My husband gave me knives. The role of knives in the culture of different countries

Is it possible to give knives as a gift - a very common question. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to choose the best present for loved ones, relatives and colleagues, and a good set of kitchen knives or a collectible dagger look very impressive. So can you opt for such a present or should you refrain?

Signs to give knives

There are many superstitions about gifts. Someone thinks it's wrong give wallets to loved ones and hours, someone is terribly afraid of what he will present a mirror.

But why is a knife such a scary gift? The first superstition says that if you give it for a birthday, then this will attract only quarrels, aggression and problems to the birthday boy for the next year. According to another popular superstition, relations will deteriorate precisely between those who give the knife and those who directly receive this gift.

People are very categorical about such a president at a wedding. According to one of the widespread superstitions, young people will live “on knives” and their marriage will end in divorce.

Particularly superstitious citizens convince that in this case the curse of the attribute will begin to act directly during the celebration and a fight with a stabbing is possible at the wedding.

But why do such signs appear? All due to the fact that in ancient times such sharp objects were associated with evil power. After all, it is not easy for witches and sorcerers to use special knives in their black rituals, and they stick charmed needles into a Voodoo doll.

Therefore, a gift that was associated with evil spirits was automatically considered a symbol of negativity by our ancestors.

There is another explanation- in ancient times, weapons were not in mass production and therefore they were made to order. Such work was very difficult, the master should immediately know who will use this blade. People believed that a knife or sword was made for a special owner and spoke for him.

Therefore, if they wanted to do evil to a person, they could throw or give a knife charmed for another. When the attribute disappeared into the wrong hands, he would do his best to harm his false owner. It can be concluded that people were afraid to be a victim of a blade belonging to someone else.

In addition, of course, for a long time similar products were a symbol of war, battle. Therefore, it was believed that a priori any such thing is charged with a negative and destructive force.

Superstition to give a knife to a man

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People who believe in signs assure that if you want to part with your lover as soon as possible, then give him a watch, underwear or a knife

If you believe that such an attribute could attract negativity (due to the fact that it was associated with black magic and aggression) is still possible, then it is very difficult to understand why the knife will definitely “cut” love bonds.

It is safe to say that such a gift will be relevant only if you are sure that the person will like it. Such things are often preferred by avid hunters, collectors of edged weapons.

The only thing that can make your relationship with your partner worse is if he doesn’t like such a gift and you disappoint him, offend him by not buying something that he really wanted to receive.

If you are absolutely confident in your partner, you know that he is not a superstitious person and wants to receive such a gift, then please him.

Is this a good gift for a woman?

As in the case of men, women should only give such a gift if it is what they want. And in this case, we can talk about collectible knives, edged weapons, as well as about special kitchen sets.

Who knows, perhaps a woman has long dreamed of a collectible sword or a special stainless steel set. Therefore, if the young lady is not superstitious, is not afraid of such a gift and really wants it, then a bad omen can be neglected.

Traditions when daggers are the best gift

Despite the fact that negative superstitions about knives are very common, there are countries in which edged weapons are really a good gift. For example, in the Caucasus do not ask the question - is it possible to give a knife to a man for his birthday or for any other holiday. A similar gift is given if you have respect for a person and want to please him.

A knife or dagger is considered as a positive gift. Central Asia, Japan. The inhabitants of these countries believe that such items are protection from unclean, evil spirits and troubles. Belief in such talismans is so strong that a sharp knife can even be placed next to the baby's bed so that this amulet guards his sleep.

AT Japan such a weapon is a very symbolic gift. It is believed that by handing a dagger or blade to a person, you provide him with a tool with which a person can cut his way to happiness.

Within the territory of Russia far from always a knife was considered a bad gift. Such an award as a symbol of recognition existed in the navy, where newly minted officers were awarded a personal dagger.

In which countries are knives not allowed on birthdays?

There are countries in which belief in a terrible negative interpretation of signs is as strong as possible. For example, in England. If you want to scare a person to death, it is enough to present him with a melee weapon as a gift. In order to somehow escape from the negative influence of signs in this country, it was customary to give a coin.

AT China and Latin America such a present can symbolize the end of friendship. Such a gift is presented as a farewell. A similar tradition also existed among Mongols.

How to get rid of the negative influence of beliefs?

As you know, the effect of almost any negative sign can be canceled. This also applies to scary dangerous gifts. You can protect yourself from negative consequences very simply - the birthday man or any other person receiving a present, you need to “redeeme” it from you.

In Switzerland, Medvedev was presented with a saber and a penknife

This means that the donor must independently ask for a penny in exchange for a gift. If you are a believer, you can go to the temple and talk with the priest. Sometimes such gifts can be consecrated. This will indicate that any negative from the subject has been removed and now you can use it with a pure soul.

As you can see, a knife was not always considered a bad present and there are quite a few people who would be happy to receive such a gift. The main thing is that the person for whom this very non-standard present is being prepared really wants to get this particular knife, and not something else.

Imagine: you spent a week running around the shops looking for a chic set of kitchen knives for a gift to your best friend. Or they paid a considerable sum for a decorative dagger trimmed with silver in the chief's office. Or long and lovingly chose a reliable camping knife for an avid tourist. And on the appointed day, they proudly presented their gift ... and the birthday man looks at you like a wolf, frowns and mutters something unkind under his breath. What's the matter? Ah, that's it! Bad omen. So is it possible to give knives, and if so, which ones?

General signs about knives as a gift

Among superstitious people, gifts in the form of edged weapons are notorious. Presented on his birthday, it prophesies swearing and turmoil to the family of the birthday boy. Given for the New Year, predicts 12 months of failure. Quarrels comrades with each other! It is believed that if one of the friends gives the second a knife, good relations will come to an end. And if a sharp blade is found in a pile of wedding gifts, “knowledgeable” guests will certainly begin to whisper that the young will have to live “on knives” and disperse with a scandal. Moreover, they say that a gifted blade can begin to act immediately, and already at the wedding a drunken fight with stabbing will break out.

And it would be nice if the sign existed only in Russia! No, on the other side of the globe, in South America, a knife presented to someone, even the smallest and most harmless, is considered a sign of a complete break in relations. And in China, the donation of piercing and cutting objects is viewed extremely negatively ... Where did this strange belief come from?

  1. The knife itself is a symbol of war and aggression, so it is considered initially charged with destructive energy.
  2. According to folk beliefs, evil spirits love sharp edges and corners. Isn't that why, by the way, knives and needles are especially eagerly used in witchcraft rituals? To give a thing, at least theoretically associated with something unclean, seemed to our ancestors the height of carelessness.
  3. In the old days, when there was no talk of mass production, weapons were often forged to order. Starting work, the master knew exactly who the knife was intended for, and this left a certain imprint on the weapon. For example, it was believed that such a blade knew its owner in advance and, falling into the wrong hands, would refuse to serve a stranger. On the contrary, it will harm the “false owner” in every possible way until he realizes his mistake and gets rid of the knife!

What a delightful gift a letter opener can be!

In general, even if you yourself do not suffer from prejudice, it is worth thinking three times before giving another item that has such controversial fame. What if your friend is superstitious? You are a gift to him wholeheartedly, and in response he will suspect you of trying to do something nasty. And even if he does not suspect, the knife will not bring joy to the new owner, because he will exhaust himself with fears: will something happen because of your surprise?

Is it possible to present such a gift to a beloved man?

Darling is an avid hunter or a collector of edged weapons, and you just want to please him with your gift? It is better for suspicious young ladies to immediately abandon this idea. Signs say: just as a sharp blade cuts friendship, it will destroy your love in a matter of weeks. In other words, give your boyfriend a knife - you will soon run away. Why do you need extra worries and doubts? You will start to worry, suspect a man of infidelity, demand more and more signs of attention ... And in the end you will really disperse, cursing an unsuccessful gift in every way. True, whether that will be the real reason for the gap is still a big question.

But girls who are confident in themselves and in their partner can make any kind of gifts. Knives, daggers and even sabers would be an option! If you want to completely neutralize the bad omen, try the following. Keep the gift for a few days. Touch it, pick it up, imagine how great it will look on the wall or on the belt of a loved one. Feed the blade with your positive energy and emotions. Let at one glance at the knife your mood rises, and only good thoughts swarm in your head! So the gift will not harm either the man or your relationship.

Are knives given to women?

Such a thing is useful in any household.

Young ladies are rarely interested in edged weapons. But not a single housewife will refuse to have a set of sharp, even better self-sharpening knives in the kitchen. But is it possible to present such a thing to a woman?

As it turns out, you can. Especially girls who are still in search of their soulmate. Here, a “dangerous” gift will not harm them at all, but, on the contrary, it will prophesy an early acquaintance with a man, reliable and faithful, like steel. For the sake of such a prediction, it is worth neglecting bad omens, don't you think?

If donated, what kind?

There are no knives. Tourist, hunting, folding pen, kitchen, decorative, for letters ... However, the type of knife does not matter for superstitions, they equally dislike both a heavy hunting blade and a small neat device for opening envelopes. But it happens that the knife is the most successful, and sometimes the only worthy gift. Looking for something else, less suitable, is just a shame. How to proceed in this case?

If funds allow, make an engraving on the blade. You will act akin to the ancestors ordering a blade from a blacksmith, and from now on the knife will be considered pre-designated for a certain person. Of course, you can’t mark ceramics with engraving, and even a small penknife, perhaps, will look ridiculous with it. Well, then, you have to resort to a little trick when presenting your present.

Neutralization of evil

All bad omens about weapons crumble to dust at once, when the knife goes from the status of a gift to the category of purchases. It is as easy as shelling pears to do this: if a dangerous little thing was handed to you, give a nominal fee for it. At least a penny! If you yourself are the donor, ask for a small coin in return. The price does not matter, the main thing is to fix the deal: "I give you a knife, you give me money." That's it, problem solved!

If you are a religious person, and doubts haunt you, wipe the gift with holy water and ask God to calm your confusion and take away bad events. Just please do not burn church candles over the knife and do not read conspiracies, of which there are many on the Internet! For a believer, this is unacceptable - after all, you have already entrusted yourself to higher powers with your prayer. Relax and use the novelty without fear.

To complete the picture, we note that the knife is by no means always considered a bad gift. For example, the Japanese will accept it willingly and with gratitude, because the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun believe that a sharp blade scares away a bad fate. In Finland, the best way to win over a strict boss or please a friend is with a well-made knife. They are not afraid of such a gift in America either, where skillfully inlaid edged weapons are given all the time, especially to business partners - this is considered a symbol of fruitful cooperation. And in the Arab countries, daggers and sabers have always been considered an excellent gift, which speaks of respect for a person. Why go far? Take the peoples of the Caucasus! Can you scare a hot mountaineer by giving him a good hunting knife?! So the point is not in the blade and not in evil spirits, but in our perception of the gift. If a person believes that the offering will benefit him, and the knife of its owner will not fail. He will become afraid and nervous - troubles will not keep you waiting.

A universal selection of gift ideas for every occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Traditions associated with knives

The knife is one of the first tools made by man in the Stone Age. It was convenient for primitive people to cut branches, protect themselves from wild animals, go hunting, dress skins, etc. with a sharp object carved from stone.

  • Any warrior in ancient times always had a dagger with him, which they began to make as soon as they learned how to melt iron, from metal. And over time, it acquired various forms, and its handle and scabbard, where it was invested, began to be decorated with carvings and even precious stones.
  • A blade made by a master becomes a rather expensive item that was given to high-ranking persons. And there were no prejudices in this regard.
  • Daggers were presented as a gift in the Caucasus, and boys were taught to use them from an early age. If a baby was born, they immediately ordered the manufacture of edged weapons, but it was the father of the child who sharpened it.
  • A valuable gift was considered a fold of the Russian princes and tsars. Moreover, such a present spoke of the guest's high respect for the host. In response, they also tried to give a blade, saber or dagger. You can often find collections in royal and princely palaces. The owners, as a rule, were proud of such an attraction, demonstrating edged weapons to guests. And today there are many collectors who are passionate about the history of the blade.
  • In other countries, the attitude towards giving a knife is ambiguous. In China, for example, it is not customary to give it, while in Japan it is a welcome gift, especially for a wedding, the birth of a child. It is believed that a donated cleaver can cut the path to happiness.
  • In Central Asia, a knife is considered an elite gift (of course, made of expensive materials and originally designed).

Signs and superstitions about knives

However, a sharp cutting object still refers to a military weapon that can take a person's life. In battle, warriors, in the first place, grab their knives. Yes, and during quarrels, quick-tempered people are drawn to him - not only as a means of protection, but, unfortunately, as an object that can intentionally injure a person or take his life. In a word, he is dangerous in the hands of unrestrained people. Therefore, the danger of a quarrel is associated with such a tool, hence the signs.

  • It is believed that the cutter should not be left on the table - there may be a quarrel among the household.
  • You can not direct the tip of the knife, sitting or standing in front of a person - this can create a danger to his life.
  • A sharp cutlery falling on the floor marks the arrival of a man. Perhaps, for girls of marriageable age, this is a good sign (joke).
  • You can’t eat from a knife - it is believed that a person will then be angry.
  • It is also not recommended to play with the edge in the house - you can bring trouble.
  • It is advisable to get rid of rusty and broken cutters, since this sign also does not bode well.

If you are not tied to superstition, then, in fact, all these signs can be just safety rules for using cutting things.

In the house, they really should be securely removed, stored in a place specially designated for them. And if there are children in the house, then piercing and cutting objects are doubly dangerous.

Talisman knife

For example, even a penknife left on the table can fall and hurt or injure someone who was next to the table. It is not worth while sitting at the table, waving a knife, especially next to those sitting. Well, broken and rusty cleavers can simply be inconvenient to use and injure your hands.

Along with signs warning of trouble, it is believed that the cutter can also be a talisman that protects the life of a person and his family. It is interesting that, for example, in the Caucasus, if a man and a woman, who are not husband and wife, were left alone in a confined space in unforeseen circumstances, then, going to bed, they put a dagger between them. This was a kind of obstacle, protection of the chastity of people of the opposite sex.

Where did these signs come from? To a greater extent, the very history of a sharp weapon, as a combat and dangerous for the enemy, gives rise to beliefs associated with oral folk art. In addition, we tend to believe more signs than to make efforts to maintain peace and tranquility in the house.

So is it still possible to give knives as a gift?

If you are too dependent on signs, refrain from such a gift so that later you do not worry about whether you did the right thing. Your thoughts and doubts can actually attract trouble.

But, on the other hand, if you are of the opinion that it is impossible to give, then why not sell it? Yes, yes, a sharp object chosen as a gift can be “sold” for purely symbolic coins. Many do just that. Thus, the birthday man "buys" the present intended for him. Moreover, these things are really necessary in the house. For fish and meat, for peeling vegetables and fruits - without them it is impossible to imagine cooking and eating food.

Men love knives or how to choose a gift for them

Knives are very popular among men who are keen on fishing and hunting. And they are simply necessary for craftsmen involved in wood carving.

Notice how often men stop by tourist shops, look at edged weapons of various sizes and shapes, and ask what steel they are made of. This craving for has been preserved in the strong half of humanity on an intuitive level since primitive times. Therefore, those invited to a birthday, for obvious reasons, have a desire to choose a fold as a gift. And if a man collects them, then the temptation to find a rare copy for him is very great.

Sometimes knives are bought for their friends for no reason, just because a friend is collecting a collection. And if there was a trip to another region or country, and an original gift came across, then it will certainly be bought. Well, at home, solemnly handing over a valuable thing in order to put it on a stand under glass, it’s still worth asking a few kopecks for your choice (so to speak, for complacency).

When is it required?

But in some cases, the gift of a cutter is an established tradition, an obligatory episode of the ceremonial.

  • This means that when a military officer is awarded the rank of general, the dagger is given without fail.
  • Graduates of naval schools, along with a diploma, are also awarded a dagger (a kind of dagger). To carry such a weapon is pride for a man. Therefore, the dagger is considered a symbolic gift for men, both military and civilian. And no signs are taken into account. On the contrary, it is considered a tribute to the person.
  • Therefore, in addition to traditions among the military, blades, sabers are also given to business partners. On the part of the guest, such a gesture deserves special respect. This indicates a high relationship with a partner, his recognition and expression of hope for a long cooperation. By the way, this is exactly how they think in Finland: they present the blade as a gift to their business partners.
  • Melee weapons can be considered as a gift to a man, as a symbol of the protection of his home, a talisman against unexpected guests and troubles. As a rule, you put your attention into your act, order an engraving of a picture or a commemorative inscription, beautifully decorate the case. And such a present will look dignified, emphasize the masculinity of the recipient of gifts and respect from the giver.

Whoever you give, such a present cannot be attributed to trinkets (like the same watch). This is an expensive, often exclusive thing that men gravitate towards. Be careful with the choice, taking into account the profession of the person to whom you will hand. There are special hunting, tourist cutters that are more convenient to take on a fishing trip. In any case, it should be a person who understands edged weapons, understands how to handle them.

No less important is how you arrange the gift, what you say at the same time. Words from the heart and a surprise from the heart, not capable of causing harm. When serving, serve with both hands.

Knives as a gift suddenly became a fashion. Not necessarily a set of kitchen items (although, of course, they will fit on the farm), but also souvenir ones. The famous gilded Zlatoust knives and silver Kubachi knives are a godsend for a collector. Hunting is indispensable for a lover of a brutal male hobby. Without tourist, preferably a multifunctional multi-tool, you can’t do it on a hike. For a child, a penknife remains a welcome toy.

In a word, as an idea for a gift, the knife is extremely good and versatile. But is it possible to give knives - for a birthday or anniversary, say? Not everyone dares to give it to the birthday man: what if the hero of the celebration is superstitious, he will take your gift not at all as joyfully as you expected, and even exclaim: “Well, now we’ll quarrel!”?

And traditions are for!

Not everyone knows where this stupid superstition came from, associated with the undesirability of a knife as a gift. It is clear that it comes from pagan times. But for our ancestors, on the contrary, the knife was not only a weapon and a working tool, but also a talisman! Knives were given to a boy at birth and even to a bride for a wedding. And the tsar, prince, governor, Cossack ataman were handed sabers, swords, swords, quite suitable for museum exhibits. From time immemorial and to this day, leaders and ambassadors of friendly states (and even Michael Jackson ...) were presented with cold weapons, often encrusted with jewels.

Not only in Russia and in Europe, the knife has never been on the black list of prohibited gifts. In the Caucasus, in the Middle East, the blade is also by no means regarded as a threat or a herald of misfortune, scandals, discord. On the contrary, it is a sign of respect, a talisman of good relationships. For the Japanese, not only samurai katana or tachi, but also an ordinary knife symbolizes a tool that cuts the way to happiness and good luck. This is a fighter against evil and a protector from troubles. The Finns translated similar symbols into the language of business: there is a tradition there to hand a knife to a business partner as a sign of hope for mutually beneficial friendship.

Evil spirits, get out!

It seems that the traditional East Slavic culture had a dual attitude towards piercing and cutting objects. In good hands, this is cutting the fetters, liberation from everything painful. Therefore, a knife (an option - scissors) under the baby's pillow was designed to save him from nightmares. A one-year-old child who was starting to walk had to “cut” the invisible ropes that tightened his legs and prevented him from moving confidently. With a similar symbolic movement, healers and horsemen "cut off" the disease from man and cattle. If you stick a knife into a door jamb or a tabletop from the inside - you will protect the house from bad guests, bury it in the arable land with the tip up - you will save the crop from the evil eye.

However, after all, the evil spirit does not sleep! Therefore, there were such signs:

  • a gift knife - an evil spirit in addition;
  • the knife attracts evil spirits;
  • a knife left in a loaf - to discord in the family;
  • eat with a knife - to be the owner of a sharp tongue;
  • the knife broke - to trouble;
  • rust on the knife - to the illness of one of the household members.

It was also believed that witches stick a knife into the wall of the barn to deprive cows of the ability to milk, and werewolves into a stump: they jump over it and turn into a monster ...

In general, it's like fire. On the one hand, it is impossible to cook food or heat a house without it. On the other hand, it can cause trouble by burning down the native hearth, in which it usually burns peacefully.

To give or not to give?

So is it possible to give knives for the New Year, another holiday, wedding, birthday? With a large crowd of people (at an anniversary or a wedding, for example), it’s definitely not worth it. Surely there will be superstitious guests who will release an unflattering comment. And then they will blame you for the illness of the birthday man or the family quarrel of the newlyweds, if such events occur. No, even a cash envelope is better.

By the way, in Soviet times, a set of cutlery - silver, silver-plated, or at least cupronickel - was considered an excellent gift for a wedding. And although, in addition to forks and spoons, he had six (or a dozen) knives in his composition - nothing, for years and decades he successfully served the family table on major holidays. The marriages of that time ended in divorces much less often than the current ones!

See for yourself. If you are sure of the ironic attitude of the hero of the celebration to bad omens, do not hesitate for a long time. Especially when it comes to expensive souvenirs for men. In any pacifist there lives a boy who loved to fight with a wooden sword, so that at the sight of cold weapons his eyes will certainly light up.

It's more difficult with women. And there is more suspicious superstition in them, and a too economic gift can offend. Even if these are high-quality knives of good steel with a self-sharpening blade or a sharpener in the set ...

Someone believes in signs, while someone rejects them in every possible way and calls them coincidences. And yet, it was not in vain that people noted the frequent events occurring in pairs, and called them superstitions. Many of these signs speak of gifts that cannot be given. That's why, for example, you can not give knives? Most people simply know that it is impossible, but few know for what reason.


The knife appeared in ancient times and, due to its practicality, immediately became an indispensable tool for hunting. However, along with this, he began to symbolize death, since its use led to the death of animals. And, although the knife was not always used directly for hunting, even indirectly it was related to the shedding of blood. With its help, for example, arrows for bows, cues and other types of weapons were made.

In addition, in ancient times, knives were made only to order, that is, the master, while working, thought about the future owner and unconsciously adjusted the tool to his hand. And if the knife fell into other hands, then he seemed to be “offended” by fate and brought failure to the current owner.

Therefore, giving this item was considered unacceptable since ancient times. People believed that a donated knife would bring death to a person for him or a family member. One way or another, they began to treat knives with some caution, especially protecting children.

But why, as a gift, a knife has become an exception in our days is unknown. Most likely, this sign has been preserved since those very ancient times, when this superstition was born in people.

Today, the knife symbolizes quarrels and strife rather than death; it cannot be given as a gift for several reasons:

  • The symbol of unhappiness is one of the most common signs. It is believed that if you present such a gift to friends or relatives, then scandals, strife and frequent quarrels will begin in their family. The greatest probability of quarrels can take place between the giver and the recipient of the gift.
  • Communication with evil spirits. Those people who adhere to this sign prefer to refuse not only knives, but also other sharp objects. It is believed that evil spirits are attracted to them.
  • Alien negative energy. If the person giving the knife has negative energy or thinks badly about the recipient of the gift, then at the moment of its presentation, these feelings are transferred to the tool and charge it with destructive power, which will then fall on the owner of the gift.
  • War symbol. As already mentioned, in ancient times, a knife was given to hunters and warriors, so a gift in the form of a knife can bring aggression and anger to the family.

In addition to the above signs, there is an opinion that if a girl gives her boyfriend a knife or other sharp object, then they will part in the near future for no reason.

However, not everywhere the knife is a symbol of negative energy and unhappiness. For example, in the East and the Caucasus, a sharp blade is considered a sign of respect and reverence, so it is often given as a gift to aristocrats and people in high positions. In Finland, knives are given to business partners as a symbol of the emergence of friendship and trust.

Sharp daggers are especially well treated in Japan. In this country, they believe that a donated knife will “cut” all problems, hardships and bring joy and happiness.

How to give properly

The knife must be presented in a closed box to show that this gift does not carry any aggression. The knife is an item of personal use and does not tolerate other people's hands, so the future owner should be the first to remove it from the gift box.

In addition, if the recipient or donor believes in omens, then when giving a present, you need to take a coin in any denomination in return for the gift. This will no longer be considered a gift, but a deal.
