School Librarians Day October 27th. Scenario for a class hour on the topic "International School Library Day"

In 2016, International School Library Day will be celebrated on October 26th. The holiday was established by UNESCO in 1999.

Visiting the school library is an integral part of the educational process. The library gives students and teachers the opportunity to use educational, methodological and fiction literature without leaving school.

History and reasons for the appearance of the holiday

International School Library Day was included in the register of holidays at the suggestion of UNESCO in 1999. Further, for about ten years it was celebrated on the last Monday of October, but since 2008 it was decided to devote the entire month of October to the topic. From now on, schools choose days throughout the month to organize various events dedicated to the work of libraries and librarians.

The purpose of these events is to draw attention to the many problems associated with the operation of the school library system. Among them, the main one is insufficient funding for the field, and the associated shortage of textbooks and fiction books, a small number of new acquisitions, the low technical level of library equipment, the decline in the authority of the librarian profession, as well as a general decline in interest in reading among schoolchildren.

Events taking place as part of the celebration

As a rule, some of the events are of a charitable nature. They are aimed at raising funds for the library to purchase new books, or promotions during which libraries accept book donations.

Others are organized by librarians for elementary, middle and high school students. At these meetings, library workers introduce students to the rules of working in the library and teach them how to treat books with care and respect as a source and repository of knowledge.

At district and city level events, librarians participate in conferences, meetings, and seminars, where they exchange work experience and discuss ways to improve and optimize the work of the areas entrusted to them. Every year, school library months are held under various thematic slogans.

In addition to discussing and solving problems, solemn and festive events take place throughout the month. Schoolchildren participate in literary quizzes, author and reading competitions. Theater productions are organized based on fragments of works from the school curriculum, and competitions are held for the best illustration or drawing based on favorite books.

The cycle of events usually ends with a big literary festival. In the thematically designed assembly hall of the school, awards for competition winners, exhibitions of student works, honoring library workers take place, and a concert program is organized by students and teachers.

October 23, 2017 – International School Library Day

Library of the MBOU "Maryanovskaya School" of the Krasnogvardeisky district of the Republic of Crimea

International School Library Day was held on October 18, 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. It was first proclaimed by the President of the International Association of School Libraries, Blanche Woolles. He proposed celebrating the holiday on the 3rd Monday of October.

School Libraries Australia (SLAV) was the first organization to celebrate International School Libraries Day.

In 2005, the official status of the holiday was confirmed by the new president of this organization, Peter Ginko, moving it to the 4th Monday of October. Since then, it has been celebrated annually every fourth Monday in October. But in 2008, one holiday was replaced by School Library Month. Now every organization can choose any suitable day for holding a holiday and events.
The main goal of the month is to attract public attention to school libraries that need regular replenishment of classical and modern literature. As part of School Library Day, events are held to collect books from volunteers, meetings with authors and interesting people, literary presentations, professional conferences and competitions.

The holiday's emblem is a flower with six petals, depicted against the background of an open book.

This holiday is not easy,
It's international.
Together we celebrate the Day
School libraries.

The kids' textbooks are waiting,
The classics are bored
Books lined up
Knowledge is retained.

Be a frequent visitor
You're in the library
And they will open the books to you
All your secrets.

Our school has a librarian,
She gives books to children,
There is no calmer, wiser man,
She will understand everyone who comes.

On this glorious international day,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Your work is undoubtedly noble,
Let it pass in blissful silence.

May your children love you very much,
A kind heart is always appreciated,
There will be peace in the soul and on the planet,
And there will never be grief!

Happy International School Library Day. Let every student find something new, interesting and unusual for himself in the temple of books. Let the school library become a real learning assistant for everyone, a wonderful friend and advisor.

Happy School Libraries Day!
Only here you can’t hear the stomping, running,
And everyone sits quietly,
Read books for the kids!

The boys are sitting next to each other
They look at their tablets together like that.
Don't distract them from the screen
Even the sound of a drum.

Tablets, computers, smart phones, iPhones -
Today all schoolchildren are familiar with them!
But no matter how fast time runs -
We can't study without libraries!
Textbooks have settled here in a crowd,
And we can’t pass by the book with you.
We don’t press keys, but turn pages.
Without books we can't learn anything,
After all, a man wrote a book with his soul.
Let's celebrate School Libraries Day!

Books and notebooks are crying -
They are not welcome at all now.
What to do, how to be,
How to surprise kids?

I know one secret -
Cut off the Internet!
And then all the children are together
They will begin to read obediently!

They'll run to the library
And they will be happy to read the books!
And the children will immediately become wiser -
After all, the book is the most important book in the world!

A little history...

The library of a general education institution as a social institution has traditionally occupied a special place in the field of education. In Russia there has always been an extensive network of school libraries. They were available at every educational institution - both in theological schools (the appearance of the first educational library is associated with them), in privileged educational institutions (gymnasiums, lyceums), and in elementary schools and public schools. Progressive representatives of domestic pedagogy have always considered the school library as the most important link in the educational process, emphasizing the influence of the content of the library's documentary resources on the quality of education.

Even the air is hidden here,
Here is a well of wisdom spilled,
Draw from it immensely.

There is a quiet peaceful area at school,
All textbooks are stored here,
Here books don't gather dust for a long time,
Take it for joy and read.

There is a quiet peaceful area at school,
His name is library
There the ignoramus will become a man,
And don't forget him!

School library today...

A modern school library is the implementation of the new Federal State Educational Standards! With the introduction of new standards, the principles and goals of education are radically changing. The school is sharply turning from the set of knowledge and skills that the student until now had to demonstrate at the exit, to the fact that he must be psychologically ready to study all his life and be able to do it. The success of a modern person and the results of his educational activities are increasingly determined by the level of his readiness to independently acquire knowledge. Continuing education and the ability to retrain become part of maintaining the social status of the individual; The career of a modern person largely depends on his ability to timely find, receive, adequately perceive and productively use new information.

This development presents a scenario for a class hour on the topic “International School Library Day” with a presentation attached to the scenario. The development presents the history of libraries and the history of the holiday. Next, the event turns into a game form, students are invited to divide into teams and complete tasks (blitz survey, proverbs, dramatization, difficulties of working as a librarian, creative drawing). The class hour ends with a poem dedicated to the librarian.

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Class hour

Target: Increasing the level of information and literary culture of students


Expand your horizons in the field of library history

Identify the level of reading of students

Form an idea of ​​the work of a librarian

Subject " International School Libraries Day"

Hello, dear guests, guys. Do you like to read? Let's each of you name your favorite book (CHILDREN'S ANSWERS) I asked about books for a reason, today our class hour will be devoted to school libraries.

Slide 1.

Likhacheav’s statement says: “As long as the library is alive, the people are alive.

if she dies, our past and future will die.” How do you understand the meaning of this statement?

Let's take a little look at the history of libraries and find out when International School Libraries Day was first celebrated. Slide 2 -5.

- Many international and national events have their own emblem or mascot; the International Association of School Libraries has its own emblem. It symbolizes a flower with six petals, depicted against the background of an open book. Slide 6.

Guys, I invite you to play the role of librarians today. To do this, let's divide into teams. Students take turns drawing tokens from the envelope.

Now each of you come up with your own name, which will be associated with the library or books. Come up with team names.

1 Task – quick survey.

The first task for you is a blitz survey. Questions will be asked for each team in turn. For the correct answer 1 point. The first spoken answer is immediately accepted; if the answer is incorrect, then the right to answer this question is transferred to another team.

    Who walked day and night on the oak tree? (Cat scientist)

    Who was wild in Andersen's fairy tale? (Swans)

    What is the name of the list where the chapter titles are listed? (Content)

    What is the old woman left with in the story of the goldfish? (With a trough)

    How many heroes were there in the fairy tale about the sleeping beauty by A.S. Pushkin? (Seven)

    What did Granny Little Red Riding Hood carry? (Pies)

    What was the crow holding in its mouth in Krylov’s fable “The Crow and the Fox”? (Cheese)

    What is the name of the part, for example, of a textbook where the rules, formulas, etc. are written? (Farsatz)

    Who was Cipollino? (Onion)

    Name of the girl with a porcelain head (Malvina)

    What do you call a person who writes poetry? (Poet)

    What should a person do in his card after receiving a book from the hands of a librarian?


2 Task – Proverbs

Slide 7

Before you is the beginning of a proverb, your task is to correctly find its ending.

The spoken word was yes and no, but the written word lives forever

If you play with a book, you'll get smarter

An unfinished book is a journey not completed

The book is small, but it gave me some insight.

Not everyone who reads knows the power of reading.

3. Assignment – ​​Dramatization.

- Now the teams will draw the name of the Basani, which they will have to dramatize, and the other team will have to guess which fable the excerpt is from.

Team 1 – Monkey and glasses

Team 2 – Crow and Fox

Monkey and glasses



There are bushes in the foreground on the left and right, a palm tree in the middle, and a jungle in the background. The Monkey comes out from behind the bushes to the music. She crashes into a palm tree and coconuts fall on top of her.

Monkey (confused)

As I get older, my eyes have become quite weak.
I’m walking, everything is as if in a fog on the way...

A Parrot flies out from behind the bushes and sits down next to the Monkey.

Then buy yourself glasses.


Glasses? I've never heard of them.

Haven't you heard? These are the times!
Glasses are a very useful thing!
Science invented them, you know,
To return to us the vigilance of our eyes.

Monkey (joyfully)

I want glasses! Want! Want! Want!
There is no worse fate for a blind man in the world!
Fly and get more points!
I will pay any price for them.

I heard that alone is enough.

Monkey (indignantly)

Alone?! It won't make me feel any better!
Carry half a dozen, just in case,
Then they will certainly be of some use.

The parrot flies away, then returns and puts a whole basket of glasses in front of the Monkey. The monkey takes the glasses out of the basket and examines them.

Monkey (disapproving)

And this... What did you call them?

Parrot Glasses!
Place them on your nose and look into the glass! The parrot tries to put glasses on Monkey, but she pushes him away.

A Crow and a fox



How many times have they told the world,
That flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future,
And a flatterer will always find a corner in the heart.
God once sent a piece of cheese to the crow.

A Crow flies out from behind a bush with a huge piece of cheese in its beak and sits on top of the tree.


Raven perched on the spruce tree,
I was just about ready to have breakfast,
Yes, I became thoughtful, but I held the cheese in my mouth.
Then, unfortunately, the Fox ran nearby.

A Fox appears from behind a bush and begins to sniff.


Suddenly the cheese spirit stopped the Fox:
The fox sees the cheese, the fox is captivated by the cheese.
The cheat approaches the tree on tiptoe;
He twirls his tail and doesn’t take his eyes off Crow.
And he speaks so sweetly, barely breathing.

My dear, oh, how beautiful you are!
What a neck, what eyes!
Tell it, really, in a fairy tale!
What feathers! What a sock!
And, truly, there must be an angelic voice!
Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed! What if, sister,
With such beauty, you are a master at singing, -
After all, you would be our king bird!


Veshunin's head was spinning with praise,
The breath stole from my throat with joy, -
And Lisitsyn’s friendly words
The crow croaked at the top of its lungs.

Kar! The cheese falls. The fox grabs him and runs away.


The cheese fell out, and there was a trick with it.
The crow is complaining.

Oh, if only I knew
Her cunning, I wouldn’t open my mouth.
Neither false speech nor sweet poison flattery
From now on, nothing will harm me.
I despise them! I know the value of them!
I will certainly distinguish it from the truth!
Oh life! You taught me a lesson.

The crow flies away.

Task 4 – Difficulties of working as a librarian.

- Do you think the job of a librarian is difficult? (Children's answers)

The work of a librarian is very painstaking; you need to know which shelf the book is on; the librarian makes sure that the books are in alphabetical order. Keeps track of whether all books are in order and whether readers have returned everything. And of course, a librarian must, like no one else, keep up with the times. After all, it is to him that we turn for help when we don’t know what to read. He will help us choose a genre, an author, and tell us what kind of literature they are currently interested in.

But one librarian got confused in the books and mixed up everything in the library cards. Guys, your task is to correct errors in the titles of works. For each correct piece 1 point.

Teams are given cards.

    Snow Princess

    Three from Smetanny

    Red cap

    18 months

    Pinocchio and the golden lock

    Ivan - Tsarevich and the White Wolf

    Red Cheek and the Seven Dwarfs

    Dragonfly and grasshopper

    Wolf and six kids

    Wild geese

    Arrogant's Adventure

    Ali Baba and the 41 Thieves

Task 5 – Drawing

- Well done, you fixed everything correctly. We are convinced that the work of a librarian is not so simple; order and attentiveness are important. And now we will hold our last competition. Please, imagine that you and your whole team were hanging a book. Draw a cover for this book. A4 size sheets are distributed.


Our class hour has come to an end. What was new and interesting for you today? (Children's answers)

Thanks guys for your active work, thanks to the guests. I hope that you enjoyed our class hour and I want to end it with a poem dedicated to the school librarian. Slide 8

School librarian

Librarian is not a calling

And the state of the soul is special.

School librarian early in the morning,

Like the boys, he is always in a hurry to get to class.

Of course, he is not a magician or a wizard,

But sometimes he can surprise

Suddenly pulling out a textbook from nowhere,

Which there was simply nowhere to get!

He will conduct all the lessons as needed.

And it will help, only someone gets sick,

He will not forget meetings, dates, deadlines,

Will shovel a lot of things in a day!

His presence is usually unnoticeable,

His absence is immediately noticeable to everyone,

In a spiritual sense, the person is not poor at all,

But this does not solve all problems...

He, as a teacher, does a lot,

Many people don't understand his work.

He is very modest, not strict at all,

Does not expect special honors, praise,

He goes his own way, his own way,

So that this world becomes a little kinder.

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"International Bib-Tech Day"

International School Libraries Day

“As long as the library is alive, the people are alive.

if she dies, our past and future will die.”

D. Likhachev

History of libraries

Translated from Greek, the word “library” means “book depository” (from “biblion” -

book and “teke” - storage).

The first Russian libraries appeared during the times of Kievan Rus. In Kyiv, Novgorod,

Chernigov, Vladimir translated, copied and stored church books. In the chronicle

it is said that in 1037 Prince Yaroslav the Wise gathered in Kyiv many scribes who could

rewrite books.

Ordinary people - not kings, not academicians and not monarchs - could take books from

reading libraries at bookstores. Books to read for a small fee

were issued to everyone.

Currently, the largest library in Russia and Europe is the Russian

State library, its collection includes 43 million items.

The first public library appeared in the 6th century BC back in

Ancient Greece.

In Russia, school libraries arose at the beginning of the 18th century and are

one of the oldest types of libraries in our country.

In 1911, at the first All-Russian Congress on Librarianship in Communications

with the expansion of the school network, it was proposed to create a universal school network

libraries. In 1914, educational libraries on the territory of Russia

educational institutions accounted for 78% of the total number of libraries.

First International School Libraries Day

The first International School Libraries Day, by decision of the International Association of School Libraries, was held

Since then, School Library Day has been celebrated annually on the fourth

Monday in October.

In Russia, this holiday was first celebrated in 2008, on the theme

“School library on the agenda” In 2017, the theme of the day was “Connecting

culture and community"

Emblem of International School Libraries Day

symbolizes a flower with six petals, depicted against the background of an open book.

you'll get smarter

The spoken word -

yes no

and gave me intelligence

you'll fall for it -

and what is written

lives a century

Will you have books?

you'll know everything


understands strength

The book is small

Not everyone

who reads


all the way to the end

School librarian

Librarian is not a calling

And the state of the soul is special.

School librarian early in the morning,

Like the boys, he is always in a hurry to get to class.

Of course, he is not a magician or a wizard,

But sometimes he can surprise

Suddenly pulling out a textbook from nowhere,

Which there was simply nowhere to get!

He will conduct all the lessons as needed.

And it will help, only someone gets sick,

He will not forget meetings, dates, deadlines,

Will shovel a lot of things in a day!

His presence is usually unnoticeable,

His absence is immediately noticeable to everyone,

In a spiritual sense, the person is not poor at all,

But this does not solve all problems...

He, as a teacher, does a lot,

Many people don't understand his work.

He is very modest, not strict at all,

Does not expect special honors, praise,

He goes his own way, his own way,

So that this world becomes a little kinder.

One of the very first lessons here is taught to first-graders, introducing them to the bottomless magic of books. High school students also come here to prepare for a lesson or exam, or choose material for writing an essay. The importance of the school library was determined long ago. And today a holiday dedicated to the school library is taking place all over the world. The first printed books were very expensive, circulations were small.

Since 1999, on the recommendation of UNESCO, the holiday of school libraries has been celebrated. It usually falls on the fourth Monday in October. Officially, this holiday acquired its status in 2005 and was confirmed by the head of the International Association of School Libraries. Every year, this tradition is now established in many countries. School Library Day is celebrated differently in each country.

How is the holiday celebrated?

Seven years ago, this holiday began to be celebrated in a new way; under the leadership of Rick Mulholland (project manager), it was declared an international month.

There are usually numerous events going on throughout October. During this month, each school or relevant organization must choose days to hold its main event.

The holiday of school libraries appeared on the calendar of many countries for a reason. The purpose of this action is to attract public attention to the problems of school libraries: the lack of fiction, especially modern literature, the equipment of libraries with technical means remains low. Therefore, as a rule, the monthly events have become charitable - voluntary collections of books for libraries “Give a book to school” are held. School librarians hold many meetings, presentations, and conferences with students, both junior and senior students.
At the district and city levels, conferences are held for school librarians, where important issues of improving the work of libraries are discussed, and work experience is exchanged. Librarian is a worthy profession. This is the person who teaches the younger generation to treat the book very carefully, reverently and accurately, to draw knowledge from it, and the ability to use it.

Months are usually held under the motto, for example, “Literacy and learning - in your school library”, “School library is on the agenda”, “A book is my best friend”, “Whoever reads knows a lot”.

During October, school library workers and teachers hold many events: excursions, drawing competitions “My Favorite Literary Hero,” reading competitions, quizzes, intellectual games, dramatization of excerpts from works, “Live, Book!” Stories for first-graders about the history of the book and communication with it, and about the rules of conduct in the library will be interesting and fascinating. For children in grades 2-4, you can conduct library lessons “How is a book built?”

You can work on studying the design of the book, introducing students to the title page, frontispiece, annotation, and endpaper. In the list of events for the school library holiday, be sure to include a presentation of the profession of “teacher-librarian”, honoring veterans, exhibitions of books by writers of their native land and meetings with them.

The month should end in the assembly hall with a big celebration - the literary and musical composition “The Book is a Source of Knowledge.” Include in the script the festive decoration of the hall, scenes with statements by famous writers and creative people about the book and its significance in human life. It is necessary to prepare a concert program using congratulatory slides. At the end of the holiday there may be an awards ceremony for librarians and winners of monthly competitions.

In Russia, International Library Day was celebrated for the first time in 2008. During the year, all events were held under the motto - “School library on the agenda.” The forum approved a list of events for several years. Since May 27, 1995, All-Russian Library Day has been celebrated. In the Russian Federation, the key event of Library Month is considered to be a huge Forum where school librarians gather. Every year it is held in Mikhailovsky.

The holiday of school libraries is widely celebrated in different countries of the world, but how exactly? In Australia on this day there is a free style of clothing or, even better, a national costume. School libraries are staffed by volunteers, feature book and photo exhibitions, and host open lessons and classroom hours.

The Italian Library Association and the University of Rome are holding a seminar on the issue “Library: School partner in the educational process. Reflections, experiences and perspectives.”
Poland holds competitions, book readings, exhibitions, making and exchanging bookmarks in schools.
In Portugal, you can borrow the design of a handwritten wall “In my opinion, a school library is...”, photo collages “Portrait with a favorite book.”
In Romania, books are donated to the library, and students read their favorite works aloud.
In the Czech Republic, it is very interesting to host competitions for covers for books of classical literature, exhibitions of ancient and rare books, rapid translation of book titles in foreign languages, and much more.
Sculptors from different parts of the world are also not indifferent to the book. Many monuments are dedicated to the girl with the book; you can see them in France, New Zealand, and the USA.

In the Irish Republic and the United Kingdom, this holiday has been celebrated on the first Thursday in March for almost two decades. Most recently, a “bookish children’s” show was broadcast there. Famous authors and illustrators took part. The idea was to attract the attention of about 750 thousand schoolchildren to the “book show”. In these countries, to celebrate International Library Day, schoolchildren are given tokens that allow them to buy a special selection of books for just £1. In addition, the organizers organize festivals and competitions aimed at the interests of both adults and children.

What is a book?

A little history. A book is not just one of the types of printed materials, as the dictionary says, it is a storehouse of knowledge and spiritual values ​​that each of us needs. It appeared so long ago that it’s even scary. The book acquired its development as humanity developed. The book not only provides certain knowledge, but also enriches the spiritual and cultural development of a person. A book means a lot to a person, which is why holidays are created that praise both the book and the place where they are kept - its home.

Today it is worth thinking about the future of all humanity, and in order for it to be bright and beautiful, it is necessary to protect peace, spirituality and nature. The book serves as the very source of spirituality that can protect spirituality. After all, it is a book that helps a person acquire knowledge, find the necessary truths of life, and navigate situations correctly. And the main task now is to introduce the younger generation to reading, especially in the information age. After all, it is not the one who has a lot of televisions that is rich, but the one who has a lot of books. All over the world this holiday is respected and revered.

Viva librarian! Scenario for the holiday dedicated to International School Library Day.

I offer a script for the “Viva Librarian!” holiday, dedicated to the International Day of School Libraries, which I held for school librarians in the Kirov district of Ufa. It will be interesting and useful for school librarians.

Hall decoration: quotes about book, reading, librarian, greeting posters drawn by children, balloons.
Librarian: My dear colleagues, my dear friends! Today is our holiday. A holiday for those who decided to devote their lives to serving books and people! I propose to start it with the anthem of school librarians of the Kirov district of Ufa.
May a star shine in our lives,
What has been called a book since ancient times.
Let children always come to her,
And then hope will return to us.
Yes, we have a lot to do today,
We firmly believe in our luck -
There will be many victories ahead,
If the reader opens the door.
Chorus: The reader is our earthly compass,
Our books teach good things,
We don’t need another fate -
Children will have a path to knowledge.
And it’s still impossible to forget
How we served books with you,
There were different times -
We have always loved the reader.
And today we firmly believe that
Our books will be in school forever
We sow goodness in children's souls
Experts in the library country.
(N.A.Valeeva, teacher-librarian, MBOU Secondary School No. 34)

Librarian: Choosing a profession is one of the main aspects of personal self-determination. We made this choice a long time ago and fell in love with our profession - a school librarian, forever, for the rest of our lives, and we can no longer imagine ourselves outside the walls of the school.
Yes! I love my profession
And every year it gets stronger,
She's like poetry
Although there is a lot of everyday life in it,
She, like a poem, does not tolerate dullness,
Does not tolerate inertia and evil,
She is still in ancient times
I gained talent and wisdom.
Presenter 1: The work of a librarian... In Rus' they have been talking about it since the XYI century. And, if in Western Europe the librarian had a certain social weight, the position of the Russian librarian was more than modest. At that time, libraries were located in monasteries, and the position of a librarian was limited to book storage. In the XYII century, the first instructions on the protection of books and methods of their use already appeared. Their need was caused by the emergence of the library of the Academy of Sciences, created under Peter I. At the same time, the first school libraries appeared: “At schools, the library should be content, for without a library the Academy is like without a soul.” (“Spiritual Regulations”, section “Schoolhouses”, paragraph 8).
Presenter 2: By the beginning of the 30s of the 21st century in Russia there were already 62 gymnasium libraries and several dozen at district schools. In the 30s of the twentieth century, there were already more than 44 thousand school libraries. To improve library services in schools, the position of librarian was introduced. Currently, there are more than 62 thousand libraries of educational institutions in Russia.
Presenter 1: The constellation of the greatest names includes a galaxy of representatives of Russian librarianship. This is Ivan Andreevich Krylov - the great Russian fabulist, playwright, satirist. For 30 years he worked as an assistant librarian at the Imperial Public Library in St. Petersburg.
Presenter 2: For 50 years, the famous music and art critic, publicist, and scientist Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov worked in the same library. In Stasov’s understanding, a librarian is, first of all, an erudite, scientist, highly qualified specialist, consultant and leader of the reader.
Presenter 1: And we know that in our Kirov district of Ufa, school librarians are just such people.
4th grade students performing.
1 student: Librarians are the people
A special breed.
In the silence of libraries goes
The most important work.
2nd student: The world of knowledge is accessible,
And, helping everyone,
Stores all knowledge
Your brain is like a computer.
3rd student: You want it more and more
Read, grow smarter, dream
Or concentrate -
Create something great.
4 student: Great without loud words,
Invisible to the eye.
For you, the basis of all basics -
So that the light of the soul does not go out.
3rd grade students performing.
1 student: Everything is always in order with them,
The books are lined up
Clarity of notes in the notebook -
This is their holy rite.
2nd student: The one who is a dear friend to books,
Frequent visitor here on this day
Congratulations to everyone, of course
This is a holiday for all people!
Presenter 2: Dear friends, where do you think a librarian begins?
Presenter 1: Most likely, being a librarian begins with a love of books. And they instill this love in everyone - both children and adults.
2nd grade students performing.
Student 1: Let's imagine, at least for a moment,
That we suddenly lost magazines and books,
That people don't know what a poet means,
That there is no Cheburashka, no Hottabych.
2nd student: It’s as if no one has ever been in this world
And I had never heard of Moidodyr.
That there is no Dunno - a liar, a klutz,
That there is no Aibolit and no Uncle Styopa.
Student 3: It’s probably impossible to imagine something like this?
So hello, smart, kind word!
Let books come into your home as friends!
Read for the rest of your life - gain your mind!
Yuri Entin. Word about word)
Presenter 2: What about the reader? After all, without him your profession would not exist!
Librarian: Well, of course, we love not only the book, but also our readers, we love and hope that we will find like-minded people in them - the same book lovers. After all, in books everyone finds something interesting for themselves, useful for studying, wants to be like someone, but not like someone.
A 9th grade student speaking.

Library. There is silence in the hall.
You sit here, not noticing the clock,
Meeting my tried and tested friends,
Whose life is forever extended.
They grow up just like you,
And they teach quietly, year after year,
Move forward, resist adversity,
And see eternity in a fleeting day.
Heroes of books. They are all akin to us,
Dubrovsky, Chatsky, a little bit - Pechorin.
Our character is born from grains,
which they sowed.
Winter is on the street. And light snow
Spun into silent fibers.
And thoughtful windows beckon us
To the distant, close world of libraries.
(Yu. Tyukavin. Song about the library)
Librarian: Yes, we will always believe and hope that our readers are “The Best People Alive”, they will read everything we recommend. And most importantly, they will sacredly keep the book. And such a bad word as “debtor” will disappear from our everyday life.
Presenter 1: And then it will be easy for you to work. And, probably, the librarian profession will become not only female, but also male, although you are still doing a lot of hard work - issuing textbooks, endless moving, collecting and dismantling shelves, moving furniture...
7th grade students performing.
1 student: Dear pilots of the book sea,
Fairies who bring joy to others
Your work is invisible at times, but persistent
And definitely necessary.
2 student: Sincere, ardent, always kind,
In difficult moments, without hiding your face,
You through reefs, surf and foam
You lead people's hearts to knowledge.
Student 3: You are opening new distances
In a stormy stream of rustling pages,
Always striving for everyone to understand,
That hopes have no boundaries.
4 student: Dear fairies, hot souls,
Humble in life, saints in dreams,
Let the colds of life bypass you,
Let the excitement in your eyes not fade.
5th student: And they will be revered on Earth
In the darkness of generations and at any point
Your efforts, giving a miracle -
The miracle of communicating with the book itself.
Librarian: Dear friends, our holiday has come to an end. A celebration of our profession, our school library work.
Congratulations on School Libraries Day,
Our dear workers,
Let the years go by, let the century go by -
A book is what the world is decorated with.
A book is a joy for the soul,
Good friend, teacher, faithful companion.
Let us continue to the radiance of the peaks
She leads the world with her deep essence.
Presenter 2: Library work
Seemingly simple and quiet work
Far from pompous honor
Librarians live!
Presenter 1: So let them live forever!
Presenter 2: We wish everyone good health.
Be happy forever!
You are not only a librarian,
But also a man!!!
Presenter 1: With the help of a book, sow what is reasonable, good, and eternal.
Sow! Thank you from the heart
Readers are friendly people!
Together: Thank you!
Presenters: May there always be peace!
May there always be sunshine!
May it always be me!
May there always be a book!
Librarian: Let our work be kind and smart!
(The children and the librarian raise posters with these slogans.)
The song “How beautiful this world is” is playing. Children give balloons and cards to librarians.
A librarian begins with a book.
Librarians are not born, they are made in school libraries.
A librarian should know everything, but no more!
A smart librarian will turn any reader into a book lover.
The librarian is the first messenger of Beauty and Knowledge. N. Roerich
While the library is alive, the people are alive; if it dies, our past and future will die. D.S. Likhachev
The library has been and will be
The sacred temple of living printed words,
Young Bunin was one of its priests,
And for 30 whole years - the sage Krylov.
B. Cherkasov
Photos from the event
