Weight loss during pregnancy. The daily portion of food must be included

How to lose weight while pregnant - this question is asked by most expectant mothers, intimidated by their doctors about being overweight. In all publications for pregnant women, the framework for the norm of weight gain is indicated, and their output, especially in plus, is considered a pathology. Why is it so dangerous to gain weight more than the norm (the norm is 8-12 kilograms)? Is it possible and necessary for a pregnant woman to lose weight?

First, let's make a reservation right away that small errors in weight gain are not scary. Doctors only fear that rapid weight gain increases the risk of diabetes and hypertension. And the expectant mother herself needs to think about how she will lose all these extra pounds after giving birth.

You cannot follow a diet during pregnancy. It's not even discussed. Especially popular, but absolutely unbalanced, like orange, Kremlin and the like. Doctors recommend keeping the weight normal by periodically holding fasting days (1-2 days per month). Unloading days - apple. But not every woman can stand this kind of “mockery” of the body, and especially a pregnant woman. That is why it is better to act differently, namely, to remove from your diet foods that are not enriched with vitamins, but are very high-calorie. Or at least reduce their number. Do not be guided by the "rule" that the expectant mother should eat 2 times more than a non-pregnant woman.

The best diet for a pregnant woman is the exclusion of fried foods, smoked meats, sweets, and salt. In addition, food should not be plentiful, but frequent, fractional. Eat not 3 times a day, but 5, but do not overeat. Eat the most high-calorie food in the first half of the day. This is especially true of the day before visiting the doctor (with weighing). Lean more on vegetables, you should not eat a lot of fruits, as this can provoke an allergy. Meat must be present on the table every day, as well as eggs and fish. Protein is essential for the body. But do not eat any meat, but only boiled or cooked in the oven, not fatty. Recommended beef or chicken (preferably breast - the most dietary part of the chicken).

And one more little secret, how not to upset the doctor with excessive weight gain. The day before the reception, in the afternoon, do not drink a lot of liquid (so that there is no swelling). And be sure to empty your bowels. By the way, most antenatal clinics do not pay attention to the fact that the exact weight can only be found out by weighing in the morning, before breakfast and after a bowel movement. ±1 kilogram may be fluctuation.

If there are no contraindications, do gymnastics for pregnant women. You can attend classes at the school for expectant mothers, or independently perform exercises designed for a particular trimester. It is very useful for expectant mothers to engage in fitball, swim in the pool, walk on foot. All this helps to burn excess calories, does not allow you to get better even with a fairly dense diet, and often helps to get rid of excess weight absolutely without stress.

Here's just how to lose weight for a pregnant woman and safely. Even if you gain 15 kilograms during the entire pregnancy - do not be discouraged. You will lose about 10 kilograms by the time you are discharged from the hospital. And the remaining 5 kilograms will go away during the first months of life as a young mother, even without diets, in caring for her child.

Today, on the site for moms, we will share with you information on how to lose weight while pregnant, and is it possible to follow a diet during the period of bearing a child?

A pregnant woman should not panic with small errors in weight gain - this is acceptable. Gynecologists begin to sound the alarm only with a significant weight gain (more than 12 kg for the entire period), because. this carries the risk of developing diabetes, varicose veins, hypertension and preeclampsia. If you, being pregnant, gain 1 kg or more per week, starting from the second trimester, at a rate of 400-500 g, this is an occasion to think about how to lose weight during pregnancy.

Dietary nutrition of a pregnant woman

The site site warns that it will not be about starvation or strict diets, such as protein, citrus or Kremlin, which is unacceptable during pregnancy.

To lose weight, a woman in the most crucial period of her life should give preference to a balanced and healthy diet, which includes:

  • Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beets, potatoes, Beijing cabbage and broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini.
  • Fruits: apples, apricots, persimmons, kiwi.
  • Berries: cherries, sweet cherries, melons and watermelons with care.
  • Dried fruits and nuts: dried apricots, prunes, raisins, cashews, walnuts.
  • Fresh dairy and dairy products.
  • Dietary meat: rabbit, turkey, veal, chicken.
  • Porridge: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, barley.
  • Fish: sea or river, except for dried, salted, smoked and in rolls.
  • Liquid: dried fruit compotes, diluted fruit juices, green or weak black tea.

Diet and diet for pregnant women in order to lose weight contain their own rules and restrictions:

  • Meals should be steamed or oven-baked with a minimum of salt and fat.
  • Dress salads with vegetable oil, lemon juice, sour cream or yogurt, but not with mayonnaise.
  • It will have a positive effect on weight loss, replacing flour with easy-to-cook casseroles, for example, cottage cheese with raisins.
  • I wanted sweets - do not rush to take on a candy or a piece of cake. More useful for the body and figures dried apricots or a baked apple with honey.
  • It is worth giving up semi-finished products: a piece of boiled beef will bring more benefits than a sausage.
  • Any appetite is easy to tame if you make a competent meal plan in advance: not three times a day in large portions, but 5-6 times in small ones.
  • If it is difficult to completely give up fried foods and flour products, it is better to eat them before noon.

Half an hour before bedtime, organize a light snack of an apple, dried fruit or a glass of kefir. So your body will not feel hungry, and first of all it will begin to consume the substances that came with dinner, and not the amino acids valuable for mom and baby.

How to effectively lose weight for a pregnant woman without harm to health

The diet during pregnancy is based on the rejection of the following products:

  1. Fatty broths and meat, as well as lard, high-fat cheese, butter in large quantities.
  2. Pastries and sweets, especially industrial production based on palm oil.
  3. White bread and soft wheat pasta.
  4. Canned and pickled, pickles, because The high salt content in such foods causes fluid retention in the body.
  5. Any carbonated drinks and fast food.

Do not use cocktails that speed up metabolic processes based on ginger, hot pepper or citric acid for weight loss: this can harm the child, cause bleeding, or even. The same consequences can be caused by the uncontrolled use of strawberries, strawberries, currants and raspberries. These berries are able to thin the blood.

Sometimes pregnant women prefer citrus fruits in order to lose weight: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, and their juices. Eating a few slices a day will be enough to lose weight and get an extra dose of vitamin C without the risk of an allergic reaction in a child.

We arrange fasting days

If weight loss during pregnancy is difficult, and the rate of weight gain does not decrease, you can resort to organizing fasting days. Once a week (choose in advance which day it will be) your diet should follow a specific pattern approved by your doctor. If you eat according to the scheme of such monounloading, then a pregnant woman can lose weight by 350-500 g.

Here are the options for unloading days during pregnancy with the benefit of losing weight:

  1. 0.5 kg cottage cheese, fat-free or low-fat.
  2. 0.8 kg of fresh apples.
  3. 0.4 kg of boiled chicken breast or fish + 0.4 kg of any vegetables.
  4. 2.5 cups of buckwheat boiled in water without salt.
  5. Up to 2 liters of any fermented milk product with a low percentage of fat content.

The principle is quite simple: the entire volume of food is divided into small portions, and you need to eat fractionally up to 6 times throughout the day. It is better to drink the liquid half an hour after eating: green tea without sugar, compote of their dried fruits and pure water without gas.

If you lead a moderately active lifestyle and eat "live" foods, then you can lose weight during pregnancy without harm to your health. Exhausting strength training will have to be postponed, so opt for fitball, pool and long walks in the fresh air.

Often, expectant mothers face the problem of gaining excess weight during pregnancy. From our material, you will learn what dangers await overweight women, and how to lose weight during pregnancy without harming the baby.

You'll find tips and tricks for safe weight loss and proper nutrition during all trimesters. You will also find out what sports are recommended to be practiced while expecting a child. Video exercises, which supplemented the article, will help you keep your body in good shape.

Pregnancy is the best time to improve your health and change your lifestyle. So why not start by building healthy eating habits? This will help you not gain extra pounds in 9 months and, if necessary, lose weight. In the future, it will be easier for you to get in shape after the baby is born.

Losing weight during pregnancy is necessary only for those women who gain a lot of weight, and, according to the gynecologist, this can cause complications in bearing a baby or the postpartum period.

When to lose weight?

If you are in doubt about whether it is possible to lose weight during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. He, based on the "starting" weight and its set, will determine whether you should take measures in order to lose weight.

Before prescribing a diet for pregnant women, the doctor should check the tests and send you for an ultrasound to make sure that the child is developing normally and your weight loss will not adversely affect his health.

Remember that 10-12 kg. - this is the norm of weight gain for a pregnant woman, but if you previously weighed less than you should, then an increase of 15-18 kg will be the norm for you. If a woman, even before the “interesting position”, did not differ in the refinement of her figure, then the maximum allowable weight that she can gain is 10 kg. At various stages of obesity, weight gain should not go beyond 5-6 kg.

The dangers of being overweight

  • expectant mothers have an increased risk of developing heart disease;
  • a large increase can also cause the development of diseases of the nervous system;
  • in most cases, overweight women begin varicose veins;
  • excess weight during pregnancy adversely affects the state and functioning of the endocrine system;
  • with a serious weight gain, the load on the musculoskeletal system increases significantly.

Severe fullness can cause complications during or after childbirth.


  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • increased blood loss or urinary tract infections during labor;
  • premature birth;
  • intrauterine growth retardation;
  • difficult rehabilitation after childbirth.

How to lose weight without hurting your baby

  1. In order for the process of losing weight not to adversely affect the development of the child, you need to increase the amount of protein consumed by 10%.
  2. Give up fast carbohydrates. If you find it difficult, you can eat sweets in the morning.
  3. Most of your diet should consist of slow (or, as they are also called, complex) carbohydrates. Moreover, in addition to cereals and cereals, they also include solid fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Separately, let's talk about potatoes. Although this product is considered safe, a woman who is recommended to lose weight should reduce its amount in her diet. But pasta made from durum wheat is not only possible, but should also be consumed during pregnancy.
  4. Avoid excessive consumption of fruit juices. The fructose they contain can contribute to weight gain.
  5. Try to reduce the time of thermal processing of food. For example, bake vegetables for salads in a peel, and meat or fish in a sleeve or foil. An additional plus of this solution is that you will reduce the amount of fat used to prepare everyday meals. And this will help you lose weight.

Forming good eating habits

  • Accustom yourself to eat heavy food in the morning, and in the evenings enjoy lactic acid products, light vegetable salads, cottage cheese.
  • In no case do not follow the rule - you can not eat after six in the evening. The last time you can eat food is 3-4 hours before bedtime. The baby's body adjusts to the biorhythm of the pregnant mother and also prepares for bed.
  • If you really want to eat before going to bed, then it is better to give preference to food that creates a feeling of satiety (bran, nuts) - once in the stomach, they swell, and the expectant mother eats up faster.
  • To lose weight during pregnancy, chew your food thoroughly. So saturation from a meal comes faster, and the chances of overeating are minimized.


Every expectant mother, concerned about how to lose weight during pregnancy, is prohibited from:

  • Sit on strict diets and starve(mother needs to receive vitamins and minerals that will ensure the proper development of the fetus). In addition, hunger strikes lead to stress, which does not affect the child in the best way.
  • Drink teas, dietary supplements and other drugs for weight loss. Teas contain complexes of various herbs that can increase the tone of the uterus or even cause abortion. Dietary supplements, in turn, contain substances that block the feeling of hunger and reduce appetite. And this is absolutely unacceptable for a future mother!
  • Actively play sports(perform a set of strength exercises or pump the press). But this does not mean that you just need to lie on the couch. After receiving the approval of the attending physician, you can fearlessly play sports. This is a great way to shed a few extra pounds.

Losing weight should not be your goal in itself. While waiting for the baby, you should first of all worry about his health!

How to lose weight?

First trimester

At the beginning of pregnancy, it is difficult for many women to gain weight in excess of the norm (toxicosis in the early stages primarily affects). So all you need during this period is to follow the rules of rational nutrition. It is also recommended to adhere to nutrition - 3-4 times a day. This will help in the early stages not to stretch your stomach.

Eating salty and overly spicy foods can cause a protracted and severe form of toxicosis!

Second trimester

Starting in the second trimester of pregnancy, nutrition must be taken very seriously. And if you started gaining more than 1 kg per week (from about 16-20 weeks), then most likely the doctor will recommend that you arrange a fasting day once a week. In order for the weight not to increase too quickly, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. It is recommended to eat 5-6 times, but in small portions.
  2. Coffee and chocolate should be consumed little by little and no more than once a week. These treats impair calcium absorption. If you are very fond of sweets, then in a small amount you can eat marmalade and halva.
  3. Dried fruits in the second trimester should be treated very carefully, because 1-2 hours after eating them, you may have an irresistible desire to snack.
  4. It is necessary to abandon wheat bread and give preference to rye or black. If you bake bread at home, you can cook it with oatmeal.
  5. Reduce your intake of onions and garlic in your diet. Be careful with spices too.
  6. Partially or completely give up sugar and confectionery. The same applies to grapes. In addition to the fact that these products contribute to weight gain, they cause fermentation.
  7. Try to eat less foods high in cholesterol (chicken yolks, sausages and sausages, bacon, butter and sour cream with a high percentage of fat). Rich flour products are also rich in cholesterol.

third trimester

  1. During this period, you need to eat even more often (up to 6-7 times a day). It is worth adhering to the fractional nutrition scheme.
  2. Not only for weight loss, but also for good health and proper development of the baby, it is advisable to stick to a more vegetarian diet. The fact is that vegetables, fruits and cereals will contribute to the normalization of the stool. And problems with bowel movements very often occur just at the final stage of pregnancy. Meat is allowed, but in much smaller quantities.
  3. 3-4 weeks before delivery, you should reduce the consumption of lactic acid products. An excess of calcium in the body leads to the deposition of its salts in the baby's skull, which can cause birth abnormalities. In addition, these measures will help not to gain extra pounds.
  4. It is forbidden to use strong meat and mushroom broths. They contain extractive substances, which are a great danger to pregnant women with stomach diseases.
  5. As you approach your due date, you need to reduce your fluid intake.
  6. It is also advisable to cook dishes without salt (or with a minimum amount of it).
  7. As during all pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.
  8. Refuse food with yeast (bread, kvass). These products provoke the development of candidal colpitis.

Sports for weight loss

If you feel well and there are no contraindications, it is recommended to do physical exercises at home or visit groups for pregnant women in the gym.

  • Training should take place at a measured pace.
  • When exercising, listen to yourself and your well-being.
  • Sports such as yoga and Pilates are best suited.
  • Swimming and water aerobics are very useful during pregnancy.
  • Particular attention during these nine months should be given to stretching and exercises to relax the back.
  • It is also recommended to perform Kegel exercises, simple gymnastics for pregnant women and exercise with a fitball.
  • Try to walk as much as possible in the fresh air (walk 2-5 km daily). This will help you shed excess weight. In addition, walking during pregnancy will help the baby avoid oxygen starvation.

What exercises should be avoided

  • complexes with active jumps, swings of legs and arms;
  • intense training;
  • sports in which there is a risk of falling (skating, rollerblading, cycling);
  • in the 3rd trimester, avoid exercises in the prone position (at this time, the uterus puts a lot of pressure on the internal organs).

Scientists have proven that reasonable physical activity helps not only to lose weight, but also to endure and give birth to a child without complications.

Fitball exercises: video

Fitness from a physiotherapist: video

In the presence of any pathologies, sports are contraindicated. Exercise is allowed only after the permission of the attending physician.

Now you know that it is still possible to lose weight during pregnancy. But this can only be done in exceptional cases. Never try to lose weight unless you are overweight. Also, do not try to lose weight on your own without the advice of a doctor. All that is needed is to maintain a healthy lifestyle, perform healthy exercises and eat right.

After the gynecologist confirms the fact of pregnancy, the woman happily imagines how her life will change after the birth of the desired baby. Planning a child's room and acquiring all sorts of things push any worries out of the head of the expectant mother. At a later date, the representatives of the weaker sex begin to notice how quickly their figure is changing. Some young ladies are calm about weight gain, while others begin to get nervous and count every kilogram. But is it possible to lose weight during pregnancy in such a way as not to harm the little man?

How to eat during pregnancy to lose weight?

In fact, all women who are expecting a baby face dramatic changes in taste preferences. Moreover, the appetite also increases. This is quite normal, as a growing body requires a lot of micronutrients. But if you choose the right diet, then the expectant mother will not have to eat for two. In addition, an increase in body weight not exceeding twelve kilograms is considered normal.

First of all, a woman should establish her own mode of eating, because uncontrolled eating of sweets will definitely not benefit the figure. It is recommended to eat five times a day. In the end, you will get three main meals and two light snacks that will help get rid of the feeling of hunger. It is very important to eat at the same time. Of course, initially it will be difficult to rebuild, but the result is really worth the effort.

The expectant mother must definitely drink two liters of plain water daily until the beginning of the third trimester. The liquid has a positive effect on metabolic processes, so subcutaneous fat will be deposited in much smaller quantities. A woman must definitely give up her favorite fast food, peppered crackers and chips, sweets with a high content of dyes and flavors, carbonated fruit drinks, smoked meats, sausages and sausages with a dubious composition.

It is important to remember that certain foods can provoke the development of severe allergies, which has an extremely negative effect on the state of the body as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude citrus fruits, specific seafood, honey and chocolate from the usual menu. It may seem that the diet of the expectant mother should consist exclusively of vegetables and fruits, but this is not so.

You should consider what food will help you lose weight during pregnancy without harm to the baby. If earlier a woman preferred all kinds of meat dishes, now she needs to limit herself to chicken fillet, since it contains a sufficient amount of the most important trace elements and is low-fat. But it should be remembered that the bird needs to be baked, boiled, stewed, but not fried. But fish should be consumed with caution, giving preference to species with a minimum fat content.

Dairy products must be present in the daily menu. A future mother can drink a glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt daily, eat one hundred grams of cottage cheese or a few pieces of cheese. It is also desirable to eat wholemeal bread and rolls, but, of course, in small quantities.

Sweets should be replaced with a variety of dried fruits, fruit desserts and jellies. But if a woman really wants to eat a piece of chocolate, then it is better to do it before twelve o'clock in the afternoon, since at this time the food is well processed and does not transform into subcutaneous fat. As for fruits and vegetables, they can be consumed almost without restrictions. It should be remembered that some foods contain too many carbohydrates (grapes, pineapple, avocados, pears, bananas).

Can exercise help you lose weight during pregnancy?

In normal times, training brings exceptional benefits to the body, but women in position should be more careful. In the presence of any complications, the threat of miscarriage, anemia, varicose veins, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, it is better to refuse any physical activity. The only available activity for all, without exception, expectant mothers is walking. If you set aside thirty minutes every day for walking, you will be able not only to avoid weight gain, but also to get rid of unwanted extra pounds.

Pregnant women are also allowed to swim. It is recommended to visit the pool two or three times a week. This sport helps to relax the spine and venous system, actively burn subcutaneous fat and strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, legs and arms. If a woman regularly engages in swimming, she will get rid of excess weight and prepare the body for the upcoming birth.

In the absence of contraindications, the fair sex is allowed to attend yoga and gymnastics for pregnant women. Such exercises are unlikely to help you lose weight, but they will help strengthen various muscle groups and significantly reduce the load on the spine. Thus, you can reduce weight during pregnancy with the help of proper nutrition and light exercise.

Excess weight is a constant headache of modern women. And how can it not appear if the modern lifestyle does not require regular physical activity from us, but we eat high-calorie foods?

Not everyone is able to adhere to, but a balanced diet is one of the main conditions for maintaining good physical shape.

It is balanced, that is, corresponding to the amount of energy expended. But not only this is important: the body must receive all the substances it needs (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals) in order to function properly.

When a woman is pregnant, a balanced diet is especially important. However, many pregnant women are wondering how to lose weight while pregnant without harm to the child and their body?

Digression: if you don’t know how to choose your own diet, we recommend ours.

Therefore, the diet of a pregnant woman should include meat / poultry, fish, as many vegetables and fruits as possible, dairy products, cereals, whole grain bread. But it is better to refuse carbonated drinks with excess sugar content, pastries, sweets - all this goes straight to body fat.

The best ways to lose weight

Nutrition of a pregnant woman

Pregnancy is different for every woman. Someone suffers from toxicosis and loses weight because of this, while someone eats "for two", motivating this with the needs of a growing fetus.

However, this approach is fundamentally wrong, because the excess weight of the expectant mother can harm the development of the baby. Therefore, the question of how to lose weight for a pregnant woman without harm to the child seems to be very relevant.

It turns out that it is possible to lose weight during pregnancy without harm to the child, you just have to show some willpower and change your eating habits, especially for those who are used to eating a lot of fatty, fried, salty, smoked foods.

First of all, you should switch to healthy cooking methods, that is, do not fry, but stew, bake, boil (steam is the most useful). Salads made from fresh vegetables will help you cope with such a common problem in pregnant women as constipation.

Another important point is the mode of eating. The best option is fractional meals, that is, in small portions and at short intervals.

Of course, working women have fewer opportunities for this, but it is still possible to organize the right nutrition system. Ideally, these should be 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 2-3 additional meals (snack: fruit, a glass of yogurt, a handful of nuts or dried fruits).

Fasting days

And yet: how can a pregnant woman lose weight without harm to the child? Remember that there can be no talk of any hard diets for weight loss - apart from the fact that they are ineffective, since the weight quickly returns, they can still cause serious damage to your health, and most importantly, the health of the baby.

But it makes sense to spend fasting days, however, only after consulting a doctor. At the same time, the corresponding products are divided into five servings and eaten at regular intervals.

A fasting day can be cottage cheese (0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese + 0.5 l of kefir), apple, vegetable (1.5 kg of baked zucchini or pumpkin), protein (0.5 kg of fish / chicken / lean meat boiled without salt + 0.5 l of kefir), buckwheat (1 cup of buckwheat, boiled without salt and oil, + 1.5 l of kefir).
