How to sew a tulle pelmet. How to make an openwork lambrequin with your own hands

Window decor plays an important role in the design of the entire room. Depending on the appearance of the curtains, the room becomes truly cozy or takes on an official look. With the help of one or another model of curtains, you can visually expand the space or give it an atmosphere of intimacy. And, of course, the main decoration of any curtains is not a fabric or an ornament, but a lambrequin and other decorative details.

Lambrequin is the main decoration of curtains.

Not many novice craftswomen take on independent tailoring of curtains and lambrequins, considering their cut too complicated. But if you disassemble any pattern into its component parts, then no problems will arise. Remember that any, even the most elaborate design initially consists of simple elements. And if you understand simple patterns, then you can handle cutting any models.

General principles of lambrequin manufacturing technology

Lambrequins for window blinds come in 2 types: hard and soft. The first type of products is also called a gang. Although this name is not a model, but a special gasket that gives the parts the necessary rigidity. As a rule, such decorative details are sewn from dense materials and often use a lining. They do not drape and look like a solid canvas, which is often given a fantasy shape.

An example of a hard lambrequin pattern.

Usually, building a pattern of this type of lambrequins is not difficult for beginner craftswomen.

A hard pelmet can be not only geometric in shape. It is the tailoring of curtains with fantasy gangs that is especially difficult and requires certain sewing skills.

Sewing lambrequins of the so-called soft type is much easier. Typically, such decor items look like a beautifully draped detail, which is often decorated with additional elements: ties, de frills, cascades, roses, etc. Such decorations are sewn from soft, plastic materials. Lining is rarely used.

Perekids can be distinguished as a separate type of decor. In fact, these are also soft lambrequins, but such elements completely cover the cornice and descend from it like a swing or festoons. At the same time, their pattern is often not difficult. And the spectacular appearance of the lambrequin depends on the ability of the hostess to drape the fabric around the cornice.

Choice of curtain type

Each type of curtain and decorative details has its own tailoring technology. And in addition to general recommendations that are relevant for each model, there are a lot of individual nuances. Therefore, before you get to work, decide which type you need.

But in any case, you should follow the advice:

  1. It is necessary to choose models and appearance of curtains with lambrequin after the general design of the room has been determined.
  2. Window decoration should not visually overload the space. If you have a small room, then you should not give preference to multi-tiered curtains with complex lush lambrequins. Conversely, in a spacious bedroom, modest window decor can look lonely.
  3. If you value your sewing skills low enough, then do not purchase expensive and difficult-to-process fabrics. Moreover, it will take a lot of material to sew curtains with a lambrequin.
  4. The brighter the fabric and the more active the pattern, the more modest the model of the curtains themselves should be. You should not choose complex patterns that involve a large number of decorative elements: folds, draperies, darts and undercuts.

If you follow these simple rules, then choosing the right curtain model for you will not be difficult.

Basic principles of cutting and sewing curtains with lambrequins

Sewing curtains with lambrequins involves working with large amounts of fabric. Therefore, immediately decide on the place where you will work. It is most convenient to cut curtains on the floor. Even a large dining table can be small for this. At the same time, a fleecy floor covering will help you when cutting. It will not allow synthetic fabrics to slip and move. But it is best to make a lambrequin pattern on a smooth surface. For example, on a parquet or wall, attaching paper with paper tape.

Get a curtain rod before you start sewing lambrequins. If you want to make a decor in the form of a flip, then when choosing a mount, give preference to a bar that is made in the form of the letter "C". On this design, it is easiest to drape and fasten the fabric.

The length of the lambrequin should not be more than 1/3 of the height of the curtains themselves.

In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • iron (make sure it has a clean sole first);
  • iron (can be replaced with a piece of gauze or a thin clean cloth);
  • sewing machine and a set of paws for it;
  • well-sharpened scissors;
  • measurement tools.

When sewing a lambrequin and curtains, of course, one cannot do without pins, needles, thin threads for basting and tailor's chalk.

Before cutting the fabric, be sure to take the necessary measurements. For experienced craftswomen, it is enough to take 1-2 measurements. But for beginner dressmakers, all measurements and calculations must be carried out very carefully.

The first measurement is the length of the window cornice. In this case, you need to measure the distance between the outer brackets. Next, you need to determine the distance from the eaves to the floor. In this case, the indentation of the edge of the curtain from the cornice is not taken into account. These changes will be made directly to the pattern.

The length of the lambrequin and the curtains themselves depends only on your tastes and desires. But experienced experts do not advise making this decorative element longer than 1/3 of the height of the curtains. But ties and cascades can go much lower.

In addition, it is worth remembering an important rule: the more magnificent the lambrequin, the longer the curtains should be. Otherwise, the upper structure may seem unnecessarily bulky.

Patterns of the main types of lambrequins

The most common design element for curtains is swaga. Because sewing lambrequins of this type is very simple. When finished, the swaga looks like a swing. Moreover, the curtain decoration can consist of several similar details at once.

This type of lambrequin is also convenient because it can be cut without the complicated construction of a pattern and painstaking calculations.

Only the length of 1 part needs to be determined. At the same time, it is worth remembering that 1 swaga necessarily overlaps the other by 1/3 of the width. And each of the elements consists of 3 thirds. Accordingly, to find out the width of 1 element, you need to divide the total length of the cornice by the number of swags used.

That is, if you have a cornice 270 cm long and you are going to use 4 elements for a lambrequin, then the calculation is as follows: 270 (cornice length) / 4 (number of swags) \u003d 67.5 cm.

Now, to this number, you need to add another 1/3 of it (the width by which 1 swag will overlap another).

67.5/3+67.6=90 cm.

It turns out that the width of 1 element is 90 cm.

Now you can build a pattern. Take a sheet of paper of the width you need and fold it like an accordion. Each fold of an accordion designates a fold on a lambrequin. Therefore, you can form folds of the same or different heights. Lay as many folds as you would like to see on the curtain decoration. Then, on a folded sheet, draw the shape of the future swag and cut it out. You have a finished pattern. Creases on paper indicate marks for the formation of folds in the fabric.

Festoon rounding can also be done without calculations. It is enough to attach a string to the future curtain, imitating the deflection of the swing. And then transfer the result to the pattern. Now you can start sewing lambrequins.

Pattern of a swag, turning into another element

After you figured out a fairly simple pattern, you can move on to designing more complex options. For example, you can build a swag pattern that is one with the dejabot element.

First of all, draw a line on the paper that is at an angle of 45 ° to the vertical edge of the sheet. It will indicate the equity thread of the material. Draw a perpendicular to it. The point of intersection means the fold of the fabric. In the drawing, it is indicated as "a". The segments Aa and A1a are the distance between the shoulders of the swag. Add 10 cm to the right of A and to the left of A1. These are allowances for processing the part.

On the middle line, set aside the length of the swag and mark the resulting point "B". Lower the line down 1/2 the height of the swag (rounding the edge). From point B, draw a perpendicular line. It should be equal to the width of the fabric panel. Then we arbitrarily build a dejabot and finish the creation of the pattern with an arbitrary line denoting the bottom of the part.

In many ways, the construction of the pattern of this element depends on the width of the fabric. Therefore, choose a material with a wide panel (140 cm). In the same way, you can build a lambrequin with any element. As a basis, you can take a drawing of an ordinary swag and attach another element to it. Then the part is cut out as a whole.

After the pattern is completely built, it can be transferred to the fabric. To do this, the pattern is pinned to the material with tailor's pins and circled around the entire perimeter with chalk or a piece of dry soap. Before cutting, do not forget to take into account the allowances for hemming the sections. When sewing a lambrequin, they are usually 1-2 cm. Remember that the thinner the fabric, the wider the allowance can be.

Tailoring of a lambrequin for curtains

Sewing lambrequins begins with the processing of the upper and lower edges. Moreover, the type of cut design depends on the type of tissue. If you used a thin enough material, then you can simply bend it. But it is more reasonable to sheathe dense fabrics with an oblique trim. Some craftswomen use an overlock to process the edges. But this is justified only with very thin and transparent fabrics. In other cases, the overlock stitch may look messy.

If you make the edge into a hem, then it is most convenient to use a special foot for sewing machines, which is called a snail. She folds the fabric to the desired width. And the line is smooth and beautiful.

Never tighten the material when delaying. Otherwise, the part may be deformed. The tension of the upper and lower threads should be the same. The stitch length can be set between 2.5 and 3.5 mm.

Then the edges of the decorative details are processed. Make sure that the seam at the junction of the parts is not too hard. To do this, cut the allowance to the fold line and cut the fabric with a corner. Otherwise, machine stitching may pull the fabric.

The side details of the lambrequin are designed depending on its type. So, for example, the swag is collected on a thread, laying folds, and the cut is processed with an oblique trim or curtain tape.

- This is a soft, decorative "cornice" in the form of trims, frills, which are placed in front of a curtain or tulle, hiding its upper part and gently framing the curtain or curtain. This is a way to decorate the top of the window. There are lambrequins straight or certain form, a braid or fringe is sewn to the bottom. Lambrequin is an important part of window decor. It successfully hides the sagging edge of a curtain or curtain or an ugly cornice. By fixing the lambrequin higher than usual, you will visually lengthen the window, with a wide lambrequin, the window will appear wider.

- Lambrequin can consist of one, two or three sections.
- The width of the section depends on the length of the cornice. Each section of the lambrequin has a smooth section in the middle (1/3 of the width of the part) and on both sides of it there are gathered sections (1/3 of the width of the part).

Calculation of the width of the lambrequin.

- If the lambrequin consists of only one section, then its width will be equal to the length of the cornice.
- For a lambrequin of two sections, one of which overlaps the other by 1/3, the width of the section is calculated as follows: each section consists of 3/3 = 6/3 in total; from these subtract 1/3 by which one section overlaps the other = 5/3.
Measure the length of the cornice, divide it by 5 = 1/3 of the section width. This value must be multiplied by 3 again = the width of one section of the lambrequin.
- For a three-section lambrequin, where each section overlaps by 1/3: 9/3 minus 2/3 (overlapping) = 7/3. The length of the cornice divided by 7 times 3 = the width of one section.

Drawing up a pattern of a section of a lambrequin.

- To make a pattern of a lambrequin section, pin a large sheet of paper to the wall, draw a horizontal line with a length equal to the calculated width of the section (in the drawing of line 1-2), and using a hanging cord fixed at points 1 and 2, draw the shape of the lambrequin section (dashed line on the drawing).
- Transfer this form to a sheet of paper. From the midpoint of the section width (3), draw a vertical line down and mark on it:
section height (4) = intersection point of dotted line and vertical
paper pattern height (4a) \u003d section height plus desired allowances (depending on the density of the fabric, they are 50 - 80% of the section width, more for thin fabrics and less for dense ones).
- Draw the bottom edge of the paper pattern part with a compass: center at point 3, draw an arc through point 4a, see drawing.
- 1/2 the length of the lower edge of the lambrequin section (1-4) transfer to the circle line from point 4a, we get point 1a. Point 2a is determined in the same way.
- Divide the width of the section into three parts - see points 5 and 6 = smooth section. Now connect the points 1a and 5, 2a and 6 with straight lines - in these areas we will then tighten the fabric.
- To avoid too tight drapery on both sides, along the bottom edge of the pattern on the right and left, in areas equal to 1/3 of the length of the bottom edge, straighten a little, see drawing.
Connect points 5 and 6 with a slightly rounded line. Cut out the resulting piece.


- The fabric is cut at an angle of 45 degrees.
- We cut out three identical parts with a seam allowance of 2 cm.

Work description.

- On the rounded edge of each section, make a double hem 1 cm wide.
- It is better to put a special flexible metal tape into the hem. Fasten the ends.
- Fold the three pieces wrong side up. The middle section is located under the two side ones (fig. left).

- Sew along the top edge with a 1 cm seam allowance.
- Iron the top of the received part on the wrong side to a width of 2 cm.
- From the inside of the lambrequin, at a distance of 1 cm from the top edge, sew on both sides of the curtain braid.
- Stretch the threads of the braid so that only 1/3 of the width of each section is pulled together on the right and left, and the middle third remains smooth
- Hang the lambrequin and fix it on the cornice with clamps at the beginning, end and between sections.

The simplest lambrequin. (with ponytails)

Such draped pelmets are good for windows that do not need curtains, but which you still want to decorate somehow.

You will need:

1. Main fabric.
2. Fabric for lining (if necessary)
3. Gasket (if necessary) - interlining, etc.
4. Cornice or plank for lambrequin, 5x2 cm in size, the desired length
5. Decorative cord - approximately 1 m
6. 50 cm tape.
7. Soft pencil.
8. Furniture studs, hammer or stapler.
9. Drill, screwdriver, screws.

Operating procedure:

1. Attach a pelmet bar or cornice to the wall above the window. It should be located about 10 cm above the window frame and so that its ends protrude beyond the window also by about 10-15 cm. Cut the desired amount of fabric. In order for the drapery to sag by 50 cm, you need a fabric 70 cm wide. The length of the fabric is determined by the length of the cornice plus 10 cm plus two lengths of the side "tails". If this length is less than 140 cm, cut the desired piece from a 70 cm wide fabric. If not, cut and sew two pieces together. Please note that the seam allowance should be 1.5 cm for each edge.

If you need to join two widths of fabric, then do it so that the seam is not located in the middle. It is better to attach small pieces of fabric to the main part on the sides.

If desired, cut the fabric for the lining and/or lining, the same size as the main fabric. The lining will make the lambrequin more voluminous, its contours and folds - softer. However, lining is not required.

If you do decide to use a liner, place the cut-out liner fabric, smooth it out, then place the main fabric on top, face up, and place the lining on top of it, face down. Pin all fabrics with pins.

2. Sew all fabrics on the machine, 1.5 cm from the edge, leaving 30 cm unstitched along the top edge. Remove the pins, make light transverse cuts in the corners. Turn the fabric inside out and iron, making sure that the lining fabric is not visible from the front. Sew up the unstitched hole by hand.

Mark the middle of the top of the plank and the middle of the pelmet. Using a stapler, attach the middle of the lambrequin to the center of the top of the plank with paper clips. Then attach the entire fabric to the plank. The ends of the fabric should hang freely around the edges of the plank.

3. Tie the hanging ends of the lambrequin with a decorative cord. Consumption of approximately 50 cm of cord on each side. Tie the cord with a large bow, straighten the folds.

If you have enough experience, then the next lambrequin looks more beautiful.

Lambrequin - consisting of one swag plus garland curtains on the sides.

To properly sew such a lambrequin, a certain skill is required. Indeed, in order for the lambrequin to look harmonious, it is necessary to determine the number of sagging garlands so that they look beautiful with a curtain, carefully cut out and sew.

For this you will need:

- the cloth
- curtain tape
- a board for the eaves, best of all, covered with fabric.

measure the width of your cornice. Plus seam allowances. Decide how long the pelmet will be, and increase this size by two and a half times (do not forget the allowances!). Decide the number of folds on the lambrequin. Buy curtain tape - it's easier to make folds. The choice of braid depends on what kind of folds you are going to make - small, medium or large. Draw a drawing.

The dotted line is the fold line. To make the folds lie better, you can cut out the lambrequin along the oblique: fold the fabric diagonally and attach the pattern to this diagonal with a dotted line. True, in this case you will need more material ...

Given the length of the curtain tape in the assembled state, calculate the width of the middle, not draped part. What I mean: the drapery consists of three parts - the drapery itself on both sides and the middle part between the beginning and end of the first fold. Knowing the length of the cornice, you subtract from it the length of the drapery tape in the finished state (twice! - two sides). The remainder is side A.

Cut out the detail of the swag. Perform a hem, stitch. Sew curtain tape to the straight side edges of the lambrequin. Gather the tape, form folds. Align the draped and non-draped sections in a straight line, attach them to the eaves of the top with small studs.

The swag can also be fixed on the front of the eaves, but in this case you will need to “mask” it with a figured baguette.

Already in the fixed state, form folds.

Curtains-cascades or molds (ties), the eternal companions of the swag, are also easy to sew. For them, you decide the required height and width. Increase the width by two and a half times. Cut out the figure from the fabric according to the pattern

Then work on the edges. Sew curtain tape along the top edge. Assemble the tape according to the instructions. Iron the top of the folds to the desired side. Fasten to the eaves before you attach the swag to it.

Such a curtain-cascade, as in the figure, can be made without a curtain tape. The pattern is the same, but you form the folds with your hands, so that you get a drapery from the picture, that is, one on the other.

Manual method of laying drapery.

This method requires a measuring stand or a thick sheet of packing cardboard of the required size.

We impose a previously cut pattern from the fabric on the measuring stand, observing the middle and the beginning of the shoulders of the model, without stretching or fitting the middle of the part.

The formation of the first fold begins from the starting point of the right shoulder of the part, lowering the so-called “roller” of the fold down from the cornice line by 10–15 cm. This value depends on the depth of the model.

In the same way, observing the depth of the fold (approximately 8 - 10 cm), it is laid at the starting point of the left shoulder.

We fix the first fold, like all subsequent ones, with 2-3 pins, so as not to warp with further laying.

Since the shoulder calculations were made, we know the distance between the folds along the eaves line (see the advice “Pelmet shoulder calculations”). We mark this distance along the ruler with chalk or a disappearing felt-tip pen. It is very important to observe this value down to the millimeter, since the difference in the distance between the folds can lead to a distortion of the entire model as a whole.

Each subsequent fold is formed in the same way. The same amount of sagging between the folds and the distance between the folds along the cornice line are strictly observed.

The depth of each subsequent fold increases by 3-5 cm. This value depends on the drape of the fabric and the length of the model. The stiffer the fabric, the deeper the tuck solution.

After laying all the necessary folds, the most correctly and beautifully laid shoulder of the part is selected, and the tucks formed after laying and cutting are mirrored from one side of the model to the other.

Then they stab (very often, after 1.5 - 2 cm) with pins the selected shoulder of the model along the cornice line. If the model is asymmetric, then both shoulders of the model are stabbed and drawn.

With chalk or a disappearing felt-tip pen, draw a line of the cornice with a processing allowance of 1.5 - 2 cm along the line of the middle and shoulder of the model.

With chalk, a disappearing felt-tip pen or pins, mark the bottom line of the sag of the model (along the selected half).

The stabbed and marked to the middle pattern is removed from the measuring board. Without stretching the fabric, they also split the undrawn shoulder of the model.

On the cutting table, departing from the intended line of the cornice 1-2 cm, cut off the excess fabric allowance for laying. Thus, a line for processing the part along the cornice is obtained.

Splitting the shoulder of the part, we get the depth of each fold (dart solution).

For the most accurate and correct laying, it is necessary to mirror the solution of tucks from one half of the part to the other. To do this, fold the pattern exactly in half and cut out a solution of tucks. Then the drawn lines of the cornice are transferred.

Align the pattern folded in half along the bottom line of the sag of the model, observing the processing allowances of 1 - 1.5 cm.

A pattern with worked out shoulders and a lower sag line is laid on a fitting stand to check all sizes.

The lower section of the model is treated with a double stitching seam, an “American” seam (“Moscow seam”), or the entire detail is duplicated with a lining.
In the "overshoot" model, the upper sag of the part is processed in the same way.

As a rule, the upper allowance along the cornice line is processed with Velcro or mounting tape, the so-called "belt".

Examples of a combination of lambrequins and curtains.

Spectacular and original design of windows is one of the main factors on which the comfort and beauty of the home interior depends.

Curtains look most impressive and festive in combination with a well-chosen lambrequin, which gives beauty and sophistication to window decoration, while hiding the unpresentable view of the wall in the ceiling area.

What is a lambrequin?

Lambrequin is an elegantly designed decorative element that hides a cornice. Thanks to the lambrequin, the window design acquires a complete, aesthetically attractive look.

The first lambrequins were made from the same wood as the cornice, and were characterized by brevity and simplicity.

The usual elegant lambrequin made of fabric adorned the palaces of European monarchs and nobles.

Varieties of lambrequins

Before we tell you how to sew a beautiful lambrequin with your own hands, let's get acquainted with the varieties of lambrequins. Having decided on the type of desired lambrequin, you can easily choose the style and material of the curtains, as well as determine the stylistic design of the entire room.

Let's look at the varieties of lambrequins:

  • Classic simple - is a rectangular piece of fabric, draped in folds with a curtain tape. This type of lambrequin will ideally hide all the defects and shortcomings of the window block and the adjacent wall. Classic lambrequins are straight, arched and wave;

For beginner needlewomen, it is best to start learning to sew with simple lambrequins.

These lambrequins are simple pieces of fabric of various shapes, the upper edge of which is draped (gathered into folds) with the help of a curtain tape.

How to make a simple lambrequin from a square of fabric. Video:

  • Soft lambrequins with decorative elements, such as swag, dejabo, metal mold, ties (see curtain terminology) - the most imaginative and rather difficult lambrequin to perform. Allows you to create interesting, extravagant compositions when decorating windows;

In the first photo, a pelmet with classic elements, such as swags, flip-flops, dejabo, chill molds and ties.

You can find out how to sew a lambrequin with such elements

In the second photo, the lambrequin is assembled from swaga-shells.

Video on making swaga-shells:

  • Rigid - created from an extremely dense fabric, perfectly keeps its original shape. Gives the textile design of the window volume and majesty. Hard lambrequins include not only the so-called gang, but also openwork lambrequins, the basis of which is also a dense cushioning fabric.

Rigid simple lambrequins based on a gang or adhesive interlining:

Rigid lambrequins often decorate children's rooms, so they look especially impressive on children's applications, also made on a dense non-woven base - interlining, or gang.

Watch the video on how you can make various applications. This is just one of the ways:

Openwork lambrequins, photo:

How to make an openwork lambrequin with your own hands

Very spectacular and expressive openwork lambrequins, also called gangs. Bando is made on the basis of a hard lambrequin. In order to sew a hard lambrequin with your own hands, you will need: main fabric, lining fabric, thermo-band or adhesive interlining, "spider line", Velcro tape, or curtain tape for processing the upper edge of the lambrequin.

  1. Pattern preparation: a lambrequin pattern is created on paper, which is transferred to the base and cut out.
  2. With the utmost care, the main fabric is fixed on the prepared base from the front side with the help of an iron. From the inside, the lining is fixed to the base.
  3. Cut off excess fabric, taking into account the allowance. Along the contour, the gang is processed with a zig-zag seam. If necessary, decor is used with a contrasting cord or fringe.
  4. To the upper edge of the lambrequin, a "lenka - Velcro" is attached or glued, with the help of which the openwork will be fixed on the cornice. The hard part of the Velcro tape is glued to the cornice, and its soft part is glued to the lambrequin.

Video how to make an openwork lambrequin:

  • Combined - is a harmonious combination of all the above elements. Very difficult to perform, requires considerable experience and skill.

Two gangs in combination with crossovers, de jabot, draped curtains, and molds coming out of the grommets in hard lambrequins.

Fabric selection

The most suitable fabric for making a lambrequin are:

  • satin, plush, cotton, linen, jacquard - for heavy thick curtains and lambrequins;
  • taffeta, silk, polyester - for light flowing curtains and lambrequins.

Flowing materials give the room airiness, lightness and elegance, while heavier materials give respectability, solidity and elegance.

Fabric for curtains and pelmets should be selected based on the style of the room. In the living room, decorated in the "Baroque" style, velvet looks great, which perfectly holds its shape. Polyester, linen, cotton are ideal for a Provence-style kitchen - these fabrics are not only beautiful, but also practical. For a bedroom made in a classic style, thick satin and linen are perfect, which will protect from street light.

Sewing tools and patterns

To create a lambrequin of any kind, in addition to the fabric, you will need: curtain tape, pins, threads to match the selected fabric, decorative cords, oblique trim, or fringe, depending on how you process the lambrequin elements.

When making a hard lambrequin, additionally prepare a dense interlining or bandeau that maintains a given shape.

When choosing a lambrequin, be guided by your own sewing skills and skills. It is wiser to start with simple concise models of lambrequins.

How to sew lambrequins with your own hands

It is not difficult to sew a hard simple rectangular lambrequin with your own hands. Such a lambrequin, as a rule, has a lining.

  1. Selection of fabric and cut of a lambrequin: linen, cotton, jacquard are ideal for a simple hard rectangular lambrequin. The length of the lambrequin cloth is equal to the length of the curtain, the width depends on the height of the ceilings and the desire of the craftswoman.
  2. Using an iron, connect the main panel of the lambrequin to the non-woven base.
  3. We chop off the reinforced main panel with a lining and decorate with a satin edging around the perimeter. When decorating the top of the lambrequin, we sew a curtain tape to attach the element to the cornice.
  4. We decorate the window with curtains with satin edging and a pelmet.

Such a lambrequin looks concise and elegant.

  1. Selection of fabric and cut of a lambrequin: preference should be given to flowing fabrics (silk, polyester, taffeta). The lambrequin is cut out in the form of a trapezoid, where the height of the figure is one and a half times the desired height of the lambrequin, and the length of the base of the figure is equal to the length of the cornice.
  2. Oblique trim or otherwise process the lower edge of the lambrequin.
  3. When processing the side edges and the top of the trapezoid, fix the curtain tape, equipped with cords to create draperies. By pulling the cords, create a beautiful drapery.
  4. Decorate the window with a new pelmet, effectively straightening the drapery.

See mine, which teach how to sew curtains and lambrequins.

For beginner needlewomen, I recorded a video course “Sewing curtains and lambrequins. From simple to complex”, in which I teach step by step how to sew lambrequins, starting from the simplest and ending with complex shapes.

You can learn more about this video course HERE.

You can also order it there.

The course is not expensive, only 1900 rubles. And than searching for free information all over the Internet all day long, it’s better to open any video lesson of the course and learn how to sew curtains and lambrequins right at home.

Lambrequin is an elegant decorative element that can decorate and transform any room. Therefore, many craftswomen are wondering: how to sew a lambrequin with your own hands?

Types of lambrequins

Before sewing such an ornament, you should clearly understand which product will look best in the room. There are several types of lambrequins, each of which has its own characteristics.

  • Simple - is a piece of fabric, assembled into a fold by hand or laid in an assembly using a curtain tape. The shape of such an element is simple rectangular, arched or wavy.
  • Rigid - sewn from curtain fabric, which is previously duplicated with interlining, gang or other sealant. Such a window decoration can be with a straight or curly bottom edge; fringe, cords or braid are used for decoration.
  • Soft is one of the most popular. For its tailoring, light, well-draped materials are needed. They can include many different elements: swags (sagging fabric in the form of folds), ties (side vertical pieces of fabric gathered into folds), etc.

When arranging the components, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the finished product will look pretentious and tasteless.

  • Combined- combines hard and soft elements into an overall intricate design. With such a lambrequin, the interior will be simply unique.

Some features of the choice

Before you start sewing a lambrequin with your own hands, you should choose a style, watch magazines or videos with possible options. To properly sew the product, you should also take into account several important points.

  • Such decor visually reduces the height, therefore, in rooms with a low ceiling, the use of lambrequins is not advisable.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the height of the wall above the window. The lambrequin must be greater than this distance (to close the partition);
  • The type of decoration depends on the area and purpose of the room. Complex soft lambrequins will look great in spacious rooms. For dark and small rooms, the kitchen and the nursery, it is better to sew a simple, hard or soft one with a minimum number of folds.
  • When choosing a fabric, you should give preference to soft, plastic and well-draped options. For northern, shaded windows, it is better to choose light tulle materials (semi-organza, veil, etc.). For southern, sunny windows, you can take a denser fabric.
  • The shade of the fabric should be combined with the color of the textiles (sofa upholstery or bedspreads) present in the room. If gentle, natural tones are used in the interior, then more juicy tones of lambrequins are allowed.
  • If you need to sew a hard look of the product yourself, then you can choose a fabric with a large pattern, imitation of embroidery, or decorate it with glass beads, beads.

Sewing a simple lambrequin

Sewing a simple lambrequin on your own will not be difficult even for a novice craftswoman. First you need to choose a style, if you wish, you can watch several different videos on the topic and after that choose the most interesting solution. Pleated lambrequin looks interesting and elegant.

The next important step in sewing lambrequins with your own hands is the calculation of the required amount of fabric. To correctly determine the footage, you need to know:

  • material width- processing allowances should be added to the height of the finished product;
  • cut length - the length of the cornice, multiplied by the assembly factor, plus the amount of allowances. The coefficient is taken 1.5 (for a not very gathered version) or 2.5 or more (if a large number of folds are needed).


If the lambrequin and curtains are with a pattern, then when cutting, its direction should be taken into account.

A ribbon is sewn on top of the future decor, all edges are processed. Folds are evenly gathered - and the product is ready to take its place on the eaves.

How to sew a hard lambrequin

The technology of sewing hard lambrequins has been simplified with the advent of a new self-adhesive material - thermobando. Now you can create perfect, spectacular decorations for curtains with your own hands using the simplest patterns and - if necessary - video tutorials.

The calculation of matter for a hard lambrequin is very simple: seam allowances should be added to the length of the cornice and the height of the finished decoration.


When calculating the required footage, you need to take into account the direction of the pattern or the texture of the fabric. Smooth, shiny materials can give different visual effects when cut lengthwise and across.

To properly sew such a product, you should follow these steps step by step:

  • apply a pattern to the thermoband and cut along the contour (without allowances);
  • cut the same element on the fabric, but with the addition of allowances;
  • using a steam generator or steam iron, glue the fabric to the base;


It is better to start gluing from the middle of the product so that the pattern does not warp

  • the edges should be processed with decorative braid or oblique trim;
  • on the reverse side, carefully attach the Velcro tape, on which the finished lambrequin will be held on the cornice.

Soft lambrequins: tailoring features

Soft lambrequins look elegant and original, but sewing them yourself is the most difficult thing. After all, you will have to make several patterns and calculate the required footage of fabric.


When calculating, it should be borne in mind that some details are cut diagonally. If in doubt, it is better to carefully watch the training video first.

An easy way to sew a swag

Beginning seamstresses can try to sew a symmetrical soft lambrequin swag with their own hands without a pattern and complex constructions. For this you need:

  • fold the square of fabric diagonally, mark the fold in the middle of the swag;
  • hang the fabric on a rail with marks for the width of the middle of the swag and its shoulders, observing an angle of 45 0;
  • carefully lay and fasten the first fold on both sides with pins, the depth of the “roller” of the fold should be 10-15 cm;
  • then form all the folds, observing symmetry and the same amount of clearance between them.


For a better view of the center and ease of operation, you can attach a weighting agent.

  • cut off excess fabric, pin the top edge very often with pins along the pinning line of the folds;
  • if necessary, the fabric can be unraveled and the contours can be transferred to the dummy fabric or paper. According to this pattern, you can create other swags;
  • process the bottom with an oblique trim or in another way, sew a curtain tape or Velcro to the top.

Soft lambrequins may consist of one or more swags. In the latter case, they must overlap by at least 1/3.

A tie is an interesting element of a lambrequin

A tie is a vertical element of a lambrequin, which will interestingly decorate the side sections of the window opening and visually slightly lengthen the space. Sewing a tie is very easy. On the fabric, build a trapezoid, the parallel sides of which are equal to the length of the finished product. It should also be noted that the wider the tie, the more space it will need to leave on the ledge.


To make the finished product look harmonious, the length of the tie should be no more than 20% more than the length of the swag.

Lambrequins are stylish decor elements that will create an atmosphere of comfort and exquisite charm in any room, and made by hand, they will also become the pride of any hostess.

Home is the place that you want to make cozy, beautiful and complete. And there will be no completeness if you leave windows without curtains, and curtains without lambrequins. It is they who will give the interior a special elegance and beauty, as well as hide part of the wall between the window and the ceiling, replacing this not too beautiful strip of wallpaper with elegant folds of fabric.

Types of lambrequins

Once upon a time, when lambrequins had just appeared, they were made of wood, and their purpose was simple: to hide the cornice. For this purpose, no one was particularly sophisticated, and the lambrequins were of the same type. Now, when they are made of fabric and serve mainly to decorate the room, add elegance and respectability to the interior and turn ordinary boring curtains into chic curtains, lambrequins are divided into four types.

  1. Classic lambrequin. Just a narrow strip of fabric pleated with a wide ribbon. There are three subspecies of the classic lambrequin: wavy, straight and arched. It depends on the design of the bottom edge. Such a lambrequin is good for those who, during the repair, something went wrong, and the window slope and cornice came out with defects. The classic lambrequin will hide them well, and it will simply look neat and beautiful.
  2. Hard lambrequin. As the name suggests, it holds its shape well. This happens due to the fact that it is made of a special very dense fabric. As a result, the curtains on which such a lambrequin hangs look voluminous and majestic.
  3. Pelmet with decorative inclusions. Chisels, ties, flip-flops, jabots and other elaborate elements - all this applies to lambrequins of this type. Lambrequins with decorative elements are a real space for your imagination and a great opportunity for self-expression, as well as making the room more interesting and, perhaps, even extravagant. Of course, sewing them is not easy, it is better to start with something easier to perform.
  4. Combined lambrequin. This is the most complex type of lambrequins. It can combine elements of all three types: for example, when strips of fabric are pulled through holes in a hard lambrequin, gathered into folds on the curtains (in fact, a classic lambrequin).

There is also another division based on the components of the lambrequin:

  • simple rectangular lambrequin,
  • composite lambrequin from geometric rectangular panels,
  • composite lambrequin from semicircles,
  • a simple lambrequin of a fantasy shape.

When deciding on the type of lambrequins, you determine not only the design of the curtains, but also the appearance of the entire room. This seemingly small detail will determine the overall style, so you should carefully think through everything and only then take on lambrequins.

Patterns and necessary materials

What fabric is better to take for a lambrequin? In fact, many types of fabric are suitable for these purposes: taffeta, velvet, satin, ivy, cotton, linen, silk, polyester and much more. It all depends on the style in which you decorate the whole room, and it is the type of the room itself. For example, velvet looks very rich and fits the style perfectly. In addition, it perfectly keeps its shape due to its density. It is perfect for decorating a living room. BUT polyester often used to decorate kitchen windows, where practicality and the possibility of easy cleaning play a role in the first place. Also practical cotton, beautiful silk and linen, which easily tolerate washing, protect well from sunlight, are hygroscopic and hypoallergenic.

Light fabrics and the whole interior will give a certain lightness, airiness and elegance. For example, silk looks very good - the curtains will look like flying in a castle in the air. Heavy and dense fabrics, on the contrary, will give the curtains a certain monumentality and respectability, but at the same time elegance.

In addition to fabric, you will need threads, pins, ribbons and decorative cords. In addition, if you are making a solid lambrequin, in addition to the fabric, you will need a special interlining, which is glued to the fabric to maintain a given shape.

In choosing a pattern, you should be guided by your skills and sewing skills. You should not immediately take on something difficult if you have not held a needle in your hands for several years.

Do-it-yourself lambrequins: step by step instructions

Now we will look at how to sew some types of lambrequins.

Simple rectangular lambrequin even a complete beginner can sew.

  1. Take a rectangle of fabric the same length as the curtain. If you are going to fold it, take the fabric one and a half times longer.
  2. Hem the bottom of the fabric, process the sides.
  3. Sew loops on top for fastening.
  4. Hang a pelmet on a curtain.

Ready! Looks simple and tasteful.

Composite lambrequin from semicircles it looks quite complicated and pretentious, but it is done very simply:

  1. Take the fabric in the shape of a trapezoid. The height of the trapezoid is one and a half times the planned height of the lambrequin; the sum of the lengths of the sides and the length of the upper side of the trapezoid should be equal to the width of the curtain.
  2. Finish the edges.
  3. Sew a curtain tape (the tape along which the cords are threaded) along the sides of the trapezoid and tighten. The fabric, draped, forms beautiful semicircles.
  4. Hang a pelmet.

You can also simply take a long strip of fabric and, stepping back the same distance from the ends, pull them with ribbons so that the middle part sags, forming beautiful folds, and the ends themselves hang freely.

As you can see, it is very simple and fast, anyone can do it, and the room will literally change and take on a more complete and neat look. In addition, lambrequins can be decorated with flowers, figurines of fish, animals and plants cut out of cardboard or dense fabric, tassels and other decorative elements that your imagination only tells you.

Do-it-yourself lambrequins: video instruction

Our video tutorial will help you sew a lambrequin with your own hands easily and simply, demonstrating how to proceed in order to make a beautiful, neat and tasteful decoration for your home.
