The highest quality fabric for bedding. Choosing bedding - which fabric is better? Bed linen with flowers

Bed linen used to be in short supply. Everyone slept on the same white sheets. Today there are no problems with this, in stores eyes widen from abundance. But it is misleading, we often decide from which fabric it is better to buy bedding. In this article, we will look at some of the characteristics and reviews, and you yourself will choose what is right for you.

The best fabric for bedding

It all depends not only on the linen, but also on conditions under which it will be used. For example, in hot weather or in cool, from many other things. But in any case, underwear made from natural fabrics is better: it does not irritate the skin, allows the body to breathe, and removes sweat. At night, a person under this really rests.

I would like, of course, that after the first wash it retains its qualities. The density of the weave is responsible for this. The higher it is, the warmer and stronger your duvet cover will be. The density indicator can be seen on the label.

There are certain standards. In order not to be deceived in the store, you need to know them, the units of measurement are the same - the number of weaves per 1 cm 2:

  1. Low: 20 - 50 weaves;
  2. Average: 50 - 65;
  3. Above average: 65 - 80;
  4. High: 85 - 120;
  5. Very high: 130 - 280.

Accordingly, for example, cambric, which usually has a density of 20 - 50 weaves, will have a large mesh structure, which means it will quickly wear out, rub off, and after several washes it will look like an old rag.

Below we will talk a little more about each type.

Linen and its properties

Linen is one of the most ancient materials that people began to use for themselves. It has many advantages:

  • High strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • Excellent heat retention;
  • Pleasantly adjacent to the body does not cause allergies.

According to the hostesses, its smooth surface repels dirt and dust, which makes it possible to wash less frequently. And it only gets softer after washing. The main advantage is naturalness.

In this video, Vasily Markin will tell you why linen bedding can be very good for your health:

He also has limitations:

  • Strongly wrinkled and poorly ironed. Because of this property, some manufacturers add synthetic fibers to it, which reduces its value;
  • High cost.

If you are not embarrassed by the price, then you can learn how to iron linen correctly. The main thing - don't overdry it and process with steam.

Flannel and calico

Everyone remembers soft fluffy flannel diapers from childhood. The material is warm and keeps you warm in cold weather. But he has a drawback - After several washes, it quickly becomes covered with pellets., so it is not often used to make bedding.

But coarse calico is probably the most popular textile for frequent use. It has many advantages:

  • Durable canvas wear-resistant;
  • Washes well;
  • Does not have a glossy sheen;
  • Affordable price.

There is only one drawback, according to reviews: the drawing from the calico canvas is quickly erased. But this is offset by its merits.

Satin and its variants

This is cotton, but its peculiarity lies in the peculiar weaving of threads. It gives textiles a satin sheen, silkiness and extraordinary softness.

There are several types of satin:

  • jacquard- canvas with a complex pattern and tight weave. Strong, soft to the touch, smooth, it belongs to the elite. Great for a gift or special occasion;
  • coupon satin differs in the special image which is selected by the size. This makes the drawing harmonious, like a real work of art. However, the price of such a kit is appropriate;
  • Mako- thin cotton: easy to wash, easy to iron. It does not lose its presentability for a long time, it is light and pleasant for the body.

Those who have tried to use satin underwear recommend it as a folk one. It does not lose color, softness and silkiness after many washes.

Its disadvantage, like any quality item, is its high price. For those who cannot afford satin, calico is perfect. It is tougher, but the variety of designs is surprising, you can choose for every taste, and the cost is not so high.

Silk: pros and cons

Silk bedding looks chic and feels delicate and soft to the touch. They make the atmosphere in the bedroom more romantic. But how practical is it?

Here are the reviews left by people who use it:

  • Excellent dirt repellency;
  • Gives a pleasant coolness;
  • Keeps color for a long time;
  • Pleasant to the body;
  • Does not irritate the skin.

It has many advantages and a truly royal look. For those who care about how the bed looks, there is no better option. But it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages:

  • Doesn't keep you warm on cold evenings
  • Can't keep it in the sun, fade;
  • Expensive.

But having spent once, you won’t have to buy another for a long time. Such a set is also good as a gift, it will look solemn. For use at home, it depends on the time of year: it will not be hot in summer, but cool in winter.

Poplin fabric for bedding: reviews

Another option is poplin. This is a double-sided one-color textile, made mainly of silk, dense with a fine rib in texture. However, today it is difficult to find pure silk poplin. Now it is made of cotton or chemical fiber.

But it also has a number of advantages:

  • Retains shape and color;
  • Absorbs moisture;
  • Keeps warm;
  • Pleasant to the touch;
  • Does not require special care;
  • Does not cause allergies.

Here is what the owners write about him:

  • Marina, 38 years old, Yekaterinburg: “I have never used it before, but recently I was presented with a set of poplin. Now I will only take it. Ironing is a pleasure, washing does not cause problems: it does not shed, it does not stretch. A good option, thanks to my friend for the gift!”
  • Lika, 26 years old, Anapa: “I like poplin. I live in an area where warm, even hot days are more common. Therefore, I take only it, you don’t sweat under it, you sleep comfortably and comfortably. There is no desire to throw off a hot blanket”;
  • Nina, 31, Moscow: “Paplin linen doesn’t suit me very well. Causes discomfort in the body, constantly slips out of bed, capricious in care, although everyone says that this is not so.

Opinions differ, but positive ones are more common. Much, of course, depends from the terms of use.

So, from what fabric it is better to buy bed linen, you will have to decide depending on the financial possibilities and the requirements put forward. We tried to help you, and described the characteristics of the best-selling and popular fabrics.

Video: the best fabric for bed linen

In this video, technologist Anna Andreeva will tell you which bedding is most pleasant for the body, which one is more comfortable to sleep on:

Sleep is an important part of human life. Whether it will be strong and calm depends on many factors, and good bed linen plays an important role in this matter. It's not just about beauty, which creates a good mood and sets you up for sweet dreams. Bed linen is in contact with the human body, and the requirements for it are strict. To choose the best, you need to consider for what purposes it is purchased.

Types of bed linen

The term "bed linen" combines textile sleep accessories: duvet covers, sheets, pillowcases. Products are sewn from various fabrics and different sizes. Depending on the cost and purpose, it is made of three types:

  • elite,
  • budget,
  • baby.

Elite bedding is the most expensive in this category of goods, but it is distinguished not only by a solid figure on the price tag. It looks luxurious thanks to:

  • carefully selected fabrics;
  • noble shades of colors;
  • sophisticated design;
  • original decor.

Lace, hand and machine embroidery are used to design elite lingerie. To create a luxurious set are used

  • natural silk,
  • best quality satin;
  • cotton fabric made from long-staple varieties of raw materials (pima, mako);
  • cotton jacquard;

Inexpensive sets of budget bed linen for daily use, which are preferred by most buyers, are in high demand. They are sewn from coarse calico, percale or poplin. It has no decorative trim. Of the functional characteristics, the main ones are practicality and wear resistance. Numerous washings will not spoil the brightness of its print.

Bed linen intended for children is similar in its characteristics to budget linen. It should be practical, resistant to wear. A prerequisite is softness and hypoallergenicity. Children's bed linen is sewn from

  • coarse calico,
  • percale,
  • ranforsa,
  • chintz,
  • satin,
  • polycotton.

The last two are recommended for children from seven years old. Satin has a higher density and will be rough for the little ones. Polycotton has polyester in its composition, which is not suitable for newborns and children from three to seven years old.

What to look for when choosing bedding

The choice of bed linen requires a responsible attitude to several basic criteria.

First, the manufacturer. Well, if it is known in the market. New brands are often not inferior in quality to the masters, but are cheaper. How to determine which of the little-known manufacturers should be trusted.

Packaging can tell a lot. As a person is greeted by clothes, so the first impression of a set of bed linen is created by its design. A self-respecting manufacturer will never save on packaging. She is the face of his product, and the more attractive it is, the greater the chance of success. In addition, the package must contain all the information about the product:

  • kind of fabric
  • configuration,
  • sizes.

Fourthly, it is necessary to decide before buying what is the priority requirement for underwear: strength or softness. The answer to this question depends on what fabric you should buy a bedding set from.

Bed linen for everyday use is sewn from

  • coarse calico,
  • percale,
  • poplin,
  • satin.

It is impossible to say objectively which fabric is better. Each buyer has his own priorities, according to which he makes a choice. It is necessary to analyze the characteristics of each fabric in order to determine the best option. The video demonstrates the main types of fabrics that are used in sewing bed linen and their features:

Percale or poplin which is better? Comparing percale and poplin is a thankless task. Both fabrics are popular with buyers and even have the same characteristics. In both cases, natural cotton and traditional linen weaving technology are used in the manufacture, that is, the threads are simply intertwined with each other in a checkerboard pattern. This is where the similarity ends.

Percale is much thinner, denser and stronger than poplin. This difference is explained by the threads used. In percale, they are thinner and, when weaved, form a dense and durable structure. In addition, percale threads do not twist. They are pre-combed and coated with a special composition with adhesive properties. You can visually verify that the percale is denser than poplin. It is enough just to look through the fabric at the light.

Percale was originally used to make sails, airplane covers and parachutes. Later, bedding began to be sewn from it. The strength of the fabric made it possible to keep feathers inside the pillows and feather beds.

These two chic fabrics are both worth considering when choosing bedding. Each of them can be recognized as the best, depending on the preferences of the buyer.

Percale is a thin, batiste-like, but very durable fabric with a pleasant velvety surface. In its manufacture, a special technology is used. Non-twisted threads are treated with an adhesive, which increases its resistance to wear.

Satin is suitable for those who prefer premium linens. The fabric has an exquisite silky sheen. In its manufacture, a twisted double-weave thread is used. It is she who gives the fabric a noble sheen.

It should be borne in mind that satin for bed linen is of different quality. For budget products, ordinary fabric is used. Dense, but with a slight matte sheen. For elite linen, high-quality satin is needed, which is not inferior in luxury to silk, but made of cotton.

Percale or satin which is better? Having decided that pleasant velvety and noble sheen are more important, it is easy to choose the best fabric.

What's better? Dealing with these two types of fabric is more difficult than it seems at first glance. They are very similar to each other in appearance and characteristics.

  1. They are made using natural cotton.
  2. They are well ventilated and absorb moisture.
  3. The fabrics are durable and wear resistant.
  4. Products made of coarse calico and percale do not wrinkle and are easy to care for.
  5. Weaved with linen weaving.

Percale bedding is more expensive, and with the same characteristics, the question arises: why pay more.

Upon closer examination, it becomes noticeable that the percale is thinner, lighter, smoother and softer to the touch. Such characteristics are given to the fabric by untwisted threads, which, after coating with an adhesive, become even thinner. The result is a denser and, accordingly, more durable weave.

What's better? What is the difference between poplin and calico? Fabrics have similar characteristics and are about the same price. Poplin is a little more expensive, as the fabrics used are mostly imported. They are made using the technology of linen weaving. For poplin, threads of various thicknesses are used. The result of this technique was a slightly rough surface of the fabric. The calico is more smooth. A perfectly flat surface contributes to less abrasion during operation, which significantly extends the service life.

Fabrics with almost the same characteristics, but differ in texture. Poplin has a pleasant rough surface due to the use of threads of various thicknesses when weaving. A light transverse rib is easy to feel to the touch. Satin is made from twisted threads, which gives the fabric a silky sheen.

Considering that when sewing satin bed linen, fabrics of different quality are used, premium sets are distinguished by a chic sheen, bright pattern, and wash resistance.

Cotton fabrics have a lot in common:

  • density,
  • temperature retention,
  • softness,
  • wear resistance (but satin has it higher).

Supporters of calico bedding sets are attracted by an affordable price. Lovers of luxurious bedroom interiors highlight the noble sheen of satin, making it look like silk or satin.

It should be borne in mind that satin shine can be obtained artificially - by rolling the fabric between hot rollers. The fabric will fade with every wash.

One of the main criteria when choosing bed linen is its resistance to wear, which depends on the density of the fabric. The main thing is to maintain the softness of accessories for sleep, providing a comfortable rest.

To choose reliable bedding that will last a long time, it is enough to study the density of the types of fabric used:

  • for percale - from 100 to 160 g / m 2;
  • for coarse calico - from 100 to 145 g / m 2;
  • for satin - from 120 to 140 / m 2;
  • poplin has 110 g / m 2.

According to GOST, the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bare taken, therefore the most dense, and therefore resistant to wear, is percale. Coarse calico is a little inferior to her, but this fabric has a more affordable price.


Inconsistency in the size of bedding leads to discomfort during sleep. If the bed linen is smaller than the size of a pillow, blanket or mattress, then folds and creases form, causing a lot of inconvenience. If the size is too large, it is easy to get tangled in the duvet cover or catch your hand on the pillowcase. To simplify the selection of bed linen, special standards have been developed that must be met by all products included in the set.

There are several types of bed linen:

  • single,
  • one and a half,
  • double,
  • eurostandard,
  • family,
  • baby,
  • for newborns.

For each type, there are standard sizes of pillowcases, sheets and duvet covers.

Bed linen size chart

Types of linenPillowcaseSheetDuvet cover
One and a half70x70150x220145x215
Eurostandard50x70 or 70x70220x240200x220
Family70x70220x240145x215 (2 pcs.)
For newborns35x45100x135100x138

The video guide tells you how to choose the right bed linen size.

Useful information about the size of children's mattresses. Rules for determining the size of the mattress for the cradle, for children's and teenage beds.

The service life of bed linen depends not only on the right fabric. The quality of seams and threads plays an important role in this matter. Before buying, it is advisable to open the package and carefully inspect the seams.

Some should be folded in two additions and stitched. A single seam or its absence indicates a violation of the requirements. Such linen after the first wash will fray and become unusable.

The threads must be strong, match the color of the fabric. The absence of protruding tips is a prerequisite for high-quality bed linen.

Today, underwear from Russian and foreign companies is represented on the domestic market. Among the numerous offers, buyers distinguish

  • Monolith (Russia),
  • Artpostel (Russia),
  • Vasilisa (Russia),
  • Sailid (Russia),
  • On Silk (Russia),
  • TAS (Turkey),
  • Asabella (China),
  • Valterry (China),
  • Cleo (China),
  • Blakit (Belarus).

All products have earned positive feedback and are popular with buyers.

Average price for bed linen

Bed linen prices depend on various factors: quality, material used, brand.

Prices for domestic products today range from 1050 to 1400 rubles. Belarusian offers successfully compete with Russian bed linen. Their average cost is 1090 rubles.

The choice of bed linen is a responsible step. It depends on the purpose of its acquisition.

Buy a budget option for yourself - the right decision depends on how comfortable you will sleep in the near future. For a successful purchase, we recommend

  1. Considered to choose a manufacturer;
  2. Carefully inspect the packaging of the selected kit;
  3. Open it and inspect the offered goods (first of all, the seams);
  4. Check the stability of dyes.

When it comes to purchasing a gift, you should opt for an elite set of satin or silk.

For a good rest, a person during sleep needs not only a cozy bedroom and a comfortable bed, but also high-quality, pleasant to the touch bed linen. On the shelves of stores selling home textiles, you can find many kits that differ in color and density of fabric, size and brand of the manufacturer. It is difficult for an unprepared buyer to understand such an abundance of products, especially since the price of a product does not always correspond to its quality. Therefore, before you go shopping, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the main parameters of the quality of bed linen, so as not to make a mistake and make the right choice.

What should be the bedding

It is better to buy bed linen made from natural fabrics.

Bed linen is the textile that comes into direct contact with human skin, so the following requirements are reasonably imposed on it:

  • The fabric should be well breathable and absorb moisture. Usually such properties are possessed by materials made from, flax, bamboo.
  • High strength and wear resistance of the product is very important. Linen requires frequent washing, and delicate and loose fabric will quickly become unusable.
  • Dyes used in the manufacture of the kit must be resistant to hot water and not contain components that cause allergies.

Bed linen that meets the above requirements will last a long time and will please its owner with soft touch, bright pattern and cleanliness.

The first thing that the buyer pays attention to when he decides to purchase a set of bed linen is the color and, and only after that he determines the quality of the product. In order not to make a mistake with the choice and purchase really high-quality textiles, many factors must be taken into account.


The more expensive and respectable the packaging looks, the higher the quality of its contents.

The packaging of any product indicates the level of the manufacturer. The bedding set is no exception. The more expensive and respectable the packaging looks, the higher the quality of its contents.

It is better to choose textiles in a thick cardboard box, which will endure any transportation without damage, will not get wet or dirty.


The package must have a well-adhered and clearly printed label. Manufacturers of textiles that do not meet standard requirements often avoid publicizing their company name and contact details, which should certainly alert the buyer.

Typically, the following information can be found on the label:

  • manufacturer's name, address, contact numbers;
  • the composition of the material from which the textile is made;
  • list of products included in the set and their dimensions;
  • care rules.

The manufacturer of quality bedding always values ​​its reputation and does not hide its “face”.

Fabric Density

The main indicator of product quality is the density of the fabric - the number of fibers in 1 cm². The higher the density, the stronger and more durable the product. This value is usually indicated on the label only by a bona fide manufacturer and ranges from 20 to 280 threads per 1 cm².

Density parameters of popular fabrics:

  • - 30;
  • cotton - 60;
  • and - 90;
  • Japanese silk - 280.

Tailoring features

High-quality bed linen is sewn from a single piece of matter and does not have extra seams.

The pillowcases, sheet and duvet cover included in a first-class bedding set should be sewn from a single piece of material, and not assembled from separate patches. The seam passing in the middle of the product indicates a non-compliance with standard requirements - such underwear is not reliable and ugly.

When choosing a kit, you need to carefully examine the wrong side, joints and edge trim. All work is carried out with a special linen seam, which firmly connects the parts and will not allow the product to tear after the first wash. The threads used for sewing the bed must be strong and match the overall color in color, and their ends are securely fastened.

Advice! It is better to choose a set that includes a sheet with an elastic band and a blank duvet cover. Such underwear is more practical, does not slip and does not wrinkle during sleep.

In addition, numerous buttons and locks should be avoided, as excess fittings make it difficult to clean the product and can injure a sleeping person.


High-quality linen has a pleasant smell of new textiles. Any other “flavors”, for example, the smell of paint, chemicals or mold, indicate that the dyes contain too many harmful substances, the fabric was produced without following the technology, or the goods were stored and transported incorrectly.


Experienced housewives most often choose light-colored bedding, as there is less risk that the product will shed after the first wash. If you like a set with a bright pattern, you need to be especially vigilant. Resistant paint withstands washing at temperatures above +60 ° C, which should be noted by the manufacturer on the label.

In addition, on some kits you can see a mark on the strength of the dye, which must be at least a score of 4. If no written evidence of the strength of the dye is found, you can rub your palm hard on the front of the material and thus find out how strong the dye is. A soiled palm will indicate the poor quality of the color of the product.

The pattern on the front and back sides should be equally clear and bright. You should not choose a kit in which the fabric is dyed only on the front side, and the inside is white, with barely noticeable stains. Most likely, such underwear will quickly shed and lose its original attractiveness.


When buying a bed set, it is very important that the product matches the required dimensions. You can choose underwear with an original design, made of high-density fabric and dyed with a permanent dye, but if you do not get into the size, then it will be very uncomfortable to sleep on it. Therefore, before going to the store, you must carefully measure the length, width and height of the mattress, determine and record the parameters of pillows and blankets.

Russian and imported kits differ in size. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to consult a sales assistant who will tell you everything about the chosen product and help you not to make a mistake with the purchase.

What fabric is better to buy underwear

Basically, bed linen is made from cotton, linen, silk, and synthetic materials. Recently there are sets of fashionable bamboo. Each fabric has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what material bedding should be made of. Some love durable cotton, others love shimmery silk, and still others love the touch of coarse linen.

For the manufacture of bed linen, the following materials are most often used.


Cotton bedding is breathable, it is not hot to sleep under it in summer.

The most common material for making bedding is cotton. The fabric has a natural composition, perfectly passes air and absorbs moisture. On such a bed it is not hot to sleep in the summer heat, and in winter it gives comfort and warmth. Cotton fabric can be washed at water temperatures close to 100 ° C, it dries quickly and is easy to iron, which is important for bed linen.

Coarse calico

The practicality and strength of this cotton fabric is ensured by a very dense cross-weaving of threads. Rough to the touch with proper care will serve faithfully for several years. Coarse calico textiles are durable and low cost.


Thin flowing matter is produced from cotton fibers. The fabric, incredibly pleasant to the touch, in contact with the body gives a gentle coolness. However, despite the high cost, batiste bedding is impractical, wears out quickly and loses its original appearance. Such underwear can be bought as a gift or to meet dear guests, but not for everyday use.


Light and at the same time strong, smooth and shiny from the front side and matte from the inside, it is distinguished by a special weaving of threads, which ensures wear resistance and durability of the material. Despite the rather high cost, this linen is considered economical, since, subject to the rules of care, it can withstand more than 300 washes.

Terry cloth

Warm terry cloth is more suitable for use in the winter season. The material does not require special care, is easy to wash and almost does not wrinkle. The sheet made of terry cloth keeps firmly on the mattress, does not slip and does not gather like an accordion.

Comfortable and practical terry cloth underwear can be purchased for everyday use. When buying, you need to pay attention to the composition of the material. If it contains more than 5% synthetics, then after a few washes the linen can become stiff and uncomfortable, so it is better to choose textiles from 100% cotton.


Another derivative of cotton is satin. Durable fabric has a noble matte sheen and looks very similar to silk. This effect is achieved through the use of highly twisted cotton threads, intertwined in a special way, in the production of matter.

Does not require complex care, dries quickly and is easy to iron. The cost of the kit is slightly higher than the price of similar products from another material, but it is consistent with the quality of the goods.


Linen is a natural, environmentally friendly material that is often used for sewing bedding. A durable and rough canvas does not contribute to the development of pathogenic microflora and is a natural antiseptic. quickly wrinkled, to smooth out this only drawback, some synthetic fibers are added to the composition of the fabric.


Silk bedding embodies luxury and romance. For a long time, natural Japanese silk has been especially highly valued. Of course, a set of this material is quite expensive, but the pleasure you get from sleeping on a silk bed justifies all the money spent. Smooth and shiny fabric:

  • slightly cool to the touch;
  • has good air permeability and hygroscopicity;
  • not electrified;
  • It does not require special care.

Having once bought a set of natural silk, it will be possible to enjoy the comfort presented by this noble fabric for several years.

Which bed linen to choose is a personal matter for everyone, the main thing is that it is convenient and comfortable to sleep and that after the first wash you don’t have to be upset by the appearance of a blurry pattern.

Glad to see you on the blog pages))

Today's article is on the necessary and very pleasant topic of choosing bed linen.

Long gone are the days when a set of bed linen was in short supply. Today on the shelves of stores - a real abundance!

However, it is precisely this that often brings us into a state close to prostration: what to choose - linen or calico, satin or poplin, flannel or polyester?

What is the best bed linen fabric? After all, you really want the linen to please the eye with colors and be pleasant to the touch, and also - so that it serves faithfully for as long as possible!

Let's try to find the answer to the most difficult question when choosing bed linen: what is the best material for bed linen?

Acquaintance with a set of bed linen begins with a label. It is there that you can find such important information for us about the composition of the fabric and its density.

Compound. It is better to choose bed linen from natural fabrics: they are hygroscopic, remove moisture well and allow the body to "breathe" - only this guarantees a comfortable and healthy sleep.

Weave density. This indicator is "responsible" for the wear resistance and durability of bed linen, as well as its breathability and heat-shielding properties. A reasonable question arises:

It's simple: the higher the density, the higher the quality of the fabric and the longer the set will last!

As a rule, an honest manufacturer indicates the density on the label. In order not to get into trouble, let's see what should be the density of weaving according to the standard:

  • low - from 20 to 30 weaves per 1 cm 2 (cambric);
  • below average - 35–40 (cotton, linen);
  • medium - 50–65 (cotton, linen);
  • above average - 65–80 (Turkish silk, artificial materials);
  • high - 85–120 (percale, satin);
  • very high - 130–280 (Japanese silk, glossy satin).

So we smoothly moved on to the next question -

Fabrics for bed linen - what are they?

The properties of fabrics used by modern manufacturers depend not only on the composition and density, but also on the weaving method - that is, the number and order of the threads relative to each other. It is this pattern that determines the different properties of various tissues. Let's dwell on this in more detail, plus about the fabrics from which I bought bed linen, I will add my small reviews.

Linen fabric - what is it?

Flax is one of the "oldest" materials known in ancient Egypt. It is very durable, wear-resistant and resistant to deformation, perfectly absorbs moisture and conducts heat - which means that it will be pleasant and comfortable to sleep on linen underwear in winter and summer. They do not like flax and bacteria with fungi - this material perfectly "fights" against harmful pathogens. Linen is ideal for allergy sufferers.

When growing flax, all kinds of pesticides are not used, so linen made from flax can also be called environmentally friendly (especially unbleached flax). And linen bed linen, according to reviews, can be washed less often, because due to its smooth surface it is less polluted compared to other materials. It is easy to wash, dries quickly, and after washing it becomes only softer and more pleasant to the touch.

But in this barrel of honey there is also a fly in the ointment: bed linen made of 100% linen is expensive, it wrinkles a lot, and ironing is bad. To eliminate this drawback, manufacturers often add synthetic threads to linen.

I have quite a long experience in buying and using linen, perhaps since then manufacturers have begun to add “additions” to the linen thread to facilitate the ironing process, but since I had a set of real 100% linen, ironing it was really not too easy. You can cope with the problem if you do not let the fabric dry out the washing field, but remove it slightly damp. There are no more complaints about linen underwear: it is pleasant to the touch, easy to wash, and lasts a long time.

Flannel - what is this fabric?

Hardly anyone is unfamiliar with flannel. After all, both baby diapers and vests are sewn from it. And not in vain. This cotton material has amazing softness! It is warm and very cozy, and its gentle "fluff" will perfectly warm not only babies, but also adults, so it is perfect for use during the off-season.

Among the shortcomings - flannel bed linen, as the reviews of the hostesses confirm, after several washes becomes covered with "pellets", and no longer pleases with its wonderful appearance.

When buying flannel underwear, pay attention to the density: it should be from 170 to 257 g / m 2.

But among the “flannel” assortment, I am only familiar with diapers and clothes for babies) It would be very interesting to know the opinion of those who used flannel bedding sets.

Coarse calico fabric - what is it?

Coarse calico is one of the most common materials for bed linen. Why is calico so popular? What is this fabric?

Coarse calico is considered almost ideal for everyday use. It is inexpensive, it “possesses” a wide variety of colors, and its operational properties cannot but rejoice: coarse calico linen is dense, durable, wear-resistant and practical (washes well, dries quickly). It will easily "survive" repeated washings and does not require any "delicate" care.

Often buyers have a question: calico - is it cotton or not? Feel free to buy bed linen from coarse calico - it's 100% cotton! The use of a thick cotton thread and a fairly dense plain weave gives it "special" properties. Coarse calico is denser than its "brother" - calico and, accordingly, is more durable. This fabric is matte and, unlike satin, does not have a glossy sheen.

"GOST" coarse calico has a density of 145 g / m 2. In practice, calico with a density of 125 g / m 2 is more often used - although it is not so durable, it is softer and lighter, and, therefore, more comfortable to use.

I used calico sets, they left a rather pleasant impression - natural material, though quite thin, but located in an affordable price category. I don’t know what other kits are for color fastness, but on mine the fabric became duller over time.

Satin fabric - what is it?

Satin is another member of the cotton fabric family. Its main difference and "highlight" is a special double "satin" weave of twisted threads, thanks to which the fabric acquires a beautiful smooth and shiny surface. The denser the twisting of the fibers, the more expressive the satin sheen of the fabric.

To the touch, satin linen is silky, delicate, soft and even. It drapes beautifully, glides, almost does not wrinkle and is resistant to abrasion. The color palette will also please you: bright and juicy shades and clear lines of prints will remain so for at least 200-300 washes!

There are several types of this material.

Types of satin for bed linen:

  • satin jacquard
  • coupon;
  • mako satin.

Jacquard satin is a type of satin with a complex and dense weave of fibers that forms a fancy embossed pattern. As a rule, two shades of the same color "participate" in the creation of a printed pattern. They also produce single color kits.

Both of them look very luxurious, so when choosing bed linen for a gift, pay special attention to satin jacquard - this bed linen is not only very beautiful, but the reviews about it are only positive! It is very durable, wear-resistant and at the same time soft and smooth.

Bed linen made of noble satin jacquard is, as they say, royal luxury, but it also costs accordingly - such sets are classified as "elite".

Coupon satin is a real picture on your bed)) Pillowcases and duvet covers are sewn from fabric, the pattern of which is designed taking into account the size and variety of the product (as opposed to ordinary satin with a monotonous stamped print).

Mako satin is made from long-staple Egyptian cotton, which has a fine but surprisingly strong fiber. Linen made of mako-satin is durable, holds its shape well, washes well, dries quickly and is easy to iron. All the properties of ordinary satin are not alien to this material: it is light, smooth, silky and pleasant to the touch.

I have tried the satin sets most of all, as this is really the most “popular” material, which most successfully combines the quality-price categories. And if the bed linen is made of high-quality satin, then, in my opinion, it will withstand even more than the declared 300 washes;) without losing either color or density.

I have a duvet cover at home (by the way, a Belarusian manufacturer), donated back in time immemorial, endlessly exploited, but left after a myriad of washes just as bright and sunny. I love him :)) despite the fact that there are no pillowcases or sheets for him, I still gladly “dress up” blankets in him.

Satin or calico for bedding - which is better?

If you can’t decide whether calico or satin is better for bed linen, you will have to weigh all the pros and cons, and make a choice based on personal preferences)

Satin is more pleasant to the touch and more attractive in appearance, it is more durable than coarse calico and will delight you with bright colors for many years. However, the price of satin underwear is much higher.

Coarse calico is more rigid and has a slightly “rough” surface with barely perceptible thickening of the thread. But its price is very affordable, and a variety of designs (monochrome and with all kinds of prints) allows you to choose a set for every taste and age.

Polyester - what is it?

Polyester is a fully synthetic fibre. Its advantages include ease of care (polyester bed linen does not wrinkle, is easy to wash and dries very quickly, does not deform and does not shrink) and low cost. But before you buy polyester bed linen, read the reviews!

Many buyers complain that it is not comfortable to sleep on it (polyester does not absorb moisture and is highly electrified), and waking up in the morning, you can find “war paint” all over your body - polyester linen sheds very much. For the same reason, it should only be washed separately from other laundry.

Allergy sufferers should be especially careful: since polyester is produced from petroleum products, allergic reactions are not excluded.

You can "discover" polyester only by carefully studying the composition of the fabric. As a rule, manufacturers "mask" polyester with other trade names, adding fibers to it, for example, cotton.

I think many have come across polyester underwear, even if you never dreamed of buying it, you could still get it as a present. Because of its cheapness, such underwear is often given as a gift in organizations on Women's Day on March 8)) and on similar holidays. Of course, like all other products, such linen also probably has its own buyer, but, in my opinion, polyester is completely unsuitable for bed linen, at least we did not use it even in the country ...

When choosing bed linen, many of us choose not only the composition and colors, but also the manufacturer. After all, there is always more trust in a “verified” brand! Today, as an example, I will tell you about the experience of buying bed linen from one of the well-known Russian brands - Mona Lisa.

Bed linen "Mona Lisa", review

This linen differs in high quality and wide assortment. The brand offers bedding sets of all sizes (up to bed linen for newborns) made of satin, calico, cambric, satin jacquard, percale and blended fabrics (50% cotton, 50% polyester), as well as exquisite linen made of satin with embroidery, jacquard tuton and very interesting satin bedding with 3D effect.

I have a Mona Lisa set made of satin, which has many advantages and one significant disadvantage.

The kit, as in general, all the others offered by this brand, is superbly packaged, of interesting colors, it looks very beautiful on the bed, it is simply beautiful in operation - it does not crawl on the bed, does not wrinkle and does not wrinkle, while being pleasant to the touch, hygroscopic , very easy to iron.

But he has an outlandish minus that I have never met before, after washing the whole fabric is covered with incomprehensible sticky lumps, the first time I decided that paper had got into the drum of the washing machine (judging by the plaque on the fabric - toilet :)) But when this happened again and again and always, it became clear that the matter was in the fabric itself.

And every time after washing, the laundry has to be additionally rinsed, which is both inconvenient and economically unprofitable - a double wash comes out ... I took an interest in reviews, I thought maybe it was only me who had such miracles, no, quite a lot of the same claims. If next time I am going to buy bedding from the same manufacturer again, then I will choose a fabric of a different quality, perhaps there will not be such a disgrace.

In today's article, it was possible to consider only some of the materials from which bedding is sewn, so in the next article we will continue to look for the answer to the question,!

Reading time: 6 minutes

The modern textile market is replete with a variety of colors and materials. It is very difficult for people who carefully choose bedding, always weigh all the pros and cons, to decide.

In order to make the right choice, you need to know all the advantages and disadvantages of each fabric. Let's make a rating of the most popular materials that are used for sewing bed linen. The distribution will take into account all factors: characteristics, price, variety of models.

Bamboo is awarded 1st place

Despite the fact that bamboo products have appeared on the textile market relatively recently, consumers have already managed to fall in love with them. This plant is amazing. It can grow at a speed of up to 100 cm per day. Another positive characteristic is that almost 70% of the bacteria that get on the surface of the bamboo sheet is naturally destroyed.

If earlier the most popular option was cotton bed linen, then at the moment it is gradually pushing it back. It is a natural fiber that is both soft and durable. Caring for your bedding is easy. To do this, it is necessary to comply with the standard requirements that apply to almost any material: washing at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees without the use of aggressive and bleaching agents.

Since bamboo has no drawbacks, we list its many advantages:

  • Soft to the touch;
  • Has antibacterial properties;
  • Does not accumulate static electricity and odors;
  • Absorbs moisture;
  • Passes air;
  • Creates a comfortable temperature during sleep;
  • Has a large number of colors;
  • Strong and durable;
  • Does not violate the natural cycle, as it grows at an incredible rate;
  • Does not lose shape after washing;
  • Does not fade;
  • No pellets form on the surface;
  • Does not attract dust and dirt;
  • Natural fabric.

Looking at these advantages, you involuntarily think about buying bedding from this material. Bamboo contributes to sound and healthy sleep both in the summer heat and in the cold winter!

Poplin deserves 2nd place

Satin is in 3rd place

Satin sheen can be compared with the overflows of natural silk, and in terms of characteristics, it is practically in no way inferior to this matter. This fabric received its properties due to the special complex weaving. The fibers are intertwined in a ratio of 4:1. Cotton is used as raw material. The linen made of long fibers (Egyptian cotton) is especially valued.

Linen made from this fabric will last for many years if you follow the special rules of care. For example, although it has a persistent stain, it is not worth drying bedding in the open rays of the sun, even when turned inside out.

Let's talk about its advantages:

  • Pleasant shine;
  • Strength and durability;
  • Softness;
  • Incredibly soft to the touch;
  • Does not interfere with free air circulation;
  • When painting, safe components are used;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Allows the body to relax during sleep;
  • Does not shed or deform;
  • Made from high quality fibers.
  • There were some minor drawbacks:
  • Relatively high price;
  • Requires careful care;
  • More suitable for summer than winter.

Coarse calico is a very popular material in 4th place

Probably, there is not a single person who would not know this. This bed linen comes in many colors. But many are attracted by the affordable price. The coarse calico has a simple weave (1:1). The density of the material depends on the number of threads that make up the base. The standard ratio is 125 g/sq.m.
Caring for this fabric is not difficult, but do not forget that it is afraid of direct sunlight and washing with synthetic materials.


  • Affordable price;
  • natural fibers;
  • Easy care;
  • Hygroscopicity;
  • Absorbs moisture;
  • Does not accumulate dust and static electricity;
  • Can be used even by allergy sufferers;
  • Retains body heat and then gradually releases it during sleep;
  • Large selection of colors;
  • Doesn't lose shape after multiple washes.


  • Coarse calico of low density can quickly tear and wipe off;
  • Pellets may form on the surface;
  • To make ironing easier, it is necessary to start it when the product is still slightly damp.

As can be seen from the shortcomings, when buying bedding made of coarse calico, you need to pay attention to the density and rules for caring for the product. Do not neglect the elementary rules, and then the linen will please you for a long time with a smooth surface and freshness of color.

Luxurious silk bed linen was in 5th place

Despite the fact that for more than 3 thousand years China carefully kept the secret of silk, at present it is not "rare" and scarce. However, even today, not all people can afford it. Accumulating and purchasing underwear is not such a problem, proper care is also important.

Silk, as is inherent in all eminent persons, has a very capricious nature. Any awkwardly dropped drop of water or a particle of sweat leaves unpleasant stains on the surface, and it is not recommended to wash such bedding often. This is due to the fact that with frequent ingress of water and detergent, the “pores” of the fabric can become clogged, which will lead to a loss of luster and healing properties.


  • Luxurious appearance;
  • Pleasant shine;
  • Indescribable tactile sensations;
  • Hygroscopicity;
  • It has a positive effect on all human organs.


  • Extremely high price;
  • Requires painstaking care;
  • High degree of wrinkling.
  • Silk is an amazing material, but the high price does not allow making this bed linen available to a wide range of people.

Viscose is given 6th place in our rating

Microfiber got 7th place

Although the material got the last place in our rating, it cannot be said that it is bad. The best fabrics for sewing bed linen are collected here, so even the last place is worthy.

As the name implies, the thinnest fibers that have notches. The basis of this fabric is polyester and polyamide. Thanks to the special grooves, one of the main qualities of this material is the ability to absorb a large amount of moisture. This is important both for the stuffy summer and winter, when the heating in the apartments is turned on to the maximum.

Depending on the processing, microfiber can be used for both outerwear and outerwear. Microfiber products are easy to care for. Machine washable for them, the main thing is not to overdo it with detergents.


  • Does not wrinkle:
  • Easily erased;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Absorbs a large amount of moisture;
  • Does not lose color with multiple washes
  • Do not deform;
  • Do not leave pile on the surface;
  • Hygroscopicity.


  • Accumulate static electricity;
  • Can pick up dust
  • An allergic reaction is possible;
  • Do not expose to high temperatures;
