and sleep, depending on the age of the children. The interval between meals for children under 1 year old should be no more than 3 hours, from 1 year and older - no more than 4 hours;

- stay of children is possible for more than 5 hours.

11.4. For groups of short-term stay of children up to 3-4 hours and without catering and sleep, the following requirements must be met:

- dressing room, with conditions for storing children's outerwear and shoes (lockers or hangers);

b) If it is possible to organize walks, the territories of squares, parks, as well as courtyard areas adjacent to the building, equipped with playgrounds, can be used. When using sandboxes, the requirements of these sanitary rules must be observed.

11.5. For groups of short stays up to 5 hours without organization of sleep and with the organization of a single meal, the following requirements must be met:

a) Minimum set of premises:

- dressing room with conditions for storing children's outerwear and shoes (lockers or hangers);

- a group room that can be used for classes and (or) children's games;

– kitchen or buffet-distributing;

- toilet (with washbasin) for children;

- toilet (with washroom) for staff.

It is possible to combine toilets for children and staff in one room, with the allocation of a separate area for staff and the equipment of a separate toilet cabin.

11.6. For groups with children staying more than 5 hours, it is necessary to provide conditions for catering with an interval of eating 3-4 hours, sleeping and walking.

a) Minimum set of premises:

dressing room with conditions for storing children's outerwear and shoes (lockers or hangers);

a group room that can be used for classes and (or) children's games;

kitchen (for direct cooking) or buffet-distributing (for catering with ready-made culinary products);

toilet (with washbasin) for children;

toilet (with washroom) for staff.

It is possible to combine toilets for children and staff in one room, with the allocation of a separate area for staff and the equipment of a separate toilet cabin.

It is possible to organize sleep in group rooms on children's beds with a hard bed, in accordance with the requirements of these sanitary rules.

b) It is necessary to organize walks, lasting at least 1 hour. For walks, the territories of squares, parks, as well as courtyard areas adjacent to the building, equipped with playgrounds, can be used. When using sandboxes, the requirements of these sanitary rules must be observed.

11.7. The group room must be at least 2.5 sq. m per 1 child in nursery groups, not less than 2.0 sq. m per 1 child in preschool groups, excluding furniture and its placement.

Bedroom with an area of ​​at least 1.8 sq. m per 1 child in nursery groups, not less than 2.0 sq. m per 1 child in preschool groups, excluding the distance from the outer walls when arranging beds (the arrangement of beds is regulated by clause 6.14 of these sanitary rules).

In the wash area, it is necessary to provide washbasins with cold and hot water supply at the rate (depending on the age of the children) 1 sink for children of primary preschool age with a washbasin installation height from the floor to the side of the appliance of 0.4 m and 1 sink for middle and older children preschool age with a height of installation of washbasins from the floor to the side of the device is 0.5 m. In the toilet area, at least 2 cabins (1 for boys and 1 for girls) must be equipped, with the installation of children's toilets in them.

11.8. When catering for children, the requirements of these sanitary rules for the conditions of storage of food products, the preparation and sale of dishes and culinary products, the preparation of the menu (for catering for children of different ages), the frequency of meals, and the organization of the drinking regime must be observed.

The frequency of meals is determined by the time of stay of children and the mode of operation of groups (breakfast or lunch, or breakfast and lunch, or afternoon tea, other options are possible).

11.9. It is allowed to provide food for children using ready-made meals and ready-made culinary products delivered in isothermal containers from food units of other preschool organizations or basic catering establishments.

Ready first and second courses can be kept in isothermal containers (thermoses) for a period of time ensuring that the temperature is not lower than the serving temperature, but not more than 2 hours. Heating of cooled (below the serving temperature) ready-made hot dishes is not allowed. Repackaging of finished culinary products and dishes is not allowed.

Delivery of food products is carried out by specialized transport, which has a sanitary passport issued in accordance with the established procedure, subject to the provision of separate transportation of food raw materials and finished food products that do not require heat treatment. It is allowed to use one vehicle for the transportation of heterogeneous food products, provided that the transport is sanitized between flights with the use of disinfectants.

Buffet-distributing is equipped directly in the group (a zone is allocated) and is provided for the distribution of prepared food and washing of tableware (except for returnable packaging) using detergents, with an area of ​​at least 3 square meters. m.

The minimum set of equipment includes: a table for distributing food, a sink for washing tableware, a cabinet for storing clean tableware.

11.10. In short-stay groups with no more than 15 children, it is possible to cook in the same room (kitchen), subject to the following conditions:

- the kitchen should be provided with the necessary equipment and refrigeration equipment (household refrigerator), hot and cold water; electric stove with oven and fume hood above it; 2-section sink for washing dishes; two working tables for cutting raw foodstuffs separately from finished foodstuffs and culinary products;

- when preparing food, the requirements of these sanitary rules must be observed;

- washing dishes should be carried out separately from the dining room with the use of detergents.

11.11. The organization of the day regimen for children, the air-thermal regime of the premises, water supply, natural and artificial lighting, the maintenance of premises, the reception of children, the passage of medical examinations by personnel, the basic hygienic and anti-epidemic measures taken by medical personnel in preschool organizations must comply with the requirements of these sanitary rules.

11.12. Medical support for children attending groups of short-stay children, family preschool groups and other groups created in the form of structural divisions of state and municipal preschool educational institutions is carried out by medical personnel who are on the staff of these organizations, or can be carried out by medical personnel of territorial medical and preventive institutions on the basis of the contract.

11.13. Medical support for children attending groups of short-stay children, family preschool groups and other similar types of preschool organizations of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, with the exception of those specified in clause 11.12 of these sanitary rules, is carried out on the basis of an agreement with a preschool educational organization that has the staff of a medical worker and located in close proximity (within one municipal district) to the location of short-stay groups, family preschool groups and other similar types of preschool organizations, or with a territorial medical and preventive institution.

Olga Frolova
Short stay group

I work as an educator (visit time no more than 3.5 hours, but without catering). AT short stay group (adaptive) Children aged 1 year 6 months to 7 years are usually accepted.

These groups are for:

v children whose parents would like to start adapting the child to the garden and the team;

v children whose parents would not like to send their child to kindergarten for a full day;

v parents who want to learn how to communicate and play with their children and develop their abilities.

What is it - short stay group?

Today it is already obvious that the kindergarten is a developing, progressive, modern system necessary for children in their first years of life. At the same time, no one argues that family education is optimal for a small child, since the love of close adults, their communication with the baby are the main and necessary conditions for the normal mental development of the child and his good emotional well-being. However, not all parents understand the age characteristics of children under 3 years old, not all are able to find the necessary pedagogical influences. Adults often do not know how or do not consider it necessary to play with children, organize joint activities. Thus, there is a need to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to families with young children. The optimal form of such assistance is the adaptation programs created in kindergartens. short stay groups.

The main difference between adaptive groups from the nursery group of the kindergarten, where the child experiences separation from his mother during the day, consists in the fact that in the GKP the child is engaged in activities that are attractive to him for several hours of the day, at first together with his mother, and then independently in peer group.

Compared to nursery group kindergarten, the specificity of the GKP is that time is compressed here, for children who come to kindergarten 3 times a week for 3.5 hours, the educational process is organized as compactly as possible, so that in a limited time not to lose sight of any important direction of child development.

In this regard, there is a need to allocate time economically, so that it is enough for the free activities of children and for developing activities with adults in an environment that ensures the implementation of the planned activities.

Taking into account such specifics, an educational program of functioning was developed in the kindergarten. short stay groups, taking into account the patterns of development of young children, their interests, features of their thinking and emotional life.

We try to carry out gradual adaptation of children to new conditions, to increase the child's confidence that the time for games and activities will pass, the mother will return and will definitely take him home.

Tasks short stay groups:

In a natural and soft form, adapt to the conditions of this educational institution;

Development of individual programs of game support and organization of psychological and pedagogical support of the child;

v get experience of early socialization, learn to play with peers;

Strengthening the physical and mental health of children, ensuring emotional stability, taking into account the individual capabilities and characteristics of children;

v familiarization of parents with modern types of game teaching aids;

v formation in children of age-appropriate ways and means of communication with adults and peers.

v development of cognitive abilities in accordance with age, broadening one's horizons.

v interacting with parents to improve understanding between them and their own children.

Main activities:

v Games aimed at development: perception, fine motor skills, speech, thinking, memory and imagination.

v Accumulation of practical experience in sensory development.

v Development of musical and aesthetic skills.

v Strengthening the physical health of children.

v Learn about the world around you in a fun way.

v Unleashing creativity through sculpting, drawing, designing and appliqué


Kindergarten specialists try to establish such a relationship with the child that the kindergarten evokes positive emotions in him. Indicators that the goal has been achieved is:

v The child willingly goes to the garden (without tears)

v Smiles, rejoices when he sees kindergarten workers.

v Turns to the caregiver for help.

It is important to help the child get used to the new environment for him and to navigate in it. indicators that the goal reached:

v The child knows the location and meaning of the rooms.

v Knows where items to play are located.

It is necessary to help the child as easily and quickly as possible to get used to the new organization of life for him. indicators that the goal reached:

v The child easily obeys the requirements of the kindergarten staff.

v Keeps you in a good mood during stay in kindergarten.

v The child loves to play with children.

v The child is calm about the fact that not only he, but also other children play with toys.

Literature used O. A. Skorolupova ""Organization and content of activities in short stay groups» Bristol Baby Park website.

Regulations on the group of short-term stay In our preschool groups, groups of short-term stay of children who do not attend preschool educational institutions have been opened. Want.

Regulations on the group of short-term stay The group of short-term stay is opened by order of the head of the MDOU in the presence of the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions, compliance.

What is a Short Stay Group (GKP)

The realities of today's preschool education are such that you are unlikely to place your child in a regular city kindergarten until he is 3 years old. This innovation is only a few years old, but it has already managed to deliver additional problems for parents and raise many questions.

For example, why is the allowance paid only for a year and a half, despite the fact that children cannot be placed in kindergarten until the age of three? That is, from a year and a half to a year, a mother does not have the opportunity to go to work, as she is forced to stay at home with a child who is not yet taken to kindergarten, but at the same time, she needs to live on something. Or, for example, a child is already mentally and physically ready for kindergarten - he goes to the potty, eats on his own, calmly communicates with other children and already knows how to stay without a mother. But he is forced to “sit” at home, since he is not yet three years old and it is impossible to arrange him in a kindergarten.

For such and not only cases, groups of short stay, or GKP, were created at kindergartens. So, let's figure out what GKP is and what are their benefits for children.

Short stay group - how to get there

    • Children from 2 years of age are accepted into such groups. To enroll in the GKP, you need to stand in line in advance, as in a regular kindergarten. Groups are declared in the amount of about 20 people, but in fact a maximum of 10 go to kindergarten.
    • Before visiting, it is necessary to collect a complete medical record of a typical form for an “adult” kindergarten. You need to go through a medical examination, fill out a questionnaire, answer questions about allergic reactions, start if you haven’t already, and provide a vaccination card.
    • Perhaps, before the start of classes, parents will be invited to a meeting at which they will announce what needs to be brought for classes, what to collect from clothes, how to mentally prepare the child. Read this article to learn how to help your child start attending a full-day kindergarten.
    • The GKP works, as a rule, in the first half of the day, that is, before lunch and quiet hours. Groups have several working hours, for example, from 7.30 to 11.30, or from 12.00 to 15.00, it depends on the specific kindergarten. A prerequisite is the duration of stay in such a group - no longer than four hours. By the way, GKP is not available in all gardens.
    • Children in such groups are not fed, and they do not have a quiet hour. Of course, if a child asks for a drink, no one will refuse him, or, a compassionate teacher can feed the children bagels, dry biscuits or apples. But parents should know that no one is obliged to feed a child in the GKP.
    • It is worth staying in such a group at times cheaper than a full-fledged kindergarten, about 5-10 times (depending on the region). So, for example, in Moscow, the cost of one month of visiting the GKP in 2015 was a little less than 400 rubles.

Benefits for a child to stay in the GKP

In general, after attending the short stay group at the age of 3 years, that is, before moving to the “adult” group, the child becomes more adapted to the “real” kindergarten life. Especially if he remains in the same kindergarten. If there is an opportunity to arrange a child in the GKP, be sure to do it!

Short stay group

PKP schedule

9:00 Exercise for kids
9:30 AM (sculpting, application, drawing)
10:00 Musical logarithmics
10:30 Reading, mathematics, logic
11:00 Snack
11:30 Dance logo rhythm
12:30 Literature

from 700 rubles for 1 hour

In our short-stay group, or as it is more often called SCT, children study according to well-known methods. Classes are held for a group of short stays in a bright room equipped according to the method of Maria Montessori. There are only 5-6 people in our short stay group. Our club has 2 short stay groups:

Short stay group "Malyshok" from 1.5 to 3 years

Such a group is equipped with special educational games designed for younger preschool age. Games allow you to develop fine motor skills, learn colors, letters, counting, shapes, develop logical, creative and musical abilities.

Our short stay groups are equipped for preschool children with special educational games that are aimed at developing fine and gross motor skills, developing figurative and logical thinking, developing speech, creative imagination and fantasy. All classes are held in a playful way and like the kids.
In SCTs (short stay groups) we study natural phenomena, music, drawing, modeling, letters, numbers and much more.
Short Stay Groups (STGs) operate from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, Monday through Friday. A small snack is provided, as children of this age will definitely get hungry in 4 hours.

GBU Rehabilitation Center "Solar Circle"

Department of labor and social protection of the population of Moscow

Short stay group

Short stay group

In the short stay group, optimal conditions are created for effective and full-fledged rehabilitation and adaptation, contributing to the expansion of the social experience of children with disabilities and children with disabilities aged 4 to 18 years in the following areas:

  • Socio-environmental rehabilitation or habilitation
  • Socio-psychological rehabilitation or habilitation
  • Sociocultural rehabilitation or habilitation
  • Social adaptation
  • Physical culture and recreation activities and sports

Conditions for the stay of the child:

  • a group of 5 to 8 children with different diagnoses (the individual characteristics of the child are taken into account)
  • children are constantly with specialists
  • duration of stay 3 hours without the presence of parents (persons replacing them)
  • form of training - group
  • additional specialist services: classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist (no more than 1 time per week)
  • medical rehabilitation according to directions from the district clinic (physiotherapy, massage, physiotherapy exercises)
  • 1 shift from 09:00 to 12:00
  • 2nd shift from 14:00 to 17:00
  • Monday to Friday (weekends - Saturday, Sunday, public holidays)

To be admitted to a short-stay group, it is necessary to undergo an initial diagnosis, which is carried out by strictly by appointment by phone: 8-499-461-45-41 (from 08:00 to 17:30). After successful completion of the diagnosis, you need to get direction from the Territorial Center for Social Services and prepare medical report at a local clinic.

Being in a short stay group, your child will form an idea of ​​his "I", develop cognitive functions and emotional-volitional spheres, bring up positive personality traits, and will also acquire skills:

  • communicating with peers and adults, asking for help
  • household work and self-service
  • use of household items
  • social behavior
  • active participation in public life, join the social and cultural life in society
  • adaptation in everyday life and social environment


The rehabilitation period is one calendar month. To enroll in a second rehabilitation course, you must submit an application no later than the 20th calendar month preceding the start date of the next rehabilitation.

On the day of the start of the rehabilitation course, you must provide certificate of absence of contacts with infectious diseases (valid for 3 days) at the place of residence and from the children's institution visited by the child.


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N. A. Inozemtseva -teacher MBDOU Kindergarten "Sun"

R.p. Mordovo, Tambov region

"Organization and content of activities in short stay groups"

Short stay group(GKP) - a variable form of organizing preschool education in part-time mode. The GKP is created for children of early and preschool age who do not attend kindergartens, in order to ensure their comprehensive development and formation of the foundations of school education for them, to provide advisory and methodological support to their parents in organizing the upbringing and education of the child, his social adaptation and the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities .

The main functions of the short stay group are:

Protection of life and health of children;

Concern for the emotional well-being of each child;

Correction of physical and mental development and health of children;

Ensuring the intellectual and personal development of the child.

Currently the most popular are:

  • "Adaptation group" - for young children, which aims to ensure the early socialization of children and their adaptation to entering the preschool educational institution;
  • "Development Group" - for children from 3 to 7 years old, pursuing the goal of the comprehensive development of children, their socialization in a team of peers and adults;
  • group "Future first grader" - for children 5-6 years old, the purpose of which is to prepare children of senior preschool age for schooling;

(there are other forms of GKP).

In order to create a PCU on the basis of a preschool institution, it is necessary to study the social order for the opening of one form or another of a short stay group. It is advisable to conduct a survey among kindergarten parents and a sociological survey among the population. An analysis of the data obtained allows us to conclude that there is a public demand for the opening of a group of a certain focus.

GKP of any kind are created in preschool educational institutions in the presence of the necessary material and technical conditions and staffing (within the allocated funds).

The organization of short-stay groups implies the presence in a preschool educational institution (DOE) of free space for the educational process: group rooms for children, a music room, a psychologist's office; as well as a changing room for children and parents and a washroom. Specially equipped rooms must meet pedagogical and sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as fire safety rules (group cell, lighting, temperature and air conditions in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN, children's furniture (tables, chairs, cabinets for toys, manuals, etc.). ) in accordance with the height indicators of children).

Group rooms and specialized premises of the preschool educational institution should be age-appropriate and fully adapted for a variety of activities.

The work of short-stay groups in a preschool educational institution should be supported by a number of documents that are developed on the basis of the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution and correspond to the mandatory list of documentation:

1. Regulations on groups of short stay (The Regulations on the group defines the normative base for the work of the group, the direction, purpose and tasks of the group, the organization of work (acquisition, schedule, etc.), content and main forms of work).

2. Order of the founder on the opening of short-stay groups on the basis of a specific preschool educational institution.

3. Order for a preschool educational institution on the creation of short-stay groups.

4. The charter of a preschool educational institution, which reflects the activities of KP groups for children who do not attend preschool educational institutions, indicating the specific educational services provided by the institution in the section "Educational Activities" with a complete list of them.

5. An agreement with parents (legal representatives) who wish to use the services of a short stay group (including additional ones).

6. Staffing.

7. Job descriptions

The following documents are also required for the work of the PCU:

Statement of parents on enrollment of the child in the GKP;

Agreement with parents (legal representatives);

The daily routine and daily routine of the group (the mode of operation of the short stay group is established in accordance with the age and psychophysical characteristics and capabilities of the children, as well as taking into account the needs of parents (legal representatives);

Class schedule (network of direct educational activities) taking into account the recommendations of SanPiN;

List of children;

Educational programs;

Medical report on the state of health of the child;

Attendance sheet;

Basic curriculum;

A long-term work plan for the sections of the educational program;

Planning of educational work.

The acquisition of the GKP is carried out both on the same-age and on the principle of different ages, in accordance with the charter of the preschool educational institution. The occupancy of short-stay groups is established depending on the type of group in accordance with the regulation on the GKP of this focus. Enrollment of children in the GKP occurs on the basis of an application from parents (legal representatives), a medical report on the state of health of the child.

Relations between an educational institution with short stay groups and parents (legal representatives) are regulated by an agreement concluded in the prescribed manner.

Possible models of functioning of short stay groups.

Model 1. Organization of short-term stay of children in the GKP in 2-3 shifts. (For example: children come to a certain time for a short period: from 09.00 to 12.00, from 12.00 to 15.00, from 15.00 to 18.00.)

Model 2. Organization of short-term stay of children in a specially equipped room.

Model 3. Organization of short-term stay of children in the assigned group of kindergarten.

Model 4. Stay of parents in the group with the child.

The content of the educational process in the GKP is determined by the educational program of the preschool educational institution. Taking into account the specifics of the CP groups, the educational process should be organized as compactly as possible, so that in the conditions of compressed time not to miss a single important direction in the development of the child and, at the same time, not to turn his life into a change of classes in "academic subjects".

According to the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education, the program should ensure the versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas: physical, social and personal, artistic and aesthetic, cognitive and speech.

It is advisable to use partial educational programs, because non-specialized comprehensive programs for the development of children are quite difficult to adapt to the conditions of a child's short stay in kindergarten. This is due primarily to the fact that comprehensive programs are mainly designed for a child to stay in kindergarten all day, as well as the peculiarity of group recruitment - short stay groups are completed throughout the year and, mainly, according to the principle of different ages. In addition, the chosen program should “allow” organizing regime moments in such a way that a number of the most important upbringing and educational tasks are solved in a complex.

The program must:

Comply with the principle of developing education;

Combine the principles of scientific validity;

Ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals;

Be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas;

Based on the complex-thematic principle of building the educational process.

The participants in the educational process are pupils, parents (legal representatives), teachers of preschool educational institutions.

In planning the educational process, one of the requirements for organizing the activities of short-stay groups is necessarily taken into account, namely, the rationality of using the time spent by the child in kindergarten.

The organization of the upbringing and educational process in groups of short-stay children also depends on several factors, namely: the model by which the group functions, the type of group, the age of the children attending the group.

The educational process in the GKP is based on the balance of the free independent activity of children and the joint activity of an adult with children. An adult attracts children to classes without psychological coercion, relying on their interest in the content and form of activity and activating it with his partner participation. In the classroom, visual methods are widely used (showing objects, a sample, methods of action); verbal (questions, instructions, explanations); game methods and techniques, surprise moments, in view of the peculiarities of the perception of children of this age, the teacher's story is rarely used. It is possible to hold themed evenings, events, matinees, holidays in a group. This form of work helps the child get used to the new surroundings, helps to create a good mood during their stay in preschool and forms a desire to go to kindergarten again and again (without tears).

Depending on the direction of the group's work, the goals and objectives of the educational process are determined, justified in the regulation on the group of short stay.

The organization of the upbringing and educational process is impossible without careful preparation, first of all, of educators who work directly with children. The educator should have a clear enough idea of ​​what goals are realized when building the pedagogical process, what results should be achieved, be able to design, analyze, build a development perspective for each child in the group based on psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

The activity of specialists working in the GKP consists of a systematic, diagnostic-based, corrective work with pupils and advisory assistance. To do this, a psychologist and other specialists must select diagnostic tools, be ready for close cooperation with teachers, a pediatrician, parents, and develop a program of action individually with each child and with the group as a whole.

The work of teachers in the GKP provides for various forms of interaction with the parents of children in order to ensure the continuity of the upbringing and education of the child. A child entering a kindergarten for a short stay spends almost all his time with his family. The influence of the family is so great that pedagogical work with a child in kindergarten seems impossible without taking into account the peculiarities of life and the upbringing of children in the family. On the one hand, on the other hand, the parents themselves make certain demands both on educational work in kindergarten and on the system of interaction between the teacher and the family. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a close relationship between the family and the preschool educational institution in order to obtain information about the level of development and the current state of each child, which will underlie the subsequent planning of pedagogical influences, their adjustment and organization of work with parents. It is recommended to involve parents in the leadership of the preschool educational institution (through participation in the work of the parent committee, the board of trustees). It is also necessary to use various forms of work with parents in order to involve parents in the educational process. At the same time, one should not forget about the effectiveness of an individual approach to each child and to each family based on taking into account their interests, abilities and capabilities; based on a systematic discussion with parents of the successes and problems of their child.

The indicator of the effectiveness of work in this direction is:

Satisfaction of parents with the nature of their interaction with teachers and heads of preschool educational institutions;

Satisfaction with the work of the preschool educational institution;

Satisfaction with the degree of awareness about the kindergarten in general;

About the activities of the group

About the child, etc.

Forms of work with parents in the GKP:

Parent meetings (traditional and non-traditional forms);

Doors open day (excursion-acquaintance with the institution, general recommendations for admission of a child to the GKP);

Joint game sessions of parents and children;

Open viewing of classes;

Consultations, seminars, workshops, trainings;

Visual methods of work: stands, screens, sliding folders, exhibitions of children's works, booklets, etc.;

Joint holidays and entertainment;

Open viewing of classes (direct educational activity).

Educators gradually include parents in joint games, classes; learn to use toys, objects, play space, events taking place in the children's team.

The change in the degree of participation of parents in the pedagogical process occurs according to the scheme:

Educational activities in the GKP are carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading), the main form of organizing educational activities of preschool children and the leading type of activity for them is a game (with taking into account the individual abilities, opportunities and interests of each child).

Working with children involves the use of a wide variety of didactic, educational games, entertaining exercises, experimental games, game and problem situations, elements of modeling and design.

The most important point is the organization of the subject-spatial environment, despite the fact that activities are organized in different rooms, the basic principles are observed: rationality, availability of materials and manuals, multi-level (ensuring self-realization of children with different levels of development).

In the group room, a working part for classes and space for free activity should be allocated. Zones for role-playing games, experimentation, didactic games, construction, manual labor, reading and looking at books, a panel is provided for the exposition of children's works.

On the territory of the kindergarten, equip a playground for walking, a sports ground, an environmental center, a garden.

The organization of the subject-developing environment in groups has its own specifics: in early age groups there is more open space, zones with a sensory focus, a play area for the development of basic movements. In older groups, corners for entertaining mathematics, experimental work, local history and environmental education, as well as theater corners and areas of artistic and speech orientation should be equipped. All groups are equipped with didactic and technical teaching aids, children's literature in accordance with the program being implemented. And for the teaching staff, it is necessary to have an educational and methodological complex (methodological literature, visual-demonstration and didactic handouts for the sections of the program being implemented).

There are also some requirements for the organization of a subject-developing environment:

The subject-developing environment must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements and standards;

The design of groups can be varied depending on the conditions and possibilities of the institution;

Furniture, object-playing and developing environment should correspond to the psycho-physiological characteristics of children of this age;

Design of groups - close to the home environment (comfort, coziness, design aesthetics);

The subject-game environment is diverse, multifunctional and variable.

The play space should meet the needs of the child in social development.

To introduce the child to the natural world, it is important to have natural corners in the group;

It is necessary to determine the subject area for role-playing games, theatrical games, design, artistic creativity, etc.

Observation, care of plants and animals will help to realize the child's need for communication with the living world, in the formation of elementary labor skills.

A feature of these groups is the task of fulfilling the basic component by means of developing games in the conditions of a short stay of children, therefore the subject-developing environment should be provided with the maximum possible variety of educational and didactic aids.

When organizing a subject-developing environment, it must be taken into account that play furniture should preferably be light and on wheeled devices so that children can create their own “interior”. A prerequisite is compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area of ​​the room should not be less than the prescribed norms. The room for the group is bright and spacious. It is better to paint the walls from floor to ceiling or paste over with light wallpaper (but with a certificate of conformity).

You can also “deepen” 1-2 walls by painting them with a landscape with a good perspective. In order to visually enlarge the room, one wall can be equipped with mirror coatings (this is also good for observing children's movements, their beauty and plasticity). It is better to use not ordinary curtains, but only upper lambrequins or blinds. Each preschool institution, when registering a group, proceeds from its own conditions and capabilities. The design of the group can be varied.

Since a prerequisite is sufficient space for the movement of children, the less things in such a room, the better.

Flowers are also advisable to place as a decoration. Indoor plants for decorative purposes in wall recesses, in various niches, as well as on the floor along the window in special stands.

Close attention in terms of protecting the health and preventing fatigue of children in the process of organized or independent activities deserves the need to provide this group with rational children's furniture. (It is important that the sizes of tables and chairs correspond to the height of the children, have the appropriate markings).

On the floor it is desirable to have a solid carpet. It is important that the subject-developing environment, the playing environment, all materials, their composition correspond to the psychophysiological characteristics of this age group (early, younger preschool and senior preschool age).

It is advisable to carry out the education and development of children in various forms of organizational activity - both in subgroups, and individually, and frontally, and on the street, and in the form of travel, fabulous transformations, etc., but the use of an abundance of various games and toys is always expected. Preference is given to various didactic and educational games in all areas of development and education of children.

When arranging the toy fund, care must be taken that the toys are different: didactic, plot-shaped, musical, theatrical, sports, fun toys. A toy theater and an abundance of sensory materials are required (various turrets, pyramids, liners, nesting dolls, geometric mosaics, etc.).

In a group of kids, a safe mini-stadium in the form of soft ropes is desirable for balance exercises (you can sew them yourself); a hanging carousel with bells, a ladder-slide, etc. It is good if such a group contains a “dry pool” filled with colored balls. If it is possible to use more than one room, it is convenient to place a mini-winter garden with live plants and animals nearby. Here you can place an aquarium with fish, a terrarium, bird cages, a mini-fountain, a table with soft clay for creativity, developing hands, and relieving psycho-emotional stress. Such a "kindergarten" could have a different purpose - rest, relaxation room. The stylization of the design of the premises is interesting, for example, under the jungle. You can transform the whole room into a forest clearing with a fountain, paths, stump chairs (with back support). You can put a "magic chest" in which natural material is stored (cones, seeds, nuts, pebbles, shells, etc.).

When organizing a subject-developing environment, of course, we must not forget that an active, enterprising child can only be where he feels himself in a warm, cozy house, open to him, his friends, educators and parents.

The subject-developing environment created in this way in the preschool educational institution is expedient, creates a comfortable mood, and contributes to the emotional well-being of children.

The basis of a child's comfortable stay in a preschool educational institution is the psychological climate created in it. The relationship between pupils and teachers is built on the basis of universal values ​​of equal partnership, respect for the dignity of a small person. The position of adults is to proceed from the interests of the child, the policy of communication is cooperation.

The benefits of having a child in a PCU are obvious:

Development of the child's independence, self-service skills;

The system of classes with children aimed at physical development, development of speech, intelligence, general outlook, artistic, musical abilities;

A variety of gaming activities, visual material, role models in the process of gaming actions, relationships; constant guidance from an adult;

Formation of the ability to communicate with peers, live in a team (yield, help, share, interact from a position of cooperation);

Gaining the skill of independence in establishing various kinds of contacts, gaining experience in interacting with other people, children without the direct participation of the mother.

List of used literature

  1. Averina I. E. Groups of short stay: Organization and content of work. - M .: Iris, 2004 - 176s.
  2. Bakharovskaya MN To the head of the preschool educational institution: Adaptation group of short stay Organization and content of the work.- Publishing house: Uchitel, 2012 - 80s.
  3. Babunova TM (editor) Short-stay group: For young children. - M.: Sphere, 2010 - 112s.
  4. K.Yu. White. Guidelines for the organization of work on groups of short-term stay of children in a preschool educational institution Invites a kindergarten - M .: Linka-Press, 2002. - P. 76.
  5. G. A. Danilina, V. Ya. Zedgenidze Normative and legal support and the procedure for organizing short-term stay groups in preschool educational institutions. - Publishing house: ARKTI - 248s.
  6. Koroleva S. From work experience / / Preschool education - 2002 No. 1 - p.48
  7. Morozova E. Short stay group: my first experience of cooperation with parents // Preschool education - 2002 No. 11 - p.10

    “We go to kindergarten, but only for a couple of hours,” such a phrase can be heard from mothers whose children attend short-stay groups. Some come only for a walk, others for classes, and still others are in the kindergarten with their mothers. As it turned out, the forms of the first acquaintance with a preschool institution can be different. found out what a short-stay group is and whether enrolling in such a group affects the general queue for kindergarten.

    Many parents, having looked into the electronic queue at the kindergarten, are surprised to find that the child has the status “Visiting a short stay group”. This happened to Elena, the mother of a two-year-old girl: “I went to check if the queue had moved and if we could get a ticket to kindergarten this year. Saw my daughter magically attending a short stay group. However, no one informed us about this. I called the kindergarten, they offered to undergo a medical examination and walk with the children on the kindergarten playground.

    Short day groups may vary

    Short stay groups appeared in Chelyabinsk a long time ago, now they are in many preschool institutions of the city. “Short-term stay implies the presence of a child in kindergarten from three to five hours a day, but despite this, he is a full-fledged pupil participating in educational activities. At this time, food is not included and the hour, that is, the baby comes, for example, after breakfast, attends classes, walks, then they take him home, ”explains Chief Specialist of the Committee for Education of Chelyabinsk Tatyana Batalova.

    According to Tatyana Batalova, how long a child can be in kindergarten and what is included in the educational program, each educational organization decides on its own: “In some kindergartens, there are so-called mother's schools, when mothers are in a group with the child. But if the kindergarten does not have the opportunity to allocate a separate teacher and a room for the whole group, then the child is accepted into a regular group or invited only for a walk.

    Children attending the short stay group in kindergarten No. 31 are lucky, a separate playroom has been created for them, in which they can stay with their mothers. “We accept up to 25 people in such a group, there is no end to those who want to get to us,” says Deputy Head Svetlana Alabugina. - Toddlers aged 2-3 years are with us from 10:00 to 13:00. This time includes classes and walks. A speech therapist, a psychologist, a music worker, and a physical education instructor work with children. All this is free. As soon as we receive a license, parents will be able to choose additional paid educational services so as not to take their child to different parts of the city. Mothers are very grateful to us, because in the classroom they see how easy it is to tell a child about complex things, how to play with him, what forms of developmental activities there are. It is very important for us to teach parents and children to interact with each other.”

    In kindergarten - without dropping out of the queue

    Upon learning that a child is enrolled in a short stay group, parents begin to worry that they have not been enrolled in a priority kindergarten. But these fears are unfounded. “This is a kind of invitation from a kindergarten. Parents should understand that they have the right to accept or refuse this invitation. In any case, visiting a short stay group does not affect the order and cannot be a reason for refusing to provide a place in a full-day group and does not mean at all that a place will be provided in this particular kindergarten, ”explains Tatyana Batalova.

    If parents agree that their child attends a short stay group, then they need to provide the child's medical record and conclude an agreement with the educational organization.

    The Committee for Education of the city of Chelyabinsk emphasizes that short stay groups are a good option for parents whose children have not yet been provided with places in kindergartens. Such groups allow kids to better adapt to kindergarten, learn to communicate with peers, spend time interestingly and profitably.

    An invitation from a kindergarten to visit a short stay group can be received throughout the year, but parents can call the kindergarten of their choice and find out if such a group functions in the institution, if there is a free place in it.

    Parents can also ask all questions of interest by calling the preschool education department of the Committee for Education of the city of Chelyabinsk at 263-68-18.

    Original material:

    I have an entry in my journal about how my son attended such a group. in general, it is very good if the kindergarten is near the house
