Family moral values. Family values: tradition and modernity

On the eve of February 23, we remember our only, according to Alexander III, allies - our army and navy. The blog of Transenergostroy LLC devotes this article to unique troops that have no analogues in any army in the world.

Despite the upheavals of the last two decades, our country still has an army and a navy, which cannot but please sane fellow citizens. Every year on February 23rd we celebrate the existence of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. We pay tribute to the memory of the fallen defenders of the Motherland and tribute to the hard work of Russian soldiers who today serve in military units of Russia. In this work, our soldiers have many assistants - tanks, planes, ships, tractors - everything that is called military equipment and requires fuel. Fuel is the blood of war, and, thanks to the Soviet Army, we have the means to supply the armed forces of the Motherland with this blood. I'm talking about the pipeline troops.

Pipelines were laid back in the Great Patriotic War. In addition to the “Road of Life” along the ice of Lake Ladoga to besieged Leningrad, our troops also built a pipeline of life - under the ice. Fuel was delivered through it to Leningrad. During the entire period of its operation, neither the enemy Air Force nor the Navy were able to disrupt the supply of fuel, the pipeline was not discovered and operated uninterruptedly as long as the situation required it.

Construction of a pipeline along the bottom of Lake Ladoga. Spring 1942

A few years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, on January 14, 1952, a directive was issued by the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky on the creation of a separate fuel pumping battalion - a unit that has no analogues in any army in the world. This date became the birthday of the pipeline troops. The pipeline warriors have many glorious feats behind them, both military and those accomplished in peacetime in emergency situations.

A unique operation to lay a field trunk pipeline to provide fuel to a limited contingent of Soviet troops was carried out by the SA pipeline troops in Afghanistan. To deliver fuel to military units and formations, field trunk pipelines PMTP-150 and PMTP-100 were deployed in two directions with a total length of more than 1,200 km. They made it possible to provide more than 90% of the troops' needs for diesel fuel and kerosene, and 35% for motor gasoline. Now one can only imagine what kind of heroism, what kind of effort was required to maintain the operation of these pipelines in combat conditions, day and night - almost 5 million tons of fuel were delivered through these pipes to the Soviet troops during 9 years of war. According to the creators of the recently released film “Afghan,” the most military awards during the Afghan war were received not by paratroopers and special forces, but by trumpeters.

Republic of Afghanistan. "Trumpeters" are working

After Afghanistan, pipeline warriors showed their worth both in Chernobyl and in Armenia immediately after the 1988 earthquake. Elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident is a separate page in the history of the pipeline troops. It was necessary to supply large quantities of uncontaminated process water to the liquidation zone. It was used to decontaminate roads, buildings, concrete during the construction of a protective sarcophagus over an emergency reactor and for other purposes. The daily need for water was more than 4 thousand cubic meters, and it had to be collected from sources located outside the infection zone. The best way to solve this problem was field trunk pipelines. For almost three months, the personnel of a separate pipeline company ensured an uninterrupted supply of water through a pipeline with a length of about 40 km to special treatment points in the accident zone. The task was completed.

Pipeline troops were used to extinguish large forest fires and peatland fires in several areas of the country. PMTs were used most extensively to eliminate fires in 1972, which, due to their size and consequences, could lead to a national disaster. Five pipeline crews were urgently mobilized to supply water to disaster areas. Military pipeline workers deployed about 300 PMT lines with a total length of about 1,300 kilometers and supplied more than 4.5 million cubic meters of water through them, thanks to which they managed to fight the fire over an area of ​​44 thousand hectares.

Unlike pilots, tank crews or artillerymen, who have at their disposal formidable weapons that shoot and destroy, military personnel of the pipeline troops build and create, they are “armed” with pipelines, complex pipe-installation equipment and other means of mechanizing work, in addition, they have at their disposal a solid fleet of vehicles and modern means of communication.

The pipeline troops are armed with special tools and equipment: field main pipelines PMTP-100, PMTP-150, PMTB-200, which allow the use of a mechanized assembly method, pipe installation machines MST-100, TUM-150, TUM-150V, motor pumping units for pumping fuel, storage tanks and much more.

PMTP-150 field main pipeline pipes in storage

The work of the TUM-150V pipe layer is a fantastic picture! The description of this “monster” in military language, as always in such cases, is prosaic: “the TUM-150 pipe-laying machine consists of a special semi-trailer with a hopper, conveyors, a hydraulic crane and an assembly device.” In fact, before us appears a huge monster K-701, in the trailer of which there is a seeming chaos of pipes, levers and cables. There is no impression that these mechanisms are capable of subtle creative work. Exactly until the moment when the capabilities of the TUM-150V are demonstrated to the observer. The machine, moving at a speed of about 3 km per hour, automatically collects pipes into a thread in its belly and carefully lays the almost finished pipeline behind it.

The catastrophe that befell our Motherland after the collapse of the Soviet Union to a large extent affected the pipeline troops. A significant part of the existing sets of field trunk pipelines remained in the former Soviet republics in the west (Ukraine, Belarus, Baltic states). The supply of new sets of field trunk pipelines has virtually ceased. The number of pipeline troops fell by more than half. Nowadays, reports periodically appear in the press about the plans of the command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to solve technical problems of equipping pipeline troops, to determine a new place for pipeline parts and formations in the military organization of the state. A variety of ideas arise, including the provision of paid services by pipeline warriors to various organizations. There is no doubt that the “pipemakers” will have customers - field trunk pipelines are widely used in oil fields and in other areas of industry.

Today we wish the pipeline warriors to remember and increase the glory of the “pipelines” of the past, to serve the Motherland with dignity, to be worthy of the heroes of the past - “soldiers of the highway of courage.”

Russian Pipeline Troops Day 2020 is celebrated on January 14. Officers and enlisted personnel of this branch of the military participate in the celebrations. Former employees and cadets of specialized specialties from universities of the Ministry of Defense will join the celebration.

History and traditions of the holiday

The holiday originated on January 14, 1952. On this day, Marshal of the Soviet Union A. Vasilevsky signed a decree “On the creation of a specialized pipeline battalion.” This date became the birthday of the pipeline troops.

On this day, military personnel receive awards, medals, and memorable gifts for the successful and conscientious performance of their duties. Those who have received military ranks perform the ritual of “washing the stars”: they lower the stars into a glass of alcohol, after which they drink the drink. Demonstration performances are held. Television shows broadcasts about the exploits of pipeline troops. Veterans tell stories from their service.

About the profession of an employee of the pipeline troops

Pipeline troops build pipelines that supply fuel for military equipment, ensure uninterrupted operation of pipeline communications, and eliminate the consequences of man-made disasters.

They regularly undergo exercises to demonstrate their level of training.

The first parts appeared during the Second World War. In 1941, under enemy fire, a 21 km long pipeline was laid along the bottom of Lake Ladoga.

Pipeline battalions can build communications up to 100-120 km long, 100-200 mm in diameter, and supply 600-3000 tons of fuel and lubricants along each line in a day.

During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, pipeline troops installed 1,200 km of pipelines and supplied 5 million tons of fuel (80% of the total need for fuel and lubricants).

Pipeline troops participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, reconstruction after the earthquake in Armenia, and extinguishing forest fires and peat bogs.

January 14 is the day of the creation of a special type of troops - pipeline troops. 66 years ago - in 1952 in the Soviet Union, the then Minister of War of the USSR (at that time this was the name of the position corresponding to the current position of the Minister of Defense) Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky signed an order to create the first separate military battalion, the specialization of which would be pumping fuel. A few months earlier, the Ministry of War was tasked, together with the Ministry of the Petroleum Industry, to conduct field tests of a new generation oil pipeline. The tests were successful.

The date of signing the order for the creation of the mentioned battalion has become generally accepted as the day of the creation of the USSR pipeline troops.

The official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense characterizes the pipeline troops as special rear forces, which are designed to create field trunk pipelines with the subsequent pumping of fuel through them for various formations of the Ground Forces, aviation and navy.

In fact, military personnel of the Pipeline Troops (TrV) also solve many other problems. One of these “alternative” tasks was carried out by TrV quite recently. We are talking about creating a special pipeline for pumping fresh water across the Crimean Peninsula. Pipeline troops carried out such work in May 2014, when Crimea risked being left without the necessary volumes of fresh water due to the threat of the Ukrainian authorities blocking the North Crimean Canal, which supplies the peninsula with water from the Dnieper.

Then the pipeline battalion of the logistics brigade of the Western Military District of Russia assembled a 5-kilometer section of the pipeline, which made it possible to establish an uninterrupted supply of fresh water to the city of Old Crimea from an artesian well. The pipeline allowed residents of Old Crimea to receive about two thousand cubic meters of water per day.

After this, TrV began to create other branches of the water pipeline, which ultimately allowed local agricultural workers not to put an end to the new harvest. Fresh water came not only to private homes, but also to farms and agricultural holdings.
The result of completing the tasks assigned to the military personnel of the pipeline troops was the creation of almost 130 km of pipeline, which made it possible to transport about 10 thousand cubic meters of water daily.

The Russian Pipeline Troops have a rich history of participation in armed conflicts in various parts of the planet. It is difficult to overestimate the activities of TRV fighters who laid pipelines for pumping fuel in Afghanistan. Often work had to be carried out despite the danger of enemy shelling. In addition, it was necessary to ensure not only the urgent installation of the pipeline, but also its protection, because the pipeline was a truly strategic object - an artery supplying combat units with something without which not a single military vehicle, not a single armored vehicle, not a single attack aircraft would not be able to implement its functions.

The Afghan terrain, as is known, is distinguished by a special relief - a relief in which not all types of special equipment available to the pipeline troops can be used. That is why the soldiers had to refuse technical assistance and often install pipes literally by hand. The total length of pipelines created by TRV in Afghanistan was more than 1 thousand kilometers! It was titanic work, without which the operation itself would have been a big question mark.

During the period of use of the pipeline in Afghanistan (estimated as of April 1988), 5,811 people served through the ranks of the 276th separate pipeline brigade.

For carrying out combat missions in Afghanistan, military personnel of the 276th brigade were awarded orders and medals:

Order of the Red Banner - 2 military personnel;
Order of the Red Star - 259 military personnel;
Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” - 55 military personnel;
Medal "For Courage" - 320 military personnel;
Medal "For Military Merit" - 497 military personnel;
Medal "For Distinction in Military Service" - 429 military personnel.

In the mid-70s, the Soviet Union provided assistance to Somalia in overcoming a catastrophic drought. In this case, the experience of soldiers and officers of the pipeline troops, who were sent to the African state from the Odessa Military District, was used. To lay and use the pipeline in Somalia, a group of Soviet military personnel was formed - specialists from the fuel service of the USSR Black Sea Fleet. The group included 5 officers and 30 sailors. They had extensive experience in laying and operating pipelines. The group was led by the deputy head of the fuel service, Colonel Oleg Bogovich.

TRV units operated in Cuba, Laos, Hungary, Spain and other countries of the world.

TRV servicemen also distinguished themselves during the operation in the North Caucasus. Establishing a pipeline system in combat conditions was risky, but people did their job, following orders.

Pipeline troops are often involved in civilian operations. One of these operations has already been presented in Crimea. Other types of civilian missions of TrV include the installation of pipelines in fire zones to extinguish forest fires, as well as fires on peat bogs. These events are often held in the Moscow region, as well as in Siberia and the Far East. The activity of TrV for decades makes it possible to effectively extinguish fires even where the nearest body of water is tens of kilometers away.

Soldiers of the pipeline troops also have to participate in pipeline installation in zones of liquidation of man-made accidents. A memorable milestone for TrV is its participation in the liquidation of the consequences of the terrible accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Here the fighters waged war against an invisible enemy - radiation, laying pipelines for pumping water and fuel necessary for the work of liquidators almost at the epicenter of the disaster. The pipeline for the supply of water, created by the hands of military personnel of the pipeline troops, allowed the functioning of the concrete production plant. This plant began its work in order to create a special chamber under the emergency reactor, which threatened to overheat and a new, even larger-scale tragedy.

Pipeline Troops

pipeline army lubricant

Pipeline troops are a formation (special troops) of the armed forces designed to provide fuel and lubricants (fuels and lubricants) to formations of the armed forces, deploy field trunk pipelines and supply fuel through them to warehouses of associations and formations of the armed forces and perform other special tasks.

Pipeline troops are part of the rear of the Armed Forces of Russia of the Soviet and modern periods of Russia (Central Directorate of Rocket Fuel and Fuel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TSURTiG of the Ministry of Defense of Russia)), and their formations are part of the rear of fronts (military districts, fleets) and associations of armed forces strength

Russian pipeline troops, if necessary, can lay 16 thousand kilometers of field trunk oil pipelines

WITH Since the appearance of regular armies in Europe (XVII-XVIII centuries), the role of logistical support for troops increased significantly. In most armies, not only quartermaster services began to emerge (supplying the army), but also separate types of troops and services that were used for both military and peaceful purposes (construction, disaster relief). Their main task is to provide the active army with all types of necessary support.

The division of labor in the army rear reached its peak in the 20th century. In different countries, such units are called differently: in the USSR they were called technical troops; in the USA - by combat support troops; in Germany - support troops. In modern Russia, this part of the armed forces is called the rear of the RF Armed Forces. It includes a unique type of troops - pipeline troops.

They perform tasks related to the continuous delivery of petroleum products throughout the country and in the zone of possible military operations. At the moment, they include technical means that make it possible to build a network of oil pipelines over 16 thousand kilometers.

For the first time, pipeline units appeared in the Red Army during the Second World War, although they were not allocated to a separate branch of the military. In October 1941, a 21-kilometer pipeline was laid along the bottom of Lake Ladoga and an 8-kilometer pipeline along the shore. All this was done in 50 days under enemy fire. From October 1941 to February 1943, about 45 thousand tons of petroleum products were delivered to besieged Leningrad.

After the Red Army occupied the oil regions of Romania, rapid delivery of fuel was established to the front line receding to the west.

After the end of the war, the Soviet command adopted the doctrine of a quick massive tank strike on enemy territory, which required a large amount of fuel and an uninterrupted supply of it to active units. Another key challenge that led to the emergence of pipeline troops was the need to quickly deliver rocket fuel.

In the early 1950s, Stalin gave instructions to create a new generation of field trunk pipelines. On January 14, 1952, the USSR Minister of War, Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky, signed a directive that prescribed the creation of a separate fuel pumping battalion. This marked the beginning of the creation of the pipeline troops of the Soviet Union.

Similar units exist in the special forces of other countries of the world, but only in the USSR, and then in Russia, do they exist as an independent branch of the military.

Gradually, the first units of the pipeline troops turned into regular troops, and by the end of the 80s, the world's best field prefabricated main pipelines were installed. Currently, the pipeline troops are part of the Central Directorate of Fuel and Fuel and have no analogues in foreign armies. Over several decades, designers, engineers, pipeline warriors, and workers have created, developed and put into service various sets of field main pipelines that have no analogues in the world, machines for their installation and mobile pumping equipment. Today, the main “weapons” of the troops are pipelines, pipe-installation equipment and other means of mechanization of work, as well as special vehicles and communications equipment. And their main task is to ensure continuous delivery of fuel over long distances.

Over its 62-year history, the pipeline troops managed to take part both in combat operations and in eliminating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters.

During the war in Afghanistan (1979-1989), pipeline troops deployed 1,200 kilometers of field trunk pipelines. During the fighting, over 5,400,000 tons of fuel were supplied, which amounted to 80% of the total volume of fuel and lubricants supplied. Pipeline troops were involved in eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (1986), the earthquake in Armenia (1988), as well as to extinguish forest fires and peat bogs in subsequent years.

Units of the pipeline battalion of the logistics brigade (MTO) of the Western Military District (ZVO) have completely completed the assembly of a 5-kilometer section of the pipeline and have begun supplying fresh drinking water from an artesian well to the city of Stary Krym in the south-east of Crimea.

The pipeline supplies about 2 thousand cubic meters of water every day. At the same time, the assembly of main pipeline branches to other cities and towns continues.

In total, field trunk pipelines with a total length of more than 125 km and a capacity of more than 9 thousand cubic meters of water per day will be deployed on the peninsula.

The decision to involve logistics units to deliver fresh drinking water to populated areas in the south-east of Crimea was made in early May by Russian Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu.

The Russian pipeline troops carry out tasks to ensure the continuous delivery of fuel over considerable distances. The main armament of the troops consists of prefabricated field main pipelines, pipe fitting equipment, other means of mechanization of work, as well as special vehicles and communications equipment.

The diverse capabilities of the troops have been repeatedly confirmed in peacetime when eliminating the consequences of emergencies of a natural and man-made nature: extinguishing large forest fires and peatland fires, eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and the earthquake in Armenia (1989).

A serious test of the combat readiness of the pipeline troops was their participation in hostilities in Afghanistan, where field trunk pipelines with a total length of more than 1.2 thousand km were deployed, through which 5.4 million tons of fuel were supplied, which amounted to 80% of the total supply volume . Pipeline troops were also involved in the counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus.

As the head of Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, notes today, department employees are monitoring drinking water, its quality does not cause concern.

On January 14, 1952, on the basis of the adopted Resolution, the Minister of War of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky signed a directive that ordered the formation of the first separate fuel pumping battalion. It was the date of signing the directive that became the birthday of the pipeline troops.

The pipeline troops reached their peak in numbers and technical equipment by the end of the 1990s: they included 20 pipeline brigades, six separate battalions, two companies and eight platoons - with a total number of more than 5 thousand people. Today the number of this type of troops has fallen by half. There are now 2,900 km of pipelines in constant operation, through which fuel is supplied from stations (ports) to district, naval, airfield bases and warehouses.
