What is harmful abstinence of men. Sexual abstinence is, in the scientific medical language, sexual abstinence or deprivation, characterized by a forced state of rest in sexual life.

Someone is simply unusual for endless exploits in bed, and someone does not have a partner for a long time, because it is quite difficult to find a suitable one.

It is impossible to expect the same activity from people with different personality types - melancholic and choleric people cannot behave in the same way in bed. For the first, prolonged abstinence will be just a break in intimate life, and for the second, it can bring real stress. The period after which the absence of sexual life begins to affect the body is different for everyone and depends on the individual characteristics of the individual.

Even scientists distinguish several types of sexual constitution - strong, medium and weak. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider sexuality as a trait that is equally common to all.

Approximately upon reaching the age of 30, sexual activity begins to decline, and after 60 years, many leave this path completely. Thus, the older the age, the more logical it is to call breaks in intimate life pauses, and not abstinence.

Again, initially you need to listen to the desires of your body, and not have sex just for the sake of health. For example, in women after 35 years of age, extraordinary sensuality often wakes up and not the quantity of sex, but its quality, comes first.

In family life, according to statistics, with an increase in experience, the number of sexual acts for a certain period of time decreases. As a rule, this happens by mutual tacit agreement. But if the decrease in activity causes inconvenience to one of the spouses, it is necessary not to be silent, but to negotiate. Otherwise, physical and psychological discomfort to both cannot be avoided.

All stories and myths about the dangers of abstinence are greatly exaggerated. However, it has been noticed that after several months of lack of sexual activity, the fair sex is more likely to experience attacks of vegetovascular dystonia and cases of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs due to blood stasis. In men, there is a dependence of sperm motility and viability on the duration of the break. The longer the break, the lazier the spermatozoa.

The psychological consequences depend on a different perception of intimate life. If sex is perceived as a physical discharge, then in the absence of a partner, it is possible to reach the discharge on your own. If the process is inextricably linked with one's own self-esteem and sex is perceived solely as a sense of one's own significance, then everything is more complicated here. Only a permanent partner can then maintain a favorable moral environment.

What does abstinence mean?

Sexual abstinence is, in the scientific medical language, sexual abstinence or deprivation, characterized by a forced state of rest in sexual life. The reasons for abstinence can be different:

  • health status;

  • lack of a partner for sexual relations;

  • spiritual practices;

  • celibacy dinner (celibacy);

  • upcoming competitions for athletes;

  • asexuality;

  • individual personal reasons.

Abstinence types:

  1. Partial abstinence- the impossibility of real sexual intercourse is compensated by masturbation or nocturnal emissions in men (spontaneous ejaculation).

  2. total abstinence- sexual activity in all manifestations is completely absent.

What is abstinence for?

The justification for abstinence comes from the reasons that caused this state. A short break in sexual life helps to shake up the feelings of partners and enhances their attractiveness for each other. Long abstinence is necessary to restore strength during and after serious illnesses, when all energy is aimed at restoring balance in the body and wasting strength during sexual intercourse can aggravate a person's condition. Conscious sexual total abstinence or celibacy is asceticism, which is an important condition in the practice of spirituality in some religions.

Abstinence in women

For women, harmonious sexual intimacy with a partner is the key to a stable happy relationship. In closeness, a woman blossoms and creates a positive energy background around her. Abstinence from sex is more common for women due to their physiological characteristics: menstrual period, pregnancy. The fair sex with a high level of sexual temperament (choleric, sanguine) hardly endure periods of abstinence, unlike phlegmatic and melancholic women.

The benefits of abstinence in women

Long-term abstinence from sex in women with a low level of sexual temperament does not have any negative effect and even stabilizes the activity of the nervous system. During the period of menstruation, a sexual pause allows you to avoid the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the uterine cavity, which is vulnerable these days. It is important to remember that short-term sexual abstinence for a number of reasons is not a reason to despair, but an opportunity to focus on positive aspects:

  1. Feeling renewal. With the next intimacy, the perception of relationships is aggravated, everything happens on a “new” wave, with a more intense range of feelings.

  2. Sublimation is the process of transforming unspent sexual energy into creation or creation. Creation of works of art, new projects, gushing of ideas.

  3. Abstinence, as a necessity during pregnancy - in the I and III trimesters with the threat of miscarriage. Motherhood is an important component of a woman's family happiness, and the benefits of abstinence are obvious here.

Abstinence in women - consequences

Sexual abstinence in girls and young women does not lead to any serious problems, but when a woman has been leading an active sexual life for a long time, sexual abstinence without a good reason can cause a different heap of problems and ailments “prescribed” in the body on physical and mental levels. The consequences of abstinence can be as follows:

  • general hormonal imbalance;

  • obesity;

  • congestion in the pelvis contributing to the formation of varicose veins;

  • growth of tumors (myoma, fibromyoma, mastopathy);

  • thyroid disease;

  • decrease in the number of immune cells;

  • pronounced premenstrual syndrome;

  • high emotional lability;

  • change of character for the worse: rigidity, criticality, callousness;

  • sexual coldness;

  • discord in relationships between partners due to lack of intimacy.

Abstinence in men

With men, everything is more complicated, by nature, representatives of the strong think more about sex, and physiology immediately makes itself felt with excitement. Most men can become aroused several times during the day. Abstinence is more difficult for men than for women. Forced sexual abstinence is very difficult to tolerate by hypersexual representatives. During the absence of a partner, men tend to resort to masturbation more often than women.

Benefits of abstinence for men

Whether sexual deprivation is useful or not for men is not an unequivocal opinion. A slight lack of sex does not cause significant harm, but it also has its advantages. The benefits of abstinence are obvious in the following cases:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases - in old age, frequent sexual intercourse puts a significant strain on the heart, there is often a case of death during sex from a heart attack or stroke.

  2. The risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases - momentary pleasure is fraught with consequences that threaten health and life. Sex without commitment at parties, more than once made men repent.

  3. Careful attitude to the resources of your body. Recent studies by foreign biologists have fundamentally dispelled the misconception that abstinence is dangerous. Studying the composition of sperm, scientists came to the conclusion that for the body it is a necessary substance containing lecithin, phosphorus, calcium and proteins. With frequent sexual intercourse, the body loses these vital resources, as a result, the central nervous system suffers and is depleted. To believe this fact or not, each man decides for himself.

  4. Improving spermatogenesis and sperm composition. A few days of abstinence before the planned conception contribute to an increase in sperm activity, increasing the chances of fertilization. There is also an opposite opinion.

Prolonged abstinence of men - consequences

Whether abstinence is harmful for men, there is no definite answer, everything is individual, but if we consider the average statistics that paint a portrait of an active man in the prime of life and potency, and this is the vast majority of young men, then forced abstinence gives disappointing forecasts for health. Possible consequences of sexual withdrawal:

  • a persistent decrease in sexual desire, as such, after a long abstinence;

  • premature ejaculation;

  • development of neuroses and inferiority complex;

  • fear of new acquaintances;

  • nervousness and aggression;

  • suppression of the formation of prostate secretion;

  • varicose veins of the scrotum;

  • tumors (prostate adenoma, testicular cancer);

  • impotence.

Abstinence in sports

Sexual deprivation in sports dates back to ancient times, when military commanders noticed that warriors who were not in a relationship performed better in competitions and on the battlefield. So there was a strong opinion that an athlete before training should focus on the result as much as possible. It is known that boxer Mohammed Ali observed abstinence for up to a month and a half before fights.

Abstinence in bodybuilding plays a significant role, although there are conflicting opinions on this matter. Abstinence and muscle growth are linked by the fact that with excessive sexual activity, the level of testosterone, which affects the increase in muscle mass, drops dramatically, and prolactin, the female hormone, is produced instead. Experienced athletes know that sex is useful only after a workout or competition, but not before them.

How to learn abstinence?

If for some reason a person has decided on a temporary sexual respite (fasting, spiritual practices, parting with a loved one for the duration of a business trip), how can you go through this period less painfully and learn to reduce the intensity of passions? It is important to remember that moderate abstinence from sexual activity is sometimes beneficial for the body.

What can help abstinence practitioners:

  • focus on spiritual growth and self-improvement;

  • develop during this period creative abilities and creativity;

  • practice various meditation techniques (contemplation, dynamic meditations according to Osho);

  • engage in an active sport.

Abstinence myths

Sexual abstinence is shrouded in various conjectures and stereotypes. There are the following myths about abstinence:

  1. Lack of sex can cause schizophrenia, forms a tendency to pedophilia and bestiality. This is not true, since these manifestations are often based on endogenous congenital abnormalities.

  2. Long abstinence in men and women can cause premature menopause. Yes, there is such a thing as male menopause. It is believed that this myth was created by pharmaceutical companies to better sell condoms.

  3. Transformation of sexual energy into creative energy during abstinence. This is partly true, if a person is inherently creative and obsessed with ideas, a period of slight abstinence for him passes painlessly, for everyone else, sexual pauses cause at least discomfort.

    Many religions of the world present sexual abstinence for a man as a way to cleanse the mind, a source of spiritual strength. In Orthodoxy, this phenomenon is preached during fasts. Tibetan monks transform sexual energy into a different form. This energy is the most powerful, so they increase the possibilities of their body, spirit and psychological state. There is a lot of controversy around this issue, because it is difficult for a person to abstain from sex.

    What is sexual abstinence?

    This phenomenon is in the form of a refusal, in our case, a man, from sexual contacts with representatives of the opposite sex. There are no fixed deadlines for abstinence. This concept is individual. It all depends on the individual. Men can be divided into two groups: those who are sexually active and those who can abstain from sex for a long time. The body is influenced by many factors that in one way or another will affect this male trait. Such factors can be regular sports, climate, environmental conditions, human temperament, in the end, the very construction of the body.

    There is forced and voluntary abstinence. The first is more harmful, because the man is in those circumstances when he cannot have sexual contact, although he really wants to. An example of such circumstances can be a certain illness, remoteness from society, a busy schedule, and more. You need to calm yourself, suggesting and believing that after a certain time, he will be able to have sex as much as he wants. This will protect the person from stress.

    How abstinence affects the body of a man: benefits and harms

    Some representatives of a strong position practice sexual abstinence before conception of an egg. This can be explained by the fact that during a break from sex, the body accumulates spermatozoa, there are a lot of them. A person does not spend them, and during sexual intercourse there is a high probability that one of these spermatozoa will enter the egg. However, such actions need to be carefully considered. The process of abstinence should not be longer than 7 days.

    Many athletes report that by abstaining from sexual intercourse before competitions and during training, they have more energy and better results. The fact is that the beneficial substances that leave the body along with sperm remain in it and saturate it throughout the training camp and competitions.

    Prolonged sexual abstinence for men affects their feelings. They become aggravated, and sexual desire increases. With the next sex there will be much more pleasure than with constant bodily pleasures. Creative people often practice abstinence to improve their performance. They have great impulses to create beauty.

    A man feels weak immediately after intercourse, his immunity worsens, he doesn’t want to do anything. Useful substances come out, and it takes time to restore them.

    Consequences of sexual abstinence

    The above positive facts will never cover all the negative aspects for the male body when abstaining from sex. Regardless of the individuality of the person, there will be harm in any case. The difference is only in the time that must pass before these consequences. So there is a possibility of having the following problems:

    • Deterioration of sperm quality;
    • Prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
    • phobias;
    • Cardiovascular diseases;
    • neurological disorders;
    • Impotence.

    There is another negative point that can hit a man's dignity very hard - this is a reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse. With prolonged abstinence, a change in personality occurs, which can even lead to a change in sexual orientation. This is not all the harm that irregular sexual intercourse can cause.

    The opinion of official medicine for and against abstinence

    The body constantly produces the necessary hormones. Only with a regular sex life can hormonal balance be maintained. If this system fails, the entire life process suffers. Sperm during abstinence continues to accumulate. The body needs to get rid of it. Loading the brain, he is looking for ways to do this. A man becomes irritated, he becomes aggressive and not restrained.

    The brain finds a way out of this situation, and programs the body to get rid of excess sperm during sleep through nocturnal emissions. Realizing that there is a lot of sperm, he gives a signal to block its production. Congestion in the prostate leads to erectile dysfunction.

    The male genital organ, like most other organs, requires constant portions of oxygen. They enter the body during ejaculation and erection. With age, the vessels are filled with a large amount of cholesterol, which prevents oxygen from entering the penis. In other words, men over 50 need to have sex or self-pleasure as often as possible. The practice of sexual abstinence for such people is absolutely not needed.

    Medical studies show that sexually active people after 10 days of not having sex begin to feel the negative consequences. Therefore, it is desirable to engage in sexual activity once or several times a week at least. People over 45 need sex 2-3 times a week.

    At the same time, it should not be abused.

    • Frequent sex leads to nervous breakdowns, poor condition.
    • The body pushes protein, lecithin, cholesterol, phosphorus and other substances out of itself.
    • Irresponsible sexual relations without contraceptives can lead to terrible diseases, the final stage of which is death.

    Therefore, in some cases it is better to refrain from intimacy with a little-known person.

    Sex is a good way to keep yourself and your partner healthy. Those who regularly have sex are less likely to have problems with the cardiovascular system. After all, sexual intercourse is a good way to improve blood circulation. It also has a plus from a sports point of view, since a large number of calories are burned during sex.

    In any case, your body knows better what it needs. The main thing is that long abstinence does not harm him. There are people who may not have sexual contact for up to several months. And such a period does not threaten them. You yourself must feel the change in yourself. It is better to choose the "golden mean" in this matter. As the saying goes: "What is excessive is not healthy." You must have the necessary information, regardless of your actions.

    It is now widely believed in society and even among physicians that the physiological benefits of abstinence are mere medieval religious superstitions and scientific ignorance, and this is incompatible with modern knowledge of physiology.

    Some doctors use this idea for their own commercial gain and create a fear in society of abstinence, which allegedly causes diseases of the nervous system and adversely affects general health. Based on this belief, doctors and psychoanalysts sometimes go so far as to advise young men to use the services of prostitutes, arguing that the risk of catching a venereal disease is incomparable to the detrimental effect on the nervous system from long abstinence.

    Further study of this article, however, should convince any sane reader that everything written above is a lie, and that abstinence, in fact, cannot harm, but rather is useful; and that when there are any health problems in non-sexual people, it is only the result of unhealthy sexual behavior. Given the fact that sperm is very rich in such substances as lecithin, cholesterol, phosphorus, it becomes clear that the loss of these valuable substances, together with malnutrition, is the cause of disorders of the nervous system and brain, and not abstinence, contrary to the absurd statements of corrupt psychoanalysts .

    We have seen that the secretions of the sex glands are the basis for the vital energy of man, both physical and mental. This is achieved through the reabsorption of sperm. Saving sperm means saving sex hormones and increasing energy, while losing sperm means losing hormones and decreasing energy. Chronic deficiency of sex hormones leads to symptoms of aging. Sperm is a viscous liquid with an alkaline reaction, very rich in calcium and phosphorus, as well as lecithin, cholesterol, protein, iron, vitamin E, etc. A man loses about 226 million spermatozoa in one ejaculation , which contain a large amount of lecithin, cholesterol, proteins and iron. One ounce of semen is equal in value to 60 ounces of blood. In this regard, Dr. Frederick McCann is convinced that the seed does indeed have great potential, as ancient scientists claimed.

    Sperm contains substances of high physiological value, especially for the nutrition of brain tissue and the nervous system. It is known that the absorption of sperm through the wall of the female vagina has a very positive effect on the female body, the same should take place in the body of a man in which this seed is stored. Conversely, the loss of sperm should deprive the body of vital energy and valuable substances necessary for the nourishment of nerve cells, such as lecithin, which has been used therapeutically with great success to cure neurasthenia as a result of sexual excesses.

    Here are some facts that demonstrate the benefits of abstinence:

    1. The chemical composition of sperm is very close to the composition of the cells of the central nervous system (especially cholesterol, lecithin and phosphorus).

    2. Excessive loss of semen (through intercourse, coitus coitus, coitus coitus using contraception) is debilitating and harmful to the body and brain.

    3. Excessive unintentional loss of semen (nocturnal emissions, spermatorrhea, etc.) adversely affects the nervous system and can cause neurasthenia.

    4. Studies have shown that orgasm depresses the nervous system for some time, and if abused, it often leads to chronic nervous diseases (sexual neurasthenia)

    5. Abstinence is good for the brain (since valuable lecithin, which is one of the most important components of the brain, is preserved). Many great geniuses practiced abstinence, among them Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nietzsche, Spinoza, Newton, Kant, Beethoven, Wagner, Spencer and others.

    6. The experiments of Professor Brown Saquard and Professor Steinak prove the rejuvenating effect of the male seed.

    7. Leading physiologists, urologists, urogenital specialists, neuropathologists, psychiatrists, sexologists, gynecologists and endocrinologists confirm the physiological value of abstinence. Among them are Moll, Kraepelin, Marshall, Lydston, Talmey and others.

    Professor von Gruber München, an eminent sexologist, says it is absurd to think of semen as a harmful, unnecessary secretion like urine that needs to be excreted regularly. Sperm is a vital fluid that is not only reused by the body during sexual abstinence, but through this reabsorption, has a positive effect on physiological health, as confirmed by great geniuses who have practiced total abstinence for most of their lives. Dr. Bernard S. Talmy, an eminent American gynecologist, is of the same view, and holds that semen, in the absence of stimuli, is completely absorbed through the seminal vesicles, thereby making abstinence easy and habitual over time.

    Professor Alfred Fournier, the famous physiologist, ridicules the idea of ​​"the dangers of abstinence for the young man", and that in his many years of medical practice, he never encountered any such case. Professor Montegazza, on the other hand, is convinced of the positive effects of chastity on both the body and the brain. Dr. John Harvey Kellogg cites many famous athletes of ancient Greece (like Astylos, Dopompos and others mentioned by Plato) practicing total abstinence during their training, which contributed to their unusually high energy levels. Professor Furbringer, a flamboyant German researcher, writes: "Sexual abstinence, contrary to the opinion of modern medicine, is not harmful to health." He writes that problems for bachelors arise not at all because of abstinence, but because of masturbation and other forms of satisfaction of lust. Krafft-Ebing, a sex specialist, dismisses the "diseases of continence" as a myth.

    The gynecologist, Loewenfeld, considers it quite possible for a healthy person to live in complete abstinence without any side effects. Professor, endocrinologist F.G. Lydston of the University of Illinois: “Abstinence can never be harmful. Moreover, the retention of semen in the testicles often has a positive effect on physical and mental energies. Chassaignac states that the healthier a person is, the easier it is for him to practice complete abstinence; only pathologically ill people with an unhealthy nervous system find it difficult to abstinence. The famous researcher, Acton, writes that the common misconception about abstinence as the cause of genital atrophy and impotence is a serious mistake.

    Convincing evidence for the benefits of abstinence comes from research on sexual orgasm. Havelock Ellis, in his "Studies in the Psychology of Sex", refers to the research of Dr. FB Robinson. He notes that when a stallion is first allowed near a mare, after a short vigorous copulation, the stallion often loses consciousness, the cause of which Robinson sees as the cerebral anemia thus produced. He mentions one case when, after copulation, the stallion fell dead. Young bulls also often lose consciousness after the first connection with a cow, and it is very common to see a young bull so exhausted that he crawls into a quiet corner and lies there for several hours. However, dogs do not faint during copulation because they have longer intercourse, and dogs do not have any seminal vesicles. As for the boar, the orgasm in these animals is so strong that it seems as if the animal is experiencing a strong pain shock, from which, after copulation, it cannot move away for several hours. Havelock Ellis writes:

    “By understanding how big the effect of detumescence (cessation of erection after ejaculation and orgasm, approx.), We can explain the occurrence of serious consequences after copulation. Young bulls and stallions fainted after the first copulation; boars can be seriously harmed after copulation; stallions, it was said, even died. In humans (males), the time of detumescence lasts somewhat longer, however, numerous accidents after sexual intercourse are known, which are the result of vascular and muscle spasms involved in the process of detumescence. Fainting, vomiting, and urge to urinate often occur in young people after their first copulation . Epilepsy was rare. Sometimes there were lesions of various organs, even rupture of the spleen. Men of mature age have had brain bleeding after intercourse as a result of their inability to resist high blood pressure. In older men, intercourse often caused death, there are many examples of old men dying after intercourse with their young wives or prostitutes.

    The famous Russian general Skobelev died while cohabiting with a young girl, possibly a prostitute. Researcher Robinson draws attention to the case of a judge who died shortly after having an affair with a girl in a brothel, and to the case of a man in his seventies who died after having intercourse with a prostitute. Such sad cases usually occur with older men as a result of sexual intercourse with young girls.

    Acton, the famous medical researcher, writes that in some people, orgasm is accompanied by processes that resemble a mild form of epilepsy. After sexual intercourse, the nervous system becomes exhausted for a while. This has also been observed while observing the rabbits, who, after each copulation, fell into a fit of mild epilepsy, rolled their eyes. Animals often made several spasmodic convulsions with their hind limbs, suffocated for some time, until the nervous system was restored. Acton mentions deaths that have occurred in brothels as a result of the adverse effects of orgasm on the nervous system and on the body in general, especially in sensitive people.

    Geddes and Thomson, in their book, "The Development of Sex", address the fact that some spider species die after the female has been fertilized. The same cases occur in some types of insects.

    After sexual intercourse, any living creature lowers the threshold of resistance to diseases for a while, fatigue and a decrease in energy occur.

    “Reproduction (reproduction) is the beginning of death. The loss of lecithin and phosphorus with each loss of semen in any case leads to a temporary deficiency of these substances in the body, as a result of which the nervous system and brain suffer first of all. Psychiatric hospitals are overflowing with patients affected by excessive sexual activity. The lack of lecithin is very detrimental to the brain, measurements showed its deficiency in all mentally unhealthy people.

    The greatest geniuses of antiquity and modernity reached the peak of their creativity precisely during forced abstinence. An example is Dante, who wrote The Divine Comedy while in exile, Miguel de Cervantes wrote Don Quixote in prison. Milton wrote Paradise Lost while blind and unable to have sex. Newton kept his mind alive until the age of 80 thanks to abstinence, the same can be said about L. Da Vinci, Michelangelo and many other great geniuses.

    After every loss of sperm, you lose all the best in the body, every drop of sperm lost will be compensated from your blood. Sperm must be re-absorbed by the body and become the material for the formation of healthy muscles, joints, bones and brain. By throwing away sperm, you are throwing away your life.

    When you see such phenomena as paralysis, apoplexy, rheumatism, diseases of the brain, a tired, exhausted face, stooped shoulders, when young people turn into old men ahead of time, you can be sure that this is the result of excessive loss of semen and the harmful effects of orgasm, sexual intercourse abuse .

    You will observe these effects all around you. The consequences will be denied, all diseases of the body will be attributed to any other cause, but we assure you that nothing is so debilitating as excessive sexual activity, and any sexual intercourse is an excess if it does not carry the goal of conceiving children.

    The consequences for disobedience to this law are a shortening of life and an increase in diseases, examples of which can be seen everywhere.

    According to Acton, the sexual orgasm resembles an epileptic seizure in both its manifestations and its effects. Mental weakness and physical exhaustion are always companions of sexual orgasm. Acton says that only very healthy mature men can endure a moderate sexual life without consequences. In young people, all vital forces must be preserved for growth and development.

    Dr. Ryan writes that sexual intercourse can be compared to an electric shock; both the mind and the body are under its influence, the influence is so great that a person does not hear or see anything for several seconds, and some people even lose their lives after sexual intercourse. That is why sexual intercourse is dangerous after severe wounds, bleeding, etc. Here is how Rouband describes the effects of sexual orgasm, comparing it to a mild epileptic seizure:

    The circulation is accelerated, the beating of the arteries is increased, the venous blood, blocked by muscular contractions, increases the general temperature of the body, and this temporary stagnation, especially in the brain, as a result of contraction of the muscles of the neck and sometimes throwing the head back, causes a sharp accumulation of blood in the brain tissue, at this time the perception of the surrounding world is lost, the ability to think is suspended. The eyes take on a characteristic haggard, inflamed appearance. Often the eyes during orgasm are completely spasmodically closed to avoid contact with light. Respiration is quickened, sometimes interrupted, and may be stopped altogether by spasmodic contractions of the larynx, and the air, compressed for a while, is finally emitted in the form of groans or snatches of words. The jaws, strongly compressed, often injure the partner's teeth, lips, or even shoulders. This insane state lasts a very short period, but this time is enough to exhaust the forces of the organism, especially the person.

    Professor Lidston believes that the consequences of sexual excesses are similar to the consequences, in both cases there is a change in the composition of the blood and general metabolism, as a result of the loss of lecithin, cholesterol, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc. It is now widely believed that, unlike masturbation, sexual intercourse is harmless under any conditions and in any quantities. However, Lidstone strongly opposes this claim. He believes that sexual excess is the most common cause of many diseases of modern society. Moreover, according to the professor, sexual excesses adversely affect not only the male, but also the female body.

    Here is how Tissot describes the consequences of sexual excesses:

    Sexual excesses disrupt the activity of almost all organs ... Digestion and sweating are disturbed. There are rheumatic pains, characteristic weakness in the back (violation of posture), underdevelopment of the genital organs, loss of appetite, headache, etc. In a word, nothing shortens life so much as the abuse of sexual pleasures.

    Dr. Talmy states that frequent sexual intercourse leads to anemia, asthenia of muscles and nerves, indigestion of food, malnutrition, mental exhaustion. People who are excessively fond of sexual pleasures can be recognized by their pale, elongated, flabby faces, which are sometimes tense in a special way. These people are depressed and usually completely unsuited for any laborious long-term physical or mental work.

    Professor von Grubber believes that the frequent loss of seminal fluid leads to a "reduction of the specific internal secretion of the testicles", which would otherwise enter the bloodstream. Depression, fatigue and general exhaustion, feeling of pressure in the head, insomnia, ringing in the ears, spots before the eyes, fear of bright light, trembling, excessive sweating, muscle weakness, memory loss, neurasthenia, inability to mentally and physically work, reduced digestion efficiency, - these are, according to the professor, the consequences of sexual excesses for a man.

    What is excess? Any sexual intercourse that does not carry the goal of conceiving children is, in fact, an excess. The man is sexually perverted. He is the only animal that supports prostitution, the only animal that is demoralized by all forms of sexual perversion, the only animal whose man (male) attacks women (female), the only animal where a woman's desire is not law, the only one who does not use his sexual energy in harmony, as nature intended.
    Of all mammals, only civilized man suffers from a self-invented cult of sexual satisfaction, unhealthy sexual excesses. Wild animals mate only at certain times of the year, and only for the purpose of reproduction. Civilized man practices this act always, and in most cases without the purpose of conception.

    On the other hand, as Havelock Ellis notes, the more primitive human races, who lead a more natural way of life, are much more chaste and do not suffer from sexual excesses. This should suggest that the sex life of civilized men is unnatural, and that the overexertion of sexual activity among them is not at all due to a natural instinct, but due to artificially imposed social incentives, as well as due to a high-protein diet (along with lack of physical movement), tobacco, alcohol and coffee, sexually stimulating literature, movies, conversations, etc. This may well be the explanation why civilized people have inferior offspring much more often than primitive peoples (savages) and animals.

    The ancient Spartans were a people with a high level of sexual ethics, who practiced abstaining from sexual excesses. Men and women lived apart, even when they were married.

    In order to preserve the chastity that Lykergus (Sparta's legislator) considered essential to the energy of the Spartan race, he (Lykergus) forbade the consumption of meat and other stimulating foods, and instituted a vegetarian diet. Alcohol was also banned. Lykergus also forbade eating at home, so that the people of Sparta would eat only at the collective public tables, thus controlling their diet, he was able to control their ethics. The people of Sparta became famous throughout the world for their morality, courage, physical and mental development.

    IS ABTEINTENANCE HARMFUL FOR MEN. It is no secret that in the life of every man there come moments when you have to refrain from sexual pleasures. Service in the army, long business trips, pregnancy or illness of the wife, absence of a partner, etc. There are many reasons for male abstinence. And if for some this is not a tragedy, then others experience the lack of sex quite hard. The question arises: how harmful are such "time-outs" for men and what is generally included in the concept of sexual abstinence? Is it worth worrying about your health at a time when sexual abstinence is caused by forced family circumstances? We will answer all these and many other questions in our today's publication. Let's start with the fact that, unlike female abstinence, which is of a conscious nature (as a rule, female representatives are very selective about their sexual partner compared to men), male abstinence is forced. Military service, long term imprisonment, etc. leads to the fact that a man is simply forced to stay in the absence of a female company. Moreover, the reasons for long-term abstinence in men can also be attributed to the banal - the lack of skills or self-confidence. Simply put, many men are simply afraid of intimacy. And here there is already not only a physical, but also a psychological component of sexual abstinence in men. However, whatever the reasons for the long absence of sex, every specialist will say that it is very harmful. Why? Let's figure it out. First, the male reproductive system suffers from prolonged abstinence. Those men who are at the age of peak sexual activity are especially at risk. Many men resort to masturbation in this case, but it is not recommended to use this method systematically, since frequent onanism will simply lead to complete impotence when you find yourself in bed with a woman. Lack of erection in this case is also a fairly common problem. Secondly, after a period of prolonged sexual abstinence, problems with ejaculation and the duration of the act may begin. Most often, men after a long absence of sex complain that sexual intercourse ends very, very quickly. Naturally, the partner is also unlikely to enjoy such sex. Thirdly, the cardiovascular system of men also suffers from a lack of sex. It's no secret that sex is a different prevention of various diseases. Moreover, regular sex allows you to burn calories, so without sex, a man can gain weight very quickly. However, not only these three aspects explain the harm of male continence. The psychological aspect of abstinence most often hits a man's self-esteem. After all, every man wants to be a successful lover and be proud of his sexual exploits. It should also be noted that male abstinence is a stress for the body, which accumulates over time and eventually “poured out” with dissatisfaction with one’s life, depression, aggressiveness or chronic fatigue. How to survive sexual abstinence with the least loss? We will talk about this further. Since no man is immune from abstinence, in order to survive this period as easily and without loss as possible, you should simply redirect your unspent energy in another direction. For example, putting in more effort at work, discovering a new hobby, getting a new profession, etc. The fact is that sexual energy is very well transformed into creative energy, so the period of sexual abstinence can be a great opportunity for self-development. Physical activity will also help to cope with the negative psychological state of a man during the period of sexual abstinence. First, sport relieves stress and promotes the release of aggression. And secondly, during sports, the hormone of happiness is produced. Well, and finally, if it is already completely “unbearable”, then masturbation in reasonable quantities is allowed with prolonged sexual abstinence. Sometimes masturbation can be beneficial as it helps to relax, loosen up and get to know your body. However, this situation must be kept under control so that it does not develop into a disease, when you want to constantly engage in self-satisfaction. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a long-term rejection of sexual life is undoubtedly harmful to men, however, if you follow the above recommendations, then it can be experienced with the least "loss". Take care of yourself and be healthy!

    BENEFITS AND HARMS OF ABstinence FOR MEN. Regular intimate life allows you to always stay in a good mood, provides emotional and physical relaxation, and also affects your overall health. Not having sex can lead to some changes. Sexologists divide abstinence into voluntary and involuntary, as well as according to social and age data. The first group should include teenagers, young boys and girls who have just begun to form as individuals. Of course, their sexual contacts are irregular, and the intervals between them can range from several weeks to several months. However, the body requires relaxation, and this manifests itself in nervous behavior, inconsistent actions and psychosis. Specialists explain the increased irritability with the usual spermotoxicosis and unsatisfied libido. Energy needs to be released, and young people begin to go "for exploits." For example, they greatly exceed the speed limit when driving a car or motorcycle. Forced abstinence also occurs in those men who do not have enough money or are naturally shy. The first step is to develop the ability to persuade and communicate. It is not at all surprising that men who are successful at work are also successful with women. But with shyness you need to fight and work on yourself. So you will not only find a sexual partner, but also make your way in life. Some specialists in psychology do not recognize voluntary abstinence at all, they believe that there are either serious reasons of an external nature, or deviations in the psyche. Many people believe that if a man cannot conceive a child for a long time, he should refrain from sexual contact. Then the probability of successful conception will greatly increase. This fact is explained by the fact that during sexual abstinence in the body of a man germ cells accumulate. In some cases, this gives positive results. However, this method has opponents who argue that men who regularly lead an active sex life have a much higher sperm quality than those who refuse intimacy with a woman. As the results of scientific studies in Israel have shown, abstinence from sperm donors just before the delivery of this fluid significantly reduces its quality. During the experiment, scientists took more than 7 thousand samples of seminal fluid and found that after a long-term refusal to have sex, only its volume increases, but this is not at all a guarantee for successful conception. In addition, sperm motility is greatly reduced. According to modern medicine, in most cases, abstinence in men causes damage to health. Regular sex life has a positive effect on the endocrine system and strengthens the heart muscle. Sex is especially important for men over 40. Abstinence at this age can lead to the development of congestion, prostatitis, adenoma, and the risk of a cancerous tumor also increases. Healthy sexual relations are the key to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Consequences of sexual abstinence for men The duration of sexual abstinence, first of all, depends on the person himself, his character, habits and way of life. Some consider abstinence a period of absence of sexual activity from a month to several years, and for some one night is enough. Scientists have found that the effect of abstinence directly depends on the level of sexual desire and the state of sexual health. It is easy to give up sex for those men who have a "low" level of sexual desire. Each sexual act causes physiological changes in the human body, which as a result have a positive effect on the following sexual acts. Sexual relationships need skill and training from the psychological side, and with sexual abstinence you can’t get it. Refusal of sexual life can cause congestive prostatitis. Doctors say that the most effective prevention of this disease is frequent ejaculation, since the prostate is cleared during ejaculation. In addition, for effective functioning, the male genital organ needs oxygen, like other organs. The reproductive organ receives oxygen due to the occurrence of an erection. The vessels of the penis become clogged with cholesterol over time, which prevents the normal supply of oxygen, and the activity of the male “dignity” also decreases. Regular sexual intercourse will help restore the activity of the penis. Abstinence also becomes the cause of other equally negative processes that lead to a decrease in potency. Already after 10-12 days of abstinence, unused sperm begins to split and dissolve, after which it is absorbed by the body, and this has a very negative effect on sperm activity. Regular refusal to have sex even for two days can adversely affect the health of your future children, and not yet the ability to get full satisfaction from sexual contact. It is also worth noting that approximately 60-80% of neuroses in both men and women arise due to the fact that they do not pay enough attention to sexual relations. For the same reason, there is a decrease in performance by 70-80%. After prolonged abstinence, a man's sexual intercourse is reduced, but with repeated contacts, this function is restored. Each period of return to the usual mode of sexual activity is individual, for some it can be half an hour, while for others it can be a week. It is better not to deprive yourself of sexual pleasure, the more it has been proven that during abstinence a person becomes depressed, irritable, lethargic and depressive. Separation from a wife or girlfriend can be the only significant reason.
