Which pensioner will receive 5 thousand? The Pension Fund has clarified the timing of a one-time payment to pensioners of five thousand rubles

Many pensioners are interested in the question of whether the government will repeat the one-time payment of 5,000 rubles, as it did in 2017.

We hasten to disappoint pensioners, no - no such payment is planned. This was a single measure taken by the government in order to compensate for losses from rising prices. But pensioners, both working and not, will not be left without increases in the new year.

What can non-working pensioners expect in 2019?

From January 1, 2019, insurance pensions will be indexed, the increase will be 7.05 percent. In monetary terms, this is approximately 400-1000 rubles.

Social pensions, received by those who do not have a single day of work experience (disabled people, disabled children, those who have lost their breadwinner, etc.), will increase by 2.4 percent from April 1. Depending on the disability group, it ranges from 105 to 300 rubles.

What can working retirees expect in 2019?

Pensioners who are officially employed may not count on indexation in 2019. The government continues to follow its course and deprives such pensioners of money, despite the fact that contributions to the pension fund from their salaries are made regularly.

The only support measure remains the recalculation of pensions in August. It is calculated based on the value of the pension point; in 2019 it is 87 rubles 24 kopecks. The increase can be a maximum of 3 such points or 261 rubles.

Pensioners should be given a one-time payment in 2019 in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. This was announced by Dmitry Medvedev, a politician and head of the Cabinet of Ministers. Such a payment should be made from the state instead of indexation of the pension.

A one-time payment to pensioners was already paid earlier in 2016 and 2017. This happened with the impossibility of indexing the additional pension then. Now they have decided to issue a lump sum payment because this method will be much more convenient and easier to index.

According to the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, Dmitry Medvedev, measures to issue a lump sum payment to pensioners in 2019 were taken due to the unstable financial situation in the country. The White House sanctions have significantly affected the financial situation in the country, so the federal treasury is now experiencing a shortage of funds. Pensioners in Russia are the most vulnerable part of the population, so it was unanimously decided to make a lump sum payment in January 2019.

Previously, a similar law had already been adopted in 2016 and 2017, since it was impossible to carry out additional indexation of pensions then. Therefore, pensioners received compensation in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. Now this law has been adopted so that every year at the beginning of the year in January, pensioners, along with a pension on the card, will receive a one-time payment of 5 thousand rubles.

Thus, every year the country’s authorities allocate 220 million rubles to improve the lives of pensioners, and send them to 43 million people.

Who can receive a lump sum payment at the beginning of 2019

Pensioners who have officially entered their well-deserved retirement will be able to receive an additional payment to their pension. To receive a one-time payment, you do not need to write applications or fill out forms.

Additional payments in the amount of 5 thousand rubles will be available to:

Former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military personnel;

Employees who have reached retirement age;

Disabled people;

People who have lost the only relative who supported them.

As reported, even pensioners who have a job after retirement but receive pension benefits will also be able to receive a lump sum payment. Russian pensioners located abroad will not be able to receive additional funds. They have every right to file a complaint with the court that they were not paid compensation in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of a lump sum payment in 2019

A one-time payment of funds to pensioners has its advantages in that the financial situation of the country does not incur large costs, such payments are much more comfortable and faster, payments provide a bonus for employed and unemployed persons.

But every good thing has its downsides. With further indexations, this payment will not be included in the bill; moreover, its size is quite small given modern costs. Pensioners will initially be happy about the increase in their pension, but then they will again begin to demand indexation. True, officials have been promising to increase the pension amount since 2019.

The money will be transferred in January next year. The one-time payment will replace indexation, which is usually carried out twice a year and protects the income of the older generation from inflation. Thus, the state is ready to support pensioners, despite the lack of money in the budget.

Support retirees, no matter the cost. The fall in treasury revenues is almost 11% in the first six months; the budget deficit is not a reason to refuse to fulfill promises. The price of the issue is more than 200 billion rubles. But trust in the state is much more important.

More than 44 million pensioners will receive a one-time payment. All of them, including those who are still working, are discussing this news.

“The one-time compensation will be provided to absolutely all pensioners - both working and non-working, without differentiation,” noted Deputy Government Chairman Olga Golodets.

“A one-time payment of five thousand is very good. There would be no indexation for working pensioners, but there would be a payment. There would be no indexation for who receives a social pension, but the payment would be for all pensioners,” said Rimma Kostina, chairman of the regional branch of the Union of Pensioners Russia" Nenets Autonomous Okrug. But there are more than 10 million working pensioners today.

“The state understands that pensioners with a small pension are forced to work; they also bring benefits to the country by working in low-paid positions. This is truly a sign that the state hears this category of pensioners. Most pensioners receive a salary below the average in the Russian Federation, below 13 thousand rubles. Therefore, the estimated figure of five thousand rubles not only compensates for those expected indexation payments, but exceeds them,” explained Valery Ryazansky, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, Chairman of the Presidium of the Central Board of the Union of Pensioners of Russia.

There are almost twenty million people whose pension is below 13 thousand rubles.

“I believe that this is a fairly socially responsible decision in the current difficult situation, which for people who receive low pensions, below 13 thousand rubles, will be even higher than the indexation that would be possible in full, so this is the right decision,” I am sure Mikhail Tarasenko, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the sixth convocation on labor, social policy and veterans' affairs.

“The annual indexation that occurs with our pensions in the amount of 4% increases our pensions by an average of 200 to 500 rubles. And a one-time compensation in the amount of 5 thousand rubles, calculated for five months, will cover expenses,” said Lyudmila Salnikova, activist of the Union of Pensioners of Russia.

It is not surprising that many experts generally had doubts whether the state would be able to handle such spending in a difficult economic situation. Both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development opposed it, but social obligations are a constant priority.

“This decision is, to a certain extent, hard-won, not only by expectations, but also by economics, calculations, and rather lengthy disputes. We know how many disputes we had to endure with the financial and economic bloc of the government. This is a very correct and expected decision in all respects,” says Valery Ryazansky.

Pensioners are already making plans on how they will spend the promised 5 thousand rubles. Many who live in villages are mainly going to invest it in improving their homes. There are already a lot of expenses, and the money allocated by the state is significant help.

Viktor Astapov used to be a foreman at the Moscow Metro Construction. He retired and moved to the Smolensk region.

“We believe that pensioners in our time are in a normal position. Pensions come monthly, stably. We survived the 90s, when we did not receive pensions for years,” said pensioner Lyubov Sysoeva.

The state will continue to support pensioners. 270 billion will be allocated for the already familiar indexation of pensions in February next year.

“I take the principled position that we need to speak honestly with people, not promise something that we cannot fulfill today, but fulfill what we previously promised, even in a slightly different form. Indexation of pensions and February indexation will be carried out in the usual way form based on the results of accumulated inflation for 2016, that is, in full. When preparing next year’s budget, the Ministry of Finance must also provide money for indexation based on the results of 2016. This will require more than 270 billion rubles,” said Dmitry Medvedev.

Of course, the Ministry of Finance has difficult work ahead. But the main thing is the immutability of social obligations, the government emphasizes. This is why pensioners are calm: they will definitely need money for everything.

It will be produced from January 13 to January 28, 2017, reports Gazeta.Ru. These delivery times apply to all pensioners, regardless of whether they receive their pension through Russian Post or another delivery organization.


For those who receive a pension according to the schedule from the 3rd to the 12th, the payment will be made within the same time frame and delivered to their home. The payment will be made on the basis of the documents contained in the payment or pension file, so there is no need to contact the Pension Fund or submit an application. The organization emphasized that all the necessary funds for a one-time payment - 221.7 billion - are included in the budget for 2017.

Let us remind you that in the new year the pension system will face a number of serious changes. For example, the indexation of social payments will return to its previous order. This means that the amount of insurance payments will increase in accordance with the level of actual inflation, and state pensions - taking into account the cost of living.

Thus, social payments for non-working pensioners will increase by approximately 5.8% and amount to 13,657, according to the website of the Russian Pension Fund. Together with the insurance pension, the size of the fixed payment to it will increase to 4,823.35, as well as the cost of the pension point - to 78.58 rubles (in 2016 - 74.27 rubles).

Meanwhile, data from a survey conducted by Rambler/Novosti showed that more than a third of Russians know nothing about the funded part of pensions. To the question “How did you manage the funded part of your pension?” 41% noted that they left it in the Russian Pension Fund. 22% transferred the funded part of their pension to a non-state pension fund, and 1% of respondents transferred it to a private management company. Meanwhile, 36% of respondents do not know at all about the existence of the funded part of the pension. Just under three thousand people took part in the survey.
