How to become a lady girl 11 years old. Real lady rules

Elegance is a very multidimensional concept. This is the cut of clothes, and the style of the wardrobe, and the manner of behavior. And yet - a special state of mind.

Elegance is charming. Always attracts attention. She is admired and admired. She is always remembered.

At the same time, not everyone manages to look elegant, and this is not a question. big money. Elegance does not depend on the degree of ideality of the figure, on the cost and even on the style of clothing.

We will tell you a few rules, following which, you will always be an elegant lady.


No matter how refined and noble you are, people will still evaluate you by appearance. Even the modest and sweet Cinderella did not dare to go to the ball in an old tattered dress, but asked her godmother to conjure her a beautiful and impeccable outfit.

It so happened that people want to communicate with neat and stylishly dressed people, and if you come to a meeting in a faded dress, then those who want to appreciate your rich inner world may not appear.

Therefore, it is not enough to dress stylishly, fashionably and beautifully, it is necessary that your clothes are always ironed so that there are no stains, spools, protruding threads, seams, scuffs and burnt areas of fabric on them.

To say that clothes should fit you well, fit your size, I think, is not worth it at all. Exactly as you should not be reminded that in addition to clothes and shoes, your entire appearance should be impeccable: skin condition, manicure, pedicure, makeup.


An elegant girl always intuitively feels where and how to dress. She knows that clothes for the office and for an important business meeting are completely different things. She understands that it is impossible to come to work in a mini, just like being in a fashionable one. night club in a strict business suit.

Feeling exactly how to dress in a given situation is a sign of an elegant woman. Dress very chic for a meeting with ordinary people who cannot afford accessories from your image - this is also unacceptable. An elegant woman in this case will dress modestly, but with taste, without chic, gloss and expensive details.

In addition, elegant women never allow themselves to dress out of age. young girl in a grandmother's coat will look as ridiculous as an older woman wearing a miniskirt. Therefore, you should not be too young, or vice versa, add years to yourself with the help of clothes - you still won’t achieve what you want, but you will cause surprise among those around you.


Full closets that don't close against overflowing clothes aren't always a good thing. If they are filled with stylish fashion wardrobe, then it still went nowhere. But when at full wardrobe its owner does not know what to wear every day, then it is already necessary to take appropriate measures.

Make it a rule to regularly clean your closet, during which you will sort out your things and throw out those that are already out of fashion, that no longer fit you, that you don’t like it, or that have come into inappropriate shape and cannot be repaired.

If the thing is expensive, but a hole or a hard-to-remove stain has appeared on it, then give this thing for repair or dry cleaning. Always make sure that the heels are not knocked off on your shoes, and if the socks of the shoes turn out to be combed, then buy new shoes for yourself in time, because it is these little things that spoil the whole appearance, and it will be difficult to call you an elegant woman.

In addition, you should always check the sewn buttons for strength, so that later you do not look for them where they came off. The same applies to lightning - they should not diverge, the "dogs" should be intact.

If you wear clothes embellished with rhinestones, beads, sequins or decorative stones, then make sure that they are not lost, otherwise a half-present application of rhinestones is a pitiful sight. The same can be said about half-blown embroidery.


It is almost impossible to look elegant in very bright clothes. So give preference basic colors and their shades, calm colors, muted tones. If you want to look interesting, then choose interesting shades familiar colors. And never wear more than three colors at the same time (this applies not only to clothes, but also to shoes, and accessories, and jewelry).

Also remember that not everyone can successfully wear a completely black look, therefore it is better to dilute your clothes with some other color. The same applies to white, especially when an older woman wears it. Women over 40 are better off choosing not clean White color, and, for example, the color Ivory, creamy, light beige, milky.


Even very expensive Nice dress in combination with chic shoes will look somehow wrong if you do not complete the image with matching accessories. Elegant wide-brimmed hat long gloves, beautiful tippet, stylish scarf- these things will add a "zest" to your image, make you unique and recognizable in the crowd. After all main principle elegant woman: dress like everyone else, but with individual approach and unique details.

Buy high-quality and expensive accessories, and then no one will replace you with a simpler and more inexpensive dress.

RULE # 6

An elegant girl will not be painted very brightly. Ideally, you should look like you have minimal makeup on. natural makeup should complement perfectly smooth and beautiful skin face, neck, décolleté, beautiful manicure and pedicure.


An elegant girl should know by heart all the rules of etiquette and everywhere and with everyone impeccably observe them. She will not be taken by surprise in a prestigious restaurant by laying several different cutlery on the table at once. She knows how to properly greet people of different status and gender, and will not kiss her business partners on the cheek.

Elegant girls have good manners and are always happy to demonstrate them. And even when at home alone with herself, a true lady will not put her hands on dinner table while eating, stir the tea loudly with a spoon, serbat and champ. Elegant women have good manners in their blood, not acting in public.


Those who think it's decent dressed women those who get out of expensive cars should carry themselves proudly and pompously, they are mistaken. Elegance is the ability to be polite and friendly with everyone, even those who are much lower in status and wealth.

Say hello to cleaners and janitors while holding the position of director big company, - this is a sign of true elegance. And arrogance and overestimated self-esteem, demonstrated where necessary and where it is not necessary, speaks of insufficient education for a woman.


Why do you think many people want to communicate with elegant women? No, not because being friends with them is a privilege and a sign of good connections. In fact, real elegant women always listen to their interlocutor, they participate in the conversation, try to understand what they are told about, remember what they are told about, show participation in the problems of others.

If you learn to notice the subtleties in a conversation, for example, remember the date of birth of the daughter of a business partner who accidentally mentioned her in your informal conversation, and then congratulate him on the birthday girl over time, you will see how his opinion of you will change. People who do not just listen and pass everything on deaf ears, but remember and analyze, are very appreciated in society, and in any.

That is why elegant woman will never invite his colleague to a cat show if he once accidentally admitted to her that he was allergic to cat hair. An elegant woman will never praise her children in front of a woman who has long dreamed of them, but has certain health problems and cannot conceive.

An elegant woman will not advise low-income people where it is better to buy expensive Jewelry, will not give them recommendations regarding the choice of quality delicacies, etc. Always be tactful with everyone and you will see how highly people will appreciate you, and how well they will speak of you.

RULE # 10

Elegant girls have a good education they are well-read and erudite. Ability to support any conversation, knowledge in different areas, subtle feeling humor, the ability to correctly joke and tell Interesting Facts about everything - that's what distinguishes elegant girl, from the usual.

In addition, while talking with others, you should not actively gesticulate and show violent facial expressions - you are not performing in the theater, and therefore you must be restrained. It is not necessary to sort things out loudly in public, solve problems with the help of threats and manipulation, use foul language and laugh out loud with your mouth open.

Compliance with all these rules is not easy enough, and it can take long years but it's worth it. Not everyone is born noble ladies, elegant by nature, but absolutely everyone can learn to be elegant.

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Why not well-mannered person different from the well-bred? Audrey Hepburn, movie legend and model lady, argued that a well-mannered person would never cause inconvenience to others. The ability to restrain oneself and not be led by one's desires and instincts is the main difference between a Neanderthal and an aristocrat, the actress claimed.

In aristocratic circles, etiquette was taught from childhood, but the development of the market has made the elite much more motley than centuries ago, and the rules of etiquette have ceased to be the prerogative of the elite. Today, many of the ancient rules have been abolished as unnecessary, and new ones that are relevant to our reality have taken their place. For example, do you know what to put mobile phone next to you in a restaurant - is this officially recognized bad manners? (Which, what is already there, almost all of us have).

“By whom is this officially recognized?” the persevering reader will ask. London School of EtiquetteLondon School of Etiquette), last bastion and guardian good manners in our chaotic world.

Do you want to know what other rules of etiquette should be observed in a decent society? Here's a list from the LSE.

1. Never start eating until everyone at the table has been served.

Well, or until the hostess puts the last portion and sits down at the table. Leaning on your portion without waiting for the rest is a sign bad upbringing. In exceptional cases, you can start eating if the hostess or someone who is waiting for their dish asks you to do so (sometimes different dishes require different cooking times, and while your neighbor is waiting for his order, your dish will already cool down).

2. There should not be anything on the table that is not related to food.

Sunglasses, phone, keys, handbags, etc. must be cleared from the table at the moment when plates of food are placed in front of you.

3. Sending messages or checking your phone at the table is not accepted.

If you are waiting for an important call, or have to send a message, then excuse yourself, go to another room, to the veranda or to the toilet, and only then take your phone out of your purse or pocket.

4. Instead of “I don’t drink,” say “thank you, not today.”

A very nice rule of etiquette - it turns out that people who categorically state that they are against alcohol can offend or injure those who are even very much in favor of it. It turns out it seems like opposing oneself to those who are not averse to drinking a glass of wine and have already tuned in to it, and you spoil their whole mood with your manifesto. However, according to LSE experts, if you slightly change the wording, then your refusal will be taken quite calmly. You never know why today you refuse a glass of wine? In a decent society, no one will focus on this.

5. Always warn the interlocutor that you turn on the speakerphone

If you make a call and want to turn on the speakerphone, be sure to warn your interlocutor about this so that he does not end up in a stupid situation by accidentally saying something that is intended only for your ears.

6. The door is opened by the one who is closer to it

Hooray, women won the right to independently open the door in front of them, without waiting for a man to arrive in time. If a couple approaches the door together, then it is no longer necessary to wait for the man to open the door and hold it, this rule of etiquette has gone along with the era of prim gentlemen and helpless ladies, tied with corsets.

7. In the office, it is indecent to heat up or eat food that smells strongly.

Especially if you eat at your desk. In spaces and common areas, etiquette prohibits the use of strong flavors or there is something, the smell of which can interfere with others. If you've ever sat at your desk and annoyed trying to figure out who was reheating fish in the office microwave again, then you know what I'm talking about.

8. They always leave the elevator and the room first, and only then they enter

In other words, there is no need to break into a store, an elevator, a subway car, or another room until those who want to get out get out of it. If it were possible to instill this rule of etiquette in the school of compulsory injections ...

9. Do not send empty messages and letters

No need to fill the mailbox with letters that contain one word “thank you” or a smiley - it’s better to write “thank you in advance” in the first letter of appeal, and do not take time from your interlocutor (and do not litter his mailbox) with meaningless messages, this is required modern rules etiquette.

10. Don't Send Work Emails and Messages During Non-Working Hours

In 99 cases out of 100 things can wait until tomorrow, pulling a colleague, partner or employee out of his personal or family affairs is a sign of your bad parenting.

11. Blot Your Lipstick Before Drinking

Lipstick marks on a glass of wine or glass were considered bad manners in the days of Audrey Hepburn, and continue to be so today. If you have made up lips, then blot them with a napkin before drinking, put the napkin in your purse, and after dinner, apply lipstick again.

12. Don't reach across the table

If a dish of bread or salad is out of the distance outstretched hand, then ask the one who sits closest to you to pass it. Before putting food in for yourself, ask the person sitting to your right and left if they want to too. And if so, then serve them first, and only then put the food on your plate.

13. Shared dishes are always passed counterclockwise.

If a side dish or salad is served on a large dish, and everyone puts it on their own plate, then you should take this dish from the neighbor on the left, and then pass it on to the neighbor on the right. However, LSE experts note that if one of the guests does not know this rule and initially sets the wrong direction (clockwise, not counterclockwise), then you should not draw attention to this so as not to put him in an awkward position.

14. When you introduce someone, the older person is always introduced first.

If you introduce a friend to dad, then it would be correct like this: “get acquainted, Ivan Ivanovich, my father, and this is Sergey, my friend.” In the case of a business acquaintance, the one who is higher in status first introduces himself, this is required by the rules of etiquette.

15. In the office, hospital, or institutions, always set your phone to vibrate.

And if you need to talk, then go outside the common room so as not to disturb others. In a theater or cinema, the phone must be put in airplane mode, so as not only not to disturb other viewers with vibration and ringing, but also not to distract the artists with the light of the active screen.

16. If you are sick, stay at home.

Coming to work with an active cold and infecting other colleagues is very bad manners.

17. Don't let your guests drive drunk

Unofficial rules of etiquette say that you, as the hostess, are responsible for the state in which guests leave your house. If you see that one of the guests is not quite adequate, call a taxi and make sure that he does not drive.

18. If you invite guests to your place, always ask if they can take someone else with them.

To avoid later an ugly situation when one of the invitees comes with a couple that you did not expect, or with children that you are not ready to accept, and all emotions about this will be reflected on your face.

19. When you talk to someone, take off your sunglasses and headphones.

IN sunglasses you can stay if your interlocutor does not take them off, although this is not very beautiful (but acceptable in some situations). If your interlocutor is not wearing glasses, then it will be correct to take off your glasses during a conversation in order to look into each other's eyes.

20. Don't forget to thank your hosts the day after the party.

Be sure to send a message or letter of thanks for the evening you spent visiting friends or acquaintances. In exceptional cases (for example, if the party was something outstanding), flowers with a thank you card or chocolate can be sent, the LSE clarifies.

21. Never come to visit empty-handed.

Even if the hosts answered “nothing” to the question “what to bring”, bring flowers or a bottle of wine. If the hosts have children, then bring something to them (it is better to check with the hosts in advance whether it is possible to bring sweets to the children, and if not, then do beautiful balls or trinkets).

22. Always check if your interlocutor can talk to you at the moment

It doesn’t matter if you are calling for work or for a personal reason, before you start a conversation, be sure to ask if your interlocutor has time for it.

23. Follow the dress code

Make the difference between how you dress for a party with friends and your workspace. Even if you work in the creative industry, and you don’t have a strict dress code, a bare stomach, an overly open neckline, or translucent fabrics in the workspace are strictly inappropriate.

24. Neatness and attention to one's appearance is a sign of a good upbringing

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on clothes, but attention to one's appearance is one form of courtesy towards others.

25. Breastfeeding and changing diapers - intimate procedures

The LSE puts an end to discussions about what is natural and what is not, and whether a breastfeeding mother has the right to breastfeed her baby anywhere. LSE experts argue that breastfeeding in a public place is possible if the mother at the same time covers the child and does not publicly expose her breasts, covering it with a diaper and not embarrassing others with the physiological process, which not everyone is ready for.

The rules of etiquette require changing diapers in rest rooms, and not in front of interlocutors or in the middle of a restaurant. If you are visiting, then you need to ask the hosts where this can be done so as not to disturb others.

26. Always call back the one who initiated the conversation

If during the call the connection was interrupted, then the one who called should call back, and not you - your task is to wait and try not to occupy the line.

27. If you hear an accent from the interlocutor, then do not ask the question “where are you from?”

If you are talking to a foreigner, and this question is acceptable in the context (for example, you are at an international party and everyone is interested in each other where who came from), then this question can be asked. If you are talking to a person in your own language, and you hear that he is a newcomer, then do not focus on this, this bad manners.

28. Don't clutter up your friends' social media feeds with meaningless posts and messages.

These rules of etiquette are very clear. LSE specifically recommends creating two accounts - professional and personal, and making a difference between the content that you post in them. If you use the same profile, and among your friends and subscribers there are both colleagues and close friends, then do not post photos that are too personal (for example, from the beach) or candidly personal information that your colleagues don't want to know about you.

29. Don't be more late than is allowed

Being late for dates, business meetings or meetings at a restaurant - bad form. But if you go to visit someone's house, then on the contrary, you should be late for 15 minutes (no more) to give the owners time to finish all the preparations. If you are 15 minutes late for business meeting be sure to warn. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your visit, be sure to notify your hosts of your exact arrival time.

The secular etiquette situation is the most familiar and natural course of our life. The lady, as the main one in this situation, must skillfully dispose of the privileges corresponding to her position. A well-bred woman has her own secrets and tricks, which will be discussed today.

Secret one

It is not necessary to strive to greet those who are younger than us first. True, it is worth noting that, as with any rule, there are exceptions. And they belong to the following social groups:

members of the royal family;

heads of state or government;


senior citizens in high positions.

Representatives of these groups will always be senior!

Secret two

You can greet and greet a junior in status while sitting. It is not recommended for a self-respecting lady to get up.

Secret three

In some circles, even in a secular situation and regardless of gender, a handshake is an integral part of the greeting. For example, in Europe, the handshake among women in various fields- a common occurrence.

By the way, shaking hands is an important part of communication. have their own hidden meaning and laws. But more on that ahead.

So, if a lady greets a junior in status (do not forget about exceptions, about them above in the text):

you can not extend your hand for a handshake (at your discretion and desire);

if you want to reach out and shake, you can do this without getting up (in case you are sitting).

Man and woman in public places. Instructions for use

Even if our companion does not know all the rules for the correct treatment of a lady, he can be imperceptibly led to these innovations.

Secret Four

When we are accompanied by a man, it is better to go along right side. This tradition is rooted at a time when men wore swords and sabers on their left sides. And in order not to touch their companion with this weapon, accompanying the lady, the men walked to her left.

However, here we are waiting for our exceptions:

Today, military personnel do not carry sabers. That's why, if you are accompanied by a representative of military etiquette, it is better to go to his left, so as not to interfere with him to salute with his right hand. This nuance also applies to the clergy, since they bless with their right hand;

At social events and receptions, solemn events and balls the lady is also better to be on left side from his companion, because, meeting familiar men at this event, he will shake hands with them with his right hand;

On the street a man should walk from the side of the bridge or roadway. Or, for example, from the side of the "hedge", from the side of abandoned buildings and garages. In a word, from the side where it is dangerous, so that if something happens, take the blow. Here, again, a lady can take the initiative and imperceptibly change lanes to the far lane;

If there is a path ahead in a forest / abandoned place / dark park, potholes and pits, road repairs or a narrow bridge, a man should go ahead (read: a lady can let the man go ahead) to feel the road and determine the degree of safety. In case of danger, he will always have the opportunity to overshadow the lady. Or “at worst” just give the lady a hand, help her (especially if she is wearing heels!);

Who walks through the door first. A man should be the first to enter unfamiliar and dark entrances (with a tremor in his voice, “it’s dark there, I’m afraid,” we again let our gentleman go forward). If it is a restaurant/theater/shop or a hotel where a porter opens the door, the woman is always the first one to pass. In the absence of a porter, the man opens the door himself and holds it until the lady enters the room;

When we go up or down the stairs, accompanied by a companion. In this case, it is also better for a man to go ahead, giving a hand to a lady. This tradition came to us from the distant XII century, when women walked in long and voluminous dresses and electricity did not yet exist. The gallant knight of that time carried a lit torch in his right hand to illuminate the dark corridor of the castle. In his left hand he held right hand her companion, who was lifting up the hem of her long skirt with her other hand.

It is very important when descending the stairs to keep your hand not only on the railing, but also on the hand of your companion. Once in a restaurant I had to be an unwitting witness to ignorance this rule. This incident happened in winter, when the snow on our street shoes in a room it turns into water in a matter of seconds. And the combination wet shoes, slippery footprints, stone steps and heels make our movement on the stairs extreme and dangerous.

The lady who entered that day, overtaking her escort, began to cheerfully descend into the basement of the restaurant (the restaurant was several floors high). Slipping in the middle of the stairs, she hurried down on her knees, unable to grab onto the railing. The man descending behind him couldn't even grab her, it all happened too fast. And if not for the waiter, who happened to be downstairs, the poor woman would have smashed her head on the marble steps - he managed to keep her head from hitting. As a result - a broken heel, torn tights, ruined hair, shock, tears ...

And one more little nuance. In the opinion of the author of these lines, only the spouse can go behind - for the reason that he is not forbidden to watch your so-called "rear view". Personally, someone else's pair of eyes from the “rear flank” interferes with me, so I let all the men go forward. These are my personal beliefs, but, as you know: "The desire of a lady is the law."

Secret Five

Once I heard an ironic saying: if a man opens the door of his car to a woman, then this lady is his mistress, or he has a new car from which he blows dust particles. Do not be this! You give a caring attitude to your wives! Therefore, it would be good to ask your spouse (or gentleman) to open the car door for you when you get in and out of it (with the expectation that this action will become a habit for him). It's so beautiful!

Secret six

IN public transport enter first better for a man. Same as getting out. In this case, as in the rest, the hand given by your companion will not interfere.

Women's self-presentation

Remember the lessons of femininity from the secretary Verochka from the good old film "Office Romance"?

"That's what distinguishes business woman from… a woman? Gait! How do you walk!? After all, this is mind-boggling! Everything will be tied up in a knot, everything will shrink like an old torn shoe, and now it’s scratching for work - as if it were hammering in piles! And how do we go? A woman must be a mystery. The head is slightly raised, the eyes are slightly lowered. Everything is free, the shoulders are thrown back, the gait is free from the hip. Uninhibited, free plasticity of the panther before the jump.

The stable expression "elegant woman" is associated not only with behavior, but also with the manner of carrying oneself, with appearance.

Secret seventh

Posture. Here everything is known on the advice of the same Verochka. “Head forward! Chest forward! Get behind you! In front of you belly! All in yourself! And went with a free gait! The leg is free from the hip. ”But only, according to Vera, do not wag your hips like a promiscuous woman. In a word, walking training with books on your head is just what you need here.

Secret Eight

Sitting style. Distinctive feature elegant ladies - knowing how this is done allows a woman not only to look decent, but also to avoid funny situations when more than it should be revealed to the gaze of strangers. So, the “leg on foot” pose is a bad form. Modern representatives of the highest circles sit exactly as follows: the back should be straight, the shoulders should be lowered. The knees and feet are brought together. In this position, the legs can be taken to the side, shifting the center of gravity to one thigh.

Secret nine

Going down and up the stairs, it is better to put your feet and knees as close to each other as possible. In this case, the woman looks very neat - slender, collected, like a string.

Secret ten

When you are sitting, it is better to fold your hands into the so-called "English castle" or put your palms on top of each other. Do not warm your hands between your legs. Or fiddling with a purse, watch, ring. A woman nervously fingering gives the impression of an unbalanced person. This nuance is especially good to remember in those cases when you are really worried and do not know how to sit down and where to put your hands.

I would like to sum up the conversation about female elegance with the words of the brilliant Alexander Sergeevich. It was he who brought together all these qualities and displayed them in the face of the married, transformed Tatyana Larina.

She was slow
Not cold, not talkative
Without an arrogant look for everyone,
No claim to success
Without these little antics
No imitations...
Everything is quiet, it was just in it,
She seemed like a sure shot
Du comme il faut…
(8, XIV)

The ladies moved closer to her;
The old women smiled at her;
The men bowed down
They caught the gaze of her eyes;
The girls passed quietly
Before her in the hall, and all above
And raised his nose and shoulders
The general who entered with her.
No one could have her beautiful
name; but head to toe
Nobody could find it
The fact that fashion is autocratic
In the high London circle
It's called vulgar.

Sweet carefree charm,
She was sitting at the table
With the brilliant Nina Voronskaya,
This Cleopatra of the Neva;
And you would rightly agree
That Nina marble beauty
I couldn't outshine my neighbor
Even though it was stunning.
(7, XVI)

If you carefully observe those with whom you communicate, you will definitely find that, being in the company of one or more of the fair sex, the men present change: they begin to behave more restrained, change the manner of speech, try to show themselves well-mannered and decent.

Initially, the address "lady" implied the presence of a title, which gave its owner not only privileges, but also imposed a huge responsibility. Since those ancient times, regardless of historical changes, such women have always adorned any society. So what are these qualities that can turn an ordinary woman into a real lady?

First, it is a sense of self and respect. If a woman respects herself, then she will also show respect to the people around her. Here it is worth drawing a clear line between true self-esteem and empty posturing, when there is an attempt not to respect others, but only to pretend for a certain time.

Initially, only the wives of lords belonging to the aristocratic circles of secular society were called ladies. But now many ladies, wanting to be like real English ladies, are trying to find their own style, learning proper manners and etiquette. Often we call this charm and the ability to present ourselves, without at all connecting such a feature of a woman with her noble origin. But learn to be real lady- it's not easy. To do this, it is not enough to be well-groomed and attractive. You need to have a special inner charm that attracts people. How often does it happen that by nature beautiful girl literally "lost" in a pile of ridiculous things. And not very beautiful, but enough confident woman attracts the eyes of strangers with just one look. The same goes for the way you speak. Very smart, well-read, but self-contained persons remain in the shadows, while sociable and friendly personalities are always in the spotlight. And if you want to understandhow to be a real lady, we will tell you what rules and life guidelines you must adhere to.

Manners of a real lady

In classic English version real ladies possessed a number of qualities that distinguish them from other women. These include special style and elegance. Girls from aristocratic families received a good education. They studied art, so they always knew the value of things and felt the beauty of forms. As a result, such ladies developed a special taste andreal lady style, allowing them to surround themselves with elegant objects and select an exquisite wardrobe for themselves.

Education true lady certainly complemented by her high intellectual development and the ability to keep up a conversation on any topic. Such ladies believe that it is absolutely not necessary to have a degree in order to learn a couple foreign languages and regularly be interested in at least the most famous achievements of scientists. For this, curiosity and the desire to improve oneself are enough.

Another "trump card" of a real lady is her perfect manners, the ability to gracefully move and speak correctly.Etiquette for a real ladyallows her to stay on top in any situation. And even when left alone, educated ladies do not allow themselves to relax, they automatically continue to do everything beautifully and correctly.

Previously, girls from aristocratic families were taught to play the piano from childhood. musical instrument, singing and dancing. This instilled in them a sense of rhythm, musicality and grace. At the same time, the girls carefully studied home economics, cooking, sewing, floriculture and other disciplines that help them become good housewives. If you want to be a real lady, be sure to analyze what you do not know how and what you should learn. Start going to theaters and museums, take a cooking class or a dance studio. And very soon you will have a lot of ideas on how to change your home, your wardrobe, and possibly your whole life.

How real ladies act

One of the most important qualities real woman- her pleasant energy and the ability to make people around her happy. It is hardly possible to call a lady an embittered, hysterical, touchy and envious person who cannot cope with her negative emotions. But female gentleness, good nature and charm can work wonders. Sincere smile, openness, good feeling humor - these are the qualities that help win favor and sympathy in any society. And the ability to listen and the ability to yield make a woman a wonderful wife and mother. If you learn the right manners and reconsider your views on life, become open, sincere and start smiling more, the people around you will certainly see a real lady in you. And in order to consolidate the result, we have prepared for you a number of rules that you should try to adhere to.

Real lady rules

  • Never dress too revealingly, but always choose things that flatter your figure.
  • Use large bags only when it's really appropriate. Otherwise choose neat handbags small sizes.
  • If you do not know what to wear, it is better to dress modestly so as not to get into an awkward situation.
  • Feel free to look people in the eye. If someone smiles at you, be sure to respond with a smile.
  • Always thank people for their help or attention. Try to do it as sincerely and openly as possible.
  • Do not refuse if your beloved man or friend offers you to pay for dinner. But be sure to thank him for it.
  • Do not complain about your weight and figure flaws. We are all imperfect, but everyone deserves love and respect.
  • Don't talk on the phone in public places. Only when it really matters.
  • Never be late. Even if a passionately in love man is waiting for you, show respect.
  • Don't be arrogant. Always treat people with respect.
  • Don't gossip and don't gloat.
  • Don't joke about religion, racism, sex and politics.
  • Easily forgive people for their mistakes, and forgive yourself for your own.

A real lady is not a frivolous beauty with narrow waist. This is grace and taste, style and manners ... Such a woman is not just seen off, she is respected, admired, imitated.
