Gift for boyfriend for 15th birthday. For hobbies and development of creativity

"Kid" is already fifteen? Is he taller than his grandmother by a head, dresses strangely, always surfs the Internet and is it difficult to please him? Then it's time to go through all the possible ideas of what to give the boy for 15 years.

It should immediately be indicated which gift a 15-year-old boy will definitely not need, even if last year he dreamed of something similar. The interests of teenagers change rapidly, and this is absolutely normal.

What should not be given to a young man:

  • Toys. The boy grew up and turned into a young man with new interests. Therefore, it is better to exclude cars and other attributes of childhood. Of the "toys", only video games and quadrocopters are preferred.
  • Souvenirs. Various trinkets, if these are not collectible models and figures, are unlikely to be useful to a teenager.
  • Cloth. There are many problems here. May not fit or not to your liking. If parents give clothes, then the guy will be disappointed with such an “everyday” gift. From wardrobe items it is better to give accessories - leather bracelets, watches, hats, ties.
  • Stationery. The school requires a lot of resources. However, pens, notebooks, rulers, pencils must be entered in family budget and not be presented at the feast. But a stylish reading lamp attached directly to a book, e-book, pocket organizer - good gift needed for learning.
  • Old hobbies. It would not be superfluous to ask what the young man is passionate about this moment. Perhaps the birthday boy has already abandoned playing the guitar for six months or has abruptly changed his style from sports to business. Therefore, before choosing a gift for old hobbies, it is better to ask your parents what a teenager is “breathing” now.

Advice! When in doubt, the easiest way is to ask the guy what he wants for his birthday. At the age of 15, children are already conscious and can choose a gift on their own.

What a 15 year old needs

The life of 15-year-old teenagers is made up of a lot of interesting things, without which they cannot imagine their existence. Having outlined interests, it is easy to navigate in gifts for a young man.


Undoubtedly best gift a 15-year-old boy - electronics and technical accessories. The choice is wide from high-quality headphones to modern computers and robots. Therefore, any parent or relative will be able to pick up a gift according to their pocket.

The table shows the gadgets that will be useful to a teenager:

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The soundbar is a wireless high-quality sound reproduction system. An indispensable thing for moviegoers and music lovers.

A VR headset or virtual reality glasses can be chosen for every taste, smartphone, wallet. Playing, watching videos, working with applications will become much more interesting and convenient.

A large video game monitor is every gamer's dream. Saturated colors, clarity, and most importantly - full immersion into virtual events.

Smart watches will be useful for athletes. With their help, you can not only monitor physical parameters but also listen to music while exercising.

A wireless speaker is useful for a sociable young man. All you need is a smartphone with your favorite music, and you can have a party anywhere. For lovers of lonely dances, climbers, athletes, wireless headphones are suitable.


Gone are the days when guys who confuse the words “ignorant” and “ignorant” were considered the coolest in the class. Knowledge is wealth modern society without which it is difficult to find your place in life. Therefore, when choosing a gift for a 15-year-old boy, you should pay attention to books and an interesting pastime.

Among the books for 15-year-olds, it should be noted:

  • Pavel Sanaev - "Bury me behind the plinth";
  • Ray Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles
  • Jules Verne - "The Mysterious Island";
  • Boris Vasiliev - "Tomorrow there was a war";
  • Chingiz Aitmatov - "White steamboat";
  • Stephen King - The Dark Tower
  • Jack London - "Northern Tales";
  • Rudyard Kipling - "Kim"
  • Jerome D. Salinger - The Catcher in the Rye;
  • Joe Meno - "Turn It Up"
  • The Strugatsky Brothers - Roadside Picnic;
  • Daniel Keyes - "Flowers for Algernon"

Courses, master classes, excursions are selected according to the interests of the young man. Let the birthday boy try himself in something new and exciting.

Examples of active and educational recreation:

  • robotics courses;
  • quest;
  • horseback riding;
  • rock climbing;
  • dog sled racing;
  • master class in blacksmithing;
  • virtual piloting lesson;
  • basics of programming;
  • Foreign language courses;
  • tour to another country;
  • excursion for several days;
  • drawing;
  • archery;
  • video filming course.


Teenagers are active, impulsive, risk-averse. In order for the young man to be always on the move and be able to demonstrate to his friends the wonders of his dexterity, it is worth endowing the birthday man with fashionable means of transportation.

Examples of what to give a 15-year-old boy for constant movement:

  • bike;
  • skates;
  • cross-country skiing;
  • scooter;
  • hoverboard;
  • roller Skates;
  • moped;
  • longboard;
  • skateboard;
  • rollers for shoes;
  • rollersurf;
  • segway;
  • unicycle.

Advice! Don't forget to buy stylish accessories– LED nipples, helmet, gloves, stickers.


Young men at the age when they "meet by clothes." If with suitable clothes it’s not easy to figure it out, then it’s not difficult to pick up stylish “things”.

Examples of what to give a boy 15 years old for stylish look life:

  • watch;
  • cap;
  • bracelet;
  • pendant;
  • glowing sneakers;
  • luminous shoelace;
  • icon;
  • scarf;
  • hat;
  • belt with buckle;
  • the bow tie;
  • sunglasses;
  • bag;
  • backpack.


The easiest way is to choose what you can give for 15 years to a boy who is passionate about creativity. You can safely send to art stores and choose materials, tools, creative kits. It is also useful to look into electronics stores if the boy is fond of photography, video filming, music.

The table gives examples of creative gifts:

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The guitar is a teenage gift for all time. For beginners, you can give an acoustic instrument, for more advanced musicians - an electric guitar.

Watercolor markers are a modern tool for creating colorful illustrations. Professional markers are quite expensive, so a novice artist will be happy to receive them as a gift.

Not just to take pictures for social networks, and to master the art of photography, the boy needs a professional camera.

The designer may not be only for children. Complex models from several hundred or even thousands of details will captivate an assiduous boy.

Creative kits - universal gift, especially if the birthday boy is fond of science. Chemical or physical experiments can be carried out at home. The main thing is to choose sets marked "15+".


Friends are an important part of any teenage life. Therefore, it is obvious what to give a boy for 15 years - communication! If adults provide an opportunity to celebrate their day with friends in some themed cafe, the birthday boy will be happy. The price of such a gift can exceed several tens of thousands, but the young man will definitely remember his 15th birthday.

Where can you celebrate your birthday with friends:

  • cafe;
  • balloon;
  • museum of slot machines;
  • laser tag;
  • paintball;
  • amusement park;
  • bowling;
  • hike;
  • concert of your favorite band;
  • ship;
  • karting.

Advice! Weigh financial opportunities and offer your son a choice of several options. Let the birthday boy decide where he will celebrate.

What to give a 15 year old boy? Young people today are quite demanding consumers who are sometimes hard to please. They are very different from the previous generation of fifteen-year-old boys. They are more knowledgeable, tech-savvy and ambitious, yet they are all the same fast-paced natures as the generation of their moms and dads at this age. True, hobbies today are somewhat different.

Consider a few good options Moreover, by presenting the two most popular categories of gifts.

Interesting games

Modern young people at the age of 15 play games that their parents have never even heard of. Deciding what to give a 15 year old boy do not pass by the fashionable Air Hockey today. Not so long ago, gaming tables with this game could only be found in entertainment centers. major cities. Today there is an opportunity to purchase a more compact version of the Air Hockey. This game will capture the attention of the 15-year-old hero of the occasion for a long time.

A cool alternative to this game in the same series of gifts will be a premium slingshot in a holster. Someone thinks that childhood ends at the age of 15, prove with this gift that the main thing is to be young at heart.

Another great gift for those who like to have fun and at the same time express themselves, as well as answering the question, what to give a 15 year old boy, is an express sculptor. It is enough just to touch this product with your hand to get a sculpture on reverse side.Variants of possible sculptures are limited only by your own imagination and ideas of creative embodiment.

Unusual useful gifts

Fifteen-year-old guys are yesterday's children, therefore, along with interesting games, unusual gizmos can suit them as a gift. Well, if they can be used in everyday life, but the gift itself has an extraordinary idea, which attracts in the first place. Thinking about what to give a 15 year old boy from this category of gifts, we draw your Special attention on the flying alarm clock. Every teenager is familiar with the situation in which, by stopping the alarm, he will continue to sleep peacefully and soundly. Having such an alarm clock, you will not be able to oversleep. The thing is that the signal of a working Flying alarm clock stops only when the propeller released by the device is put into place. So, before leaving annoying trills, the owner of such a gift will have to properly chase after the flying part. Thus, the last remnants of sleep will be removed as if by hand, you can believe us, it has been tested on ourselves.

So, when choosing a gift for a young person of this age, you need to remember that in youth everything unusual and extraordinary attracts, only in this case you will be able to find perfect gift 15 year old birthday boy.

This age is difficult - at the age of fifteen there is a lot of infantile in the guy, but he is no longer a child, and not only looks like an adult, but also thinks like an adult. At this age, a birthday is a special day, long-awaited and reverent, when the boy is waiting for miracles and hopes that he will certainly be given “the very thing”. What exactly is a mystery, the boy rarely talks about his desires, especially material ones. But you can guess and present a valuable thing to a guy that will delight him - the main thing is to understand what he might want.

It is important to understand that on a fifteen-year-old birthday, too childish gifts will not suit a guy - but too adult things will not be highly appreciated. For boys of this age, there are a lot of nice things that teenagers dream about - and since many themselves cannot afford to buy certain things yet, they just have to wait for birthday gifts. And you just have to give them - and you can make a big mistake if you don’t know for sure what the birthday person wants, and then there will be disappointment. And you can try - and give a dream!

What to choose son?

It is especially difficult for parents on such a day - they have a huge responsibility. Relations between parents and a teenager of this age are often strained and complicated, and besides, he probably expects something valuable, special, and of course not cheap from his beloved mom and dad on his birthday. The question of what to give your son for 15 years is disturbing and leads to a headache - but do not rush to despair, there are options.

It is important for parents to remember that the birthday of a teenager should be a holiday, this is only his day, and absolutely everything around should be perfect for him. Show love and care, demonstrate how dear your son is to you - and you don’t have to deserve it! He will appreciate it highly and will be very grateful and happy.

Gift for a friend

Bosom friends always give each other special things. At the age of fifteen, it is difficult to give something expensive to a friend of the same age, and this is not necessary. Friendly gifts are of special value, and it is good if they are memorable. Often only the best friend knows what the birthday person wants - and you can give your friend the most special and personal thing that he dreams of.

romantic gifts

But what to give your beloved guy for his 15th birthday is a difficult question. But if you show imagination, the problem will be solved.

  1. You can safely make a guy a hand-made present for the holiday, such romantic gift from a girl he will appreciate highly. It can be a confession card, a photo frame or a collage, a box of notes, and so on. It is worth spending a little time, making an effort and using your imagination - and you will get an original, unique gift that will remind you of you and often give pleasant emotions.
  2. In addition, you can present him with jewelry - a pendant on a chain, a bracelet or something similar. But only here you need to know for sure what the birthday man likes, what he likes to wear - and what he will never wear. The guy will not wear a heart or a kitten around his neck - he is already an adult, so love confession can be placed secretly, inside the pendant or done on the back of the bracelet.
  3. A special gift for him there will be a ticket to a concert of his favorite band, or to another event that he dreams of attending - this will definitely cause delight and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy!

It is always difficult to choose gifts, but it is so pleasant and interesting - especially if the birthday boy is dear to you. Remember that the main thing is always attention and love, devotion and respect, and not the cost of a thing. Let your gift be special and bring a lot of sincere emotions to the birthday boy!

On the eve of the fifteenth birthday, it is somehow embarrassing to call the boy a child. After all, the “child” is already taller than the mother and is trying to speak in bass notes. But all the same, he, completely childish, will wait holiday and, of course, gifts. But that one comes age period when choosing a gift is very, very difficult. Transitional age- this is the age when interests and hobbies change almost every day.

15 years is the age of contradictions and categorical judgments, constant throwing and a whole bunch of complexes that poison the life of a teenager. Often he himself cannot decide exactly what he wants, with such a speed, desires replace each other.

Therefore, it will be very difficult for parents and guests to decide what to give a boy for 15 years. A bad gift on a day like this, you can offend at all.

What Parents Shouldn't Do: to give the boy some of the things that they would have bought him anyway. Casual wear, shoes, school supplies not good for a day like this.

A holiday is a holiday, and a gift for the 15th anniversary must be unusual and original, albeit not very expensive, if material possibilities do not allow. At the age of 15, the young man is already old enough to understand which thing will fit into the family budget and which will not.

As for adult guests, they must correctly assess the age of the birthday person, because there is nothing more offensive for a teenager than to receive as a gift something that he has long outgrown.

A toy for a 10 year old best case will be politely put aside, but it can also fly into the trash, at this age, emotions from resentment often go off scale.

Therefore, many modern teenagers very practical, and do not mind ordering gifts for your birthday yourself. If there are no ideas about a gift at all, then there is nothing easier than directly asking the hero of the occasion about it.

It would be even better if he picks up a gift himself, because today it’s not even necessary to go to the store for this, unless it’s a thing that needs to be tried on. But the chance that a teenager will choose clothes is very small. And each large store has its own website, where you can see the assortment, ask the price and make a choice.

Is it worth donating money?

The question is ambiguous. On the one hand, many 15-year-olds will be happy if they give them a certain amount of money.

Many at this age are saving up for some major purchase, and such a gift will bring them one step closer to the desired acquisition.

And the other birthday man, on the contrary, may think that they want to get rid of him with money so as not to waste time. Yes, many families cash gifts children are not accepted, apparently, the parents are afraid that the boy will have too much money in his hands.

Electronic gadgets

An absolutely win-win gift, because there is no such fifteen-year-old teenager who would not be delighted with the new “cool” gadget.

It does not matter that the boy already has a similar thing, he will surely like a more modern and functional model.

Of course, such gifts cost a lot and not every guest is able to shell out for a gift. a large amount. But you can do otherwise: do not buy new technology, but to purchase something that will qualitatively improve the old one.

For example, additional RAM, or a powerful video card. Wireless headphones, new speakers, mouse unusual design, fashionable backlit keyboard, USB flash drive-transformer. Such non-standard, original things are usually highly appreciated by teenagers.

By the way, a computer chair can be a good gift for a 15-year-old boy who likes to look down on everyone.

Gifts related to hobbies

Almost all 15-year-old guys are fond of music. In this case, an MP3 player with headphones and speakers or a music center can be a good gift.

And those who try to play themselves can be given a synthesizer or a guitar. If a teenager's hobby is not very serious, a virtual guitar will do. It costs significantly less.

Many children at this age are passionate about photography. Then a digital camera, or a printer with advanced photo output capabilities, would be appropriate as a gift.

What can you give a 15-year-old guy if he is fond of sports?

There are already a lot of gift options, depending on what exactly the boy is doing:

  • the future chess player will be pleased with the original board with figures
  • boxer - gloves with a quality pear
  • tennis player - a new racket of a good model
  • any boy will be delighted with roller skates and a skateboard
  • can be added to a gift sports bag custom design - and the birthday boy will be happy
  • a boy who loves to craft will always need a set of tools. And the young collector will long and violently rejoice at the rare specimen that has replenished his collection.

Gifts from friends

Friends of the birthday man, of course, also prepare gifts for him. They are usually inexpensive, but always funny and original. This funny t-shirt, mug, or baseball cap with a funny inscription.

If the store did not find a suitable one, you can order a print of a picture of your own choice and taste. A good gift is a flash drive. Since today they are sold most different design, then the present will turn out both practical and funny.

Friends are usually well acquainted with the musical and film tastes of a teenager, so they may well give tickets to New film, or to a concert of your favorite band. Or they can make a video about the birthday person themselves, adding their video congratulations to it.

Some guys at this age already have close friends who also present their gifts to significant date. It can be a game disc, a music recording, or a book.

And some determined young ladies can also give perfumes, developing young man good taste.


Such gifts are Lately become popular even among adults, let alone teenagers. Many will prefer adventure to a simple material gift.

The choice depends only on the interests of the teenager. You can gather friends and go to play paintball. More great options bowling, laser tag, go-karting, etc.

Would be a very cool gift interesting quest. You can organize it yourself by inventing a plot, or you can order it from professionals, today there are companies almost everywhere that offer such entertainment.

It turns out that the choice of gifts for a boy on his 15th birthday is quite wide and depends only on the interests of the teenager himself and the values ​​of his family.

And the most important thing will remain attention to your grown-up child, respect and love. They are not able to replace any, the best gifts.

Viewed: 163

Absolutely all children are waiting for their birthday with great impatience and joy. And this also applies to babies. preschool age, and to adolescents who, before entering into a serious, adult life nothing remains. And, of course, the most desired part of this holiday is the long-awaited gifts that are given to the birthday people on this day by relatives and friends, trying their best to please them and bring maximum joy and pleasure. But if you pick good present for a “preschooler” is usually not difficult, then choosing a good gift for a boy for 15 years is a much more difficult and “large-scale” task.

Difficulties of age, problems of choice

This age is characterized by great complexity and many contradictions. The child grows up with catastrophic speed, turning from a sweet, chubby angel into a real man with his own character traits and “cockroaches in his head”. And often during this period of life, teenagers themselves do not know what they want at one time or another. Therefore, it is very difficult to surprise and amaze them at this age. Just like "guessing with a gift" for the 15th anniversary ...

It should be cool and spectacular enough to make all friends and classmates just jealous, and also be pleasant for the soul and heart and, at the same time, useful, so that it does not suffer the fate of banal porcelain knick-knacks and other unnecessary things gathering dust on shelves in cabinets.

In general, to solve such a difficult and delicate issue needed creativity. Therefore, many prefer to act more simply, giving money as a present to the boy. Like, already an adult, let him buy what he wants. But it's not very good idea. Moreover, the choice of good and non-trivial things that can be an excellent gift for a 15-year-old teenager is not so small.

For a fan of good music

At the age of 15, almost all boys like to listen to music. Moreover, quite often during this period they form quite specific taste preferences which are not always understood by adults. Want to become a 15 year old guy good friend? Then give him one of the following. He will definitely appreciate it.

  • Portable speakers. Great present for the young fashion guy who likes to listen to music at any time of the day.
  • Music Center. Another wonderful gift for a young music lover, who will definitely like it, because with its help he will be able to enjoy the sound highest quality. The main thing is that, of course, he does not cause inconvenience to others.
  • MP3 player with headphones. Well, this progressive and modern thing will certainly not cause disapproval among the young man's relatives and neighbors, because with its help he will be able to listen to what he wants anywhere and anytime.
  • Concert ticket. Of course, it must be the performance of his favorite band, which he dreamed of. for a long time. Then the memory of this gift will remain with him for the rest of his life.

With notes of creativity and positive

If the "hero of the occasion" treats music rather coolly and does not give it special significance, but he cannot live without all kinds of practical jokes and jokes, as a gift for his 15th birthday, he can be presented with some pretty, extraordinary and original little thing. For example:

  • "Flying Alarm" Having handed such a witty present to a teenager, you will not have to worry about getting him to school on time, because, starting from this day, his morning rise will be "brisk" and cheerful. Indeed, in order to silence the device chaotically rushing around the room, he will have to get out of bed. Well, by at least, with this gadget he will definitely not be bored.
  • Table lamp in a creative design. She may have a rather unusual and original form. For example, a basketball, Tetris or a sandwich.
  • A table clock. They should also be extraordinary and non-standard. So, give preference to products on LED crystals, or binary type models.
  • Heated mug. And this present can be given to an advanced gamer who spends a lot of time at the computer. So, while his parents are not at home, he can refresh himself with a cup of fragrant hot drink.

"Technology, digital gadgets"

All sorts of computer devices and other technological advances remain always relevant and invariably in demand among a teenage audience of 10 and older, without which it is simply impossible to imagine modern life. These include:

  • Smartphones and Cell phones . These gadgets can be called the "golden dream" of any teenager. Especially if we are talking about some fashionable novelty like the iPhone 6 or something like that. So, if you buy this “miracle of technology” for a 15-year-old teenager for his birthday, you definitely won’t lose. True, such a gift is very expensive ...
  • MFPs and photo printers. Well, this gift will certainly be appreciated by a guy who is taking his first steps in creativity. Imagine how pleasant it will be for him to print pictures taken by his with my own hands and brag about them to your friends!
  • Digital camera. This present, in turn, can also be an excellent means of self-expression and the realization of one's talents. But here you should not skimp. If you want a boy to make serious progress in the art of photography, his equipment must be of high quality and serious. Although, you can start with something simpler.
  • Computer, tablet and laptop. And from these wonderful gifts no teenager will refuse either. So, if you have the appropriate means, please the boy. He will be very pleased. In the event that he already has his own tablet and computer, it is never too late to update it and make it even more powerful and progressive. The birthday boy will only say “thank you!” for this.
  • Multimedia keyboard, gamepad or joystick for playing, etc. These items of computer peripherals are also suitable as a gift for a gamer who spends everything in on-screen battles. free time, and a serious, purposeful young man, for whom the computer is a means of self-development and improvement. For example, a multimedia keyboard is simply irreplaceable thing for those who like to listen and record music on the Internet.

Confused about a birthday present? Then you should watch this video.

In general, gifts for a 15-year-old teenager can be absolutely anything. The choice of the most successful and "correct" of them will depend on the characteristics of the character and taste preferences"hero of the occasion". But, the main thing, of course, is not the value and significance of these things, but the attitude towards their future owner. After all, no matter how grown-up a boy at the age of 15 seems, in his heart he remains a child who needs love and attention.
