Why did a dark streak appear on the nail. Dark streak on thumb nail

Such a phenomenon as black stripes on the nails is quite common. Nail plates serve as a kind of indicator of the state of human health. The body signals this or that violation that is happening in it. If defective manifestations appear on the nail plates, this is an alarming sign.

As statistics show, many with the appearance of blackness on the nails do not rush to the doctor, but in every possible way try to mask the defect. Thereby only complicating the necessary treatment.

Dark stripes on the nail plates can appear both on the legs and on the hands. They differ in vertical or horizontal arrangement, come in different sizes and color intensities: from barely noticeable to pronounced. All these factors depend on the causes that cause them.

Mechanical damage to the finger or nail

Often, when bruised, for example, with a hammer, the nail darkens or a strip appears on it. The situation is painful, but of all the reasons, the simplest and most understandable, since the diagnosis is obvious - a trauma. After a short time, everything passes, the strip disappears. In the worst case, the affected nail may “come off”, a new one will form in its place.

The same situation is observed when wearing shoes that are too tight or damage the nail and cuticle during an unprofessional manicure.

Age changes

In older people, nails deform - they lose their shape, thicken and darken. The reason for this is due to atherosclerosis of the capillaries at the base of the nails. Such changes, unfortunately, are inevitable.

Rigid uncontrolled diet

The so-called "self-prescribed" diets, which can be not just rigid, but sometimes even merciless, cause dramatic changes in the entire body. Which certainly affects the condition of the nails. Watching patients with anorexia, you can see that all their nails are “eaten away” by the fungus. In such people, there is a lack of vitamins, essential minerals and trace elements, which leads to metabolic disorders. In the process of resuming the intake of vitamins, zinc, iron, calcium, there is a gradual disappearance of black stripes on the nails.

Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and joints

With such ailments, a characteristic arrangement of stripes is observed: it is usually paired along the edges of the nail. And they can be caused by anemia, endocarditis, diseases of the heart muscle, provoked by infections.

A defect in the form of black dots on the nails of the hands may appear due to circulatory problems associated with blockage of the artery of the shoulder. The same stripes can occur in patients with arthritis, gout, atherosclerosis, gout. In these cases, changes in the nail often occur on the big toes.

Digestive disorders

The characteristic blackness on the nails is a clear sign of problems in the system responsible for digestion. Especially often it accompanies ulcers, gastroduodenitis, gastritis, ulcerative colitis.

Pathologies in the hormonal sphere

The restructuring of the body caused by menopause, pregnancy, diseases in the endocrine system, the use of hormonal drugs leads to significant changes in the body. Such restructuring will immediately be reflected in the appearance of unaesthetic nail stripes.

In people with high blood sugar levels, and as a result, who are overweight, one can often observe the appearance of longitudinal dark stripes on the nails.

Diseases of the nervous system

The same “traces” can leave disturbances in the functioning of the spinal cord, for example, in the event of a tumor or hernia on the spine.

The most insidious cause caused by a dangerous tumor is an oncological disease of the skin. The black band in a particular case is nothing more than the malignant tumor itself, or the hemorrhage caused by it.

Fungal lesions

The most common cause of dark patches is nail fungus. Such a disease is widespread, since the infection is difficult to avoid, it can “lurk” even in beauty salons. The result of such lesions will not be slow to appear on each nail.

Long-term medication

Vertical black stripes may appear due to long-term use of drugs, such as antibiotics of the tetracycline group, antimalarials.

Chemical influences

Longitudinal stripes can threaten lovers of very frequent nail extensions. In this situation, damage is caused by exposure to chemicals that make up the glue, gel, varnish. They are harmful to the elastic structure of the nails.

What to do, how to get rid of black stripes on the nails

The most important thing in this matter is to establish the cause of the defect. And only after that proceed to the cure. A doctor should both diagnose and prescribe methods of treatment. Independent ways of dealing with the difficulties that have arisen are absolutely inappropriate here. This can aggravate the problem. After all, dark stripes on the nails signal violations inside the body, sometimes these diseases are very serious.

Most likely, you will have to visit more than one specialist.

Having understood for himself that the black stripes on the nail plates are an alarming signal and a serious reason for medical intervention, a person has the opportunity to receive timely medical assistance.

Black stripes on nails with uneven edges and a width of up to 3 mm are found in 40-60-year-old patients, affecting the big fingers and toes with pigmentation. The presence of dark patterns in dark-skinned people (Asians, South Americans, Indians, Africans) is a common and harmless phenomenon.) They are present in 75% of black residents and are called Hutchinson's signs. In other people, dark lines on the nails indicate the source of the pathology. With a vertical arrangement of one or more strokes, the cause lies in the striated melanonychia, which is formed when taking tetracycline, antimalarial and anticancer drugs. The appearance of black stripes on several fingers indicates the drug nature. A local infection is manifested by a lesion of 1-2 fingers, and with a disease of the body or excessive use of drugs, stripes appear on all phalanges.

The correct diagnosis can be made by a mycologist. If a fungal cause of the appearance of stripes on the nails is found, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment after which the pattern will disappear.

  • 1.
  • 2. Factors leading to black stripes in the nail area
  • 2.2. Age changes
  • 2.3. Rigid uncontrolled diet
  • 2.4. Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and joints
  • 2.5. Digestive disorders
  • 2.6. Pathology in the hormonal sphere
  • 2.7. Diabetes
  • 2.9. Melanoma
  • 2.10. Fungal lesions
  • 2.11. Long-term medication
  • 2.12. Chemical influences
  • 2.13. Genetic diseases
  • 2.14. Vitamin deficiency in the body
  • 3. How to get rid of black lines on nails
  • 4. Is there any prevention

What is the nature of stripes and dots

Such defects differ in size and color intensity. Black stripes on the surface of the nail are usually directed along the plate, can be well defined and located along the entire length of the plate. Another variety resembles a short or slightly longer trace from a splinter. Such formations are rarely solitary, more often located in groups. Similarly, black dots or spots on the nails of the hands are distinguished. Their main varieties are as follows:

Nail psoriasis is another reason for black under the nail

Wear shoes that are comfortable and fit well with enough space to eliminate pressure and friction on your toenails. One condition you may not have considered is nail psoriasis, which can be especially painful. Although nail psoriasis usually accompanies the skin condition, in rare cases it appears on its own.

Long-term medication

Psoriasis usually runs in families, and nails are likely to have symptoms. Destruction and total loss of the nail due to psoriasis causing weakening of the nail matrix. Other black lines can wind up on the cuticle when tiny capillaries in the fingertip bleed between the nail and nail bed. Thickening of the skin under the nail, which can also lead to weakening of the nail where you can develop a white area where it separates from the skin under the nail. It usually starts at the tip of the nail and extends to the root, sometimes leading to an infected nail. Redness of the pale arched area at the bottom of the nail when the capillaries under the nail are congested. Arthritis of fingers with changes in nails.

  • Small pits in your nails or pitting of the nail matrix.
  • Sometimes there is inflamed skin around the nail.
  • The lines run through the nails to the side.
Nail psoriasis can also occur along with fungal nail infections.
  • rounded dots of small sizes, which have a dark color of varying intensity;
  • randomly scattered throughout the plate dots with a pronounced black color;
  • rich black dots under the nails, similar to moles;
  • a blue spot on the nail with different sizes, resembling a hematoma;
  • black spots with blurred edges covering most of the plate.

By the appearance of spots and stripes, the shape and nature of the color, the disease can be diagnosed. In any case, this is a clear deviation from the norm, which requires close attention.

Nail psoriasis treatment is part of the treatment for psoriasis. She loves to compare natural therapies and lifestyles - especially in the areas of health, green living and nutrition - in these three different countries. If you like painting nails and toenails, you know: nail polishes are just as trendy as our outfits. Colors and patterns, but also textures change - in summer we enjoy fresh flowers, in winter it becomes darker, covered and golden. We also have smart tricks as you can. Plus: tips for ideal and sister strategies for.

Just announced brownish pink, taupe - everything that revolves around earthy nuances. These tones are noble - and that is why it is especially important that the tones are applied accurately in order to take excellent care of the hands. We'll tell you how to be successful. But Nu will - like every year - again a theme.

Factors leading to black stripes in the nail area

The etiology of these formations is associated with various factors. Black dots and stripes on the nails of the feet and hands can be the result of injury, a sign of pathology or infection. Some of them go away on their own, others indicate the need for treatment.

How to get rid of black streaks on nails

The world of manicure is still painted in gray. Just like on our walls at home, we love the neutral color because it goes with everything and looks like fantasy. Shades of purple or blue are gray in spring so it doesn't get boring.

Nail art - this is how filigree nail art can be

The textures of metallic paints are so captivating that there is always something to discover. We are sure: this nail polish color will accompany us in summer! Nail art means nail art which decorates our nails with gorgeous patterns and pictures. Graphic elements such as golden stripes, silver nail borders, colorful dots are currently in fashion. Designed motifs are more suitable for a nail salon. Here, professionals can draw filigree works of art that we would definitely not achieve with the left.

Mechanical damage to the finger or nail

Darkening of the nail can be rich black, bluish, have a reddish tint. The spot does not have a clear outline, depending on the severity of the injury, it may be a small speck or blackness covering the entire plate. As the plate is updated, the defect disappears without outside intervention. Similar consequences are caused by careless care or too tight shoes.

Glamorous nails - shiny and precious polishes

But if you're a little skilled, you can also draw simple designs on your nails using templates. Don't be afraid to give it a try, after all, you can fix everything with nail polish remover in no time. If you want to dress up for a glorious event, you will definitely get your nails done. Dark colors are a must: black, dark green, navy blue and burgundy were in the winter season. Smoothly wrapped in glitter elements that are integrated into the nail polish, or you can easily dust with a stencil.

Age changes

The risk of finding black spots and stripes on the nails increases significantly in old age. Deformation occurs, thickening of the nail plate, complements the external change in color, which loses its naturalness and acquires a dark shade. Usually this is a consequence of atherosclerosis of capillary vessels, which makes it difficult for oxygen to flow to the base of the nail and provokes pathological changes.

Artificial nails - when to grab shellac?

Are gel polish nails an alternative if your own nails are brittle? Shellac can be applied both at home and in a nail salon - we explain in detail here, if any.

Here's what nail trends look like

There's a lot going on in the new colors.

Trend pattern: combined with fashion

Whoever wears patterns no longer stocks up on nails. Check, stripes, floral pattern - matching clothes can be dyed. Fighting dad Christian Louboutin found it logically: the bottom of the nails. Technology that we will see everywhere. Forget about a pocket mirror, now you can control your makeup with your nails. Mirror nails are designed to stick a dashing diva.

Rigid uncontrolled diet

Black dots that appear on the nails of the hands can be the result of excessively rigid diets. Usually this is a manifestation of anorexia, in which the body is deficient in essential vitamins and minerals, and metabolic disorders occur. This negatively affects the condition of the nails. A return to a balanced diet leads to the elimination of unsightly symptoms, restores the healthy appearance of the nail plate.

Last year we wanted to bring grandma into our hair strands, now Omi is dwelling on our nails. This applies to shades such as rose, beige, mother-of-pearl and delicate pink. You can order a nail online. Because what ends here in nails is nothing but fur. It doesn't just sound weird, it looks weird.

Responsible for this look is Jan Arnold, creative director of the well-known lacquer manufacturer. However, we have doubts that this style will prevail. If you really want to imitate this nail design, just take white, gray or nude nail polish and paint it as a base on your nails. Then press some small fake fur pieces on the still wet paint - done!

Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and joints

This case is characterized by the appearance of clearly visible parallel stripes along the edges of the thumb plate. Their appearance may be a symptom of anemia, pathology of the heart muscle, endocarditis caused by infection. In addition, the cause may be associated with circulatory disorders.

At events and larger events, the look certainly draws attention. We're just wondering how to use these fur nails for wrapping babies, washing dishes, or pressing keys? But that might be too realistic for this megatrend.

They went through social media. This form of artificial nail is not an accident, but a high art that is said to be very much in demand in nails. Apply thinly along the cuticle, crevices in the middle and in thick layers and let it run out to the tip of the nail. Information from the practice of natural healing Rene Greiber.

Digestive disorders

Ulcer, colitis or gastritis, other pathologies of the digestive system is another reason for such changes. The characteristic blackness disappears after recovery, when the nail plate is completely renewed.

Pathology in the hormonal sphere

A stripe or dot on the nail may indicate a malfunction of the hormonal system. This occurs with long-term use of hormonal drugs, during pregnancy or menopause. Another reason for the pathology of the endocrine system.

On the nails reflect in a certain way the "internal processes" in the body. According to Kurt Tepperwein, nail bulbs that are too large indicate a tendency to have a heart attack. Cross streaks of light that do not rise indicate malaria, leprosy, or Hodgkin's disease.

Longitudinal burrs on the nails look like normal and non-obvious signs of aging. In addition, they can be a sign of the absence of vital substances. Enlarged and destroyed nails indicate one or more diseases of the lungs and heart, as well as problems with the liver and kidneys.


Dark stripes with a longitudinal arrangement on the nails may appear with diabetes. The latter disrupts blood flow in the vessels, which causes changes on the nail plate. Often these formations are accompanied by problems of excess weight.

A brown front half into the nail or a brown streak across the nail indicates kidney weakness. Yellow spots indicate a brain disorder, and yellowish nails indicate liver weakness or gallbladder problems. With full gel staining, one can also have diabetes or hypofunction.

White spots are the result of minor nail trauma and possibly overuse. Sometimes a nail fungus infection may be present. All-white nails usually have a pink tip and are called terry nails. They indicate liver disease, diabetes, and kidney failure. Terry nails also occur as part of the normal aging process.

Diseases of the nervous system

There is a great chance to encounter similar manifestations with lesions of the central nervous system and diseases of the spinal cord. A longitudinal dark stripe may mean a tumor or intervertebral hernia.


A longitudinal black stripe becomes a characteristic sign of a malignant tumor on the skin. With melanoma, this is the result of a hemorrhage or oncology itself.

What is the nature of stripes and dots

A brown front half into the nail or a brown stripe across the nail indicates one. A very dark and deep black discoloration is usually melanoma and needs to be treated urgently. After very hard blows to the nail, hematomas may appear here, similar to these spots, but look more blackish-bluish.

By the way: if you are interested in such information, just ask for my free newsletter. In the following, you will find help and home remedies from naturopathy and alternative medicine that are suitable for certain nail symptoms. May have several shades and several causes of color change. They can be red, purple, brown, black, yellow, greenish and have white spots.

Fungal lesions

A common cause of blackness is nail fungus. The risk of contracting an infection is especially high with weakened immunity in public places with high humidity and temperature. The leg is the first to suffer from infection, where the process of sweating is more active and there are more convenient folds for the propagation of the pathogen. This becomes a favorable environment in which subungual fungus develops on the legs, followed by a lesion on the hands. The hand from such an infection suffers less often, usually this occurs in the absence of timely or proper treatment. To get rid of the defect, long therapy for up to a year may be required.

Inflammatory changes accompanying skin diseases and affecting the nail apparatus, such as psoriasis, lichen planus, amyloidosis, and localized scleroderma, are rarely the cause of longitudinal melanonychia (LM).
With a single biopsy of the focus of longitudinal melanonychia (PM), benign melanocytic hyperplasia (lentigo) is detected in 9% of cases in adults and in 30% of cases in children.

Nevi observed in 12% of cases of longitudinal melanonychia (PM) in adults and in almost 50% of cases in children. Brown-black coloration is noted in 2/3 of cases and periungual pigmentation (benign Hutchinson's pseudosign) in 1/3 of cases.
Some drugs can cause longitudinal melanonychia (PM), especially chemotherapy and antimalarial drugs (mepacrine, amodiaquine, chloroquine).

In patients with longitudinal melanonychia(PM) The diagnosis of subungual melanoma should always be suspected. It is often very difficult to differentiate a benign focal lesion from a malignant one. Both types of lesions usually occur on the thumb or index finger and are most commonly seen in dark-skinned patients. If the cause of longitudinal melapopychia is not exactly known, a biopsy should be performed in adults. The spread of pigmentation to the skin surrounding the nail plate, involving the nail folds and fingertips is called Hutchinson's sign, which is an important indicator of nail melanoma.

Pseudofeature Hutchinson's is characterized by dark pigment around the proximal nail fold and is secondary to benign conditions such as racial melanosis. Other causes of Hutchinson's pseudosign are a transparent cuticle, below which the pigment of longitudinal melanonychia (PM) is visible. In trauma and drug-induced pigmentation, Hutchinson's pseudo-sign may also be seen.

Subungual occurs on the hands in 45-60% of cases and is most often observed on the thumb. On the foot, subungual melanoma also commonly occurs on the big toe. The average age at the time of diagnosis of subungual melanoma is usually 55-65 years. The disease is observed with approximately the same frequency in men and women.

Diagnosis of longitudinal melanonychia and melanoma

Distribution: most often with longitudinal melanonychia (PM) and melanoma, the fingers involved in the capture (thumb, index and middle) are affected, however, these pathological changes can be found on any finger or toe.

There is a mnemonic abbreviation ABCDEF that describes subungual melanoma:
- "A" indicates the age (age) with a peak incidence between the fifth and seventh decade of life, as well as the name of the ethnic groups (African Americans, Asians and Native Americans, i.e. Indians), representatives of which account for one third of cases of subungual melanoma.
- "B" indicates the color, brown or black (brown, black), and the width (breadth) of 3 mm or more.
- "C" indicates a change in pigmentation (coloration) of the nail strip or no change (change) after adequate treatment.

- "D" denotes the finger (digit) as the most common area of ​​involvement.
- "E" means the spread (extension) of the pigment on the proximal and / or lateral nail roller (Hutchinson's sign).
- "F" indicates a family (family) or personal history of dysplastic nevus or melanoma.

A biopsy of the nail matrix allows you to determine the exact cause of pigmentation. Patients with dark skin and clear lesions of longitudinal melanonychia (LM) on a few nails usually need only observation. In fair-skinned individuals with a single dark line on the nail, a biopsy is necessary. A 3-mm trepanobiopsy of the darkest area of ​​the pigmented band within the nail matrix is ​​performed. The histological diagnosis of atypical melanocytic hyperplasia inevitably entails complete removal of the lesion.

Differential diagnosis of subungual melanonychia and melanoma

pigmented lesions on the nail bed are not usually the cause of subungual melanonychia and are seen through the nail as a greyish-brown or black patch.

Subungual hematoma can be mistaken for subungual melanonychia, however, the pigmentation zone shifts as the nail plate grows, and its proximal border is visible, repeating the shape of the lunula. A hole in the nail plate allows you to see the underlying nail bed and verify the cause of the discoloration.

Treatment of subungual melanonychia and melanoma

Patients with benign subungual melanonychia do not need treatment.
In primary subungual, amputation is required at the level of the interphalangeal joint if the thumb is affected, distal interphalangeal joints if other fingers are affected, or metatarsophalangeal joints if the toes are affected. With melanoma in situ, it is possible to completely remove the nail apparatus with the preservation of the finger. Lymphadenectomy of regional lymph nodes helps to establish the stage of the disease.

With metastases in the lymph nodes or internal organs, chemotherapy is recommended, which can be carried out both in our country and abroad - a multi-visa for treatment in Germany is quite affordable for many segments of the population. The five-year survival rate is approximately 74% for stage I and 40% for stage II disease. Prognosis factors include stage at diagnosis, Clarke level of invasion, race (African American), and ulceration.

Since longitudinal may indicate undiagnosed nail melanoma, regular follow-up is essential. The patient should report any rapid changes in pigmentation of the nail plate or nail folds and a biopsy is strongly recommended.

Have you noticed that the nail plate has changed? This sign indicates a serious failure in the body, most often it manifests itself after a bruise. To get rid of an unpleasant symptom, be sure to find out the cause for yourself. How dangerous are black spots? What can they indicate?

The reasons

When the color of the nail changes, you need to urgently sound the alarm. If there was no injury, then, most likely, your body lacks vitamins, other important substances, or a skin tumor develops.

Spots can be in the form of purple, red dots, dark red, black stripes. Often the spots are blue. If red stripes appear under the nails, this is a hemorrhage, they will darken over time. The spots can be round, small, shapeless. First of all, you need to consult a dermatologist.

Dark, black dots are not only a cosmetic defect that can be hidden with varnish, but a serious problem. When the nail changes after an injury, there is no need to worry: the plate will recover, the stain will disappear over time. Also, hyperpigmentation can be attributed to a harmless cause.

More dangerous factors include:

  • Disruptions in the stomach, intestines.
  • Hepatic pathologies.
  • Diseases of blood vessels, heart.
  • Circulatory problems.
  • Worms.
  • Taking chemical medicines.
  • that develops under the nail.

Nail injury

Do you have sensitive skin? After a bruise, a bruise will immediately appear, and the nail will turn black. This happens because the capillaries are destroyed. Of course, black dots most often appear on the toes when a person accidentally stumbles, stumbles, and also wears tight shoes.

As a rule, at first the spots are burgundy-purple, after a while they become dark. When you press on the affected skin, there is an unpleasant pain. In the event that the hematoma does not resolve itself, the plate will collapse, while black stripes will still remain.

Health problems

Age changes

Surely you have noticed that in older people the toenails and hands are significantly different. They coarsen, get fat, turn yellow. The main reason is capillary atherosclerosis. In this case, it is quite difficult to help.

Strict diet

Skin, nails, hair - this is the main indicator of how a person eats. If he constantly sits on a strict diet, useful substances cease to enter the body. In addition to problems with internal organs, there are various cosmetic defects, for example, black stripes on the nails.

In this case, the diet must include vitamins, important trace elements - zinc, iron, calcium. Be sure to add to your menu: dairy products, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat.

Cardiac, vascular pathologies

Due to chronic infection, heart problems develop over time. Subsequently, the nail plate darkens, black stripes are visible on it. Most often, spots are characteristic of such diseases:

  • Cardiac pathologies.
  • Anemia.
  • Inflammatory process of the inner heart membrane.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Malignant diseases of the blood.
  • Gout.
  • Arthritis.

Digestive failures

Black stripes may be the result of impaired functioning of the stomach and intestines. Only after a therapeutic diet, restoration of the digestive process, the problem disappears. It is recommended to undergo a course of therapy with a gastroenterologist, a therapist. Most often, nails change due to ulcers, gastritis, colitis, gastroduodenitis.

Hormonal disruptions

A woman during pregnancy, menopause, as well as teenage girls often have problems with hormones, they have to take special drugs. The body begins to react, so the nails become brittle, dark stripes appear on them.


A rather dangerous pathology that destroys the body. In this case, the nail plate turns white, blackens, turns yellow, becomes dense.

Diseases of the nervous system

External changes may indicate a hernia, problems with the spinal cord.


One of the dangerous reasons due to which black stripes appear. Under the nail plate, a malignant formation begins to grow. When the tumor bleeds, the nails darken noticeably. If the disease progresses, an ichor appears. It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, otherwise the black dots will begin to metastasize.


One of the common reasons. The problem appears after visiting a beauty salon, swimming pool, bath, sauna. Here you can not do without qualified therapy.

Taking medication

A side effect of potent drugs are changes in nails and skin. Often this happens after a course of antibiotic therapy - tetracyclines, antimalarial drugs. After the end of the course, dark stripes gradually disappear.

Chemical exposure

It will not be possible to avoid the problem if the production constantly has to inhale dangerous radioactive substances: glue, gel, nail polish. The elastic nail structure is sensitive to chemistry.

Genetic disorders

Sometimes a child is already born with serious problems. As a rule, spots are not so noticeable, they can be hidden later with varnish, and reduced using cream.

Treatment Methods

Never self-medicate. First of all, you need to find out why you have this problem. If black spots are due to a lack of vitamins, special treatment is not carried out. It is enough to revise the diet, start leading a healthy lifestyle, temper, strengthen the immune system.

It is treated with the help of drugs - pills are taken inside, and ointment is applied externally. Sometimes you also need to drink hormonal drugs.

So, take care of your health and beauty. Enrich the menu with vegetables, fruits, and other healthy products. Rest in nature as much as possible. Be careful, avoid injuries to your hands and feet, and do not get carried away with fashionable cosmetic procedures - nail extensions, pedicures.

Black dots under the nails may indicate a serious malfunction of the body or appear after a bruise. You can get rid of them only after eliminating the root cause.

What is the nature of stripes and dots

A change in the color of the nail indicates internal problems in the body. If over the past few days you have not had to injure your finger, and black stripes or dots have appeared under the nails, you need to sound the alarm. Sometimes such symptoms only indicate a lack of vitamins or other substances, most often the problem is more serious up to.

Stains on the nails may look like this:

  • red dots;
  • purple dots;
  • dark red stripes;
  • black stripes;
  • blurry black spots;
  • blue spots.

Red dots and stripes on the nails of the hands and feet are hemorrhages, their color gradually darkens. Spots can be shapeless or round, small spots are distributed over the entire surface of the nail plate. Every day the spots can move and change their size. The initial examination is carried out by a dermatologist. Interspersed in the form of a mole also speak of serious violations.

The spots may have different shades, more gray or blue, more or less clear outline. To make a diagnosis, you need to look at other signs, in particular, the structure of the nail fold.

Factors leading to black stripes in the nail area

Black or dark spots on the nails are not a purely cosmetic defect, you can not ignore this problem and try to paint over it with varnish or cut it off. If a red or black spot appeared after an injury, then there is no need to worry. As the plate grows, the stain will also come off. Among the harmless causes is an increased level of pigmentation.

If the problem is systematic, then this may indicate a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, cardiovascular system, the presence of worms, exposure to chemicals, and circulatory disorders. The cause may be a subungual fungus on the legs.

Mechanical damage to the finger or nail

If a person is sensitive and bruises easily on the skin, then the nail may turn black even after a slight bruise. Hemorrhage or bruising appear due to the destruction of capillaries from mechanical stress. The problem of black dots is more typical for the toes, when a person stumbled, stumbled, stepped on his foot in transport or during sports, tight shoes can lead to hemorrhage.

At first, the spot on the nail has a burgundy-violet hue, then it turns blue and darkens to black. When pressed, pain is felt. If the hematoma has not resolved on its own, then it will come off along with the regrown plate. Black dots may remain in its place for a while.

Age changes

In older people, the nails of the hands and feet are noticeably different, they become thicker, rougher, may have grooves, the color is usually yellow, there are black stripes. The reason for the change in color and structure is atherosclerosis of capillaries located close to the nail plate. Deviation has no reverse process.

Rigid uncontrolled diet

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • gastroduodenitis.

Pathologies in the hormonal sphere

Hormonal changes accompany women more: adolescence, menopause. Often, patients are prescribed a hormonal drug. In any of these periods, the body may react with the appearance of dark stripes on the nails, brittleness. And also the problem is present in diseases of the endocrine system.


Diabetes is a dangerous disease for the body. It affects many bodily functions. Nails can turn black, turn white, turn yellow, become transparent or, conversely, dense.

Diseases of the nervous system

Dark stripes on the nails of the hands and black dots may appear due to problems with the spinal cord or the formation of a hernia.

In this case, the grooves are narrow, and in the middle the nail plate is flattened.


Melanoma is the most dangerous cause of black stripes. The formation under the nail plate is malignant. Whether a dark stripe is a dot on the nails of the hands and there is a tumor, or a dark spot may appear due to the fact that the tumor bleeds. As the disease develops, ichor begins to stand out from under the nail. Black dots can metastasize if you do not see a doctor in time.

Fungal lesions

The most common, but not the safest problem. It takes a lot of time and effort to get rid of it. You can become infected in any public place, the main sources of infection are sauna, bath, swimming pool, beauty salons.

After the appointment of qualified treatment, nail fungus will disappear.

Long-term medication

It can lead to violations of any internal organ. The condition of the skin and nails is affected by antimalarial drugs and antibiotics of the tetracycline group. After the end of the course of treatment, dark stripes and dots disappear.

Chemical influences

Speaking of chemical exposure, we are talking about radioactive substances that are inhaled in hazardous production. Nail polish, gel, glue, detergents, and more can spoil the appearance of nails. The elastic structure of nails is sensitive to chemical components.

Genetic diseases

Such manifestations can be caused by a hereditary factor. Treat the problem to no avail. Typically, spots of this kind are not very pronounced and they can be hidden with nail polish or reduced with a special cream.

How to get rid of black streaks on nails

If a specific band or dot appears, you should not try to cure them yourself until the cause is identified. In each case, the remedy for treatment is different. Diagnosis is lengthy, before a verdict is delivered, you will have to visit more than one doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. If the patient suffers from chronic or viral diseases, this must be told to the doctor.

If the occurrence of black spots on the nails is associated with a lack of vitamins, then there will be no specific treatment. It is enough to change the diet. Do not forget about a healthy lifestyle and boosting immunity.

To treat onychomycosis is required with the help of tablets and applying ointment to the affected area. Some diseases require hormone therapy.

There is no single way to get rid of the problem. The first step is to correctly diagnose the problem. By getting rid of the cause, you can return the previous look to your body.


To be healthy, you need to take care of your body. The menu should be rich in vitamins, minerals, fresh vegetables and fruits.

You can not overload your body, which negatively affects the immune system. In work, every hour you need to take a break, before going to bed, take walks in the fresh air.

With a frequency of once every six months / year, you need to undergo preventive examinations with doctors. To avoid nail fungus, you need to maintain personal hygiene.

You also need to carefully work with tools so as not to expose your hands and feet to injury. Women should not get too carried away with extensions and decorative varnishes.
