We bring down the high temperature in the child. High temperature in a child - basic recommendations for parents

In the first weeks of life, the temperature of a newborn ranges from 36.6 to 37.3 degrees. Physiologically, this is the normal state of the baby's body. Stabilization of the temperature regime occurs by the month, but exceeding the specified parameters should alert parents. A clear increase in temperature indicates an infection attacking a little man. Influenza, SARS, overheating, bacterial inflammation, intestinal poisoning - a pediatrician will help to find out the cause of a high temperature. The child's body is struggling with a negative invasion, but parents need to know when and how to properly bring down the temperature of the crumbs.

What temperature should be brought down?

Raising the temperature to 38 degrees means that the baby's body has turned on the protection - the production of interferon has begun. By removing it, you slow down the recovery of the crumbs and reduce the amount of interferon. Not for all children, such a temperature means a breakdown, lethargy and severe malaise. Some babies 1-3 years old already at 37.3 fall into apathy, they are tormented by aches and chills. Other children and at 40 degrees continue to jump and have fun.

Given such features of the child's body, pediatricians do not give unequivocal recommendations for bringing down the temperature, but they warn that a decrease in a high rate is necessary when:

  • temperature 38˚С in babies up to 3 months;
  • an increase in temperature over 38.5 ° C against the background of normal health and behavior of the crumbs;
  • if the child has disorders of the cardiovascular system, convulsions, problems with the respiratory organs, a decrease should be started from 38 ° C.

What precautionary measures should be taken?

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Having found a rise in temperature in a child, parents should change the mode of his maintenance and take a number of measures to alleviate the condition of the crumbs.

Preventive measures will eliminate psychological discomfort and ensure the correct start of treatment:

  1. Prepare a drink (dried fruit compote, fruit drink, rosehip infusion) and solder the baby in doses, giving him two or three sips every ten minutes. You can give your child weak tea or diluted juice, just boiled water. The main thing is to ensure the flow of fluid. Warm the drink to the child's body temperature (plus or minus 5°C) so that the liquid is absorbed quickly. The amount of liquid must be increased by adding 10 ml per kilogram of the baby's weight to the usual daily allowance. We calculate the total volume for each added degree, starting from 37˚С. For example, your baby weighs 10 kg and has a rise of up to 39 degrees: multiply the weight by an additional 10 ml and by 2 ° C (10 kg x 10 ml x 2). We get an increase of 200 ml.
  2. Try to lower the temperature in the room where the child is located, to 18 degrees. Ventilate the room in the absence of a child.

How to determine the type of hyperthermia?

Having heard an unfamiliar term, do not be afraid in advance, hyperthermia is an increase in temperature. Doctors define the "white" and "red" type of hyperthermia. The "white" appearance is due to vasospasm and is characterized by a hot forehead, cold extremities, and pale skin color. It is impossible to resort to rubbing and cold rubbing, especially with vinegar or vodka, with "white" hyperthermia. Necessary:

  • cool the air in the room to 18 degrees and cover the baby with a light blanket;
  • use the usual antipyretic medicine for the child;
  • use No-Shpu to relieve spasm and valerian to reduce cardiac stress.

Be sure to call an ambulance so that an experienced specialist will assess the condition of a small patient and carry out the appropriate primary treatment.

"Red" hyperthermia is expressed in a strong reddening of the skin, hot extremities - the child, as they say, "burns". With this type of temperature increase, it is not required to take No-Shpu, just wipe the arms and legs of the baby with warm water.

What means to give to reduce the temperature?

The main antipyretic agent for children is paracetamol. Preparations based on it are given in any form (candles, syrup, suspension) at the age dose indicated in the instructions for the drug. The frequency of taking Paracetamol (and its analogues - Panadol, Cefecon, etc.) is 1 dose with an interval of 6 hours. The reaction of the baby's body to paracetamol will help you understand the nature of the disease.

A bacterial infection or complications of acute respiratory viral infections are accompanied by a slight drop in degrees or do not change the readings of the thermometer. After giving the child a medicine for fever, after an hour, put the thermometer again: if there is a decrease in dynamics, then the medicine is chosen correctly and there is no serious problem. A check after an hour and a half shows that the situation does not change - a pediatrician's consultation is required. You may need to use other drugs.


The second line of children's antipyretics is represented by drugs such as Ibuprofen and its derivatives - Nurofen and Ibufen. After determining the ineffectiveness of paracetamol within 6 hours, give the child Ibuprofen at the age dosage. Ibuprofen is taken at intervals of 8 hours, the course of administration is up to 3 days. Be sure to follow the recommended dosage and frequency of use.

Consider now how to give antipyretics in various forms.

In what form should the drug be given?


  • The dosage of syrup for removing a large indicator is calculated by the weight of the child, the calculation system is indicated in the instructions for the drug.
  • For speed, the syrup must be given in the form heated to a warm state. Hold the bottle in your hands or heat it in a water bath.
  • It is forbidden to take syrup more often than recommended by the instructions.
  • If the first antipyretic does not help (for example, paracetamol), ibuprofen syrup is taken after 2 hours.


The area of ​​​​contact of the candle with the walls of the rectum is much smaller than the amount of syrup that enters the stomach, and therefore it acts more slowly. In addition, not all children calmly react to the process of introducing funds, but in some cases only candles help:

  • degrees rose from 37 to 39 - there is a suspension of absorption processes in the stomach;
  • the baby started vomiting, it is impossible to give antipyretic drugs orally;
  • the intake of the syrup did not change the situation - the suppository was administered two hours after its administration.

When, how and how to lower the temperature: summary table

Having collected information about all methods, you can compile a summary table for monthly and older children. We tried to make it easier for you and included in the table the necessary information for children from a month onwards, subdividing them into medication and care methods. This reference material can be a useful reminder for parents of infants and older children.

Child's ageWhen to bring down the temperature (more in the article:)?How to alleviate the condition with home methods?Medication type
From 1 month to 1 yearWe do not remove it up to the mark of 38˚С, and when this mark is exceeded, we begin to shoot down with available means.Provide a plentiful warm drink, undress the baby and cover with a thin diaper. The room must be ventilated so that the child is not stuffy. For the time of airing, we place the baby in another room.
  • Paracetamol - suspension or siro
  • Efferalgan syrup or suppositories
  • Cefekon D (more details in the article:)
  • Kalpol suspension
  • Nurofen suspension or suppositories
From 1-3 yearsThe temperature from 37 to 38.5 does not go astray. Above the upper limit, we take measures to bring down the increase.Make sure your child is drinking plenty of fluids. Let's have warm tea, compote, fruit drink. Prepare a rosehip broth, bay 1 tbsp. a spoonful of berries with boiling water and insisting for 20 minutes. Cool to lukewarm. Hold the baby for 20 minutes in a bath with warm water, but make sure that cramps do not start. Dress your child in light clothing.
  • Paracetamol syrup or suppositories
  • Nurofen - suspension or suppositories
Over 3 years oldHigh temperature, the baby looks sleepy, lethargic, refuses to eat - proceed to remove the temperature.Constantly ventilate the room, monitor the humidity of the air, it should not be dry. Humidity can be increased by hanging wet towels around the baby's crib. Increase the volume of drinking (warm tea, compote, fruit drink, water). Leave only shorts and a T-shirt out of clothing. Forbid the offspring to actively move, run, jump, let him just sit.
  • Paracetamol in any form (candles, syrup, suspension) (more in the article:)
  • Ibuprofen in different dosage forms

It is important to provide an ill child with a large amount of warm drink.

How to bring down the temperature of a non-infectious nature?

Non-infectious temperature is the consequences of teething, heat or sunstroke, intestinal poisoning and other diseases not caused by infection. Doctors do not recommend starting to bring down the temperature to 38.5 degrees, because at this time the body itself is struggling with the disease. How to remove a higher rate:

  • Heat and sunstroke are accompanied by a rise of up to 40 degrees. To reduce the temperature of the child, it is necessary to transfer to a shaded, cool place, provide him with a drink (cool water) and give an antipyretic drug based on paracetamol, which is most suitable for the child's body. Place a cold compress on your baby's forehead.
  • When teething, the temperature does not rise above a dangerous limit, and therefore does not go astray. Give your baby more water, change warm clothes and put on something lighter, do not wear a diaper. There are signs of fever - use Panadol, Efferalgan, Nurofen or Ibuprofen. Follow the dosage, give the medicine in the form of syrup or suppositories (for more details, see the article:). Stop the inflammatory process on the gums with Kalgel or Kamistad gels.
  • The temperature during intoxication of the body is removed by traditional antipyretics. In addition, the child needs to take an absorbent medicine. The baby should be watered more often, using clean water, compotes without sugar, special saline solutions (Regidron).

What should not be knocked down: harmful drugs and folk remedies

When the anxiety of parents grows with each increasing division of the thermometer, the excitement goes off scale, they make rash decisions. Most often, in order to bring down the fever, adults resort to folk methods (wiping with vinegar, taking Aspirin), which is not worth doing at all. Such actions can not help the baby, but you can also harm. What is the danger of the wrong approach to solving the problem? The choice of the method of struggle is made on an emotional level, when it is difficult for the mother to be calm, and how literate he is, they think little. Consider the most traditional means.

Rubbing with vinegar

Wiping with vinegar can be not only useless for babies, but also toxic

Rubbing with vodka

Cold water bath

An extreme method promoted by folk healers and supported by irresponsible parents. It is proposed to lower the "hot" baby for half a minute in a bath with cold water. This execution is explained by the fact that with a sharp temperature drop, the body quickly copes with the "fever". Completely erroneous and criminal way. Outwardly, the degrees go down, but the heat that has gathered due to illness continues to burn the child from the inside, which can lead to serious consequences.


An effective remedy against high fever, but only for adults. The drug gives many side effects, up to serious complications that cause death and damage to the brain and liver. It is strictly forbidden to give it to babies. Use antipyretics specifically designed for young children to relieve fever.


Analgin is banned for production in many countries of the world. The ban was adopted due to the identified negative changes in the composition of the blood that occur after taking the drug. When a person who has taken the drug suffers from diseases of the liver or kidneys, it can come to anaphylactic shock and severe allergies. Infants under 7 months of age should not be given Analgin! It is better for infants to take safe children's Paracetamol.

Instead of the prohibited Analgin, it is better to use safe Paracetamol

When is a doctor's call necessary?

Parents should be aware of those situations when it is simply vital to quickly show a specialist to a nursing baby. Immediate call for an ambulance is required for the following symptoms:

  • a long time dry diaper, drowsiness, crying without tears, “sunken” eyes, dry tongue, sunken fontanel in infants up to a year old, bad breath - all these are signs of dehydration;
  • emerging convulsions;
  • a purplish skin rash and bruising in the eyes;
  • disturbances of consciousness (drowsiness, the child cannot be woken up, he behaves apathetically);
  • repeated vomiting (more than 3-4 times);
  • frequent diarrhea (more than 3-4 times);
  • severe headache that does not go away after taking antipyretics and painkillers.

You should immediately contact an ambulance for other reasons. Let's name the main factors for which you are obliged to make an ambulance call:

  • your child is less than a year old;
  • antipyretic drugs do not help;
  • doubts about dehydration of the baby's body (the baby drinks little or not at all);
  • the baby vomits, he has diarrhea and a rash;
  • the condition worsens or other painful symptoms appear.

The peculiarities of the child's body are such that children tolerate the rise in temperature in different ways: some have fun and play at 40, others lose consciousness at 37 degrees. "Fever" is also dangerous for the fragile nervous system of a small person, it provokes the appearance of convulsions. Prolonged high temperature has serious consequences. Dr. Komarovsky is unequivocally inclined to the fact that taking an antipyretic is mandatory when.


Heat body in a child (fever) can be a non-specific sign of many diseases. She can talk about acute infectious diseases, teething, overheating and other conditions. In all these cases, help to the child should be different, so it is very important to establish the cause of the temperature rise.

Features of temperature in a child

In the first days and months of a child's life, his body temperature can be very unstable. With any disease, it can quickly increase.

To identify a fever in a child, you need to know what temperature is normal for him. To do this, you should measure it at least once in a calm and healthy state. It is better to repeat this procedure in the morning and in the evening, since in the evening the temperature is usually 0.3-0.5 o C higher.

The temperature of a child in the first year of life may be higher than in older children and adults (as measured in the armpit):
1. At the age of up to 1 year, body temperature up to 37.4 o C is allowed.
2. A child older than 1 year usually has a temperature of up to 37 o C.

Newborn babies born prematurely are especially bad at keeping body temperature. Their thermoregulation processes are immature, so it should be remembered that they can not only easily cool down, but also overheat.

Body temperature can be measured in several places. The results of such measurements will vary:

  • the temperature measured in the rectum (rectal) will be approximately 1 o C higher than in the armpit (37.6-38 o C - normal);
  • the temperature measured in the mouth (oral) will be about half a degree higher than in the armpit (37.1-37.6 o C - normal);
  • the temperature measured in the armpit and inguinal fold will be approximately the same.
The most reliable results are shown by a mercury thermometer. When using electronic thermometers, according to measurements, there can be a fairly large error. In order to identify differences in indicators, you can simultaneously determine the temperature in the armpits with a conventional thermometer and an electronic one. It is not necessary to do this in a child; you can measure the temperature of yourself or any healthy family member. Differences between measurements and will talk about the error.

It is usually possible to determine rectal temperature only in a small child up to 4-5 months. Since the procedure is often unpleasant, a 6-month-old child will most likely not be able to fix a high temperature in this way due to his resistance to the procedure. It is best to measure with an electronic thermometer, the tip of which is lubricated with baby cream. The thermometer is inserted about 2 cm into the rectum, while raising the legs of the child, as when washing.

In the armpit and inguinal fold, measurements can be taken with a mercury thermometer. Determining the temperature in the groin is carried out by laying the child on his side. The thermometer is placed so that its tip is completely located in the fold of the skin. Then the child's leg is pressed against the body with a hand. In the armpit, the measurement process is carried out in the same way as in adults.

Pathologically high temperature, depending on the degree of its increase, is conditionally divided into the following types (according to measurements in the armpit):
1. Subfebrile (up to 38 o C).
2. Febrile (above 38 o C).

How to measure the temperature of a small child

Rules for measuring temperature in children:
  • the child must have his own personal thermometer, which is treated with warm water and soap or alcohol before each use;
  • during illness, the temperature is measured at least three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening);
  • measurement should not be taken when the child is tightly wrapped, crying or overly active;
  • high room temperature and bathing also increase body temperature;
  • food and drinks, especially hot ones, can increase the temperature in the oral cavity by 1-1.5 o C, so the measurement in the mouth should be carried out one hour before or one hour after a meal;
  • temperature determination can be carried out in the armpit, rectum or inguinal fold - with any thermometers; measurement in the mouth is carried out only with the help of special dummy thermometers.

Causes of high fever in a child

Normally, an increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the body to any infectious or non-infectious diseases, injuries.

Infectious agents, getting inside the body, produce toxins that cause an increase in body temperature. The body, in turn, also produces substances that contribute to the onset of fever. Such a mechanism is protective, since against the background of high temperature all metabolic processes are accelerated, many biologically active substances are synthesized more intensively. But when the fever becomes too severe, it itself can cause various complications - for example, febrile convulsions.

Why does a child have a high temperature:

  • infectious diseases (ARVI, "childhood" and intestinal infections, other pathologies);
  • non-communicable diseases (diseases of the nervous system, allergic pathology, hormonal disorders, and others);
  • teething (this is one of the most common causes in young children);
  • overheat;
  • preventive vaccinations.
There are other causes of fever in a child. These also include many emergency conditions and acute surgical pathology. Therefore, with any increase in temperature in a child (especially above 38 o C), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Features of elevated temperature in certain diseases

The high temperature in the child will be accompanied by others symptoms pathology. With various diseases, fever will have its own characteristics.

Infectious diseases

Usually, the values ​​​​of fever in infectious diseases are in the range of 39-39.5 o C. But in some cases, the child's temperature rises above 40 o C. This largely depends on the type of infection and the individual characteristics of the child's body.

In infectious diseases, a high temperature in a child is accompanied by other signs of pathology (cough, nasal congestion, vomiting, upset stool, and others).

Another common cause of fever is childhood infections. For example, in a child with a high fever, the appearance of a rash in the form of itchy blisters is a characteristic sign of chickenpox. Children attending preschool institutions are especially susceptible to such infections. For example, a high temperature in a child aged 3 who goes to kindergarten.


When overheated, the connection of fever with exposure to a heat source can be clearly noted. For example, a child with a high temperature in the summer may be associated with prolonged exposure to the sun or in a car in hot weather. Infants can easily overheat when dressed in overly warm clothing.

With a slight fever, the desire of parents to wrap the child warmer can also provoke a rise in body temperature to higher numbers. Overheating is very dangerous due to the likelihood of heat stroke, which requires emergency medical attention.

The signs of heat stroke are:

  • severe fever that occurs after overheating;
  • impairment or loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • respiratory and heart failure.
The first aid for heat stroke is to place the child in a cool, well-ventilated room, apply a compress on the forehead, rub down, drink (if the child is conscious). You should also call an ambulance immediately.


A high temperature in a child during teething is rare. Usually, the fever does not exceed 38.5 o C. But in some cases, the temperature can rise to very high numbers, accompanied by lethargy of the child, refusal to eat, and anxiety. Such a fever must be reduced. In a 10-month-old child, a high temperature may well be associated with teeth, especially if he actively rubs the gums, is naughty, and at the same time there is increased salivation.


After preventive vaccinations, a child’s high temperature, as a rule, does not last long. It usually rises within a day after vaccination, and can be combined with other symptoms: slight swelling and soreness at the injection site, the child may spare the leg and move less. These signs are a protective reaction of the body to the introduction of the vaccine and indicate an adequate immune response.

If the temperature rises after vaccination, you can give the child an antipyretic once, without even waiting for the febrile fever figures. You can also use physical methods of cooling, but rubbing is not recommended (especially not to wet the injection site). If there is no positive dynamics within 1-2 days, then you should think about another reason for the increase in temperature (for example, the onset of SARS).

When wiping, a towel moistened with water is used, which is placed on the forehead. As soon as it dries or heats up, the towel can be dampened again. Also, hands, feet, chest, neck, face are wiped with water. After wiping, you can not wrap the child, as the procedure can cause the opposite effect. This procedure should not be performed on a child who has ever had convulsions due to high fever, or has diseases of the nervous system.

In addition to wiping, you can apply ice wrapped in a diaper to the axillary, inguinal areas. However, this method can only be used in older children. Do not get too carried away, as frostbite can occur in places where ice is applied.

With a fever, one should also not forget about drinking plenty of water. Losses of fluid through the skin and with breathing at elevated temperatures increase, so its deficiency must be replenished in a timely manner. Also, increased drinking helps to accelerate the elimination of toxic substances from the body. At a high temperature in a one-year-old child, it can be difficult to drink it. If he refuses to drink, you can give him liquid little by little, but often.

Small children need to be breastfed more often, or give them plain water, and a six-month-old baby can have herbal teas (fennel, chamomile, linden), diluted juices and fruit drinks. An older child can also be offered compote, diluted juice or tea. Children should be especially actively watered with an intestinal infection, when high fever is accompanied by diarrhea. But do not be too zealous, a large amount of liquid can provoke vomiting.

At high temperatures, do not:

  • force a child to stay in bed if he does not want to, but excessive activity should also not be allowed, as this can lead to an increase in temperature;
  • unnecessarily wrap or cover the child - this prevents the natural release of heat;
  • do a cleansing enema if there are no appropriate doctor's recommendations (although this procedure has an antipyretic effect, you should not abuse it and do it yourself);
  • use alcohol-containing liquids, warm water for wiping;
  • covering the child with a wet sheet or towel, wrapping up after wiping - all this can lead to an even greater increase in temperature.

When and how to bring down a high temperature in a child - video

High fever in a child: treatment with medications

You can quickly bring down a child's high temperature with the use of medicinal antipyretics. Children are allowed to use drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Medicines may differ in the form of release (tablets, syrups, rectal suppositories, powders). Preparations in the form of syrups or suppositories are usually used in young children. For example, when a baby has a temperature above 39 o C, it is convenient to reduce it with the help of rectal suppositories.
Some features of the use of various dosage forms:

  • drugs taken by mouth begin to act faster - 20-30 minutes after ingestion;
  • the effect of suppositories occurs after 30-45 minutes, but lasts longer;
  • if the disease is accompanied by vomiting, it is better to use suppositories;
  • medicines in suppositories are convenient to use when the child's temperature rises at night;
  • preparations in the form of syrups, tablets and powders contain flavors and flavors, therefore, they often cause allergic reactions;
  • if it is necessary to use various dosage forms of drugs (for example, during the day - syrup, at night - candles), choose products with various active ingredients to avoid side effects;
  • reuse of antipyretic drugs is possible no earlier than 5-6 hours after the previous dose; in case of insufficient decrease in temperature, or its repeated increase in a short time, you should not experiment - it is better to immediately contact a specialist for additional help.
Ibuprofen and paracetamol are equally effective, but both have their own contraindications and side effects. Before using it is necessary to consult a doctor. Doses of medicines for children are usually calculated on the basis of the age of the child, or on the basis of body weight. Therefore, before taking, you should carefully study the instructions. So, a child at 2 years old at a high temperature should receive almost twice the dose of a medicinal substance than an infant patient.

Some homeopathic remedies can also be used to reduce fever. For example, when a child often has a high temperature, so that there are no side effects from the frequent use of ibuprofen and paracetamol, they can be combined with homeopathic medicines.

If the fever is accompanied by pallor, cold extremities, then small doses of antispasmodics (No-shpa, papaverine) and antihistamines are additionally given. However, this is done only by a doctor.

At a high temperature in a child, it is impossible to use the same antipyretic drug for a long time. It is also contraindicated to take the drug simultaneously through the mouth, and in the form of suppositories. This can lead to an excessive decrease in body temperature, and the occurrence of side effects from the drug.

Medicines not used in children

Medicines that are not used in a child include:
1. Currently, drugs such as amidopyrine, antipyrine or phenacetin are not used as antipyretics due to the large number of side effects.
2. Means based on acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) are practically not used in children because of their ability to reduce the number of platelets in the blood, cause bleeding, allergic reactions, as well as a very serious complication characteristic of children - Reye's syndrome.
3. Analgin and other drugs containing metamizole sodium as an active ingredient also have a large number of side effects, such as hematopoiesis suppression, severe allergic reactions, excessive temperature drop with loss of consciousness. These products are not recommended for home use.

In what cases it is necessary to see a doctor

A doctor should be consulted in any case of fever in a child or adult. Only a qualified specialist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe, in addition to antipyretics, other drugs (cough medicines, vasoconstrictor nasal drops). If necessary, etiotropic therapy is also prescribed, aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. For example, a high temperature associated with the fact that a child has a sore throat, requires the appointment of antibiotics.
The following cases require immediate medical attention:
  • Extremely high body temperature figures - more than 39.5-40 o C.
  • If the child has a high temperature for more than three days, and there is no persistent positive effect during the course of the disease, despite the ongoing therapy prescribed by the doctor. It is necessary to correct the prescribed treatment, carry out additional diagnostic procedures (for example, take an x-ray of the lungs, take blood and urine tests).
  • When new symptoms appear on the background of the temperature, such as a rash, severe cough, vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Deterioration of the child's condition against the background of the onset of recovery, which may indicate the addition of another infection.
  • If the temperature rise is suspected to be related to overheating of the child and the possible occurrence of heat stroke.
  • The occurrence of complications from the prescribed therapy. For example, if after taking a drug prescribed by a doctor, a child has an allergic reaction. You should call a specialist for the selection of new medications.
  • The child refuses to drink, there are signs of dehydration: dry skin, rare urination, dark urine and others.
  • The presence of severe chronic diseases in a child, the course of which can worsen against the background of a strong fever (pathology of the heart, kidneys, nervous system, other diseases).
  • If the child has a very high temperature, accompanied by refusal to eat, febrile convulsions, severe anxiety and groans, a rash, impaired consciousness, unusual behavior, swelling of the neck, limpness, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, other signs of an extremely serious condition of the child, it is necessary to urgently call a brigade Ambulance.
Thus, prolonged high fever in a child is not a reason to treat yourself or experiment with therapy. Expectant management can lead to serious complications. If there are any doubts about the condition of the child, it is better to play it safe and consult a specialist.

Consequences of high fever in a child

One of the most common complications of high fever in a child is febrile seizures. They usually occur in children under 6 years of age with a temperature above 38 o C. Often such a reaction to fever appears in children with diseases of the nervous system.

Signs of febrile seizures in a child:

  • convulsive twitching of muscles, which can be both pronounced (with tilting the head back, bending the arms and straightening the legs), and small, in the form of shudders and twitches of individual muscle groups;
  • the child stops responding to the environment, may turn pale and turn blue, hold his breath;
  • often convulsions may recur during subsequent rises in temperature.
When the temperature is high and the child has convulsions, call "03" immediately. Urgent measures at home will be:
  • lay the child on a flat surface and turn the head on its side;
  • in the absence of breathing after the end of convulsions, begin to give the child artificial respiration;
  • you should not try to insert a finger into a child’s mouth, a spoon or other objects - this will only harm and injure;
  • the child should be undressed, the room should be ventilated, rubbing and antipyretic candles should be used to reduce body temperature;
  • you can not leave the child alone during the attack.
Children who have had convulsions need to be monitored by a neurologist, as well as a full medical examination to exclude the onset of epilepsy. Thus, you should not wait for the child to have a high temperature for a week. Seek medical attention in a timely manner for diagnosis and treatment. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Probably everyone has heard such a saying: "whoever hurts something, he talks about it." It is in full accordance with it that the topic of today's article appeared. Because during the period of exacerbation of any epidemics (influenza, SARS, etc.), the main problem in my life was one: what to do if a child has a high temperature? And how to relieve a fever in a child?

Precisely - in a child, because it is easier with adults - their body is much stronger, and "the skin is thicker." Rubbing with vinegar or vodka is quite effective for them. Evaporation from the surface of the skin is very fast, and a decrease in body temperature is observed just as quickly.

As for me, I generally have a super cure for high fever. I guess that after learning about it, many will simply fall into a stupor of surprise. But what to do, I have always been: in kindergarten, at school, and at the institute. And even at work, in the role of a strict boss. I was always inventing my own ways to solve problems. And, by the way, usually these methods had a positive effect.

So. To bring down the high temperature, I drink a glass of some sour juice (for example, apple or grape) and eat it with my favorite sausage. Surprised? And my temperature, however, drops, and quite quickly, in 90 cases out of a hundred! Agree, if from 39.5 it dropped to 38 - we can say that this is a fairly effective personal remedy to relieve fever! 🙂

What to do if a child has a high temperature for several hours, or even days? Of course, the doctor examined the baby, prescribed the necessary medicines, even an ambulance came and gave an antipyretic injection.

  • But, firstly, medicines do not suddenly help, and therefore the child's fever lasts for several days.
  • And, secondly, even good remedies such as paracetamol or nurofen, or cefecon suppositories cannot be taken indefinitely. The interval between doses should be at least 6 hours.

And the temperature continues to rise, and 38.5 is already almost normal, in his position, when you can breathe a sigh of relief.

By the way, if a child has a fever over 39 (even up to 40.5) as one of the main symptoms of any illness, this means that the body is actively fighting it. On the other hand, this suggests that the baby has a weak immune system.

Such a high temperature can lead to convulsions and further complications. Yes, and it is impossible to exclude the possibility of a lethal outcome (they say he burned out from the temperature). That is why such a high temperature must not be allowed, and every possible means must be sought to lower it. Therefore, it is necessary to keep in service all methods of lowering the temperature.

The child has a high temperature, how to lower it - Dr. Komarovsky

What to do if the child has a fever, and the medicine does not help, or is ineffective, or acts for a short time?

Body rub

The very first (and simplest remedy) is wiping the child's body with a damp cloth. Do not think that the colder the water, the faster the temperature will drop. This is one of the biggest mistakes!

Firstly, this procedure is unpleasant for the baby. Secondly, it can also cause convulsions. After all, the body is greatly weakened by high temperatures, and here you still have to spend strength and energy on natural (reflex) muscle contraction as a natural reaction to cold! And a sharp drop in temperature is a huge burden on the heart and other blood-forming organs - and not far from a coma!

Wipe the entire body of the child, especially paying attention to the hollows - the elbow, popliteal, axillary and inguinal folds, neck, behind the ears. In a word, wherever there are difficulties for free heat transfer.

Put a damp cloth (not hot - cool) on the forehead and temples of the baby. Undress him and continue rubbing until the temperature drops.

I want to warn you - sometimes you have to do rubdowns for half an hour or longer - if the body itself cannot cope with a high temperature - it needs help. We had nights during which we rubbed the child for several hours! As soon as the rubdown was stopped, the temperature jumped again!

Note: rubbing should be with a soft cloth, well moistened with water, so that the evaporation from the heated body is sufficiently active. No need to rub water into the body. The skin of a child is very delicate and thin, and repeated friction (especially on hot and dry) skin of a child can lead to injury. Movements should be light and gentle!

I know that many people add vinegar or even vodka to the water. In this case, I propose to remember that the skin of a small child has large pores, and through it he not only breathes. Until recently, he ate through her, being in his mother's stomach! Therefore, absorption through the skin of both vinegar and alcohol can lead, in addition to heat, to poisoning!


If the temperature still holds for many hours, you can resort to a radical method. This must be done carefully: just for a few minutes, so that his child's heart is not subjected to a huge load!

You can wrap the baby in a wet sheet or diaper for just a few minutes. To prevent the baby from freezing, cover him with a blanket on top. 3-5 minutes is enough, and immediately unfold and transfer to a dry one, covering it again. Don't roll too hard. Look at the skin - if it is covered with "pimples", then he has a chill, then you can cover it warmer.

Do not expect the temperature to drop instantly - the effect occurs in 10-20 minutes.

Plentiful drink

If the child is already big enough to drink juices or tea with lemon, rosehip broth or some sour berry, let him drink. In general, you need to drink as much as possible during a high temperature! And vitamin C helps not only to increase and strengthen the immune system, it also contributes to the normalization of temperature!

The child has a high temperature, we treat with the placebo effect

There is another good one too. But it helps children who are already beginning to understand something, can draw their own conclusions. This powerful remedy is called a placebo.

The purpose of placebo treatment is activation of the body's own forces aimed at recovery.

For example, give your child plain water, acidified with juice or a vitamin, and tell the baby: this is a very strong remedy to bring down the high temperature. Here you drink it - and the temperature will immediately begin to decrease.

If the child has a high degree of trust in the words of an adult (and this usually happens), then the temperature really begins to fall quite quickly and successfully.

But in this method of treatment there is one “but” - an adult. So convincing that he himself must believe that the power of persuasion can cure. Try it! And then the question: how to bring down the high temperature in a small child will cease to be a terrible and insoluble problem for you.

A high temperature in a child is the most common complaint with which mothers turn to a pediatrician. When such a situation arises in the family, panic often occurs, especially if the child is very small. It is important to know the rules for lowering the temperature and learn to understand when emergency medical intervention is needed.

Ekaterina Kuznetsova
Pediatrician, clinic No. 97, Moscow

In the first few days of life, the body temperature of a newborn may be slightly elevated (37.0-37.4 C in the armpit). By the year it is set within the normal range: 36.0-37.0 degrees C (usually 36.6 degrees C).

Increased body temperature (fever) is a general defensive reaction of the body in response to a disease or injury. In modern medicine, there is a distinction between fever caused by infectious diseases and non-infectious causes (damage to the central nervous system, neuroses, mental disorders, hormonal diseases, burns, injuries, allergic diseases, etc.).

The most common is infectious fever. It develops in response to the action of pyrogens (from the Greek pyros - fire, pyretos - heat) - substances that increase body temperature. Pyrogens are divided into exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal). Bacteria, entering the body, actively multiply and in the process of their vital activity, various toxic substances are released. Some of them, which are external pyrogens (introduced into the body from outside), are able to increase the temperature of the human body. Internal pyrogens are synthesized directly by the human body itself (leukocytes - blood cells, liver cells) in response to the introduction of foreign agents (bacteria, etc.).

In the brain, along with the centers of salivation, respiratory, etc. there is a thermoregulation center, "tuned" to a constant temperature of the internal organs. During illness, under the influence of internal and external pyrogens, thermoregulation "switches" to a new, higher temperature level.

Elevated temperature in infectious diseases is a protective reaction of the body. Against its background, interferons, antibodies are synthesized, the ability of leukocytes to absorb and destroy foreign cells is stimulated, and the protective properties of the liver are activated. In most infections, the maximum temperature is set within 39.0-39.5 C. Due to the high temperature, microorganisms reduce their reproduction rate and lose their ability to cause diseases.

How to measure temperature correctly?

It is advisable that the baby has his own personal thermometer. Before each use, do not forget to wipe it with alcohol or warm water and soap.

To find out what indicators are normal for your baby, measure his temperature when he is healthy and calm. It is advisable to measure it under the armpit and in the rectum. Do this in the morning, afternoon and evening.

If the baby is sick, measure the temperature three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Every day at about the same time throughout the illness, this is especially important for children at risk. Record the measurement results. According to the temperature diary, the doctor can judge the course of the disease.

Do not take the temperature under the covers (if the newborn is tightly wrapped, his temperature may rise very much). Do not measure the temperature if the baby is scared, crying, overly excited, let him calm down.

What areas of the body can be measured?

Temperature can be measured in the armpit, groin, and rectum, but not in the mouth. The exception is temperature measurement with a dummy thermometer. Rectal temperature (measured in the rectum) is approximately 0.5 degrees C above oral (measured in the mouth) and a degree above axillary or inguinal. In the same child, this variation can be quite large. For example: the normal temperature in the armpit or inguinal fold is 36.6 degrees C; normal temperature measured in the mouth, 37.1 degrees C; the normal temperature measured in the rectum is 37.6 degrees C.

A temperature slightly above the generally accepted norm can be an individual feature of the baby. Evening readings are usually several hundredths of a degree higher than morning readings. The temperature may rise due to overheating, emotional arousal, increased physical activity.

Measuring the temperature in the rectum is convenient only for small children. A five-six-month-old baby will deftly turn out and will not let you do this. In addition, this method can be unpleasant for the child.

An electronic thermometer is most suitable for measuring rectal temperature, which allows you to do this very quickly: you will get the result in just one minute.

So, take a thermometer (previously shake off the mercury to a mark below 36 degrees C), lubricate its tip with baby cream. Put the baby on the back, raise his legs (as if you were washing him), with the other hand, carefully insert the thermometer into the anus by about 2 cm. Fix the thermometer between two fingers (like a cigarette), and squeeze the baby's buttocks with your other fingers.

In the groin and in the armpit, the temperature is measured with a glass mercury thermometer. You will receive the result in 10 minutes.

Shake the thermometer down to below 36.0 degrees C. Dry the skin in the folds, as the moisture cools the mercury. To measure the temperature in the groin, lay the baby on the barrel. If you are taking underarm measurements, sit him on your lap or pick him up and walk around the room with him. Place the thermometer so that the tip is entirely in the skin fold, then with your hand press the baby's handle (leg) to the body.

What temperature should be lowered?

If your child is ill and has a fever, be sure to call a doctor who will diagnose, prescribe treatment and explain how to carry it out.

The exception is children at risk who previously had convulsions against a background of elevated temperature, children in the first two months of life (at this age, all diseases are dangerous due to their rapid development and a sharp deterioration in their general condition), children with neurological diseases, chronic diseases of the circulatory system, respiratory with hereditary metabolic diseases. Such babies, already at a temperature of 37.1 degrees C, should immediately be given antipyretic drugs.

In addition, if a child’s condition worsens against a background of a temperature that has not reached 39.0 degrees C, chills, muscle pain, and pallor of the skin are noted, then antipyretic drugs should be taken immediately.

In addition, fever exhausts and depletes the body's capabilities and can be complicated by hyperthermic syndrome (a variant of fever, in which there is a violation of the functions of all organs and systems - convulsions, loss of consciousness, respiratory and cardiac disorders, etc.). This condition requires urgent medical attention.

How to lower the temperature?

    The child should be kept cool. Warming a child with a high temperature with blankets, warm clothes, a heater installed in the room is dangerous. These measures can lead to heat stroke if the temperature rises to dangerous levels. Dress a sick child lightly so that excess heat leaves without hindrance and maintain the temperature in the room at 20-21 degrees C (if necessary, you can use an air conditioner or fan without directing a stream of air at the child).

    Since high temperatures increase the loss of fluid through the skin, the child must be given plenty of water. Older children should be offered diluted fruit juices and juicy fruits, water as often as possible. Babies should be breastfed or given water more often. Encourage small amounts (from a teaspoon) to drink frequently, but don't force the child. If the child refuses to take liquid for several hours a day, inform the doctor.

    Rubbing. It is used as an adjuvant in combination with other measures to reduce temperature or in cases where antipyretic drugs are not available. Sponging is indicated only for those children who have not previously had seizures, especially against the background of fever, or there are no neurological diseases.

    For rubbing, use warm water, the temperature of which is close to body temperature. Cool or cold water or alcohol (once used for fever-reducing rubdowns) can cause not a decrease, but an increase in temperature and provoke trembling, which tells the "confused" body that it is necessary not to reduce, but to increase the release of heat. In addition, inhaling alcohol vapors is harmful. Using hot water also raises body temperature and, like wrapping up, can cause heat stroke.

    Before starting the procedure, dip three rags into a bowl or basin of water. Put an oilcloth on the bed or on your knees, a terry towel over it, and a child on it. Undress the child and cover him with a sheet or diaper. Wring out one of the cloths so that water does not drip from it, fold it and place it on the child's forehead. When the cloth dries, it should be wetted again.

    Take the second cloth and start gently wiping the baby's skin, moving from the periphery to the center. Pay special attention to the feet, shins, popliteal folds, inguinal folds, hands, elbows, armpits, neck, face. Blood rushed to the surface of the skin with light friction will be cooled by the evaporation of water from the surface of the body. Continue wiping the baby, changing cloths as needed, for at least twenty to thirty minutes (this is how long it takes to lower body temperature). If the water in the basin cools during the wiping process, add some warm water to it.

    You can freeze water in small vials in advance and, after wrapping them in a diaper, apply to areas where large vessels are located: inguinal, axillary areas.

    The use of antipyretics.

    The drugs of choice for fever in children are PARACETAMOL and IBUPROFEN (trade names for these drugs can be very diverse). Ibuprofen is recommended in cases where paracetamol is contraindicated or ineffective. A longer and more pronounced decrease in temperature was noted after the use of IBUPROFEN than after PARACETAMOL.

    AMIDOPIRINE, ANTIPIRINE, PHENACETINE are excluded from the list of antipyretics due to their toxicity.

    Acetylsalicylic acid (ASPIRIN) is prohibited for use in children under 15 years of age.

    The widespread use of METAMIZOL (ANALGIN) as an antipyretic is not recommended by WHO, because it inhibits hematopoiesis, can cause serious allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock). A prolonged loss of consciousness is possible with a decrease in temperature to 35.0-34.5 degrees C. The appointment of METAMIZOL (ANALGIN) is possible only in cases of intolerance to the drugs of choice or if intramuscular administration is necessary, which should only be carried out by a doctor.

    When choosing the form of the drug (liquid medicine, syrup, chewable tablets, suppositories), it should be borne in mind that drugs in solution or syrup act after 20-30 minutes, in suppositories - after 30-45 minutes, but their effect is longer. Candles can be used in a situation where the child vomits when taking liquid or refuses to drink medicine. Candles are best used after a child's bowel movements, they are convenient to enter at night.

    Medicines in the form of sweet syrups or chewable tablets can be allergic due to flavorings and other additives. The active substances themselves can also cause an allergic reaction, so you need to be especially careful when taking it for the first time.

    If you are giving your child medications, especially those related to dosages for certain ages, you should carefully read the instructions so as not to exceed the recommended dose. Keep in mind that the doctor may change the dosage for your child.

    When alternately using different forms of the same medicine (suppositories, syrups, chewable tablets), it is necessary to sum up all the doses received by the child in order to avoid an overdose. Re-use of the drug is possible no earlier than 4-5 hours after the first dose and only if the temperature rises to high rates.

    The effectiveness of a particular antipyretic is individual and depends on the individual child.

What not to do if your child has a fever

  • Do not force the baby to lie down. A truly sick child will be in his own crib. If your baby wants to get out of it, it is quite possible to allow him to do something calm. Try not to allow excessive activity: this can lead to an increase in temperature.
  • Don't give your child an enema unless a doctor has specifically ordered one.
  • Do not dress or cover your child too warmly.
  • Do not cover the baby with a wet towel or wet sheet: this may interfere with heat transfer through the skin.

When is it necessary to call the doctor again for the baby?

  • The measured temperature in the armpit was 39.0-39.5 degrees C, the rectal temperature exceeded 40.0 degrees C.
  • The child has had convulsions for the first time (the body is tense, the eyes roll back, the limbs twitch).
  • The child cries inconsolably, cries out in pain when touched or moved, groans, does not respond to external stimuli, or his body goes limp.
  • The child has purple spots on the skin.
  • The child has difficulty breathing even after you have cleared his nasal passages.
  • The child's neck seems tense, and he does not allow him to bend his chin to his chest.
  • The onset of a fever follows exposure to an external source of heat, such as being in the sun on a hot day or inside a car on a hot day. Heat stroke is possible and requires immediate medical attention.
  • A sudden rise in temperature occurred in a child with a slight fever, but too warmly dressed or wrapped in blankets. It should be treated like heatstroke.
  • The doctor told you to report immediately if the child develops a fever.
  • It seems to you that the child has something serious, although you find it difficult to say why you decided so.
  • The child has exacerbated chronic diseases (diseases of the heart, kidneys, neurological disease, etc.).
  • The child is dehydrated, which can be seen by such signs as: rare urination, dark yellow urine, a small amount of saliva, tears, sunken eyes.
  • The child's behavior seems atypical: he is unusually moody, lethargic or excessively sleepy, cannot sleep, is sensitive to light, cries more than usual, refuses to eat, pulls his ears.
  • A child has had a low temperature for several days and then suddenly rises sharply, or a child with a cold that started a few days ago suddenly develops a fever. Such fever may indicate a secondary infection, such as otitis media or strep throat.
  • Fever does not decrease with medication.
  • The temperature of 37.0-38.0 degrees C persists for a long time (more than a week).
  • The fever lasts for more than a day without any other signs of illness.

In all these cases, you must contact the doctor even in the middle of the night or go to the "Ambulance" point.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Fever during illness brings suffering to children, deprives them of strength and forces them to endure pain. The heat frightens many parents and makes them frantically search for the answer to the question of how to reduce the child's temperature. However, it is important to understand that temperature indicates the body's fight against infection. If the thermometer does not exceed 38.5 degrees, the body does not need outside help. An increase in temperature, an increase in the thermometer readings above the specified one - a signal to search for a method to reduce heat.

Temperature reduction methods

To reduce the temperature in children at home, drugs, rubdowns, and folk remedies are used. It is necessary to resort to the listed methods if the child's condition is stable and there are no seizures. Otherwise, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Each of the methods of home fever reduction has its own characteristics, however, when using any of them, it is important to follow a few important rules:

  • a sick child should be kept in bed,
  • the air in the children's room should be cool, fresh,
  • in hot weather, the child should be dressed in light clothing made from natural fabrics,
  • it is important to remember that frequent urination speeds up recovery, so the child should be given plenty of fluids, warm tea, compotes will do.

Medications to lower fever in children

Modern medicines have a quick effect and allow you to permanently reduce the temperature in children. Forms of drug release are different: suspensions, tablets, suppositories, solutions in ampoules. To reduce the temperature in a monthly baby, suppositories administered rectally should be used. For children from 3 months, suspensions are convenient, which have a pleasant taste and make it easier to take.

Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan)

  • Release form: tablets, suspension, rectal suppositories.
  • Action: the drug is rapidly absorbed in the upper intestines, penetrates into the tissues of the body, providing anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic effects.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to paracetamol, renal and hepatic insufficiency.
  • Application: syrup and tablets are taken orally according to the instructions, suppositories are used by insertion into the anus.
  • Price: 102 rubles. (Panadol, suspension 100ml), 92 rubles. (Efferalgan, suspension 90 ml).

Analgin (Spazmalgon)

  • Release form: tablets, powder, solutions in ampoules, rectal suppositories.
  • Action: the drug has pronounced analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory properties. High solubility allows the use of the drug intramuscularly or intravenously.
  • Contraindications: hypersensitivity, hematopoietic disorders, bronchospasm.
  • Application: inside, intravenously, intramuscularly. It should be taken orally after meals, intramuscularly and intravenously - according to the dosages given in the instructions.
  • Price: 117 rubles. (Spasmalgon, tablets 20 pcs.).

Ibuprofen (Nurofen)

  • Release form: tablets, rectal suppositories, suspension.
  • Action: when taken orally, the drug is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, relieves pain, inflammation, fever.
  • Contraindications: ulcerative colitis, hematopoietic disorders, hypersensitivity to the drug, pronounced disorders in the liver and kidneys.
  • Application: suspension and tablets are taken orally according to the instructions, suppositories are used rectally.
  • Price: 125 rubles. (Nurofen, suspension 100ml).

Candles Viburkol

  • Release form: rectal suppositories of white or light yellow color.
  • Action: the drug has an analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Contraindications: intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Application: rectally in accordance with the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • Price: 290 rubles. (rectal suppositories, 12 pcs.).

How to reduce a fever in a child without medication

Ice compresses and sponging will help to reduce the temperature in a child without pills. These methods are simple and effective, but they have a number of contraindications. So, it is undesirable to use ice to combat hyperthermia in children under 1 year old. The best way is to wipe the baby with water, which will lower the body temperature. Wiping with alcohol and vinegar is also effective, but the opinions of doctors about them are contradictory. Before the procedure of alcohol or vinegar rubdown, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

With the help of ice

Careful use of ice can help relieve a child's condition with a fever.

  • To prepare ice compresses, you will need ice, an ice pack, cold water, a towel or diaper.
  • Contraindications: age up to 1 year
  • Preparation for the procedure: fill the bubble up to ½ volume with crushed ice, add cold water up to 2/3 of the volume, tightly close the ice bubble and wrap it in a towel (diaper).
  • Performing the procedure: a bladder wrapped in a diaper is applied to the area of ​​the crown, elbow joints, popliteal fossae, groin. To avoid hypothermia, the compress is periodically removed, the time of continuous exposure should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure is allowed after 15-20 minutes.


The use of alcohol for rubbing during hyperthermia is aimed at improving heat transfer and the subsequent decrease in temperature.

  • Necessary for alcohol rubdown: ethyl alcohol (70%), water, cotton wool. In the absence of alcohol, vodka is used.
  • Contraindications: children's age up to 1 year.
  • Preparation for the procedure: undress the baby and examine the skin, making sure there are no irritations.
  • Performing the procedure: moisten a cotton swab in a mixture of water and alcohol (proportion 1: 1), treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, elbow joints, carotid arteries, popliteal fossae, inguinal folds.


Acetic rubdowns have been known for a long time and often help to quickly remove the heat, lowering the temperature by a degree or even two.

  • Required ingredients: water, vinegar, cotton swabs.
  • Contraindications: age up to 1 year.
  • Preparation for the procedure: undress the child, examine the skin and make sure there are no irritations.
  • Performing the procedure: mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1, moisten a cotton swab and walk it over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, elbow joints, popliteal fossae, inguinal folds.

How to bring down the temperature of a child with folk remedies

In the fight against high fever with home methods, it is important to remember that the main principle of a quick recovery is drinking plenty of water. Drinking a lot of water and tea, the child will move towards well-being, and folk recipes will speed up this process. The above recipes are simple and have important advantages: speed of action - for babies under 1 year old, pleasant taste - for older children.

Chamomile enema

In an effort to reduce the temperature in a child under 1 year old, mothers have a limited number of methods: as a rule, these are drugs and enemas. The use of decoctions and other homemade recipes inside for children under 12 months is not possible. In an effort to overcome a high temperature without medication, it is worth using an enema with a decoction of chamomile.

  • Preparation for the procedure: pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile with a pharmaceutical glass of water, boil for 15-20 minutes, strain, cool, add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Performing the procedure: fill a clean rubber bulb with liquid (30-60 ml), remove excess air, lubricate the tip with petroleum jelly, insert the bulb into the child's anus, gently squeeze out the liquid.

Raspberry decoction

Drinking plenty of water and drinking a decoction of raspberries cause increased sweating, which reduces fever. Having sweated well, the baby will certainly feel better. It is impossible to replace the use of water and tea only with raspberry decoction, however, a tasty and healthy drink significantly diversifies the composition of the liquid consumed. Raspberry broth is prepared according to many recipes, here are the most famous of them.

Traditional raspberry decoction

  • Ingredients: dry raspberries (2 tablespoons), a glass of water.
  • Application: pour boiling water over raspberries, leave for about 30 minutes, strain. Drink raspberry decoction 1 cup 2-3 times a day.

A decoction of raspberries, oregano and coltsfoot

  • Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of dried raspberries, coltsfoot, 1 tablespoon of oregano, water.
  • Application: pour a mixture of herbs and raspberries with water, pour boiling water for 20 minutes, strain. Drink a decoction several times a day for 1/3 cup.


  • 100 ml orange juice,
  • 100 ml lemon juice
  • 100 ml apple juice
  • 75 ml of tomato juice.

The listed ingredients are mixed, consumed immediately after preparation. You need to drink an orange drink 3 times a day, not forgetting about other liquids - tea, water.

Video: fever in a child - Dr. Komarovsky

Before deciding how to reduce a child's temperature, it is important to determine whether it is really above normal. From the above video of Dr. Komarovsky, you will learn how to determine if a child has a temperature, whether it is caused by factors other than the disease.
