Single-phase gel for nail extension. How to use

New materials for nail service today appear with such frequency that it is sometimes difficult even for a true professional to keep track of all the new products. A novice can be completely confused.

Single-phase gel for nail extension has already managed to gain considerable popularity and acquire an enviable staff of fans both among graduates and among those who are taking the first steps in comprehending the wisdom of this beautiful art. Our article will help to understand all the intricacies of the technology for those who decide to learn how to use a single-phase gel for nail extension, what kind of material it is and what are the features of working with it.

Why is the gel called single-phase

To find the answer to this question, consider the main stages of technology. The extension is carried out in three stages:

  1. Applying a base coat that is responsible for adhesion to the surface of a natural nail.
  2. Form modeling.
  3. Coating with a fixing layer that prevents rapid wear of the material and is responsible for the gloss (or for the velvety surface, if the design implies a matte texture).

A three-phase system involves the use of three different products, each of which performs a different function. But when it comes to single-phase coating, only one material is needed. What it is? Single-phase gel for nail extension, of course. He is able to solve all three problems.

Material Advantages

Often, a single-phase gel becomes the choice of beginners. This is the right decision, because you have to spend only one jar to start getting your hands on extensions.

Another advantage lies in the consistency of the material. Compared to three-phase products, it is quite liquid, but not runny. The gel is easy to apply and distribute.

Many girls who have had time to try out this type of material assure that it is very obedient, excellently crimpable and easy to file. This means that such a gel is also suitable for complex arched forms, for example, a pipe.

For many who decided to find out what it is - a single-phase gel for nail extension, a huge selection of colors has become a discovery. Manufacturers offer not only classic white, pink and transparent gels, but also a whole palette of camouflages, as well as luxurious opal options, gels with shimmer and sparkles, and luminescent materials. In the palettes of many brands, you can easily find a gel of any color.

Understanding how to use a single-phase gel for nail extension is not difficult. If you have experience with three-phase materials, you will surely enjoy the process. But even if this is your first attempt, it is quite possible to count on a good result.

However, you should not be deceived and expect a miracle. Working with any materials for gel manicure has many nuances. If you have the desire and opportunity to take a training course - by all means do it. Well, if this is not possible (or you generally consider nail extension as a hobby), get ready for hard work. Follow our advice, perform each operation carefully, train and learn - then everything will definitely work out.

Weak sides

In the reviews, many describe the semi-liquid consistency as one of the advantages. But there are those who are frankly uncomfortable working with her. Get ready for the fact that it will take some time to get used to such a structure of the material.

The disadvantages of many include wear resistance, which is lower than that of materials for a three-phase system. You will have to make corrections more often, the risk of chipping is slightly higher - you need to know about this in advance.

Necessary tools and aids

Apply a single-phase gel with a flat brush with a rounded end made of synthetic bristles. Natural for these purposes is not suitable. When choosing a brush, attach it to the nail of the little finger and press lightly: it should not go into the side rollers.

For drying gels, it is best to use hybrid lamps with a power of at least 36 watts.

You can not do without forms, and clinser. The most important tool after the brush, perhaps, can be considered a file with an abrasiveness of 100 \\ 180 grit. Some craftsmen use a machine with a suitable cutter for filing, but this requires considerable skill.

Preparation of the nail plate

If the material comes into contact with pterygium, cuticle or skin, detachments cannot be avoided. Therefore, the preparatory stage is extremely important. There are no special recommendations when working with a single-phase gel: do a manicure in the same way as you do before working with any other material.

Thoroughly clean the nail from pterygium, move, cut and polish the cuticle with a spherical cutter, treat the areas adjacent to the side ridges. File the ends with a file with an abrasiveness of 180 grit. Polish the surface of the nail plates with a buff, carefully remove dust, wipe the nails with a lint-free cloth soaked in a special clinser.

Primer: why you need it, which one to choose, how to use

Some masters consider this step optional. But if there are no barriers (for example, allergies), it is better to use a primer. It acts like a double-sided adhesive tape, firmly adhering the material to the surface of the nail.

The primer also solves other problems: it eliminates excessive moisture, prevents the development of infections, degreases, dries the surface a little.

There are so-called acidic and acid-free products. In fact, both have acids, but in the second their content is lower. This option is suitable for treating nails before applying varnish.

And before applying a single-phase extension gel, the nails must be coated with an acid primer. It is important that the material does not come into contact with the skin. The agent dries in the air, it does not need a lamp. You can proceed to the next stages of coating in a minute. But if more than half an hour has passed after applying the primer, the procedure must be repeated. Therefore, it makes no sense to cover all 10 nails before starting work.

Overview of popular products

What is the best single phase nail extension gel? There is no single answer to this question, each master has his own favorites. But there are several funds, reviews of which are most numerous.

3 phases of work with single-phase gel

A common mistake many beginners make is the belief that one-phase varnish can be built up very quickly by laying out the material in one layer. This is not true. The technology of nail extension with a single-phase gel involves the same steps as when working with three-phase materials. If you lay out the material in a thick layer with one stroke, there will be no good result. Let's look at an example of how to work with a single-phase gel.

Building on forms

We will make a reservation right away that this material is not suitable for the now fashionable upper forms. Only the classic lower forms can be used.

It's not worth rushing. If you have little experience yet, work with each finger separately, drying each layer. Before you start using a single-phase extension gel, nails should be carefully processed, degreased and coated with a primer.

  1. Adjust the shape to the nail, if necessary, make incisions so that the base fits as tightly as possible.
  2. Gently glue the edges, making sure that all symmetrical elements match perfectly. You can use a stationery stapler so that the form does not stick out during work.
  3. Apply the first base layer of single-phase gel with rubbing movements, starting from the end and moving towards the cuticle. Avoid skin contact! If the gel is baked on the cuticle, detachments are inevitable.
  4. Cure the material in the lamp for as long as the manufacturer recommends. Evaluate the result by lightly tapping the surface with a pusher.
  5. Put a drop of gel on the form, where the free edge will form. Distribute the material with confident strokes, guided by the markup. Form an apex depending on the desired length. Send to the lamp to dry.
  6. Carefully evaluate the surface, if necessary, add a little gel to the dips. Cut off unnecessary bulges with a file. If you don't plan on doing a design, simply cover the nail with another thin layer of gel, turn your hand palm down and let the material even out. Send the work back to the lamp.
  7. You can start sawdust. Follow the direction of the side edges, check the symmetry of the nail. A single phase gel does not need a top coat, but you can use a satin or velor finish for decorative purposes, for example.
  8. It remains only to remove the dust and remove stickiness with a special tool.

Curing time

Always carefully follow the manufacturer's recommendations if you have purchased a new one-phase gel for nail extension. How to use the material, how long to dry the layers and other recommendations - all this is usually indicated on the packaging. On average, it takes 1-3 minutes for each layer to dry the gel in a hybrid lamp.

Why does the gel bake in the lamp?

In reviews of single-phase gels for nail extension, one can often find indignation about burning during drying. This is due to the fact that the material passes from one state of aggregation to another, crystal lattices are formed. Chemical processes are accompanied by the release of heat.

It is enough to simply reduce the lamp power (if this function is provided by the equipment manufacturer). When working with non-dimmable lamps, you can simply remove your hand for a few seconds, allowing the heated material to cool slightly. As soon as the gel "seizes", the burning sensation will pass.

It should be understood that this is not a lack of material, but a technological feature.

Removal at home

This moment is no less important when working with single-phase gels for nail extension. We figured out how to use the material, and now let's talk about what to do with extended nails that have grown a lot, are tired or have begun to interfere.

The first thing to remember: soaking the gel is not suitable. Even if you wait half an hour, there will be no result. Gel, including single-phase, can only be cut with a file with medium abrasiveness or a special cutter.

Common questions and answers

Most often, beginners are wondering if the products of a three-phase system can be used as a single-phase gel. Unfortunately this is not possible. But a single-phase is suitable instead of a modeling or finishing coating.

It is highly undesirable to perform this material. In any case, you will need at least two gels of different colors, so what is the point of using a single phase? It is much easier to use a three-phase system.

Doubts are often raised by the possibility of using a single-phase gel to strengthen nails without extensions. For these purposes, the material is perfect. It can be used both as a base for gel polish and for repairing broken nails.

To understand how to use a single-phase gel for nail extension, you need to familiarize yourself with its distinctive features, disadvantages and advantages over two- and three-phase products.

What are one-, two- and three-phase gels

The gel nail extension procedure involves the application of 3 layers:

  • Base, creating the basis for subsequent layers, correcting the unevenness of the nail plate;
  • Modeling, or sculptural, determining the strength, thickness and shape of the extended material;
  • The final (finishing), responsible for protecting the manicure from aggressive factors and its appearance.

"Phase" refers to how many layers (phases) a polymer creates. This means that a single-phase nail gel forms all 3 layers, and a three-phase system is represented by 3 different products, each of which is responsible for a separate layer.

What is single phase nail extension gel

A single phase product means using the same product for all 3 coats. It is a 3-in-1 blend that carries the signatures of each individual polymer: base, sculpt and finish.

The mass is not applied in a single layer; with a single-phase nail extension, the principle of layer-by-layer application is also observed.


This nail modeling system is represented by 2 means. One of them is applied as a base, the other forms a sculptural and finishing layers. Each of the 3 layers is dried separately.


For a three-phase manicure, a system of 3 polymers of different composition and consistency is used:

  • Fluid base gel with priming property;
  • Viscous sculptural substance;
  • The most durable gloss after polymerization.

Modeling gel can be camouflage (imitating a natural nail plate), colorless sculptural or pigmented.

Thanks to this, three-phase nail extension provides for a large number of designs (jacket with camouflage, voluminous figures, stickers). One- and two-phase gels lack this advantage due to the fact that they do not provide a separate container with a sculptural component.

Single-phase gel: distinctive features

The difference between a single-phase gel and a two-phase and three-phase gel is that all 3 polymer components are in a common container. The contents of the jar carry all the necessary functions of the coating: adhesive, modeling, protective. This means that with the help of one substance, adhesion of the polymer to the surface, strength, glossy sheen and resistance to chipping are created.

Advantages of single phase gels

  1. Due to the liquid consistency, the polymer is easier to distribute over the nail plate. Thicker two- and three-phase gels require more painstaking application, careful leveling.
  2. 3-in-1 products have a cheaper cost than multi-component gel nail extension systems.
  3. Better tolerated by people with sensitive skin.
  4. The total thickness of the single-phase acrylic system is less, which reduces the load on the natural nail.


  1. The term of wearing a single-phase manicure is less than two- and three-phase ones due to the lack of a separate glossy layer.
  2. A low-viscosity polymer creates difficulties for beginners: it flows onto the cuticle, under the side ridges, and spreads when the apex is formed.
  3. It is impossible to perform designs that use camouflage, color gel, three-dimensional figures, stickers.

Can a three-phase gel be used as a single-phase

The sculpting gel included in the three-phase nail extension system cannot be used as a single-phase product. It performs only a modeling function and requires an adhesive substrate, topcoat.

But a single-phase agent can be included in a three-phase application system as 2 layers, especially if the single-phase gel belongs to the same company as the base and gloss.

How to choose a single phase gel

  • It is recommended to purchase goods in specialized stores;
  • You should not save on goods: often worthy quality and environmental friendliness are behind the high price;
  • For home use, gels from TNL, Runeil, Jess-Neil, Global, Giorgio Capachini with average wear resistance and an affordable price are optimal.

How to apply single phase gel at home

How to build nails with a single-phase gel using a form

  1. File the free edge of the nail, round off the existing irregularities so that they do not interfere with the installation of the form.
  2. With a buffer, create a roughness on the glossy layer of the nail, moving it in the longitudinal direction from the pterygium to the free edge.
  3. Place the extension form under the free edge of the nail so that it fits snugly against the nail plate and serves as its continuation.
  4. Degrease the nail, treat with a primer to enhance the adhesive properties of 1 polymer layer.
  5. On the entire nail plate, retreating 0.5-0.75 mm from the cuticle, apply a thin layer of single-phase gel with a brush.
  6. Place in lamp. Wait for it to polymerize for 60 seconds.
  7. Using a modeling brush, apply a drop of gel to the mold, create an artificial free edge, spread evenly over the previous layer.
  8. Place in the lamp for 2-3 minutes.
  9. Remove the sticky layer, give the nail the desired length, align the side edges, cut off the excess polymer. Remove sawdust with a brush.
  10. Degrease before applying the top coat.
  11. Apply the final thin layer over the entire surface of the resulting nail.
  12. Place in lamp for 60 sec.
  13. Remove the sticky layer from the finished work.

Extension on tips

  1. Treat the cuticle with special oil, remove it with a trimmer or move it away with a pusher.
  2. Choose a suitable tip, try it on. Make sure that it follows the curve of the nail and is completely adjacent to it.
  3. File the free edge of the nail so that it follows the shape of the tip hole.
  4. Buff treat the glossy layer of the nail, moving it in the longitudinal direction.
  5. Spread a drop of special glue on the inside of the tip hole. Set it just below the middle of the natural nail length. Press to the nail plate, wait for gluing.
  6. Cut the material to the desired length with special pliers. File off the free edge of the tips.
  7. Use a buff or soft file to process the seam of the tips and its surface to create a roughness.
  8. Apply a degreaser to the work surface, then a primer.
  9. Spread a thin layer of a single-phase polymer over the natural part of the nail. Place in lamp for 60 sec.
  10. Apply 2nd layer of gel on the natural nail and tips along the entire length. Place in lamp for 60 sec.
  11. Remove the sticky layer.
  12. If the gel lay unevenly, after removing the sticky layer, cut off the excess polymer. Apply 3rd layer of gel, place the nail in the lamp for 60 seconds. Remove the final sticky layer.

How to remove single phase gel

At home, the extension gel is removed after soaking the nails in a special solvent. The polymer is removed with a pusher or a granular nail file. A less traumatic way is to cut the gel with a device with a rotating nozzle.

In order not to harm the living nail plate, entrust the procedure to the specialist who carried out the extension.

The best single-phase gels for nail extension

Jess Nail Single Phase Clear Gel

Masura Single Phase Gel

Single-phase gel Runeil

TNL extension gel


Tri-phase Led and UV nail gels

Formula Profi

All season


Runeil three-phase


Who is single-phase gel suitable for?

Single-phase gels are inferior to three-phase professional systems, but are suitable for home extensions for those who, without overpaying for the product, want to have a well-groomed manicure. Single-phase products are less troublesome and, when properly applied, are no less durable than three-component applied polymers.

For the treatment of skin and other external diseases, as well as in cosmetology practice, various forms of preparations can be used. These are powders (powders), lotions, lotions, agitated suspensions (talkers), sprays, gels, pastes, oils, creams, ointments, etc.

Quite often, a situation happens when a patient, having received from a doctor the name of a medicine to be applied to the skin, already before the very purchase is faced with a choice - ointment or cream? (sometimes colleagues tormented by optimization forget to indicate) The name is the same, the price differs slightly ... Do these dosage forms differ and how to do it right?

Attention! In the following text, the terminology is given as it is used by official medicine (mainly dermatologists); manufacturers of various lines of cosmetics and products for aesthetic medicine, for the purpose of better promotion, interpret the word “cream” as broadly as they like, although in fact it can turn out to be an ointment or even a paste.

About dosage forms

Let's start with the fact that the active substance in modern dermatological preparations is quite small - milligrams, and sometimes fractions of milligrams per dose. And in order to evenly distribute this very substance over the affected area, a base is used. And it depends on what stage of the inflammatory process the medicine will act on, as well as the strength, duration and depth of exposure.

Gel- has a soft and viscous texture. It is usually made on a water basis that does not contain fats and oils. This is important when, on the one hand, you need to ensure long-term and convenient use (which is impossible, for example, for medical lotions), and on the other hand, you want to avoid hydrophobic components that disrupt the free outflow from the skin glands (for example, in the treatment of rosacea and common acne).

Cream- a form whose base contains oils, water and an emulsifier that allows them to interact. Modern creams, as a rule, are multicomponent. The cream is well absorbed into the skin, within a few minutes after application it does not stain clothes, does not leave a greasy sheen on the skin. The penetration depth of the active substance is less than that of the ointment. It is used for inflammatory reactions, can be applied to more delicate areas of the body.

Ointment- a form containing at its core a greater amount of fat. It is characterized by the greatest depth of penetration of the active substance. It is recommended for the treatment of dry skin rashes in the presence of infiltration (seal) in the skin. Typically applied to exposed skin. The use of ointments "under the bandage" (strictly on the recommendation of a doctor) further increases the depth of penetration of the active substance (this is sometimes necessary for chronic psoriatic plaques). Ointments should not be used on weeping skin rashes. Since the fatty components of ointments are not absorbed into the skin, they can stain clothes, which is not always acceptable in outpatient practice.

Lotion- liquid dosage form, the basis of which contains alcohols and water. In finished dosage forms, it is used mainly for the treatment of the scalp (since it practically does not stain the hair).

Paste- contains at least 20% dry matter. Pastes are prescribed in cases where an adsorbing and drying effect is required. Medicinal substances in pastes are poorly absorbed by the skin, so their effect in pastes is weaker than in ointments.

About the possibility of replacement

Independent (without the participation of the doctor who made the appointments) replacing one dosage form with another is highly undesirable, even if the concentration of the active substance is the same for them (and it does not always match, check!).

However, life is more complicated than rules. If you are in an area where there are very few pharmacies and there is no choice of drugs, or the doctor did not indicate the form, etc., then you can replace the ointment with a cream (if the active ingredient is there in the same dose), but not vice versa!

In extreme cases, you will lose a little in effectiveness, after all, the cream usually has a less pronounced effect. But at least there will be no complications ... unlike a reverse replacement (if the ointment is unknowingly applied to a more inflamed area than is permissible).

About concurrent use

Modern dosage forms (at least those that are prescribed by dermatologists, and not purchased on the advice of neighbors and authors of healthy lifestyle columns from home-grown newspapers) do not contain terrible amounts of pork or bovine fat, vaseline, lanolin for a long time. Now these are, as a rule, complex multicomponent systems. They are well absorbed, providing the desired concentration of the active substance at the desired depth, do not contaminate clothes and skin, and have a reduced frequency of use.

IMPORTANT! Unless otherwise indicated by the doctor, dosage forms should not be mixed, as they may be destroyed during interaction. If there is a need to use several drugs at once, they should be applied in a checkerboard pattern, alternating areas, or alternating application over time.

About storage

In addition, there are storage restrictions. The shelf life indicated on the package is the shelf life of the sealed drug. After opening, it does not exceed 6 months (unless expressly stated otherwise) for ointments in tubes, 3 months for ointments in jars, 1 month for creams. Some drugs are specially marked with an open package icon and an expiration date.

In the refrigerator should be placed only those drugs that should be stored there according to the instructions. The rest are stored at room temperature, in the absence of high humidity, direct sunlight, heating.

Good health!

Leonid Schebotansky


In this material, we have collected the most common questions and tried to explain in detail all the nuances.

How is gel polish different from nail polish?

First of all, the fact that it hardens only under the influence of UV rays, and after curing forms a dense, durable film. This composition is more resistant, lasts up to 2-3 weeks. Has a more expressive shine.

How is it different from gel?

Gel polish is more liquid. With it, you can not increase the length or change the shape. It is used as an improved, more resistant analogue of nail polish. Apply in the same way as regular varnish, but fix in a UV lamp.

What is the difference between gel polish and shellac?

These are different names for the same product. Initially, Shellac is a brand of the American company CND, however, due to the popularity of the product, the name quickly spread to other products of this type. There is a myth that shellac is made from an organic polymer of the same name, but nothing of the kind is indicated in Shellac CND.

All popular brands of gel polishes in our catalog

How long can I walk with gel polish?

Usually 10-14 days. During this period, the nail grows significantly, and an open strip forms at the cuticle. Since the material is not subject to correction, in such cases it is removed and a new manicure is done. If the nail grows slowly and looks neat after 14 days, you can safely wear the coating for up to 25-30 days. It is not recommended to leave shellac longer.

How does gel polish affect nails?

When used correctly, it does not have any negative effects. On the contrary, all the time while you go with a manicure, it protects natural plates from scratches and chips. In some cases, mainly if used improperly, it can stain the nail plate. Read more in this article.

Do I need to take a break between coats?

With technology, this is not at all necessary. Contrary to popular belief, the nail plate does not breathe and does not need to rest from decorative coatings. A break is recommended only in case of injuries to the nail or periungual zone, as well as in case of any fungal or bacterial diseases.

How to care for nails after shellac?

If you use high-quality materials and follow the technology, no special procedures will be required. In order for the plate to receive all the necessary substances, it is enough to rub nourishing vitamin oil into the cuticle daily.

Is it possible to make shellac at home?

Yes, of course, if you have all the necessary tools and materials, you can do a manicure yourself. You can read about how to do it correctly in this article.

What is needed for shellac?

You will need: degreaser, primer, base and top coat, color, tack remover, UV or LED lamp. You can pick up each of the listed funds in our online store or buy a ready-made set. You will find a detailed overview of materials and accessories in this article.

Order everything you need for shellac in ready-made kits

How to choose gel polish?

If you have a good primer, base and top coat, you can buy a cheaper color coat. Single-phase or two-phase composition, you need to choose only high-quality. You can read more about the properties and characteristics of the brands presented in our online store in a comparative review.

What is the difference between three-phase and single-phase gel polishes?

How to find out in which lamp and how long to dry gel polish?

Most coatings dry in both fluorescent (UV) and LED and CCFL lamps. The average drying time is 30-40 seconds for LED, 2-3 minutes for UV and CCFL. However, LEDs have a narrower range of radiation, so some dense formulations may not dry well. Such materials are usually marked with UV. There are also special gel polishes designed specifically for fast drying (within 10 - 30 seconds) in LED lamps. They can be identified by the LED marking on the packaging. There are also combined LED + CCFL dryers - absolutely all gel polishes and gels dry in them. In each case, it is worth focusing on the recommendations of the manufacturers. You can learn more about the type of lamps and the principles of fixing in this article.

What is a "sticky layer" and why should it be removed?

During drying, a sticky film appears on the surface, it is also a dispersion layer. This film acts as double-sided tape and helps the layers to better adhere to each other. After drying the finish, the stickiness is removed with a special liquid - a clinser or a degreaser. It is important to use only lint-free wipes for thisso that there are no threads, lint and other debris on the surface. On sale there are finishes without stickiness. Such compositions do not leave a dispersion film, respectively, do not require clinser treatment.

Can the sticky film be removed with alcohol?

Alcohol really allows you to get rid of stickiness, however, at the same time, it dulls the gloss and the manicure no longer looks so beautiful. Therefore, it is worth removing the sticky layer only with a clinser or degreaser.

Why does nail art lose its shine after removing the sticky film and how to avoid it?

If the dispersion film is removed too early or with an inappropriate remedy, the top layer can be damaged, micropores will appear on it, and instead of a glossy shine, the nail will be covered with matte islands or, at best, will fade. To prevent this from happening, do not remove the stickiness earlier than 1-2 minutes after polymerization, especially if you are using non-professional materials or a low wattage lamp. Use only special solutions and lint-free wipes. If the gloss still disappears, try applying the top coat in 2 layers, dry each one, but remove the dispersion film only from the last one.

Why doesn't gel polish stick well?

Most often, chips, cracks and delaminations are the result of a technology violation: improper preparation, refusal to use a degreaser or primer, insufficient fixing. Features of the nail plate, such as hyperhidrosis, can also lead to peeling of the shellac. To prevent this from happening, wet nails must be treated with a dehydrator.

Use special liquids to remove

How to remove gel polish?

Moisten a cosmetic tissue or sponge with a special remover, apply to the nail, wrap it with foil or secure with a clip and leave it in this position for 10-15 minutes. Remove the foil and carefully separate the softened material from the nail plate with an orange stick. Never scrape with a metal scraper or pusher. If the shellac does not come off, reapply the sponge soaked in the remover to it. You can first carefully file the surface with a fine-grained nail file or buff.

How long does gel polish last?

Within 24 months after opening the vial, individual brands - up to 36 months. The term may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. The exact expiration date after opening and the date of manufacture are usually indicated directly on the package.

How / where to store gel polish?

What to do if the gel polish is dry?

Thickened material can be diluted with a special compound. To do this, place a couple of drops of the diluent in the bottle, mix with a brush, close the bottle and gently turn it in your hands. You can't shake! If the contents of the vial have become solid, it will most likely not be possible to reanimate it. For dilution, it is desirable to use only special formulations. In extreme cases, you can add a couple of drops of a transparent top of the same brand to the bottle. In this case, the color may become less saturated. It is impossible to dilute with alcohol or acetone - from this the coating loses its durability, dries worse, can curl and bubble.

Why does gel polish bubble?

When shaken, air enters the composition. Due to the dense thick consistency, air cannot escape on its own, as happens with varnishes, water and other less dense liquids. To get rid of the bubbles, the bottle must be opened and, without removing the brush, let it stand for 2-3 hours. Then, mix with a brush, close the bottle and gently, without shaking, twist in your hands.

How does magnetic gel polish work?

This composition contains tiny metal particles that, under the influence of a magnet, change their location, due to which a gradient or glare is formed on the surface. To make a pattern, you need to bring a magnet to the coating that has not yet been cured in a UV lamp and hold it at a distance of 5 mm for several minutes. The effect obtained will depend on how long, which side and to which area you brought the plate. As long as the nail art is not dried, the effect can be changed as many times as you like. Read more in this article.

How to choose a magnet?

Magnets can be flat or shaped. Flats are used to create highlights, gradients, and cat-eye effects. With the help of figured ones, you can create only those patterns that are provided for by the shape of the magnet.

Technologies of the nail industry have stepped far forward and today you can easily change not only the length, but also the shape of the nails.

For this, manicure masters use modeling gel for nail extension. It is used in the second phase of the extension procedure, when the nail is given shape and aesthetic appearance.

With its help, it is possible to realize the dream of many women about a beautiful and long manicure, which will please its mistress for at least three weeks.

Then a correction will be required, since with the growth of the nail plate, the gel itself grows.

Features of modeling compositions and their properties:
  • elasticity and strength,
  • ability to self-level,
  • different shades - from transparent to pearly,
  • the possibility of choosing different degrees of viscosity,
  • easy to use
  • safe
  • resistant to external influences.

Modeling gel for nails - what is it and how to use it?

Means are represented by single-phase and three-phase compositions. Three-phase - this is a modeling, base and finish gel.

  1. Base gels are used at the first stage of creating an artificial nail for a strong bond with a natural plate. It has a liquid consistency, so it can be applied in a thin layer. The color of the product is soft pink, as close to natural as possible. No smell, dries quickly under the lamp.
  2. Modeling gel is used in the second stage, when the nails acquire the desired shape and length. The consistency of the product is thick or medium viscosity. You can also choose different shades - from transparent to pale pink.
  3. The finishing gel finishes the procedure, which fixes the previous layers, creates reliable protection against scratches and chips.

As for single-phase gels, they replace three-phase ones, as a result, the nails are thinner and more natural.

Modeling tools are equally good for building on both tips and forms.


First, let's figure out how the extension to the forms takes place.

You will need to treat the cuticle area and remove the pterygium, we process the nails with a 240 grit file. Degrease the surface of the nail plates and glue the forms. Cover nails with primer.

  • Let's start building up - you need to create a foundation. To do this, we take the base gel - we apply it on the nail (not very thick) and on the forms, creating the outlines of the future nail. Dry for a couple of minutes in a UV lamp. Since the basis is set, we remove the paper forms. Some systems involve applying the base only to the natural nail (very thin layer), in which case the forms are not removed accordingly.
  • We apply the modeling gel to the entire length of the nail, from the lunula to the free edge, with pulling movements. Dry for two minutes. Now you can start filing and grinding, bringing the nails to the ideal shape. We pass over the nails with a napkin with a clinser.
  • We cover the nails with a finishing gel and dry. If you are going to paint your nails with gel polish, no finish is required.


If the extension is performed on tips, the work of the master begins with the preparation of the nail plate.

  1. Nails are filed, degreased, the most suitable tips are selected (preferably transparent).
  2. Glue, saw down, give the desired shape. We apply a primer on the natural part of the nail and an adhesion agent on the artificial part.
  3. Then you can start applying the base product - it is applied with a brush over the entire length of the nail, dried in a UV lamp.
  4. The next stage is the application of a modeling gel, it is applied with stretching semicircular movements from the cuticle to the free edge. Dry in a lamp.
  5. Second layer. To create a beautiful curve, the gel coating is started in the second zone - the agent is applied not from the cuticle, but with an indent of 3-4 mm and fixed under the lamp.
  6. For convenience, so that the gel does not spread and does not lose the desired shape, first work with all fingers, except for the thumbs (one hand is dried with the second work), then the gel is applied separately to them.
  7. Now it's time to trim the nails and file down all the bumps, buff the surface of the nails.
  8. The procedure is completed by applying a transparent gel to fix the result. After that, the master can apply ordinary varnish, decorate with rhinestones, and apply a drawing.

Colored gels are quite popular, which open up wide opportunities for creativity and the creation of an original design.

With their help, a French manicure is performed, both classic in white and in any other.

Translucent and dense compositions replace conventional varnishes, but at the same time they do not lose their luster and do not chip off for a long time.

Someone even chooses a black gel, which gives a rich shade, can be used both independently and combined with other colors. The options for implementing design ideas are endless.

It is no coincidence that competitions are regularly held among nail extension masters, where they compete in the mastery of modern technologies in the nail industry.

Brands of modeling gels

There are many manufacturers of modeling tools. One of them is the British brand Infinity.

Factory of modeling nail gels from Infiniti located in the USA.

The products have an amazing transparency, which allows them to be used for aquarium designs and create the effect of crystal nails.

The weighting agents included in the composition significantly reduce the amount of dust during sawing. They do not contain methacrylic acid, therefore they are completely safe for health.

Another popular remedy is Pro Tec Single Phase Gel.

It has a texture of medium viscosity, it lays down well in two layers. It is available in six tones, which allows you to choose the optimal shade for a specific skin type. Well removes defects and lengthens the nail plate.

Modeling nail gel Bio Gel
  • IBD Builder Gel Natural is a popular tool for creating an elegant manicure. Does not harm the nail plate, provides a beautiful shine, protects against cracking.
  • Irisk Smoothing Natural is a self-levelling gel that is affordable and comes in a variety of finishes.
  • CNI Strong is a high viscosity product with a hypoallergenic formula that is safe for sensitive skin.
  • EzFlow Edge it - translucent gels that strengthen the nail plate and protect it from brittleness.
  • LadyVictoryAG-03 - well combined with other gel products, has a dense texture, self-levels, has no unpleasant odor. This is the best choice for french manicure. At the same time, its cost is more than democratic - an average of 260 rubles.
  • OPI Axxium Sculpture Gel Clear is easy to use, allows you to create flexible and durable artificial nails. Suitable for French manicure.

Today buy modeling gel for nails won't be difficult.

It is presented in all specialized stores. The master only needs to make the right choice based on his quality requirements and financial capabilities.

A convenient, inexpensive and high-quality tool is Giorgio Capachini modeling nail gel. It is single-phase with an average degree of viscosity.

Perfect transparency ensures a beautiful result. It polymerizes in a lamp in two minutes.

The formula does not include acids, so the gel is safe for health. It is used for heavy-duty building, including for a pedicure.
