Ylang-ylang oil for the face - benefits and uses. Ylang Ylang Oil for Face: Recipes for Effective Home Remedies Essential Oil Ylang Ylang Cream

Good afternoon!

Essential oil of ylang-ylang for facial skin works just wonders! It can rightfully be called the oil of beauty. After all, by adding just a drop of oil to your favorite cosmetics, you can get an absolutely amazing effect.

Today we will take a closer look at the use of ylang-ylang for the face. After all, we spend so much time in front of the mirror, looking for the best products for the skin. And sometimes simple homemade recipes can help us. And I already talked about how they get it!

Ylang-ylang oil slows down the aging process of the skin, as it stimulates the growth of new cells in the deep layers. The skin after applying masks with its addition becomes smooth and elastic.

Ylang-ylang also regulates the sebaceous glands, so it is suitable for both dry and oily skin. Due to the fact that the production of sebum is normalized, this aromatic oil helps very well with problem skin, with acne and blackheads.

Ylang-ylang rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, evens out its texture, as it were, polishes, gives it a satin sheen and silkiness. If you add ylang-ylang to the bath, your body will like it very much, and you will put your state of mind in order.

In addition, this procedure will give the body a light aroma that your chosen one will appreciate. After all .

This oil can be added to cream, lotion, tonic, milk for the skin of the face, hands and body.

Just don't overdo it! Ylang-ylang oil is very strong and if you exceed the recommended dosage, it can cause headaches. Therefore, use the recommended doses, and sometimes even less. 1 drop per session is enough.

Nourishing face mask.

You need to take 2 tsp. aloe vera juice (you can take a pharmacy one, or you can take a natural one if it grows on your windowsill). Add 1 tsp honey (if there is no allergy), 1 tsp. olive or almond oil and 2 ylang-ylang oils. Mix everything and apply on cleansed face. Keep for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water or a decoction of herbs.

Mask for dry skin.

1 tbsp. warm oatmeal (in milk or water, as you like to cook for breakfast) and add 1 tsp. olive or sunflower oil and 2 drops of ylang-ylang and 2 k. . Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask works well on thin skin with a vascular pattern.

An all-in-one avocado face mask.

- a very useful fruit for the skin. Moreover, the benefit will be from using it both internally and externally.

Take 2 tsp. avocado pulp, mash well with a fork and add 1 k each of ylang-ylang and eucalyptus oils. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water or a decoction of linden or chamomile. The mask gives the face a beautiful color, saturates the skin with oxygen

An oil massage blend for the face.

Take your favorite base oil. It can be jojoba, grape seed, peach or almond, or a mixture of these oils. For 50 ml of base oil, add 5k ylang-ylang, 2k patchouli, 2-3k. , 2-3 k. lavender.

Apply the oil mixture on a cleansed face, make a light massage, leave for 15-20 minutes, blot the rest with a napkin.

The skin from such a massage comes to life just before your eyes. It is better to do it in the evening an hour before bedtime.

Homemade tonic lotion for oily skin.

You can take in equal parts a mixture of herbs - chamomile, horsetail, willow bark, oak bark, mint. If there is no component, you can do without it. 1 st. l of the mixture should be brewed with a glass of hot water in a thermos, let it brew for 4-5 hours, strain and cool.

Combine the resulting solution with vodka in a ratio of 1: 1 and add 2 k. ylang-ylang, 2 k. geranium oil and 1 k. (if you did not use mint grass). Wipe problem skin in the morning and evening. Perfectly tightens pores and dries.

Cosmetic ice for the face.

Take 1 cup of boiled water and add 1 teaspoon mixed with 3-4 drops of ylang ylang to it. Stir until the honey is completely dissolved. Pour the solution into molds and freeze in the freezer. Wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning and evening. It tones and refreshes the skin.

You can add 1 s to the water instead of honey. l. dry red wine, especially if you are allergic to honey.

In addition to skin care for the face and body, ylang-ylang oil is great for hair care. But more on that in another post.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is obtained from the delicate yellow flowers of a tree that grows in the tropics.

A lesser known plant name is fragrant kananga. The oil extracted from the petals has a sweet, tantalizing aroma with a spicy undertone.

It is widely used in perfumery and cosmetology, it is often added to massage products.

Ylang-ylang is used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. It contains antiseptic substances can help in the treatment of various skin diseases.

The oil is available in several grades, only grades are applicable for adding to facial products Extra and Grade I.

More low in quality varieties are more often used in the production of deodorants, shampoos, massage oils.


Cananga oil can be beneficial to the skin due to its unique composition. It contains:

You can learn about the beneficial properties of castor oil for facial skin from ours.

What type of skin is suitable for?

The amazing properties of cananga oil have a positive effect on any skin type:

  • at excess fat the work of the sebaceous glands decreases and the normal balance is restored;
  • dry skin receives the necessary nutrition and restores elasticity;
  • normal skin receives an additional "charge" of moisture and enhances its protective properties.

Ylang-ylang oil has been successfully used for many skin problems:

  1. Nourishes dry and damaged.
  2. Restores elasticity of aging skin.
  3. Reduces inflammation with a tendency to occur acne.
  4. Helps with dermatitis, eczema and other diseases.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

How to use?

First of all, it should be noted that oil should not be added to finished cosmetic products to avoid unexpected reaction.

Ylang-ylang alone can only be added to homemade masks.

Pure oil is also Absolutely forbidden use - it is permissible to add a few drops to three to four teaspoons of base oil or prepared mask mixture.

Oil treatments can be done no more than twice a week and their duration should not exceed 20 minutes.

How to use ylang ylang oil from wrinkles? Essential oils have proven to be excellent helpers in the fight against wrinkles, as they are able to penetrate deep into the dermis and stimulate regeneration processes from the inside.

The problem is that they can't be used. in its purest form.

How to use the oil in the fight against acne? Ylang Ylang has powerful antiseptic properties. In addition to preventing the spread of germs, the oil speeds up skin healing and reduces inflammation.

The decrease in activity of the sweat glands, which is facilitated by the use of ylang-ylang, is also effective in treating acne. Cosmetologists recommend several ways treatment skin oil:

Mask Recipes

Since the oil is suitable for almost any type of skin, there are a lot of recipes for masks using it.

All components of mixtures - only natural, since the combination of ylang-ylang with chemical components can lead to unpredictable results and harm the skin.

Moisturizing mask: You will need half an avocado or a ripe banana. Mash the fruit with a fork in a bowl, add 2 drops of oil. We apply on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Rejuvenating mask: We take the protein of one egg, add a spoonful of heavy cream to it. The resulting mixture is combined with 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil and 3 drops of orange oil. We apply the mask for 20 minutes three times a week.

Mask for acne prone skin: We need a tablespoon, add three drops of kananga and four drops of lemon juice to it. Apply morning and evening for a course of ten days.

Skin scrub: Take a tablespoon of sea salt, add the same amount.

Add 5 drops and 3 drops of ylang-ylang to the mixture.

Thoroughly cleanse the face with a prepared scrub, after washing off, apply a light moisturizer.

The effect of the application

Oil is highly valued in cosmetology due to its ability to renew skin from within and have a therapeutic effect. Just a few drops of a miracle cure can heal the skin in several directions at once:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • stimulate regeneration processes;
  • restore elasticity;
  • regulate sebaceous glands;
  • accelerate healing;
  • prevent the spread of germs;
  • restore the protective functions of the skin;
  • have a healing effect on the skin after intense sunburn.


The rest should not exceed the dosage, as the spicy aroma can cause headache. Do not forget that the oil is not recommended to be mixed with purchased creams. The rest of the ylang-ylang is enough safe.

Finished products

If you do not have extra time to prepare a mask at home, you can use ready-made products that contain miraculous oil.

It is quite widely represented in the cosmetology market.

A fairly well-known Czech company Botanicus launched a series of facial moisturizers using cananga oil.

If you are worried about acne and inflammation, in this case the company has created a cream for problem skin based on the healing properties of the same oil.

The company has a wider choice "Secrets of Lan". Ylang-ylang is part of the moisturizing cream, serum for the skin of the eyelids, cleansing mask. For problematic skin, you can purchase a peeling with cananga oil and a refreshing tonic.

Nature has awarded the flowers of the ylang-ylang tree with valuable healing properties. Properly use this gift can be both anti-aging and anti-inflammatory purposes. Just a few drops of essential oil will help maintain youthfulness and freshness of the face.

Homemade mask recipe for combination and breakout-prone skin in this video:

Yellow flowers of fragrant Kananga allow you to get fragrant and healthy ylang-ylang oil. For the face, it is used as an additive in basic skin care products. Ylang in cosmetology is a long-standing, but very effective substance. Most often it is used for hair restoration.

But for the skin of the face, it can be a salvation from many problems. Let's figure out how to use it correctly in order to achieve the maximum effect.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is not only a well-known aphrodisiac, but also a remedy that is suitable for all types of facial skin. It is indispensable in solving many problems with the epidermis. In particular:

  • reduces the production of subcutaneous fat by the sebaceous glands, which means it makes the face matte, without acne, acne and enlarged pores;
  • helps relieve irritation, eliminate itching and flaking on sensitive and delicate skin;
  • actively moisturizes dry epidermis, helping to preserve its youth and reduce signs of aging.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use ylang-ylang oil for any part of the skin in its pure form. A couple of drops of the product in a jar of cream or for a mask will be enough to get the desired effect.

The chemical composition of the oil makes it a storehouse of substances useful for the skin:

  1. Esters help even out the relief of the epidermis, improve its condition and appearance.
  2. Phenols contribute to the activation of subcutaneous microcirculation.
  3. Monoterpene alcohols - disinfectant, which helps to reduce inflammation, acne and pimples. Remove fatigue from the skin and contribute to its toning.
  4. Organic acids rejuvenate and protect the face from aggressive environmental influences.


There are certain contraindications in the use of oil. Ylang-ylang should be used not only in a diluted form, but also:

  • in a small amount, since its excess can lead to headaches, nausea, dizziness, and an allergic reaction;
  • it is forbidden to use during pregnancy, lactation, low blood pressure;
  • age limit - up to 9 years;
  • not recommended for use by persons with a sensitive sense of smell;
  • An allergy test must be carried out to find out that even diluted oil will not cause allergies.

Home Use: Proven Mask Recipes

Ylang-ylang oil for facial skin can be used at home. It is most often used as an aid in face masks. Its properties and application directly depend on the goals:

  1. Hydration. To do this, mix avocado pulp puree (banana, persimmon or melon) with a couple of drops of oil. Soak on the face for a quarter of an hour, rinse. The mask is suitable for daily use, it is best if the base product changes so that the epidermis is saturated with various useful substances and rejuvenated.
  2. Elimination of pimples and acne. Dilute 3 drops of ylang-ylang oil in a teaspoon of jojoba oil, to which a drop of lemon ester is added. Apply to cleansed face and leave for no more than 10 minutes. Ylang-ylang oil is used for nails in the same form, applied to the nail plate cleaned from varnish.
  3. Rejuvenation. Mix a tablespoon of fat sour cream with the same amount of olive oil and oatmeal. Add a teaspoon of May honey and two drops of ylang-ylang oil to the mixture. Apply to face, neck and décolleté for half an hour. Such a mask can be used daily, but it is better to combine it with other rejuvenation products. This will give the best effect.
  4. Cleansing. Soak a teaspoon of sea salt in grape seed oil with a drop of ylang-ylang added to it. Rub into the skin with massaging movements for no more than 3 minutes. Wash away. Instead of the above abrasive, coffee can be used, but only very finely ground. No need to rub or press hard when applying.
  5. Emergency rejuvenation. Dilute 10 drops of oil in a beaten egg white, to which a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of natural yogurt or kefir are added. You can add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. Apply to the area of ​​deep wrinkles for 30 minutes. The effect of the mask is observed immediately, but it lasts no more than 6 hours. Do not abuse such a mask, it can cause headaches. Use it only in emergency cases.
  6. Toning. In a tablespoon of jojoba oil, add a teaspoon of sandalwood ether with the addition of 2 drops of ylang-ylang, frankincense and vetiver. Apply to cleansed epidermis for no more than 5 minutes. If you double the amount of the first two products, then the resulting mixture can be used as a massage oil.
  7. Reduced pigmentation. The following esters are added to the beaten egg white: 5 drops of jojoba, 2 drops of lavender, a drop of ylang-ylang, lemon, tea rose. Application: apply for 5 minutes on cleansed and steamed face skin. Use no more than twice a week.
  8. Peeling. In rice chopped with a blender - 2 tablespoons, add 4 drops of ylang-ylang and avocado ether. Leave on the skin for 10 minutes, blot with a tissue, rinse.
  9. Removal of irritation. In a tablespoon of peach oil, add 7 drops of rose ether and 3 drops of ylang-ylang and myrrh. Rub into the skin of the face, blot the excess after 10 minutes. The benefits of such a mixture will be for anti-cellulite massage.
  10. From enlarged pores. Introduce 2 drops of ylang-ylang into a tablespoon of cucumber gruel and apply to problem areas for 30 minutes. Wash away. It can be added to any mask that tightens pores and eliminates acne, the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of ether, so as not to provoke a headache or irritation.

Review of store cosmetics for the face with ylang-ylang

Ylang-ylang essential oil and its use for the beauty of facial skin is actively used by manufacturers in their cosmetic products:

  1. Mask-film "Ylang-Ylang" from the Chinese manufacturer "Secrets of Lan" is actively used to combat black dots and greasiness of the epidermis. A 100-gram package of the product will allow a couple of months to remove black dots from the T-zone. Promotes cellular regeneration and rejuvenation due to its composition, which, in addition to ylang-ylang oil, includes tea tree ether, sage, and white clay.
  2. Foam "Gentle Friends" from the Ukrainian manufacturer "Celandine". Suitable for dry and delicate skin to cleanse or remove make-up. Promotes rejuvenation of the epidermis, actively nourishing it. No less effective against oily and combination skin problems due to its antiseptic properties. Thanks to its rich composition, it perfectly removes toxins, rejuvenating the face.
  3. Mattifying face cream "Ylang-Ylang" from the Chinese manufacturer "Secrets of Lan". In addition to fighting acne and pimples, it actively moisturizes the skin. It contains not only ylang-ylang ether, but also perilla basil, camellia sinensis. And thanks to hyaluronic acid, effective facial rejuvenation occurs. A tube weighing 50 grams is enough for a couple of months of use.
  4. Clay mask "Ylang-ylang" from Spivak. The properties of the oil and all the effectiveness of ylang-ylang, combined with white clay kaolin, allow you to make the skin supple, smooth, with cleansed and narrowed pores. This makes it indispensable in the care of both dry and problem skin. Fine particles of white clay cleanse the epidermis without injury, while beneficial esters soothe and normalize its functioning.
  5. Oil from TM "Krasa". The main ingredient of the product is cedar oil, ylang-ylang is used in a smaller amount here. It can be used in its pure form not only for the face, but also for the whole body. Apply to clean skin no more than once a week. A 50-gram dark glass bottle lasts for several months of regular use. Completely organic.

Most of the world's population is concerned about the problem of acne on the face, and the vast majority of those who suffer from this problem are teenagers who really want to look attractive during growing up. Acne and acne not only spoil the appearance, which significantly reduces self-esteem, but sometimes leave behind indelible scars and scars. One of the remedies that help fight such an unpleasant defect is the magic oil of ylang-ylang, which, due to its antiseptic properties, can effectively stop skin inflammation.

Before starting the fight against such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is worth consulting a specialist who will help establish the nature of the appearance of inflammation on the skin: is it acne or isolated cases of acne and blackheads.

Both blackheads and pimples are inflammations of the sebaceous glands, which are formed as a result of blockage of pores by sebaceous plugs (comedones), which in appearance resemble black dots on the skin. Sometimes the inflammatory process is accompanied by the formation of pus.

Before cleansing acne and pimples, consult a doctor

Causes of inflammation of the skin of the face

Several reasons contribute to the formation of acne and pimples.

  • For example, in adolescence, their occurrence may well be caused by hormonal disruptions in a growing organism. In such cases, the most correct therapeutic effect will be to maintain the cleanliness of the skin and proper care for it.
  • Another reason for the appearance of acne and blackheads is malnutrition. In other words, this is eating a large amount of fatty, sweet and spicy foods, as well as coffee.
  • Allergic reactions (including the skin) to various adverse factors (dust, air, sun, salt water, etc.) are also a source of skin inflammation.
  • Experiences, stress, insomnia can eventually lead to malfunctions in the body, as a result of which acne may also appear.
  • Another way to get trouble on the skin is the presence of a hereditary predisposition to this.

Proper nutrition contributes to good skin condition

Competent treatment of inflammatory processes

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of inflammatory processes leading to the appearance of acne and blackheads, this problem should be treated with the due degree of attention. At the same time, you should not self-medicate, but to reliably get rid of the disease, seek help from specialists who will clarify in advance information about the benefits and harms of the means that are planned to be used.

You can stop inflammatory processes and prevent their appearance on the skin in various ways, one of them is the use of various means, including face masks prepared on your own at home. Various essential oils often act as components of such preparations, including ylang-ylang oil, which has powerful healing powers.

Essential components on guard of cleanliness of the face

If the cause of inflammation on the skin is a stressful condition caused by a number of adverse factors, then before starting the treatment of the external manifestation (pimples), it is worth giving the body a rest and relaxation. To do this, it is quite possible to use the secrets of aromatherapy. For example, the application of such a simple method will have a relaxing effect: put a few drops of a mixture of essential oils on a dish and put it in a warm place, for example, on a battery. The composition of such an essential composition can include oil of ylang-ylang, lavender, geranium, cedar. In just a few minutes, the magic oily liquid will fill the room with a pleasant aroma that can fight stress. Experts do not recommend using more than four drops of ylang-ylang oil per fifteen square meters of space.

  1. Ylang-ylang oil, in combination with other essential oils, can be added to bath water. The duration of such procedures should not exceed half an hour. At the same time, any essential oil, including ylang-ylang, does not dissolve in water, therefore it must be applied to sea salt before use, and then dissolved under a strong stream of warm water.
  2. Essential oils perfectly enrich the composition of ready-made cosmetics. However, it is preferable to use a completely natural base (it is better if it is prepared independently). Ylang-ylang oil, for example, can be added at the rate of two drops per twenty grams of base.
  3. Many cosmetologists with the appearance of acne and acne recommend using steam baths for the skin of the face to gently open the pores and cleanse them. Acne will be cured if citrus essential oils, ylang-ylang oil are added to the water used for such purposes.

Another effective remedy that helps fight acne is masks. Regular use of self-made face masks will help to quickly get rid of acne. Masks for acne and acne based on aloe juice, calendula, egg white have long proven themselves. Ylang-ylang oil can also be used as a component to combat unpleasant rashes. For example, with it you can prepare a mask according to the following recipe. To prepare such a remedy, you need to take two drops of ylang-ylang and lemon essential oils, mix them with jojoba transport oil and apply the composition on your face. Wash off the mask after half an hour with cold water in large quantities.

Ylang Ylang oil is famous for its spicy, exotic scent. Its sweet smell with floral and fruity notes has a relaxing and calming effect on a person, and also stimulates erotic attraction. However, this fragrant extract is used not only in the field of aromatherapy. It has unique medicinal and cosmetic properties. Aromatic oil has a complex effect on the skin, nourishing, healing and rejuvenating it. With the addition of ylang-ylang ether, homemade face creams and masks will not only be as useful as possible, but will also be saturated with a heady aroma.

Benefits of ylang ylang oil for face

The natural ether of ylang-ylang is considered a universal remedy for all skin types:

  1. With increased fat content, it narrows the pores, gives the face a matte color and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  2. If you have problematic, acne-prone skin, ylang ylang will help you deal with acne and blackheads.
  3. Aromatic ester is often used to combat inflammation such as dermatoses and eczema.
  4. For those with dry skin, ylang-ylang oil extract will help to moisturize and soften the face as much as possible.
  5. The tool helps to cope with the first signs of aging, tightens the oval of the face, improves its color, smoothes fine wrinkles.
  6. If you have sensitive skin, then fragrant oil will soothe inflamed areas, relieve itching, remove peeling, relieve redness and irritation.

Video: Olga Mamistova aromatherapist, the main properties of ylang-ylang oil.

How to use ylang ylang oil for face

Oil extract of ylang-ylang flowers has a magical effect on the skin. But to achieve an excellent result is possible only with the correct use of this fragrant ether:

  1. To create homemade cosmetics, use only proven products. Get them at a pharmacy or other specialized stores.
  2. Ylang-ylang Extra grade oil is considered the most valuable for the skin.
  3. Concentrated esters should not be applied to the skin in its pure form.
  4. They need to be added to the base oils in a few drops.
  5. It is not recommended to combine ylang-tlang extract with purchased creams. This mixing can cause a chemical reaction with unpredictable effects on the skin.
  6. Add essential oils only to homemade masks, all ingredients of which are natural and safe.
  7. Before applying to the face, test the prepared product on the wrist.
  8. Remember that masks with essential oils should be kept on the face for no more than 20-30 minutes.
  9. It is most convenient to remove the product with a cotton pad, then you can wash your face with warm water.
  10. If you do not have allergies, then the cream with ether of ylang-ylang can be used daily, and therapeutic masks every other day.

Ylang Ylang Natural Facial Recipes

The ester of ylang-ylang is never used in its pure form. In extremely small doses, it can be added to home cosmetics for flavoring and enrichment. Choose mask recipes depending on your skin type and the problems you would like to solve:

Moisturizing mask for dry skin.

It is used for optimal nutrition and hydration of epidermal cells, helps to remove flaking, softens and soothes overdried skin.

Avocado - ½ pc.
Banana - ½ pc.
Ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops.
Rosewood oil - 1 drop.

1. Take a small banana and an avocado.
2. Peel the fruit.
3. To prepare the mask, half of each of these exotic fruits is enough.
4. Thoroughly mash their flesh with a fork.
5. In the resulting gruel, add a couple of drops of mala ylang-ylang and a little bit of rosewood.
6. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the composition on the face.
7. Such a fragrant application should be kept for 20 minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.
8. It is recommended to do a moisturizing mask 3-4 times a week, in courses of 10-15 procedures.

Purifying scrub mask for oily skin.

Thanks to the abrasive particles, the mask has an effective scrubbing effect, it cleans the pores well, removes dead skin flakes and removes greasy shine.

Honey - 1 tsp
Coffee - 2 tsp
Yogurt - 1 tsp
Grape seed oil - 1 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops.

1. For this mask, coffee of the finest grinding is suitable.
2. It must be thoroughly rubbed with honey and yogurt.
3. Add grape seed oil to the resulting mixture and drip a little ylang-ylang ether.
4. It is recommended to apply the scrub mask to the entire face, neck and décolleté.
5. Massage the skin a little first, then leave the mask on your face.
6. After 15 minutes, the product can be washed off.
7. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the skin with cool water mixed with lemon juice (1 small spoon per cup of water).
8. This scrub can be used no more than 2 times a week.

A rejuvenating mask with whitening properties.

The tool has a mild scrub effect, helps to remove the layer of dead cells, thereby fighting wrinkles and improving the appearance of the face, brightens and tightens the skin.

Honey - 1 tsp
Hercules flakes - 1 tbsp. l.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops.

1. Hercules flakes need to be ground in a coffee grinder.
2. Mix oatmeal with sour cream and leave to swell for 20-25 minutes.
3. Add liquid honey and olive oil to the resulting gruel.
4. Last but not least, we drip a couple of drops of ylang-ylang ether.
5. Apply the product on the face with massaging movements, rub it in a little.
6. It is recommended to keep the anti-aging application for at least 20 minutes, then wash with water.
7. The procedure can be carried out every other day for 2-3 weeks.

Homemade cream for all skin types.

It nourishes and moisturizes, gently cares for the skin and prevents its premature aging, a pleasant aroma calms the nervous system and helps relieve stress.

Cocoa butter - ½ tbsp. l.
Wheat germ oil - 1 tsp.
Apricot oil - 1 tsp
Ylang-ylang oil - 3 drops.

1. Solid cocoa butter should be melted in a water bath (or just in a microwave).
2. Add wheat germ oil and olive oil directly to the hot base.
3. When the mixture cools down a little, drip ylang-ylang and mix everything.
4. After 5 minutes, the cream will begin to thicken and acquire the consistency of fatty sour cream.
5. The product can be applied to the skin of the face and neck every day before going to bed.
6. Due to its gentle action, the composition is suitable for the area around the eyes.
7. Store the cream in a closed jar in a dark place away from direct sunlight.
