New Year's party in Hawaiian style entertainment program. Aloha, Hawaii! Famous Hawaiian Traditions and Customs

Hello, Book Week!

On March 21, Children's and Youth Book Week begins in Lipetsk municipal libraries. It will open big holiday, which will take place at the Central City Library named after. S. Yesenin and will be dedicated to International Day poetry.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes...

March 18 at 18:00 at the library and information center national cultures(Moskovskaya St., 117, t. 31-48-43) there will be a creative meeting with the actor of the Lipetsk State Academic Drama Theater named after L.N. Tolstoy by Alexander Skachkov.


  • What is "Shararam"?

    Girls and boys came to the Solnechnaya children's library for a lesson to learn about the Shararam portal. They were told about virtual game"Shararam in the Land of Smeshariki." They explained how to register, how to manage Smesharik, why Shararamkarta, Smeshinki and Rumbiki are needed, how to become a magician and have a pet.

  • Meeting with Alexandra Tambovskaya

    A meeting with the writer Alexandra Ivanovna Tambovskaya is always an event. And this meeting at the library and information center of national cultures with high school students became special. Because not so long ago, just on her anniversary, Alexandra Ivanovna became a laureate of the city literary prize named after Alexei Lipetsky.

  • New Year For all Russians it’s winter, Christmas trees, snow and frost. Have you tried, while in Lipetsk, to celebrate the New Year in Hawaiian style? Regulars of Yeseninka’s art environments did it with pleasure!

    Hawaiian "natives" came to the party with their songs, dances and rituals. Our usual and beloved Grandfather Frost, of course, could not help but come to this party. He managed to charm so much with his winter games and riddles, so captivated the inhabitants of Hawaii that they decided to kidnap him and settle him on their island. To prevent Santa Claus from melting on a tropical island, partygoers set out to save him.

    I had to remember all the New Year's songs, arrange a raffle for tickets to the circus, show my acting skills - but the rescue operation was successful!

    Like this amazing story happened in the Central City Library named after. S. A. Yesenina.

    New Year Scenario “New Year in Hawaii”

    If you and your company’s subordinates are tired of Cold winter, you miss summer and sun, and you also don’t like hackneyed New Year's scenarios, then in New Year's Eve It's time to experiment. And it doesn’t matter if it’s not possible for the whole group to go to the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii will come to you, so the New Year's party in Hawaiian style- this is what you need.

    Interior decoration should be in bright colors: yellow, orange, blue and green. Place flowers of bright colors in vases, and it is best to put transparent bowls of water and put flowers without stems in them, they will float. After all, water is the main element of the party, as well as accessories in nautical style: shells, pebbles, sand, figurines and dummies sea ​​creatures, palm branches. And, of course, a miniature Hawaiian volcano spewing out its lava, which will be an interesting sight for guests. Regardless of whether you adhere to a dress code in a company or not, it is more than mandatory at a party. Here you have to say “no” to the hackneyed black, dull gray and militant red colors.

    Will fit bright dresses, T-shirts and T-shirts, trousers. If you have a fashionable Hawaiian shirt lying around at home, then this is exactly what you need. Clothes should not be monochromatic: checkered, striped, floral and other cheerful prints, and to top it off appearance: A symbolic Hawaiian garland (lei) worn by everyone present.

    At the buffet table, you should give preference to seafood and tropical fruit dishes. Fruit juices, liqueurs and punch as drinks. However, who said that Father Frost and the Snow Maiden do not fit into this party? Santa Claus will come in the middle of the celebration in cowboy hat, in multi-colored boxer shorts and a “Hawaiian” shirt, the Snow Maiden will appear in a bikini and a pareo thrown over top. They have Hawaiian garlands (leis) on them, and why not? It was at that moment when Father Frost and the Snow Maiden just arrived at the celebration that the volcano explodes (special effect), in response to this Father Frost speaks calmly, as if nothing had happened.

    Father Frost:
    – This creation of nature is designed to shake you up! so what? Are you ready for the test?
    The audience answers: “Yes!”

    The Snow Maiden asks a question:
    – Who could dance the Hawaiian dance known in the world as hula?
    Both participants are invited, and the number of applause determines the winner, who is awarded a Blue Hawaii cocktail (recipe at the end of the article) or another, at the discretion of the bartender.

    The next competition is to see which of the participants drinks the punch more effectively, Santa Claus will give his verdict and reward with another cocktail.

    And the last final competition for all employees is called “Learning the Hawaiian language”.

    Guests will make up words similar to Hawaiian ones. All participants stand in a circle, the Snow Maiden gives a word consisting of two letters, the one she points to must repeat this word and add another letter, creating a new word, which he passes on to the participant standing next to him. And so on, the one who cannot repeat the word named by the previous participant is automatically eliminated. The game continues until the most persistent participants remain, they are awarded special prizes from Santa Claus, and all other guests are given consolation prizes. After all, it’s summer, sun, sea, and no one should be offended.

    And then, under another roar of the volcano, the party continues, at which Father Frost and the Snow Maiden play summer hits at the DJ console.

    Cocktail Blue Hawaii

    Shake 20 ml orange juice, 30 ml gin, 10 ml Blue Curacao liqueur and some crushed ice in a shaker. Wipe the edges of the glass with a slice of lemon and dip in sugar. Strain the cocktail into a glass. Ready!

    You may also find a scenario in the style of: with a policeman and a gypsy woman useful.


    The question is rhetorical and very interesting. We will tell you in detail about what you can do in Hawaii and New York on New Year's Eve and everyone can do it for themselves right choice. Although most likely the best option, which can be assumed in such a dilemma is to go to these two places at once, combining them on your American trip.

    Hawaiian Islands.

    New Year is one of the most beloved and joyful events and is widely celebrated in Hawaii. This is just one of the holidays that provides ample opportunities to feel fully happy. The tropical paradise of Hawaii certainly offers an exquisite range of pleasures for every traveler who has a penchant for unusual meeting dear holiday. New Year's Eve in Hawaii is not just one event, for example, a hearty dinner on the night of December 31st and a crazy party on the beach. Hawaii is the place where you will want and have a great chance to explore and experience the amazing beauty of the exotic islands.

    First of all, the climate. You will hardly find a more pleasant climate from the end of December to the first days of January than in the Hawaiian archipelago, which lies on the southern edge of the United States: the weather remains favorably cool along with a mild warmth.

    Although almost all islands located within the Hawaiian archipelago will offer great options New Year's celebrations, yet Oahu and the Big Island always take the undisputed places of leaders. Be sure to watch the magnificent Show with Fire - one of the most interesting New Year's traditions in Hawaii.

    “Hau"oli Makahiki Hou” - this is what “Happy New Year” will sound like! in Hawaiian. Start with this greeting when you find yourself at one of the festive New Year's celebrations in Hawaii. Luxurious delicacies of Hawaiian cuisine will be available at. best restaurants Oahu and the Big Island. For lovers of noisy and happy partiesgreat amount bars and pubs, as well as clubs.

    And opening New Year 2012 while in Hawaii, you can safely add it to your calendar next classes: Helicopter island hopping tour to volcanoes, snowboarding, surfing or skiing, island hopping cruise and much more. We are sure that New Year will remain in Hawaii memorable event in your life.


    In New York, a city where millions of tourists, careerists, actors, musicians, artists, immigrants, or vice versa, flock to successful people from all over the world, in this seething cocktail of various life stories, styles and cultures, everyone loves the New Year. It logically completes the Catholic Christmas celebrations and is the most in the right way opens the pages of the New Year. In New York, everything is done original and on a grand scale. Therefore, it is in New York in Times Square that people begin to gather around 15.00 and wait until midnight to be in the center of the action. The party in Times Square is one of the most famous New Year's parties in the world. Here, due to the number of people, it’s not at all difficult to get lost and not be able to find a place where you can have a delicious dinner and accompany New Year's toast delicious cocktail. American Best Getaways, an experienced tour operator in the USA and Canada, has prepared special passes and instructions for Russian-speaking tourists on how to properly celebrate the New Year in New York, in Times Square in particular. This will help you avoid problems of unfamiliarity with the city and the language barrier.

    A crystal ball is lowered into Times Square at midnight to symbolize the coming of the New Year. This is a truly unique pyrotechnic show in terms of beauty and power, followed by performances by the mayor of the city, world-famous celebrities, as well as local crowd favorites - all this will create unique memories in your memory.

    I would definitely like to note that New York never sleeps, especially on New Year’s Day. It is in New York that you will find hundreds of the loudest parties with the participation of world celebrities, the most best concerts at the best music and theater venues in the world, the most important sporting events and many many others.

    Separately, I would like to mention New York New Year shopping and New York stores during the holidays. This unique beauty action and it seems as if the shops are competing with each other in the decoration of their windows. The animated shop windows attract the eyes of tourists, which means they will want to come in and definitely make a purchase. American shopping will pleasantly surprise you with its variety of styles and sizes, as well as its price.

    After a busy New Year's celebration in New York, after many excursions around the city (American Best Getaways conducts excursions - sightseeing and special on topics - in New York and other cities of the USA and Canada in Russian), after a dinner cruise around Manhattan, where you'll take your best photos with a panoramic view of Manhattan, after watching a Broadway show or a must-see musical while in New York, after all this, it's time to relax on amazing beauty beach in the rays of warm sun and exotic wonderful atmosphere. Does this remind you of anything?

    You will find detailed information about celebrating the New Year in the USA and Canada, in the Caribbean on Cruises, or on skis or request by email: [email protected] or ICQ – 405311785

    Have a nice trip!

    The Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands are an archipelago in the North Pacific Ocean. The swimming season lasts here all year round. But in December-January, when the air temperature is about +22 C and the water is like fresh milk, Hawaii is especially beautiful.

    Endless beaches, azure ocean waters, sleepless volcanoes, tropical jungles, eucalyptus forests, cascading waterfalls, wild rivers lost in canyons, temple complexes and mysterious petroglyphs - all this can be seen on the largest island of the archipelago - Hawaii.

    Program New Year holidays will be rich and for every taste. Fans of peace and quiet cannot find a better place for relaxation. There are many secluded corners on the island, and all hotels are equipped with spa salons.

    For lovers active rest You will enjoy diving and surfing, the homeland of which is Hawaii. Both young people and older generation. “When you think of surfing, you think of Hawaii,” the islanders say. This species is deeply rooted in Hawaiian culture and way of life. And direct lessons with an instructor will help you “catch the wave.”

    Avid fishermen will certainly not miss the moment and go fishing. In Hawaii, it won’t be a problem to rent a boat or yacht with experienced fishermen who will show a master class in spear hunting for marlin and tuna. You will definitely come back with a good catch New Year's table. The team will immediately clean and cut the fish, and if desired, even cook it according to special recipes on the barbecue. They will gladly buy surplus fresh food in port stores.

    A sightseeing helicopter tour to the volcanoes will be unforgettable. On Kilauea, you can walk near the crater and watch the hot lava flow into the ocean. And on the Mauna Loa volcano it snows in winter. Playing snowballs, snowboarding and bodyboarding on the slopes of a volcano are some of my favorites New Year's entertainment Hawaiians.

    New Year in Hawaii is a favorite holiday. You will be offered traditional dinner Luau with a signature dish: a pig buried under a layer of earth and roasted on coals. Beach parties, fruit cocktails with Hawaiian rum, fireworks made from live butterflies, the famous Fire show and the fiery hula dance, which you can learn after a couple of lessons. Hawaiian Santa Claus - Kanakaloka - will definitely congratulate you.

    Don't forget about New Year's gifts and souvenirs for family and friends. Only in Hawaii is an elite variety of coffee grown - Kone Coffee Hawaii. And Hawaiian refers to the so-called South Sea pearls - one of the most valuable in the world. It reaches a diameter of 10-20 mm. At the jewelry factory you can see with your own eyes how craftsmen create exquisite jewelry from corals, pearls, and other precious stones. And buy unique ones in the factory store jewelry at very competitive prices.

    The Hawaiian Islands are called the gateway to paradise. Celebrating the New Year and celebrating Christmas in paradise - what could be better.

    Topic: New Year's Eve / Scenarios for corporate events

    Good afternoon, Dear friends! How nice it is to see you today so beautiful, elegant, smiling and cheerful! But please explain to me why you are so happy? Ah, that's it! New Year! Do you even know what this is? So we'll see now. The New Year auction is announced.

    So, through our joint efforts we found out that the New Year is…. But for some reason all this is not observed in our hall. Some strange newspapers on the walls - “Renovations are underway”... Strange... But maybe this envelope (an envelope with a letter) will clarify the situation for us. We received it this morning in the mail. Let's print it out. (The letter is read out).

    Well, I think you understand everything. Any questions? To take part in a Hawaiian party, you need to look the part. Wait a second... (I bring a bag of things for the Hawaiian party). Here are your things, take them apart and dress up... (the melody of I Like To Movie It plays)

    And now, let's wish each other Bon Voyage, but always in Hawaiian. I say to you: "Aloha, dood!" - and you answer: “Yes, kaine, bra!” Get ready...

    Great! So are you ready??? Then, in order to be transported to Hawaii, you need to close your eyes and not open them until I say so. (The Pink Panther) (Change of scenery)

    Welcome to Hawaii! (Hawaiian Music) (Hawaiian Dance)

    Good evening, good hour!
    I salute you all!
    Very good, salaam alaikum,
    Bona sir, you're welcome!
    More bonjour, shalom and ciao,
    Buenas diaz, sveiki, hello!
    Gomarjoba, buna, yeti,
    Namaste, aloha, terwist.

    We are pleased to welcome you to the Hawaiian party. Surely you have already become familiar with the rules. I’ll say a few more words: now I’ll give you 9 sheets of paper with the expected number of the ball with the key phrase. At our holiday today, the “-1” rule applies. This means that after each competition you will receive a paper with the number of the ball in which the phrase is not exactly located, that is, the chances will increase. Do I need to explain anything else? (No). Very good. Then I declare the Hawaiian New Year's Party open! Hooray! (song "Malinka" sounds)

    First competition. I put the prize on the chair. The competition participants are located around the chair, i.e. You. I'll ask you to stand up. I'm reading a poem. Those who try to grab the prize at the wrong time are eliminated from the competition. As the poem progresses, you will understand the rules.

    I'll tell you a story
    Fifteen times.
    As soon as I say the word "three" -
    Take the prize immediately!
    One day we caught a pike
    Gutted, and inside
    We counted small fish -
    And not just one, but TWO.
    A seasoned boy dreams
    Become an Olympic champion
    Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
    And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
    When you want to memorize poems,
    Don't cram them until late at night,
    And repeat them to yourself
    Once, twice, or better yet FIVE!
    Recently a train at the station
    I had to wait THREE hours.
    But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?
    When was the opportunity to take it?

    Now you are prompted to "open" new planet. We need to inflate it as quickly as possible Balloons, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw human figures on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner! (Buttons Remix)

    Somehow it seems to me that you are already tired of sitting. We need to move. And the next competition will help us with this. It's called tangerines. You probably think that now you will just need to move the tangerines from one end of the room to the other without using your hands. But no! We've made it more difficult. One participant comes out, I turn on the music, and you must move all the tangerines to the music, dancing beautifully. You need to move to the music. For example, if I turn on a waltz, you dance a waltz, if I turn on a tango, you dance a tango.

    Snow Maiden's favorite treat is ice cream - so a competition is being announced to name the ice cream. You take turns naming the varieties of ice cream. Whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

    In order to take part in the next competition, you need to stand up. I give everyone one balloon, which you tie to your left leg. On my command you try right foot crush the enemy's ball. The winner is the one who bursts the opponent's balloon with his foot faster. (Potential Breakup Song)

    I suggest taking a break. Treats have been prepared for you. (Bring food) (Apologize)

    The next competition is called a chain. Here you see, there are paper clips. You need to make a chain using paper clips. Whose chain is longer wins the competition.

    This hat contains small pieces of paper with one word written on it. Each of you takes turns taking notes out of the hat and singing a song - necessarily a New Year's or winter song, in which the word written on its leaf appears.

    This is what the New Year is like - noisy, cheerful, but there is always a lot of garbage left behind. As you may have already noticed, there is a lot of garbage scattered on the floor. But we can’t celebrate the New Year with garbage! Therefore, it is necessary to clean up. I'm giving it to you plastic bottles. And you need to collect the weight of this garbage into bottles as quickly as possible. (Siniy Siniy Ticket)

    Song Jingle Bells (Jingle Bells) Well, evening has come in Hawaii - magical time when you can make wishes and they will definitely come true... Now I will tell you when the New Year begins in different countries peace... (see the application “New Year by the hour”) (Drink Up Me Heartless Yo Ho)

    It turns out that the New Year in Hawaii will not begin until tomorrow, so we need to return home. The competitions are over and you should only have one piece of paper with the ball number left. And you need to find this ball. Get started. Congratulations, you have found the ball with the key phrase. We need to burst it.

    What is written here? Yeah, not in Russian. Look, (point to a piece of paper with the inscription “Happy New Year” in Hawaiian) this is “Happy New Year” in Hawaiian. I give you a paper airplane. You must write this phrase on it and release it through the window. Let's! Now, as the letter sent to us says, everything should return to its place. To do this, I suggest you change clothes (I bring a bag with things for the New Year) (Give It Up To Me) and close your eyes for a few minutes. I'll tell you when it will be possible to open them. (Spybreak) (Change of scenery)
