What happens to the fetus at 15 weeks. New symptoms and general condition

The 15th obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by various changes in the body. A woman may notice a deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as crumbling teeth. This is due to the fact that all energy costs and nutrients from the mother’s body go to the development of the fetus.

What happens during the 15th week of pregnancy?

A child in the second trimester of pregnancy needs a large amount of nutrients, vitamins and microelements, especially calcium and proteins.

With a lack of these substances in the body of the expectant mother, not only external changes may appear (deterioration of the skin condition, increased fragility of hair and nail plates), but also other pathological processes. For example, the main symptom of calcium deficiency is calf muscle cramps.


Feelings in the abdomen change at 15 weeks of pregnancy. At the fifteenth week, the uterus increases in size even more. It still has a rounded spherical shape, but will soon begin to stretch into the abdominal cavity. The height of the fundus of the uterus is 14-15 cm. A woman can feel it herself by placing her palm on the lower abdomen about 4-5 fingers below the navel.

The uterus no longer puts pressure on the surrounding pelvic organs. That is why in the second trimester the frequency of urination returns to normal. But at the same time, the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and problems with digestion and intestinal function remain. To prevent constipation, it is important to properly plan your diet.

The volume of blood in a pregnant woman's body increases by 20%, which puts additional stress on the heart muscle. This is what can cause a slight tachycardia. If a woman has any heart pathologies or failure, regular monitoring and observation by a cardiologist is necessary throughout pregnancy.

The 15th week is characterized by an increase in blood volume and insufficient production of red blood cells, which often causes an iron deficiency condition - anemia. Its main symptoms are weakness, frequent dizziness, the appearance of spots before the eyes, depression and poor health.

There is no need to worry about periodic sensations of suffocation at night. The probable causes are nosebleeds - due to an increase in blood volume in the mother's body. However, in case of serious forms of these conditions, it is necessary to consult a specialist.


The 15th week of pregnancy is characterized by the following main signs:

  • increase in volume and sensitivity of the breast;
  • nosebleeds;
  • low blood pressure;
  • bleeding gums;
  • headache;
  • heartburn, increased gas formation in the intestines, indigestion;
  • increased salivation;
  • the hips and abdomen increase in volume at the fifteenth week;
  • Pigmentation appears on the skin - freckles and moles become more noticeable, the white line on the stomach darkens.

At this stage, a colorless liquid, colostrum, may already begin to be released from the breast. This is a normal physiological phenomenon associated with hormonal changes. It is also influenced by the individual characteristics of the woman, so some expectant mothers do not release colostrum until childbirth.

Mom's feelings

As a result of hormonal changes in the body, a woman can become absent-minded and forgetful. During this period, some expectant mothers experience an unprecedented surge of strength and energy. But at the same time, it is important for a pregnant woman to observe a work and rest schedule and try not to overwork.

New sensations in the abdomen during the 15th week are associated with the growth of the uterus and stretching of ligaments and muscles, which can lead to unpleasant painful sensations. They should not be sharp and cramping, or cause discomfort to the woman. For any changes, you should consult a gynecologist.

The fetus is still very small during this obstetric week, but the woman can feel its movements. They do not look like tremors, but feel like “fish movements” or “bursting bubbles.” But only a very sensitive or multiparous woman can feel them. Usually, the expectant mother feels the first tremors of the baby only at 18-20 weeks.


In the second trimester of pregnancy, the discharge may be clear, light or slightly yellowish. But if other signs appear, you should visit a gynecologist:

  • unpleasant pungent odor;
  • heterogeneous consistency, presence of bubbles, flakes, pieces;
  • the appearance of smudge marks on underwear;
  • bright yellow or green discharge, admixture of pus;
  • manifestation of burning, stinging, pain and other discomfort.


An ultrasound examination at the fifteenth week is carried out only at the request of the woman or if there are indications, for example, to determine a frozen pregnancy or confirm placental abruption.

What happens to the baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

The size of the fruit at this stage is 94-103 mm, and its weight is about 50-70 g. In size, it is similar to an orange. The fetus has a proportional body and head, and its skin is a thin transparent layer through which blood vessels and capillaries are visible.

The fetus at the 15th week of pregnancy is completely covered with a special fluff that protects the waxy lubricant. The fluff covers the eyebrows and the surface of the skull in greater quantities. Hair follicles have already formed in the scalp, which begin to produce an enzyme that determines the baby’s hair color.

What else happens at 15 weeks with the baby? He becomes very active, he can tumble in the uterine cavity, which is still very spacious, clench his fists, stroke his face and umbilical cord. All joints are already formed, so he can easily bend his arms and legs. Half the time he is asleep, and the other half he is awake.

What happens to the baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy:

  • the process of ossification of the skeleton is activated, therefore the consumption of calcium from the female body increases;
  • the child’s eardrums form in the ears, so he can hear all the surrounding sounds well - the beating of the mother’s heart, the movement of blood through the vessels and the seething in the intestines;
  • the baby’s eyes are still closed, but they react to bright light if the sun’s rays are directed at the stomach;
  • The gallbladder begins to produce bile, which subsequently enters the intestines, which is why after birth the baby’s original feces - meconium - have a rich swamp-green hue.

A child at the 15th week of pregnancy actively swallows amniotic fluid, after which he empties his bladder. To maintain the optimal chemical composition and sterility in the amniotic fluid, amniotic fluid is regularly renewed. This process can take place up to 8-10 times a day.


The main physiological problem for a woman in the second trimester of pregnancy is constipation. To soften them, you should not use laxatives, as they can lead to irritation and hardening of the uterus, as well as other consequences. The most serious of them is placental abruption. During this period, it is better to eat more foods rich in fiber and natural delicate laxatives (prunes).

The 15th obstetric week of pregnancy is usually accompanied by normalization of temperature, but with the penetration of viruses or infection it may increase. This condition is very dangerous for a child, therefore, at a temperature above 38°C, you should immediately take an antipyretic - Paracetamol or.

To prevent possible problems, you should avoid visiting public places and limit contact with strangers. If a sore throat occurs, you can gargle it with chamomile infusions, and if you have a cough, do rubbing and inhalation. You should refrain from using any medications.


A pregnant woman needs to spend more time in the air, take more walks and do low-intensity exercises, and also follow other doctor’s recommendations:

In the second trimester, it is advisable to visit the dentist to identify problems with your teeth, since a lack of calcium can lead to their crumbling, loss and the appearance of carious cavities. If there are any problems, treatment should be carried out in the second trimester.

Nutrition should be proper and balanced, high in protein and calcium. The best products during this period are cottage cheese, milk, cheese, chicken and turkey meat, fish and seafood. You need to eat small portions 6-8 times a day, avoiding overeating.

To prevent the main physiological problem at this time - constipation, you should eat sprouted grains, whole grain bread and cereals. To compensate for the lack of calcium, it is recommended to eat cottage cheese for breakfast, as well as drink up to two liters of water per day, and include berry fruit drinks in your drinking regime during the cold season - this will also be an excellent prevention of colds.

During pregnancy, it is not advisable to take any drugs or medications, including even vasoconstrictor nasal drops;

If the belly begins to grow, a woman should buy special clothes for pregnant women - trousers or jeans with an elastic insert in the abdomen. They will not put pressure on him, and will not cause discomfort to the child.

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The 15th week of pregnancy is a quiet period when the baby enters the phase of active growth. At this stage, the baby’s movements become intense, his size is already quite large, so the expectant mother may very soon feel light blows in her stomach.

Fetal development: what happens to the baby at 15 weeks of pregnancy

The baby is already well grown, reaching a length of 10 cm, and its weight is about 50 g, the same as the weight of a large orange.

The fruit increasingly resembles a person: its arms and legs are elongated, hairs and marigolds appear on the body. The following systems are also being formed and developed:

  • The pituitary gland has already matured enough to begin working in the fetal body. It is thanks to the cells produced by the pituitary gland that the baby’s further growth and development will occur.
  • The baby's gums have already formed 20 baby teeth.
  • The fetus can swallow and breathe, training on amniotic fluid. His kidneys also work, so his bladder empties regularly.
  • The baby continues to suck his finger, explores the space around him, moving freely in the amniotic fluid. But his movements remain chaotic.
  • The child already hears, showing sensitivity to sharp sounds.
  • The liver becomes the main digestive organ.
  • The heart is already capable of pumping more than 20 liters of blood per day.
  • The sebaceous and sweat glands are developed and begin their work.
  • At this stage of its development, the baby’s heart already beats 150 times/1 minute.

At 15-16 weeks of pregnancy there is every chance to find out the Rh factor and blood type of the baby. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor can already determine the sex of the baby, of course, if the fetus wants to show it and accepts a convenient position.

What happens to mom at 14-15 weeks?

A woman’s sensations during these weeks of pregnancy are associated with increased body tone, excessive mobility and activity. By this period, toxicosis practically ceases to torment the expectant mother, so there is a high risk of gaining extra pounds that go beyond the schedule. The fact is that the body, depleted by toxicosis, requires replenishment of losses, and the expectant mother must compile her menu from healthy and light food.

A woman also notices the following changes in her body:
1. The breast continues to enlarge, becoming covered with a network of veins. Nipple halos darken and become sensitive, especially in multiparous mothers.
2. Unpleasant sensations appear in the lower abdomen; there may be slight nagging pain.
3. Due to the increase in the size of the uterus, a feeling of constriction occurs; when urinating, the feeling of fullness of the bladder remains.
4. In some women, blood pressure decreases, causing headaches and dizziness.
5. The tone of the uterus is preserved, the woman may feel her stomach become “hard.”
6. At this time, the body, exhausted by toxicosis, can produce various reactions. Many pregnant women experience problems with teeth, musculoskeletal system, and nails. This condition is easily corrected by taking a multivitamin complex.

At week 15, the likelihood of miscarriage decreases significantly. And mothers who have already carried a baby can feel the first movements. By the way, slender women pregnant with their first child can also feel slight tremors.

How many kilograms do you need to gain by this time?

In the 1st and 2nd trimesters, weight gain is distributed evenly, and this period accounts for about 40% of the total weight gained. The remaining 60% is allocated to the 3rd trimester, during which the baby actively gains weight and subcutaneous fat. By week 15, the expectant mother should gain the following number of kilograms:
  • With a BMI below 19.8 about 3 kg
  • With a BMI from 19.8 to 26, about 2 kg
  • With a BMI over 26, about 1.2 kg

The higher your pre-pregnancy weight, the less weight you need to gain. Be prepared for the fact that between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy, weight gain is intense. So, the increase can be from 2 to 5 kg. This is normal, especially if the woman suffered from toxicosis in the first trimester.

Is pain normal at this stage?

Mild pain is a natural accompaniment of pregnancy. Pain appears at the moment when the pelvic bones move apart, preparing for childbirth and bearing a baby. Pain in the left and right side can be caused by an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the digestive system and other internal organs. Pain in the legs is most often caused by swelling, and discomfort in the lower back is provoked by an enlarged tummy.

Pain that causes anxiety

The expectant mother should be alert to pain of this nature:
1. Stomach pain, like PMS. These pains are cramping, often radiating to the back or sacrum; if they appear and disappear at a certain interval, they can be harbingers of a miscarriage. Dangerous cramping pain radiates to the lower back, accompanied by bloody discharge.
2. Frequent pain in the lower back and back may indicate the presence of pyelonephritis.
3. Pain in the back or in the tailbone area can be caused by changes in the body or a simple pinched nerve. They can be alleviated by doing the following exercise: you need to get on all fours, making rotating movements with your back.
4. Swelling and skin pigmentation may also appear.

At this stage, a headache of different nature can become a faithful companion of a pregnant woman. It appears due to high or low blood pressure and is relieved by walks, a warm shower, and herbal tea. If the pain is severe and frequent, the doctor will consider the advisability of drug treatment.

Belly at 15 weeks

By the 15th obstetric week, the pregnant woman’s hip bones are already diverging, so the hips become wider. The belly at this stage is already clearly visible, but for now it can be hidden under clothes.
For some women, the tummy acquires a pleasant, slight roundness; for others, it just begins to grow, but the waist becomes wider. The size of the belly depends on the woman’s body type, so don’t worry.
A dark stripe appears on the tummy during 14-15 weeks - this is hyperpigmentation, which will disappear in the first weeks after birth.

Tests and examination

At week 15, during a normal pregnancy, important tests are not prescribed, and the expectant mother needs to show the doctor the results of previously conducted studies.

Week 15 enters the second trimester, during which routine examinations are carried out 2 times a month.

If a woman has a negative Rh factor, she undergoes tests from this week until the end of pregnancy to monitor the production of antibodies. It is also necessary to undergo screening, which is carried out between 15 and 17 weeks, to assess the likelihood of abnormalities in fetal development.


What tests can be prescribed in case of pathologies and abnormalities?

In case of discomfort in the abdomen, threat of miscarriage and pathologies of its course, the following may be prescribed:
  • Blood test for hCG. A low level of this hormone may indicate gestosis, chromosomal abnormalities or abnormal development of the placenta.
  • A series of screening tests that will assess the likelihood of incomplete development of the neural tube or Down syndrome.
  • If the risk of fetal abnormalities is high, the doctor may order a test that requires the collection of amniotic fluid.
  • For a number of discharges, a vaginal smear is prescribed.

These tests and procedures may additionally be prescribed to women who are pregnant with their first child and have already crossed the 30-year mark. Every year in this case, the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus increases, so do not neglect the recommendations of your doctor.

Ultrasound this week

An ultrasound is not performed at the 15th week of pregnancy; it is necessary if a woman missed a scheduled examination at week 12. The study may also be prescribed if there is a threat of miscarriage or disruption of its course.
But during this period, the doctor can already determine who will be born using an ultrasound, so many couples undergo an unscheduled procedure. If the baby’s location is favorable, then parents will be able to find out about his gender. But even if the baby turns away, you can admire how he sucks his thumb, moves his arms and legs, moving around in the amniotic fluid.


This week, clear discharge and viscous milky discharge are considered normal. Brown, red, brown and pale pink discharge is dangerous at any time, so if it appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Discharge with a strong odor that is greenish, yellow or white, discharge that looks like flakes or a curdled mass indicates the presence of an infection. They may be accompanied by itching, pain when urinating, and even high fever. In this case, the expectant mother will be prescribed tests that will help identify the specific cause.

Is sex allowed this week?

Week 15 is a beneficial period for resuming normal intimate life, if there are no special contraindications. In the first trimester, most couples refuse sex for fear of miscarriage, and the 2nd trimester is more stable in this regard.
Avoid difficult poses, don't put pressure on your tummy and everything will be fine.

Sex helps the female body train different muscle groups, including the smooth muscles of the uterus.

In addition, sexual life helps the body produce endorphin - this is the hormone of happiness, which is necessary for both the expectant mother and the future father.

What is dangerous for the baby at this stage?

At 15 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is safe, but a number of external factors can have a negative impact on it:
  • By week 15, the expectant mother should completely stop smoking. Women who do not part with nicotine until childbirth have low birth weight children. After giving birth, such a baby may experience discomfort without receiving the usual dose of toxic nicotine substances.
  • Alcohol. At week 15, any alcohol is dangerous due to the formation of the cerebral cortex.
  • Drugs that have a detrimental effect on the body of the baby and mother. Drugs cause addiction in the fetus, contribute to developmental delays and subsequent weakness of the baby.
  • Colds, inflammation, infections accompanied by high fever. If the thermometer stays at +38 C or higher for more than a day, it is recommended to consult a doctor to undergo a medicinal and safe course of treatment.

Uncontrolled use of medications is also dangerous.

If you have a cold, toothache, fever or other illnesses, do not rush to take the old, proven medicine.

Many of the drugs that you calmly took before pregnancy pass through the placental barrier, causing a blow to the fetus. Read the instructions, beware of taking medications without your doctor's permission.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman during this period

The future mother's diet, as in any other week of pregnancy, should be balanced. Of course, you shouldn’t indulge yourself in the food you want without forgetting about the benefits:
  • 200 g of meat daily
  • More than 2 times a week, eat fish in any form, 200-250 g with a side dish of vegetables
  • Every day the menu is enriched with 300 g of vegetables and the same amount of fruit. In winter, eat more citrus fruits, which effectively strengthen the immune system and contain a record amount of vitamin C.
  • For constipation, you need to add dried fruits to your diet, in particular steamed prunes, raisins, figs

    If a woman suffers from bloating and heartburn, then legumes and white cabbage are removed from the diet

  • Reduce salt for swelling

At this stage of fetal development, calcium is very important: milk, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir should be included in the pregnant woman’s menu more than 4-5 times a week.

  • Gaining weight is not good for your skin, try to use moisturizing creams for pregnant women, peeling, which can be prepared from sugar or coffee grounds
  • If your growing belly is making it difficult to sleep, then think about buying a pregnancy pillow. It will be useful to you both during breastfeeding and during recovery in the postpartum period.
  • Try to spend more time walking, do not forget that you can sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women. The latter will not only help strengthen muscles, but also prepare the body for childbirth.
  • Keep an eye on teeth that may be painful or decaying due to calcium deficiency. At the first alarm bells, contact your dentist, and then your doctor for a prescription for vitamins
That's all a woman should know about this week of pregnancy. Finally, we invite you to look at photos of bellies at 15 weeks of pregnancy.


Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 20 minutes


The fifteenth obstetric week corresponds to fetal development. So, you are in the fourth month and in the second trimester, which means that all toxicosis is behind you. The second trimester is rightfully considered the most favorable period of pregnancy.

Mother's feelings at 15 weeks

The 15th week is the most fertile time, since the woman is no longer tormented by such unpleasant phenomena as toxicosis, dizziness, and drowsiness.

As a rule, women at week 15 feel a surge of strength and vigor, however:

  • Mild nasal congestion (rhinitis) appears;
  • Mild pain in the lower abdomen causes discomfort;
  • Urination is normalized;
  • The stool becomes lighter;
  • Mild suffocation occurs due to the pressure of the rapidly growing uterus on the diaphragm;
  • Blood pressure decreases, and as a result, weakness and dizziness appear (if the pressure does not drop sharply, then a pregnant woman can easily tolerate this, but if you notice a sharp decrease in pressure, be sure to consult a doctor).

As for external changes:

  • The breasts continue to grow; nipples darken;
  • The belly is already visible to the naked eye;
  • Weight increases (weight gain by week 15 is 2.5 - 3 kg);
  • Pigmentation appears on the skin (moles and freckles become more noticeable; the white line on the abdomen darkens);

However, the above applies to the average woman, but there are also deviations from the norm, what are they? we find out from expectant mothers:


I'm in my 15th week and it's been so quiet. I began to worry that I was feeling perfect (nonsense, but it’s true). I no longer feel nauseous, as I gained 2 kg in the first 9 weeks, I’m not gaining any more weight (although the doctor says this is normal). There is only one “but” - at work I constantly fall asleep, if not for this nuance I would have forgotten that I was pregnant!


I'm also 15 weeks. I used to have mild toxicosis, but now I’ve forgotten about it. Feeling like in a fairy tale. It just happens that you want to cry for no reason. Well, I’ll cry and then everything will be fine again! And, it would seem, I’ll cry and go to the toilet less, but that’s not the case - I often run, although by 15 weeks my kidney function should have returned to normal.


I constantly attack the refrigerator, and I’m hungry day and night; I’ll probably eat my husband soon (I’m kidding, of course), although everything is stable on the scales. And I also began to notice that I became very forgetful. I hope this goes away soon.


I am probably the happiest expectant mother. The only sign of my pregnancy from the first days was a delay. Now I understand that I am pregnant because my belly has appeared. I didn’t experience any unpleasant sensations in 15 weeks. I hope it stays that way in the future!


I’m 15 weeks old, but no one notices any external signs, and there aren’t any, I’ve gained 2 kg, but my belly is still not visible. I’m in a great mood, I’m fluttering like a butterfly, but lately my appetite has just become brutal!


Week 15 and we are already moving! Especially when my husband rubs his belly! I feel great, but very often I get angry and irritated for no reason. The employees are already getting it. Well, don’t worry, I’ll be on maternity leave soon!

What happens in the mother's body?

At week 15, a woman experiences a surge of strength and a second wind. The body of the expectant mother continues to adapt to new conditions and prepares for motherhood.

  • The uterus enlarges and begins to stretch (now it still has a rounded shape);
  • Colostrum begins to be released from the mammary glands;
  • Blood volume increases by 20%, putting a greater strain on the heart;
  • The uteroplacental (i.e., between the uterus and placenta) and feto-placental blood circulation (i.e., between the fetus and the placenta) begins to function;
  • The hCG level gradually decreases and, as a result, sudden mood swings disappear;
  • The formation of the placenta ends;
  • The functional system “Mother-Placenta-Fetus” is actively being formed.

Fetal development at 15 weeks

Appearance of the fruit:

  • The fruit grows up to 14-16 cm; weight reaches 50-75 g;
  • The skeleton continues to develop (the baby’s legs become longer than the arms);
  • Thin nails are formed;
  • The first hair appears; eyebrows and eyelashes appear;
  • The ears continue to develop, which already resemble the ears of a newborn;
  • The differentiation of the genital organs ends (this week you can determine the sex of the baby if it turns the right way).

Education and functioning of organs and systems:

  • The cells of the pituitary gland begin to act - endocrine glands, which are responsible for metabolic processes and growth of the body;
  • The cerebral cortex begins to form;
  • The body begins to be controlled by the CNS (central nervous system);
  • The endocrine system begins to function actively;
  • The sebaceous and sweat glands come into action;
  • Bile is released from the gallbladder, which reaches the intestines (therefore, in the first days after birth, the baby’s stool is black and green in color);
  • The kidneys take on the main function - excretion of urine (The child empties the bladder directly into the amniotic fluid, which is renewed up to 10 times a day);
  • Boys begin to produce the hormone testosterone (girls produce hormones a little later);
  • The fetal heart pumps up to 23 liters of blood per day and provides blood supply to the entire body (during this period, the blood type and Rh factor of the unborn baby can be determined);
  • The heart beats up to 160 beats per minute;
  • Red bone marrow is responsible for hematopoietic function;
  • The liver becomes the main organ of digestion;
  • The bones become stronger;
  • The baby is able to hear the beating heart and voice of his mother, since the auditory system has already been formed.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the mother’s belly, ultrasound and video

Ultrasound 15 week

During an ultrasound at week 15, future parents may notice how their child is actively moving his legs and arms.

The baby is the size of an average orange, and since the fetus is still small, you may not feel it move (but you will feel it kicking very soon).

Your baby can already hear his mother's heartbeat and voice. This becomes possible due to the fact that the fetal ears are already where they should be (you can see this using 3D ultrasound). The baby's eyes also occupy their usual place. The first hairs of the fetus are colored and eyebrows and eyelashes become noticeable.

On an ultrasound, you can notice how the baby sucks his fingers and gulps amniotic fluid, and also makes spontaneous breathing movements.

By the 15th week, the fetus is completely covered with languno (vellus hairs), which warms it and makes it very pretty. The heart of a belly-dweller makes 140-160 beats per minute. At week 15, you can already see the baby’s gender, if, of course, he allows you to do so (turns to the right side).

Photo of a woman's belly at 15 weeks

Video: What happens at 15 weeks of pregnancy?

Regardless of the fact that all illnesses are behind you, you need to continue to monitor your well-being and health.

  • Nutrition must be correct and balanced. Your diet should include fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Pay special attention to proteins, since they serve as building materials for the baby’s body;
  • Eat at least 200 grams of meat daily; include fish in your menu twice a week;
  • Try to consume 600 grams of raw vegetables and 300 grams of fruits every day. If this is not possible (winter season), replace with prunes, raisins or dried apricots;
  • Pay special attention to foods high in calcium. The baby requires a large amount of calcium for the bones, and if your body does not receive enough of it, this affects the nails, hair and especially teeth;
  • Always wear a bra to avoid the appearance of stretch marks (preferably sleep in it);
  • Don't ignore! New, and sometimes not entirely clear, desires are signals from the body about a lack of something;
  • Try not to be nervous or worry about trifles. Watch a comedy instead of a thriller, listen to calm music instead of rock, read an interesting book;
  • Choose looser clothing that will not restrict your movements;
  • Talk to your child more often, sing songs to him, play music for him - he is already able to hear you;
  • Don't ignore exercise to stay fit and prepare for childbirth;
  • Adopt the correct body position while sleeping. Gynecologists recommend sleeping on your side, with the lower leg in a fully extended position and the upper leg bent at the knee. Special pillows are welcome to ensure maximum comfort;
  • Take a triple blood test for hormone levels (hCG, AFP, free estriol) to judge your health and the correct development of the child in the womb;
  • A very good option for expectant mothers is to keep a diary in which you can record the dates of the ultrasound and its results, the dates of tests and their results, weekly record changes in weight, waist size, as well as the date of the most exciting event - the first. Moreover, you can record your physical sensations. This will help the doctor make an overall assessment of your condition. And when the baby grows up, you can return to that wonderful time of waiting again and again!

The most detailed pregnancy calendar by week

How did you feel at week 15? Share with us!

Mom at 15 weeks pregnant

Surely you are well aware that fresh air, nature, walks, and physical exercise are at the same time with you in your desire to conceive a child. Swimming, water aerobics, yoga, and belly dancing help stimulate the sex glands, strengthen the pelvic organs, and promote the release of hormones. But most often, the benefits of physical exercise (strengthening muscles, joints, ligaments, helping to avoid stretch marks, prevent tears during childbirth, etc.) are shown from the point of view of the expectant mother. It is clear that the mother needs muscle tone to cope with the increasing load on the body. It is also known that cycling, running, horse riding, as well as water skiing, mountaineering, and scuba diving can be dangerous for bearing a Baby. But why does the Baby himself need activity before birth?

The fact is that the movement and development of a child are inextricably linked. From the very first moments of life, that is, immediately after conception, the human body undergoes changes that require ideal conditions, and some of the most important are oxygen, nutrients and the absence of toxins in the mother’s body.

The baby begins to make movements very early: already at 7.5 weeks he reacts to touching the skin in the lip area, and at 8 weeks - to any part of the body; at 9 weeks he swallows amniotic fluid, his excretory system functions, urine is formed and excreted; at 10 weeks, muscle activity appears, opening of the mouth is observed, and at 10.5 weeks, flexion of the fingers; starting from 10-11 weeks, the baby actively moves in the amniotic fluid, touches the wall of the amniotic sac, and can change the trajectory of its movement; at 11-12 weeks there is already a grasping reflex, and at 13 - a sucking reflex. In addition, from the 3rd week, the Baby’s heart begins to beat, and his brain also shows activity quite early. The baby is developing at a gigantic pace! And he needs your support, and in this case, the mother’s physical activity, oxygen and healthy metabolic processes in her body.

15th week of pregnancy: Video "Changes in appearance"
