How to get rid of stagnant breast milk. What is lactostasis

Hello dear readers. Almost every varnishing woman faces the problem of milk stagnation. Today we decided to devote time to this topic and talk about the symptoms and treatment of lactostasis in a nursing mother.

Congestion in the mammary glands (one or both) is associated with incomplete emptying or lack of emptying (for example, Rhesus women do not put the baby to the breast on the first day) from the secreted nutrient fluid. This is definitely a pathology. It is encoded according to the ICD-10 code O92.7.0.

With timely application to the breast, stagnation of milk occurs most often due to errors in applying the baby to the nipple. Violation of emptying in the lobe / lobes of the gland leads to thickening of milk. A kind of milk cork is formed.

At the same time, the process of milk production does not stop, because the child is applied to the breast, sucks and reflexively makes the gland “work”. In the stagnant lobe, the pressure of the milk increases, and it diffuses through the wall of the vessel, penetrating into the blood. With severe stagnation, "milk fever" develops.

Causes of milky stagnation

More often, lactostasis develops in primiparous. A young mother does not yet know how to apply the baby to the breast correctly. Not all mothers can unhook themselves. And they start the process until the "petrification" of the glands.

In this situation, you have to massage the breasts of a midwife or a pediatric nurse, and then straining turns into torture. After 1-2 days of stagnation, the inflammatory process has not yet begun, but kneading the chest is very painful.

If the mother has knowledge, at the first birth they did not become a skill. The milk ducts are "not developed". The baby sucks out the surface milk, the deep remains in the gland.

The main problems associated with feeding errors are:

  1. One of the common mistakes made by inexperienced mothers is pressing the nipple between the index and middle fingers so that the baby does not “suffocate”.
  2. Wrong choice of position when feeding. This moment is especially important for women with a large bust and. It is necessary to monitor the emptying of the lower lobes.
  3. Incorrect position of the child in relation to the breast, capture of the nipple and insufficient emptying of individual lobes as a result.
  4. Frequent pumping leading to hypersecretion of milk. It is provoked by the previous factors. With hyperlactation, milk is secreted in large volumes that the baby is unable to suck out.
  5. Irregular feeding (frequent skips, interspersed with rapid application of crumbs to the chest).
  6. Mixed feeding.

Violation of milk extraction can also be associated with objective reasons beyond the control of the woman. For example, with a flat nipple, cracks in the areola, narrow milk ducts.

The causes of congestion may be less natural:

  • wearing tight underwear;
  • injuries in the area of ​​the mammary glands;
  • hypothermia;
  • sleep on the stomach;
  • constant influence of stressors, lack of sleep, excessive physical activity;
  • not drinking enough fluids or being dehydrated, causing the milk to thicken.

If you do not get rid of milky stagnation in a timely manner, it begins. And this is a direct path under the knife to the surgeon.

signs of milky stagnation

What is lactostasis - figured it out. How to determine that stagnant processes have begun, and how to distinguish "deep stagnation" from mastitis? Let's talk about that too.

The first signs of congestion are as follows:

  • soreness in the mammary gland, decreasing after pumping or feeding;
  • seals that ache on palpation;
  • a feeling of heaviness, fullness in the glandular tissues;
  • local hyperthermia in the area of ​​compaction.

If no measures are taken in the clinic, changes occur, the following are added:

  • an increase in body temperature first to subfebrile, then to febrile figures;
  • local hyperemia over the seal.

Pain with lactostasis may be the only sign of stagnation. And not be accompanied by the formation of "lumps". After feeding, the soreness decreases, although the process of sucking by the baby is unpleasant and is accompanied by pulling pains.

One of the most common questions from you, dear readers, is how to distinguish lactostasis from. At the extreme stages of milky stagnation and at the beginning of the development of mastitis, you yourself cannot distinguish one pathology from another.

But if you don't have a fever and the pain disappears after feeding, it's milk stasis. It is the reduction of pain that is characteristic of milk stasis.

If an admixture of pus, streaks of blood has appeared in the milk, you are feverish, nauseous and have a headache, your chest has enlarged, noticeably extensive redness is probably mastitis.

Treatment at home

Quality rest, wearing comfortable underwear, protecting a nursing mother from stress in order to avoid reflex stagnation are obvious recommendations, although usually difficult to implement, except for underwear. It really needs to be picked up. Best to buy special nursing bra.

Self-help in the early stages of stasis

Remove stasis will help:

  • moderate heat (it leads to the expansion of the ducts);
  • the beginning of feeding from the “sick” breast (you need to try so that the child empties it as efficiently as possible);
  • change your sleeping position if you sleep on your stomach (try to sleep on your side);
  • if the baby cannot suckle the breast completely, use a breast pump;
  • breast massage (performed to the nipple, with soft strokes, in no case do not stretch the skin - this is the path to mastoptosis!);
  • correct water-salt regime.

Massage should be done until the signs of stasis disappear, despite the pain.

A few rules to help you overcome stasis:

  1. Keep your breasts warm before feeding or pumping. A woolen cape or a towel soaked in warm water will do. Or a diaper warmed up with an iron, folded in several layers. Or just take a warm (not hot!) shower, massaging the bust with trickles.
  2. After warming up, massage the gland with soft circular motions. Move from the base of the gland to the areola. If seals are felt, pay more attention to this area. This is the answer to the question of how to break up lumps. Actually, you don’t need to “develop” anything, a gentle massage, and subsequent pumping / feeding will help to cope with the problem.

To reduce soreness and swelling between feedings, it is allowed to apply cooling pads (cool, but not icy) to the breast for 10-15 minutes.

Prolonged stasis is characterized by the persistence of discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bseals, even after the chest is decanted. It is considered long-term if the phenomenon persisted for 2 days or more.

Another typical question from young mothers: what to do if fibers similar to threads, grain-like inclusions, fat are found in the expressed milk. Rejoice! Your milk has a healthy texture, and is not just suitable for nutrition, but will provide the baby with everything necessary for growth and development, saturate and soothe.

Home first aid kit with running milky stagnation

Women, especially those who are breastfeeding their first child, are categorically not recommended to treat stasis on their own at home. Be sure to consult a doctor to avoid serious complications.

You can use camphor oil. After you have finished feeding/pumping, when you have relieved the pain with a cool washcloth, apply camphor (oil, not alcohol) to the affected area.

Warm compresses are not necessary. Milk is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, the compress creates a thermostatic effect for a long time. And the conditionally pathogenic microflora that penetrates the glands actively multiplies, leading to purulent mastitis. Camphor alcohol, semi-alcohol compresses, vodka compress - should be left for other purposes. An exception may be a compress with Dimexide.

It is acceptable to use wet-drying dressings;

  • with hypertonic saline solution;
  • 25% magnesium.

The breast should be completely freed from milk at least once every 3 hours. All compresses and wraps are done after emptying the chest!

Traumeel ointment can be used to reduce swelling. Vishnevsky balsamic liniment is often recommended. Surgeons consider it a remedy for treating open wounds. Practice shows its effectiveness in the treatment of injection infiltrates.

With the resorption of seals caused by stasis, the ointment can help. But the smell is so specific and difficult to wash off that the child may refuse to breastfeed.

The use of any medicines, even homeopathic ones, should be agreed with a doctor (mammologist or gynecologist). The most applicable homeopathic remedy is the aforementioned Traumeel and Arnica ointment.

Often you can find recommendations for taking Lecithin with recurring lactostasis. The treatment of congestion is not taking this dietary supplement. There is no mention of such an application in the instructions. But since its composition is PUFAs (fatty acids, polyunsaturated and necessary for the body) and phospholipids, the remedy is not prohibited during lactation. Check with your gynecologist. Even if it helps you at the placebo level, that's not bad either.

One of the remedies often recommended on the Internet is the naturopathic drug Malavit. It is often believed that if "naturopathic" then safe. This is not entirely true. The official instructions for the use of this remedy do not provide for the treatment of stasis. But the composition has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and antimicrobial action. If you want to use this remedy and feed your baby, consult your pediatrician.

Turning to specialists, you can avoid antibiotic treatment and get qualified help, preventing abscess formation, “burning out of milk” of the operation. Physiotherapy has proven itself well:

  • breast massage with ultrasound;
  • darsonval (only after being prescribed by a doctor).

To reduce the milk ducts, doctors use a drug - Oxytocin. It is administered - half an hour before feeding by injection. To reduce swelling, surgeons and mammologists sometimes prescribe external venotonics (Troxevasin gel, Heparin ointment). These agents reduce swelling.

To maintain lactation, different treatment regimens can be offered, depending on the severity of the process:

  1. Traumeel C ointment externally and Nosh-pa tablets orally for a mild case of stasis
  2. With moderate lactostasis, Synthomycin ointment is recommended externally, Nosh-pa and Chlorophyllipt orally. It is allowed to add Paracetamol at high temperature.
  3. A difficult case requires a special approach: Triderm (no more than 2 days), Traumeel, plantain juice externally can be recommended. Temperature paracetamol. Some doctors recommend Dimexide 20% + Amoxiclav in the form of lotions.

Dimexide is moderately toxic, and in the instructions, breastfeeding (HB) is listed as a contraindication. Because side effects related to lactation or the baby are possible. There is a small risk. The child should be observed, in case of any negative reactions, stop treatment and consult a doctor. Usually, such treatment takes place without excesses and allows you to save HB and avoid mastitis.

In acute lactostasis, when "the whole breast is full of lumps", fever, acute pain and the threat of mastitis, the doctor may suggest not breastfeeding. In such a case, a series of oral preparations is usually prescribed;

  1. Dostinex to stop lactation.
  2. Amoxiclav to prevent breast infection.
  3. Wobenzin, as an anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent that promotes the resorption of "bumps".

In some cases, doctors prescribe Progestogel. The instructions do not provide for such use. But given that the active substance of the drug blocks:

  • prolactin receptors in the glandular tissue and reduces lactopoiesis;
  • esrogen receptors and improves fluid absorption in tissues, which reduces swelling and soreness.

Transdermal use of the drug in hepatitis B may be considered acceptable and appropriate by the physician.

Mastitis in lactating women occurs if lactostasis is not treated in a timely manner. The disease occurs with improper and rare application, infection, reduced immunity. The chest becomes hot, increases in size, begins to hurt badly. The attached pathogenic infections affect the mammary glands, causing purulent inflammation. Symptoms of lactostasis differ from mastitis in terms of general, local signs, and the intensity of the course.

Mastitis is characterized by:

  • a sharp deterioration in the well-being of a nursing mother (the appearance of a headache, lethargy, drowsiness, fever up to 38 C);
  • the chest turns red, swells, shines, acquiring a bright red color. When feeling and in a calm state, pain is felt;
  • milk is separated with great difficulty;
  • after pumping, relief does not occur;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Treatment methods for lactostasis

When the process is not exacerbated, lactostasis is treated at home. In the first 2 days of the formation of stagnation, special attention should be paid to the chest, using all possible methods. The main task is to drain lactostasis and, having freed the ducts from the milk plug, restore the outflow of milk.


It is best to dissolve lactostasis can baby. It is applied to the sore chest more often than usual. Night feedings are especially valuable. With a small blockage, the child will quickly cope and after 1-2 days the outflow is completely normal. But it happens that sucking causes pain.

Then feeding is facilitated by straining:

  1. Warm shower. Heat stimulates milk flow and improves milk ejection. A jet of warm water is directed to the chest. You can take a bath, lying in it for 10-15 minutes. It will relieve fatigue and stress, warm the chest and help eliminate congestion.
  2. Careful light movements in the area of ​​​​lactostasis will help soften lumps and seals. Palms can be lubricated with oil or baby cream. It is important that they do not get on the nipple and areola. Breast massage with lactostasis will relax the muscles, stimulate the release of milk and accelerate the discharge of the milk plug. Movement should not cause pain and injure the skin. Smooth strokes, rubbing, kneading are carried out from the tops to the nipple. This will help move the milk through the milk ducts. Massage is done on the back and forearms. It can be done by a husband or relatives. In this case, the back is massaged in a sitting position, slightly bending over. Then they start pumping -.
  3. Milk is expressed in a small amount to relieve pain and must be applied to the baby's chest. This sequence of decanting is observed 2-3 times a day.


A hormone that regulates many processes in the female body during pregnancy and lactation. When it is not enough, the doctor may prescribe the drug Oxytocin, which promotes lactogenesis. The muscles of the mammary glands relax, and the outflow of milk improves. The dosage and course of treatment is determined by the doctor, based on the severity of lactostasis and the condition of the nursing mother.


It is prescribed for the combined treatment of lactostasis. It is an antispasmodic that dilates arterial vessels, reduces pressure, and eliminates pain in a problematic chest. Perhaps treatment with tablets and the introduction of intramuscular injections.


In compresses for lactostasis, add Vishnevsky ointment, vaseline or camphor oil after consulting a doctor. They have an antimicrobial effect. The composition of the ointment includes alcohol, phenol and xylene, which cause severe irritation of sensitive skin. These funds must be used with caution.


Treatment of lactostasis with ultrasound is an alternative method to tablets and ointments, which allows you to painlessly, quickly and safely get rid of seals in the chest. Ultrasonic vibrations thin the milk and increase blood flow.

Folk remedies

Many breastfeeding mothers do not know which doctor to contact with high fever and palpable lumps in the breast.

With lactostasis, consultation with the attending gynecologist or mammologist is necessary.

But when the doctor is unavailable or the symptoms of lactostasis are not pronounced, mommy can treat at home within 1-2 days after the onset of signs of stagnation. If folk methods turn out to be powerless, it is impossible to postpone the trip to the doctor.

  1. cabbage leaf- a common way to treat mastitis and lactostasis. The cabbage leaf is washed, cut in several places or crushed with a rolling pin to release the juice. Honey will help improve the effect. A cabbage leaf smeared with honey is applied to the affected area, fixed and kept on the chest for 3 hours. Then apply fresh.
  2. Chamomile decoction- prevents the development of lactostasis and purulent mastitis in a nursing mother. 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water and wait an hour. Pieces of tissue soaked in warm infusion are applied to the nipple. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.
  3. honey cake- With lactostasis, honey cake is considered a popular remedy. Raw onions are cut into small pieces and mixed with honey 1:1. A little rye flour is added to the mixture and the dough is kneaded. The resulting cake is attached to the problem chest and worn constantly, changing it 3 times a day.
  4. Can you bake an onion?- In a warm form, apply to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest. Wear before feeding, then change to a new one.

Preventive actions

Prevention of lactostasis is quite simple:

  • feed the baby in different positions, alternately giving the breast. There are 3 main poses: in the arms of mommy, lying on her side, feeding from under the arm ();
  • do not make long intervals between applications, feed the baby on demand;
  • if the baby is sleeping, and the chest begins to hurt and burst, the baby can be fed in a dream by carefully putting the nipple into the mouth. He will definitely start sucking, eat, and then fall asleep again;
  • do not wear tight synthetic underwear. You need to purchase bras for nursing mothers, made from natural fibers with wide straps, without hard protruding seams and stones. They perfectly support the chest, without constraining the mammary glands;
  • sleep during the day with the baby, putting aside household chores. Stress, unrest and overwork should not be allowed during this important period;
  • consume no more than 3 liters of liquid per day, including first courses, milk porridge, juices;
  • eat fully.

After the birth of a baby, a young mother expects not only the joy of motherhood, but also some problems that may be encountered when breastfeeding. One of the common problems is the stagnation of milk in the mammary glands, the problem is serious and in a short period of time leads to high fever and other unpleasant symptoms.

To insure against such a phenomenon, you need to know in advance about the causes of milk stagnation and how to act in such a situation.

In the article, we will consider in detail the topic of how to remove milk stasis: effective methods for maintaining the health of the baby and mother.

When solving such a problem, it is important to catch the very first symptoms, then it is easier to eliminate milk stagnation.

So, the symptoms of milk stasis are as follows:

  • Painful sensations in the chest, which increase over time;
  • Feeling of swelling of the chest, which also increases;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the mammary glands;
  • Fever and feeling hot;
  • On palpation, you can feel the seals, which are unpleasant to touch.

What are the causes of stagnant milk? To prevent the first signs of milk stagnation, you need to know about its causes, these are:

  • Strange as it may sound, but even with full observance of the rules of feeding and hygiene, stagnation of milk can occur, and this is due to the peculiarity of the structure of the mammary glands;
  • Inexperience of a young mother and improper feeding of the baby;
  • Significant volumes of milk;
  • Baby's age;
  • Hypothermia or overheating of the mother's body;
  • Lack of fluid in the mother's body, when a woman almost does not drink liquid;
  • Incorrect suction of milk to newborns;
  • When more milk is produced than the baby consumes, that is, there are surpluses. This is usually characteristic of the first postpartum week.

The mammary glands are similar in internal structure to a bunch of grapes: the breast consists of 7-10 “lobules”, each of which contains alveoli that produce milk. From the "lobule" to the nipple passes the milk duct, through which milk flows.

In the event that the child incorrectly retracts the nipple, then not all milk ducts “work”, milk remains in some, hence milk stagnation. It must also be remembered that in the first week the child needs much less milk, so part of it is not consumed and stagnation occurs.

In addition, the so-called colostrum is released at first, this is the same milk, but with a higher fat content and a thicker consistency.

If the mother does not drink liquid or consumes it in small quantities, then the milk also becomes thicker and difficult to pass through the milk ducts, which also leads to milk stagnation.

Overheating or, conversely, hypothermia is extremely dangerous for mommy. Overheating can occur in the heat, and in the sauna and even in the bathroom with a long stay in it. Hypothermia can be obtained not only in cold weather, but also after swimming or after being in a draft. When overheating or hypothermia, the milk ducts become inflamed, the passage of milk through them is difficult, and the amount of milk itself increases.

In an article on how to remove milk stasis: effective methods, it is important to dwell on how to drain the mammary glands on your own, at home. Massage will help with this.
You need to feel the chest with your hand and find a solid area on it, and start stroking from it. Movements start from the base of the breast towards the nipple, the movements should be in a circle.

Massage is carried out until the first drops of milk appear. Then the movements continue until all the milk is expressed. The mammary glands should become soft and painless.
If it is not possible to drain the breast on your own, then immediately consult a doctor.

To avoid such unpleasant phenomena as milk stasis, you need to know how to properly attach the baby to the breast.

The child should capture with his lips not only the nipple, but also the entire areola, then the milk will pass evenly through all the milk ducts.

In the case when there are first symptoms of milk stagnation, it is necessary to determine, using manual palpation, in which part of the breast milk stagnation occurred. This is determined by self-palpation, I grope for a solid area of ​​​​the mammary glands.

If only milk stagnation is detected, then you can try to take the correct position when feeding, then it is possible to remove milk stagnation without massage and medical assistance.

So, if milk stagnation is found in such segments of the mammary glands as:

  • The lower sections of the mammary glands, then the mother assumes a sitting position, takes the child in her arms and feeds the child traditionally;
  • The upper part of the mammary glands, then the baby is placed on the changing table and mommy leans over him, and feeding takes place;
  • If the stagnation of milk is determined by touch in the central lobes, then feeding occurs lying down. The mother should lie on her side so that the breast with stagnant milk is on top, her baby should suckle. The baby also lies on its side facing the mother;
  • In case of stagnation of milk in the left and right lobes of the mammary glands, the child is fed, which is called "from under the arm" in a position convenient for the mother.

With frequent stagnation of milk, mothers need to remember that feeding in certain positions helps to eliminate this phenomenon. So, for example, when a mother slightly hangs over her child and her mammary glands are in a free position, milk passes freely through the ducts and does not stagnate.

In cases where so much milk is released that the child literally chokes and does not have time to swallow it, you need to feed the baby in a semi-lying position.

What not to do with stagnation of milk

In continuation of the topic of how to remove milk stagnation: proven methods, we will talk about what you need to refrain from when a similar situation arises so as not to harm yourself.

When milk stagnates, pain instantly arises not only in the mammary glands, but also in the nipples, which makes feeding extremely painful and the first thought of mothers is to refuse feeding, which should never be done.

In addition, you should not try to warm up the chest in any way, this will only give the opposite effect.
You should also stop taking any medications before consulting your doctor. All medicines have various contraindications and can partially enter the baby's body along with milk at the next feeding.

No need to stop taking any liquid. Sometimes inexperienced mothers stop drinking, believing that in this way there will be less milk and the problem of stagnation will go away. However, it is not. The milk will become thicker, which will greatly complicate the process of decanting the mammary glands.

In the article, we talked about the main ways to remove milk stasis, but there are additional tricks that new moms need to know about.

If a special massage of the mammary glands does not help or if you urgently need to feed the baby, and the pain is frightening, then a compress will come to the rescue, with its help it is possible to reduce pain and help clear milk stagnation.

A terry towel is taken as a compress, moistened with hot water, squeezed thoroughly and applied to the chest immediately before feeding for just a few minutes, until the fabric cools down.

A cabbage leaf will help too. It is pre-wrapped with cling film and beaten off until the juice is released, then a breast sheet is applied. For a tighter fixation, the sheet is put inside the bra.

During feeding, mothers are advised to do an additional massage of the breast compaction with the help of the knuckles.

In a conversation about how to remove milk stagnation: effective methods, you need to dwell on the prevention of such an unpleasant and painful phenomenon. To avoid stagnation of milk in different segments of the mammary glands, feed your baby in different positions. Rest in different positions, even if you are used to sleeping on one side.

When the time comes for the introduction of complementary foods, you need to remember that the amount of milk remains the same, and the baby consumes less of it, so you need to express milk.

Wear proper underwear, it should be your size and in no case should it squeeze your chest.

It is also good to do exercises, perform various movements with your hands.

Before you figure out how to decant milk stasis at home, you should find out the main symptoms. Such a problem as lactostasis occurs in every third nursing mother. The reasons are very different: from physiology to incorrect in terms of feeding anatomy.

Milk stasis can be decanted, and there are also preventive measures that can avoid this unpleasant symptom. Let's figure out how to drain the stagnation of milk at home. It is not necessary to consult a doctor if lactostasis is not accompanied by a strong rise in temperature or signs of infectious inflammation. There are several ways that allow you to remove the stagnation of milk in the breast at home. The article describes how to get rid of lactostasis, about the causes and signs of stagnation.

It is important to correctly identify lactostasis and not confuse it with other breast diseases, which can also occur after childbirth during breastfeeding.

The main symptom is specific discomfort in the area of ​​the mammary gland. Pain and swelling can be observed on one side or both. On palpation, pulling or throbbing pain intensifies. As a result, it becomes painful to feed the baby.

A nodule-like lump may appear in the area around the breast. In later stages, this area becomes very hard. On palpation, the lobules of the mammary gland can be clearly distinguished. If a strong infection joins lactostasis, chills, fever, fever, headache are possible.

Causes and background

The main reason for stagnation is the cessation of breastfeeding. For various reasons, the mammary glands are not completely emptied, which contributes to inflammation and blockage of the ducts.

The outflow of milk can be disturbed for a variety of reasons:

  • Blockage of the ducts of the mammary glands. It can be caused by injuries, cracks.
  • Long breaks in feeding or pumping.
  • A monotonous way of pumping, in which some areas of the breast are not completely emptied.
  • Morning congestion caused by sleeping in an uncomfortable position, squeezing the ducts.
  • During the period of complementary feeding, the child cannot completely release the mammary glands, as a result, milk accumulates.

These are mostly physiological factors.

There are also behavioral factors of lactostasis:

  • Wrong feeding. During feeding, all lobules of the mammary gland should be emptied evenly. Otherwise, the risk of lactostasis increases significantly. Regular feeding in violation of technique can lead to cracks. If you are not sure that you know how to pump or feed properly, you should consult a doctor for advice and explanation or read educational materials.
  • Irregular or insufficient emptying of the breast. It is important that feeding leads to complete emptying. Otherwise, you need to additionally express breast milk.
  • Large intervals between feedings. The norm is 2-3 hours. If the child eats less often, you need to express the excess.
  • Frequent pumping. It is important not to overdo it with pumping, because it causes an increased production of breast milk.

There are also unobvious factors that few people think about:

  • Wearing tight underwear. It is important to choose a comfortable loose bra in which not the slightest discomfort will be felt. A tight bra leads to mechanical clamping of the ducts of the mammary glands.
  • Stress and lack of sleep. The female reproductive system is very sensitive to the psychological state. The slightest changes in the hormonal background due to depression, exhaustion, anxiety, can lead to stagnation of milk.
  • Sleep on the stomach. Any mechanical compression of the ducts should be avoided, including during sleep.

To reduce the risk, it is worth learning how to express milk correctly and developing a feeding scheme that takes into account individual physiological characteristics.

Physiological and anatomical mechanisms of lactostasis development

Lactostasis often occurs in nulliparous women. This may be due to both physiology and inexperience. Allocate lactostasis in the first days after childbirth. This is a standard phenomenon that usually goes away without consequences and special treatment. Lactostasis during breastfeeding requires decanting and following some recommendations. Straining for lactostasis is considered the main way to solve the problem, but it will not protect against relapse until the cause is identified.

Immediately after childbirth, a serious hormonal restructuring occurs in the body. The level of placental steroids decreases, the production of prolactin increases. Such a mechanism is justified from the point of view of evolution and allows the mother to quickly accumulate milk for feeding. Along with increased milk production, inflammation and narrowing of the ducts of the mammary gland are observed. A combination of factors often leads to lactostasis of the first days.

Regardless of the causes, undissolved lactostasis leads to mastitis. Therefore, it is important to stop the symptoms in time and restore the normal outflow of milk.

What to do

Regardless of the cause of stagnation, it is worth acting according to the same scheme: eliminate this very cause of stagnation in order to avoid recurrence and drain the milk. There are several ways to clear out without outside help. Pumping with lactostasis is an unpleasant and painful, but necessary procedure. We will figure out how to restore the functioning of the mammary glands and ducts with less discomfort.

The main thing to do is to completely empty the chest. There are two ways. If the symptoms are not very severe, the pain and discomfort are tolerable, and there is no infectious process, it is worth doing this during feeding. To do this, you need to position the chest so that the stagnant lactostasis (more precisely, its most painful area) is under the child's lower jaw. This is not the most comfortable position for feeding, but this method helps to get rid of milk stagnation as physiologically as possible.

With stagnation with severe pain, you can try a more gentle method. First you need to take a hot shower to dilate blood vessels and normalize blood circulation. Then you need to carry out a light massage of the breast. After - express with your hands, observing the basic rules. It is important to make sure that all the milk is gone.

Straining lactostasis is often difficult, it takes quite a lot of time and effort. But you need to get rid of inflammation and stagnation as quickly as possible in order to prevent the development of mastitis. Properly expressed lactostasis usually does not relapse, unpleasant symptoms completely disappear within 2-3 days.

If these methods do not help, you should consult a doctor. The specialist knows exactly how to remove stagnation with minimal discomfort. In advanced cases, a doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs or topical treatments. It is important not to delay the treatment, milk lactostasis leads to mastitis, which is more difficult and longer to treat.

You need to be aware of the signs of incipient mastitis: constant pain, a sharp increase in temperature, weakness. If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. The thing is that the mammary glands of a nursing mother are very susceptible to infection.

The main advice is not to panic and remove milk stagnation as soon as possible. Until lactostasis has turned into mastitis, no specific treatment is required. It may hurt on the first bite. But it is enough to understand the mechanism, and then it will be easier to cope. Do not be afraid that milk will stagnate and take preventive measures: too frequent pumping also increases the risk of lactostasis.

In order not to have to remove stagnation, you can follow the rules of prevention:

  • Change your posture more often when feeding a baby, monitor the uniform emptying of the breast.
  • Perform chest exercises that increase vascular tone and improve duct function. The standard exercise is a windmill, swinging your arms to the sides and in a circle.
  • Keep track of the intervals between feedings. If you have to skip a feeding, at the allotted time, you need to express at least half of the breast.
  • Wear comfortable, loose underwear.
  • Do not sleep on your stomach, change your sleeping position more often.

Lactostasis is unpleasant, but you can get rid of stagnation at home. With proper straining, the symptoms quickly pass and do not cause complications.

Breastfeeding is one of the happiest times in a woman's life. After all, with mother's milk, the baby receives all the vitamins and microelements necessary for development, as well as immunoglobulins that prevent the infection of the child with infections. However, problems often arise during the feeding period. One of the most common is lactostasis, or stagnation of milk in the breast. This phenomenon is very dangerous for a woman, and therefore you need to act very quickly. How to strain milk stasis at home and what should be done to avoid lactostasis?

What is lactostasis

Lactostasis is the stagnation of milk in the breast during breastfeeding, which develops most often due to a violation of the outflow in one or more ducts of the mammary gland.

Stagnation of milk can be observed regardless of the term, age of the baby, or what the child is in a row. Externally, lactostasis manifests itself in the form of a painful tubercle, sometimes accompanied by reddening of the skin. The general well-being of a woman remains normal without an increase in temperature.

Treatment of the pathological process should begin quickly, otherwise there is a possibility of inflammation, followed by infectious mastitis, tissue abscess. These diseases are eliminated surgically with the simultaneous use of antibacterial drugs.

Causes of stagnant milk

Most often, lactostasis develops under conditions created not for one, but for several reasons, which add up to a whole complex:

  • poor emptying of the breast;
  • violation of the outflow of milk from a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland;
  • excess milk production.

In turn, in each of these complexes, a number of specific reasons can be identified:

Poor breast emptying:

  • rare application of the child to the chest;
  • inadequate intake of water by the mother;
  • refusal of night feedings or rare attachment during the arrival of milk;
  • to the breast of the child;
  • large chest capacity;
  • artificial mixture;
  • poor suckling by the child of the breast;
  • excessive fascination with pacifiers.

Violation of the outflow of milk from a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary gland:

  • application of nipple covers;
  • chest injuries in the past as a result of injuries, operations;
  • improper use of the breast pump;
  • the presence in the past of mastopathy;
  • mom wearing a too tight bra;
  • sleep on the stomach;
  • anatomical features associated with poor milk flow;
  • insufficient rest, stressful situations, mental and physical overload.

Excess milk produced:

  • hyperlactation caused by excessive pumping;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • elevated levels of prolactin in the blood.

Finding out the causes of lactostasis plays a big role in preventing its recurrence in the future.

Symptoms of milk stasis

Lactostasis can be easily recognized. Its signs are:

  • feeling of fullness, heaviness in the mammary gland;
  • milk is poorly expressed - in a small stream, drops;
  • redness at the site of injury;
  • the appearance of tuberous seals, which, when touched, cause severe pain.

Stagnation of milk with temperature also happens. In advanced cases, it can reach maximum performance. At the initial stages, the increase is insignificant - up to 37.5 ° C, or is absent altogether.

Laktostasis or mastitis?

Mastitis is a consequence of neglected lactostasis. If, despite all the treatment, the temperature persists for more than 2-3 days, and the condition continues to worsen, this is a reason to contact a specialist. These symptoms may indicate the onset of the development of non-infectious mastitis, which already requires serious medical treatment. Mastitis complicated by the addition of an infection is called infectious and in some cases requires surgical intervention. Breastfeeding with any form of mastitis is prohibited.

Is it possible to feed a baby with lactostasis

With lactostasis, it is not recommended to stop breastfeeding. On the contrary, it must continue. And the more often the application is carried out, the faster you can get rid of stagnation. It is the baby who is able to quickly and easily release the milk ducts from the accumulated milk.

  1. Breastfeed your baby even more often than before.
  2. Allow your baby to breastfeed instead of a pacifier even if he is not hungry.
  3. Try to give your child a problem breast more often, and to avoid stagnation of milk in the second breast, express it.

Important! Correctly apply the baby to the breast (so that it does not capture the nipple, but most of the areola - halos).

Choose a feeding position that places the baby's chin closer to the affected area, as the lobes of the breast where the baby's tongue is best emptied. If this is problematic, it is better to control the correct capture of the breast by the child. In this case, the entire breast is emptied evenly.

How to cure lactostasis at home

You can also get rid of milk stagnation during breastfeeding at home. However, medications are not always necessary. Of course, in each case, an individual approach to the problem that has arisen is necessary, preferably with the advice of a specialist.


As mentioned above, your child who actively suckles at the breast can help treat lactostasis.

One of the most difficult areas to treat is axillary milk stasis, but this can be corrected if the correct nursing position is used. The child should be applied in such a way that his chin “looks” at the problem area:

But what if the child cannot resolve milk stasis due to severe swelling of the gland? In this case it will help pressure softening method. It should also be carried out before applying the baby to the breast.

Here's what to do:

  • place your fingers on the areola so that their tips touch the base of the nipple;
  • lightly press on the areola with your fingertips towards the chest;
  • stay in this position for at least 2 minutes;
  • when indentations appear on both sides of the nipple, move your fingers in a circular motion by a few millimeters, but so that the resulting new area overlaps slightly with the old one, and repeat the action;
  • move along all segments of the halo in a circle, softening it. Pay special attention to the area where the baby's chin will be during feeding.

If the edema is too strong, then the pressure time should be increased by a few more minutes. After that, express your breast a little and boldly attach the baby to it.

The second most effective method for treating lactostasis after applying to the baby's breast is pumping.


It is best to express breast milk when stagnant with your hands, but always before feeding the baby. Only in this case, the child will be able to quickly and more fully dissolve the accumulated milk clots. It is also possible to disperse milk stasis with a breast pump, but only with simultaneous breast massage in the direction of the nipple.

Important! There is no need to express after feeding. On the contrary, it will only increase the flow of milk, and the pain will become even more unbearable.

Technique of pumping milk with lactostasis.

  1. To drain the thoracic ducts, you need to take a comfortable position.
  2. Then place 4 fingers so that they are under the chest, and the fifth (big) is on top.
  3. Now you need to feel for the clogged area. It should be bumpy. When the "enemy" is detected, proceed to neutralize it.
  4. Gently press this area towards the nipple. Try to express everything you can.
  5. It is best to pump under a warm shower or sit up to your chest in a bath of warm water.

Hand expressing breast milk video - doctor's advice

Additional measures for the treatment of lactostasis can be:

  • massage;
  • compresses;
  • medicines;
  • physiotherapy.


Massage helps a lot with lactostasis. Moreover, this is one of the most effective methods to quickly get rid of milk stagnation. But it should be carried out with extreme caution. The main rule is not to cause pain (mild discomfort is allowed). Otherwise, it can lead to even more severe swelling and injury to the mammary gland.

  1. You need to start with light stroking, then proceed to non-pressing circular movements with 4 fingers (you need to iron not the skin, but the fabric under it).
  2. This is followed by kneading the stagnation of milk in the breast from top to bottom along the idle duct towards the nipple.
  3. To do this, you need to feel for the bumpy area and move your fingers down, slightly pressing on the chest, as if rolling the seal from the top of the chest to the nipple area. Gradually, the pressure should be increased, but it should not be too painful.
  4. Start pressing from the edge of the tubercle. First, pressing lightly on the area itself, and then increasing the pressure, but already towards the nipple. Then move on to the underlying area of ​​compaction and repeat the procedure. Thus, make your way from the seal to the nipple.

With this massage, you can squeeze the milk clot through the channel in the nipple.

Important! Another effective massage option is a shower. At the same time, the water should be warm, and the jet should be powerful. Additionally, the affected area is rubbed with honey if there is no allergy to it.

Here are some more helpful tips.

  1. For breast massage, it is allowed to use special oil, then you can slide your hands over the surface of the skin.
  2. In the process of feeding, massage the breast at the site of compaction towards the nipple.
  3. It is allowed to lightly squeeze the breast while feeding the baby. This will speed up the outflow of fluid from the clogged gland.
  4. Immediately after the massage, apply the baby to the chest.
  5. Massage should be done as often as possible - always before feeding, pumping and after them.

And remember: if a breast massage is performed, then mom should not be hurt. A woman's patience can result in breast injury, tissue damage.


Compresses can be used for any form of lactostasis, including when the temperature rises, but not necessarily hot, but cold.

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what exactly you will apply to your chest, the main thing is that it be cold. It can be a towel soaked in cold water or ice cubes in cellophane wrapped in a towel. The main objective of the procedure is to reduce blood circulation in order to reduce swelling and slow down the production of milk.

Such compresses should be done after feeding the child, their duration should be small - 10-15 minutes. As soon as discomfort occurs, the procedure should be stopped.

Among the compresses from lactostasis among folk remedies include the so-called absorbable compresses. Unfortunately, they do not have any scientific evidence base under them, but, according to many mothers, they are very effective. Such compresses do not have to be cold, it is allowed if the superimposed ingredient is at room temperature. Strict instructions for use also do not exist. Absorbable compresses can be placed on the chest for several minutes or several hours, without being tied to feeding the baby. So, these can be:

  • cut or broken cabbage leaf;
  • cold cottage cheese;
  • a cake made from a mixture of honey with flour / bread;
  • cloth soaked in mummy solution.

Medicines and dietary supplements

  1. "Traumeel" marked "C". This is a homeopathic medicine. It is prescribed for pain in the chest, to eliminate the inflammatory process, improve the circulation of lymph and blood, improve the patency of blood vessels. You need to apply the product 4-5 times a day, including before.
  2. Ointment "Arnica". Improves blood circulation by warming the tissues. It has a local irritating effect.
  3. Ointment or liquid concentrate "Malavit". The drug belongs to dietary supplements. Relieves swelling, can reduce pain.
  4. Magnesium sulfate. It is used in the form of a compress from the contents of ready-made ampoules sold in a pharmacy.
  5. Gel "Progestogel". It contains the hormone progesterone, which inhibits the production of milk. The absorption of fluid from the tissues of the mammary gland improves, swelling and squeezing of the milk ducts decreases. It is applied in the form of applications 1-2 times a day for 2 days. The use of the drug is not supported by lactation consultants due to a decrease in lactation.
  6. dietary supplement lecithin. It is recommended to take with frequently recurring stagnation. Lecithin is a natural emulsifier that allows you to reduce the surface tension at the interface between two phases, helping the formed clot to dissolve. Dosage 1200 mg 3-4 times a day.

If the mother has milk stasis with a temperature, then you can drink an antipyretic based on or ibuprofen. However, if the situation allows, it is better not to do this, since the temperature allows the body to fight the reproduction of bacteria in the place of milk stagnation, helps to quickly get rid of the resulting plug due to the expansion of the thoracic ducts and is an indicator of the mother's condition.

Important! A prolonged temperature for more than two days is a reason to consult a specialist, as it may indicate incipient mastitis.

Physiotherapy with ultrasound

It will help to get rid of plugs in the ducts of the mammary gland, locally increase the temperature of the tissue. It is carried out by qualified personnel in the direction of a doctor in a clinic or maternity hospital. After the procedure, you should attach the baby to the breast, or express milk. It is not prescribed in the case of an inflammatory process, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation.

Usually one or two treatments are sufficient. If there is no effect, stop treatment and seek the advice of a specialist.

Important! The main rule after any warming manipulations is to give the affected breast to the child or express it, and then apply a cold compress.

By following these recommendations, you can achieve an improvement in just a couple of days, but there are situations when the fight against lactostasis can be delayed - for 7-10 days. Signs that the treatment is helping is an improvement in the condition of at least one indicator: a decrease in temperature, a decrease in pain, size and hardness of the seal. Otherwise, you should seek medical attention.

What not to do

Stop putting the baby to the breast, even if there is a temperature.A breastfeeding baby is the most important treatment for lactostasis, so breastfeeding should not be stopped or limited. Breast milk with stagnation in the mammary gland does not lose its value for the child and is not harmful to his health.
Immediately after the temperature rises, drink antipyretics.The temperature is a protective reaction of the body, allowing you to assess the condition of the mother. At the same time, heat does not affect the quality of milk. The use of antipyretics is possible only in extreme cases or if a woman does not tolerate temperature well.
Try to express the breast with a seal to the last drop.The more you empty your chest, the faster it will fill up. It is necessary to pump only before feeding.
Apply warm compresses, do physiotherapy after feeding.Heat will increase blood circulation and aggravate milk stasis. Warming up procedures can only be done before feeding, and not after it.
Apply alcohol-containing products to the chest, as well as camphor oil, Vishnevsky ointment, Dimexide.These funds will not bring any real benefit. They can adversely affect the taste of milk, cause local burns, and even slow down milk production in some proportions.
Ask your husband to suck the clots.There is a risk of icing and cracked nipples. However, subject to cleanliness and respect, such an action is permissible.
Use drugs that inhibit lactation and reduce the amount of milk.Among such funds is Dostinex. Its action is reduced to a decrease in prolactin, but it does not affect the stagnation itself.
Take antibiotics, use Levomekol.Most antibiotics are not compatible with breastfeeding. As a result, the main method of treating lactostasis - breastfeeding will not be available. Levomekol is used only for purulent mastitis.
Drink No-shpu and similar antispasmodics.No-shpa is not able to expand the thoracic ducts, as some believe.
Wait until lactostasis resolves itself.The situation will worsen rather than improve.
Decompress the chest, experiencing severe pain.So there is a possibility of injuring the chest and causing swelling.
Independently open a white dot if it is present on the nipple.You can easily get an infection. It is better to try to steam the nipple with warm water, and then offer the breast to the child.

Videos doctor advice


Based on the causes of lactostasis, one can easily identify the basic principles of its prevention.

  1. Change positions more often during feeding so that all areas of the breast are evenly emptied.
  2. Feed your baby at night.
  3. Breastfeed your baby on demand, not by the hour.
  4. Do not limit the duration of feedings.
  5. If possible, do not give your baby a bottle with a pacifier and a pacifier.
  6. During feeding, massage the breasts.
  7. Apply the baby correctly.
  8. Try not to use nipple shields or use them for a short time.
  9. Each feeding is carried out alternately with each breast.
  10. Stop lactation gradually.
  11. Wearing comfortable, fitted underwear.
  12. No drinking restrictions.
  13. Complete rest, as stress hormones block the production of oxycin.

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