Yellow peeling - features of the procedure, indications and contraindications. Yellow peeling - what is it

Age-related changes that manifest over the years in women make us think about how to correct them. Various cosmetic methods can help in this matter, which can remove wrinkles, tighten the skin and make the face oval clearer. Chemical peels have long become popular procedures in beauty parlors in many countries around the world. The procedure is painless, safe and very effective.

The highest result can be obtained after peeling procedures with retinol, an analogue of vitamin A has a powerful effect. How the cosmetic procedure takes place, what are its advantages, what results it gives, we will find out in our article.

Retinol peeling and its features

This procedure has another name - yellow peeling, it considered the best solution, because it does not cause damage in the upper layers of the skin. Unlike many other chemical peels, it cleanses the skin softer, but can dramatically improve its condition.

The procedure is characterized by a short recovery period, it lasts only a few days. In the process of retinol peeling, retinoids are used - analogues of the artificial origin of vitamin A. With their help, the upper and middle layers of the skin are affected without causing injury and without irritating the dermis. The main active ingredient in the peeling composition:

  • retinol, obtained from the urukum shrub, it grows in the Amazon tropics;
  • artificially obtained retinoic acid.

In addition to these main components, there are also acids - ascorbic, phytic, azelaic and kojic, they perform an auxiliary function and help to avoid skin hyperpigmentation.

The procedure improves blood circulation in skin cells, renews the epidermis and improves protein production. The action of retinol peeling is aimed at preventing the aging process, age-related changes in the skin. Retinol is a fat-soluble substance and it works its way through the lipid barrier of the skin. binds to cell receptors.

During the application of the composition with retinoic acid to the surface of the face, the skin turns yellow during the procedure. Retinoic acid is involved in redox processes. Cellular metabolism and stimulation of dermal cells enhances the production of elastin and collagen, and also has a bactericidal and comedolytic effect.

Since retinol peeling has a gentle effect, it can be used for any type of facial skin, it can be done for those who have sensitive or too thin skin. Peeling delicately affects the surface of the skin and this makes it possible to apply the composition in the area around the eyes, in the neck and décolleté area. According to experts, the procedure can be done at any time of the year and it does not give side effects and pain.

Yellow retinol peeling is suitable for any age, it allows you to quickly and painlessly get a positive result. The cosmetic procedure does not need rehabilitation, already after 2-4 days the skin of the face becomes fresh, rejuvenated and elastic. Most often, this method is chosen by those who want to get a quick and effective result without wasting time.

By performing yellow retinol peeling, you can slow down the aging process and restore elasticity, firmness, and a fresh look to aging skin. Peeling has its own indications for use:

  • prevention and fight against aging;
  • atonicity of the skin;
  • preparatory stage for dermoplasty;
  • photoaging and mimic wrinkles;
  • pigmentation, dull complexion, acne and post-acne;
  • scars and keratomas.

Despite the fact that the procedure is considered gentle, it has there are also contraindications. The specialist will be able to accurately determine during the examination of the client's skin to carry out the procedure or not for various reasons, including:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • liver disease;
  • skin diseases and inflammations;
  • rosacea and herpes;
  • flat warts;
  • the use of retinoids;
  • component intolerance.

If the skin is too thin or sensitive, then the specialist should pre-test the tolerance of chemical peels and retinol.

To get the desired result, you need follow the procedure correctly step by step following all the preparatory measures. The whole process includes three stages.

Preparatory phase. Even before the start of the procedures for 5-8 days, it is advisable to refuse to visit the solarium or the beach in the summer. In 2 weeks, you need to contact a dermatologist so that he can prescribe products containing glycolic acid and fruit-acid peels. Their use will help soften the stratum corneum of the skin of the face, which will help deeper penetration of the composition.

Peeling. At the very beginning, the skin is cleansed of cosmetics, after which it is treated with glycolic and sacylic acids, they help remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. Such a composition interacts very well with the skin, after a certain time everything is washed off. At this time, a slight burning sensation may be felt, but it lasts only a few minutes and then passes. After that, yellow peeling is applied, which can be on the skin for different times, from a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of 10 hours.

The composition of the agent and its concentration must meet the required results at the end of the entire procedure. The final layer consists of a cream, it neutralizes peeling, so the product must be protective. If the procedure is short-term, then the cosmetologist performs all the steps, but there are cases when the solution must remain on the skin and the client washes it off at home on his own. There is no need to be afraid of burns, because with a weak concentration of acids in the composition of the product, they do not appear.

Rehabilitation after peeling. Immediately after the end of the session, the skin becomes smooth and fresh, but the very next day it can become dry and tight, and after a few days, the skin areas treated with the solution begin to peel off. The skin may react differently to the procedure, sometimes a crust appears, but you can’t touch it, it should come off naturally. If this is done forcibly, then scars may remain, acne or age spots may appear. Within a week, the skin acquires a normal appearance, it becomes fresh and rejuvenated, wrinkles disappear, and the complexion improves.

Experts recommend using moisturizing creams, making enzyme masks, using thermal water, and you can also use vaseline. Before leaving the house, it is better to use sunscreen, try to avoid direct sunlight in the area where the peeling was done.

The procedure can also be performed at home on your own, if you have all the necessary ingredients, as well as certain knowledge. If there is no such confidence, then it is better to trust a specialist, he will be able to accurately select the composition, taking into account the condition of the skin.

All cosmetic procedures have their pros and cons, a lot depends on the type of skin, the composition of the products that treat the skin surface. Yellow peeling is no exception, complications may appear after it, such a reaction is caused by the composition of the product with retinol. Most often, clients after the procedure, you may experience:

To achieve the maximum effect, several yellow peeling procedures should be performed, preferably from 2-3 sessions with an interval of two weeks. During breaks, you need to apply moisturizing creams, thermal water. If peeling done in spring and summer be sure to use sunscreen.

Retinol yellow peeling is a very popular procedure, because it painlessly and in a short time allows you to get an excellent rejuvenating effect. To make the procedures really effective and harmless, it is better to use the services of a beauty salon. An experienced specialist will be able to perform it according to all the rules and then it will be possible to accurately notice a positive result.

The use of scrubs to rejuvenate the skin of the face is a common thing in our time. At home, you can use various store-made scrubs, or salt and ground coffee. The result obtained with this procedure will be short-lived. There is another alternative - chemical peeling.

Chemical peel - what is it?

This is primarily a salon procedure. Since it involves a burn of the layers of the skin with acids. These substances act on the skin, destroying its cells. Due to this, the face is very flaky, and after the “old skin” subsides, we get a new, smooth one, with a noticeable reduction in wrinkles.

When choosing a suitable chemical peel, you should consider that it comes in three types:

  • Affecting only the surface of the skin.
  • Affecting the middle layers of the skin
  • Deep.

Post-Chemical Peel Care

When carrying out any type of chemical peeling, it is necessary to stock up on panthenol, and products (cream, gel) with antioxidant properties. In the first few days, it is advisable to use products with a light, foamy structure, such as Panthenol Spray, and only then switch to creams.

Basic rules for facial care after chemical peeling:

  1. Skin rest. Literally: in the first 1-2 days, no gels for washing, ultraviolet radiation, and even more so scrubs. Limit also touching the skin. It may have a film on it, in no case rip it off.
  2. Do not use homemade masks. In everything related to facial care, it is better to listen to the beautician.
  3. After the procedure, you can not sunbathe for a long time. The skin is very delicate and sensitive, and it is forbidden to injure it like that. Therefore, precede any exit to the street by applying sunscreen.

Special rules

When using phenolic acids, be prepared to take antibiotics. This procedure is the most painful and deep.

After any deep peeling, even contact with water is prohibited for two days. These are peelings with phenolic and trichloroacetic acid.

Skin protection from the sun during deep peeling should also be extreme. All your life you will have to protect your face from the sun's rays and use a strong sunscreen.

Retinoic peeling - what is it?

A retinoic peel is a chemical exfoliation that works on the middle layers of the skin. It contains analogues of vitamin A, and it has a more gentle effect on the skin. It is also called yellow peeling because the cream containing retinoids is a bright yellow hue.

Carrying out retinoic yellow peeling allows you to quickly renew the skin. The face becomes younger before our eyes, minor defects are removed - wrinkles, ruts, bumps. The face becomes bright and velvety.

Care after yellow peeling

The implementation of the yellow peeling procedure entails a certain discomfort. First of all, of course, you need to take a sick leave or a weekly vacation for yourself, since the face after the procedure will be red and irritated.

A slightly frightening appearance is also accompanied by painful sensations. The skin becomes tight, and when peeling, it itches noticeably.

Care after retinoic peeling is not difficult, the main thing is to have patience. For the first couple of days, the face should be left alone, only lightly washing is allowed.

For the next two days, the skin will be very tight, and its surface will be reddish and shiny. To get rid of discomfort, you can apply a thick layer of Panthenol on your face, for 15-20 minutes, then gently remove it with napkins. This mask can be applied up to 8 times a day, according to the sensations. Instead of panthenol, it is also allowed to use other anti-inflammatory balms, such as borage, fireweed and shea oils. You can start using a gel or milk cleanser, but without scrubbing particles.

4 days after the peeling, the skin will literally peel off. In no case should it be pulled together like rags after sunburn. Leave the skin patches alone, and occasionally trim the ends. It is also recommended to apply Panthenol.

Peeling will disappear 10 or 12 days after the procedure, and redness after two weeks. To speed up the process, you can apply a mask on your face, which will contain lactic acids and cranberry extract. It gently helps the face to clear faster. At the end of this period, you can use the usual means for washing and removing make-up.

Since the course of exfoliating manipulations is from 1 to 6 visits to a beautician, with a break of 1.5-2 months, be patient and stock up on Panthenol.

In between treatments, keep track of your makeup and facial products. They should be free of retinoids and AHAs for at least another two weeks after the procedure. It is also highly recommended not to color your hair.

Peeling yellow or retinoic (retinol) is one of the most popular facial procedures. The high popularity of the technique is accompanied by three factors: amazing results of skin cleansing and rejuvenation, affordable price and low aggressiveness of the agent used in relation to the integument. Retinol or retinoic acid is used for the procedure. These main components turn the skin yellow, hence the second name of peeling - yellow.

Procedure specifics

Retinoic peeling (yellow peeling) is a type of skin cleansing that allows not only to exfoliate dead, non-working particles of the epidermis, but also to correct age-related imperfections on the face, heal the integument and partially whiten them.

The secret of the popularity of the technique lies in the most delicate effect of the chemical composition on the skin. The main active ingredient is retinol or retinoic acid. Getting into the cell of the epidermis, they activate intracellular processes, while minimally injuring the integrity of the integument. To a greater extent, the action of retinol can be compared with steroid and thyroid hormones.

If retinol is the main active ingredient in the product used, then the procedure is called retinol peeling. When cleansing is performed with retinoic acid, such peeling is called retinoic.

Another advantage of peeling with retinol or retinoic acid is a short rehabilitation period. Despite the fact that retinoic (retinol) facial peeling refers to superficial-median procedures in terms of the depth of exposure, active peeling lasts only 3-7 days. It should also be noted that the risk of complications is minimal.

Note! Yellow chemical peel can be used for all skin types, even sensitive ones. There are also no restrictions on the age of the patient.

Composition and benefits for the skin

For retinoic peeling, special cosmetic products filled with retinoic acid are used. Retinoic acid belongs to the group of retinoids and is a synthetic analogue of vitamin A. Unlike retinol, it provides a pronounced exfoliating effect.

Among the beneficial properties of retinoic acid for the skin, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Stimulates skin rejuvenation. Retinoic peeling provides rapid division and renewal of epidermal cells, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin proteins. In addition, the action of retinoic acid is aimed at stabilizing the membranes of epidermal cells and enhancing their protection against the negative effects of free radicals.
  2. Increases the protective function of the skin. After acid exposure, the skin barrier is strengthened, the immunity of epidermal cells increases, and the risk of tissue infection is reduced. This property provides a quick recovery with minimal risks of wound suppuration, and also prevents acne in the future.
  3. Heals the epidermis. Retinoic acid is an excellent assistant in the fight against acne, acne and a number of skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis). The peculiarity of this treatment is that there are no age spots after the healing of abscesses.
  4. Evens skin tone, whitens it. Retinoids block the activity of tyrazinose (an enzyme responsible for the production of melanin).
  5. Prevents the formation of tumors. Vitamin A and its derivatives actively fight against atypical cells that cause the development of skin cancer, the appearance of benign and malignant tumors.

Auxiliary components supplement the significant action of retinol. These include phytic, ascorbic and azelaic acids. Together, these substances provide a pronounced rejuvenating effect, heal and strengthen the skin.

Types of retinoic peels

In cosmetology, there are two options for retinoic peeling:

  • one-day - when the procedure is performed in one day. In this case, the peeling mask is washed off only 12 hours after application;
  • two-day - involves exfoliating 2 days in a row. A cosmetologist in a beauty salon works 2-3 times on the face with a peeling agent, washing off before each application. The last peeling mask is washed off by the client on his own, after 2 hours, but the procedure should be repeated the next day.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a beauty salon two days in a row, turn to a one-day peeling. But keep in mind that you will need to pass half a day with a yellow face.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Yellow peeling for the face has its pros and cons. Consider them when choosing this cleansing technique.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • exposure to retinoic acid does not cause burning, pain and discomfort in the patient;
  • retinoic peeling has a short recovery period with a minimal risk of complications;
  • pronounced effect after the first procedure;
  • has no restrictions on the type of skin and age of the patient;
  • solves a wide range of skin problems, heals and rejuvenates them;
  • a full course of transformation will not take much time, no more than 5 procedures will be required to achieve the desired effect;
  • may take place during the summer.

Interesting fact! The rejuvenating effect of retinoids used for yellow face peeling is observed even after the completion of the rehabilitation period. As a rule, the process of renewal of the covers continues for 3-4 months after chemical exposure.

Despite a number of advantages, the procedure is also characterized by negative aspects. They should include:

  • the peeling mask is washed off the patient's face on their own, at home. The inconvenience is that for several hours you will have to walk for a long time with a yellow face or visit a beauty salon two days in a row;
  • to achieve great results, pre-peeling preparation is required;
  • after yellow peeling, the face may itch;
  • despite the fact that the procedure can be carried out in the summer, it is still impossible to immediately go to the sea after it.

What facial changes to expect

Yellow face peeling is a quick and painless way to forget about the many skin problems that prevent you from looking perfect. After the first procedure, the following changes await you:

  • the face looks refreshed, healthy;
  • freckles and various pigment spots (age, sun and others) are lightened;
  • there is a reduction in acne, inflamed acne. For some time after the procedure, the problem with acne will completely disappear;
  • the skin becomes smooth, without large creases, wrinkles and stretch marks;
  • the tone and elasticity of the integument increases due to accelerated neocollagenesis.

Attention! Retinoic peeling helps to reduce the number of atypical cells. This fact several times reduces the risk of developing skin cancer in a patient.


You can do retinoic peeling at any age, regardless of the type of integument. This procedure will provide a healthy and fresh look, restore the skin to its former elasticity and firmness, and is also suitable for solving health problems.

The main indications for the use of cleansing and healing techniques:

  • decrease in collagen production, which leads to rapid fading of the integument, omission of tissues in the cheekbones;
  • increased dryness and oiliness of the epidermis;
  • wrinkles, skin creases and other uneven terrain;
  • freckles, age spots on the face, as a result of age-related changes or a reaction to solar activity;
  • clogged pores, comedones;
  • gray and unhealthy complexion;
  • signs of photoaging of the skin;
  • hyperkeratosis on the face;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • acne and some dermatological diseases.

For an accurate assessment of the condition of better skin, contact a beautician. He will determine how often peeling can be done and how many procedures will be required to solve your problem, he will prescribe his recommendations for skin care after yellow peeling.


Not everyone can feel the effectiveness of the procedure, yellow peeling has its own contraindications for use. They should include:

  • individual intolerance to retinol and its derivatives, allergy to the composition used;
  • eczema, seborrhea and a number of skin diseases;
  • weak immunity, infectious diseases;
  • increased sensitivity of the integument to solar ultraviolet (skin photosensitivity);
  • less than 6 months have passed since the course of taking retinoids. Their content in the blood can enhance the effect of the peeling agent and lead to burns of the integument, cause retinoic dermatitis;
  • warts in the affected area;
  • problems with the liver, hepatitis in the past;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • fresh tan;
  • wounds, abrasions and various damage to the integrity of the integument.

Pregnancy planning is also considered a contraindication to cleansing with retinoic acid. The retinoic agent has a teratogenic effect on the fetus, so it is better not to carry out such peeling in the next 12 months.

How to prepare for cleaning

Yellow peeling belongs to the category of those procedures for which pre-peeling preparation is required. Compliance with the recommendations of a cosmetologist in preparing the skin for cleansing is the key to a successful outcome and an easy recovery period.

Pre-peeling preparation begins a few weeks before the scheduled procedure (2-4 weeks depending on skin type) and consists of the following actions:

  1. Pass a series of examinations for the absence of contraindications, the cosmetologist will also study the history of diseases and carefully examine the condition of the integument.
  2. An allergic reaction test is mandatory to prevent irritation of the integument and complication of skin problems during the exfoliation process.
  3. In order to loosen and soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis and thus provide a deeper effect of the peeling agent, it is recommended to add cosmetics based on fruit acids to the daily care. Useful in this case will be creams containing retinoids in the range of 0.025-0.1%.
  4. For patients suffering from excessive dryness of the integument, it is better to pre-perform biorevitalization or mesotherapy. It will also increase the immunity of epidermal cells and prevent the development of complications.
  5. Patients prone to herpes rashes may be prescribed antiherpetic medicines for some time.
  6. It is unacceptable to exfoliate with acids after sunburn, so a few weeks before peeling, postpone going to the solarium, do not sunbathe.

Additional measures to prepare the covers for cleansing are determined by a specialist after a detailed analysis of the patient's skin condition, age and complexity of the problem.

Procedure protocol

When the preparation for facial peeling is done, you can proceed to cleansing. Yellow peeling is done in a beauty salon and at home. If you are confident in your own abilities and skills, you can safely clean it yourself. To be sure of the correctness of the actions, first visit a beautician, clarify the intricacies of exfoliation and listen to the recommendations of a specialist for further care.

The protocol for retinoic peeling involves the following procedure:

  1. Make-up residues, dust, particles of dirt and grease are removed from the surface.
  2. Next, a peeling agent is applied to the cleaned area. Outwardly, it looks like a yellow mask.
  3. Further actions depend on the selected peeling agent, as well as the manufacturer's instructions. If peeling is supposed to be one-day, then the patient goes home, and after the time specified in the instructions for the product, he washes off the peeling mask from the face. If you have chosen a two-day option, then the beautician, after a short period of time, washes off the mask and applies the peeling again. The client also goes home, where he washes off the remnants of the product. The next day, the procedures are repeated.

How much to keep the composition on the face, how many times to repeat the application, the manufacturer specifies in the instructions for use. Therefore, carefully study the instructions that come with the drug, so as not to provoke the appearance of unpleasant consequences and not harm yourself!

Let's talk about manufacturers

To date, the range of products for cleansing and facial care is numerous. Your task is not to make a mistake in choosing and do the procedure correctly. Manufacturers of retinoic peeling in demand on the cosmetology market include Mediderma (Mediderma), Mene & Moy System, Cosmoteros Professionel (Cosmoteros), Martineks and other companies. About them and will be discussed further.


Mediderma (Mediderma) is the high-quality nanocosmetics checked by time. The manufacturer pleases its customers with the latest developments in the field of healing, cleansing and skin rejuvenation. The Spanish company has also successfully combined these 3 qualities in one Retises Forte Cream retinol peeling cream.

This drug is active, thanks to a balanced composition. The action of retinol (10%) is complemented by lactic acid, it softens and moisturizes the skin. Concentrated vitamin E helps to enhance the antioxidant and healing effect of the product. Peeling cream is easy to apply, gently and effectively affects problem areas. It can be used for face and body. Especially the drug has justified itself in the matter of skin rejuvenation, in particular it is good in the fight against stretch marks and wrinkles.

To eliminate minor defects in the epidermis, the manufacturer offers a less aggressive Retises CT - Yellow Peel. In this preparation, the concentration of retinol is 4%, and lactic acid is 15%. The composition also includes tartaric acid, ascorbide glucoside and plant extracts.

Cosmoteros Professional

Kosmoteros Glycos TM Cryctal Chemical peeling (yellow) - allows you to perform a median peeling of the face. Despite deep penetration, the product can be used by representatives of young and sensitive skin. The main active ingredient of the drug is transretinoic acid (5%). Its action harmoniously complements beta-carotene, vitamins E, C.

The manufacturer insists that peeling with this drug is carried out in courses, the interval between them should be at least six months. The product is intended for professional use only.

Mene & My System

Yellow peeling Mene & Moy System is considered one of the leaders among retinoic peels. The unique formula, proposed by Romulus Mene from Rio de Janeiro, gently affects the dead cells of the epidermis, stimulates intracellular processes and neocollagenesis.

In addition to the retinoic ingredient, the composition includes kojic, azelaic, ascorbic and phytic acids. In combination, acidic components provide an instant transformation, and patients observe the result and positive trends in improving the quality and structure of the skin for another six months after the last peeling.

The high price of the drug justifies the effect after the procedure, lightness and tenderness, smoothness and freshness of the skin after a course of exfoliation.

Cosmetics laboratory "Arcadia"

On the world market of cosmetology among Russian manufacturers, the beauty laboratory "Arcadia" has won recognition. Her orange Carrot's peel contains retinol, proretinol (beta-carotene) and retinol esters. The composition of these active ingredients provides a high result. The peculiarity of using the product is a moderate yellowish, sometimes even orange tint of the face after peeling. There is no need to worry about this, the drug is easily washed off after a few hours.

Such a peeling is ideal in the fight against age-related deficiencies and for the treatment of acne, so the manufacturer does not provide strict restrictions at what age to use it.

How many procedures will be required

The course of procedures is selected individually, while paying attention to the condition of the patient's integument and the susceptibility of the drug used by them. The classic course of exfoliation with retinoic acid against early aging is 1-2 sessions every 1-1.5 months. In this case, intensive preparation is required before the procedure.

For medicinal purposes, to eliminate tangible skin imperfections, the number of procedures is increased to 3–5, and the interval between them is reduced to 2–3 weeks.

Modern manufacturers supplement the composition of the peeling product with other fruit acids, which soften the effect of retinol and at the same time have their effect on the integument. In this regard, the scheme of further procedures is adjusted, as suggested by the manufacturer.

Special facial care after cleansing

A short recovery period after retinoic peeling is one of the advantages of the procedure. Despite deep penetration, the remedy rarely causes complications, and side effects in the form of active peeling, redness disappear in a matter of days. It is thanks to this feature that yellow peeling is also called “weekend peeling”.

It is not difficult to take care of the face after the exfoliation, the main thing in the care after yellow peeling is the unquestioning observance of all the instructions of the beautician.

Peeling with retinoic acid is somewhat different from the usual milk or glycolic peel in that you need to wash it off yourself at home. After applying the peeling agent to the face, the beautician will indicate after what time it needs to be washed off. Strictly after the specified time period, take a neutral soap, fragrance-free and water. Rinse off any remaining product. Cleansed skin looks red, like after an unsuccessful tan, there is a feeling of tightness and slight discomfort. To alleviate the sensations and affect the rate of regeneration of the integument, you will need Panthenol or Bepanten ointment. It is necessary to smear the face abundantly, preferably minimally touching the surface.

In the first 2-3 days, be prepared for side effects such as swelling in the eyelids, slight chills, and even fever. On the third day of rehabilitation, redness and swelling will disappear, but then the skin will begin to actively peel off. After 5-7 days, the layers of the epidermis damaged by the acid should peel off, and you can enjoy renewed, smooth and delicate skin.

Be aware of the increased sensitivity of the skin in the post-peeling period. When you go outside, put sunscreen on your face.

Do not be alarmed if there is no peeling as such. There are times when skin renewal goes smoothly, and the resulting films are washed off when washing.

Despite the statement by cosmetologists about a short period of rehabilitation, a full restoration of the integument lasts for a month, albeit without external factors. At this time, it is undesirable to violate post-peeling care, and replace therapeutic ointments with cosmetic hypoallergenic creams.

What not to do after the procedure

After peeling, you can not:

  • go to the bath and sauna. Please note that with sweat particles you can easily infect damaged tissues;
  • take alcohol and eat spicy foods;
  • visit the gym, fitness classes and perform heavy physical activity at all;
  • swim in the pool, on the sea or in any body of water;
  • sunbathe and visit the solarium;
  • dye your hair, curl with the use of chemical compounds, refuse keratin straightening of curls and even postpone keratin masks;
  • tear off the exfoliated film from the face, scrub the skin and subject it to mechanical cleaning.

Follow these rules not only in the first 5-7 days, when the active phase of skin renewal is visible on the face, but also within a month, and preferably three.


Exfoliation with acids is a complex process for the epidermis, so it is important to stipulate possible complications. Their appearance can provoke improper skin care before and after cleaning, erroneous actions of the cosmetologist and violation of the procedure protocol.

There are several reasons for the appearance of unpleasant consequences. The main ones are:

  • neglect of contraindications;
  • careless attitude of the patient during the rehabilitation period;
  • insufficient professionalism of the peeling performer;
  • poor quality of the drug used;
  • the individual reaction of the client's body to retinol, retinoic acid, which is very difficult to predict.

Be attentive to yourself and your health, choose only first-class clinics for a cosmetic procedure.

The first wrinkles appeared, the skin loses its elasticity and firmness? It is time to discover what yellow peeling is, its advantages and advantages over other cleansing techniques. Help your face look younger and fresher!

The use of scrubs to rejuvenate the skin of the face is a common thing in our time. At home, you can use various store-made scrubs, or salt and ground coffee. The result obtained with this procedure will be short-lived. There is another alternative - chemical peeling.

Chemical peel - what is it?

This is primarily a salon procedure. Since it involves a burn of the layers of the skin with acids. These substances act on the skin, destroying its cells. Due to this, the face is very flaky, and after the “old skin” subsides, we get a new, smooth one, with a noticeable reduction in wrinkles.

When choosing a suitable chemical peel, you should consider that it comes in three types:

  • Affecting only the surface of the skin.
  • Affecting the middle layers of the skin
  • Deep.

Post-Chemical Peel Care

When carrying out any type of chemical peeling, it is necessary to stock up on panthenol, and products (cream, gel) with antioxidant properties. In the first few days, it is advisable to use products with a light, foamy structure, such as Panthenol Spray, and only then switch to creams.

Basic rules for facial care after chemical peeling:

  1. Skin rest. Literally: in the first 1-2 days, no gels for washing, ultraviolet radiation, and even more so scrubs. Limit also touching the skin. It may have a film on it, in no case rip it off.
  2. Do not use homemade masks. In everything related to facial care, it is better to listen to the beautician.
  3. After the procedure, you can not sunbathe for a long time. The skin is very delicate and sensitive, and it is forbidden to injure it like that. Therefore, precede any exit to the street by applying sunscreen.

Special rules

When using phenolic acids, be prepared to take antibiotics. This procedure is the most painful and deep.

Skin protection from the sun during deep peeling should also be extreme. All your life you will have to protect your face from the sun's rays and use a strong sunscreen.

Retinoic peeling - what is it?

A retinoic peel is a chemical exfoliation that works on the middle layers of the skin. It contains analogues of vitamin A, and it has a more gentle effect on the skin. It is also called yellow peeling because the cream containing retinoids is a bright yellow hue.

Carrying out retinoic yellow peeling allows you to quickly renew the skin. The face becomes younger before our eyes, minor defects are removed - wrinkles, ruts, bumps. The face becomes bright and velvety.

Care after yellow peeling

The implementation of the yellow peeling procedure entails a certain discomfort. First of all, of course, you need to take a sick leave or a weekly vacation for yourself, since the face after the procedure will be red and irritated.

A slightly frightening appearance is also accompanied by painful sensations. The skin becomes tight, and when peeling, it itches noticeably.

Care after retinoic peeling is not difficult, the main thing is to have patience. For the first couple of days, the face should be left alone, only lightly washing is allowed.


For the next two days, the skin will be very tight, and its surface will be reddish and shiny. To get rid of discomfort, you can apply a thick layer of Panthenol on your face, for 15-20 minutes, then gently remove it with napkins. This mask can be applied up to 8 times a day, according to the sensations. Instead of panthenol, it is also allowed to use other anti-inflammatory balms, such as borage, fireweed and shea oils. You can start using a gel or milk cleanser, but without scrubbing particles.

Peeling will disappear 10 or 12 days after the procedure, and redness after two weeks. To speed up the process, you can apply a mask on your face, which will contain lactic acids and cranberry extract. It gently helps the face to clear faster. At the end of this period, you can use the usual means for washing and removing make-up.

Since the course of exfoliating manipulations is from 1 to 6 visits to a beautician, with a break of 1.5-2 months, be patient and stock up on Panthenol.

In between treatments, keep track of your makeup and facial products. They should be free of retinoids and AHAs for at least another two weeks after the procedure. It is also highly recommended not to color your hair.

Retinoic peeling (also called yellow) is a method of chemical exfoliation of the skin. In cosmetology, this procedure is used to remove age spots, treat acne, and also to stimulate natural rejuvenation processes in the tissues of the dermis.

  1. Indications (photo before and after)
  2. Contraindications
  3. How do they do it?
  4. Side effects
  5. Course duration
  6. Alternative procedures
  7. Is it possible at home?
  8. Pros and cons
  9. Who does it, how much does it cost?

Yellow peeling - what is it?

Retinoic peeling is a chemical exfoliation procedure. The main component of the exfoliant is retinoic acid, an organic substance that activates the regeneration of dermal cells and the synthesis of fibroblasts. The skin after retinoic peeling looks refreshed and well-groomed. The result is an improvement in its condition, strengthening of its protective functions, and prevention of the occurrence of neoplasms.

Exfoliant treatment area - face (including eyelids), neck and décolleté, hands.

Why is this type of peeling called yellow?

It got its name because of the characteristic color that the main component gives it, as well as one of the auxiliary ingredients - ascorbic acid.

Retinol or retinoic peel?

A common misconception is to think that these are the same procedure. However, in fact, these types of peeling differ from each other in composition. The main component of yellow peeling with retinol is vitamin A, and retinoic peeling is organic acid, which has a more intense healing effect on the skin.

Types of peeling

  • One day. This procedure takes place in two stages: first, the peeling composition is applied to the skin in the salon, and then the client performs a similar manipulation at home before going to bed.
  • Two-day. Due to the specific application technique, this type of peeling takes much longer - up to 4 hours. The exfoliant is alternately applied and washed off. At the final stage, the mask is left on the skin, and the client washes it off at home after 2 hours. The next day, the procedure is repeated in the same sequence.

According to the depth of exposure, yellow peeling is superficial and median. Superficial is suitable for thin skin (provided that you do it no more than once a month) and is allowed for application to the area around the eyes.

The best remedy for freckles, age spots, first wrinkles is a median peeling. Its implementation is accompanied by a pronounced peeling of the skin, which lasts a relatively short time.

Indications for carrying out

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • dull complexion and loss of skin turgor;
  • acne and post-acne (scars, scars);
  • photoaging or first wrinkles.

At what age is retinoic peeling allowed?

This procedure is useful for clients aged 25-50 years. Youth representatives are encouraged to look for an alternative.

What can be the effect after a course of yellow peeling, photos will demonstrate before and after the procedures.

Contraindications and restrictions

A distinctive feature of yellow peeling is its embryotoxicity. Retinoic acid is dangerous for the development of the fetus and lingers in the tissues of the dermis for many months. Therefore, the procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

How long can you not get pregnant after retinoic peeling?

Pregnancy should be planned 6-12 months after the completion of the course of procedures.

Among the contraindications are:

  • acute phase of chronic diseases;
  • liver failure (peeling cannot be performed with hepatitis);
  • viral or dermatological diseases (demodectic mange, rosacea, eczema, atopic dermatitis);
  • allergy to peeling components;
  • herpes;
  • taking retinoid drugs;
  • the presence of warts on the skin, as well as unhealed scratches and abrasions.

This procedure is also prohibited with rosacea, as well as with a fresh tan.

Is yellow peeling toxic?

This procedure can be dangerous in case of non-compliance with contraindications, as well as in the absence of a preparatory period.

When can you do it? Seasonal restrictions

In the post-peeling period, contact with the sun's rays is dangerous for unhealed skin. Therefore, in spring and summer it is better to refrain from a course of procedures.

Preparation for retinoic peeling and procedure protocol

Before you start exfoliating sessions, you should prepare the skin for chemical exposure. Therefore, the cosmetologist prescribes light superficial peels and home use of creams with glycolic acid no later than 2 weeks before the start of the course.

A week before the procedure, it is forbidden to scrub the skin, sunbathe and visit the solarium.

How yellow peeling is done in the salon: description of the procedure

The peeling session begins with make-up removal to cleanse the skin of impurities and decorative cosmetics. The next step is preparation for exposure to retinoic exfoliant. The beautician applies a weak concentration of glycolic or salicylic acid to the skin. The purpose of this manipulation is to enhance the effect of retinoic peeling, to activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The agent is not washed off.

Particularly sensitive areas of the skin are protected by a special ointment. The product with retinoic acid is applied to the skin with light massage movements. Sometimes, to enhance the effect of exfoliation, the face is covered with a thin film.

The concentration of retinoic acid is 10-20%, and the higher it is, the longer the product stays on the face. Most often, the mask is not washed off in the salon: the beautician applies a protective cream over it.

Get ready for the fact that you better go home in a taxi so that your yellow face with traces of a peeling mask does not attract the attention of others.

Read more about the course of the retinoic peeling procedure in the next video.

How much to keep on the face and how to wash off the retinoic peel?

If your goal is superficial exfoliation of the skin, then the exfoliant can be washed off after 15-25 minutes. For a medium peel, you will have to not wash your face for 6-12 hours after the procedure. Next, the client washes off the product himself, using a neutral soap. Immediately after this manipulation, panthenol ointment is applied to the skin.

Yellow peeling - does it hurt or not?

The procedure is well tolerated by clients. During the application of the peeling agent, a burning sensation is felt - this is quite normal.

Recovery after yellow peeling and stages of skin peeling

After washing off the peeling agent, the skin turns red and strongly tightens. Edema may also appear: such consequences are predictable. Then, over the next 2 days, the next phase of skin renewal begins - peeling.

What to do if there is no peeling after yellow peeling?

The reason for this may be the accumulation of a large number of keratinized cells on the surface of the epidermis. They act as a kind of “shield”, preventing the peeling agent from passing into the deeper layers of the skin.

Also, a similar phenomenon may be due to the resistance of the skin - its increased density, which does not allow it to exfoliate under chemical influence.


  • increasing the degree of exfoliation and the possible appointment of additional procedures;
  • the use of retinoic peeling with dimexide, an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drug. Such an exfoliant penetrates deeper into the layers of the epidermis, improving metabolic processes and destroying pathogenic microbes.

How long does the skin recover after peeling?

The optimal time is 2 weeks. After 14 days, you can visit other cosmetic procedures - for example, facial cleansing.

What to do after the procedure: post-peel care

Medical cosmetics: how to smear after the procedure

Skin care must necessarily be carried out using an ointment based on panthenol. It must be applied the next day after washing.

Additionally, you can use masks containing enzymes and sprays based on thermal water. Be sure to consult with a beautician when choosing care products.

Prerequisite: before going out, apply sunscreen to your face. You will have to protect the skin with this cosmetic product for a month.

What Not to Do

  • In the process of skin restoration, a bath, a sauna, a swimming pool, as well as sunbathing and a solarium are banned. Also at this stage it is not recommended to play sports. Why? Steaming and excessive sweating are dangerous for the skin and can cause complications.
  • During the course, you can not dye your hair or do a perm, as well as use cosmetics containing vitamin A.

Can I drink alcohol during the rehabilitation period?

Drinking alcohol, spicy food and spices is not recommended.

Are there drug restrictions?

It is not recommended to use hormonal preparations: they violate the immunity of the skin, increasing the risk of developing dermatological or fungal infections. In addition, under their influence, the cells of the dermis regenerate much more slowly.

All of the above restrictions are relevant for a week, while the peeling of the skin continues.

Side effects and how to deal with them

If redness and peeling of the skin is a normal reaction to retinoic peeling, then itching, rash or increased pigmentation indicate violations of the rules of rehabilitation care.

How to distinguish temporary side effects from real complications?

Expected side effects (burning sensation, redness) usually disappear within a few hours or the first day after the procedure. If these symptoms get worse and persist, contact your dermatologist immediately.

Common complications after yellow peeling:

  • Pigmentation. The reason for its appearance may be the irregular use of sunscreen, hormonal changes in the body, smoking or endocrine disorders. Solutions - medium peels, whitening masks, mesotherapy.
  • Burn after peeling. The reason is an excess of acidity concentration or lack of pre-peeling preparation. The problem must be solved only with a competent cosmetologist!
  • Weakened immune system. Consult your doctor before taking vitamin complexes.
  • Pimples, increased acne. The reason is ignoring contraindications in case of impaired liver function. Actions to eliminate it - consultation with a cosmetologist regarding the use of medicinal preparations and the advisability of continuing the course.

Course duration and frequency of sessions

What is good about yellow peeling: the course of its implementation is minimized. It is believed that to solve a cosmetic problem, it is enough to carry out 3-5 procedures.

How often do peels?

It is undesirable to conduct such sessions more than once a month. The interval between sessions may be shorter depending on individual factors. A course of procedures is carried out a maximum of 2 times a year.

Complementary and alternative procedures

The course of yellow peeling goes well with procedures such as facial mesotherapy and biorevitalization. This combination will help to avoid overdrying of the skin and enhance the anti-aging effect of cosmetic preparations.

The sequence of procedures is determined by the cosmetologist who conducts the treatment course. Often sessions of "beauty injections" are prescribed before the peeling, but there are exceptions.

Alternative options:

  • Coral peeling is perfect for those with sensitive skin. There are fewer contraindications to its implementation, and it is allowed for liver diseases.
  • Economy option - acne treatment with retinoic ointment. It contains retinoic acid at a concentration of 0.05% and 0.1%. This remedy is considered effective for acne and comedones, and in some cases as a prevention of the appearance of the first wrinkles.
  • Glycolic peeling will provide milder exfoliation of the skin, but will require a longer course of treatments.
  • TCA peeling is an option for those who need more intense skin exfoliation and smoothing of the epidermis relief. However, such procedures will require a long recovery period.

Will home treatments replace professional peeling in the salon?

It cannot be said that yellow peeling sessions at home will allow you to save on facial care. For self-exfoliation of the skin, you will need to purchase a set of peeling products, caring creams, and a glycolic acid solution.

Kits for home procedures are sold both in beauty salons and in specialized online stores. They can be supplemented with other cosmetics, but it is wiser to select them after consultation with a beautician. Today, products for retinoic peeling are produced by many well-known brands of professional cosmetics, for example, Home Peel (Retinol peeling 5%).

If you are determined to carry out the procedure yourself, you cannot do without a periodic visit to a beautician. He will draw up an algorithm for preparing for the course and recommend how to care for the skin in the post-peel period.

Arguments for and against yellow peeling

Retinoic peeling is a specific procedure that is best done in a salon under the supervision of an experienced cosmetologist. Only under constant supervision of a specialist will it benefit your skin.


  • a short period is minimized, for which this procedure is called a “weekend peeling”;
  • exfoliant removes scars and age spots;
  • wrinkles after peeling procedures are smoothed out, and the skin becomes more elastic;
  • sensations during the application of the exfoliant are limited to only a slight burning sensation.


  • high prices for the procedure;
  • a large number of contraindications;
  • a ban on planning childbirth within 6-12 months after the course.

If you take care of your skin before and after the course in the right way, the result will please you with the effect of "minus 10 years" and the elimination of cosmetic imperfections.

yellow peeling

yellow peeling appeared in our country relatively recently. During this time, he managed to become very popular due to his effectiveness.

Every month, millions of women in the US, Europe, and more recently in Russia undergo yellow peeling.

Officially this peeling called retinoic. It began to be called yellow due to the fact that during the procedure a mask of the corresponding color is applied to the face.

Retinoic peeling is based on the impact retinoic acid on the skin and refers to one of the varieties of chemical peeling.

Retinoic acid is synthetic analog of vitamin A, which has a significant impact on the processes of regeneration in the skin.

Retinoic acid:

  1. Stimulates collagen synthesis.
  2. Enhances hydration.
  3. Improves circulation in the capillaries, and hence the nutrition of the skin.
  4. Reduces the number of abnormal cells.

The use of acid in cosmetic procedures causes active peeling of the upper, damaged skin layer and activation of the cell renewal process, due to which rejuvenating effect.

The active substances of the acid are a catalyst for the production of new elastin molecules, which enhances the refreshing effect. In addition, the application of retinol whitens the skin, reducing the signs of photoaging and pigmented spots.

How is peeling done

The procedure is simple. The contents of the tube, that is, the mask containing retinoic acid, are squeezed into a bowl and mixed. After that, the mixture is evenly applied to the skin with a special spatula.

Including the mask is applied to the lower and upper areas of the eyelids. Eyelash and eyebrow areas should be avoided. About after half an hour after application, the mask hardens.

If peeling is one-day, the mask is not washed off. The patient goes home and washes it off himself after 12 hours.

If peeling - two days, the session lasts several hours, during which the mask is applied and washed off several times. Leaves the last mask. The patient washes it off on his own after about 2 hours. After a few days, the procedure is repeated.

Before the procedure does not hurt skin preparation faces. It is carried out in order to prevent keratinization of the skin during the procedure. Horny skin does not pass retinoic acid well, which means it reduces the effectiveness of the procedure.

Retinoic peeling in several stages:

  1. The doctor must make sure that there are no contraindications.
  2. A map is started, where the facts of the use of retinol earlier and the reaction of the body are noted.
  3. The condition of the skin is determined, all are recorded defects and signs of aging.
  4. For two weeks before the procedure, it is recommended to add acid in a small concentration to daily skin care products to prepare it for the active phase.
  5. During the procedure, the skin is pre-treated with acids, such as lactic. Then the active composition is applied for a period of time from 20 minutes to 12 hours(depending on the concentration of the drug).
  6. During the exfoliation period, it is possible to use soothing applications on the skin.
  7. After two weeks, the procedure is repeated ( the course includes up to 5 procedures).

After yellow peeling, you need to cleanse the skin neutral soap. It is important to moisturize the skin during the first week to reduce flaking.

For this purpose, you can use the means that the doctor will recommend to you. Far from the worst option is Vaseline.

Should definitely ask your doctor how often to moisturize the skin, as this is determined individually.

Since retinol greatly increases the sensitivity of the skin, during the first month, sunscreen will not interfere. You need to be in the sun as little as possible.

Retinoic acid has a wide range of influence on the surface and middle layers of the dermis, so its use is justified for a whole range of problems:

  • insufficient production of collagen;
  • moisture disturbance;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness;
  • the need for bleaching;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • age aging;
  • photoaging;
  • acne;
  • hyperkeratosis;
  • the need to cleanse the skin, improve the relief and structure;
  • the need to tighten the skin;
  • traces of blackheads and deep pimples.

The most commonly used peeling for rejuvenating the skin of the face, but it is also great for hands, neck and décolleté.


The action of retinoids is quite active and affects the functioning of some organs. Particularly peeling. do not recommend:

  • when planning pregnancy - to eliminate the risk of fetal defects when retinoids accumulate in the mother's body, pregnancy and lactation;
  • with liver diseases;
  • allergic reactions to the drug (because retinol increases skin reactivity);
  • inflammation and chronic diseases in the treatment area (for example, herpes);
  • viral infections;
  • when using incompatible drugs (for example, roaccutane);
  • recent cosmetic procedures (scrub, laser peeling, cleaning);
  • excessive sunburn.

In addition, after the course should be abandoned from visiting the solarium for two months and it is recommended to use skin protection products from ultraviolet radiation.

Renewed skin is very sensitive to various kinds of damage and its protective functions are weakened.

Benefits of peeling

Retinoic peeling is quite popular, as it has a number of advantages before other procedures:

  • painlessness;
  • skin recovery in a few days;
  • short course;
  • noticeable effect when removing pigmented areas and mimic wrinkles;
  • softness of the effect (yellow peeling is not contraindicated for owners of young, thin or sensitive skin);
  • after the course, the renewal process in the skin lasts at least three months.

Disadvantages of the procedure

The essence of the method is to use the aggressive effect of retinol on the treated surface, so peeling has a number of shortcomings:

  • for almost half a day after applying the mask, it cannot be washed off (the procedure itself lasts no more than half an hour, but the mask must be worn for a long time);
  • you need a lot of free time (two-day yellow peeling is carried out in two stages for several hours each);
  • the need to stay at home for several days due to the “unpresentable” appearance;
  • itching on the skin may be observed;
  • the need to include high-protection UV protection creams in care products;
  • the undesirability of peeling in the summer or before holidays in hot countries;
  • increased skin sensitivity.

Prices for retinoic peeling

Retinoic peels are produced by companies from various countries. The most famous domestic peels: Cimel, Medicontrolpeel, Carrotspeel. American: Mene&Moy, Timeless peel. Israeli: GIGI and Holy Land.

The amount that you will need to spend depends on the condition of the skin and the specific problem that you would like to solve with peeling.

The cost of one-day yellow peeling in Moscow it fluctuates between 4,000 and 6,000 rubles. The cost of a two-day peeling is twice as high.

In general, most women remain satisfied with the result– the difference between the descending skin and the new one is obvious. With severe photoaging, the face after the course of peeling completely evens out the color, and individual pigmented areas are perfectly discolored.

Many note great result when peeling is combined with a surgical facelift, which, as you know, restores the oval of the face and eliminates deep wrinkles. Small wrinkles remain unaffected.

Anna, 32 years old

“Before I decided, I read a lot of reviews on the network. Many complained that they had to stay at home for a long time, in addition very painful. A week ago, I still went and did a yellow peeling.

The first hour burned, but you can endure. In addition, after an hour and a half, the burning sensation subsided. Washed off the mask in the morning. Washed off quite hard.. I had to help myself with paper towels.

The skin is a little reddened. I applied a fat cream, which was recommended in the salon, on top - tonal and went to work. Came back in the evening and cleaned everything up.

The next day skin started peeling off- smeared with cream. It was Saturday. On Sunday, the whole face began to peel off, even the neck and chest. I used cream all the time. The next day, the skin almost did not peel off, and on Tuesday everything came to naught.

Satisfied with the result- the skin became smooth, clean and elastic. Acne scars disappeared, wrinkles became less noticeable. I read in the reviews that the effect will not last long, but I don’t mind repeating it. ”

Tatyana, 41 years old

“I did yellow peeling 10 days ago. Can't figure out why it's called " weekend peeling". I suffered for almost a whole week. It's good that I had the opportunity to sit at home, otherwise I would have to scare others. Well, I'm happy with the result. The skin became clean and toned; the pigmentation on the forehead noticeably brightened.

Julia, 40 years old

“I do retinoic peeling regularly twice a year (in October and March). I started when I was 38. I like the result very much I look like I'm in my thirties at 40. The first time I did it because I wanted to achieve a good lifting.

Achieved, and even the complexion, like a girl. But the procedure itself is has its drawbacks. The first week I sat at home in a close circle of friends and family members. The rest would definitely shy away. There didn't seem to be any particularly strong pain sensations.”

Reviews on the use of retinoic (yellow) peeling, see the video:

How to do retinoic (yellow) peeling look at the video:

Peeling renews skin texture and gives unsurpassed "cutting" the result of the operation.

Retinoic peeling is excellent proven method to deal with minor skin imperfections. The safety of the procedure and positive results allow the procedure to remain one of the leading cosmetic techniques.

The essence of retinoic and retinol cleansing

Yellow peeling is otherwise called retinoic or retinol. The first is the name of the procedure using synthetic retinoic acid. In the second case, natural retinol is used. The active substances in the composition give the peeling a yellow color, hence the “folk” name. A yellowish tinge is present on the skin, but not for long. Some compare it to a light tan on the face.

This type of cleansing is suitable for all skin types. It can be applied from the age of 25 and even earlier if there is a need to treat or prevent acne. In other cases, this is a means of returning youth to women from 35 to 50 years old.

Retinoic acid in the composition has on the skin stimulating and rejuvenating effect. She is:

The essence of the method is to apply a special mask. Its active composition affects the cellular structure of the epidermis.


The results of the procedure are noticeable after a few days. Among themselves, women call it a weekend peel. It is better to sign up for it on Friday so that on Monday you can come to work with a “new” face. The effect persists for six months. But this is not all the benefits that the procedure offers.

Yellow peeling has a mild effect, due to which it is carried out even on sensitive skin. An important advantage is minimum number of complications, comfort and safety.


Indications and contraindications

The procedure, which is well tolerated by most patients, is shown:

Yellow peeling is applied not only to the face. It is subject to its influence neckline, back, arms. It all depends on the complexity of the skin health problems.

In severe cases of acne, cleansing combined with vitamin A intake. But such treatment can only be prescribed by a dermatologist. The procedure requires strict control and biochemical analysis of blood.

Contraindications are also:

Preparation for the procedure

A preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist and preparation of the skin for the procedure is required. Each case is individual. Based on the condition of the skin beautician prescribes various preparatory measures which should be repeated from several days to three weeks. This includes:

The preparatory stage is necessary to achieve the desired effect. Additional procedures are aimed at remove the top dead layer of cells or soften it in order to facilitate the work of the chemical composition. Preliminary preparation is not required, only if the skin is very sensitive and thin.

Also the day before is better refuse to visit the solarium, the use of laser procedures, exposure to direct sunlight. Otherwise, it may affect the results.

How is it carried out

There are three types of yellow peeling: superficial, median and deep. Depending on this, the procedure takes from half an hour to several days. Only the doctor decides whether a single application of the active composition is enough or whether there is a need for a whole course. The median one is more often used, which has a mild effect and does not require a long recovery. The results are visible within two days.

First, the skin is treated with a solution of glycolic acid, then retinoic acid is applied. After some time, the mask is removed. Within 2-3 days the face will peel off. Photo of peeling after chemical yellow peeling with retinoic acid:

This video shows the process of yellow peeling with retinoic acid and tells more about it:

The death of cells leads to a feeling of tightness of the skin, which gradually turns into peeling and redness. It is not necessary to help her peel off during the period of post-peeling care after yellow peeling.

This should happen naturally. All you can do during the regeneration period is use moisturizing creams and enzyme masks. If the procedure was carried out in the summer, it is not recommended to leave the house without sunscreen.

In the first week after the procedure, you can not:

Description of results

The number of sessions depends on the condition of the skin. The procedure is good because the beautician can choose an individual course for each client. It is carried out no more than once every six months. Retinol with a natural component in the composition can be repeated almost every month.

These photos show faces before and after a yellow chemical peel, but when deciding to do it, you should not blindly rely on the results you see: study the possible complications and reviews of those who have experienced it for themselves.

Vitamin A and its derivatives are excreted from the body for a long time. Their ability to accumulate sometimes leads to undesirable consequences. The development of an overdose of vitamin A most often manifests itself in the form of:

To avoid complications and an overdose of vitamin A, it is better the day before, refrain from using creams and masks without prior consultation with a beautician.

Average prices and opinion of doctors

Retinol or retinoic peeling is not a cheap procedure. Depending on the number of layers applied and on the drug used by the beautician, prices vary. from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Among the radical methods of rejuvenation and elimination of pigmentation, this method is considered the safest. Its effect is visible on the rise during the first few weeks after the procedure. After four months, the condition of the skin before cleansing begins to gradually return.

How often can yellow retinoic peeling be done? The procedure requires repetition every 6-12 months. Especially recommended for those whose cells are not able to produce collagen on their own.

What clients say

Dasha: “I did two procedures. Everything went smoothly. The skin began to peel off on the third day. No pain or redness. The face is smooth and looks fresh. But the number of acne has not decreased.”

Julia: “I wanted to reduce pores and remove scars. Advised yellow peeling. I did it in the fall, so as not to risk it. The complexion has become better, the pores have decreased. It did not affect the scars, but I did diamond dermabrasion, and they became less noticeable. ”

Natasha: “Girls, I thought I would die of pain! The third day after peeling, everything peels off and bakes, especially on the eyelids and near the wings of the nose. The cream is impossible to apply! I hope the result is worth it.”

At first glance, a simple procedure requires careful attention to your health, mandatory preparation and strict adherence to all recommendations.

general information

Retinoic peeling can be called one of the most popular chemical peels due to its high efficiency and low trauma, the results of the procedure are comparable to the action of expensive injection techniques. Many are interested in whether it is possible to use retinol at home?

Let's look at the pros and cons of peeling, and what results can be achieved with it.

Retinol cleansing - what is it

Retinoic peels are sometimes referred to as yellow peels due to their ability to stain the skin. The procedure is aimed at exfoliating dead skin cells.

After peeling, the skin acquires a “renewed” look, as young cells appear on the surface that are not damaged by the negative effects of the environment.

Retinoic peeling can be attributed to superficial-median peels, exfoliation affects not only the stratum corneum, but also part of the epidermis and the capillaries supplying it with blood.

The active substance used during the procedure stimulates cells to divide, helping to restore skin density. In addition, retinol counteracts the influence of enzymes that destroy elastin and collagen molecules.


The very name of the procedure suggests that it is based on the use of retinoic acid, that is, an artificial analogue of vitamin A.

In addition, auxiliary acids are used in peeling:

  • phytic;
  • ascorbic;
  • azelaic.

In the complex, the acids have a pronounced rejuvenating effect:

  • exfoliate the skin, stimulating the launch of regenerative processes;
  • protect cells from the adverse effects of free radicals;
  • restore the density and elasticity of the epidermis.

Pros and cons

It is the numerous benefits that make yellow peeling with retinoic acid such a popular procedure:

  • high efficiency, surpassing the achievements of softer peels;
  • painlessness;
  • fast recovery period;
  • absence of unpleasant complications;
  • the ability to perform the procedure in the summer without the risk of skin damage.

The disadvantage is that after exposure to retinol, the skin acquires a yellow tint, which, in combination with strong peeling, does not allow you to lead a normal lifestyle.

In addition, a high concentration of retinol has an ambiguous effect on the human body, so the procedure has many contraindications.

Indications and contraindications for retinoic resurfacing

Yellow peeling is most often used to rejuvenate the face, neck, décolleté and hands. The procedure is recommended for mature ladies, but it is not contraindicated at a young age - with excessive freckling or keratosis.

Good results can be obtained in the following cases:

  • mimic wrinkles;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • photoaging;
  • keratosis;
  • acne marks or scars;
  • acne.

The procedure is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those who are planning a pregnancy in the coming year - this is due to the teratogenic effect of retinol on the fetus.

Caution should be exercised for those who are prone to allergies.

Preparation and stages of the procedure

To achieve a noticeable result, a rather long preparatory period is required - from two to four weeks. First of all, it depends on the type of skin that you have. For example, the Asian type has an increased sensitivity to the drug, and in this case, long-term preparation is simply necessary.

A doctor will help you assess the condition of your skin and determine its belonging to a particular type during a preliminary examination.

The specialist prescribes home use of creams and masks with a low concentration of vitamin A to soften the skin and prepare it for peeling.

In addition, the doctor is obliged to ask what medications you are taking and whether you are planning to conceive a child in the near future.

If it turns out that the patient suffers from herpes, then to prevent rashes, it will be necessary to take an antiviral drug even before the procedure itself begins.

During peeling, the specialist carefully removes cosmetics from the face and applies a mixture of salicylic and glycolic acids, which help to quickly exfoliate dead skin cells. Then retinoic acid is applied - even such a sensitive area as the area around the eyes is covered with the composition.

Further, depending on the concentration of the mixture, the active substance is either washed off after twenty minutes, or remains on the face for several hours. After removing the acid, the skin must be moisturized with a remedy prescribed by a specialist.

Recovery and skin care after

Before the procedure, be sure to ask your doctor how to care for your face after yellow peeling. For several days after peeling, the epidermis intensively peels off, coming off with transparent films. At this time, slight itching and discomfort are possible.

The skin may differ in shade in those places where the old layer has not yet come off. You should not speed up the process yourself, let the keratinized scales come off gradually. In the post-peeling period after yellow peeling, it is extremely important to use care products recommended by a specialist.

Therefore, the first weeks after the procedure, the use of sunscreen is simply necessary. It is also advisable to change the usual foundation to one that is able to withstand ultraviolet radiation.

It is not recommended to use other abrasive procedures before the end of the course, it is allowed to wash your face only with products for sensitive skin. During the procedure, it is undesirable to resort to hair coloring or perm, and cosmetics containing vitamin A or its analogues should not be used.

Look at the photo, how the skin peeling stage goes after yellow peeling:


Even at the stage of peeling, the difference between the descending and young skin is clearly noticeable:

  • healthy color is restored;
  • wrinkles are smoothed;
  • deep folds become less pronounced;
  • freckles and age spots disappear;
  • acne spots or scars become less noticeable;
  • eliminates dryness and flaking.

To better understand the results of chemical yellow face peeling, you should read the reviews of those who have tried the method (they are presented at the end of the article) and look at the before and after photos:

Possible complications and consequences

After peeling, many people experience a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin, cosmetic products prescribed by a doctor will help to cope with these problems.

There may be slight swelling or redness - these phenomena are temporary and will pass in a few days. Most often, complications arise if you carry out yellow peeling at home. An incorrectly calculated concentration of the active substance, the lack of a proper preparatory period - all this can lead to burns, inflammation and severe itching.

A negative reaction of the body to the combination of retinol and the medication you are taking is not excluded. To minimize the risk of possible complications, entrust the delicate procedure to a qualified specialist.

Course duration and prices in salons

Many people are interested in the question - how often can retinoic peeling be done and how much will yellow peeling cost? Let's figure it out together.

The required course usually includes 3 to 5 procedures, with an average interval of two weeks. If peeling is intended rather for the prevention of aging, then one procedure can be dispensed with.

The results are stored for at least five months, you can repeat the course only after six months. The average price for one procedure of retinoic peeling is from 3 to 5 thousand.

But when calculating the full cost of the yellow cleansing course, do not forget to take into account the cost of care products during the recovery period - they usually cost from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

In pursuit of beauty, women sometimes make the most unthinkable sacrifices. If you are not afraid of the prospect of peeling skin and the inability to leave the house for several days, yellow peeling suits you. And the reward for temporary inconvenience will be young, ruddy skin and a sense of irresistibility.

Customer opinion

And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video of how the retinoic (yellow) peeling procedure takes place:

Advantages and disadvantages

Retinoids do not damage skin cells, unlike other chemical peels.

Retinol peeling has many benefits


  1. You can carry out the procedure all year round, even in summer (which distinguishes it from other types).
  2. The achieved effect is preserved for a long time (up to six months).
  3. Can be used on all skin types, even sensitive.
  4. This particular type of peeling is recommended for cleansing delicate areas - neck, eyelids, décolleté.
  5. Absence of pain.
  6. Short recovery period (from 2 to 4 days).
  7. Complications and side effects are practically absent.

The disadvantages of yellow peeling, judging by the reviews of the photo, are not very many, and they are lost against the background of the above advantages:

  • after the procedure with a mask, you will have to walk down the street (or drive) all the way to the house, which creates certain inconveniences;
  • the duration of the procedure (in the event that a two-day peeling option is selected).

Varieties of yellow peeling

There are 2 types of this cosmetic procedure:

  1. Night (one-day) peeling.
  2. Two day peel.

Night peeling begins in the salon, where the specialist applies the first layer of the drug to the skin. Then the patient goes home, where he applies the second layer on his own. Preferably do this before bed.- hence the name. Most often, it is necessary to make one additional application, in some cases more - up to 10.

Retinoic peeling is an excellent assistant in maintaining youthful facial skin.

Two-day peeling is used much less frequently, because this type of yellow peeling, according to women's reviews can lead to the formation of severe edema, which is confirmed by the photos taken after the procedure. And it takes much longer to fully restore the skin.

Manipulation is carried out in a cosmetology salon: with the help of a special apparatus, the skin is processed several times within 3-4 hours.

It is impossible to wash off the last layer immediately - only after 1.5 - 2 hours.

The next morning, the whole procedure is repeated anew. True, now the cosmetologist determines the number of applied layers individually for each, depending on the reaction of the skin after the first stage.

After 14-15 days, the effect of the peeling is evaluated, and a decision is made on the advisability of repeating it.

Who is shown the procedure

It is believed that only women who have crossed the forty-year milestone are shown yellow peeling. Reviews, before and after photos of younger patients allow us to destroy this misconception.

Yellow peeling: before and after
  • the activity of the sebaceous glands is increased;
  • skin needs prevention of age-related changes;
  • a lot of small and deep wrinkles formed;
  • acne is present;
  • pronounced hyperpigmentation;
  • skin is not hydrated enough.

Important! You can resort to this technique only if there are no contraindications and allergic reactions.

Despite all the delicacy, retinoic peeling should not be used for:

  • exacerbation of herpes of all types;
  • lactation, pregnancy;
  • skin rashes and inflammation;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • recent viral hepatitis;
  • individual intolerance to the constituent components.

Be careful! If you are planning a trip to the sea in hot countries, it is better to wait a little with yellow peeling.

Preparatory stage

It is the most important part of the procedure. If the preparation is carried out incorrectly or not carried out at all, it will be impossible to achieve the desired result.

Preparation for the yellow peeling procedure takes about two weeks, if the skin is dark or sensitive - up to four.

  1. First you need to undergo a medical examination with a study of the type of skin, its problems. They talk with the patient about the possible consequences, give recommendations for preparation.
  2. The client must state what effect you want to achieve. After that, the cosmetologist determines the concentration, type of peeling agents.
  3. Pre-peeling preparation can be done at home on your own or in the salon with a beautician. Its essence lies in the removal of dead skin cells with the help of special creams containing acid.
  4. Immediately on the day of peeling, it is imperative to soften the skin as much as possible so that beneficial substances penetrate into the deeper layer of the epidermis.

For a week, it is better to refuse to visit solariums and prolonged exposure to the open sun.

How is the procedure in the salon

Retinoic acid helps to restore the skin, its healing. Until a sustainable rejuvenation effect is obtained, judging by the reviews and photos of women who did yellow peeling, it is enough to spend 3-4 sessions.

After treatment, skin moisture returns to normal, bacterial activity is suppressed, elasticity and firmness increase.

The procedure itself consists of several stages:

  1. First, the skin is thoroughly cleansed, after which the cosmetologist pre-treats it with a solution containing chitosan, resorcinol, salicylic and glycolic acids.
  2. Then several layers of yellow peeling solution are applied to the patient, depending on the condition of the skin (from 1 to 10).
  3. With a special brush, carefully distribute the mixture over the entire surface.

The duration of the entire manipulation depends on the number of layers that will be applied. During the entire duration of the procedure the patient feels almost nothing, except for a slight burning sensation or tingling.

If the product is applied for a short time, it is washed off in the cosmetology office. The mixture, which is applied to the skin in the afternoon, is designed for long-term exposure - up to 12 hours. It is removed independently at home.

Post-peel care

Achieving the desired effect depends on how correctly the yellow peeling was carried out. Reviews (before and after photos are presented at the end of this article) are mostly positive, women note that the skin becomes smoother and more elastic, the general condition improves. Of particular importance is restorative skin care after the manipulation.

After peeling, you should use water-based or gel-based products.

The next day, there is a slight peeling and a feeling of tightness, which completely disappear after a while (usually 3-4 days). At that time It is advisable to use products that help moisturize the skin. They will help eliminate the discomfort that has appeared and will contribute to the exfoliation of the old layers of the epidermis.

For washing, it is better to use gel or water-based products. Recommends postponing some cosmetic procedures: hair coloring, permanent waving.

Note! With high solar activity, it is imperative to use a cream with a high sun protection factor, otherwise age spots may appear.

Is it possible to do retinoic peeling on your own?

Although yellow peeling - salon service, it is quite possible to carry it out on your own at home. The result is visible in the photo (after processing), and, according to reviews, it is no different from professional performance.

The main thing is to study the main points well before the procedure.

  1. To soften the skin, it is treated with a solution of glycolic acid.
  2. A yellow mask is immediately made with a peeling solution.
  3. After 30 minutes, a special neutralizing agent is applied. You may experience a tingling sensation, which will soon pass.
  4. After 8 hours, the composition is gently washed off with warm water.
  5. After the procedure, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer.

After 2-3 days, profuse peeling of the skin begins. Various soothing creams will help to cope with itching during this period.

Remember! If the rules for working with the mixture are not followed exactly, allergic reactions and severe skin burns are possible.

Received effect

Many women have already managed to like the yellow peeling that appeared not so long ago. Reviews, before and after photos confirm the fact that after it, the skin acquires a beautiful brown tint like after sunburn.

Yellow peeling is one of the most effective facial skin rejuvenation according to cosmetologists.

For two days, the skin exfoliates, the face acquires freshness and unusual smoothness. Acne, scars, various spots, enlarged pores are practically invisible.

Deep wrinkles become less pronounced, small facial wrinkles disappear. Besides, retinol peeling cleanses the skin, exerting an anti-inflammatory effect.

After retinoic peeling, pigmentation becomes lighter, skin relief improves.

At the same time, the stimulating effect of retinoids continues for the next 5-6 months.

For each individual client, the cosmetologist can choose an individual course - this is what this procedure is good for. Maximum rejuvenation can be achieved if several peeling courses are carried out leaving a gap of two weeks between them. The cosmetic effect lasts up to six months.

Vitamin A promotes youthfulness and elasticity of the skin.

Possible consequences

The ability of vitamin A to accumulate in the body can lead to negative consequences. In order to avoid an overdose of vitamin A, it is undesirable to use any skin care products without the appointment of a cosmetologist.

Plus, yellow peeling significantly lowers the immune response. The following reactions are possible:

  • an increase in body temperature for no apparent reason;
  • redness of the skin, the appearance of a rash, itching;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin to temperature changes and ultraviolet radiation;
  • the occurrence of edema (especially in people with sensitive skin);
  • exacerbation of chronic infections - for example, herpes;
  • appearance of hyperpigmentation.

Average prices for the service

One of the disadvantages of yellow peeling is its high cost. The price for one session varies between 5000 - 15000 rubles. It all depends on the means used in the process of carrying out the procedure, the qualifications of the master and the reputation of the beauty salon.

Yellow peeling, as you can see from the photo before and after it, gives a result.

Belongs to a cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to effectively renew the skin and, as a result, rejuvenate them. This happens due to a unique combination of chemical acids that safely affect the skin of the face, hands, neck, and décolleté. Due to the presence of vitamin A, the mask turns yellow when applied to the body.

Types of retinoic peels

In cosmetology, there are three types of analyzed peeling:

  1. Superficial - acid penetrates only into the upper layers of the epidermis, providing a gentle effect;
  2. Median - is used most often because it rejuvenates the skin. It acts on the upper layers of the epidermis and penetrates to the capillaries;
  3. Deep - reaches the reticular dermis. Its influence extends to dead and living cells. It cannot be done at home.

The difference between them is that the procedure will need to spend a different amount of time and sessions. So, peeling can be limited to a single visit and take only 30 minutes or be repeated over several days.

IMPORTANT! Only a doctor can determine the type of peeling.

Depending on the number of yellow peeling procedures, it can be divided into two more groups:

  • One-day - the procedure takes place within one day. The mask is applied in the morning, and washed off the face only after 12 hours;
  • Two-day - the product is applied to the skin several times over two days (before applying the next layer of the mixture, the master carefully wipes the previous one from the body). When the mask is applied for the last time, it will only need to be washed off after two hours. The final stage of the complex of procedures is a second visit to the beautician the next day and peeling again.


The main component of the mask is retinoic acid. This is an organic substance that has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Its properties are similar to retinol.

Additional components are also phytic, kojic, azelaic and ascorbic acid.

ATTENTION! Due to the fact that this mask belongs to a number of chemical ones, it should be done only under the supervision of a professional or entrusted with all the work to him.

Pros and cons

The positive properties of retinoic peeling are:

  1. Rejuvenating effect, which becomes noticeable after a few days;
  2. Restores damaged areas of the skin;
  3. Heals wounds after extrusion of blackheads;
  4. Removes age spots;
  5. Helps in the fight against dermatitis and psoriasis;
  6. Produces a brightening effect;
  7. Prevents the emergence and development of tumors;
  8. Protects the skin from various harmful bacteria and microorganisms, improves immunity;
  9. Suitable even for sensitive skin;
  10. Stimulates blood circulation in capillaries;
  11. Promotes saturation of cells with oxygen and other nutrients;
  12. Moisturizes the skin, retaining moisture in it;
  13. It is allowed to make a mask not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body (arms, back, décolleté).
  14. The results are noticeable within a few days.

Among the shortcomings it should be noted:

  • It is best to make such a mask in the fall or spring, because performing it in the summer season can provoke the appearance of age spots on the face;
  • It is impossible to carry out the procedure on unprepared areas of the skin. Depending on the type of skin, this may take from several days to a month;
  • After peeling, you may feel itching, excessive peeling.

Indications for use

Yellow peeling can be done on all skin types. Most often it is used from the age of 25. In some cases, if there are serious indications (acne), such a procedure can be performed earlier.

Women aged 35 and older make such a mask to restore youthfulness to the skin, to make the face attractive and fresh again. It is prescribed in such cases:

  • To eliminate dermatitis;
  • For narrowing pores, acne treatment;
  • On the eve of the operation concerning the correction of the face;
  • To eliminate small and deep wrinkles;
  • Prevents the aging process of the skin;
  • Helps to restore the skin to its former tone;
  • Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, so it is great for people with oily skin.

IMPORTANT! In the case when the body is covered with severe acne, yellow peeling is combined with vitamin A intake. This combination is prescribed only by a doctor if there is a really urgent need for this.

Useful video

How often can you do

Experts recommend repeating the procedure no more than once a month. However, it is important to remember that the effect of the peeling in question lasts about six months, so if there is no urgent need for it, you should not do it very often.


When deciding to make an analyzed mask on your face or other parts of the body, you need to remember that it has a number of contraindications:

  • The period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • Violations of the normal functioning of the liver;
  • Increased content of vitamin A in the body;
  • Taking antibiotics as a result of the presence of any viral diseases;
  • If there are violations of the integrity of the skin at the place of application of the mask (scratches, abrasions, wounds);
  • After a recent sunburn;
  • The presence on the body of fungal diseases, herpes;
  • Hypersensitivity to individual components of the mask, which can cause a severe allergic reaction or deterioration in health;
  • After chemotherapy.


The described procedure is carried out on the face, décolleté, back and arms. Before you start applying the mask to the skin, it must first be prepared in a special way. It takes a different amount of time (it can take 4 days or a month).

The main stages of preparation:

  1. Examination by specialists and testing, which would reveal possible negative reactions to the composition of the mask;
  2. If herpes often occurs on the face, you need to drink special medicines that will help cure this ailment;
  3. Regular application of cosmetics to the skin, which are dominated by an increased concentration of fruit acids;
  4. Preliminary carrying out of other peelings with fruit acids;
  5. The use of nourishing creams that would soften the skin well.

IMPORTANT! If you do not follow the recommendations of the cosmetologist regarding the preparatory stages, then it will not be possible to achieve the maximum result from the procedure in the end. You can only avoid them if you have very thin or sensitive skin.

All preliminary procedures are aimed at removing dead skin cells and softening it as best as possible. This is necessary in order to help retinoic and other acids perform their main functions better in the future.

A tan that appeared on the skin in less than a week can worsen the procedure. In addition, before peeling, you do not need to undergo laser procedures and stay in the sun for a long time.

Poll: Have you had this procedure?

Stages of the procedure

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Remove all make-up from your face with a make-up remover.
  • With a special brush, the beautician applies the mixture to the skin;

ATTENTION! You can not treat moles and warts.

  • After two hours, wash off with warm water (if the procedure is supposed to be completed in one go). In the event that the manipulations continue on the second day, the master applies the mask several more times during the first day and continues the procedure on the next;
  • Apply a moisturizer to the skin.

IMPORTANT! In order not to cause unpleasant consequences, you need to consult a specialist about how and after what period of time you need to wash off the mask.

Peeling in the salon

The procedure is carried out by a professional beautician. The sequence of his actions is as follows:

  1. Remove makeup;
  2. Wash the skin with warm water and soak with a dry cloth, removing all moisture;
  3. Cleanse the body with salicylic and glycolic acid;
  4. Apply peeling with a wide spatula or brush. The master prepares the mask himself from retinoic acid and additional components;
  5. IMPORTANT! In the event that the skin instantly turns red, the mixture is quickly washed off and a moisturizer is applied.
  6. After half an hour, the frozen mask is removed in the form of a film;
  7. The skin is rinsed with warm water and a product is applied that will have an increased level of UV protection.

In terms of time, the procedure takes a maximum of three hours, but the cosmetologist regulates this time himself. It all depends on the type of skin, the level of the problem and many other factors.


The price for the analyzed procedure in beauty salons ranges from 30 to 100 dollars (this is about 2 - 5 thousand rubles or 1000 - 2500 hryvnias). The type of peeling, the composition of the mask, the amount of material that will need to be used, and the problem with which the client addresses the master.

Peeling at home

It is allowed to carry out peeling on your own, if you first read all the recommendations of specialists. At least 14 days before the procedure, you should not sunbathe, go to the sauna or cleanse the skin with any means to remove dead cells from it.


  1. Wash off cosmetics from the face, cleanse with milk and degrease with tonic;
  2. If retinoic acid will be applied to the skin for the first time, it is necessary to buy its 5% solution. Subsequent times it is permissible to use a 10% solution;
  3. Wearing rubber gloves on your hands, spread the product on the skin with a soft brush. Leave the mask for 1-10 hours;
  4. ATTENTION! Be careful not to get acid on the eyelids and skin around the eyes.
  5. Wash off the mask with warm water using soap. In order to wash the agent as best as possible, a solution is first prepared from 200 ml of water at room temperature and 1 tsp. soda. You should not be afraid that the skin will become red and tight. After this peeling, a similar result is always observed;
  6. Using a moisturizer, apply it to the treated area in a thick layer;
  7. Over the next week, the skin will peel off in uneven pieces, which are strictly forbidden to peel off on your own. It is necessary to continue to use the cream until the epidermis is completely renewed;
  8. Remember to protect your skin from direct sunlight. Lubricate with a special cream.

Restored skin acquires a pleasant shade, becomes toned and healthy, its general condition noticeably improves.

Care after the procedure

After the procedure is completed, redness and peeling will appear, which must be properly disposed of. A number of simple activities that do not require a lot of money will help in this.


The rehabilitation period lasts no more than seven days. This is explained by the sparing nature of yellow peeling, thanks to which it has gained wide popularity among women and men.

How to smear

Preference is given to soothing ointments (panthenol, bepanten and others). Regularly you will have to use moisturizing creams that are applied in a thick ball to the skin. Use continues until the peeling process stops.

What Not to Do

The next day after peeling is prohibited:

  • Visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium;
  • Drink alcohol, too spicy, salty foods;
  • To dye hair;
  • Use foundation, scrubs;
  • When the skin peels off, you can not tear it off the body.
