Scenario for the holiday “Sea Adventures. Scenario for the holiday “Sea Adventures: How to Spend Time in a Friendly Company”

Target: organization of children's leisure time.


· Fostering patriotism, love for the Motherland, respect for the Russian army.
· Development of thinking, imagination, dexterity.
· Establishing friendly relations between children and adults, involving parents to participate in organizing children’s leisure time.

Leading. Dear friends, I want to congratulate all the boys on the upcoming holiday, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day. Defending the Fatherland is a sacred male duty. Our Motherland is protected by the armed forces, which protect the peace of the country, keeping watch on land, in the sky, and at sea.

What are the names of the types of troops that serve at sea?(Children's answers.)

That's right, this is the Navy. And although there is a separate holiday - Navy Day, which is celebrated in July, sailors are also defenders of the Fatherland and the date February 23 is also significant for them.

Our competition program is called “We are not afraid of the ninth wave!” What does this expression mean among sailors?

The floor is given.

(The ninth wave is a symbol of fatal danger, the highest rise of a formidable, irresistible force. The symbol of the ninth wave comes from the ancient folkbeliefs that during the seastorms ninth wave is the most powerful and dangerous, often fatal).

Few of those who have been to sea
After all, the sea loves the strong and brave.
And to the sailors who experienced the ninth wave.
On land, nothing is scary anymore.
And you, friends, today have to
Overcome great challenges.
Of course, the strongest will win.
The strongest in dexterity, ingenuity, knowledge!

So, two teams set sail. Now we will get to know them better.

I invite ________________________________________ to the 1st team

I invite _____________________________________ to team 2

1. Presentation of commands.

And to introduce the team you need to come up with a name for your teams

The names must correspond to the marine theme.

In order to go on a hike, you need to prepare what to sail on. I am announcing the next competition “Shipbuilders”.

2. Shipbuilders.

Each team receives a large sheet of paper (whatman paper). On command, participants make a paper boat. The team that did it faster and better wins.

3. Competition “Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail.”
The ship must be given a name. Use letters to form a word - the name of the ship.
(Team 1 – “Resourceful”, Team 2 – “Decisive”)

4. We are seafarers!

Guys, do you know what sailors in the navy call a ship? By ship. Today we will also travel on ships in the “We Are Sailors” competition.

The team is given a plastic basin.

Please leave two people per team. 1 will be the Captain and explain out loud where to move, and the assistant captain, standing with one foot in the basin, and the other, pushing off the floor, must move forward with his eyes closed, avoiding all obstacles(skittles are placed on the floor, instead of skittles or plastic bottles).

First one team goes through, then another.

5. Competition “Equal, Build!”.
A) Stand so that the names of the players are in alphabetical order (
It is suggested to line up in reverse alphabetical order).
B) Stand tall.
B) Stand according to the size of your feet.

6. competition “Divers on a mission.”

(All team members participate in this competition.)

At the end of the classroom there are tables for each team, with parts from the designer on them.(You can use the Lego constructor.)Participants will have to take turns wearing a mask and run to the table and attach some part(for example, each participant screws one nut onto a bolt). After he does this, he returns, takes off the mask, and passes it to another participant. He puts on the attribute and runs to the table to tighten another nut. The team that is the fastest and completes the task correctly wins.

7. Fishing (Jump rope).

Well, what about sailors at sea without getting food? Everyone should be able to fish.
The assistant stands in the center, the players of both teams stand in a circle. An assistant holds one end of the rope. He starts to spin her (at a height of no more than 30 cm from the ground), and the players must jump through the rope so that it does not hit them. The player who was hit by the jump rope leaves the circle, and so on until the players of team 1 remain in the circle.

8. Sea truths.

The competition consists of questions on maritime topics. The team answers my questions one by one. If a team cannot answer, another team answers.

Questions for teams.
1) Headdress of sailors. (Visorless cap.)
2) Striped clothing of sailors (Vest.)
3) Tower on the seashore with signal lights. (Lighthouse.)
4) Ship's basement. (Hold.)
5) There’s a cook in the galley, he’s preparing lunch for everyone.
Sailors on deck clean and wash.
What is the name of the part of the ship?
Where does the captain serve at the helm? (Cutting)
6) Favorite dance of sailors. (Bullseye)
7) How is the speed of a ship measured? (In nodes)
8) Underwater mine (Torpedo)
9) Synonym for the word submarine. (Submarine.)
10) Why does a duck swim? (From the shore.)

And the last task: dance.

9. "Apple"

Sailors have a dance. It's called"Bullseye" .

All sailors know how to dance it. Do you know how? No? Then we will teach you.
“Rope”, “Anchor”, “Washing the deck”, “Looking into the distance”, “Rocking”.
And now each team will alternately show their prowess and enthusiasm. The winner in this competition will be the team that performs the dance more friendly and fun.

The movements can be different, but don't forget about squats.
Team 1, take the stage!

Then the other team performs.

the jury announces the results and awards are given.

Of course, Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered one of the most important holidays for each of us. That is why congratulations and competitions for February 23 are thought out in advance. It is very important to spend this day cheerfully and solemnly, so that every man, youth or boy can feel the level of gratitude and respect that the citizens of the country feel for the people who defend their Motherland. After all, a defender is a brave, noble, strong man or youth who sacrifices himself for the good of the entire people.

Therefore, at any enterprise or institution, a congratulations program for this day is prepared in advance. Usually, at an enterprise, this is done by employees of the organizing committee, and in educational institutions, by the head of the class or group. Well, in preschool institutions this task is assigned to members of the parent committee.

But that's not all. In general, congratulations can be organized in any family, friendly company or any other unit of society where male representatives are present and there are those who want to honor them on this day.

Of course, the congratulations program in each of the above cases will be slightly different. Moreover, not only congratulatory words or gifts are different, but also competitions, which are very often organized on this day.

Prepare small gifts for competitions. For example, chocolate shoulder straps

On a note! The organizer’s task is to think through the entire competition program in advance, depending on the format of the event and its participants.

It should be borne in mind that the program itself, and at the same time, should not contain vulgar moments. Although in general everything depends on the specific team and the rules that are established in it. But the organizers must know all these nuances in advance.

So, let's start with what are the most popular events for men, which are held at enterprises or companies.

After the representatives of the female half of the team, dressed in beautiful elegant dresses, say pleasant words, the presenter can begin various competitions. The most popular of them is the competition “What kind of surprise?” For this, the most active people who are not afraid to be the first to start the competition program of this corporate event are invited to the stage.

Competition "What's in the bag?" involves guessing which prize the participant will find

After the men leave their seats and go on stage, the presenter gives each of them a warm thick mitten. They put this mitten on their hand. Next, the presenter comes into the game; he presents each man in turn with a bag with various items, which may include:

  • lighter;
  • pen;
  • keychain;
  • toy car and much more.

Participants put their hand into the bag. Then, with a hand in a mitten, they try to understand by touch what object they are holding in their hands. If a man guesses correctly, he gets the item as a gift. Here I would like to clarify that you can use not only a banal lighter or keychain, it can be any item that is easy to distinguish by touch.

School years are the most fun

As mentioned above, events dedicated to the celebration of Defender’s Day are celebrated not only at enterprises and firms, but also at school, including.

For example, competitions such as “most accurate” or “intelligence” can not only entertain the public, but also give participants the opportunity to demonstrate their sports or intellectual skills.

If we talk about the first competition, the whole point here is that you need to determine the most accurate boy among all the participants. To do this, they are given 3 shells, these can be:

  • checkers;
  • balls made of paper;
  • an inflatable ball containing water or any cereal.

For a competition for accuracy, you can use the game darts

Then they set up a bucket that serves as a target. As is already clear from the name of the competition, the one who turns out to be the most accurate wins. This game helps to identify who has the sharpest eye.

In high school, you can hold a competition for accuracy with a rifle

But the second competition, which is called “reconnaissance,” allows you to identify the most attentive person in the class. 6 boys and 1 girl are called. The task is that all male participants must carefully examine the lady standing in front of them. Their task is to remember all the little things in the image of a girl, namely:

  • what she is wearing;
  • the color of her eyes;
  • what shoes are you wearing, and so on.

You can organize a game of scouts at school

Then the guys have to walk out the door. And at this time, all guests will have to change the girl’s image, for example, they can change her blouse or take off her bracelet, and they can also draw a fake mole on her face. In extreme cases, you can even wear contact lenses. After this, the guys go back into the room and begin to re-examine the girl. The one who notices the most changes will win this competition.

On a note! Typically, all children's competitions on February 23 are aimed at allowing participants to show their athletic abilities and other skills.

What competitions can be held in a large space?

Very often, various concerts and competition programs are held in various educational institutions. Such events bring together children from the same parallel or from the same stream. By the way, similar parties are also held in hostels, where young people organize various competitions. For this purpose, it is better to choose rooms where there is enough free space. Let's say this could be an assembly hall or a spacious corridor in a dormitory.

For this format of celebration, the “Obstacle Course” competition is suitable. All the guys present must be divided into 2 teams, each of which must have an equal number of participants. At the end of the room, 2 chairs are installed, but the path to these chairs is blocked by various obstacles. It could be:

  • ladies handbag;
  • bottles made of plastic or glass;
  • dishes;
  • shoes and other items that are on hand.

Each team is also given an equal number of identical items. For example, team A gets a toy gun, and team B gets a toy grenade. The number of these items is equal to the number of participants in each team. Then, at the leader’s whistle, the first members of the team begin to run, their task is that they must bring their object to the designated place and not touch any of the things that lie on the way.

The winner is the team that completes the obstacle course with the fewest hits on all the objects on the floor. By the way, all this action can take place to cheerful music. Then the competition will be even more fun.

You can combine a competition with an obstacle course and accuracy

Funny and cheerful competitions

Funny contests for guys on February 23 will be especially interesting. Moreover, all of them can be carried out both for schoolchildren and for older audiences. For example, this could be a competition called " ". It will require 3 men and 3 women. They pair up with each other and take turns dancing to rhythmic music. And they do this with their backs to each other. As a result, those present, with the help of applause, must choose the couple that dances better than the rest.

Another fun and educational competition at the same time is called “Whose shoulder straps are these?” One representative of the male part of the team participates in it. His task is that he must guess which shoulder straps belong to whom. True, you will have to prepare for this competition in advance. The shoulder straps of a major, sergeant, colonel and other ranks should be printed on A4 sheet. If the participant names everything correctly, then for the rest of the evening he will wear the shoulder straps of a general. Well, or you can celebrate his ingenuity in any other way.

By the way, this version of an exciting quiz is also suitable when you need to decide what competitions to hold on February 23 for sailors. Although for this category of men you can come up with various thematic competitions, ranging from tug of war to music competitions.

Let's have fun according to our interests

Very often, many men want to celebrate this holiday with those who are close to them in spirit. For example, fishermen go fishing together, but hunters go hunting. Well, athletes go to the gym. And here you should also think about what competitions in the gym by February 23 will be most appropriate.

For example, a “lucky lottery” quiz might be very appropriate. To do this, you need to install a lottery machine in the club lobby or at the reception desk, and everyone can draw one ticket. Some of them will turn out to be winning. In the form of winnings, club visitors can be offered discounts on various types of training or even a gift ticket for a number of visits.

If we talk about sports competitions in general, then there may be other options for competitions. Let's say the game is "ball". Of course, it is only relevant if all participants are unfamiliar with each other. The essence of the game is that the participants are given a ball and everyone who picks it up must say their name. In this case, the next one calls the name of the previous participant and his own together. And so on until the very last person. Such a competition will help everyone get to know each other and establish first contact.

Another game, which also, although indirectly, still relates to a sports theme, is called “Boxer Hurries to Work.” Several people can participate in it, each of whom is given boxing gloves, shorts and socks. Everyone puts on gloves at the same time and, at the leader’s signal, tries to put on shorts and socks. The one who completes this task first wins. This competition is considered more hasty than sporting. Although it can also be classified as a sports theme.

In general, it all depends on what exactly the bulk of the men present are interested in. Based on their hobbies, you can think through the conditions of the competition.

A fun and active competition - putting on military clothes at speed

How to spend time in a friendly company?

Of course, Defender's Day can be celebrated not only in a team, but also in a cheerful and friendly company of good friends. For this format of the holiday, you can select a number of competitions that are suitable specifically for an adult audience.

Let’s say for a large company you can choose a competition that has the thematic name “tenants”. To do this, at the end of the room on the table you need to place 2 bottles of alcohol and faceted glasses. Then both teams line up in 2 lines, and the participants begin to run up to the table in turn; whichever team drinks all the alcohol first wins. All this action can be accompanied by cheerful music. However, we do not forget that this competition is suitable for a large company. It is clear that if 6-10 people are participating, then it is better not to conduct such entertainment.

Drinking alcohol at speed for adults will help loosen up teams

But if we are talking about which children's competitions on February 23 are best held at home, then it all depends on the age of the child and the number of those present. The most banal thing can be considered a competition of poems or songs. Then the children can be offered musical competitions. Or the “bandage the wounded” competition. There are 4 people participating here, preferably 2 girls and 2 boys. The girl acts as a nurse, and the boy is a wounded man. And so, whichever nurse is the first to properly bandage the wounded, that team wins.

The presenter should prepare several songs on military topics and songs that mention the military or their ranks. Such songs include: “And I love the military,” “Nobody writes to the Colonel,” “Oh, what a man he was,” “A soldier is walking down the street,” “Junior Lieutenant,” and so on. The presenter turns on the song, whoever guesses what song is playing faster raises his hand and names his version. If it turns out to be correct, the guest receives a point. In the end, whoever has the most points gets his prize.

Real men

The participants are blindfolded and each one is seated at the table in turn. For each participant, certain instruments are laid out, which the participant must guess. Real men should definitely learn all or at least most of the instruments. Example of a set: screwdriver, tape measure, chisel, pliers, concrete drill, nut, plastic dowel; hand drill, bolt, wood drill, nail puller, level, caliper and so on.

Memory of a Spy

The host selects several participants who are ready to become spies. All participants take turns being tested. The presenter quickly shows each of them up to 10 pictures with different images, for example, a bottle of champagne, a tiger, a pen, a pistol, a helmet, a tank, a butterfly, and so on. Then the participant must list all the objects seen from the pictures in the correct order. Whoever does this without mistakes deserves a prize.

One can do it

Among the men, they choose the very best who can do push-ups on one arm and squat on one leg. Whichever of the men can do the most push-ups receives a prize, and a prize will also go to the one who can do the most squats.

Back to back

Men participate in pairs in a standing, back-to-back position. At the command of the leader, each participant tries to push his opponent out of the circle (drawn in chalk), and they can only act with their backs. The winner receives applause and a prize.

Squeeze all the juice out of the enemy

Each participant receives half a lemon and imagines that this is his worst enemy. At the command “start”, each participant begins to squeeze “all the juices” from his opponent into a separate glass. The participant who can squeeze the most juice out of the enemy in a minute will be the winner.

Army cuisine

This is a joke competition. The presenter places raw, unpeeled potatoes and knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that they will have to peel the potatoes. But when those who wish are selected, they are asked to take turns naming potato dishes. The winner is the one whose dish is the last.

Step march!

It’s simple: the presenter plays a song, for example, “Katyusha”, the guys line up and begin to march, but not just, but in crouches. Which of the men can hold out until the end of the song wins a prize.

Hit the target

Everyone can participate in the competition, but one at a time. The participant stands in the center of the hall, a drawing with a cannon is attached to his back for interest, and this cannon will fire crumpled up sheets of paper. A cardboard box is located at a certain distance from the participant. The participant must hit the box with a crumpled piece of paper or a small ball in three attempts, while standing with his back. The presenter can give two clues, for example, to the left or to the right. Whoever hits the target takes the prize.

One, two, fire!

For this competition, the presenter must prepare (download from the Internet) the sounds of firing various weapons (tank, machine gun, bazooka, hail, and so on). The presenter turns on the sound, whoever raised his hand first answers. For the correct answer you get a point, and whoever has the most points is the winner.

First, the class is given riddles. Those who guessed correctly become captains and form teams. Thus, the class is divided into 3 teams

1) What is the name of the cap worn by sailors? (Visorless cap.)

2) What is the name of the tower on the seashore with signal lights? (Lighthouse.)

3) What is a submarine? (Submarine.)

1 Competition "Building a ship" assemble a puzzle (mosaic) with the image of a ship.

The team receives 1 point + 1 point to the team that finished the competition first.

2 Competition “Whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail”

Teams must guess the names encrypted with pictures.

For the answer, the team receives 1 point + 1 point for the team that finished the competition first.(Pallada, cruiser, flagship)

3 Marine Dictionary Competition

Representatives of every profession have words and expressions that only they understand. Sailors also have them. Each team received questions to which they needed to find answers. 4-5 minutes are given. Then they check how the teams completed the task.

What do expressions mean to sailors?

1. Seven feet under keel.

A (When a fair wind fills the sails, the ship moves forward, that is, with its bow in the wind.)

2. Drift

B (Flasks - a half-hour period of time among sailors, indicated by striking a bell. Until the 17th century, glass hourglasses, which were also called flasks, were used on ships; a bell struck every half hour. Despite the fact that flasks have long fallen out of use, the expression “to strike flasks” " still remains.)

3. Keep your nose to the wind.

B (Wishes for a safe voyage. Keel is a longitudinal beam along the entire length of the ship in the middle of its bottom.)

4. Break the bottles

G (Untie the ship from the pier. Mooring line is a rope, a cable with which a sea vessel is tied to the pier.)

5. Give up the mooring lines.

D (Stop a ship sailing. For this, the sails are positioned in such a way that some, under the influence of the wind, should drive the ship forward, others - back. Thus, the ship remains almost in place.)

4 Competition "Culinary" Cook competition

Dear sailors, I ask you to answer two questions. Who is the cook? (Cook on the ship.) What is the name of the kitchen on the ship? (Galley.)

The mood and health of the team often depends on the cook. Now our cooks will demonstrate their skills to us. There are signs on the table with the names of a variety of products. Our cooks will have to choose signs with the names of those products that are necessary in order to prepare cabbage soup, fry scrambled eggs and cook compote. The jury will evaluate not only the speed of completing the task, but also the correctness of the selection of products. So, the cooks must prepare cabbage soup, fry eggs, and cook compote. Attention! The competition begins!

Plates with the names of products: for cabbage soup - meat, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, herbs, bay leaf, salt, sour cream; for scrambled eggs - eggs, butter, salt; for compote - dried fruits, sugar.

5 Competition "Rebuses about the sea" ». – each team receives 2 puzzles that they must solve.

For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point + 1 point for the team that finished the competition first.

6 Competition "Sea Slang" »

Cook - ... (cook);

Kitchen – ...(galley);

Radio operator - ... (Marconi);

Cabin - ...(cockpit);

Young sailor - ... (cabin cabin);

Toilet – ...(latrine);

Colonel - ... (captain of the first rank);

Assistant captain - ... (first mate);

Lieutenant Colonel - ... (captain of the second rank);

7 Black Box Competition

Here is an object that was originally made from broken sabers and served in close combat on the decks and holds of sailing ships. Then this item became a traditional symbol of officers, midshipmen and midshipmen. Try to guess what's in the black box? (Dirk.)

8 Competition "Question - answer"

1. He walks and walks along the sea, but he reaches the shore here and disappears. (wave)

2. God of the seas and oceans, brother of Zeus. (Poseidon)

3. What strait separates two seas, two oceans, two peninsulas, two parts of the world, two states? (Bering Strait)

4. Which Russian lake has 336 rivers flowing into it, but only one flowing out? (Baikal, Angara river)

6. Which continent has no rivers? (Antarctica)

7. How is an iceberg different from sea ice? (in an iceberg the ice is fresh)

8. What is the name of the famous sailor song and dance? (apple)

9. What object is a very poor swimmer compared to? (axe)

10. What is the name of the living quarters for the crew on a ship? (cockpit)

11. What is the name of the Russian naval flag? (Andreevsky)

12. What bird sat on Captain Flint’s shoulder? (Parrot)

13. Which famous captain commanded a submarine? (Captain Nemo)

14. What is raised on the flagship when the commander arrives on it? (Flag)

15. A bottle of what drink is broken on the side of a ship when it is launched? (champagne)

16. Who invented scuba gear? ()

17. What troops does the admiral command? (navy)

Maria Stefanenko
Sports festival on the water on February 23rd for children of senior preschool age “Brave Sailors”

« Brave sailors»

(preparatory group)


1. improve ability children show endurance and strength while performing exercises in water, increase the activity and performance of the child’s body.

2. cultivate friendly relationships between children, create a positive emotional mood, cultivate perseverance in achieving a positive result.

3. consolidate interest children to physical exercises in the pool, to help improve motor skills and abilities, to consolidate the skill of holding your breath, the technique of swimming legs crawl on the chest and on the back.

Leisure activities:

Instructor: Today we have gathered here to celebrate the Birthday of the Russian Army.

Celebrate your birthday:


Celebrate your birthday:


Celebrate your birthday:


Celebrate your birthday:


And on the Birthday of the Russian Army, the most important salute is to all soldiers, officers, generals, all the brave defenders of our Fatherland!

Instructor: Guys, do you know who they are? sailors?

Children: Yes! (they tell)

Instructor: Sailor - man, which works on transport or a special vessel or serves on a Navy ship. Sailor This is a maritime profession. Guys, today we will be with you sailors and set off on a long voyage. You are ready?

Children: YES!

Instructor: But first we need to warm up properly.

(warm-up on land)

– Walking with high knees

– Walking on toes and heels.

– Head tilts left and right, back and forth.

– Mill (circular movements of hands back and forth).

– Tilts of the body to the right and left.

– Circular rotations in the hip joints.

- Squats.

– Walk calmly, restore breathing, stop at the side.

Instructor: Now, guys, we are ready for a long swim. And we will set off on this voyage on two ships, I ask you to take your seats. (Children are divided into 2 teams, approach the model of ships, then go down the stairs into the pool)

Instructor: Guys, first, let's come up with names for your ships and assign captains.

Guys, on duty sailors They go through a lot of training. Today they received a training task, let's try to complete it and see which team sailors the strongest and ready to go to the open sea. Well, are you ready?

Children: YES!

Exercise 1 "Captains Competition" There are often situations when sailors need to hold out for water without breathing, and captains must be an example for the entire crew.

Breath-hold relay race water -"Float". In which team will the child stay underwater longer?

Task 2 Guys, now it’s time to show off the skills of the entire crew.

A game “Move over quickly!” Two teams line up opposite each other, separated by "track". There are the same number of balls on each half of the pool. The players' task is to throw the balls from their own half to the opponents' half as quickly as possible.

Task 3 You all know that sailors must be able to swim, here is a new task.

"Here's an urgent task,

You can't be late.

And we're on our way on torpedoes

Let's go, friends!

Relay race - "Torpedo" with the ball in his hands on his chest and on his back, his legs work like a crawl.

Task 4 Well done, task completed. But what is this?

“You can hear a rustling in the reeds

It makes my ears ring:

One hundred fearless frogs

The heron is scared by whispers.”

Frogs appeared from somewhere. We can outwit them if you can swim like them.

Relay race - "Breaststroke". On the chest, the arms work as in breaststroke swimming, and the legs as in crawl swimming.

Instructor: Guys, well, you and I have completed all the tasks and shown how brave and strong you are brave sailors. But we need to complete one more task - to get from the bottom of the sea the key to the secret chest:

“Torpedoes move fast, swim, and don’t get tired.

And nearby divers are getting something.

Divers count, they need to count.

We don’t close our eyes, we’re all looking at the bottom.”

Relay race - "Divers". Pearls are scattered at the bottom of the pool and must be collected. On one of the pearls is a golden key to a chest.

Instructor: Our journey is over, you showed yourself to be wonderful sailors and now we can open the chest.

Chest opens:

Instructor: So these are prizes for all the brave and courageous.
