Reliable signs of pregnancy. Doubtful, probable and reliable signs of pregnancy: description and features

Pregnancy is a very important event in the life of any woman. For some, it is joyful and long-awaited, for others - on the contrary. But, one way or another, everyone wants to know about the beginning of the development of a new life as early as possible - if possible, already in the first days after conception.

The reason to suspect the onset of pregnancy for most women of reproductive age with a regular cycle is a delay in menstruation. Finally, two strips dispel doubts during an independent test and the conclusion of a local gynecologist.

In this article, we will talk about the very first signs of pregnancy before a delay, a woman can feel them as early as 1 week after conception.

What happens in the body?

First you need to figure out how fertilization occurs, and only then talk about what signs of pregnancy may be in the early stages of its development. When a woman's egg matures, it leaves the ovary and travels down the fallopian tube. If the conditions are normal, then it is fertilized by the most active spermatozoon.

Due to the fact that the speed of sperm movement is small, no more than 2 mm per hour, the fertilization process can be delayed in time. When this happens, the division of the zygote begins. In addition to the fact that she begins to divide, she needs to find a place in the uterus where she can attach herself in order to receive the necessary nutrients.

After fertilization, the egg moves to the uterus and this can take one to two weeks. Only after the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, we can say that the pregnancy has occurred.

When can we expect the first manifestations

Early symptoms of pregnancy can be observed as early as 8-10 days after the fertilization of the egg. This period may vary, depending on the body's sensitivity to hormonal changes.

In medical practice, there were cases when women recognized fertilization already on the 5th day. In this context, we are talking about women who carefully listen to their body and feel the slightest fluctuations in their condition. On the 20th day of the cycle, the signs of pregnancy acquire a characteristic appearance.

You can confirm your position only after the formation of reliable symptoms. It is not possible to detect signs of pregnancy on the first day after conception.

Signs of pregnancy: TOP 10

You can recognize the first symptoms that speak of pregnancy by the following signs:

  1. Absence of menstruation;
  2. Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands;
  3. Change in taste preferences;
  4. Frequent urination;
  5. Fatigue and drowsiness;
  6. Increase in basal temperature;
  7. Nausea;
  8. Vaginal discharge;
  9. Frequent urination.

The process of pregnancy is full of interesting and pleasant moments. And the birth of your baby will open up a whole new world for you and become a new page in your life.

Absence of menstruation

The most obvious and well-known symptom is that you notice that your period has not come on time. But, despite the fact that this symptom is most often attributed to pregnancy, there are a number of other reasons that can lead to a delay. For example, severe stress, a serious illness or surgery.

On the other hand, many women notice the presence of menstruation already during pregnancy. For some, they will go on for several months or even the entire pregnancy.

Increase in basal body temperature

Don't be lazy: watch your basal temperature throughout the cycle. If you are pregnant, either the temperature will rise to 37 degrees or drop sharply for one day in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. This process is called "implantation retraction".

There can be two reasons. Firstly, from the middle of the second phase, the production of the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for raising the temperature, decreases, but if you are pregnant, it starts to be produced again. Therefore, temperature fluctuations occur. Secondly, during pregnancy, the hormone estrogen is released, which lowers the temperature.

Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands

Breast enlargement and darkening of the nipples during pregnancy is observed in almost 100% of patients. In some cases, already in the very early stages, a woman feels discomfort from the fact that the bra becomes somewhat tight.

Important: a sharp increase in the sensitivity of the breast and even the appearance of pain when touched is not excluded.

Growth of mammary glands

Despite the fact that this symptom is not considered indispensable, it is observed in most women. If pregnancy has come, then the mammary glands increase in exactly the same way. If only one gland increases, or some part of it swells, this indicates the presence of diseases.

Feelings of nausea and vomiting

The most famous of the primary signs of pregnancy is nausea. Many women who have given birth claim that nausea in their case occurred ten sometimes fourteen days before the expected menstruation. Whatever nausea torments you too much, and does not become unbearable, try eating a cracker or a non-fatty cookie on an empty stomach, and also try switching to fractional nutrition. Eat often, but in small portions, and in no case should you eat rarely and in large quantities.

Change in taste preferences

Increasing levels of hormones cause a change in taste preferences. Those food combinations that were previously unacceptable for a woman become objects of preference and vice versa. Also, a woman may feel a taste of metal in her mouth.

Vaginal discharge

After 6-12 days from the moment of conception, spotting may appear. Their volume is small - within a few drops. The appearance of a discharge is one of the signs of the successful introduction of a fertilized egg into the endometrium of the uterus. This sign of pregnancy is not typical for all women; it is only one of the variants of the norm.


An unpleasant sign of a possible pregnancy that can annoy a woman for all nine months is heartburn. In the first four months, this is caused by hormonal changes. But after the fourth month and before the ninth, this happens because the baby, growing up, puts pressure on many internal organs, and to a greater extent on the stomach.

Discharge from the chest

During pregnancy, colostrum may well stand out from the breast, this is absolutely normal for all pregnant women. The discharge should be clear and not abundant. This is called galactorrhea. Milk, colostrum or a milk-like liquid is released from the nipples, and such discharges can begin on any day of pregnancy, even in the very first days after conception, but they will end, or rather, they will move to another state only at the beginning of breastfeeding

Changes in well-being

About a week after conception, a woman may feel unusual fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, apathy. At this stage, expectant mothers may be bothered by headaches. The reason for these sensations is the increased production of pregnancy hormones, which from now on will affect the woman's body for all 9 months.

Frequent urge to urinate

A very common and reliable symptom, the first week of pregnancy is constantly accompanied by frequent urination and other similar troubles. This may be the result of cystitis - a very terrible and unpleasant infectious disease. Symptoms of cystitis include frequent trips to the toilet, pain during urination, fever, and extreme fatigue. Every woman can get cystitis after conception, and it's not an infection, but an increase in progesterone production.

This hormone improves the health of the fetus, and creates relaxation in the bladder. Due to such strong relaxation, the channel remains open, and the desire to go to the toilet appears even with an empty bladder. If you do not have intense pain, relax and experience this symptom, but if you still have pain, you need to see a doctor and undergo treatment. Jokes are bad with cystitis, it is better to cure its initial stage than to fight chronic.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

These undoubted manifestations are 100% evidence of pregnancy. Their detection is possible from the second week of gestation and later, so they are considered late.

  1. Ultrasound confirmation of the presence of the fetus.
  2. Fixing the fetal heartbeat by instrumental methods - CTG, FKG, ECG, as well as from 15 weeks using a stethoscope.
  3. Detection of the head, handles and other parts of the fetus, it is possible to move it during palpation.

To make a reliable diagnosis, it is important to take into account the opinion of a specialist. During a medical consultation, you can find out on what day the first signs of pregnancy appear, and how to distinguish them.

Rapid Pregnancy Test Results

A rapid test, which can be bought at any pharmacy, gives objective results five or more days after the first day of the expected menstruation. However, such tests often give erroneous readings (more often false negative readings).

This happens due to the fact that the test reacts to the amount of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin in the urine of a woman. The level of this hormone increases slowly in the first months as pregnancy progresses. In the case when you need to find out about the onset (or not the onset of pregnancy) before five days of delay, you can do a test in the laboratory, it has more objective results.

An increase in the amount of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine also occurs with certain neoplasms of the uterus.

What are the signs of abnormal pregnancy?

A dangerous symptom of pregnancy is severe pain in the abdomen, uterus and fallopian tubes. With or without fever. The appearance of such not even too painful sensations, and the absence of menstruation, is a sign of a woman's life-threatening ectopic pregnancy.

In such cases, a woman is urgently examined and, according to indications, operated on, since delay can lead to serious problems with women's health and even death. What happens is extremely rare, so do not be scared in advance, but just show yourself to the gynecologist in a timely manner.

What should a woman do at the first symptoms?

At the moment when the first signs of pregnancy appear after conception, it is necessary to contact the antenatal clinic. If the diagnosis is confirmed, and the expectant mother wants to keep the pregnancy, then she is registered. Carrying a child is a big responsibility that a future mother takes on. In order for the baby to develop healthy, a woman needs to give up any bad habits, pay attention to her diet and lifestyle.

While some girls are waiting for pregnancy with fear, others are languishing in anticipation of this wonderful news. Both of them want to find out as soon as possible whether the fertilization of the egg has come, and they listen sensitively to the sensations in their body. Reliable signs of pregnancy can tell about the “interesting situation”, but since there are many fictions on this score, we decided to figure out which of the signs would be true and which would not.

Accurate or not? Doubtful pregnancy

It would seem that what is so difficult here is to make an ordinary test, which is sold in any pharmacy and even in supermarkets, and almost instantly get an answer to this painful question? But not everything is so simple, in fact. Firstly, a test for the level of the hCG hormone should be carried out only after the first day of missed menstruation, and not all girls scrupulously keep a menstrual calendar, and not all of them can wait that long.

Secondly, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly or too early, the coveted plus sign may not appear on the test strip. Thirdly, this diagnostic method often gives false positive and false negative results for reasons beyond the control of girls (test marriage, improper storage conditions, a hormonal surge in a woman’s body that is not associated with pregnancy).

If curiosity eats from the inside and you want to quickly find out if the pregnancy has come, it is best to go to the laboratory and take a blood test for the same hCG. He will be able to "consider" the birth of a new life in the body a week after fertilization. Also, do not discard and underestimate various signs and less informative ways to check the fact of pregnancy. Reliable signs of pregnancy exist, and we will talk about them now.

cravings for salt

This is perhaps the most common theory that is found among negligent seers. The girl wanted to eat a barrel cucumber or a piece or two of herring - and that’s it, she automatically enters the ranks of the “pot-bellies”. But cravings for such food or the desire to eat a few grains of seasoning are dubious signs. Probable and reliable symptoms of an interesting situation have little to do with a woman's personal gastronomic preferences. If the expectant mother adheres to the principles of a healthy and nutritious diet, most likely she will not want to eat something unusual.

However, the theory with conservation and herring has a reasonable justification. In the first weeks of pregnancy, there is an urgent need for sodium in the body, which improves the functioning of the circulatory system and the heart, kidneys and genitourinary system, and the brain. In addition, a person who consumes a large amount of salt drinks more fluids, and this contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. Pregnant women in the first trimester often suffer from hypotension, and the body itself pushes them to solve this problem, giving signals to the brain that it “wants” salty.

Other taste perversions

Sometimes a person (and not necessarily) wants to eat oddities - chalk, starch, earth, metal, etc. So the body signals a deficiency of certain substances. It can occur against the background of the onset of pregnancy, but may indicate health problems. Therefore, non-standard gastronomic addictions cannot be taken as reliable early signs of pregnancy. In this case, it is better to donate blood for biochemistry and see what the body lacks. It can be iron deficiency anemia, beriberi, deficiency of calcium, potassium or magnesium. The reserves of these trace elements need to be replenished in a timely manner, because they play an extremely important role in the normal functioning of all human systems.


Many pregnant women in the first trimester complain of fatigue, drowsiness, frequent dizziness and even fainting. This is probably why many girls, having noticed such symptoms in themselves, take them for reliable and probable signs of pregnancy. With women in position, this happens if their blood pressure drops sharply. The hormone progesterone, which is most actively produced at the beginning of pregnancy, reduces blood circulation in the body, which is why many expectant mothers have blood pressure drops to 100/60 and even lower. Affects this state and a sharp refusal to drink tea, coffee, alcohol.

At the same time, poor health and weakness, a desire to sleep constantly arises as a result of stress, depression, beriberi, overwork, physical and moral exhaustion of the body, and some endocrine diseases. Therefore, if drowsiness has become a constant companion of life, before attributing it to pregnancy, it is worth visiting a doctor who will tell you what is the reason for such changes in health.

mood swings

Can tearfulness, irritability and nervousness be considered as the very first signs of early pregnancy? Emotional instability occurs in many people against the background of hormonal changes. But it happens equally often before menstruation (the notorious PMS) and during pregnancy. However, it is impossible to write off any case of blues for an interesting situation. Moreover, many expectant mothers desperately take advantage of their pregnancy and even blackmail loved ones with neuroses and tantrums, trying to achieve what they want, when they actually feel quite good.


Often, women claim to have felt the birth of a new life within themselves even before it was confirmed by an ultrasound or test. Doctors, as a rule, believe that such first signs of pregnancy are not very reliable and do not take them seriously. But no matter how often science ridicules female intuition as such, practice shows that she (intuition) does not lie. Therefore, if a girl is sure that she has become pregnant, and feels it with her whole soul and body, she should confirm or refute her guess using modern diagnostic methods:

  • do a pregnancy test;
  • undergo an ultrasound examination;
  • take a blood test for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG block hormone).

By the way, doctors confirm the fact of fertilization if the girl has well-defined signs. Diagnosis of pregnancy is complex and usually a whole range of studies is considered. A delay in menstruation or two strips on a test cannot be a 100% guarantee that the fetus is bearing.

Dreams about the future child

The least reliable signs of pregnancy are dreams. According to the interpreters, the birth of a new life is portended not only by fish, but also by clean, clear water or reservoirs. Dreams about such phenomena, events and things can also promise a quick replenishment:

  • picking or buying berries and fruits, mushrooms;
  • hunting;
  • catching birds, and if you dream of a duck or a chicken, then your parents will have a girl;
  • dreams about kittens and puppies also visit girls in position;
  • visions of children, family or childbirth can be prophetic.

Such signs of pregnancy have the right to exist, however, they are very controversial, and can hardly be seriously relied on.

Fetal movements

Sometimes it seems to girls who are expecting a baby that the baby beats them, and they physically feel his movements from the very first weeks after conception. However, this sign of pregnancy appears at a fairly long time - in primiparas at 16-17 weeks, in those who bear the fetus for the second or more times, this happens a little earlier (because the expectant mother knows what to expect) - at 14-15 week. Until then, all "movements" are in fact nothing more than peristalsis. The fetus in the first trimester is so small that it is almost impossible to feel its somersaults, flips and jolts. Only when he grows up and gets stronger, he will be able to "reach out" to his parent. Dads, on the other hand, will visually and tactilely feel the movements of the child at about 20-21 weeks, that is, in the middle of the gestation period.


Delayed menstruation or scanty weak vaginal discharge with a normal and regular cycle in a woman are the first reliable and likely signs of pregnancy. Determination and confirmation of fertilization occurs with the help of vaginal ultrasound examination of the uterus. At an early stage, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity will be uninformative, since the egg is still too small and may not be fixed on the walls of the organ or not come out of the fallopian tubes.

In case of delay, the first thing to do is a pregnancy test. If he gave a positive result, you can safely go to the doctor, who will conduct a more detailed examination of the expectant mother and tell her what to do next. You should also not forget that in the first week after the delay, the test strip often shows a false negative result - the second line either does not appear on it at all, or it is barely distinguishable. Then you need to wait a few days and do a second test.

Pain in the lower abdomen

During the onset of pregnancy, a lot of changes occur in the female body. He completely rebuilds his systems, preparing to work not only for his mother, but also for the child. Most of these metamorphoses are dictated by the physical restructuring of the body - the growing uterus shifts the organs, muscles and ligaments are stretched, which is fraught with unpleasant sensations and pain in the lower abdomen. The process of implantation of the fetus to the walls of the uterus is also quite noticeable.

All these transformations should not be accompanied by severe excruciating pain. In the early stages, mild discomfort of the same nature as with PMS is acceptable. If there is pain, and menstruation has not come in due time, these may be reliable signs of pregnancy. Nevertheless, discomfort in the lower abdomen and failure in the cycle are symptoms of various female diseases - polycystic disease, ovarian dysfunction, inflammation of the genitourinary system, tumor formation.


Can nausea, and especially in the morning, directly indicate the onset of pregnancy? This is an extremely unpleasant sensation, as well as vomiting, rejection of certain smells and tastes - a typical appearance of early toxicosis. This sign, however, is not among the earliest. In most women, toxicosis begins at about 5-6 weeks of pregnancy and lasts about two months. So earlier nausea in expectant mothers, as well as in those women who are not yet pregnant, may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pressure problems.

Expecting replenishment in the family, it is very important to monitor your health, listen to yourself and the child, but you should not focus all your attention on the desired or onset pregnancy. This is, of course, the most serious stage in the life of every woman, so it should be held on the notes of joy and positive, and not constant anxiety and expectation of trouble.

- these are due to the coming pregnancy feelings in a pregnant woman complaints), changes in her body and symptoms that the doctor reveals during the examination. Signs of pregnancy differ, depending on the duration of pregnancy, on their objectivity and reliability, on the presence of one or more embryos in the uterus, on the sex of the child, on the pathological course of pregnancy, and also on the location of the fetal egg ( in or outside the uterus).

Pregnancy occurs after the implantation of a fertilized egg ( embryo) into the wall of the uterus. This process is called implantation. From that moment on, the woman is considered pregnant, and she has signs of an “interesting position”.

Pregnancy causes the following changes in the female body:

  • anatomical changes- the uterus and mammary glands increase, the female figure changes;
  • physiological- menstruation disappears, all organs begin to work more actively, the hormonal background changes.

Signs of pregnancy are a consequence of these changes and can be determined during examination, using laboratory tests ( chemical changes) and instrumental diagnostic methods.

What are the signs of pregnancy?

Signs of pregnancy can be subjective and objective. Subjective signs are felt by the woman herself, they can be associated with other pathologies or arise as a result of self-hypnosis, so they are not considered reliable. Objective signs are revealed when examined by the woman herself or by a doctor, as well as during laboratory tests and instrumental studies. Objective signs do not always mean that a woman is definitely pregnant, some pathologies can cause such changes, or the symptom may be overestimated by the doctor. Therefore, even objective signs of pregnancy differ in their reliability.

Depending on the reliability, all signs of pregnancy are divided into the following groups:

  • dubious signs- are not associated with changes in the genitals of a woman or in the mammary glands, these are the sensations that a woman experiences during pregnancy;
  • likely signs- these are symptoms associated with changes in the genitals and mammary glands, detected using a routine examination, tests and gynecological examination ( they are called probable because they can occur in some other situations not related to pregnancy);
  • reliable signs- indicate the presence of a fetus inside the uterus, are detected during examination and examination by a doctor, as well as using instrumental diagnostic methods.

How do they appear?

Origin mechanism

Doubtful signs of pregnancy

Subjective signs

  • change in taste preferences cravings for certain foods, sometimes even inedible things);
  • enhancement and change of smell ( aversion to odors and hypersensitivity to them);
  • hearing enhancement;
  • fatigue, irritability, drowsiness;
  • frequent urination.

Violation of the natural adaptation processes due to the onset of pregnancy ( there is a restructuring of the female body at all levels) leads to disruption of the nervous and endocrine regulation of many organs. Increased urination is associated with irritation of the bladder and pressure on it from the enlarged uterus.

Objective signs

  • enlargement of the abdomen.

An increase in the size of the uterus with the fetus inside as the latter grows leads to an increase in the size of the abdomen. In addition, the belly "grows" due to the increase in the thickness of the fat layer during weight gain during pregnancy.

  • the formation of pigmentation on the skin of the face, on the abdomen, nipples and around the nipples, on the external genitalia.

Pigmentation occurs due to an increase in the level of melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which stimulates the function of skin cells responsible for the accumulation of melanin pigment ( it determines skin color). In addition, estrogen production rises during early pregnancy ( female sex hormone) in the placenta, which stimulates the formation of the skin pigment melanin.

  • pregnancy scars and stretch marks striae) on the skin of the abdomen.

The appearance of blue, purple or red stripes is due to thinning of the skin under the influence of the pregnancy hormone progesterone. Skin stretching also contributes to rapid weight gain.

Possible signs of pregnancy

Objective signs

  • cessation of menstruation.

At the onset of pregnancy, the level of the hormone progesterone ( pregnancy hormone) does not decrease in a woman ( unlike a non-pregnant woman before menstruation), it continues to be produced in the ovaries, so the uterine mucosa is not rejected, and there is no menstruation.

  • enlargement and engorgement of the mammary glands.

Under the influence of hormones secreted by the placenta and ovaries ( progesterone and estrogen), the mammary glands are prepared for feeding, the volume of glandular tissue increases and new ducts form. Some swelling of the breast tissue causes a feeling of tension and discomfort.

  • secretion of colostrum from the mammary glands primary milk).

Under the influence of hormonal changes in the mammary glands, the production of primary milk by its cells begins ( lactocytes). Colostrum is released from the nipple when pressure is applied to the mammary gland.

  • positive pregnancy test.

A pregnancy test is positive if a woman has a hormone secreted by the fetal membrane - hCG ( human chorionic gonadotropin). This sign is considered probable, since in some cases false-negative results are possible in the presence of pregnancy or false-positive results in other pathologies, accompanied by an increase in the level of hCG.

  • change in the size, shape, consistency and contractility of the uterus.

Associated with the presence of one or more fetal eggs in the uterus, as well as a change in the hormonal background of a woman, which affects the tone and softness of the uterus.

  • loosening and cyanosis of the vagina and cervix.

Increased blood flow to the vagina and cervix leads to softening of these tissues and discoloration.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

Objective signs

  • listening to the fetal heartbeat.

If the doctor listens with a stethoscope to a heartbeat that is much faster than the mother's ( 120 - 140 per minute) and is heard separately from it, then this is considered a reliable sign of the presence of a fetus in the uterus and indicates a developing pregnancy ( heartbeat can be heard from 17 to 19 weeks of pregnancy).

  • palpation of parts of the fetus and the sensation of its movement during palpation.

The use of obstetric techniques for probing the woman's abdomen from the outside makes it possible to clearly identify large parts of the fetus, while its movements and response to probing are also clearly felt.

  • detection of the fetus in the uterus by ultrasound ( ultrasound) .

Ultrasound allows you to see the fetal egg ( 2 weeks after conception), the fetus itself inside the uterus, its movements, heartbeat and contraction of the heart ( from 5 to 7 weeks of pregnancy).

Even if only 1 reliable sign of pregnancy is detected, this is considered sufficient to diagnose pregnancy. The remaining probable and doubtful signs are of value only when they are combined, since all these signs can be observed not only during pregnancy. This is especially important to consider in cases where a woman really wants to get pregnant.

Doubtful and probable signs of pregnancy can be confused with the following pathologies:

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle. If a woman is not protected, but her cycle is irregular ( menses sometimes delayed, sometimes come earlier), then a delay in menstruation due to hormonal imbalance can be mistaken for pregnancy. Irregular periods can be observed with tumors of the genital organs, dieting ( fasting). That is why a delay in menstruation can be considered a sign of pregnancy only in combination with its other signs ( breast engorgement, colostrum secretion, gynecological examination findings and, most importantly, a positive pregnancy test).
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia ( neurosis, neurocirculatory dystonia) . Violation of the nervous regulation of vascular tone and the function of various organs leads to dizziness and fainting, irritability, fatigue, sleep disturbance. Dizziness and fainting may also occur during pregnancy, especially in neurotic and anemic women ( low levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells). That is why it is impossible to associate irritability and other symptoms exclusively with pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and gallbladder. These diseases cause symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Nausea and even more vomiting are the most well-known signs of pregnancy, they appear with a frequency of 46% in all pregnant women, but ordinary gastritis, intestinal irritation, poisoning and other diseases of the digestive system that cause such symptoms should be excluded. It is characteristic that usually during pregnancy vomiting does not bring relief, while in the pathology of the stomach, the removal of food from it significantly alleviates the symptoms.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies and anemia. These diseases are accompanied by a change in taste and smell - they are perverted or there is a desire to eat "something unusual" ( chalk, hair, salty or sweet).
  • Inflammation of the bladder and kidneys. These diseases are accompanied by frequent and painful urination, due to irritation of the walls of the bladder or infection that affects the kidneys.
  • Mastopathy. Mastopathy is a hormonal disease of the mammary glands, which is characterized by the growth of glandular tissue or ducts of the mammary gland against the background of hormonal imbalance. Mastopathy also causes engorgement of the mammary glands and even quite intense pain associated with swelling of the gland.

Such a sign as the movement of the fetus, which is felt by the mother herself, is not considered reliable. Firstly, a woman may mistake bowel contractions for fetal movement, and secondly, fetal movements are not felt until 18-20 weeks of pregnancy ( with the first pregnancy - at 20 weeks, and with subsequent - 2 weeks earlier).

Possible signs of pregnancy can be detected using the following studies:

  • palpation of the mammary glands;
  • examination of the external genitalia and vagina;
  • examination of the vagina and cervix using mirrors ( special gynecological instrument);
  • two-handed gynecological examination;
  • pregnancy test.

An examination by a gynecologist is carried out on a gynecological chair, which has footrests. The woman lies on this chair so that the buttocks are located on the edge of the chair, and puts her legs on the stands. This position allows the gynecologist to conduct a two-handed ( bimanual) examination of the vagina and cervix. The onset of pregnancy changes the uterus. It is these changes that the obstetrician-gynecologist should identify. The identification of these signs also allows you to establish the approximate duration of pregnancy, but they are not reliable signs, since the uterus can be enlarged due to other reasons.

With a two-handed examination, the gynecologist reveals the following signs of pregnancy:

  • uterine enlargement- at 5 - 6 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus acquires a spherical shape ( non-pregnant uterus piriformis), by the 8th week of pregnancy, the uterus doubles, by 10 - three times, and by 12 - 4 times;
  • ridge-like protrusion on the anterior surface of the uterus- is determined by probing during a vaginal examination;
  • asymmetry of the uterus ( increase and change its shape) - that area of ​​the uterus where the embryo has implanted swells, so the uterus acquires an irregular shape, which is determined at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy and disappears by the tenth;
  • softening of the isthmus of the uterus the segment between the body of the uterus and its cervix) - occurs under the influence of the pregnancy hormone progesterone, is determined by touch by the doctor, while due to the softness of the isthmus, the fingers of the inner and outer hands of the doctor converge in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe isthmus, which is considered a sign of pregnancy;
  • increased contractility of the uterus- during the palpation of the uterus, its response to such irritation occurs, and it becomes denser due to muscle contraction.

Depending on the size of the uterus, the terms of pregnancy are determined as follows:

  • 5 – 6 weeks- spherical shape with two-handed examination;
  • 8 weeks- the uterus is the size of a woman's fist;
  • 10 weeks- the size of the uterus corresponds to the size of the head of a newborn baby;
  • 16 weeks- the uterus can be palpated above the womb;
  • 20 weeks- the uterus is palpated 3 transverse fingers above the womb;
  • 24 week- the uterus is palpable at the level of the navel;
  • 28 week- the uterus is above the navel.

Signs of pregnancy on ultrasound

Pregnancy on ultrasound can be seen 3 weeks after conception. At this time, ultrasound shows a rounded formation in the wall of the uterus, which poorly reflects the echo signal, that is, it passes it through, therefore it has a black color ( this is called a hypoechoic structure) is a fertilized egg. From 4 - 5 weeks of pregnancy, you can see the embryo, it is distinguished by a positive echo signal ( white colors on echo). The diameter of the fetal egg at this time is less than 0.5 cm. You can clearly distinguish the future fetus when its size doubles at least, that is, the diameter is 1 cm. To do this, you need to wait for 7 weeks of pregnancy. At 9 weeks, the fetal head is visible separately. At this time, you can also see the contraction of the fetal heart. By week 10, the entire uterine cavity is already filled with a fetal egg.

Ultrasound is performed in the usual way ( the sensor is placed on the wall of the abdomen) or through the vagina. The last way ( transvaginal ultrasound) allows you to identify the fetal egg 1 - 1.5 weeks earlier than conventional ultrasound.

When do signs of pregnancy appear?

Depending on the time of onset, signs of pregnancy can be divided into early signs of pregnancy and late signs of pregnancy. Early signs of pregnancy are signs that can be detected before the 12th week of pregnancy, that is, these are all doubtful and probable signs. Signs of pregnancy in the later stages are determined from the 18th - 20th week of pregnancy, that is, they include already reliable signs. The very first signs of pregnancy can be detected even before the delay of menstruation.

Before the delay of menstruation, the following symptoms may indicate pregnancy(first signs of pregnancy):

  • Smearing red, pink or brown discharge. These secretions result from implantation ( implementation) of the ovum into the wall of the uterus. For implantation, the enzymes of the embryo destroy the surface layer of the uterine lining in a limited area so that there is room to fit. Such local destruction is accompanied by bleeding, blood is released from the genital tract in the form of spotting. This vaginal discharge lasts 1 to 2 days and is often perceived by a woman as menstruation.
  • Preservation of elevated body temperature before menstruation. A woman who is planning a pregnancy usually observes changes in body temperature ( measured in the rectum) throughout the menstrual cycle. This is necessary to determine the period that is favorable for conception. Normally, before menstruation, there is a decrease in body temperature, since the production of progesterone ( female sex hormone 2 phases of the cycle) gradually decreases. Progesterone affects the thermoregulatory center in the brain, causing an increase in body temperature. If pregnancy has occurred, then the production of progesterone continues, and the body temperature remains at the level of 37 - 38ºC.
  • A sharp drop in body temperature. If after the middle of the cycle before the start of the next menstruation, a woman observes a 1-2 day sharp drop in temperature, then this may be a sign of pregnancy. This symptom is called implantation retraction. This retraction is explained by a temporary cessation of the release of the hormone progesterone in the ovaries ( they have not yet received a signal that pregnancy has occurred and that they need to continue to secrete progesterone). There is another reason. At conception, estrogen is produced - this is the second female sex hormone, the effect of which is opposite to the effect of progesterone, it causes a decrease in body temperature.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen- occur simultaneously with spotting and are associated with the same process of implantation of the fetal egg.
  • Sensitivity and engorgement of the mammary glands- occurs due to hormonal changes due to the onset of pregnancy.

Signs of early pregnancy include:

  • delay in menstruation;
  • bad feeling;
  • mood swings;
  • dizziness;
  • change in taste, smell;
  • frequent urination;
  • nausea, vomiting ( from 2 weeks of pregnancy);
  • increased appetite ( from 4 weeks pregnant);
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • a positive pregnancy test;
  • appearance of the amniotic cavity cavity filled with amniotic fluid) on ultrasound, a thin strip inside this cavity, which is the future embryo ( Detected 3-4 weeks after conception).

Signs of late pregnancy include:

  • listening to the fetal heartbeat;
  • detection of the fetus on ultrasound;
  • palpation of large parts of the fetus;
  • fetal movement felt by the doctor.

You can find out the sex of the child by ultrasound. Usually this can be done at 12 - 16 weeks of pregnancy. However, the doctor can not always do this accurately, even in the later stages due to the position of the fetus. At the same time, there are many signs or signs, as well as the sensations of the woman herself during pregnancy, which indicate that a boy or girl is growing in her stomach. These signs are mainly due to the level of sex hormones. If the parents managed to conceive a boy, then in the female body there will be more male sex hormones that are necessary for the growth of the male fetus. It is the ratio of male and female sex hormones that determines what kind of phenomena will occur with the body of a pregnant woman, in addition to the main signs of pregnancy.

Gender of the baby by signs during pregnancy


Pregnancy with a boy

Pregnancy with a girl


Nausea in the morning in the first months of pregnancy is absent or insignificant ( it occurs only in half of pregnant women, this is not an obligatory sign at all).

Great nausea in the morning during the first months of pregnancy.

Fetal heart rate


Less than 140 beats per minute.

Over 140 beats per minute.

Belly shape

Round belly, reminiscent of a basketball, protrudes forward.

The abdomen has an oblong shape, more "flat", reminiscent of a melon.

The height of the enlarged abdomen

The abdomen is low.

The abdomen is high.

Breast changes

Severe darkening of the peripapillary region.

Marked enlargement of the mammary glands, with the left breast larger than the right.

Taste preferences

A woman is “pulled” to eat salty and sour, there is a desire to consume meat and dairy products ( cheese, milk).

A woman is “drawn” to fruits, especially oranges, there is an addiction to sweets, a woman prefers not to eat crusts of bread, only a crumb.

Appearance of a woman

The woman is getting prettier, her nose is somewhat pointed.

Tendency to age spots on the face, acne, puffiness of the face ( beauty temporarily "passes" to the girl).

Skin change

Dry palms.

Soft palms.

Mood change

The mood is cheerful, working capacity is high, there is no weakness.

Constantly sleepy, the woman is irritable, weepy, her mood often changes.

Temperature in the lower extremities

Coldness of the lower extremities.

Warm lower limbs.


Frequent sign.

Not typical.

Hair Growth

Leg hair grows faster, belly hair grows faster.

Excessive hair growth is not observed. The hair of the expectant mother can acquire a red tint.

Weight gain

It is not typical to gain excess weight, as boys “prefer” more protein foods, which require more energy for digestion.

Rapid weight gain, fat is deposited in the thighs and buttocks, the figure is "blurred".


May be missing.

urine color

Bright yellow.

Light yellow, dull.

Signs of multiple pregnancy

A multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy with more than 1 fetus. The probability of multiple pregnancy increases with age, more often if twins were born in the family of one of the future parents, and also if the pregnancy resulted from IVF. Usually parents find out about the presence of twins on an ultrasound, but there are other signs that indicate pregnancy with twins or triplets.

The following signs indicate a multiple pregnancy:

  • the size of the uterus does not correspond to the terms of pregnancy;
  • the circumference of the abdomen and its "height" is much larger than it should be for a given period;
  • the doctor feels more than 3 large parts of the fetus;
  • when listening with a stethoscope, 2 heartbeats are determined, which differ from each other in frequency and the best listening point, and between them there is a “silence” zone where tones are not heard;
  • the difference in heart rate in twins is more than 10 beats at different points, which is determined by a special apparatus ( cardiac monitor);
  • when determining the level of hCG in the blood, its level is 2 times higher;
  • tendency to edema of the lower extremities ( a large load on the internal organs and especially on the kidneys);
  • fast onset fatigue;
  • more severe toxicosis ( severe nausea and vomiting, severe breast engorgement);
  • tendency to constipation;
  • early fetal movement if usually a woman feels the movements of the child from the 18th - 20th week of pregnancy, then with multiple pregnancy - from the 15th week).

A dead pregnancy is called a non-developing pregnancy, when the normal course of pregnancy is disturbed, and in its early stages the development of the embryo stops or the fetus dies in the late stages of pregnancy. In this case, parts of the fetal egg, embryo or fetus continue to be in the uterine cavity.

Signs of a missed pregnancy include:

  • low levels of hCG in the blood stop hormone secretion);
  • the uterus on ultrasound and when palpated by a doctor is smaller than it should be at this stage of pregnancy ( at any time);
  • absence of yolk sac in the early stages) or the embryo itself inside the fetal egg;
  • lack of fetal heart rate at 7 - 8 weeks of pregnancy);
  • Absence of fetal movements on ultrasound up to 22 weeks of pregnancy).

Signs of pregnancy after IVF

IVF or in vitro fertilization is fertilization outside the female body, followed by the introduction of embryos into the uterine cavity. Signs of pregnancy after IVF do not differ from those during natural pregnancy. The main point that you should pay attention to is the possibility of a false positive pregnancy test and the timing of the onset of signs of pregnancy.

The embryo is introduced into the uterine cavity on days favorable for its implantation, that is, penetration into the uterine wall. However, it is impossible to know the exact date of this implantation. It can happen within hours or up to a week after the embryo transfer procedure. Implantation itself lasts up to 3 days. The timing of the appearance of signs also depends on the "age" of the embryos. Sometimes three-day-old embryos are implanted, and sometimes five-day ones. If three-day embryos were introduced into the uterus, then signs of pregnancy may appear a few days later than with the introduction of five-day embryos.

Thus, waiting for the first signs of pregnancy after IVF should be 12-14 days after the introduction of the embryos into the uterus. After 12 to 14 days, the woman should take a pregnancy test. A regular pregnancy test is done on the 14th day after the embryo transfer, and a blood test for the quantitative determination of hCG is done on the 12th day. The fact is that hCG is used to stimulate the ovaries before IVF, and using the test earlier than 2 weeks can lead to a false positive result, that is, to the appearance of two strips in the absence of pregnancy. If the test for hCG after IVF is positive, it is repeated after 2 days. We can talk about the success of IVF and the completed pregnancy 3 weeks after the introduction of the embryos, when the woman will have an ultrasound scan.

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which a fertilized egg implants outside the uterine cavity. An ectopic pregnancy includes cases of attachment of a fetal egg to the ovaries, the wall of the fallopian tube, the abdominal organs, as well as in the cervical canal, in the additional uterine horn ( with a congenital defect), in the mesentery of the uterus and inside its ligaments.

With an ectopic pregnancy, at first, a woman has the same signs as with a normal pregnancy - doubtful and some probable ( e.g. a positive pregnancy test). Signs of an ectopic pregnancy itself are detected at 5-7 weeks after conception.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy include:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • shoulder pain ( occurs reflexively due to irritation of the nerves);
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • severe dizziness.
  • a painful formation that is palpable in the area of ​​​​the uterine appendages;
  • detection of a fetal egg outside the uterine cavity according to ultrasound.

The doctor suspects an ectopic pregnancy in cases where, against the background of a positive pregnancy test, there is no fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, an ultrasound scan of the uterine appendages and abdominal cavity is urgently performed, and then a laparoscopic examination. Laparoscopy is a method of examining the abdominal organs using a tube with a camera at the end. It is introduced through a puncture in the anterior abdominal wall. The advantage of this method is that the diagnostic study, if necessary, turns into a surgical operation and allows you to remove an ectopic pregnancy, preventing life-threatening complications for a woman.

Signs of a false pregnancy

False pregnancy is considered a mental illness. It is also called imaginary or imaginary pregnancy. It is associated either with a woman's great desire to become pregnant, or with a great fear associated with unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse. In both cases, there is a strong self-hypnosis. A woman may have doubtful and some probable signs of pregnancy - taste perversion, nausea, vomiting, abdominal enlargement, delayed menstruation, pigmentation, weight gain. A woman can even feel that the fetus is moving. Usually, she takes intestinal contractions for the movement of the fetus. In very rare cases, a gynecological examination and a two-handed examination may reveal a change in the shape and consistency of the uterus. Usually these changes are associated with the hormonal background of a woman, which can “adjust” to the idea of ​​​​pregnancy inspired by her.

There are no reliable signs of pregnancy in a false pregnancy. Ultrasound does not reveal the fetus in the uterus, heartbeats are not audible, large parts of the fetus are not palpable. Pregnancy test is negative in rare cases, with malignant tumors, it can be positive). This condition requires treatment by a psychiatrist, but such patients are almost not amenable to psychotherapy.

Can high fever be a sign of pregnancy?

An increase in body temperature can be a sign of pregnancy. If a woman every day during the cycle measures the temperature of the internal organs ( basal body temperature) in the rectum, then she notices that after the middle of the cycle, the body temperature rises to 37.2 - 37.5ºC, and then gradually normalizes. This phenomenon is explained by the production of the female hormone progesterone, which affects the thermoregulatory center in the brain. During pregnancy, this hormone continues to be produced ( it is necessary to maintain pregnancy), so the normalization of body temperature before the next menstruation does not occur. Body temperature lasts up to 12 weeks, while it can reach 38ºC.

What are the most reliable signs of pregnancy?

The most reliable signs of pregnancy are detected using ultrasound ( ultrasound), and as in the early stages of pregnancy ( up to 12 weeks) and later ( after 18 - 20 weeks). Early ultrasound detects either the embryo itself ( it still looks like a thin bright strip inside the cavity of the fetal egg), or elements of the fetal egg ( fluid-filled cavity, yolk sac). At the 9th week of pregnancy on ultrasound, you can already see the contractions of the fetal heart and turn on the mode of listening to the heartbeat.

Reliable signs of pregnancy appear closer to the 18th - 20th week of pregnancy. Ultrasound can detect signs of pregnancy as early as 3 weeks after conception.

Other reliable signs of pregnancy are:

  • listening to a very rapid fetal heartbeat 140 beats per minute or more) using a conventional stethoscope ( a tube);
  • palpation of the head and other large parts of the fetus ( e.g. legs) a doctor;
  • sensation of movements of the fetus by the doctor during the examination.

It is important to know that the sensation of fetal movement cannot in any way be considered a reliable sign if it is felt not by the doctor, but by the woman herself. For the movement of the baby, a woman can take the process of contraction of the intestinal walls ( sometimes even very strong contractions). If the doctor himself, during the examination, feels large parts of the fetus and at the same time feels its independent, as it were, response movements, then this is considered a reliable sign of pregnancy.

A positive pregnancy test is not a sure sign of pregnancy because it detects the presence of a hormone in a woman's urine ( hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin) secreted by the membranes of the fetus, and not the fetus itself. This means that in some cases a pregnancy test may be false negative ( there is a pregnancy, but the hormone level is still not high enough or the test was performed incorrectly) or false positive ( the test shows 2 strips, but the reason for the increase in the level of hCG is not pregnancy).

Can abdominal pain be a sign of pregnancy?

Some women note pulling pains in the lower abdomen or stabbing sensations, which are explained by the introduction of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. These symptoms appear 4 to 5 days after fertilization or 7 to 10 days after ovulation ( the process of release of the egg from the ovaries in the middle of the cycle). Usually, abdominal pain is accompanied by small bloody discharge from the vagina ( brown or pink). This bleeding is also associated with the process of implantation of the embryo, because it must create a bed for itself inside the wall, and this requires a little destruction of the surface layer of the uterine mucosa and create a depression in it.

Abdominal pain can be a sign not only of uterine pregnancy ( inside the uterine cavity), but also ectopic. In this case, they intensify, cause severe discomfort and disrupt the woman's performance. In tubal pregnancy inside the fallopian tube) there is a risk of rupture of the tube wall, with ovarian pregnancy - bleeding. Such complications cause sharp severe pain in the lower abdomen, a state of shock ( fainting, drop in blood pressure), rapid pulse and require emergency surgery.

In order to avoid such complications with a delay in menstruation and a positive pregnancy test, if abdominal pain occurs, you should contact a gynecologist's antenatal clinic and do an ultrasound ( ultrasound procedure) uterus.

On what day of the cycle do signs of pregnancy appear?

The first signs of pregnancy may appear as early as 7 days after ovulation ( this is the name of the day in the middle of the cycle, when a mature egg is released), if conception occurred a few days before ovulation or on the day of ovulation. To identify these signs, you need to measure the basal temperature in the rectum, and also pay attention to the nature of the discharge from the vagina. With successful conception and the introduction of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, a change in the hormonal background occurs. The ovaries continue to secrete the hormone progesterone. This female sex hormone causes an increase in body temperature, so when pregnancy occurs in the second phase ( after ovulation) body temperature will remain at the level of 37 - 37.5ºС until the day of the expected next menstruation and longer ( up to 12 weeks of pregnancy).

At the same time, a woman should know that for 1 - 2 days the body temperature can drop sharply and this does not mean that the pregnancy is terminated. Before implantation ( implementation) embryo into the uterus, the female body still lives according to the old rhythm and does not know about successful conception, so the level of progesterone may decrease. If this happens, then the body temperature also drops, which is called implantation depression. After the introduction of the embryo into the uterus, progesterone production resumes and the body temperature “jumps” again.

Even before the delay in menstruation during pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, engorgement of the mammary glands, a change in sexual desire ( it usually disappears), dizziness. All these signs of pregnancy are observed 4 to 5 days after conception ( if a woman knows the exact day of conception) or 7 to 10 days after ovulation.

A pregnancy test should be done 7 to 10 days after the expected day of conception. If the test is highly sensitive, then it will show a positive result already at this time, but in some cases this sign of pregnancy may appear only 12-14 days after conception.

Can there be no signs of pregnancy during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is always accompanied by signs, but a woman may not be aware of it in the early stages, especially if she uses contraceptive methods or has irregular periods. In this case, pregnancy for the time being does not make itself felt. In addition, signs such as nausea, vomiting, weakness and other subjective sensations can be mistaken for illness, colds, poisoning. The disappearance of menstruation a woman can attribute to stress or diet. The abdomen also does not increase until the 12th week of pregnancy, since before this period the uterus is still within the small pelvis ( below the womb). Sometimes pregnancy is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina. They are perceived by a woman as menstruation ( last 1 - 2 days), and she does not think about pregnancy.

Can there be signs of pregnancy while taking birth control pills?

Taking birth control pills prevents unwanted pregnancy, but there are times when this method of contraception does not work and pregnancy occurs. The signs of pregnancy when taking birth control pills are no different from the signs of pregnancy that occurred without taking these pills. The first signs of pregnancy are easily confused with a cold, gastritis, attributed to malnutrition or stress ( even delayed menstruation). Perhaps the most characteristic sign of pregnancy while taking birth control pills is breast changes. It becomes painful, enlarges, the circles around the nipples darken, the nipples become very sensitive, discharge from the nipples is observed. Such a sign is difficult to attribute to any other reason. Sometimes this occurs with a severe hormonal imbalance, but in any case, such a sign makes a woman take a pregnancy test and consult a gynecologist.

Pregnancy while taking birth control pills should be considered if:

  • irregular pill intake, frequent missed doses, especially in the middle of the cycle;
  • taking different types of birth control pills they can cancel each other out);
  • diseases of the digestive system ( disrupt the absorption of the pill, and the level of hormones in the blood drops sharply);
  • taking drugs that can interfere with the effect of birth control pills;
  • drinking alcohol while taking birth control pills.

Can there be signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding?

Pregnancy cannot occur in the first 4 to 6 weeks after childbirth due to the hormonal background of the woman ( hormones to stimulate the ovaries are not yet produced, as in pregnancy), but a woman can become pregnant even in the first 6 months, even if she is breastfeeding. Breast milk is produced when stimulated by the hormone prolactin. The same hormone simultaneously suppresses ovarian function - the egg does not mature, therefore, if we consider breastfeeding as a method of contraception, then it can only be used within 6 months after childbirth and subject to certain rules. During this period, the woman should breastfeed the baby only, and at the request of the child. It is also important that the intervals between feedings during the day do not exceed three hours, and at night 6 hours, that is, it is necessary to feed the child 1 time at night. If the baby eats formulas, then he will eat less milk, which means that the milk production process will become irregular and incomplete.

In all other cases, the work of the ovaries during breastfeeding may resume, the egg may mature and leave the ovary, therefore, during breastfeeding, signs of pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding include:

  • Absence of menstruation. 1.5 months after childbirth, a woman may begin menstruation, they are irregular, short. It is not possible to accurately calculate the onset of the next menstruation. If within 6 months of breastfeeding a woman has not had her period, then this may be a sign of pregnancy.
  • Soreness of the nipples. When pregnancy occurs, the production of progesterone increases dramatically. This female hormone is needed to relax the uterus, but at the same time it affects the mammary gland, increases the sensitivity of the nipples. If a nursing mother becomes pregnant again, then she suddenly notes that it has become quite painful to feed the child due to irritability of the nipples.
  • Increased appetite. A new pregnancy during the period of breastfeeding a newborn requires more energy, so the woman feels constant hunger.
  • Reducing the amount of milk. A "new" pregnancy again changes the hormonal background of a woman. If during breastfeeding the main hormone is prolactin, then during pregnancy it is progesterone. Progesterone suppresses milk production, so during pregnancy, there is less and less milk during breastfeeding.
  • Increase in basal body temperature. Basal temperature is the temperature of the internal organs, which should be measured in the vagina or in the rectum. This symptom also occurs under the influence of the hormone progesterone. It acts on the brain and raises body temperature, on average, up to 37.5ºC. However, during breastfeeding with an increase in temperature, the infectious process should be excluded as one of the causes of fever.
  • White discharge from the vagina. These discharges are not considered a characteristic sign of pregnancy, however, when combined with other phenomena, they should be paid attention to. White discharge is more important during breastfeeding, since the hormonal background of a woman during breastfeeding does not cause changes in mucus characteristic of a non-pregnant woman during the menstrual cycle. Mucus in a non-pregnant and non-breastfeeding woman periodically becomes transparent, which indicates the release of a large amount of the hormone estrogen. This does not happen in a nursing mother, because the menstrual cycle has not yet started. Therefore, any drastic changes in the color and consistency of vaginal discharge during breastfeeding should be paid attention to.
  • Stomach ache. During feeding, uterine contractions increase. A woman can feel quite severe pain. This is also observed in the absence of pregnancy during the feeding period, but if pain is felt outside of feeding in the form of pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, then this may indicate pregnancy. Moreover, very severe pain can be associated with an ectopic pregnancy, so special attention should be paid to this symptom.
  • Changing the child's behavior. If a nursing mother becomes pregnant again, then progesterone affects the function of the mammary glands. It can change the taste of milk - the baby usually does not like it, and he begins to cry and act up.

Signs of early pregnancy

The diagnosis of pregnancy is undoubted if the examination determines the parts of the fetus, the heartbeat and movement of the fetus, and the ultrasound - the fetal egg. These reliable signs of pregnancy do not appear at the beginning of it, but at a later date (V-VI month). In the early stages, the diagnosis of pregnancy is established on the basis of presumptive and probable signs.

Suspected (doubtful) signs of pregnancy

Presumptive signs include manifestations of general changes associated with pregnancy:

changes in appetite (aversion to meat, fish, etc.), whims (gravitation to spicy dishes, to unusual substances - chalk, clay, etc.), nausea, vomiting in the morning;

change in olfactory sensations (aversion to perfumes, tobacco smoke, etc.);

changes in the nervous system: irritability, drowsiness, mood instability, etc .;

pigmentation of the skin on the face, along the white line of the abdomen, nipples and areola.

Possible signs of pregnancy

This group of signs includes changes in menstrual function and changes in the genitals:

cessation of menstruation;

the appearance of colostrum from the milk passages that open on the nipple when pressing on the mammary glands;

cyanosis (cyanosis) of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix;

change in the size, shape and consistency of the uterus;

laboratory studies (determination of chorionic hormone in urine and blood).

Reliable signs

Determination of parts of the fetus during palpation of the woman's abdomen (Leopold's techniques).

Determination of fetal movements during palpation: sensation of fetal movement on palpation or ultrasound.

Listening to fetal heart sounds. The diagnosis of pregnancy is confirmed by listening to the heart sounds of the fetus, the frequency of which is 120/140 per minute. Heart contractions can be determined from 5-7 weeks using instrumental research methods: ECG, phonocardiography, cardiotocography, ultrasound, and from 17-19 weeks - auscultation.

Identification of probable signs of pregnancy is carried out by:

palpation of the mammary glands and squeezing out colostrum;

examination of the external genital organs and the entrance to the vagina;

research using mirrors;

vaginal and two-handed vaginal-abdominal examination of a woman.

Delayed menstruation is an important symptom, especially in women with regular cycles. The significance of this symptom increases if it is combined with engorgement of the mammary glands and the appearance of colostrum in them, with the occurrence of cyanosis of the vagina and especially the vaginal part of the cervix, with a change in the size and consistency of the uterus.

With the onset of pregnancy, as it progresses, the size of the uterus changes. The change in the shape of the uterus is determined by a two-handed (bimanual) study. The uterus in non-pregnant women has a pear-shaped shape, somewhat compacted in the anteroposterior size. With the onset of pregnancy, the shape of the uterus changes. From 5-6 weeks, the uterus acquires a spherical shape. Starting from 7-8 weeks, the uterus becomes asymmetrical, one of its corners may protrude. By about 10 weeks, the uterus again becomes spherical, and by the end of pregnancy it acquires an ovoid shape.

The following signs indicate pregnancy:

Enlargement of the uterus . An increase in the uterus is noticeable at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy; the uterus first increases in the anteroposterior direction (becomes spherical), later its transverse size also increases. The longer the gestation period, the clearer the increase in uterine volume. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the uterus increases to the size of a goose egg, at the end of the third month of pregnancy, the bottom of the uterus is at the level of the symphysis or slightly above it.

Horvitz-Gegar sign . The consistency of the pregnant uterus is soft, and the softening is especially pronounced in the isthmus. The fingers of both hands in a two-handed study meet in the isthmus almost without resistance. This symptom is very typical for early pregnancy.

Sign of Snegirev . Pregnancy is characterized by a slight change in the consistency of the uterus. A softened pregnant uterus during a two-handed examination under the influence of mechanical irritation becomes denser and shrinks in size. After the cessation of irritation, the uterus again acquires a soft texture.

Piskacek sign. In the early stages of pregnancy, asymmetry of the uterus often occurs, depending on the dome-shaped protrusion of its right or left corner from 7-8 weeks.

The protrusion corresponds to the site of implantation of the fetal egg. As the fetal egg grows, the protrusion gradually disappears (by 10 weeks).

Gubarev and Gaus drew attention to the slight mobility of the cervix in early pregnancy. Easy displacement of the cervix is ​​associated with a significant softening of the isthmus.

Genter's sign. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is an increased inflection of the uterus anteriorly, resulting from a strong softening of the isthmus, as well as a ridge-like thickening (protrusion) on the anterior surface of the uterus along the midline. This thickening is not always determined.

Thus, the diagnosis of pregnancy is established on the basis of clinical examination data. However, in some cases, when it is difficult to diagnose pregnancy or for the purpose of differential diagnosis, laboratory diagnostic methods are used. Diagnosis of early pregnancy is based on the determination of substances specific to pregnancy in the biological fluids of a woman's body.

Modern methods of diagnosing pregnancy are divided into biological, immunological, echographic (ultrasound diagnostics) and others.

Both biological and immunological methods are based on the determination in biological material (most often in urine) of choriogonadotropin (CG), a hormone secreted by the chorion. Choriogonadotropin (CG) in its chemical nature is close to pituitary lutropin (LH), is a glycoprotein with a relative molecular weight of 37900.

The hormone consists of two peptide chains ( and -subunits), one of which () is the same for all glycoproteins - hCG, lutropin (LH), follitropin (FSH) and thyrotropin (TSH), and the other is -specific for each of them. The CG β-subunit with a relative molecular weight of 23,000 has a specific hormonal activity. Synthesis of hCG begins from the first days of pregnancy and continues until childbirth with a maximum production of 60-70 days after implantation. Then its level decreases and remains stable until childbirth.

Currently, immunological methods are used to diagnose early pregnancy. Immunological methods are based on a precipitation reaction with rabbit antiserum, either on complement fixation or on suppression of the hemagglutination reaction. The most widely used method of suppressing the hemagglutination reaction, developed simultaneously in two laboratories in 1960, Z. Swierczynska, E. Samochowiec (Poland) and L. Wide, C. Gemzell (Sweden). The method is based on inhibition of the agglutination reaction between "charged" CG erythrocytes (antigen), antiserum to CG (containing specific antibodies) and added urine. When erythrocytes "charged" with CG (antigen) and pregnant urine are added to the antiserum (antibodies), the CG present in it binds to the antiserum, and the erythrocytes do not undergo agglutination and settle to the bottom of the ampoule. If the urine of a non-pregnant woman that does not contain CG is added, an agglutination reaction occurs, and the erythrocytes are distributed evenly in the ampoule. To conduct a diagnostic reaction, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in 0.4 ml of the phosphate buffer supplied with the kit and two drops of fresh filtered morning urine are added using the attached capillary. The contents of the ampoule are stirred and the ampoule is placed at room temperature. After 2 hours, the reaction is taken into account: a uniform distribution of erythrocytes in the ampoule indicates the absence of pregnancy, their settling to the bottom in the form of a ring or a button indicates the presence of pregnancy.

Radioimmunological method 10 times more sensitive than immunological. The most common method of double antibodies, based on the precipitation of antibodies to the hormone. For radioimmunological determination of CG, it is best to use ready-made kits manufactured by various companies. The use of radioimmunological methods makes it possible to determine the level of hCG equal to 0.12-0.50 IU / l already 5-7 days after the implantation of the fetal egg. The latest radioimmunological methods for determining the -subunit in the CG molecule make it possible to determine its level, equal to 3.0 IU / l. The determination time is 1.5-2.5 minutes.

ELISA express methods determinations of hCG or -hCG in the urine make it possible to diagnose pregnancy 1-2 weeks after nidation of the fetal egg.

There are test systems for quickly determining the presence or absence of pregnancy, which women themselves can use.
