What is volcanic lava and what is it made of? Lava Jewelry: Small beads of great power.

Lava that appears after a volcanic eruption, falling into the water, turns into a porous stone. Its chemical composition is dominated by carbonate, silicon or basalt. Depending on the predominant substance, minerals differ in color, structure and density.

Lava stone is mined in Iceland, South America and on many islands where there are active volcanoes. On the territory of Russia, it can be found in the Kamchatka region. Even ancient tribes actively used black pieces for magic rituals.

It is believed that the talisman absorbed the energy of the earth. It brings stability to life and gives peace. Volcanic lava is popular with figurine makers, homeware makers, and jewelers, but is not considered a precious material.

Lava stone is a mixture of different rocks, so it is easy to detect almost all known chemicals in its composition. The mineral can be of several colors: white, gray, pink, blue or black. But its surface will always be with many irregularities and pores.

Frozen lava perfectly retains heat for a long time, this feature was inherited from the Fire element. Outwardly, the material seems rather brittle, but it is not - it has a huge margin of safety like the Earth.

The stone is not at all afraid of Water, rather, on the contrary, it uses it to cleanse from the accumulated negativity. The air element also endowed him with his own qualities, namely, a free spirit and independence, which are also transferred to the owners. Thus, the stone has the properties of all four elements.

Healing and magical properties of lava stone

A close relationship with the earth gives the stone the ability to help those who need peace and renewal of life. He heals not only the physical shell, but also the state of mind. The forces of nature provide energy balance.

The healing properties of lava stone stabilize the work of the nervous and circulatory systems, and also have a beneficial effect on the psyche. The owners of the gem live in harmony with their inner "I", feel the body and its needs better. Easier to carry loads.

According to Indian philosophy, lava stone affects the first chakra, increasing life potential and tempering character. If they touch the desired energy point, then you can feel warmth and peace, and the energy of other amulets will only increase.

Volcanic lava combined the forces of the four elements. Jewelry from it becomes strong amulets, saving energy and a positive attitude. The owner miraculously has the strength to achieve his goals, the mineral supports him in everything.

Lava stone is an excellent home amulet, it does not let unwanted guests into the apartment and protects against any negativity directed at the family. In a house where there is a figurine made of lava, peace, harmony and prosperity reign.

The gem endows its owner with the ability to distinguish signs of fate, to unravel messages in prophetic dreams. A person is better aware of what he wants and what he dreams about. He shows hidden talents for creativity or craft.

Even the most daring dreams come true thanks to lava, because it gives self-confidence and makes the right adjustments to the life path.

Despite the volcanic origin, lava stone is suitable not only for representatives of the fire element. This is a universal amulet that helps almost all signs of the zodiac. He fully reveals his powers, being presented to capricorns or scorpions. It brings prosperity and success to their lives.

Lava is great for businessmen and people who have their own business. It enhances motivation, contributes to the achievement of goals with minimal effort.

Decorations, uses and varieties of lava stone

Currently, lava jewelry is considered a novelty. Black rosaries or bracelets periodically appear on women's and men's hands. Products made of this stone look quite conservative and neat, so they are suitable for any style.

The gem goes well with other stones, emphasizing their beauty. Saturated black lava stone looks advantageous with white agate or red coral. Original jewelry emphasize all the dignity of a person and hide flaws.

If you have a good imagination, you can make charming products from inconspicuous dark pebbles that will be a wonderful gift. Both gold and silver are suitable for framing the mineral.

A large number of lava stone mining sites and not too high a cost have reduced the creation of fakes to a minimum. In addition, the material is not popular, so it is not advisable to make fakes.

It is difficult to surprise anyone with jewelry or household items made from natural stones. However, people managed to find some very non-standard ways to use lava stone:

After a volcanic eruption, in some hardened pieces of lava, a large content of basalt can be found, so experts in the field of stones and minerals made it into a separate species.

Basalt is a mixture of lava and ash, a black, finely porous stone formed by the instant solidification of a fiery liquid. The mineral is quite heavy and strong, but at the same time it is easily amenable to physical impact.

It is actively used in construction due to its resistance to acidic substances, durability and excellent characteristics of sound insulation, heat conductivity and fire resistance. The remains of the mineral are ground into crumbs and added to asphalt or concrete.

Some jewelers make beautiful silver jewelry with black basalt, a well-cut stone perfectly complements evening dresses. Furniture, sculptures, and slabs are made from this type of lava. Highly sought-after stone wool, it has a better ability to absorb noise than conventional materials.

Lava stone, born by the forces of the earth, has unique healing and magical properties. It promotes the unity of man with nature, brings harmony to life, while lava does not tolerate lack of movement, so be prepared for good changes. Lava talismans especially help those who are looking for their own path and trust the forces of nature. The mineral is used not only for jewelry and amulets, but to create luxurious interior elements. A durable type of stone - basalt is widely used in construction.

Volcanic lava is called the blood of the Earth. It is an integral companion of eruptions and each volcano has its own composition, color and temperature.

1. Lava is magma that erupts from a volcanic vent during an eruption. Unlike magma, it does not contain gases, as they evaporate during explosions.

2. Lava began to be called "lava" only after the eruption of Vesuvius in 1737. The geologist Francesco Serao, who was studying the volcano in those years, originally called it “labes”, which means “collapse” in Latin, and later the word acquired its modern sound.

3. Lava has a different composition for different volcanoes. Most often, it is composed of basalts and is characterized by a slow flow, like batter.

Basalt lava at Kilauea volcano

4. The most liquid lava, resembling water, contains potassium carbonates in its composition and is found only on.

5. In the bowels of the Yellowstone supervolcano is rhyolitic magma, which has an explosive character.

6. The most dangerous lava is corium, or lava-like fuel found in nuclear reactors. It is an alloy of the contents of the reactor with concrete, metal parts and other debris that is formed as a result of a nuclear crisis.

7. Despite the fact that the corium is of technical origin, its flows under the Chernobyl nuclear power plant outwardly resemble chilled basalt flows.

8. The most unusual in the world is the so-called "blue lava" on the Ijen volcano in Indonesia. In fact, the brightly glowing streams are not lava, but sulfur dioxide, which, when exiting the vents, turns into a liquid state and shines with blue light.

9. The color of the lava can determine its temperature. Yellow and bright orange are considered the hottest and have a temperature of 1000 ° C and above. Dark red is relatively cool, with a temperature of 650 to 800 ° C.

10. The only black lava is found in the Tanzanian volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai. As mentioned above, it consists of carbonates, giving it a dark tint. The lava flows of the summit are rather cool - the temperature is no more than 540 °C. When cooled, they become silvery, creating bizarre landscapes around the volcano.

11. On the Pacific Ring of Fire, volcanoes erupt mainly silicic lava, which has a viscous consistency and freezes in the mouth of the mountain, stopping its eruption. Subsequently, under pressure, the frozen cork is knocked out of the vent, resulting in a powerful explosion.

12. According to research, in the early days of its existence, our planet was covered with lava oceans, layered in structure.

13. When lava flows down slopes, it cools unevenly, so sometimes lava tubes form inside the flows. The length of these tubes can reach several kilometers, and the width inside is 14-15 meters.

Inside a lava tube in Hawaii

Obsidian is a common rock of variable composition. It is an amorphous volcanic glass formed during the rapid cooling of lava.

The etymology of the name is not exactly determined. It is believed that it was introduced by the ancient Greek philosopher and naturalist Theophrastus in the 4th century BC. e. There are three main versions:
1. From Greek. "obsis" - vision, spectacle; because mirrors were made from black obsidian in ancient Greece.
2. The ancient historian Pliny the Elder mentions a certain Roman named Obsius, who first brought this stone from Ethiopia to Europe.
3. From lat. "Obsianus" is the ancient name of the Kushite tribes living in East Africa.

Composition: from rhyolite (close to granite) to basalt glass. Contains up to 75% silicon dioxide; water is present in very small amounts (less than 1%). Hardness: 5 - 5.5 (scratches glass). Average specific gravity: 2.4 g/cm3. Opaque to translucent and transparent. Coloration: from light gray to black, as well as blue, green, reddish-brown, purple.

The structure is glassy. The texture can be uniform or patchy, as well as brecciated and banded. It occurs in the form of lava flows, domes, needles.

The black color of obsidian is often due to dusty inclusions, and gives the stone a reddish-brown tone. There are many varieties:

Persian - brecciated brownish brown.
Rock jet is one of the trade names for black volcanic glass.
Mountain mahogany - red-black banded.
Mountain mahogany wood - red-brown with gray stripes, reminiscent of the texture of mahogany.
Kisey stone or Hungarian obsidian or lynx sapphire is a translucent bluish-gray with a silky sheen. Mined in the Tokay and Palhaza deposits (Hungary).
Nevada topaz - smoky translucent.
Rock glass or glass agate is colorless and transparent.
Montana jade or pseudochrysolite is a green variety.
Aquamarine obsidian is a translucent greenish stone from Mexico.
Strombolite - dark purple.

From oriented microscopic inclusions of liquids, gases, as well as glass globules, obsidian sometimes has aventurescence, opalescence, and the effect of a cat's eye. Such stones are highly valued. They are known as: iridescent obsidian, ~ iridescent, ~ silver, ~ golden.

According to the features of the texture, they distinguish: obsidian cobweb, ~ banded (obsidian onyx), ~ spotted (royal agate). Snowy (flowered) obsidian looks impressive - black volcanic glass with grayish-white inclusionsresembling snow flakes.

Obsidian as a product of volcanic eruptions is widely distributed. It occurs as glassy lava in areas of active or extinct volcanoes. In Russia, it is known in Karelia (Sortavala), in Kabardino-Balkaria (Zayukovskoye, Chegemskoye), in Buryatia (Mukhor-Tala), the Jewish Autonomous Region (Obluchensky district), in Kamchatka (Nachikinskoye).

Stones with the effect of iridescence are found in Nagorno-Karabakh (Kechaldak deposit). In Armenia, a variegated variety of brownish-black color is known in the Talin region, and gray and yellow obsidian is mined in the Abovyan region. Landscape volcanic glass is being developed in Georgia (Paravan deposit). There are several deposits in the north of Tajikistan (near Khujand) and in the south of Kazakhstan.

In Europe, obsidian is mined in Iceland, Hungary, Italy (Aeolian Islands); in Southeast Asia - in Indonesia and Japan (the island of Hokkaido). The most significant African deposits are located in Ethiopia. Spectacular "snow" obsidian is common in the USA (California, Utah, Oregon, Wyoming). A variety from New Mexico is known as "Apache tears". In the Bitterrud Mountains (Idaho), beautiful star opals are found in voids among black volcanic glass.

Stones with an iridescent effect are found in Nevada and the Hawaiian Islands. Rainbow banded obsidian is mined in Mexico (pc. San Luis Potosi). There are deposits in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador. Volcanic glasses from Colombia and Peru were previously mistaken for tektites (hence their name, Americanites). It has now been established that they are in fact obsidian.

In the Paleolithic era, people made arrowheads and spearheads, knives, as well as jewelry and amulets from obsidian. The age of the most ancient finds is about 10 thousand years. The Cairo Museum houses a pectoral from Tutankhamen's tomb.

This symbol of the pharaoh's power is made in the form of a vulture with outstretched wings. The feathers are gold plates adorned with red and obsidian.

In pre-Columbian America, the Indians made mirrors, figurines of gods, magic balls from it. The obsidian "Mirror of the Incas", sent by Cortes from the New World in the middle of the 16th century, is kept in the National Museum of Natural History (Paris).

In various countries, obsidian is widely used in souvenirs and jewelry. Transparent varieties are cut. This stone can be seen in many Faberge products.

Obsidian is usually easy to identify by its vitreous appearance, bright luster, sufficiently high hardness, and conditions of occurrence. It is similar to jet, morion, smoky quartz, glassy cuprite (copper glass), some tektites. Glass can be used as an imitation.

Since ancient times, this unusual stone has attracted people with its mysterious brilliance. Magic balls, rosaries, amulets were made from it. Obsidian is considered a stone of caution - it protects the owner from rash acts. According to astrologers, it will bring good luck to Capricorns and Aquarius.

Since ancient times, lava stone has been considered the Child of the Earth. Coming from the very heart of the planet, it carries a continuous and endless stream of life. Like a child born from the womb, the stone absorbed all the love of our planet.

Volcanic lava and its healing properties have been used by man since time immemorial. This mineral carries the power of the elements, the primordial power of nature. The forces of fire and earth, water and air are intertwined in jewelry made of volcanic lava. Lava is a volcanic rock formed by the solidification of hot liquid mass. Earth and Fire form liquid lava, it cools in Air or flows into the Sea, forming a new Land. Jewelry made from volcanic lava was revered by all the peoples of the world as the most powerful protective amulet and talisman.

If your choice is lava beads and earrings, this means that you are determined to take your destiny into your own hands and start creating events in your life. Lava is one of the sacred and magical stones used by shamans for sacred rituals, healing, wound healing and life changes. Jewelry made of lava will give its owner all the strength necessary for change. Beads and earrings made of volcanic lava will fill you with their mighty energy of the four elements, and you will be supported in your endeavors by the most ancient force - the power of nature and the elements.

Lava jewelry brings the body the energy it needs to heal itself and heal on all levels. Lava resonates especially well with the base chakra and the third eye chakra. Like smoky quartz, the power of lava helps the owner of jewelry made from this mineral to feel their roots and stand firmly on the ground. The healing properties of lava and smoky quartz are similar, but the effect of lava is more imperceptible, longer in time and gives a more stable result. It does not have the crystalline power of quartz, but it carries the wisdom and power of the elements themselves and helps a person become part of the universe and merge with it.

Lava is the mineral of shamans, mystics and spiritual adepts. This is a mineral of wizards and alchemists who feel their inextricable connection with nature and are able to interact with it. From the depths of antiquity, lava came to us as a symbol of consciousness and awareness, it attracts like a magnet people with special abilities and gifts, healers, warriors, people who know and reveal themselves and their strength.

Lava jewelry is useful for people with poor health, for those who need rest and reboot, for people who are tired of stress and exertion. Volcanic lava beads will help you recharge at deep levels, restore your physical body, fill your energy body with the power of the 5 elements of nature, bring energy to balance. Volcanic lava earrings will help cleanse the mental body, streamline and clarify thoughts, structure actions, understand or find motivation, and make real plans for the future.

Lava jewelry is a good gift for a business woman, for everyone who runs their own business and is responsible for the result. They will help you stand firmly on your feet and confidently move towards new goals and heights.

Volcanic lava heals the legs, joints, circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems. Lava beads placed on a sore spot will cleanse it of toxins (physical, mental, emotional), and during the second session they will fill the organs with the power of nature and the elements - the power of LIFE itself. In between sessions, the beads should be cleaned under running water or held in a saline solution. You can put them in the garden, under direct sunlight and moonlight.

Modern science confirms many positive effects. The mineral contains trace elements that contribute to the functioning of all living things, flora and fauna in places of natural accumulation of lava is striking in diversity and strength.

Another wonderful property that lava jewelry transmits to its owners is fluidity, flexibility, the ability to change and adapt without losing its strength, power, essence and purposefulness. According to its energy, volcanic lava is divided into male and female, into Yin and Yang stones. Rough rope lava carries Yang energy, smooth lava is softer in energy and carries Yin properties. Both types of lava are extremely useful and have a positive effect on humans. The chemical composition of the lava of each deposit is unique.

If you keep your volcanic lava jewelry at the entrance to the house, this will save your house from uninvited guests and any manifestations of aggression. Lava is one of the most ancient amulets at home among all the tribes of the world, especially among nomads, and peoples who are inextricably linked with nature, its cycles and rhythms. Wearing lava jewelery attunes any person to these natural rhythms, hearing and understanding oneself, one's body, desires, thoughts, plans, dreams. With prolonged wearing of beads and earrings made of lava, a person becomes more intuitive, the ability to understand and correctly interpret the messages and images of his intuition, subconscious, dreams, visions. This develops natural talents and creative thinking, allows you to merge even deeper with nature, with the Universe and with your deep inner world, with your natural wisdom, strength and power. Lava jewelry can bring out all your hidden power from the depths and help you wisely manifest it in your life and use this power to achieve your wildest plans and dreams.

Despite the apparent lightness and fragility, volcanic lava is a fairly dense material that is resistant to moisture. It can be safely washed in running water, which from time to time needs to be done with all the decorations in order to refresh and wash away the negative accumulated on them.

Another name is "basalt", lava stone received in Ethiopia. Having a hot nature, the mineral was named from the Ethiopian word - "basal", which means "boiled".

Since ancient times, people have known this stone, which was used not only as jewelry for women, but also for making statuettes of gods and household utensils. Later, lava stone began to be combined with noble metals such as gold and silver. When they merge, amazing brooches, necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings were obtained.

In the modern world, volcanic lava is widely used. A variety of decorative elements are created from it: countertops, tiles, mosaics and sculptures.

Lava stone is very loved by jewelers because it has a certain versatility. The mineral is able to perfectly combine with other natural stones, emphasizing the beauty of any product made from it.

Very elegant decorations combine black, white and red. For example, lava has a beautiful inflorescence with white agate or blood red jasper. But even in a lonely incarnation, the stone is beautiful and very thin. Black color will emphasize any nature of a person.

Volcanic lava and its healing properties have been used by man since time immemorial. This mineral carries the power of the elements, the primordial power of nature.

In ancient times, the volcano was considered a symbol of consciousness, since it was born as a result of the combination of four elements - Earth, Fire, Water and Air. Lava is formed from the first two elements; then it is cooled by Air and flows into the sea (Water).
Jewelry made from volcanic lava was revered by all the peoples of the world as the most powerful protective amulet and talisman.

Wearing lava jewelery attunes any person to natural rhythms, hearing and understanding oneself, one's body, desires, thoughts, plans, dreams. With prolonged contact with this mineral, a person's intuitiveness, the ability to understand and correctly interpret the messages and images of his intuition, subconsciousness, dreams, visions, is aggravated. This develops natural talents and creative thinking, allows you to merge even deeper with nature, with the Universe and with your deep inner world, with your natural wisdom, strength and power. Lava jewelry can bring out all your hidden power from the depths and help you wisely manifest it in your life and use this power to achieve your wildest plans and dreams.

Lava jewelry is a good gift for everyone who runs their own business and is responsible for the result. They will help you stand firmly on your feet and confidently move towards new goals and heights.
Another wonderful property that lava jewelry transmits to its owners is fluidity, flexibility, the ability to change and adapt without losing its strength, power, essence and purposefulness.

Medicinal properties.

Volcanic lava heals the legs, joints, circulatory, nervous and lymphatic systems. Lava jewelry is useful for people with poor health, for those who need rest and reboot, for people who are tired of stress and exertion. They will help you recharge at deep levels, restore your physical body, fill your energy body with the power of nature, bring energy to balance.

Influence on the psyche: the stone helps to live in harmony with oneself. The mineral improves the feeling of one's own body. Releases, helps to cope with stress. It has a general anti-spasmodic effect, promotes balance and satisfaction.

Impact on the chakras: the mineral belongs to the 1st chakra. Most strongly affects the root chakra, increases vitality and strengthens the character. If you put a stone on the chakra, it will communicate calmness and warmth. In addition, the energy of other minerals will be perceived more strongly.

Practical tips for application: the stone is always used on the body.

Cleaning and care: clean and discharge the stone once a month on large salt crystals. Then put on charge in the sun, store next to rock crystal.
