Sagaalgan Buryat New Year. White Moon Holiday (Sagaalgan or Tsagaan-Sar) - Buddhist New Year

On February 27, 2017, a new year will begin according to the Buddhist calendar - the year of the Red Fire Rooster.

According to Buddhist tradition, before the New Year's Eve (Sagaalgan in Buryat), it is customary to spend the old year with dignity: do a big house cleaning, and also take part in cleansing ceremonies.

On Thursday, February 23, at 18:00, the lamas will perform a ceremony of blessing the offerings specially made for Sagaalgan.

February 24, Friday, from 10:00 during the day there will be a prayer service of the Ten Defenders of the Teaching - Arban Khangal (Gombo, Gongor, Shagdar, Choyzhal, Lhamo, Sendema, Shalshi, Namsaray, Zhamsaran and Tsanba). A prayer service is held with a request for the protection of all living beings, for the removal of obstacles and obstacles on the path of following the Teachings of the Buddha.

February 25, Saturday, at 10:00 a.m. Sahyusan Khural will be held. From 15:00, a Taban Haryuulga prayer service will be held, contributing to the elimination of obstacles, false views, various troubles, sorrows, diseases of the body and mind, and overcoming the harmful influence of external factors. During the khural, the lamas read ritual texts aimed at averting harm, which include prayers addressed to White Tara, White Umbrella Tara, Green Tara, as well as the great text "Heart Sutra" ("Shernin" - Bur. language) and a special text " Hamchu Nagbo" - to eliminate the effects of bad thoughts, evil tongues, the consequences of bad dreams.

At 5 p.m., the lamas will begin to read a special Dugzhuub prayer service, after which they will make a ritual fire. This rite is aimed at getting rid of the sorrows, sins and sorrows of the outgoing year. It is held two days before the new year according to the Buddhist calendar. For the fire, parishioners make dough at home (only flour and water, without any additives) and rub it in small pieces. The dough must first be rolled on the forehead - symbolically collecting bad thoughts on it, then around the mouth - collecting bad words, on the chest - purifying the soul, then in the palms - as if winding unseemly deeds on the dough. You can also roll the dough over the entire surface of the body, imagining that everything bad is drawn out of it: diseases, spoilage, negative emotions. Then these small pieces of dough are wrapped in napkins or paper (in no case in polyethylene!), brought to the datsan and thrown into the ritual fire. At the same time, the lamas are preparing the so-called "soor" - a high pyramid of slats, paper and dough crowned with a skull, resembling an arrowhead. Under ritual prayers, the bad karma of the community over the past year is “invested” in it, and then solemnly burned on a separate fire as a symbol of spiritual purification.
February 26, Sunday - fasting day (butuu uder, or "closed day"): from 10:00 - Sahyusan Khural, from 15:00 - Mandal Shiva prayer (praise of Green Tara).

From 22:00 to 5:00 on February 27 - a solemn prayer service Baldan Lhamo, dedicated to the meeting of the New Buddhist Year of the Red Fire Rooster.

On Monday, February 27, at 5 o'clock in the morning, the solemn prayer service of Sidor Lhamo will begin, the onset of Sagaalgan will be celebrated, the exchange of hadaks (special multi-colored scarves) will take place, a ceremony of invoking good luck and prosperity will be held, all those present will be able to taste white food (food that contains milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter).
In the tradition of Tibetan-Mongolian Buddhism, the New Year's festive prayer service is the first of the six most important annual holidays - khurals. The celebration of the New Year in Tibet acquired a Buddhist content only at the beginning of the 15th century, when the famous Tibetan reformer of Buddhism and the founder of the Gelug school Tsongkhava developed the rules for holding holidays in Buddhist monasteries. Tsongkhava timed the celebration of Monlam Chenmo (Great prayer service - Tib.) to the New Year. This holiday lasts for 15 days and is dedicated to the memory of 15 miracles that, according to legend, Shakyamuni Buddha performed in the Indian city of Shravasti. This year, Monlam Chenmo will be held from February 27 to March 14.

At the same time, it is customary on the second day of Sagaalgan, on February 28, on Tuesday, to hang chiy morins - to perform the rite of launching the “horses of the wind of luck”. The lamas will perform a special ritual of consecration of hiy morin - Hiy Morin San. "Fortune Wind Horse" is a symbol showing the state of a person's well-being.

On the 15th day of Monlam Chenmo, March 14, Tuesday, from 10:00 a.m., the lamas will hold a festive prayer service for Chonprul Duisen. March 15, Wednesday, Dodudba will be read - a text from the Prajnaparamita Sutra. March 16, Thursday, from 10:00 am, a special Sahyusan Khural will be held, dedicated to the end of the Monlam Chenmo holiday.

Sagaalgan is celebrated for a whole month, this is the most favorable time for purification rites, to visit an astrologer lama, from whom you can find out what to do and what to avoid in the coming year, you can also invite a lama home to perform a cleansing ceremony of your home.

The White Moon Holiday (Sagaalgan or Tsagaan-Sar) is a Buddhist New Year, symbolizing the beginning of spring among the peoples of Buryatia, Kalmykia, the Republic of Tuva, as well as residents of certain regions of India, Mongolia, China and Tibet.

What date will Sagaalgan 2018 be and how many days will it last? How is this holiday celebrated by Buddhists? What is the ritual component of the White Moon holiday?

The date of the celebration of Sagaalgan is floating, the site reports. This is due to the fact that it is calculated according to the lunar calendar. Therefore, the Buddhist New Year is celebrated every year at different times. And if everything is very clear for the Orthodox - the New Year always comes on January 1st, then for the Buryats it is celebrated with the onset of the first spring new moon.

In 2018, Sagaalgan will begin to be celebrated on Friday, February 16 at sunrise. This day will become a non-working (weekend) in the following regions:

  • Kalmykia,
  • Buryatia,
  • Tyva,
  • Altai,
  • Zabaykalsky Krai.

In these republics, Sagaalgan is celebrated for almost a whole month. In view of the fact that the family ties among the Buryats are quite strong and large, a month may not be enough to go around all the relatives and visit each house.

Until the 13th century, Sagaalgan was celebrated in autumn on September 22, on the day of the autumnal equinox. But, starting from 1267, by decree of the Mongol Khan Kubilai, the Buddhist New Year was moved to February - the first month of spring according to the lunar calendar.

On the last day of the old year, which is referred to as "butuuder", Buddhists observe a one-day fast. Eating on this day is not recommended at all. This is necessary in order to cleanse the body, heart and soul of evil, envy, filth, slander and negative emotions.

It is also not recommended to sleep on the night before the holiday. You can occupy yourself in the dark half of the day by reading mantras. At the same time, it is necessary to wait for the early morning (4-5 hours), when Baldan-Lkhamo, the deity who gives happiness and good luck to all residents for the next year, enters the house.

The Buryats have one interesting custom, which is referred to as the "rule of measure and sufficiency." And this is the only rule from the ethics of everyday life of representatives of the Buddhist faith, which can be ignored in Sagaalgan. Its meaning is that you can not take more than you need and eat more than you want. On the Buddhist New Year, it is allowed to break this rule: you can buy everything you like and overeat at the festive table.

Dishes quite rare for everyday life appear on the rich festive table in Sagaalgan. At the same time, the white color must necessarily dominate in the dishes. Even vodka must be white, that is, cooked in milk.

Meat, in particular lamb, is also served on the table in various variations of dishes and technologies for their preparation.

In addition to treats, Sagaalgan has some more traditions and rituals that are typical only for this holiday.

Greetings on this day are different from traditional daily etiquette. The youngest person stretches out his hands first, while doing this with his palms up. In response, the elder lays his hands palm down on his. This form of greeting speaks of respect, help and support from the older generation to the younger one.

The tradition of exchanging gifts on the Buddhist New Year also has its own characteristics. The cost, form and prestige of the gift in this case are not dominant. The main respect and attention. Gifts are presented on a long ritual cloth called a khadag. The recipient of the gifts must wear a headdress and be face to face with the one who gives the gift.

Just like holiday food, gifts should be white, or at least packaged in white boxes.

Visiting begins only on the second day of the festivities. Children visit their parents, nephews and nieces visit their aunts and uncles, and grandchildren visit their grandparents. The first day is traditionally dedicated to the family.

On the eve of the White Month holiday, it is important to listen to some Buddhist truths, which are somewhat reminiscent of Orthodox biblical commandments.

  1. Refrain from envy and profanity.
  2. Keep your word and keep your promise.
  3. Think carefully about everything you want to say.
  4. Show respect and consideration to elders.
  5. Take care of your family and friends.
  6. Do not think about the bad, because it can materialize.
  7. Do the work so that you don't regret it later.
  8. Help those who are weaker and poorer.

The White Moon holiday is celebrated not only in regions that support Buddhism. And even the capital did not ignore such an important day for Buddhists. In particular, in Moscow last year the Buryat diaspora celebrated Sagaalgan in the Great Moscow Circus.

Solemn speeches, songs and dances, as well as the most interesting theatrical performances - all this was present at the celebration of the Buddhist New Year in the capital in 2017.

For the change of year Wooden Goat according to the eastern calendar, the year comes red fire monkey which will start February 9, 2016- after the completion of the first full cycle of the moon, counting from the day of the winter solstice. The next Eastern New Year will be celebrated at dawn on the 9th (beginning of the first day of the lunar month).

The normal cycle of the lunar calendar is 12 years. Full, or Big, cycle - 60 years. It consists of five ordinary cycles of 12 years. Each 12 year cycle is based on a legend. It says that the Buddha, before leaving the Earth, called all the animals to him. However, only 12 of them came to say goodbye to the Buddha. Parting with them, the Buddha gave each of them one year of reign. The years were presented in exactly the order in which the animals ran to the Buddha: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

A big holiday is approaching - Sagaalgan. Your attention to the most detailed instructions on how to meet this bright day.

As a rule, preparations for the celebration begin long before the start of the holiday, usually a month before the start of the holiday. For the future, they prepare dairy food - sour cream, aarsu, butter - meat and other products. The farm is carefully cleaned, garbage is taken out of the yard. Perfect purity symbolizes the purity of human thoughts. Otherwise, deities, creatures from the ten directions of the world and other guests will not enter the house.

Sagaalgan is the birthday of every Mongol. Remember how we prepare for it. The Mongolian peoples say: how you celebrate the new year, so you will spend it.

DUGZHUUBA - burning of sins

On the 29th day of the lunar calendar - this year it falls on February 7- held rite "Dugzhuuba", symbolizing the destruction in fire of the enemies of faith, and which all Buddhists try to visit.

In the ritual fire "Dugzhuuba" all the impurities of the body, speech and mind of each person are burned. To do this, the laity bring with them pieces of dough, cotton wool or paper, with which they first wipe their body, after which they throw them in the place where the entire Sor will be burned.

The rite of "Dugzhuuba" is held in datsans usually two days before Sagaalgan. For this rite is made Sor- a tall pyramid topped with a skull made of slats, paper and dough, resembling an arrowhead.

Under ritual prayers, the bad karma of the community over the past year is "invested" in Sor and then solemnly burned at the stake.

The fight against the enemies of faith, symbolizes and linga rite: a figurine of a torma is also molded for him, personifying evil and enemies of faith, which is then solemnly cut into 12 parts and burned as a sacrifice to the lord of death, Yama.

The next day after "Dugzhuuba" - the thirtieth day according to the lunar calendar - the "Mandal Shiva" Khural is held in datsans. Last day of the new year according to the lunar calendar February 8) is "closed afternoon" (butuu uder).

Butuu uder

On this day, you need to clean up the home altar in a new way, be sure to place offerings to the deities in the form of meat dish, as well as " tobacco"- a ritual offering (bread, gingerbread, cookies, bova, sweets, refined sugar, marshmallows, etc.), consisting according to the rules of nine floors, crowned with a piece of butter. On this day, it is imperative to light Zula(lamp), the light of which will illuminate your further path in this and the next lives.

Festive decoration of the yurt.

In "butuu uder" categorically it is forbidden to raise dust in the house- It is necessary to clean the house in advance. Buddhists are encouraged to read holy books, recite mantras, prostrate, and do good deeds.

It is highly undesirable to drink alcohol, you should also refrain from eating meat.

It is necessary to meet Sagaalgan, having properly prepared for it - with pure thoughts, in a pure place.

Do not oversleep the dawn!

On the first day of Sagaalgan gotta get up very early at 4-5 o'clock in the morning. According to legend, in the early morning, before sunrise, a deity enters every house. Baldan-Lhamo, which counts all people. Those who overslept her arrival are considered to miss their happiness for a whole year. And those who were awake at that time, on the contrary, will acquire the protection of the Buddhist goddess Lhamo, and they will be accompanied by good luck and success throughout the year.

After morning washing, it is necessary to light Zula, burn sanzai or worse(incense), present tahil(offering) Three jewels(Buddha, Dharma and Sangha), and on the street to bring sergem(offering in the form of tea, milk, or vodka) to the deities and masters of the area, splashing on all sides with the words "Om Ah Hum".

After that, the Buddhists go to the datsan, where they celebrate the White Moon holiday together with the clergy.

Visit relatives and hang out Hii Morin

It is customary to start the first day of Sagaalgan with a tour of the district congratulations to parents, present them hadak, gifts. When meeting with elders, it is necessary to be neatly dressed, fastened with all buttons.

present hadak you need to palms up, after supporting the hands of the older person from below. In this case, the palms turned upwards symbolize the purity of thoughts, and the support by the elbows - respect for old age and wisdom.

If relatives meet, then one hand remains at the top, and with the other hand they support the elbow from below. After the greeting, they step aside, while trying not to show their back. Men on the right side of the house, women on the left, in age order. After that, they sit down at the table.

On a holiday, they visit their relatives, friends and acquaintances, thereby strengthening relationships and teaching the younger ones to observe traditions and customs from an early age. When visiting, you must definitely go to the altar and pray, after which you can, at the invitation of the hosts, go to the festive table.

In the days of Sagaalgan, usually on the second day according to the lunar calendar, takes place rite of "launching the horse of the winds"- using the image of the "horse of the winds" ( Hii morin), consecrated by a lama.

"Khiy morin" is tied to a tree or placed on the roof of the house so that it flutters in the wind.

It is believed that the "horse of the winds" serves as a powerful protection against misfortune and disease, attracting the attention of higher beings and calling for the help of deities. His image also symbolizes the wish of health, happiness and prosperity in the new year to all living beings.

Visually, the entire central tribune of the main indoor sports arena of Buryatia was filled with spectators. These are residents of the capital of the republic, representatives of the largest ethnic group of the Buryat people - Khori-Buryats, members of the compatriot communities of Khorinsky, Kizhinginsky, Eravninsky, Bauntovsky, Zaigraevsky, Mukhorshibirsky, Bichursky districts of Buryatia, guests from the Aginsky Buryat district of the Trans-Baikal Territory, eastern aimags of Mongolia, Shenekhen Buryats from China.

Photo: Orchestra of Buryat Folk Instruments of the Baikal State Song and Dance Theater

in the photo: the organizers of the Khori-Buryat Sagaalgan declare about 1200-1300 guests who were present at this holiday

Among the guests are many well-known people in Buryatia and beyond its borders, politicians, cultural and art figures.

A native of the Khorinsky district, the former Minister of Education and Science of Buryatia, and now a deputy of the State Duma of Russia, Aldar Damdinov, was noticed. He came to the event in a stylized black oriental jacket, refused the status of an honored guest, bought a ticket for the holiday together with ordinary guests and participated in it, being in the thick of the people on the podium and communicating friendly with everyone - acquaintances and strangers.

Another well-known politician and businessman, deputy of the People’s Khural, Bato Semenov, a native of the Mukhorshibirsky district, said in his speech that the already accomplished unification of the Khori-Buryats, who have been celebrating the Buryat New Year together since last year (and not by regional compatriots, as before), is the basis for the future unification of all ethnic groups of the Buryats.

in the photo: speech by the deputy of the People's Khural Bato Semenov

The chairman of the People's Khural of Buryatia, Tsyren-Dashi Dorzhiev (representative of the Yeravninsky district), who was present at the celebration, this time was dressed in a suit and tie. Unlike last year, he behaved formally, he did not participate in the popular pastime "breaking a lamb bone" and did not claim to receive prizes from the Absolut retail chain and OJSC Moloko.

photo: Chairman of the People's Khural Tsyren-Dashi Dorzhiev and other honored guests

Among the guests of honor of the holiday was a whole delegation of Khongodors (another ethnic group of Buryats) from Tunka, headed by the chairman of the district Council of Deputies Alamzhi Syrenov. The latter, as you know, last year initiated the construction on the territory of Russia (in the Tunkinsky district of Buryatia) of a grandiose monument to the ancestor of the Mongols, the Khori-Tumat queen Alan-goa, who is a symbol of the unity of all Mongolian peoples.

in the photo: a delegation from the Tunkinsky district and Alamzhi Syrenov, the initiator of the construction of a monument to Queen Alan-Goa

The festive performance, which, like last year, was directed by the director of the Buryat State Song and Dance Theater "Baikal" Dandar Badluev, included performances by theater artists and other masters of the Buryat art, folk games, yurools - the good wishes of the guests.

In the photo: Soelma Dagayeva, General Director of the Informpolis Publishing House, demonstrated her ability to speak in the Buryat language and a new dress in oriental style

photo: festive concert program of Khori-Buryat Sagaalgan

The audience was especially warmly received by the dance number "Dance of the Swans" of the "Baikal" theater, dedicated to Khun-Shubuun (the swan princess, progenitor of the Khori-Buryats and Khongodori). This number was recently successfully shown at a charity ball at the famous Dresden Opera House, where the Baikal Theater once again glorified Buryat art in Europe.

on video: “Dance of the Swans” at the Dresden Opera

The star of the Buryat stage Madegma Dorzhiyeva completed the concert festive program.

The sponsors of the festival “Khori-Buryat Sagaalgan-2017” were the deputy of the State Duma of Russia Aldar Damdinov, the head of the Shenekhen community Dashitsyren, the businessman Baatarzhab Balzhinimaev, the deputy of the People’s Khural of Buryatia Arkady Damdinov, as well as the TV presenter and editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Ulan-Ude - the city of good traditions” Batodai Bagdaev.


On February 27, 2017, a new year will come according to the Buddhist calendar - the year of the Reddish Fire Hen.

According to Buddhist tradition, before the New Year (in Buryat - Sagaalgan) it is customary to worthily spend the old year: do a big cleaning of the house, and also take part in cleansing ceremonies.

February 23, Thursday, at 18:00 lamas will hold rite of blessing offerings specially made for Sagaalgan.

February 24, Friday, from 10:00 prayer will be held throughout the day Ten Protectors of the Teaching - Arban Hangal(Gombo, Gongor, Shagdar, Choyzhal, Lhamo, Sendema, Shalshi, Namsaray, Zhamsaran and Tsanba). A prayer service is held with a request for the protection of all living beings, for the removal of obstacles and obstacles on the path of following the Teachings of the Buddha.

February 25, Saturday, at 10:00 will pass Sahyusan Khural. FROM 15:00 prayer will be held Taban Kharyuulga, contributing to the elimination of obstacles, false views, various troubles, sorrows, diseases of the body and mind, overcoming the harmful influence of external factors. During the khural, the lamas read ritual texts aimed at averting harm, which include prayers addressed to the White Tara, the White Umbrella Tara, the Green Tara, as well as the great text "Heart Sutra" ("Shernin" - Bur. language) and a special text " Hamchu Nagbo "- to eliminate the effects of bad thoughts, evil tongues, the consequences of bad dreams.

ATTENTION! In 2017, the Dugzhuub ritual will be held on the datsan's waterfront area (Primorsky pr., section 40-44) - to the left of the ticket office of the TsPKiO im. S.M. Kirov, from the datsan to the site with blanks for the fire, you will need to go through an underground passage under Primorsky Prospekt.

This rite is aimed at getting rid of the sorrows, sins and sorrows of the outgoing year. It is held two days before the new year according to the Buddhist calendar. For the fire, parishioners make dough at home (only flour and water, without any additives) and rub it in small pieces. The dough must first be rolled on the forehead - symbolically collecting bad thoughts on it, then around the mouth - collecting bad words, on the chest - purifying the soul, then in the palms - as if winding unseemly deeds on the dough. You can also roll the dough over the entire surface of the body, imagining that everything bad is drawn out of it: diseases, spoilage, negative emotions. Then these small pieces of dough are wrapped in napkins or paper (in no case in polyethylene!), brought to the datsan and thrown into the ritual fire. At the same time, the lamas are preparing the so-called "soor" - a high pyramid of slats, paper and dough crowned with a skull, resembling an arrowhead. Under ritual prayers, the bad karma of the community over the past year is “invested” in it, and then solemnly burned on a separate fire as a symbol of spiritual purification.

February 26, Sunday - fasting day (butuu uder, or "closed day"): from 10:00 - Sahyusan Khural, With 15:00 - prayer service Mandal Shiva(praising the Green Tara).

FROM 22:00 to 5:00 February 27 - solemn prayer service Baldan Lhamo, dedicated to the meeting of the New Buddhist Year of the Red Fire Monkey.

February 27, Monday, at 5 am solemn prayer begins Sidor Lhamo, the offensive of Sagaalgan will be celebrated, there will be an exchange of hadaks (special multi-colored scarves), a ceremony of invoking good luck and prosperity will be held, all those present will be able to taste white food (food that contains milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, butter).

In the tradition of Tibetan-Mongolian Buddhism, the New Year's festive prayer service is the first of the six most important annual holidays - khurals. The celebration of the New Year in Tibet acquired a Buddhist content only at the beginning of the 15th century, when the famous Tibetan reformer of Buddhism and the founder of the Gelug school Tsongkhava developed the rules for holding holidays in Buddhist monasteries. Tsongkhava timed the celebration for the New Year Monlam Chenmo (Great Prayer- Tib.). This holiday lasts for 15 days and is dedicated to the memory of 15 miracles which, according to legend, Buddha Shakyamuni performed in the Indian city of Shravasti. This year, Monlam Chenmo will be held from February 27th to March 14th.

At the same time, it is accepted on the second day of Sagaalgan, 28 February, Tuesday, hang chii morina- perform a launch ceremony "horses of the wind of luck." Lamas will conduct a special ritual of consecration of hiy morins - Hi Morin Sun. "Fortune Wind Horse" is a symbol showing the state of a person's well-being.

On day 15 Monlam Chenmo,March 14, Tuesday, from 10:00 lamas will hold a festive prayer service Chonprul Duisen. March 15, Wednesday, will be read Dodudba is a text from the Prajnaparamita Sutra.March 16, Thursday, from 10:00 special Sahyusan Khural, dedicated to the end of the Monlam Chenmo holiday.

Sagaalgan celebrated for a whole month, this is the most favorable time for purification rites, for visiting an astrologer lama, from whom you can find out what to do and what to avoid in the coming year, you can also invite a lama home to conduct a cleansing ceremony for your home.

Press Service of the St. Petersburg Datsan

Schedule of khurals for the days of celebration of Sagaalgan:

18:00 - rite of blessing offerings specially made for Sagaalgan

10:00-18:00 - Arban Hangal (Ten Protectors of the Doctrine)

10:00-12:00 - Sahyusan Khural
