Matryoshka dolls for kids educational materials. Card index of didactic games with matryoshka dolls for primary preschool age

to develop the ability not only to select parts of an object, but also to combine them in accordance with the picture.
Material : (painted matryoshka doll 8-10 cm high, inside which there are two nesting nesting dolls, the smallest of which is non-removable) Game actions :
The teacher puts a matryoshka doll on the table.
The child is taught to open a nesting doll, taking out another one, and to close it correctly, combining the parts of the picture.
Goal: to teach how to find, at the request of an adult, identical, but different in size objects; improve finger motor skills, coordinate hand movements;
teach how to combine toy parts according to a drawing.
Material : (painted nesting doll containing two more collapsible nesting dolls) Game actions :
All the nesting dolls that the baby takes out are lined up with a ruler.
Attention is drawn to the largest, smaller and smallest.
Pay attention to the pitch of the voice with each matryoshka (the little one speaks in the thinnest voice).
Chairs, cups, beds, etc. are selected for nesting dolls.
Didactic game
Didactic tasks:
consolidate children's knowledge about the folk toy - the nesting doll and the ability to identify figures by size; cultivate respect and love for folk art.
Material : card with silhouettes of nesting dolls - their houses, nesting dolls of different sizes.
Game rules : It is correct to “populate” the nesting dolls into their houses.
Didactic tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about the folk toy - matryoshka,

consolidate the ability to assemble a nesting doll from parts using the mosaic method, highlight decoration elements; cultivate respect and love for folk art.
Material : nesting dolls made of paper (cardboard), divided into several parts.
Game rules : assemble a whole nesting doll from individual parts. The one who collects the most nesting dolls wins.
Goal: to teach how to act as an aunt with collapsible toys of three sizes - large, smaller, small; learn to compose objects from two parts, focusing on their size and position in space;
Develop finger motor skills and eye; learn to select objects in the ratio “large, smaller, small”; find an object of intermediate size.
Material: three collapsible nesting dolls (10-12, 7-9, 4-6 cm high).

Oh, matryoshka dolls,
Good - can't tell!
Children love you very much
Play in our group.
Bright cheeks, scarves,
Flowers along the hem.
Having fun dancing
Bright bouquets.
(N. Gorchakova)

Sensory game TRI-COLORED MATRYOSHKA Target . Continue to teach your child how to correlate objects by size.

To develop the ability not only to select parts of an object, but also to combine them in accordance with the picture.
Improve fine movements of fingertips and hand coordination.
Material. A painted nesting doll (8-10 cm high), accommodating two more nesting dolls, of which the smallest is non-removable.
The teacher places a beautiful matryoshka doll on the table in front of the child.
He shakes it, imitates a knock in his voice: “Knock, knock, knock!” Who's there?"
He opens the nesting doll and takes out a second one.
“Two nesting dolls came to visit you.”
Then he puts the small matryoshka doll into the larger one and closes it.
Invites the child to get the second matryoshka doll on his own.
The teacher suggests closing the parts of the first, large nesting doll, correctly aligning the handles and apron. She demonstrates this moment herself: she places it on her palm and turns it so that the baby can see the aligned parts of the drawing.
The actions with the second nesting doll completely repeat the first part of the lesson.
In the third part of the lesson, the child puts all the nesting dolls into one large one, combining the design of the upper and lower halves.
If it is difficult for a child to complete a task on his own, the teacher should help him.
Target. Teach children to compare objects by size (big - small), using appropriate adjectives in speech.
Material: two houses, two nesting dolls, two Christmas trees, two mushrooms, different in size.
Once upon a time there were two nesting dolls - a large one and a small one. They were friends and always walked together. And most of all, the nesting dolls loved to dance.
Guys! Let's ask the nesting dolls to show how they dance. Say it like I did: “Matryoshka dolls, please dance!
(The children repeat the request in chorus, the nesting dolls “tag” in the hands of the teacher.)
And who wants to ask the nesting dolls to dance?
(Individual 2-3 answers.)
But we have two nesting dolls, and both love to dance. First, let's ask for a large matryoshka doll. Repeat after me: “Big matryoshka, dance a little!”
(Children repeat in chorus. The matryoshka “dances.”)
Who else wants to ask the nesting doll to dance?
(Individual 1-2 answers.)
How well the big matryoshka can dance! Now let's see how the little matryoshka can dance. Only for this you need to ask her nicely. Who wants to ask a little matryoshka to dance?
(Individual 1-2 answers.)
While our nesting dolls were dancing, it became cold outside, and they decided to build themselves houses. Only the nesting dolls don’t know who should build which house. Who is big and who is small? Can we help them figure this out?
(Children's choral response.)
What kind of big matryoshka house should we build?
9 (Choral response.)
And the little one?
(Children's choral response.)

The nesting dolls planted a Christmas tree near their houses. The big matryoshka planted which Christmas tree? (Children's choral response.)
What about the little one?
(Choral response.)
A mushroom grew near each Christmas tree. What kind of fungus has grown on the big Christmas tree?
(Choral response.)
What kind of fungus grew on the little Christmas tree?
9 (Choral response.)
At the end of the lesson, the teacher makes a generalization in several questions, encouraging inactive children to answer them.
What nesting dolls came to visit us?
(Big and small.)
What kind of house did the big matryoshka build? What about the little one?
What kind of Christmas tree did the little matryoshka plant? What about the big one?
Under which Christmas tree did a small fungus grow? What about the big one?
(Individual responses from children are assumed.)
Now, guys, guess the riddle:
Friends of different heights
But they look alike.
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy.
Didactic game “MORE - LESS”
Didactic task: to train children in distinguishing, comparing the size of nesting dolls (more, less, the same), to cultivate attention.
Here is the mother doll, I don’t know where the daughter is.
The little one is hiding, that's what she is!
A small daughter appeared
With her is a matryoshka mother, a sight for sore eyes! (S. Rezshchikova)
Didactic game “JOURNEY OF NESTING DOllS”
(counting, comparison, spatial orientation)
Objectives: Practice comparing the number of objects.
Practice the ability to compare two objects by size and denote the results of comparison with words (high Christmas tree, low bush). Improve the ability to determine the position of an object using the prepositions on, in, behind, before, under.
Equipment: a sheet of cardboard with a river, bridge, boat, spruce, bush with berries, flowers pasted on it; nesting dolls
Educator: Place sheets of cardboard in front of you. What is shown on them? River, bridge, flowers, boat, Christmas tree, bush with berries. This is where our nesting dolls will go. First, one nesting doll set out on its journey. She decided to go ahead and take a closer look at everything. Take one nesting doll in your hands and place it in front of the bridge.
Then the nesting doll decided to cross to the other side of the river. Place the matryoshka doll on the bridge. The nesting doll crossed the bridge and stopped behind it. Place the nesting doll behind the bridge. The matryoshka approached the Christmas tree and decided to rest in its shade.
Place the matryoshka doll under the Christmas tree. What's growing next to the Christmas tree? Bush with berries. The nesting doll looked at the Christmas tree, then at the bush and decided to compare them. Which Christmas tree and which bush? The Christmas tree is tall and the bush is low.
And there is beauty all around! How many Christmas trees? One. How many flowers? A lot of. How many bushes? One. How many berries are there on a bush? A lot of

Mathematical game “ONE AND MANY” Target : to develop the ability to find one or many nesting dolls in the environment.
Material : drawings depicting one or several nesting dolls, wooden nesting dolls.
Target: consolidate the ability to group homogeneous and correlate dissimilar objects by color.
Material: drawings of nesting dolls of different colors, circles, stripes of different colors.
Printed board game “PAIRED PICTURES” Didactic task: to train children in comparing nesting dolls, in finding similarities and in selecting identical images, to cultivate attention and concentration, to form speech, and to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.
We love nesting dolls very much,
Multi-colored clothes,
We weave and spin ourselves,
We're coming to you to play!
Board-print game
Didactic task: to train children to compose a whole object from two or four parts.
Speech game "MATRYOSHKA" Target: teach children to correctly use the adjectives “big”, “medium”, “small”;
distribute objects into groups depending on their size.
Equipment: 3 nesting dolls of different sizes, 3 chairs for them, one large house, 3 indoor plants of different sizes and a small toy watering can.
The game is that the children need to distribute all the objects by size: large, medium, small. Then the teacher asks why the children pulled up a large chair and a flower for the large nesting doll, and a small one for the small one. Then the leader asks the children to close their eyes and at this time removes one of the objects. Kids need to not only guess what is missing, but name exactly what is missing, for example, a middle chair or a large nesting doll.
Speech game with the movement “MATRYOSHKA, WHERE ARE YOU?” Target: to develop the ability to slow down one’s action or, conversely, to begin to act on a speech signal.
Material : wooden composite nesting doll.
Progress of the game.
Children sit on chairs arranged in a circle around the teacher.
The adult shows the nesting doll, discusses with the children what color the dress is, the handkerchief on the nesting doll, and how the toy closes and opens. (
You shouldn’t linger long in the conversation.)
Then the teacher, asking the children to put their hands behind their backs and wait, walks around the chairs behind the children with measured steps. He holds a matryoshka doll in his hand and says in a recitative:
I walk, I wander, I hold a matryoshka doll,
I’ll take it in half and hand it to the kids.
He imperceptibly places half a nesting doll into the hands of the children sitting on opposite sides of the circle and whispers:
You sit quietly, don't say anything,
Don’t look at it yourself, just hold it in your hand.
Suddenly he says in a thin voice: “Matryoshka, where are you, show yourself, please!”
Children who have a nesting doll (half) in their hand run out to the middle, connect both halves and give it to the teacher.
Speech game with movement “RUSSIAN NESTING DOllS”
The children picked up the Russian nesting dolls and the children's hands began to spin quickly.
These are the Russian nesting dolls
Etc. hand. holding a matryoshka doll in front of .
Brush pr.r. unfold right left.
Matryoshka dolls came out for a walk
Our feet walk on a straight path
These are what, these are the little crumbs
These are the Russian nesting dolls
. Hand with a toy, children move to the left. hand, which is located in the horizon. floor. Perform foot stomps Brush pr.r. unfold right left.
They hid behind the back of the nesting dolls. They wanted to play hide and seek a little.
These are what, these are the little crumbs
These are the Russian nesting dolls.
Children hide their hands behind their backs Children shake their heads
Matryoshka doll waving a handkerchief to everyone
And then the baby lies down and rests
Bye-bye, bye-bye, little crumbs
Russian nesting dolls are falling asleep, falling asleep
Brush pr.r. tilt up, down . Children fold their hands into a “shelf” and quietly wiggle. (At the end of the game, children raise the index finger of their left hand to their lips and quietly say: Shh!) Finger

And we, and we have rosy cheeks.
We are Matryoshkas, these little ones,
And we, and we have clean palms.
We are Matryoshkas, these little ones,
And we, and we have fashionable hairstyles.

We are Matryoshkas, these little ones,
And we, and we have colorful scarves.

We are Matryoshkas, these little ones,
And we, and we have red boots.

Didactic game for developing a sense of rhythm “CHERRY GIRLFRIENDS” Game material
Demonstration: flat cardboard figures (5 pieces), painted in Russian style
You can use options: all dolls are the same size, but painted differently, or dolls of different sizes (like nesting dolls) wearing clothes with different patterns, etc.
Handout: two wooden spoons for each child.
Progress of the game The figures stand on the table one after another in a column. Children sit in a semicircle or in a checkerboard pattern, facing the table. The Russian folk melody “The Moon is Shining” sounds.
Musical director . Meet us guys, our cheerful friends have come to visit us: Dashenka, Glashenka, Sashenka, Irinushka, Marinushka. (Puts them out in one line.) They love to dance and want to teach you. This is what Dashenka can do!
The music director takes a matryoshka doll and taps out a rhythmic pattern with a wooden stand-reel. Children repeat the rhythm with wooden spoons. You can give the children cubes and sticks in their hands, simply clap the rhythm with your hands or stamp your feet. The figures can be of different sizes (from small to large), in this case the rhythms are given in order of complexity (from easy to more complex). Rhythms can also be demonstrated to children by playing them on the piano.
A game that develops attention and auditory perception
Target: develop the ability to listen to a task to the end, comprehend it and perform appropriate actions;
distinguish between actions that are opposite in meaning (to go up - to go down).
Material : cubes, two nesting dolls, two dolls in dresses of different colors, a basin of water, a crib, a car.
Progress of the game: An adult builds a ladder from cubes. At its base and on the top step he places a nesting doll.
Then the adult asks the child: “Help the matryoshka go down the ladder!” If the child does everything correctly, he is praised and asked to tell how the matryoshka came down from the ladder (jump-jump-jump).
The child is offered the following tasks:
help the matryoshka climb the ladder (the adult teaches the child to accompany the rise of the nesting doll with the words: up, up... and up); Ride the matryoshka doll that stands on the ladder in the car (the child rolls it and says: “Forward - back, forward - back.”
You can come up with other tasks.
In this game, children discover a new quality of objects - size. They are offered a Russian folk toy - matryoshka. The design of the nesting doll provides an element of surprise, surprise, which attracts children, creates an emotional upsurge, and arouses interest.
Rules of the game direct children to perform various actions with the toy (comparing nesting dolls by height). It is also important that in this game children can use their already acquired skills to distinguish the color and shape of objects. Success through familiar actions instills self-confidence, which in turn promotes cognitive engagement in solving a new problem.
The game is story-based.
It reproduces life situations close to the experience of children. The educational significance of the game lies in the fact that it promotes the formation of friendly relationships, teaches children to express their desires in the appropriate speech form (both in content and intonation). In addition, kids learn to fulfill each other's requests.
Game material .
It is advisable to have a complete set of nesting dolls (souvenir), including 10-12 items. If this is not available, you can use two or three sets of ordinary five-seater nesting dolls, which are available in all kindergartens. You also need to have a block or strip to separate one group of nesting dolls from another.
Description of the game and methods of its implementation.
The teacher, with the help of the kids, arranges chairs and places a large table opposite them at a short distance. The children sit down more comfortably, and the adult puts a large matryoshka doll on the table: “Look what a beauty has come to us!” Everyone admires the nesting doll and examines it. The teacher asks what the matryoshka is wearing, what color is its sundress, scarf, etc. Having admired the toy, he picks it up and says in surprise: “It’s somehow heavy. Maybe there's something there? Let's get a look!" Holding the lower part of the nesting doll with one hand, he lifts the upper half with the other, saying the following words with the children: “Matryoshka, matryoshka, open up a little!” The process of opening the nesting doll is deliberately slightly delayed in order to increase the anticipation and curiosity of the kids.
Having opened it, the children and their teacher are surprised and admire it. The new nesting doll is placed next to it, facing the children, and viewed like the first one. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the nesting dolls are of different heights. He asks which one is taller, what color is the handkerchief of the one that is taller and that of the one that is shorter. Then, picking up a new nesting doll, he again offers to find out if there is anything else hidden in it. The children again say the same words in chorus (“Matryoshka, matryoshka, open up a little!”), and the next matryoshka appears. This continues until all the nesting dolls come out.
Having lined them up in order of height, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that each nesting doll is dressed differently and that each subsequent nesting doll is smaller than the previous one by a whole head. After that, he divides the large and small nesting dolls into two equal groups and says that all the nesting dolls, like children, go to kindergarten, but only the large nesting dolls will go to the older group, and the small ones to the younger group. A place is allocated on the table for the younger and older groups (fenced off with a stick, a block, a line, etc.). The teacher calls the children one by one and gives them an assignment - to take any nesting doll that he chooses to the senior or junior group. This question is decided by the child himself. All other children, together with the teacher, check the correctness of his actions. When all the nesting dolls fall into the appropriate groups, the teacher sums it up, that is, he emphasizes: “The taller nesting dolls ended up in the older group, they are larger, and the smaller nesting dolls came to the younger group, they are still small. When they grow up and go to the senior group. Now let our nesting dolls do a little round dance, and we’ll sing them a song!” The teacher calls several children, gives each of them two nesting dolls standing next to each other, and offers to show how the nesting dolls walk. one after another. All children sing a song together with the teacher. "Stop! - says the teacher. “Let’s play loaf now.”
The summoned children place the nesting dolls in circles (in both groups), and two round dances are formed on the table. “Let’s play loaf with you and teach nesting dolls,” the teacher suggests to the other children. The kids form a round dance and play a familiar game. Then everyone takes their places, and the teacher calls for new children, who, holding the nesting dolls in their hands, while the others sing (“This is this wide, this is the dinner, loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want!”) show how, i.e. expand and contract the circle, jump up, bend over, etc.
“Now our nesting dolls will go for a walk,” the teacher suggests. - The elders will lead their sisters from the younger group. First, let’s gather the matryoshka dolls from the older group for a walk.” He instructs one child to build large nesting dolls one after the other in height. Then, calling the kids one by one, he gives a new task: for each large matryoshka, find a pair among the small ones, according to its height. Having called one child, the teacher invites him to take the largest nesting doll, go with it to the younger group and find its sister, that is, the largest among the nesting dolls of the younger group. Having chosen a pair for a large nesting doll, the child takes both nesting dolls to the other edge of the table. The first couple is ready for a walk. The remaining pairs of nesting dolls are selected in the same way. This is how this version of the learning task is solved.
Then the teacher calls other children who move the nesting dolls (walk with them) around the table. The nesting dolls move freely, run, jump, etc. At the end of the walk, they are again lined up by height. Other children are already doing this, and everyone else is watching them and, if necessary, correcting mistakes.
“Now let’s play differently,” says the teacher. “The nesting dolls will hide each other.” He picks up the smallest nesting doll, places it opposite the one next to it and, as if on her behalf, asks: “Sister, sister, hide me!” “Tell me what color the handkerchief is on me,” the matryoshka replies, “then I’ll hide it!” The little nesting doll answers, and the larger one opens and hides it.
The teacher calls two children and instructs them to play with the next two tallest nesting dolls. Everyone else listens carefully to the dialogue between the nesting dolls. Another pair of children acts with the next pair of nesting dolls, and the game continues until all the nesting dolls are collected into one big one. “Here she is, our greatest beauty,” says the teacher. The matryoshka is placed in a prominent place, and the game ends there.

Story game “FUNNY MATRYOSHKA” Features of the game and its educational significance.
In this game, children learn to distinguish and compare objects according to different qualities of size. They are offered several variants of the task: compare objects by height, compare the sizes of planar and volumetric figures, etc.
Her plot character is important for the development of creative initiative in independent games and prepares children for role-playing play. Game, visual memory, thinking, spatial imagination. All this is very important for the mental development of preschool children. It is carried out with a small group of children (five to six people).
Game material.
Two sets of five-seater nesting dolls, two sets of different-sized circles (plates for nesting dolls), a turret made of hollow cubes. If such a toy is not available, it can be replaced with elements of building material from which nesting doll houses are built. In addition to the items listed, a homemade stadiometer is used. It can be made from a pyramid by removing all the rings from it. The nesting dolls will be placed on the pyramid stand, and one of the rings will be placed on the matryoshka’s head. On a vertical tablet, which is installed at the back, you can use a pencil to mark the growth of the nesting dolls.
Description of the game and how to play it .
At the invitation of the teacher, the children sit at a common table on which there is a nesting doll. The adult turns to the kids: “I want to play funny nesting dolls with you, but I see that there is only one nesting doll here, but where are the rest? (Looks around, then picks up a matryoshka doll and shakes it.) Something is rattling in the middle. Let's see what's there. (Takes off the top half of the nesting doll.) It turns out that’s where they all hid! (All the nesting dolls are lined up in a row.) Let’s get to know them!” The teacher calls the name of each nesting doll, tilting it: “I am Matryosha, I am Natasha, I am Dasha, I am Masha.” Etc. Each child chooses one of the nesting dolls (the teacher takes one doll). The game begins.
First, the nesting dolls walk (walk on the table). Then they are called to the nurse to measure their height. They line up one after another and, one by one, starting with the smallest one, stand on the height meter, and the teacher lowers the ring and, together with the children, notes how tall each of the nesting dolls is. He asks the children and clarifies which nesting doll is the tallest, which is a little lower, which is the lowest, which is a little taller. Then all the nesting dolls go to dinner. The teacher puts on the table a set of circles (plates) of five sizes, calls the children in turn, who select the appropriate plates for their nesting dolls. After lunch, the nesting dolls get ready for a walk. The teacher and the children select girlfriends of the same height for their nesting dolls. Pairs of nesting dolls move around the table. Then they run away and mingle (“The nesting dolls wanted to run”). Unnoticed by the children, the teacher removes a pair of nesting dolls of the same height from the table: “It’s time to go home,” he says, “get into pairs!” The nesting dolls are lined up in pairs, and suddenly it turns out that a certain pair of nesting dolls is missing. The teacher invites the children to call the nesting doll by name (if they remember). Everyone asks her to come back in unison. At the request of the teacher, the children show where the pair is missing. The nesting dolls appear, the kids put them in place, and the toys go home.

The teacher puts on the table a tower made of hollow cubes (one side is missing) - these are houses for nesting dolls. At the request of the teacher, each child finds a home for his nesting doll. The nesting dolls bow, say goodbye and go to their houses.
Rules of the game.
1. Each player chooses a matryoshka doll. He must remember her name and act with her in accordance with the learning task. The teacher takes one of the nesting dolls and shows a clear example of game actions.
2. Participants in the game must listen carefully to the teacher and carry out the actions that he suggests to them.
Thematic outdoor game “HIDING THE MATRYOSHKA” Target : development of attention, ability to navigate in space, distinguish between left and right sides.
Progress of the game
The adult hides a large matryoshka doll familiar to the child so that it is slightly visible. Saying: “Where is the nesting doll? Look for the nesting doll!”, the adult looks for it together with the children.
When the child finds the toy, the adult hides it so that it is more difficult to find.

After playing with the matryoshka doll, you can play the game “Hide and Seek”.
Outdoor game “RUN TO THE MATRYOSHKA!” Target : ability to navigate in space, strengthening the muscles of the torso and legs, development of motor activity.
Progress of the game

Children sit on chairs. An adult with a matryoshka sits opposite the children, against the opposite wall. He turns to the children and says: “Run to the nesting doll!”
When the children come running, the adult hugs them and says: “They came running, they came running!” Well, now run back!”
The children turn and run back. The adult says after them:
"Run away, run away!"
Children sit on chairs.
“Are you rested?” - asks the adult.
“Well, run again to the nesting doll, run, run! Who is faster?"
Outdoor game “MATRYOSHKA WALKED ON THE PATH” Target: teach children to match children with words.

Matryoshka dolls walked along the path
There were a few of them
Two Matryonas,
Three nesting dolls,
And one nesting doll.
I embroidered a flower
Zhu-Zhu heard
A bee sat on a flower
All the nesting dolls ran away.
They walk in a circle after the matryoshka doll.
They approach the house
A bee flies out
He's catching up.
Everyone runs away.


From afar, from afar
A matryoshka came to visit us.
I was going to the guys
I spent a long time dressing up.
And I see, our boys,
They will be more beautiful than anyone else in the world.
I'll play a little
Well, hurry up, catch the matryoshka doll
Well, hurry up, run quickly.
You catch up with the matryoshka.
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit,
I'll take a look at the guys.
I'll play ball with them,
Well, catch, catch, catch
Be careful not to drop it!
The bouncing ball is tired,
I'll put it in my pocket.
I'd better get a pipe
I will play for the guys.
Let the kids dance
The children's legs are good.
Look like a matryoshka doll
Claps his hands loudly
And the guys weren’t far behind
And they knocked on their palms.
I'm leaving the kids.
Saying goodbye to your little ones
I'll wave my hand.
She runs, the children catch up with her.
She sits down and the children play with her.
He takes a ball out of his pocket and rolls it towards the children.
He plays, the children dance.
Children clap their hands.
They wave goodbye.

Program content: using music to enrich and expand children’s understanding of the nesting doll; enrich children's auditory experience and create a stock of musical impressions; develop an elementary aesthetic perception of music, emotional responsiveness to it, its character and mood for the musical image accessible to the child; to introduce children to the expressive performance of simple dances and round dances, to arouse the desire of children to participate in them with pleasure and to connect movements with music; encourage children to actively participate in musical and rhythmic activities, conveying the features of musical sound; encourage initial creative manifestations in singing and rhythmic activities.

We are nesting dolls (2 rubles)
These are the crumbs
Like ours (2 r)
Clean palms.
We are nesting dolls (2 rubles)
These are the crumbs
Like ours (2 r)
New boots.
We are nesting dolls (2 rubles)
These are the crumbs
Let's play, let's play
On their accordions.
We are nesting dolls (2 r)
These are the crumbs
Let's dance, let's dance

To your accordions.
They hold their fingers to their cheeks and nod their heads from side to side.
Showing a nail
Show their palms.
They hold their fingers to their cheeks and nod their heads from side to side.
Showing a nail
Place the legs and arms on the belt.
They hold their fingers to their cheeks and nod their heads from side to side.

Showing a nail. They pretend to play the harmonica, stretching them out.
They hold their fingers to their cheeks and nod their heads from side to side. Showing a nail. They spin around, raising one arm above their head.
All! (bow with arms outstretched)


We are nesting dolls (2 r)
Legs are invisible under the dress
Very long sundress
And it has a big pocket.
Top-top legs,
Top-top legs,
Oh yes, we are nesting dolls!
Oh yes, we are nesting dolls!
We are nesting dolls (2 r)
We carry spoons in our pockets
To dance merrily
Knocking spoons loudly
Clap-clap of a spoon,
Spoon clap
Oh yes, we are nesting dolls!
Oh yes, we are nesting dolls!
Children put their feet on their heels
Children spin around, stomping their feet (stompers)
Children squat (spring)
They knock with spoons.


We are around matryoshka dolls
They stood up in a round dance
Bright handkerchiefs
We took everything into our hands.
You, matryoshka, look, look-
It's the kids dancing.
We are around matryoshka dolls
We walked merrily, (2 r)
They walked with their feet.
You and I are matryoshka
Let's play hide and seek.
Guess it, matryoshka,
Where are all the guys!
And now, matryoshka
It's time for us to say goodbye.
It's time for us to say goodbye
Bow low.
Children wave handkerchiefs in front of them, standing in a circle.
The children are spinning.
Children, holding up their handkerchiefs, walk one after another in a circle.
Children squat down, covering themselves with handkerchiefs.
Children wave their handkerchiefs, “say goodbye”, bow.
Dance game
We are nesting dolls
We are all babies (2 r)
We want to dance a little.
We are nesting dolls

We are all babies (2 r)
We have new boots.
We are nesting dolls
We are all babies (2 r)
We want to run a little.
We are nesting dolls
We are all babies (2 r)
Let's take a walk along the path.
We are nesting dolls
We are all babies (2 r)
Oh, our legs are tired.

Standing still, they shake their heads left and right, spin around in place, and stamp their feet.
Standing still, they shake their heads left and right, spin around in place, and slowly put forward one or the other leg.
Standing still, they shake their heads left and right, spin around in place, and run after the teacher.
Standing still, they shake their heads left and right, spin around in place, the children follow the teacher and fan themselves with both hands as they go (it’s hot).
Standing still, they shake their heads left and right, spin around in place, squat down, supporting the left elbow with their right hand.

Educator: did you rest?
We are nesting dolls
We are all babies (2 r)
Our feet are dancing again.
We are nesting dolls
We are all babies (2 r)
Everyone will bow to the nesting dolls.

They stand still, shake their heads left and right, spin around in place, turn right and left.
Standing still, they shake their heads left and right, spin around in place, and bow.
Game – dance “MATRYOSHKA” Target: developing a sense of rhythm, mastering various dance movements
Material: handkerchiefs
Progress of the game
Adults and children wear bright scarves. The adult sings and dances, and the children imitate his movements.
We are nesting dolls
We are all little ones
We want to dance a little.
Standing still, they shake their heads left and right, quickly spin around, and stamp their feet.
We are nesting dolls
We are all little ones
We have new boots.
Standing still, they shake their heads. Slowly put one or the other leg forward.
We are nesting dolls
We are all little ones
We want to run a little.
They run forward after the adult.
We are nesting dolls
We are all little ones
Let's take a walk along the path.
They follow the adult, fanning themselves with their hands as they go - it’s hot.
We are nesting dolls
We are all little ones
Oh, our legs are tired!
Squat down, supporting the left elbow with the right hand.

In the interval between verses, the adult asks the children: “Have you rested?” After this, everyone gets up and continues dancing.

We are nesting dolls
We are all little ones
Our feet are dancing again!

They turn now to the right, now to the left.

We are nesting dolls
We are all little ones
Everyone will bow to the nesting dolls.
They bow.

Physical education moment "MATRYOSHKA"

Clap your hands
Friendly nesting dolls.
Clap in front of yourself.
Boots on my feet,
Matryoshka dolls are stomping.

Hands on the waist, alternately placing the right leg forward on the heel, then the left.

Tilts left - right.
They bowed to everyone they knew.
Head tilts left - right.
The girls are naughty
Painted dolls.
In your colorful sundresses
You look like sisters.
Turn the torso right - left, hands to shoulders.
Okay, okay,
Funny nesting dolls.
Clap your hands in front of you.

Physical exercises, visual gymnastics and color discrimination
Equipment: handkerchiefs of yellow, green and red colors; demonstration pictures with nesting dolls in sundresses of yellow, red, green and blue colors.
Performed in a standing position. Based on the poem “Matryoshka” by E. Medvedeva.
I have a nesting doll, a new toy,
A nice fat girl in a yellow sundress.

And if you open it, there’s a second one sitting in it,
Everything is green, like young grass in spring...
Find this nesting doll with your eyes, take a scarf of the same color as the sundress of this doll. Raise your hand with the handkerchief up and wave to the matryoshka doll.
And if you open the second one, there’s still a matryoshka doll there,
That nesting doll is a baby in blue,
Find this nesting doll with your eyes, take a scarf of the same color as the sundress of this doll. Raise your hand with the handkerchief up and wave to the matryoshka doll.

It contains your favorite nesting doll.
She's all like the color of poppies: she's wearing a sundress,
Scarlet, like a flower, and matching the color of the scarf,

I treasure her more than anyone, I love her more than anyone
A small crumb - a red nesting doll.

Find this nesting doll with your eyes, take a scarf of the same color as the sundress of this doll. Raise your hand with the handkerchief up and wave to the matryoshka doll.

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 11" Plast


Didactic games


Prepared by: first category teacher

Degteva Tatyana Ivanovna

Valentina Sharova

Age: for children of primary preschool age (2-4 years old)

Target. Develop sensory perception.


1. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name primary colors and geometric shapes (group objects by color, shape). Learn to distinguish between emotional states. Develop fine motor skills and tactile sensations. Foster independence in achieving results.

Material. Four nesting dolls, on 2 sundresses there are drawings drawn - diagrams of geometric shapes of different colors. On 2 more sundresses there are drawings - diagrams of geometric shapes made of various materials: foil, twine, oilcloth, etc. A removable face with different emotional states. Geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle of different colors. Geometric shapes from various materials.

Game description

Option #1

Guys, doll Dunyasha is getting ready for a holiday, but for some reason he is sad. Why do you think? (Children's answers).

Well done, of course, you need to wear a smart sundress. Shall we help the matryoshka?

Depending on the level of development of children, the task becomes more difficult.

At the initial stage, children use the adjustment method to lay out geometric shapes along the contour and select them by color. When all the contours are closed, we change the “faces”, the nesting doll smiles and thanks the guys.

It is imperative to encourage the child to accompany his actions with words.

Option No. 2

The child independently chooses the emotional state of the nesting doll. Selects geometric shapes along the contour. And he comes up with a short story about a nesting doll. At the initial stage, it is advisable to use leading questions from an adult to a child to create a short story. For example: Why is your nesting doll sad, or laughing, etc.? Maybe she was upset about her outfit, see if everything is in order, etc.

Option #3

When decorating a matryoshka doll, the child examines the contour of the geometric figure by touch. Defines the material, names it and its characteristics. Finds the corresponding geometric figure.

Publications on the topic:

(This game can be used as a supplementary material for literacy lessons or in individual activities.) Task: Exercise.

Printed board game “Make a story from a picture” (This game can be used as additional material for development classes.

I offer a didactic game "Confectionery Shop" The goal of the game is to develop children's research activities. This game can be divided into three.

1. Name: educational toy-mat “Mice.” 2. Purpose and objectives of use: to consolidate knowledge of basic colors and concepts one - many.

Goals of the game: to introduce children to the rules of behavior on the street and on the roadway (how to cross the road correctly, etc., types of transport,...

Objectives: to help children develop visual perception, voluntary attention, memory and imaginative thinking, and also to consolidate the names of colors.

Didactic game "Funny nesting dolls". Hello, dear colleagues! There are so many different types of games about nesting dolls, it’s impossible to list them all.

Goal: to teach to distinguish and compare objects according to different qualities of size.

Material. 2 sets of five-seater nesting dolls, 2 sets of circles of different sizes, a turret made of hollow cubes.

Content. At the invitation of the teacher, the children sit at a common table on which there is a nesting doll. The teacher turns to the children: “I want to play funny nesting dolls with you, but I see that there is only one nesting doll here, but where are the rest? (looks around, and then picks up a matryoshka doll and shakes it). Something is rattling in the middle! Let's see what's there? (Removes the upper half of the matryoshka doll). This turns out to be where they hid! (All nesting dolls are placed in a row). Let's get to know them! The teacher calls the name of each nesting doll, tilting it: “I am Matryosha, I am Natasha, I am Dasha, I am Masha,” etc. Each child chooses one of the nesting dolls (the teacher takes one matryoshka for himself). The game begins. First, the nesting dolls walk (walk on the table). Then they are called to measure height. They line up one after another and take turns, starting with the smallest one, standing according to height, and the teacher clarifies which nesting doll is the smallest (tallest)? Then the nesting dolls go to dinner. The teacher places a set of circles (plates) of five sizes on the table, calls the children in turn, who select plates of the appropriate size for their nesting dolls. After lunch, the nesting dolls get ready for a walk. The teacher puts the second set of nesting dolls on the table, and the children select girlfriends of the same height for their nesting dolls. Pairs of nesting dolls move around the table. Then they run away and mingle. (“The nesting dolls wanted to run”). Unnoticed by the children, the teacher removes a pair of nesting dolls of the same height from the table. "Time to go home! - says the teacher. Get into pairs." The nesting dolls are lined up in pairs, and suddenly it turns out that a certain pair of nesting dolls is missing. The teacher invites the children to call the nesting dolls by name (if they remember). Everyone asks her to come back in unison. The nesting dolls appear, the kids put them in place and the toys go home. The teacher puts on the table a tower made of hollow cubes (one side is missing) - these are houses for nesting dolls. At the request of the teacher, each child finds a home for his nesting doll. The nesting dolls bow, say goodbye and go home.

Didactic game “Long - short”

Goal: to develop in children a clear differentiated perception of new qualities of size.

Material. Satin and nylon ribbons of different colors and sizes, cardboard strips, story toys: a fat bear and a thin doll.

Content. Before starting the game, the teacher lays out sets of gaming didactic material (multi-colored ribbons, stripes) on two tables. The teacher takes out two toys - a teddy bear and a Katya doll. He tells the children that Misha and Katya want to be dressed up today, and for this they need belts. He calls two children and gives them ribbons rolled into a tube: one short - a belt for Katya, the other long - a belt for a bear. Children, with the help of a teacher, try on and tie belts on toys. The toys express joy and bow. But then the toys want to change belts. The teacher offers to remove the belts and change their toys. Suddenly he discovers that the belt on the Kuklin bear does not fit, and the belt is too big for the doll. The teacher offers to examine the belts and spreads them side by side on the table, and then places a short ribbon on top of a long one. He explains which ribbon is long and which is short, i.e. he gives the name for the quality of quantity - length.

After this, the teacher shows the children two cardboard strips - a long one and a short one. Shows children how to compare strips with ribbons by overlapping them and tell which one is short and which one is long.

Didactic game “Pick a figure”

Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes and practice naming them.

Material. Demonstration: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, cut out of cardboard.

Handout: cards with outlines of 5 geometric lottos.

Content. The teacher shows the children the figures, traces each with a finger. Gives the children a task: “You have cards on your tables with figures of different shapes on them, and the same figures on trays. Place all the figures on the cards so that they are hidden.” Asks the children to trace each figure lying on the tray, and then places (“hide”) it on the drawn figure.

Didactic game "Three squares"

Goal: to teach children to correlate three objects by size and indicate their relationships with the words: “big”, small”, “medium”, largest”, “smallest”.

Material. Three squares of different sizes, flannelgraph; Children have 3 squares, flannelgraph.

Next, the teacher invites the children to build towers from the squares. He shows how this is done - he places first a large, then a medium, then a small square on the flannelgraph from bottom to top. “Make such a tower on your flannelographs,” says the teacher.

Game "Right as Left"

Goal: mastering the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Content. The nesting dolls were in a hurry and forgot to complete their drawings. You need to finish drawing them so that one half is similar to the other. The children draw, and the adult says: “Dot, dot, two hooks, minus a comma - it’s a funny face.” And if there is a bow and a little skirt, the man is a girl. And if he has a forelock and shorts, that little man is a boy.” Children look at the drawings."

Geometric Lotto

Goal: to teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with a geometric figure and to select objects according to a geometric pattern.

Material. 5 cards with images of geometric shapes: 1 circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval. 5 cards each depicting objects of different shapes: round (tennis ball, apple, marble, soccer ball, balloon), square rug, scarf, cube, etc.; oval (melon, plum, leaf, beetle, egg); rectangular (envelope, briefcase, book, domino, picture).

Didactic game “What kinds of shapes are there?”

Goal: to introduce children to new shapes: oval, rectangle, triangle, pairing them with already familiar ones: square-triangle, square-rectangle, circle-oval.

Material. Doll. Demonstration: large cardboard figures: square, triangle, rectangle, oval, circle. Handout: 2 figures of each smaller shape.

Content. The doll brings figures. The teacher shows the children a square and a triangle and asks what the first figure is called. Having received an answer, he says that there is a triangle in the other hand. The examination is carried out by tracing the contour with a finger. Draws attention to the fact that a triangle has only three angles. Invites children to pick up triangles and put them together. Similarly: a square with a rectangle, an oval with a circle.

Didactic game “Wide - Narrow”

Goal: to form a “broad - narrow” idea.

Content. The lesson is carried out in a similar way, but now children learn to distinguish the width of objects, i.e. wide and narrow ribbons of the same length. When creating a game situation, you can use the following game technique. Two cardboard strips are laid out on the table - wide and narrow (of the same length). A doll and a bear can walk along a wide strip (path), but only one of them can walk along a narrow strip. Or you can play the story with two cars

Anna Tereshchenko

10 games with matryoshka

Didactic manual educators for individual work with pupils 3-4 years old.

Benefit helps shape concepts: color, shape, size. Develops memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills. Pupils feel success and joy in communicating with adults.

“Arrange by height” (Matryoshka dolls should be arranged according to height)

"Find the same one" (Compare nesting dolls, find identical ones)

"Find nesting doll house» (Find a match between the size nesting dolls and house stencil)

"Pick it up piece by piece" (Collect matryoshka from cut parts)

"Build matryoshka» (Build matryoshka from numbered strips from 1 to 10)

“Help the sisters meet” (Use your finger along the paths to get to your little sister)

"Collect by color" (Find a match between the color nesting dolls and houses)

"Find the missing one matryoshka» (Compare nesting dolls by rows or columns, find the missing one)

9game. (Arrange geometric shapes by color and size)

"Fun Math"

"Dress up matryoshka» (Insert the decoration pieces into the appropriate holes)

Publications on the topic:

You can play with this toy in different ways. 1. Dry pool. (Wonderful bag) In direct educational activities: Children pull out.

It is unlikely that our caterpillar can compare with anyone in beauty. Like a fashion model, she is slim, full of fun and brightness. She's got a lot of mind, she'll suggest games.

Purpose: development of cognitive and emotional spheres, spatial perception. The main purpose of the flannelograph is to conduct various.

It is a well-known fact that speech development is directly dependent on the development of fine movements of the fingers. That is why developing small.

Didactic manual "Pyramid" Purpose: teaching consistent dressing, developing the perception of color and size; development of speech, eye,

Goal: development of fine motor skills, formation of the ability to relate number to quantity. Equipment: piglet made of plastic.

Yana Semyonova
Didactic games with matryoshka dolls for older preschool children

Di "Guess which one matryoshka hid

Target: Learn to distinguish between Semyonovskaya, Zagorskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya, Vyatskaya and author’s matryoshka. Develop attention, visual memory, ability to describe matryoshka from memory.

Move: The teacher suggests considering all types nesting dolls, name their differences from others, then covers with a scarf and removes one of nesting dolls. Children guess which one the matryoshka disappeared, and justify their choice. The child must describe the missing matryoshka.

Di "Collect matryoshka family»

Target: Continue to teach different species nesting dolls

Material: Several types nesting dolls

Move: Matryoshka dolls sorted out and mixed, children search matryoshka - mother, and then her whole family is picked up for her. The game can be played as a competition between children.

Di "Who's in the bag?"

Target: Learn to recognize wooden toys by touch, describe them, tell how you can play with them. Develop interest in Russian folk crafts. Develop imagination.

Material: Wonderful bag, nesting dolls and other wooden toys (laces, pyramids, inserts, dolls, construction sets, cubes, cars, etc.)

Move: Children take turns pulling toys out of the bag, guessing by touch what they got and how they can play with this toy. The most original ones invented by children are celebrated games.

Di "Which extra matryoshka doll»

Target: continue to teach how to find common characteristics of objects and isolate one object that does not have these characteristics. Learn to justify your choice, analyze. Develop logical thinking.

Material: Several types nesting dolls

Move: the teacher creates groups nesting dolls, with the same characteristics (height, color, size, painting) and adds to the group matryoshka does not correspond to the characteristics of the group. Children must highlight the extra matryoshka in the group. Then, the children themselves form such groups for each other.

Di « Matryoshka with a surprise»

Target: evoke positive emotions, develop the ability to communicate calmly in a group of children, evoke a desire to express oneself creatively.

Material: family nesting dolls, in count children, chip

Move: The teacher or presenter puts it in one of the matryoshka chip, mixes nesting dolls and distributes them to children. The child who got caught matryoshka with"surprise" must recite a poem, sing a song, dance, ask a riddle, or express oneself creatively in some other way. This child then becomes the leader.

Di "Guess what's in matryoshka»

Target: Develop logical thinking, coherent speech, learn to ask questions.

Material: large collapsible matryoshka, small objects or toys that can fit in it.

Move: The teacher or presenter hides in matryoshka toy or object, children ask questions, finding out what lies in matryoshka. For example: What lies in round matryoshka doll? It is a toy? Does this item have wheels? Is this item green? Is this a machine? The child wins, who was the first to guess what lay in matryoshka. He becomes the leader.

Di "Collect and name"

Target: Continue to develop the ability to assemble a picture from 8-12 parts, and name which one it turned out to be a matryoshka(Semyonovskaya, Zagorskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya)

Material: cut pictures – matryoshka dolls 3-4 types

Di "Guess which one? I'm telling a matryoshka doll»

Target: teach guessing matryoshka by description and name it, describe its appearance nesting dolls, distinguish between types nesting dolls

Material: several types nesting dolls

Move: The teacher, and subsequently the presenter, describes matryoshka, its size, details, shapes, pattern elements, and children must guess which one matryoshka there is a speech and name it.

Di "Clothes for nesting dolls»

Target: learn to create patterns based on familiar types of painting, and correctly place them on an apron or sundress nesting dolls

Material: templates nesting dolls with unpainted sundresses and aprons, pencils, brushes, gouache

Move: Teacher with children are considering albums with different types of painting (Gorodets, Gzhel, Khokhloma, Semyonovsky nesting dolls, Polkhov-Maidan, Zagorsk, etc.). The characteristic elements of the paintings and the location of the patterns are noted.

Then the children create various patterns on their templates and color them.

Di "Decorate matryoshka»

Target: improve applicative skills, develop the ability to cut out flowers, leaves, curls, learn to correctly place a pattern on an apron, sundress nesting dolls, alternate pattern elements

Material: templates nesting dolls with an unpainted sundress, blanks for cutting, circles, squares, scissors, glue brushes, napkins.

Move: The teacher tells the children that at the factory nesting dolls Craftsmen required for decoration nesting dolls, and invites children to try decorating a sundress nesting dolls using the application. The teacher suggests coming up with your own pattern for a sundress from flowers, leaves, curls. Looking at the patterns on the nesting dolls. Cut out and paste the pattern onto your template. At the end games each master talks about his work.

Di “Where did the little one hide? matryoshka

Target: Develop logical thinking and ordinal counting skills.

Material: set of 8-10 nesting dolls

Move: The teacher puts everyone in a row nesting dolls, and hides the smallest one in one of the larger ones, and reports children: "Small The matryoshka hid in the 4th matryoshka on the left, or 5th from the right” - children must guess where she hid matryoshka. Tasks can be made more difficult For example: "Small matryoshka hid between 2nd and 4th matryoshka on the right, at the lowest matryoshka from the first 5, in the highest of the last 3, etc.” The child who answers correctly becomes the leader and hides the matryoshka and asks questions with the help of an adult.

Publications on the topic:

I would like to present to your attention that my manuals, which were purchased in the store, were made with the soul of the teacher and parents. Undoubtedly.

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