What you need to pack for school. Don't ignore School Fairs

A little more - and your first grader will go to school. What will he need, and what can he do without? Let's go shopping!

When shopping for school supplies, take your child with you. Not all children like to go shopping, but then you won’t have to run there a second time to exchange a briefcase you don’t like or shoes that don’t fit. It is better to go shopping in the morning - after lunch there are more people and in shopping centers, and in transport, it is tiring for the child. Often a list of everything necessary parents receive when a child is enrolled in first grade. If you were not given any instructions, it doesn’t matter. Here is a list of what you need to buy for school.

- School uniform
Some schools allow children to go to ordinary clothes business style. The boy will need several shirts different colors, trousers with a jacket or cardigan. Blouses, turtlenecks, a skirt, a sundress, a jacket or blouse are suitable for a girl. If a form is required, find out in advance where it is sold. Many manufacturers have company stores and do not trade through intermediaries, which means that closest to home point of sale You may not have the form you need.

- Shoes
You will have to forget about kindergarten sandals. Schoolchildren wear shoes or boots. Some parents save money and buy only sneakers for their sons, in which they sit in class and run in physical education. If the school doesn’t object, then you can do it this way. But sometimes an educational institution has a dress code, and you are not allowed to wear sneakers all day long. Also pay attention to the soles: dark ones can leave marks on the school floor, and then you will have to buy new shoes.

- Sports uniform
T-shirt, trousers or shorts. Please clarify - some schools have a uniform sports uniform.

- Briefcase
Usually, a first-grader is advised to buy a backpack with an orthopedic back. But such briefcases weigh much more than simple backpacks - the difference can be 1 kg. And their price is much higher. A satchel with a hard back costs an average of 3,000-5,000 rubles. And you can buy a backpack for 1,500 rubles, or even 500 rubles. If you plan to accompany your first-grader to school and greet him, then most likely you will carry this briefcase yourself. And then even if it doesn’t have a special back, it will be much easier for you to carry it.

— Bag for replacement shoes

— Covers for notebooks, textbooks, diaries
Take 30 in reserve - they break quickly. Pay attention to the textbook covers. Now all schools teach according to different programs, each with its own textbooks, which also differ in size.

- Pencil case
It is better to have a soft one with a zipper, rather than plastic or metal, which are difficult to open and make a lot of noise - the child will disturb the teacher and classmates.

— Simple pencils(10 pieces) with erasers at the ends, colored (box of at least 12 colors)
Take more office supplies - they are inexpensive and get lost very quickly.

- Pens(10 pieces)
First graders are usually not allowed to write in black ink, so buy blue pens. Some teachers allow kids to have erasable pens.

- Ruler(20 cm)

- Sharpener

— Eraser

— Notebooks 12 sheets, obliquely ruled and squared(20 pieces each)
In some schools, first-graders begin to write in large-checked notebooks.

— Sketchbook(5 items)
Take different albums - both 12 sheets and 30 sheets. Thin ones are convenient to wear to school, while thick ones can be used for drawing at home.

— Plasticine(minimum 6 colors)

— Paints: gouache and watercolor (minimum 6 colors)

— Brushes(6 items)
Don't forget to buy brushes of different thicknesses

— Water glass

- Glue(pencil and stationery)

— Scissors with rounded ends

— Colored paper, cardboard
It will be nice if you buy several sets - velvet, patterned, thick, thin. In technology lessons, first-graders fold origami and glue appliques, so the richer the material for creativity, the better.

- Diary
Please be aware that sometimes at the request of the teacher parental committee purchases identical diaries for the whole class.

If the school didn't ask you to, don't buy:

— Book stand
The fewer unnecessary items in the briefcase and on the desk, the easier for a child. By the time the first grader takes out the stand, by the time he installs it, by the time he puts the textbook in it, lo and behold, the lesson is over.

— Bookmarks
They often fall out of textbooks, get wrinkled and get lost.

— Felt pens
Teachers usually don't like felt-tip pens because they are too easy to draw with, and don't stretch a first-grader's hand, which needs to be trained.

— Stacks for plasticine
Children rarely use them; their hands are more convenient.

— Folder for notebooks
Don’t make life difficult for a first-grader; it will already be difficult for him – there is so much he needs to quickly remember and do. If you put your notebooks away in a folder, then the change won’t be enough. Are you worried that the notebooks in your briefcase will get wrinkled? Encourage your child to put them in their textbooks.

- Boxes of numbers, syllables, etc.
Many teachers do not use these manuals at all. If any set is needed, the teacher will notify the children in advance.

One problem remains - where to buy all this so as not to go broke. A chain hypermarket like "Ashana" or "Metro" is quite suitable. True, it may not be suitable here school uniform or covers the right size. Then " Child's world» or fair school supplies. The largest Moscow fair “From A to Z” will be held from August 17 to 25 at the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Alexandra Ulyanova

Get enough sleep

The first and most main advice. Our well-being, mood and performance depend on the quality and quantity of rest. Didn't get enough sleep - the whole day was derailed. Is it difficult to know when to say “stop” to household chores and go to the side? We are talking about a convenient calculator that will help you determine right moment going to bed. For children, simply add another 2-3 hours to the resulting time. For example, if you and your child need to get up at 7 a.m., your baby should be in bed by 8 p.m., and you should go to bed no later than 10 p.m.

Get ready in the evening

To eliminate a fair amount of morning stress, do everything you need to do the night before. For example, immediately after dinner, put what your household will take with them tomorrow into containers and put them in the refrigerator. We have a week's worth of takeaways so you don't have to worry about it. Make breakfast in the evening or so as not to waste time in the morning.

Children can collect their notebooks and textbooks, as well as prepare what they will wear tomorrow. Designate a separate place where everything will be stored school supplies, so that you don’t have to look for where your backpack, spare shoes or lunch boxes have gone this time. By the way, organize such a place for your things - running around the whole house looking for your phone or keys looks funny only the first time.

Get up before your kids

If you set the alarm 15-30 minutes before the time your household gets up, it will be much easier to get into a working rhythm. Ideally, you should have time to shower, get dressed, and get your caffeine fix. Come up with one that will provide you a good start day, and do it before the children wake up.

Make a schedule

Just a list of everything that needs to be done in the morning. For young children, you can use action pictures instead of verbal descriptions.

Sample points:

  • Brush your teeth.
  • Comb your hair.
  • Wash.
  • Get dressed.
  • Have breakfast.
  • Put on your shoes.
  • Take a backpack and a container with lunch.

When you make a list, go through all the stages with your child, talking through the importance of each step.

Set feasible tasks

Give children tasks that they can handle. While an older child can take a shower and get dressed on his own, a toddler will not be able to do this. Consider the children's capabilities and set a reasonable time frame for the task to be sure of its completion. Encourage your child's initiative in carrying out these assignments and do not do absolutely everything for him. Of course, it will be much faster for you to dress your baby, but this is a disservice and discourages children from learning new things.

Rule "When - then"

One of the most effective means in the parent's arsenal there is a rule for sequential execution of actions with delayed reward. Or, more simply, “When - then.” This rule will help motivate your child to complete all morning tasks, even such nasty ones as brushing teeth or getting dressed. Hated activities are interspersed with the most desirable ones - breakfast, games or watching cartoons. We determine what the child likes most from the list of morning tasks, and make it possible to get it only after doing everything else. For example, when the baby gets dressed and makes the bed, then everyone sits down to have breakfast. Be sure of your firmness and determination, otherwise using the rule loses all meaning.

Keep calm

Children perfectly feel that you are in a hurry, and in contrast to this they involuntarily begin to “slow down”. When things go wrong, breathe out, explain to your child why you need his help now, and calmly tell him what he needs to do. Kids tend to copy our actions and tone of conversation, so if you notice that you often communicate in a raised voice in the morning or show your dissatisfaction with spanking or pushing, try to reconsider your behavior.

Weekend is a holiday

On Saturday and Sunday, you don’t have to strive at all costs to complete all the points of the traditional schedule. Just make sure the kids get a good night's sleep, and otherwise you can relax and take a step back from your usual scenario. Cook together, read a fairy tale to the children before they go wash and brush their teeth, watch cartoons with the whole family, go to a cafe or go shopping. Together with your children, come up with entertainment options that will delight every family member.

Dealing with the need for attention

Children can resist the established routine in every possible way, starting endless arguments about what is for breakfast, refusing to put on prepared clothes, or simply playing when they should be completely ready to go out. In the mornings, they often want their parents to give them a little attention, and resistance or inaction is guaranteed to help achieve what they want. There are several ways to satisfy both sides of the conflict - the child will receive a dose of your care, and you will be able to leave the house on time.

  • Encourage and remind, but don't coddle. Let your child realize the consequences of his digging - a missed breakfast, for example, or a forgotten notebook with homework.
  • Agree that you can watch TV only after all the preparations have been completed.
  • Use an alarm clock in your child's room. This way you will be sure that the child will get up at the same time every day and will not oversleep if you get tired and forget to wake him up.
  • Avoid notations. Questions like “What happens if you don’t get dressed on time?” and “How did you feel being late for class?” They will help to involve the child in dialogue much more effectively. Boring lectures make you want to plug your ears, but independent reasoning helps you understand the connection between an action and the result.
  • Tell us about times in your life when you procrastinated and the consequences of that procrastination. Such stories are very instructive for children.
  • Plan ahead and give your child enough time to complete his tasks. Remember the importance of clear expectations.
  • Let your child know that you need his help and tell him that you will be very grateful if he gets dressed in time for you to get to school. This invites cooperation rather than provoking protest.

A short plan of action for good parents

Here are a few questions whose answers will tell you what's wrong with your morning.

  • Do children have their own morning to-do list and do they follow it? Will kids perform their duties with more pleasure if the list of responsibilities is presented in the form of a colorful schedule?
  • Are there any routines you and your children do every morning that can be done the night before? For example, choosing clothes, preparing and packing lunch, packing a backpack, and so on.
  • Do you have some peace and quiet time to drink a cup of coffee before the kids wake up?

There are no right or wrong answers here. The purpose of these questions is simply to help you figure out where things stand and what you can change to make mornings better for you and your entire family.

Review your household's sleep schedule and make sure no one is suffering from sleep deprivation. Just a few weeks of normal sleep will help you understand how much easier it has become to get up. Discuss with your family the importance of everyone's efforts to ensure that everyone is happy in the morning. good mood and ready on time. Together, come up with ideas for fun things to do over the weekend so everyone can look forward to it.

Attempting to establish a morning routine can be daunting at first because of the perceived complexity, but the ease with which you and your children will get ready after a while is well worth the effort. Your morning will turn from the worst to the most quiet time and will be a great start to a good day.

Hi all! After summer holidays All parents are faced with the question: what should they buy their child for school? Don't worry, keep the list and go shopping. Also in the article I will try to tell you how to choose the right things for school and we will try to roughly calculate how much it will cost to get your child ready for school.

List of necessary things for school:

Satchel, backpack or briefcase?

Schoolbag– the most important advantage of a backpack over a backpack is that the backpack has a rigid body, thereby protecting both the child and the contents at the same time. The rigid body does not allow the contents to put pressure on the child’s back, distributing the weight evenly

Briefcase– does not have shoulder straps and must be carried by hand. Many children's orthopedists do not advise buying school bags for children, due to the fact that constantly carrying heavy objects in the hand can lead to scoliosis and other problems with the spine.

Backpack– differs from a backpack in that it has a soft body. Although it is worth noting that now there are so-called orthopedic backpacks with a hard bottom and walls.

Let's look at it according to GOST

Weight– the weight of an empty backpack should not be more than 1 kg. The weight of a full backpack should not exceed 10% of the child’s weight, for example for students junior classes this is approximately 2-3 kg.

Orthopedic back– follows the natural curve of the spine and therefore does not harm the child.

Reflective elements– not all parents understand the importance of these elements, but according to GOST, backpacks must have parts made from materials contrasting colors, finishing details and fittings with reflective elements.


So, you have in your hands a backpack with an orthopedic back, which is lighter than 1 kg and is hung on all sides with reflectors? Great! Now you can pay attention to the material, fittings and other quality indicators. Here's what distinguishes a truly high-quality school backpack:

  • The fabric is light, durable and waterproof (nylon or polyester). Some manufacturers' backpacks can even be washed.
  • The seams and edgings are strong and carefully finished. Plastic parts are smooth, without chips or burrs.
  • Locks and zippers are convenient and reliable, they are easy to open not only for you, but also for your child
  • The body has reinforced corners - they increase the strength of the backpack.
  • The flaps reliably protect the outer pockets, zippers and inner compartment from rain and snow.
  • Several external pockets and a convenient internal compartment. In the internal compartment there are several more compartments and pockets that allow you to correctly place everything you need in the backpack.
  • Waterproof plastic bottom (or bottom with plastic stop feet). Thanks to it, the backpack can be safely placed on the ground, in the snow and even in a puddle.

Also watch the video from the program Live Healthy! on the first channel. The video is quite old from 2013.

The most important thing in a notebook is not the color of the cover, but the size (different for each subject) and the quality of the paper. The cells and lines should be bright enough, but preferably blue, purple or gray so that your eyes don't strain. There are notebooks with multi-colored pages. According to the manufacturers, this minimizes visual strain.

Particular attention is paid to the thickness of the sheet. The inscription on the paper should not be visible through the paper. back side- harmful to the eyes, and it looks sloppy.

Dazzling white, yellow or gray paper is also bad for your eyesight.

Now there are many subject notebooks with useful scientific information on the cover. Particularly in demand are mathematical, physical, chemical formulas and multiplication table. Even high school students regularly refresh their memory of it. The dates of the lives of great writers or generals are not so in demand. This means that you can simply choose a beautiful notebook for literature and history.

The kids clearly know: a notebook in Russian is lined, in mathematics it is squared. For older people it’s not so clear. If it’s more pleasant for a teenager to write on a checkered sheet of paper, don’t argue: buy more checkered notebooks and notebooks. Perhaps in this way the student shows his need for clear boundaries.

The most important thing in albums is the paper. It must be dense and suitable for drawing by any means, be it watercolor, pencil or gouache.

The most important thing is to avoid helium pens, they get dirty. Otherwise, the main thing is that the handle has rubberized inserts where it is pressed with your fingers.

You can figure out the rest of the items yourself, there are no special instructions here, choose what you and your child like. Also, do not forget that some schools require school uniforms!

Shall we count?

I decided to look at the prices for the list of office supplies in online stores, not taking into account school uniforms and clothes.

Satchel- average price good backpack 3000 rubles. (Take one)

Sketchbook– from 30 to 100 rubles, depending on the number of sheets. (We take two, 30 rubles each)

Notebooks— the average price for one notebook is 35 rubles. (We take 10 pieces)

Folder or notebook covers— Let’s take a folder, it’s cheaper and more convenient. average price— 60 rubles (take one)

Pencil- you can buy a set, average cost 100 rubles (Take one set)

Pencil case— average cost 200 rubles (take one)

Let's do the math: 3000 + 60 + 350 + 60 + 100 + 200 = 3770 rubles only for the most necessary goods. Let me remind you that I did not count school uniforms and clothes.

I hope that this information it turned out to be useful for you, if you have anything to add or have your own calculation, please write in the comments.

A child going to school is almost an adult. He needs the same thing as you - but something smaller, something more convenient, and, of course, safe. And of course - more durable. Let's start in order!


If at school you are “persistently offered” to purchase a uniform of a certain type, then you have the right to inquire about the composition of the material from which this uniform is sewn. Textile materials school uniform - everyone age groups should not contain more than 35-40% synthetics in shirts and blouses, and 60% in trousers, jackets (jackets) and dresses. The lining must be made of natural and (or) artificial fibers (viscose).

If the school regulations allow, knitted sweaters and jumpers are very comfortable to wear and wash.

It is better for a boy to have two or even three pairs of trousers. For girls, a sundress or a skirt is not enough, although boys, of course, will not give in to the championship in this part!

Did you know..

In Russia, the history of school uniforms began in 1834, when it was approved general system all civilian uniforms in Russian Empire, including for medium educational institutions. The regulations on gymnasium uniforms for girls were approved in 1896.

Bags, satchels, backpacks

It is important that the satchel (backpack) has an anatomical or orthopedic “back” or frame. In this case, the back should be shorter than the child’s back - otherwise it will ruin his posture. Pay attention to backpacks called orthopedic. The handle for carrying in the hand must be durable. Belts must be wide and adjustable. Narrow belts(the straps) increase the load on the shoulders and collarbones, tight ones make breathing difficult, and the child not only grows, he also winter clothes will wear! The bottom of the backpack or satchel must be sewn very firmly! Well, the more compartments and pockets, the better. And the presence of reflectors on the backpack is not an unnecessary detail.

By the way, many satchels and backpacks are already sold complete with a pencil case and a shoe bag. The Scooli Princess Filling Backpack is a perfect example. By the way, this is an example of a backpack on a machine - it maintains posture and distributes a fairly heavy load. And you can’t confuse a shoe bag with someone else’s (by the way, did this happen to you at school?)



Many schools practice working in ready-made notebooks with printed assignments. Ordinary notebooks may have bright covers with drawings, but in some schools this is not encouraged. We clarify all the details in advance at a parent meeting before the new school year.

Pens, pencils

Pencils for junior schoolchildren– these are pencils of medium softness (HB, TM). A set of black graphite pencils "Stabilo Othello", hardness: HB - here is an example of what you need. The set of Faber-Castell RIP 2001 pencils is even more interesting - this pencil has a triangular shape and a relief surface (as schoolchildren say, “with pimples”), it fits well in the hand and does not slip. It is better to buy at least 10 pencils at once - they are used often and break faster than anything else.

Giotto colored pencils are good because they are sold in metal packaging - given the “cosmic” overloads to which everything carried in a backpack is subjected, such packaging will extend the life of the set.

And, of course, pens! We strongly recommend ball ones. For those who have not yet mastered the art of writing, it is difficult to calculate the pressure on the writing surface. Capillary and gel pens can ruin a child's handwriting. You need 10 of them, with ink... well, that's right, blue.

Products for children's creativity

For “creative” items you will need materials familiar to everyone - plasticine, colored paper, for drawing - colored pencils, albums, watercolor paints, brushes, felt-tip pens. You will also need the first tools - scissors, a glue stick (it will not spill or stain either the form or the backpack). Scissors need to have rounded edges - this is a safety requirement.

It is better to purchase felt-tip pens that are super washable (they are also super washable!). It is better to check with the teacher what kind of paints your child will need.

It is better to check with the teacher exactly what brushes will be needed during the lesson - in the set of Jovi pony brushes No. 2/6/8 Art’n’Joy brushes different widths and shapes.

Plasticine, also from Jovi, 10 colors – recommended for modeling. Plant-based plasticine with perfectly mixing colors, suitable for both plasticine drawing and plasticine animation. This plasticine is safe if a child accidentally (or out of curiosity) swallows a piece. There are sets of 6 colors. We remember that for modeling both at school and at home a special board is required.

  1. Significant changes await not only your child, but also you if he goes “to first grade for the first time.” To better understand the scale of these changes, take a vacation from September 1 and do not be distracted by other problems.
  2. Before September 1, consult with teachers, do not hesitate to ask questions, ask about everything from those who sent their child to school (preferably the same one) last year.
  3. Together with your child, make a list of what you will buy, explain to him the purpose of each item, and the rules and requirements associated with them. Buy everything together with your child!


Not only your children will go to school, but you yourself too. The child needs new clothes several types. You should know where these clothes most often get dirty and torn. Kids need satchels or backpacks - you need to know which is more convenient and useful. But there are also textbooks, writing instruments, notebooks, and much more - and not only teachers, but first of all, parents should know the answer to any question about these subjects. And the best consultant is Daughters and Sons.

It is most likely impossible to buy everything you need for studying without omissions and exceptions. In addition, it is better to purchase clothes according to the season - not only the weather changes, but the child is constantly growing.

All we can do is wish good luck to the schoolchildren – and to you! For now - in preparation for the new school year. But then the fun begins.

1st grade - so exciting, girls have a white bow, beautiful suit The boys are all so smart, with briefcases. This day is the most memorable for both the child and the parents.

Now, for 11 years, children will learn a lot of new things, acquire great amount friends and become real adults.

School is probably the most memorable time, the happiest and most carefree, but this is only for children .

Parents sending their children to school ask themselves: what does a child need for 1st grade, list accessories?

Shopping list of what a child needs for 1st grade

Probably the most important purchase is school dress . Available in stores a wide range of goods for school that can be purchased at any time of the year. But the largest sales are made in summer period when preparations are underway for the new school year.

Almost all schools have introduced a dress code: black bottom - white top. Instead of black there can be brown, dark blue, dark green and gray. For girls it can be: a white blouse, sundress, skirt, jacket, vest. For boys - trousers, jacket, shirt and vest.

Note to parents: the child definitely needs a replacement extra clothes , since school uniforms can become dirty or torn, so it’s better to be on the safe side.

Some schools have introduced uniform form for all. This greatly simplifies life for parents, because choosing clothes for a child so that he likes it is sometimes very difficult. I want my child to be the best, and this sometimes leads to the envy of classmates. In this case, a uniform school uniform is an excellent option.

What if at school free form? In this case, you can buy whatever you like.

  • Shirt for both boys and girls.

  • Pants, skirt, jacket.

  • Jeans, vest.

  • Sweatshirts with and without clasps.

  • Sport Kit with trousers and shorts.

  • Sneakers.

  • Shoes, ballet flats, sandals.

  • Tights, socks.

Concerning outerwear , that is at your discretion . Some buy coats, some jackets. The main thing is to dress your child according to the season.

Among what a child needs for 1st grade, the list expands to include stationery.


Stationery for first graders
  1. Diary. In some schools, parents buy it themselves, and in some the diary is issued with a certain image, this can be symbols of the school or country, portraits famous people and much more.
  2. Thin checkered notebooks (wide and narrow) and a ruler – 10 pcs.
  3. Album For visual arts- 3 pcs.
  4. Cardboard - 2 pcs.
  5. PVA glue. A pencil is best, then the likelihood that the child will smear himself is small.
  6. Pencil case.
  7. Scissors. It is better to buy special ones for children, they have rounded ends and are safe.
  8. Paint brushes - a set of different sizes.
  9. Paints , watercolor and gouache, glass for water.
  10. Markers , colored and simple pencils.
  11. Ruler , geometric figures.
  12. Eraser - 4 things.
  13. Covers for notebooks and textbooks. Best buy special set for a first grader, this is usually a standard amount.
  14. Pens. It’s better to take more, 10 pieces, plus rods.
  15. Sharpener.
  16. Plasticine, board for him.

Numbers may be needed for mathematical calculations, and letters for language and literature.


Among the list of necessary purchases for a child in 1st grade special attention deserves a briefcase. Now many people are replacing briefcases with handbags. But for a first-grader, a briefcase is very important. He is already an adult, an independent person, he has his own bag, and not a small one. It's like a reason to be proud. That's why It is worth choosing a portfolio with special care .

In stores and on the market you can find a huge number of backpacks; choosing just one is sometimes difficult. For boys, games, cars and robots can be depicted on the backpack, but for girls, Barbie dolls, ponies, pink colors. The backpack should be comfortable, not heavy and beautiful. After all, the child goes to school with him.

Briefcase handles must be strong and withstand the whole pile of knowledge. Bottom there must be hard . Availability pockets for keys, phone and others small items. And the most important, Flicker is an integral part of the backpack, which is responsible for safety .

School bag must meet a number of requirements

Some schools hold meetings for parents before September 1st. They talk in detail about the learning process, as well as what a child needs for 1st grade, and a list of necessary purchases. If there was no such meeting, then you can watch it at the stand at the school. On extreme case, you can look it up on the Internet, experienced mothers will tell you about purchases by September 1st.

Concerning shoes for school , then she must be as comfortable as possible . It's better to give preference orthopedic insole which is done made from natural material.

Don't forget about replacement shoes , especially in autumn and winter. For boys, shoes should be such that they do not develop flat feet, because they still have to go to the army; for girls, you can choose a small heel.

Don't forget to buy shoe bag .

Tips for preparing your child for first grade

It is better to buy school supplies at the beginning of summer , while they are not so expensive yet. The closer to the beginning school year, the higher the price.

Talk to your friends, maybe they have things that are well preserved , especially office supplies such as scissors or bills. This way you can save a lot.

Some things you can do yourself , for example, a bag for sports uniform. Those children whose parents can sew them a costume are very lucky. In this case, your child will be individual; no one else will have such a school outfit.

Briefcase better buy orthopedic , it does not harm the spine. It is better to take a backpack with a solid base, so it will last longer and will look more neat than rag ones.

Pens best to choose with rubber tip at the base , this way it won’t slip out, and writing will be much more convenient.

Notebooks better buy non-smooth to learn to write. Glossy sheets in a notebook are suitable for older children.

The choice of school uniforms today is very large - both in price and in taste.

And the most important thing, choose accessories together with your child, he must express his opinion. After all, he will be the one who will use the purchased items.

Please note that on parent meetings definitely need to go . They will tell you what to buy or what to raise money to buy more accessories. After all only available to parents common list goods . Special goods sets school program , these can be primers, other books. You can ask the school secretary or class teacher in advance about the list of items your child needs for 1st grade.

Would be a good idea to buy for a child notepad . There he will be able to record the necessary information.

Do not forget that children are very absent-minded, especially first-graders, To prevent things from getting lost, it is better to sign them , and check every time you come to pick up your child.

Very often schools require you to buy stationery without flashy patterns and designs . It is believed that bright colors distract children from learning information.

Organize for your first grader at home workplace where he will do his homework

Don't forget about home environment for a future student. He must have his own workplace, where he can do his homework. To do this you will need a table, shelves, a chair, a light bulb, and a trash can. All this sample list, which can be replaced and supplemented.

Now we know What does a child need for first grade? It’s better to make a list in advance so that you don’t have to run around on the last day and look for the right thing. After all, this is a big holiday, it should take place in a calm atmosphere and be remembered for long years, because the next such holiday will be graduation, and for a first-grader this is still not soon.

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