Facial skin care in winter: advice from cosmetologists and rules. Rules for skin care in winter - reliable protection of the skin from frost

The body reacts to the onset of cold weather by thickening the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The process of sebum secretion slows down, so oily skin becomes mixed, normal - dry, dry - dehydrated and sensitive. A decrease in the level of moisture in the skin contributes to a long stay in rooms with dry warm air.

For the skin, every time you go outside is a test, because it has to adapt to a temperature difference of 20-50 degrees. Cold, wind, snow - all these factors negatively affect the skin, accelerate the aging process. The slowdown in cell renewal is a direct consequence of the deterioration of local blood circulation. In moderate cold, the blood vessels dilate. Outwardly, this is manifested by reddening of the skin. With a long walk in severe frost, the face turns pale due to vasoconstriction.

Winter skin problems include:

  • inflammation;
  • rosacea;
  • increased or decreased fat formation;
  • dryness;
  • cracked lips;
  • dull color;
  • increased severity of wrinkles around the mouth and eyes;
  • peeling.

Features of winter face care

When caring for a face, it is important to consider the type of skin. normal skin needs hydration and protection, so for the winter you should choose a day cream with hydrators, oils, antioxidants. Daily cleansing is best done with products with a creamy texture, such as milk or cream. Washing with soap and hot water is undesirable. Peeling should be done no more than once a week.

Dry skin in winter it becomes thinner, flaky. Her care should be aimed at nourishing, moisturizing, soothing and protecting. As a daily base, it is better to use a nourishing cream with fatty acids, oils, vitamins E, D and C. Some kind of moisturizing product is more suitable at night. Dry skin, like normal skin, needs weekly exfoliation, but peeling products should be gentle - without a high concentration of fruit acids, coarse abrasives.

For owners oily skin it is necessary to maintain a normal hydrolipidic balance. Both day and night cream should, first of all, moisturize, have a light texture. For regular cleansing, it is better to use micellar water, tonics without alcohol. For peeling, products with salicylic and AHA acids are suitable, as they not only remove dead skin particles of the epidermis, but also have a sebum-regulating effect.

Per combination skin type cared for in the same way as a normal person. The emphasis is on protection and hydration. From peeling use cosmetic oil or nourishing cream, applying it to the cheeks. In the T-zone, which is characterized by high fat content, acid peels can be applied once a week.

What ingredients in the composition to give preference

In frosty weather, you need to use moisturizing cosmetics carefully. Under the influence of low temperatures, the moisture contained in the cream freezes and can damage the skin. Some hydrating substances draw water from the deep layers of the dermis, and thereby contribute to dehydration of the skin. The most useful moisturizing ingredients for the skin are chitosan and hyaluronic acid. Covering the face with a protective film, they prevent the evaporation of moisture.

Useful ingredients in winter cosmetics:

It is undesirable that the protective cream against frost contains alcohol, petroleum jelly, and also glycerin in high concentrations (over 7%).

Winter skincare tips:
  • In winter, as in summer, protection from the sun is required. Use creams with SPF20.
  • If you are prone to rosacea, use a remedy with vitamin K.
  • Apply the cream no later than an hour before going outside.
  • If you plan to be outdoors for a long time, engage in winter sports, use cold cream for protection - an emulsion with a high content of fats and oils.
  • Apply night cream to damp skin an hour before bedtime.
  • When applying the product, lightly pat your face, do a light massage to improve blood circulation.
  • Do nourishing and vitamin masks twice a week.
  • Add spermaceti, lecithin, vegetable oils (peach, almond, wheat germ) to masks for dry skin.
  • In home formulations for oily skin, include anti-inflammatory ingredients (pine needle and birch bud extract, propolis, essential oils of tea tree, rosemary, lavender).
  • Save dry, crumbly makeup for summer. For a winter make-up, cream shadows and powder, liquid eyeliner, oily blush are more suitable.

In order for the sebaceous glands to function normally and the skin to remain elastic, drink as much water as possible. With the help of a humidifier, make the microclimate in the house favorable for the skin. It is better to postpone the course of moisturizing masks with algae and collagen, lifting procedures until the onset of heat.

So, the main enemies of the skin in winter are temperature fluctuations, cold, wind, sun, dry air. Care during this period consists in regular cleansing, nutrition and protection of the skin. The skin of the face also needs moisturizing, but correct and moderate. "Good" components in winter cosmetics are vegetable oils and animal fats, waxes, vitamins, phytoextracts, hyaluronic acid, chitosan. "Bad" - petroleum jelly, glycerin, alcohol.

You can get acquainted with the prices and choose cosmetics for the face in the section: " ".

Our expert says - dermatologist, cosmetologist Svetlana Zhukovskaya.

Let's start with washing

Set aside soap (even gentle cream soap), cleansing foams, alcohol-based lotions until it gets warm outside. Even ordinary water is not suitable for washing. During these months, it is important not to break the protection that the skin itself creates against cold and dryness - the so-called hydrolipid mantle.

Replace washing with skin cleansing with cosmetic milk, alcohol-free lotion, soft tonic. The first remedy includes mineral oils that do not dry the skin and do not exacerbate dermatological problems. And non-alcoholic tonics and lotions behave non-aggressively and spare sensitive skin.

Be careful with moisture

Do not think that cold rain and sleet moisturize the skin, on the contrary, they injure it. And so beloved by many moisturizers are dangerous in frosty weather.

Of course, it will not come to frostbite, but the moisture contained in the cream, when frozen, becomes “prickly” and scratches and spoils the skin.

There is another danger: in the dry air of the apartment, some ingredients of moisturizing jars behave criminally. They are able to attract moisture, but in dry air there is nowhere to take it from, and these substances begin to draw moisture from the deep layers of the dermis. The result is dry skin.

Exceptions are hyaluronic acid and chitosan, since simultaneously with moisturizing they cover the surface of the skin with a protective film, which does not allow water to evaporate. Although caution is needed here: it is better to apply products with these ingredients at least an hour before leaving the house.

All other moisturizers are best used at bedtime, an hour before you go to bed. It is good to apply them right after the evening shower - still on damp skin.

During the day, you can spray on the skin with thermal water from a can, directly on top of makeup.

Tasty menu

Many women believe that at sub-zero temperatures, the skin produces enough fat to protect itself from cold tests.

This is partly true: during these months, the skin becomes denser. Its cells produce a thick and rich sebaceous secret, which is beneficial in cold weather: sebum is a barrier against wind, dryness and frost. But cosmetologists believe that such natural protection is not enough: the skin needs additional nutrition.

The most delicious for dry and normal skin, of course, cream. Replace the usual day creams with nourishing ones, they have a richer texture, the recipe contains active ingredients, oil, vitamins and minerals. But, unfortunately, such a composition (spermaceti, lanolin, beeswax) provokes comedones and acne, so nourishing creams are not suitable for oily skin. She prefers light creams with unsaturated fatty acids.

If the skin hardly survives the cold (the face looks sleepy, pale, gray, roughness and unevenness are noticeable), provide it with enhanced nutrition: retinoids, antioxidants, plant extracts, cedar oil and jojoba oil. After such a diet, it will look radiant and smooth to the touch.

Nine rules from a beautician

1. In cold weather, choose a cream not only with vitamin E, but also with vitamin D.

2 . If you have a tendency to form spider veins, use vitamin K creams.

3 . For very dry skin, you can add a little moisturizer to a drop of foundation, mix thoroughly and apply 30 minutes before leaving the house.

4. In sub-zero weather, you should not apply makeup with dry cosmetics, it is better to use oily blush, liquid eyeliner and creamy eye shadow. Just before going outside, powder your face with a thin layer of loose powder.

5. Try to drink as much water as possible: it will help the skin to normalize the work of sebaceous cells and survive the cold.

6 . Buy a humidifier. The device normalizes the “weather in the house”.

7. Even if you are cold, try not to take too hot showers or baths. The higher the degree of water, the drier the skin becomes.

8. Do not rub after water procedures with a hard towel, but gently pat the skin with a soft one.

9. It is better to postpone active lifting procedures, a course of mineral masks based on algae, as well as moisturizers with collagen until spring, when the skin will need intensive hydration after cold weather.

On a note

  • At different times of the year and for different skin types, they select their own masks. In summer, moisturizers are more often used, in winter - fortified and nutritious. It is better to do the mask 1-2 times a week, 1-2 hours before bedtime and immediately after it, apply a night cream.
  • Masks for dry skin necessarily contain fats (agave oil, wheat germ, avocado, almond and peach oil, lecithin, spermaceti).
  • The composition of masks for oily skin includes substances with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties (extracts of tea tree, pine needles, birch buds, cucumber, lavender, rosemary, propolis).

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Skin care in winter

Skin care in winter should include moisturizing, nourishing and protecting the skin from severe frosts and temperature changes. In winter, you can carry out medium peels and other anti-aging procedures with a violation of the integrity of the skin. Let's talk in detail about what kind of skin care is required in winter.

The content of the article:

Harsh winter conditions lead to undesirable skin reactions, including chapped lips, frostbite and peeling of the skin of the face and hands, as well as a decrease in turgor and elasticity of the skin, which becomes dry and dehydrated. We can help our skin with the help of daily proper care for it. The main task is to keep intact the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, which is the main protective barrier of the skin.

Winter Skin Care: Rules and Mistakes

Here are some helpful beauty tips to keep your skin protected in winter:

1. Your daily skin care regimen in winter should be as gentle as possible. Alkaline cleansers should be avoided as they make the pH of the skin more alkaline and therefore more vulnerable to bacterial invasion since the effectiveness of the skin's acid mantle is greater with an acidic pH. For cleansing and removing make-up, products that do not need to be washed off with water should be used - as a rule, these are milk or cream that are applied and removed from the face with cotton pads. Then the face is wiped with an alcohol-free tonic.

2. Do not use scrubs, gommages, peels without the need or appointment of a cosmetologist, as dead horny scales prevent the evaporation of water from the stratum corneum. In addition, with frequent cleansing, the hydrolipid mantle is disturbed, which leads to an increase in the permeability of the skin from external influences (snow, frost, humidity). This does not apply to rejuvenating treatments such as median peels. For them, winter is the best time, since the solar activity during this period is the least, and, therefore, the risk of age spots is reduced to zero. But for these procedures, the skin must be completely "healthy".

3. The skin should always be dry, especially before going out. Dry the skin well after washing with water, it must be completely dry, as it can crack due to the evaporation of water. This applies primarily to the corners of the mouth and the skin between the fingers. Apply protective balms on your lips, and special creams on your hands to protect against frost.

4. Skin in winter should be protected from frost. It is advisable to apply a protective cream according to the type of skin (in extreme cases, any nourishing cream) 3 hours (at least an hour) before going outside. It is undesirable to use water-based moisturizers before going outside, as the water freezes in the cold, which will damage the cells of the stratum corneum. It is also undesirable to use creams with hyaluronic acid, as it retains water on the surface of the epidermis.

9. In winter, paraffin baths for hands and feet should be done. These procedures will help to warm up, improve well-being and mood, and after their application, reduce pain in the joints and muscles. These procedures can be carried out at home, for this you will need a paraffin and paraffin.

10. In the morning, as mentioned above, you should apply a protective cream, and in the evening a cream according to your skin type and problem, it is advisable to apply moisturizing and nourishing serums under the cream.

11. Winter skin care must necessarily contain venotonics in the form of creams or ointments. Use drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels, especially if you have rosacea, rosacea or telangiectasia, as temperature changes put a lot of stress on the walls of blood vessels.

12. Body care in winter should be aimed at protecting the skin from frost. Body lotions should be more dense and nourishing. It is good if they contain oils (shea butter or cocoa).

13. If you cannot do without frequent washing with water, then wash yourself with water at room temperature (22-25 degrees Celsius), as hot or cold water dries out the skin and puts additional stress on the vessels. Winter skin care may include facial cleansing with micellar water for dry skin or hydrophilic oil for oily and problematic skin.

14. Choose oil-based makeup for dry skin. Do not use moisturizing tonal foundations and lip glosses, as they can lead to frostbite and overdrying of the skin. The foundation in winter should be thick and contain oils. It is advisable to use liquid eyeshadow with wax, rather than dry and crumbly. Use a protective winter balm instead of or under lipstick.

15. The skin becomes more sensitive in winter, this is mainly due to large temperature changes when you enter a warm room from a frosty street or vice versa. Ideally, there should be gradual temperature equalization. As mentioned above, this is most relevant for people with weak blood vessels, but in people without vascular problems, the skin can become sensitive. Sensitive skin care is described in detail on our website.

Winter protective cream

The skin in cold winters becomes the most defenseless and prone to drying out and frostbite. Therefore, a protective cream should be applied to the skin in winter. Winter cream differs in composition and properties from summer cream, whose main task is to moisturize the skin. In winter skin care, the main task of the cream is to protect the skin from hypothermia. There are winter protective creams for face and body care, as well as hand cream.

Features of the composition of the winter protective cream

It’s good if ceramides are included in the cream, they fill the space between the surface cells of the stratum corneum, which reduces the loss of moisture from evaporation, silicone is used for the same purpose, which is included in many cosmetic skin care products in winter. The film created by silicone protects the skin from frost, hypothermia and water evaporation.

The best winter face cream should be oil or fat based. Such creams restore the hydro-lipid balance of the epidermis, create a protective film on the skin surface, increase the elasticity and softness of the skin, and help retain moisture. The skin is nourished and hydrated. It is preferable to use the following oils with a moisturizing effect: evening primrose, blackcurrant, apricot, avocado, almond, grape seed, cocoa and shea butter.

The protective cream may contain animal fats: badger, mink, sperm whale, shark, goose and cod liver oil. They protect the skin from hypothermia and frostbite. The skin will not react so sharply to temperature changes.

In addition, the composition of the protective cream includes vitamins that increase the protective functions of the skin and are antioxidants.

Remember! The skin will look healthy and beautiful if you properly care for it, and winter will bring you only positive emotions.

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In winter, not only the body needs protection from the cold. Also, the skin needs more thorough care than in summer. However, the causes of skin problems in the cold season can be hidden not only in the cold itself, but also in heating systems that dry out the air.

Why is winter skin care different from summer skin care?

The winter months are characterized by cold and sometimes dry air. Clothing protects most of our skin, but the face is always exposed and therefore especially vulnerable to weather changes. Under the influence of harsh weather, the skin often suffers from excessive dryness.

Constantly operating heating devices, which deprive the air of moisture, also have a negative effect on the skin in the cold season, which also leads to dry skin.

In connection with all this, in order to always remain beautiful, it is necessary to provide the skin with appropriate care in the winter season.

Winter skin care tips

  • Moisturizing the skin in winter

The main part of skin care in winter is constant moisturizing. For external care, you can use moisturizing and nourishing lotions and creams. Also, do not forget about parts of the body that tend to dryness, such as the legs.

Particular attention should be paid to uncovered external parts of the body, such as the hands, face and especially the lips.

Remember to drink enough clean water. Also try to eat foods that contain enough fluids, such as fresh fruits, vegetables, soups, etc., more often.

At air temperatures below eight degrees, the formation of sebaceous glands and, accordingly, skin moisture decreases. Therefore, in winter, give preference to creams with a more oily texture. The vegetable oils included in their composition, such as argan oil, contribute to optimal moisture retention in the skin.

In cold weather, for skin care, the use of products containing linoleic acid or shea butter is suitable. The fatty acids contained in their composition are able to protect the skin from low temperatures.

  • Winter care for dry skin

In winter, some areas of the skin, especially on the legs and elbows, tend to be dry. In this case, oils such as almond or shea butter can be ideal care products. With their help, intensive care for dry spots on the skin can also be provided.

  • Winter lip care

Dry chapped lips are a common side effect of cold winter days. You can improve the situation with the right lip balm or cream. When choosing, give preference to products with nourishing formulas, and leave moisturizers for the warm season. Apply to lips twice a day, morning and evening.

  • Winter face masks

Help improve skin condition on cold winter days. Such masks can be used several times a week, they will help moisturize and strengthen the skin, as well as nourish it with useful substances.

  • Peeling

For smooth skin and a healthy complexion, gentle exfoliation once or twice a week is recommended. This will help cleanse the skin of dirt and dead cells. After the procedure, do not forget to apply a care product in the form of lotion or cream to restore skin balance.

  • Hand care in winter

Dry skin of the hands in winter is a common thing. This is most noticeable with insufficient care. A suitable cream can cope with this problem, it will nourish the skin of the hands with moisturizing and nutrients and restore its balance. Apply the cream with massage movements, whenever you feel the need for it. Also, to keep your hands in good condition, do not forget to wear gloves or mittens when going out into the air.

  • Foot care

Excessive dryness of the skin of the legs, contributes to the formation of cracks. To eliminate this problem, nourishing foot creams containing urea are capable. Apply cream every time you shower or bathe, and wear cotton socks over the top to help nourish your skin.

  • Water procedures

Taking a warm bath on cold winter days can be a real treat for body and soul. Use a bath water temperature between 35 and 37 degrees Celsius. A warm bath soothes and relaxes the muscles, improves sleep and has an analgesic effect.

  • Regenerating winter skincare

When taking a bath or shower, it is recommended to use a pH-neutral moisturizing shower cleanser to further protect the skin from dehydration. You can also use shower oils, which are especially suitable for people with sensitive or very dry skin, as they contain more nourishing and moisturizing substances than gels.

  • Air temperature for healthy skin

Equally important is the humidification of the air in the apartment. The heating system inside is just as bad for the skin as the cold air outside. This is due to the fact that room heaters dry out the air and negatively affect the skin.

To humidify indoor air, special humidifiers are used, which form moist air with the help of hot mist. Air washers are also available, which also release moisture into the room. Alternatively, you can place a container of water or a damp towel over the battery.

Natural humidifiers, in turn, are houseplants. Plants such as cyperus, hibiscus (Chinese rose), spathiphyllum, resin seed, monstera, rosemary, myrtle, nephrolepis will help improve the indoor climate. In the kitchen, it is best to place crested chlorophytum or Antarctic cissus. Their presence will protect the house from many harmful microorganisms and eliminate the dryness of the air.

  • Food

The risk of skin problems in winter is especially high, so it makes sense to eat healthy food as often as possible at this time of the year. A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential for healthy skin. If necessary, in case of nutritional deficiencies, you can resort to nutritional supplements and multivitamins. Also, good care for the skin from the inside can be obtained by drinking enough fluids (preferably pure water).

  • Sun protection

The skin in winter is extremely sensitive, so it makes sense to use sunscreen regularly, especially on sunny days. Use moisturizers or foundations that contain at least 15 sun protection factors. Also remember to protect your lips.

  • Skin care for men in winter

In winter, men have the same skin problems as women. However, the skin of men and women differs in its texture. Therefore, for care it would be advisable to use products designed specifically for men. However, this is only relevant when choosing products for facial skin. Means for the care of other parts of the body can be easily shared with a partner.

  • Winter baby skin care

On cold winter days, there is no need to bathe small children too often. It will only irritate the delicate baby skin. If, nevertheless, irritation is detected, you should resort to the help of appropriate care products. To protect your child from the cold, provide him with warm but comfortable clothing.

Sensitive skin is not a type of skin, it is when different factors affect the skin. Typical symptoms of sensitivity are itching, peeling, feeling of tightness, redness, irritation. This is a reaction of the skin to polluted air, sun, cold to various cosmetic procedures. There are general principles for the care of sensitive skin, if you follow them, you can improve the appearance of sensitive skin, prolong the youth of this type of skin, get rid of redness and irritation. Winter care for sensitive skin, we will learn from this publication.

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Winter care for sensitive skin

1. Purification

When caring for such skin, you need to wash yourself with spring or mineral water, or warm, non-chlorinated. In the evening, we use a mild cleansing milk to remove makeup and dirt. And in the morning and in the evening we tone the skin and refresh it with a non-alcoholic tonic.

We will prepare the tonic at home, it relieves inflammation, softens and refreshes sensitive skin and tones it well.

Tonic recipe: take the juice of half a lemon, squeeze and strain, add 50 ml and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. We wipe the face with circular movements along the massage lines. We store this tonic in the refrigerator for 1 month.

2. Hydration

New cosmetics should be handled with care, stick to the simplest products, and apply them, the less the better.

In the morning, apply a light day cream. The cream contains emollients and moisturizers and must have UV protection. It will be good if it is created with mineral components based on thermal waters.

Many women believe that if the composition of a cosmetic product contains natural herbal products, then they will help sensitive skin, but this is a mistake, some plants can cause allergies and irritate the skin. It can be calendula, pharmacy chamomile and arnica. Sensitive skin cream should say "hypoallergenic" on the packaging.

3. Night care

At night, we lubricate the skin with a thin layer of night cream with special ingredients that provide moisture accumulation, reliable skin protection, activate oxygen exchange in cells, and contain regenerative substances for wound healing. Such cosmetic complexes contain panthenol, allantoin, which smooth and soothe the skin, kawain - stops the development of inflammatory processes, under the influence of the environment, and vitamins A and E give strength and effectively nourish the skin.

No need to overload sensitive skin with decorative cosmetics. Special decorative cosmetics with healing properties are well suited.

5. Face masks

When caring for sensitive skin, it is better to abandon hardening masks. Masks cannot be used. It is better to give preference to moisturizing and nourishing masks.

6. Stress

Sensitive skin does not tolerate nervous stress and haste. A stressful state will immediately be reflected on the skin and not in the best way. It is not recommended to use foods that increase nervous tension - champagne, cola, black tea, coffee. Smoking is not the best way for the skin.

7. Sun

For sensitive skin, the sun is stressful, you can not go outside in spring and summer without sunscreen. When visiting the pool, you should use a waterproof sunscreen that can protect your skin from the aggressive effects of chlorinated water.

Masks for sensitive skin

Lemon honey mask

Take 100 grams of liquid honey and mix with a small crushed lemon. We apply this composition to the face 10 or 15 minutes before washing. We apply this mask daily. It can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

Honey-curd mask

Take 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 teaspoons of cottage cheese, stir and apply for 15 or 20 minutes on the face. Rinse with a swab dipped in cold milk.

egg mask

Lubricate the face with vegetable oil and apply an egg yolk, rub it with wet hands, periodically dip it in hot water. When rubbing the butter and yolk, you will get a foamy white mass that resembles mayonnaise. Let's put it on for 20 minutes. This mask is effective for aging and dry skin.

Egg and carrot mask

Grate 1 or 2 carrots, mix with the yolk and apply for 20 or 25 minutes on the face. Wash off the mask with boiled warm water. Course 1 or 2 times a week.

Milk-carrot mask

Mix the grated carrots with one tablespoon of milk and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with boiled warm water.

Lemon curd mask

Take 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese and mix with a few drops of lemon juice. Apply this composition on the face for 15 minutes, and rinse with boiled water. If the skin is dry, then lubricate it with heated vegetable oil.

Apple honey mask

Let's grind 1 tablespoon of apple gruel, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 yolk and 1 tablespoon of butter until smooth. We apply the resulting mask for 20 or 30 minutes on the face, remove the excess with a paper towel.

Camphor mask

1 teaspoon of apple juice, 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese, add half the yolk, and one teaspoon of camphor oil and stir everything. Apply for 15 or 20 minutes on the face, rinse with warm and then cold water.

cucumber mask

Apply cucumber peel on the face, cut to the skin. This mask improves complexion, softens the skin.

Apricot mask

Peel the apricots, mash the pulp and apply on the face. The mask helps with sunburn, moisturizes irritated, sensitive skin. We also make masks from blackberries, lingonberries, raspberries and strawberries.

cabbage mask

Wipe dehydrated, sensitive skin with olive oil, then apply a mask of white cabbage gruel for 10 or 15 minutes.

Potato mask

Boil a large potato in its skin, peel and mash it, add the yolk and a little fresh milk. Warm up the resulting puree and spread it on the face. We hold the mask for 20 or 25 minutes, then rinse with warm boiled water. The mask makes the skin supple and soft.

Tomato mask

Grate a large ripe tomato, mix with 2 tablespoons of wheat flour. Apply the mixture on your face and wash off with warm water after 30 minutes. This mask is good for skin that is prone to redness.

Milk rice mask

Stir 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 1 teaspoon of milk, add rice starch to make a thin mixture. This mask will help if the skin has become flaky and inflamed. At night, lubricate this sore spot with a mixture. In the morning, wash off with linden infusion or warm water.

Plum mask

Pour 2 pieces of prunes with a glass of boiling water and leave until softened. Then crush, add oatmeal and 1 tablespoon of honey until a paste is obtained. Let's apply for 20 minutes on the face. We remove the remaining oil with a cotton swab dipped in a weak infusion of tea or in a decoction of herbs. This mask restores the acid-base balance, tones, and relieves inflammation.

Soothing mask

Prepare a decoction of chamomile, then mix 1 tablespoon of warm chamomile decoction with 2 tablespoons of warm milk, soak a gauze bandage and apply on the face for 10 minutes, after the time has elapsed, blot the face with a cotton swab. The mask tones the skin and relieves inflammation.

Oatmeal mask

Take 2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal and mix with 3 tablespoons of milk, when the flakes swell, apply the mask for 15 or 20 minutes on the neck and face, then wash off the mask with warm boiled water.

flaxseed mask

Take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it. Apply to the face, wash off with cool water after 15 minutes, and apply a nourishing cream to wet skin.

Herbal masks

Let's make infusions of herbs (chamomile, plantain, mint, sage), season with starch to make a thick jelly. Apply to the face, wash off after 15 or 20 minutes with warm water. Such masks relieve irritation, soothe the skin.

Yogurt mask

Mix 180 or 250 grams of yogurt without filler, add 2 teaspoons of honey or beeswax and 30 or 60 grams of oatmeal. Apply the mask to a cleansed face. For a good result, hold the mask for 20 minutes, then wash it off. Oats have a cleansing, softening, soothing effect. Honey adheres well to the skin. If honey causes an allergic reaction, then replace it with two teaspoons of banana puree.

Yeast mask

Take 50 grams of fresh yeast and grind it with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil until we get a gruel. Apply for 20 minutes on the neck and face. Wash off with warm water.

Lotion Recipes for Sensitive Skin

Toning lotion for sensitive dehydrated skin

Take 2 tablespoons of a mixture of jasmine and rose flower petals and pour 2 cups of boiling water. After 4 or 6 hours, strain the infusion, add 2 ampoules of vitamin B1 and 2 tablespoons of vodka.

Elderberry lotion

Elder flowers about 5 or 6 inflorescences, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Infusion rinse the face in the morning and evening. We carry out the procedure for 2 weeks, each time we prepare a fresh infusion. This rinse cleanses and softens the skin, relieves irritation.

Lemon Egg Lotion for Dry Sensitive Skin

Grind 2 egg yolks and ½ teaspoon salt. Then, in half a glass of cream, pour 1 teaspoon of glycerin, a quarter glass of vodka, and juice from 1 lemon. Pour this solution into the yolk, pounded with salt. Soak a cotton pad in this lotion, wipe the neck and face with light circular movements. Then apply a thin layer of lotion on the face for 20 minutes, and rinse with warm water. It has cleansing, softening, toning properties.

Plantain and linden lotion

Take 1 teaspoon of grass - linden flowers, chamomile, plantain. Or use one of the herbs. Fill with boiling water and insist 20 minutes. Then strain and use as a tonic. We store the broth in the refrigerator, no more than 2 days.

mint lotion

Take 1 tablespoon of crushed dry mint leaves or 3 tablespoons of fresh mint leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, then strain. This lotion relieves skin irritation, smoothes, tones the skin.

Milk cucumber lotion

Soak a few fresh cucumber slices in milk for 30 minutes, then strain. Use to wipe the face.

St. John's wort lotion

Pour one tablespoon of St. John's wort herb with 1 cup of boiling water and insist for 20 minutes. This infusion contains carotene, vitamin C, essential oil and 10% tannins. St. John's wort has a strengthening, anti-inflammatory, astringent effect.

strawberry lotion

In the morning, refresh your face with strawberry water. To do this, mash a tablespoon of strawberries and mix with a glass of cold water, then strain.

Cornflower lotion

Take 50 grams of fresh cornflower flowers, boil for 10 minutes in a glass of water. Strain, cool and use as a tonic.

Yarrow lotion

Take ½ tablespoons of yarrow and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse the decoction, then strain. It is used for washing sensitive skin, it has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Elecampane Root Lotion

A decoction of elecampane root is used for dry, irritated skin.

10 grams of chopped root, pour ½ cup of water and boil for 30 minutes. We insist and proceed. Use for face wash for sensitive skin. It has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Following these tips, you will always know how to properly care for sensitive skin in winter.
