A boy raised by wolves. Six Amazing Stories of Mowgli Kids

Mowgli is a popular character created by Kipling. For a long time, this hero continues to be admired by both book lovers and moviegoers. And there is nothing strange in this, because Mowgli embodies beauty, intelligence and nobility, while being just a fairy tale of the jungle.

There is another fairly well-known character raised by monkeys. We are, of course, talking about Tarzan. According to the book, he managed not only to integrate into society, but also to successfully marry. At the same time, animal habits almost completely disappeared.

Is there a place for fairy tales in the real world?

Naturally, the stories look quite attractive, they take your breath away, take you into the world of adventure and make you believe that the characters will find a place for themselves in any country, in any conditions. But in reality, things don't look so great. There have never been such cases when a child, brought up by animals, eventually became a man. He will develop Mowgli's syndrome.

The main features of the disease

The development of people is characterized by the presence of specific boundaries, when certain functions are laid down. Teaching speech, imitating parents, walking upright and much more. And if the child does not learn all this, then he will not do this when he grows up. And the real Mowgli is unlikely to learn human speech, will not walk on all fours. And he would never understand the moral principles of society.

So what does Mowgli syndrome mean? We are talking about a number of signs and parameters that those who were not brought up in a human society possess. This is the ability to talk, and the fear caused by people, and the non-recognition of cutlery, etc.

Of course, a "human cub" raised by animals can be taught to imitate the speech or behavior inherent in people. But Mowgli's syndrome turns it all into an ordinary training. Naturally, a child is capable of adapting to society if he is returned before the age of 12-13. However, he will still suffer from mental disorders.

There was a case when a child was brought up by dogs. Over time, the girl was taught to talk, but from this she did not consider herself a man. In her opinion, she was just a dog and did not belong to human society. Mowgli's syndrome sometimes leads to death, because children raised by animals, getting to people, begin to experience more and not only physiological.

Specialists know a large number of stories of "human cubs", and only a small part of them is known to society. In this review, the most famous Mowgli children will be considered.

Nigerian chimpanzee boy

In 1996, the boy Bello was found in the jungles of Nigeria. It was difficult to determine his exact age, but according to experts, the child was only 2 years old. The foundling was found to have physical and mental abnormalities. Apparently because of this, he was left in the forest. Naturally, he could not stand up for himself, but the chimpanzees not only did not harm him, but also accepted him into their tribe.

Like many other feral children, a boy named Bello adopted animal habits, began to walk like monkeys. The story became widespread in 2002, when the boy was found in a boarding school for abandoned children. At first, he often fought, threw various things, ran and jumped. However, over time, he became more calm, but he never learned to talk. In 2005, Bello died of unknown causes.

Bird boy from Russia

Mowgli's syndrome made itself felt in many countries. Russia was no exception. In 2008, a six-year-old boy was found in Volgograd. Human speech was unfamiliar to him, instead the foundling chirped. He acquired this skill thanks to his parrot friends. The boy's name was Vanya Yudin.

It should be noted that physically the guy was not injured in any way. However, he was not able to get in touch with people. Vanya had bird-like demeanor, used his hands to express emotions. This was due to the fact that for a long time the guy lived without leaving the room in which his mother's birds lived.

Although the boy lived with his mother, but, according to social workers, she not only did not talk to him, but also treated him like another feathered pet. At the present stage, the guy is in the center of psychological assistance. Specialists are trying to bring him back from the bird world.

Boy raised by wolves

In 1867, a 6-year-old boy was found by Indian hunters. It happened in a cave where a pack of wolves lived. Dean Sanichar, and that was the name of the foundling, ran on all fours, like animals. They tried to treat the guy, but in those days there were not only appropriate means, but also effective methods.

At first, the "human cub" ate raw meat, refused dishes, tried to tear off his clothes. Over time, he began to eat cooked meals. But he never learned to speak.

wolf girls

In 1920, Amala and Kamala were discovered in a wolf den in India. The first one was 1.5 years old, the second one was already 8 years old. Most of the girls' lives were raised by wolves. Although they were together, experts did not consider them sisters, since the age difference was quite significant. They were just left in the same place at different times.

Feral children were found under rather interesting circumstances. At that time, rumors about two ghostly spirits that lived with wolves became widespread in the village. Frightened residents came to the priest for help. He, hiding near the cave, waited for the wolves to leave and looked into their lair, where the children who were raised by the animals were found.

According to the priest's description, the girls were "disgusting creatures from head to toe", moved exclusively on all fours, and did not possess any human features. Although he had no experience in adapting such children, he took them with him.

Amala and Kamala slept together, refused clothing, ate only raw meat, and howled frequently. They could no longer walk upright, as the tendons with joints in the arms had become shorter as a result of physical deformation. The girls refused to communicate with people, trying to return back to the jungle.

After some time, Amala died, because of which Kamala fell into deep mourning and even cried for the first time. The priest thought that she would soon die, so he began to work more actively on her. As a result, at least a little, but Kamala learned to walk, and even learned a few words. But in 1929 she died due to kidney failure.

Children raised by dogs

Madina was discovered by experts at the age of three. Her upbringing was not done by people, but by dogs. Madina preferred to bark, although she knew some words. After the examination, the found girl was recognized as mentally and physically complete. It is for this reason that the dog girl still has a chance to return to a full life in human society.

Another similar story happened in Ukraine in 1991. Parents left their daughter Oksana at the age of three in a kennel, where she grew up for 5 years, surrounded by dogs. In this regard, she adopted the behavior of animals, began to bark, growl, moved exclusively on all fours.

The dog girl knew only two words - "yes" and "no". After a course of intensive therapy, the child nevertheless acquired social and verbal skills, and began to talk. But psychological problems have not gone anywhere. The girl does not know how to express herself, and quite often tries to communicate not by speech, but by showing emotions. Now the girl lives in Odessa in one of the clinics, often spending her time with animals.

wolf girl

The Lobo girl was first seen in 1845. She, along with a flock of predators, attacked goats near San Felipe. After a year, information about Lobo was confirmed. She was seen eating the meat of a slaughtered goat. The villagers began searching for the child. It was they who caught the girl and named her Lobo.

But, like many other Mowgli children, the girl tried to break free, which she did. The next time she was seen only 8 years later, by the river with wolf cubs. Frightened by the people, she picked up the animals and hid in the forest. No one else met her.

wild child

The girl Rochom Piengeng went missing with her sister when she was only 8 years old. They found her only 18 years later in 2007, when her parents no longer hoped for it. The wild cub was found to be a peasant from whom the girl tried to steal food. Her sister was never found.

They worked a lot with Roch, tried with all their might to return to normal life. After a while, she even began to say some words. If Rochom wanted to eat, she pointed to her mouth, often crawled on the ground and refused clothes. The girl was never used to human life, having fled into the forest in 2010. Since then, her whereabouts are unknown.

Child locked in a room

To all those who are interested in children raised by animals, a girl named Jean is known. Although she did not live with animals, she resembled them in her habits. At the age of 13, she was locked in a room with only a chair and a pot tied to it. Also, my father liked to tie Jean and close her in a sleeping bag.

The parent of the child abused his power, did not allow the girl to talk, punishing her for trying to say something with a stick. Instead of human interaction, he growled and barked at her. The head of the family did not allow to communicate with the child and her mother. For this reason, the girl's vocabulary included only 20 words.

Jean was discovered in 1970. At first, she was thought to be autistic. But then the doctors still found that the child was a victim of violence. For a long period, Jean was treated in a children's hospital. But this did not lead to any significant improvements. Although she was capable of answering some questions, she still had the demeanor of an animal. The girl kept her hands in front of her all the time, as if they were paws. She didn't stop scratching and biting.

Subsequently, the therapist began to deal with her upbringing. Thanks to him, she learned sign language, began to express emotions through drawings and communication. The training lasted for 4 years. Then she went to live with her mother, and then she ended up with foster parents, with whom the girl was again unlucky. The new family forced the child to become mute. Now the girl lives in Southern California.

Wild Peter

Mowgli's syndrome, examples of which were described above, also manifested itself in a child living in Germany. In 1724, a hairy boy was discovered by people who moved only on all fours. They managed to catch him with the help of deception. Peter didn't talk at all and ate only raw foods. Although later he began to do simple work, he never learned to communicate. Wild Peter died at an advanced age.


These are not all examples. You can endlessly list people who have Mowgli syndrome. The psychology of wild foundlings is of great interest to many specialists, if only because not a single person raised by animals has ever been able to return to a normal, full life.

A newborn baby is not yet a person, it is only a human larva. The experience of mankind suggests that the formation of a healthy and developed personality is determined by the factors and conditions of the mental development of the child. And the most important of these conditions is life among people.

A werewolf is half-beast, half-human. A terrible humanoid monster, even more dangerous than the wild animals among which it lives. A cruel monster with inhuman strength, agility and endurance. Wild animal with a human body.

Mowgli syndrome

People considered werewolves to be creations of dark forces, however, they are quite earthly creatures, born by people and raised by animals.

When scientists went to the habitats of the "werewolf" (on a tip from the local population), it always turned out that this creature was not at all a figment of human imagination. Biologically, this is a person, unfortunate Mowgli, raised by animals (most often wolves or monkeys, less often - panthers, jaguars, etc.). Mentally, it is a wild creature that, despite the efforts of psychologists, will never be able to adapt among people and become a person.

The phenomenon of "Mowgli": the environment as the main factor in the mental development of the child

The events of the fairy tale about Mowgli are not in vain taking place in the Indian jungle. It was India that gave the world the largest number of "Mowgli children". Due to the extreme poverty of the population, high mortality and the same high and uncontrolled birth rate, children in India were often thrown out, as an option - they were left in the jungle.
Wild children living in animal packs were often caught by people. It was as difficult a task as catching a wild animal. The human body, as the Mowgli phenomenon shows, has incredible adaptive properties. Wild children had unchildish strength and dexterity, their nails were more like claws, and their teeth were sharp like blades (exactly the same as those of animals).

Witnesses who have seen a child with Mowgli syndrome describe him as a terrible sight, completely unlike the character in Kipling's fairy tale. A wild child behaves like an animal - runs on all fours, cannot stand on two legs, shows aggression (even more than animals from its flock), violently resists attempts to dress it, tries to escape and return to the wild environment.

But the fairy tale about Mowgli is just a fairy tale, in reality, a child brought up by animals is absolutely impossible to socially adapt and return to human society.

mowgli children

It is also surprising that wild children raised by different animals differ from each other. For example, a child raised by monkeys is easier to "tame" than a child raised by a pack of wolves.

Children with the "Mowgli" syndrome became objects for research by scientists. Psychologists and psychiatrists worked with them, but all the work aimed at their rehabilitation brought almost no results. The stories of all these children are similar: they could not learn to speak, they were hardly taught to dress and walk on two legs (it took years of work). "In captivity", that is, among people, wild children do not live long - a few years. They spend the rest of their lives in psychic homes.

Studies of children with Mowgli's syndrome are showing amazing results. These results indicate that a person is an exclusively social being, and outside of society, a human child cannot become a person, develop mentally, mentally and socially. These studies suggest that the factors of a child's mental development lie in the influence of the external environment (of course, under the condition of normal brain activity). A child is born with given properties, but these properties are like seeds - they need certain conditions to develop, otherwise the seeds will not germinate. A small person is mentally formed under the influence of the environment - he is trained from birth.

Studies of children with Mowgli's syndrome have proven that if the conditions for the child's mental development do not meet his needs, then he will not be able to fill the gaps in adult life.

In the modern world, children with Mowgli syndrome are found even in big cities. These are abandoned children of unlucky parents who grow up with animals in barns, dog houses, etc.

modern children with Mowgli syndrome

The adaptation of the "urban Mowgli" is more successful - they were taken care of by animals, but they were not completely excluded from human society, so they are able to learn to speak, walk on two legs, and are more receptive to any learning than the "forest Mowgli". But even these children never become full-fledged members of society - they forever remain mentally and mentally retarded and also live in special boarding schools until the end of their days.

Factors of mental development of the child in the family, the main mistakes and their consequences

However, not only children with Mowgli syndrome cannot adapt and realize themselves in modern society. Many adults, brought up, it would seem, in normal families, never find their place in society, behave inappropriately and asocially. Some of them are prone to alcoholism and drug addiction, others suffer from mental and sexual disorders, and others do not want to work. The reasons for any destructive behavior of a person (the tendency to crime, theft, sadism, prostitution, pedophilia, etc.) are always the consequences of the mental trauma of his childhood.

Studies of the Mowgli phenomenon have shown how fragile the child's psyche is, how irreparable the gaps in the child's mental development are, how much the formation of a person and his entire future life depend on the events of childhood.

Research in System-Vector Psychology suggests that the development of mental properties (vectors) of a person occurs only during his childhood (before puberty). Depending on the pressure of the external environment and the conditions of the mental development of the child, its vectors develop or not. Accordingly, a developed person has healthy desires and the possibility of constructive implementation in society. The undeveloped, on the contrary, cannot realize himself, has unhealthy desires, exhibits archetypal properties of the psyche, suffers, gets sick, and is often prone to alcoholism and drug addiction.

The most important factor in the mental development of a child in a family is the correct upbringing by parents. It is the parents who have the greatest influence and pressure on the child's psyche.

mental development of the child depends on the external environment

Parents need to know that the vectors (mental properties and desires) are given to the child at birth. All children are different because they are born with a different composition of vectors. It is impossible to change, remake a child, you can only develop what is given to him by nature or suppress his development (but this will have a bad effect on fate).
If the child behaves inappropriately, it means that the parents influence him incorrectly.

In the hands of each parent is a thin, delicate stalk - the mental child. This stalk can be accidentally broken, harmed, and then it will never be able to grow into a healthy, beautiful person.
To be continued.

The article was written using the materials of the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

). At an exhibition in London, she presented a series of staged photographs that tell real stories about children who grew up under very unusual circumstances.

Fullerton-Batten decided to look for data on children who grew up with animals after she read the book The Girl with No Name.

The stories she has collected are about those who got lost in the forest or, under other circumstances, were raised by animals. Characteristically, such cases have been recorded on at least four of the five continents.

Wolf Girl Lobo, Mexico, 1845-1852

In 1845, people noticed a girl crawling on all fours along with a pack of wolves attacking a herd of goats. A year later, she was noticed in the same company: they all ate raw goat meat together.

Once the girl was captured, but she managed to escape. In 1852, she was once again spotted with the cubs, but this time she managed to sneak away. Since then, no one has seen her again.

Oksana Malaya, Ukraine, 1991

Oksana was found in a dog kennel in 1991. She was at that time 8 years old, 6 of them she lived with the dogs. Her parents were alcoholics, and one night they accidentally left the girl on the street. To keep warm, the baby climbed into the nursery on the farm, curled up, and the dogs saved her from the cold.

So the girl began to live with them. When people learned about this story, Oksana was already more like a dog than a person. She ran on all fours, bared her teeth, breathed, stuck out her tongue, growled. Due to the lack of communication with people, by the age of 8 she learned only two words: “Yes” and “No”.

Intensive therapy helped Oksana regain social and verbal skills, but only at the level of a five-year-old child. Now the girl is 30 years old, she lives in a special clinic in Odessa and takes care of farm animals.

Shamdeo, India, 1972

Shamdeo, a 4-year-old boy, was discovered in the forest in 1972 while playing with cubs. His skin was very dark - his teeth were pointed and his nails were long. There were huge calluses on the palms, elbows and knees of the child. He loved to hunt chickens, ate earth, and had an increased appetite for raw blood.

The child was taken from the forest by social services. He was never weaned from his love of raw meat. He was not taught to speak either, but he began to understand sign language. In 1978 he was admitted to Mother Teresa's home for the poor. He died in February 1985.

"Rights" (Bird Boy), Russia, 2008

Rights, a 7-year-old boy, was found in the tiny two-room house he shared with his 31-year-old mother. The boy lived in a room with dozens of decorative birds - along with all the cages, food and droppings.

His mother treated the child like one of her pets. She did not physically beat him, but periodically left him without food and never spoke to him. Therefore, he could only communicate with birds. The boy could not speak - only twitter. He also waved his arms like a bird - wings.

The right was taken away from the mother and sent to the Center for Psychological Assistance. Doctors are still trying to rehabilitate him.

Marina Chapman, Columbia, 1959

Marina was kidnapped in 1954. She originally lived in one of the jungle villages in South America, but her kidnapper simply left her in the jungle. The baby monkey-capuchin came out.

The hunters found the child only five years later. The child ate only berries, roots and bananas, slept in hollow trees and walked on all fours.

One day she got sick of something. One elderly monkey led her to a pool of water and forced her to drink from it. The girl vomited - and her body began to recover.

She was friends with young monkeys, knew how to climb trees and was well versed in the fruits of local plants: which of them can be eaten and which cannot.

By the time the hunters discovered her, Marina had completely forgotten how to speak. Those who found her took advantage of this: the child was sent to a brothel. There she lived as a street girl, and was subsequently enslaved by a mafia family. And only many years later one of her neighbors saved her and took her to Bogota. There they lived together with the native son of the savior.

When Marina became an adult, she worked as a nanny. In 1977, their family moved to the UK, where they live today. Marina got married and had children. Her youngest daughter, Vanessa James, wrote a book about her mother's wild experience, The Girl with No Name.

Madina, Russia, 2013

Madina has lived with dogs since birth. For the first three years of her life, she played with them, shared food with them. They warmed her with their bodies in winter. Social workers found the girl in 2013. She was naked, walked on all fours and growled like a dog.

Madina's father left the family shortly after her birth. Her mother, a 23-year-old girl, drank herself. She did not care for the child at all, and one day she made a simple decision. She moved to the house of one of the rural alcoholics. She sat at the table with drinking buddies while her daughter gnawed bones on the floor with the dogs.

Once Madina ran away to the playground, but she couldn't play with other children: she couldn't speak. So the dogs became her only friends.

Doctors reported that Madina is mentally and physically an absolutely healthy person, despite all the tests that she has passed. There is a good chance that one day she will return to normal. Even though I learned to speak too late.

Janie, USA, 1970

Janie's father somehow decided that his daughter was "retarded", and therefore began to hold her on the toilet seat in a small room at home. She spent over 10 years in this solitary confinement. Even slept in a chair.

She was 13 years old when, in 1970, a social worker accidentally noticed her condition. Like, the child did not know how to go to the toilet and moved "somehow strange: sideways and like a rabbit." The teenage girl did not know how to talk and generally express any sounds.

She was taken away from her parents, and since then she has become the object of scientific research. Gradually she learned a few words, but she never learned to write. But he reads simple texts and already somehow knows how to interact with other people.

In 1974, funding for Janie's treatment program was stopped and she was placed in a private institution for mentally handicapped adults.

Leopard Boy, India, 1912

This boy was two years old when a female leopard stole him from the yard of a village house and took him into care in 1912. Three years later, a hunter killed this animal and found three of its cubs: two small leopards and a five-year-old child. The child was returned to his family in a small village in India.

At first, the boy could only sit on all fours, but he ran faster than any other adult. His knees were covered with huge hard calluses, and his fingers were bent in a vertical position at right angles to his palm. They were covered with tough, keratinized skin.

The boy bit, fought with everyone, and once caught and ate a raw chicken. He couldn't speak, he could only moan and growl.

Later he was taught speech and upright posture. Unfortunately, he soon became blind from cataracts. However, this is not due to his experience of living in the jungle, but to heredity.

Sujit Kumar, Chicken Boy, Fiji, 1978

Sujit was declared mentally retarded by the authorities. After that, his parents locked him in a chicken coop. Soon after, his mother committed suicide and his father was killed. The grandfather took responsibility for the baby, but he considered that it would be better for him in the chicken coop.

When Sujit was eight years old, he ran out onto the road, where he was noticed. The boy cackled and clapped his hands like a chicken. He did not eat the food brought to him, but pecked, clicking his tongue. In a chair he sat "with his feet" and his fingers were turned inward.

Shortly after being discovered, he was sent to a nursing home as a worker. But there he was distinguished by aggressive behavior, so he had to be tied to the bed with sheets for a long time. Now in his 30s, he lives with Elizabeth Clayton, the woman who saved him and gave him a home.

Kamala and Amala, India, 1920

Kamala, 8, and Amala, 12, were found in a wolf den in 1920. This is one of the most famous cases with the discovery of "Mowgli children".

A certain Joseph Singh found them when he saw two children coming out of the cave of the wolves. It was disgusting to look at them: they ran on all fours and did not behave at all like people. Soon Singh did everything to take the girls away from the wolves with the police.

In the first nights, the girls slept curled up together, growled, tore off their clothes, ate nothing but raw meat and howled. Physically, they were also not like everyone else: the tendons and joints in the arms and legs were shortened and deformed. The girls showed no interest in interacting with people. But their hearing, sight and smell were exceptionally developed.

Amala died the next year after returning to the people. Kamala did learn to walk upright and speak a few words, but died in 1929 of kidney failure at the age of 17.

Ivan Mishukov, Russia, 1998

Ivan ran away from a family of alcoholics when he was 4 years old. At first he lived on the streets and begged for alms. And then he "made friends" with a pack of dogs. Started feeding them. They began to trust him. Ivan has become something of a pack leader.

For two years he lived with them in abandoned buildings. Then he was caught and placed in an orphanage. The boy knew how to talk: he had to beg. That is why he is now living a normal life.

Marie Angelique Memmie Le Blanc (Champagne Girl), France, 1731

This story received great publicity in the 18th century. Surprisingly, it is well documented.

For 10 years, it is not clear how the girl who found herself in the forest traveled thousands of kilometers through the forests of France. She ate birds, frogs, fish, leaves, branches and tree roots. She knew how to fight wild animals, including wolves. When she was 19 years old, she was captured by "civilized" people. The girl was black with dirt, overgrown, with sharp claws. She knelt down to drink water and constantly looked around for danger.

She could not speak, she communicated only by squealing and sniffling. But, it seems, she found amazing contact with rabbits and birds. For many, many years, she ate only raw food, and she could not cook cooked food. She could climb trees like a monkey.

In 1737, the Queen of Poland, the mother of the French queen, took Memmi to her palace. Together with her, she went hunting for rabbits: the girl ran after them as deftly as dogs.

But Memmi was able to recover, for 10 years she learned to read, write and speak fluent French. In 1747 she became a nun, but not for long. Her patron died under mysterious circumstances.

Soon, however, Memmi found herself a new "owner" - Mrs. Eke. She posted a photo of the woman. Memmi lived in Paris in a wealthy family and died in 1775. She was 63.

John Ssebunya, Monkey Boy, Uganda, 1991

John ran away from home in 1988 when he was three years old. This happened after his father killed his mother in front of him. The boy fled to the jungle and began to live with the monkeys.

In 1991, he was found and captured. At that time he was about six years old. By that time, his entire body was covered with hair. The boy ate only roots, nuts, sweet potatoes and cassava. Huge worms lived in his intestines - half a meter long.

But everything turned out well: the child was taught to speak and walk. And his beautiful singing voice made him the star of the stage. Together with other African children, he toured the world as part of the children's choir "Pearl of Africa".

Victor (Wild Boy Aveyron), France, 1797

This is also a case from history, which is very well documented. A wild child was seen at the end of the 18th century in the forests of Saint Sernin-sur-Rance in the South of France. January 8, 1800 he was caught.

He was 12 years old, his body was covered with scars, and the boy was unable to utter a word. Later it turned out that he spent 7 years in the wild. Biology professors began to investigate it. It turned out that the boy can feel comfortable completely naked in the cold, knee-deep in snow. It seems that the low temperature did not cause him any discomfort at all!

People tried to teach him to behave "normally", but there was no progress. The boy could not speak until the end of his life. He was sent to a special scientific institute in Paris, where he was researched until his death. He died at the age of 40.

Since ancient times, in the legends and tales of different peoples, there have been stories about how animals raised human children. For a long time this was considered a fiction, until such poor fellows began to be found in the forests. “Children of Mowgli”, raised by animals, were studied back in the Middle Ages, but only psychiatrists of the 20th century could really explain their behavior and justify the impossibility of returning to the human environment.

The concept of "feral man"

If we consider the concept of “feral people” from the position of psychologists and sociologists, then we can find out that these are individuals who were brought up outside of human society. Translated from Latin, feralis means "dead, buried." People deprived of the opportunity to communicate with others like themselves were considered lost to society.

In the English version, the word feral means "forest", "wild", "uncivilized". The term was first used by Carl Linnaeus, an 18th-century Swedish scientist. He singled out for people who grew up among animals their step in the evolutionary ladder and gave them a scientific definition of Homo ferns.

In modern sociology, they are given the name “feral people”, and the first representative of this science to study their phenomenon was the American scientist Davis Kingsley. He began working on this issue in 1940.

Pupils of animals became children of different ages. There are cases when a pack of wolves, dogs or birds became “parents” for babies, and there are examples that they accepted, nursed and fed children 3-6 years old.

feral animals

At all times and among different peoples of the world, there were myths about children raised by animals. As scientists explain this phenomenon, animals are excellent "educators" of human cubs, and not only in their natural environment.

Today, one can often observe how pets take part in the lives of babies: they lull them, protect them, protect them, do not let them fall or harm themselves in some way. The same instincts are characteristic of wild animals, especially those living in a pack. This is due to the fact that the animal community has its own hierarchy, ways of communicating between its members and raising young animals.

Stories of antiquity about feral children

The most famous feral children of antiquity are Remus and Romulus, fed by a she-wolf. As you know, many legends are based on historical facts, so the story of two brothers who lost their mother can also be true.

The boys were lucky that the shepherd found them, and they did not have time to run wild. In memory of their “adoptive mother,” Romulus and Remus founded Rome on the very hill where they had spent their early years with a pack of wolves.

Unfortunately, such stories rarely end so romantically, because feral people - children raised by animals - have serious mental disorders and are not able to become full-fledged members of human society.

Wild "foundlings" of past centuries

Most often, wolves became the adoptive “parents” of children. This is due to the high level of parental instinct natural for these animals and the fact that they unite in packs in which there are long-term relationships between its members.

The first documented evidence that a pack of wolves nursed children was the Chronicle of the English city of Suffolk for 1173. Unsuccessful attempts to return a wild child to human life were recorded in 1341 in Hesse. The hunters found the boy in the wolf's lair. When he was taken out of the hole, he behaved like an animal: he bit, scratched, squealed and growled. Thanks to the surviving records, it became known that he died, unable to withstand captivity and feeding on human food.

No one at that time studied such phenomena, experts simply tried to return the human form to the captured children, which most often ended in failure.


There are frequent cases when feral people (examples from history are direct proof of this) were brought up by bears. So, in 1767 in Hungary, hunters discovered a girl with blond hair about eighteen years old. She was distinguished by excellent health, had a strong tanned body and behaved very aggressively. Even after being placed in an orphanage, she refused to eat anything other than plant roots, berries, and raw meat.

How such children survive is hard to say. Bears do not gather in packs, although they have strong long-term alliances between males and females. In the same way, it is not known what the babies ate in winter, when the animals hibernated. Only a few cases of bears raising children have been recorded, one of them is a boy found in the 18th century in Denmark, the second is an Indian girl discovered in 1897.

All the documents of those years indicated that the children found had the habits of animals, had sharp eyesight, an excellent sense of smell, and could only “talk” only with the sounds that the animals that raised them usually make.

Feral people of the 20th and 21st centuries

Most often in the last century, children of the jungle met in India. Among them were wolf children, panthers and leopards. For example, the world learned about two girls - Kamal and Amal, who were caught in 1920. One of them was one and a half years old, the other - 8 years old, but both had already developed wolf instincts. So, they did not tolerate daylight well, but at night they saw perfectly if only raw meat, lapped water, moved on bent arms and legs rather quickly, hunted chickens and small rodents.

The younger girl could not stand captivity and died a year later from jade. Kamala lived for another 9 years and during this period she was able to master primitive human skills: walk straight, wash her face with water, eat from plates and even pronounce a few words. But until her death, she ate raw meat and offal.

As scientists note, feral people who have lived among animals for a long time completely adopt the habits of their “foster parents”, which do not disappear even after a long stay in human society.

Cases of finding feral people in the period from the 1990s to the present day are especially frequent. Whether this is due to the fact that the kids got negligent parents, or they themselves got lost in the forest in childhood, or maybe their habitat was simply disturbed, and therefore they were able to be caught, is unknown.

Significance of the child's social development

Scientists love doing experiments to prove their scientific theory. This way of knowing the truth was not bypassed by psychologists who wanted to prove that a child is already born with a need for socialization.

During the experiment, newborns were divided into 2 groups. In one, the children were nursed, talked to them when feeding or changing diapers, kissed. In another group, they did not communicate with the children, but did everything necessary so that they were fed and well-groomed.

After a while, scientists noticed in children who were deprived of affection, weight loss and other deviations from the norm, so the experiment was interrupted. Thus, scientists have proved that a person initially has a need for love and communication with his own kind.

Thus, it becomes clear why feral people are deprived of human feelings and rely purely on the animal instincts they have acquired.

The nature of feral people

All cases of discovery of individuals raised by animals indicate that in the wild they had a strong desire for survival. Just like that, feral people could not stay alive, even with the best care from their bestial "parents".

Animals always act according to their instincts, although there are cases when they experienced anguish, losing their offspring. This does not last long, and short-term memory allows them to forget about the loss, which is not at all like the behavior of people. A person can suffer from the death of a child all his life.

All Mowgli children acted as their instincts told them: they sniffed food and water before they began to eat, defecate, hunt, run away from danger and defend themselves like their wild “parents”. This animal nature cannot be eradicated if the child has spent a long time among the animals.

Humanization of the Aveyron Savage

Attempts to humanize feral children have always been made. One of the successful examples is the story of the Aveyron boy. It was discovered in the south of France in 1800. And although this teenager moved on straight legs, all other habits betrayed an animal in him.

It took a lot of time and patience to teach him to go to the toilet where it is supposed to, keep his clothes on and eat from dishes. At the same time, the boy never learned to play games, communicate with peers, although no deviations in his psyche were found. This "savage" lived to be 40 years old, but never became a member of society.

Based on this, we can conclude that children deprived of human love lose the ability to socialize inherent in them at birth. They are replaced by instincts that are less developed in ordinary people than in animals.

If the child is lucky and was found at an early age, then he can be returned to his human essence and instilled with proper manners. So it was, for example, with five-year-old Natasha from Chita. She was raised by dogs who turned out to be better parents than mom and dad. The girl barked, walked like dogs, and ate the same as they did. The fact that she was found at such an early age gives hope that she will be able to “humanize” again.

A boy from Uganda, who was raised by green monkeys, was able to fully recover. He came to them at the age of four, and when he was discovered 3 years later, he lived and acted as his “adoptive parents”. Since too little time had passed, the child was able to return to society.

The reason for the appearance of fertile children

Too often in our time, children who were raised by animals are mentioned. This is due in most cases to the indifference, carelessness or cruelty of their parents. There are many examples of this:

  • A girl from Ukraine who grew up in a dog house. From 3 to 8 years old she lived with a dog where her parents left her. In such a short period of time, the baby began to walk like a dog, bark and behave like her dog.
  • A 6-year-old boy from Volgograd, raised by birds, could only chirp and flap his arms like wings when he showed emotions. He ate bird food while locked up by his mother in the parrot room. Now the child is being rehabilitated by psychologists.

Similar cases take place in our time in large cities and small towns around the world: in Africa, India, Cambodia, Russia, Argentina and other places. And what is most terrible, today the unfortunate are found not in the forests, but in houses, animal booths and in garbage dumps - prowling in search of food.

Vanzina E., Nikishina Yu., Shkunova A..

The purpose of this work-determine what constitutes human nature ? Find out whether a person is endowed with the signs of a person from birth, or acquires them as a result of communication with his own kind?





Zavodskoy district of the city of Saratov

Research work


Yulia Nikishina,

Shkunova Anna,

Vanzina Elena

students of 8 "B" class


Emelyanova Valentina Nikolaevna,

biology teacher - chemistry

MOU "OOSH No. 78",

highest qualification category


year 2013

1. Introduction_______________________________________________3

2. Who are they - "children of Mowgli"? __________________________4

3. "Children of Mowgli" among us____________________________5

4. Signs of "Mowgli's syndrome" _______________________7

5. Is the process of human recovery possible?_________8

6. Conclusion _____________________________________________ 11

7. List of used literature _____________________12

8. Appendices__________________________________________13


Fear was watching me from the TV screen. Jumping on all fours, a fifteen-year-old girl with a frantic bark rushed to the TV camera. Then she stopped, breathed heavily, sticking out her tongue like a dog, and continued to rush along the green meadow. This girl was diagnosed with the world's rarest diagnosis - "Mowgli's syndrome".

We all read "Mowgli" in childhood, and hundreds of boys played "Tarzan". In Kipling's fairy tale about the human cub Mowgli, a child raised by animals learned from them kindness, decency and, one might say, humanity.(slide number 2)

I had a question: Can this happen in real life? Can this girl, who grew up in a dog house, abandoned to the mercy of fate by her own parents, acquire the same qualities, become a full-fledged person?

In the entire observable history of the human race, a little more than a hundred cases have been recorded, documented or oral, when children grew up away from people, alone or in the company of animals whose habits they adopted. Unfortunately, there are now more and more reports of such children in the media.

The purpose of this project-determine what constitutes human nature? (slide number 3)


  1. Find out whether a person is endowed with the signs of a person from birth, or acquires them as a result of communication with his own kind?
  2. What is the role of congenital and acquired in human development?
  3. Who are the "children of Mowgli"?
  4. Is human recovery possible?

Who are they - "children of Mowgli"?

Carl Linnaeus, who created the classification of plants and animals, in 1758 introduced the term Homo ferens into scientific use, which meant "a creature completely covered with thick hair and not having the gift of speech."

As an example, Linnaeus described several Homo ferens, among them a Lithuanian "bear boy", an Irish "sheep boy", two Pyrenean hairy boys and a savage girl from Champagne.

Researchers have collected a huge amount of material about several dozen "wild children" who grew up among animals:(slide number 4)

The first "wolf boy" was discovered in 1344 in Hesse (Germany).

Until the age of 4, he lived in a hole, ate raw food and was protected by wolves.

In 1731, a 10-year-old girl was found in France, whose thumbs were elongated, allowing her to easily fly from tree to tree.

Mauga's children are people deprived of human society, children who went missing many years ago. There were cases when a child was born with some kind of abnormality, and the mother, fearing that she would be accused of having connections with evil spirits, secretly took the child into the forest, into caves, into the mountains, and left it there to certain death. It happened differently: left without parental care, the baby got lost and the animals accepted him into their family. Sometimes it happened that the females of the animals themselves captured the babies - these are the females who lost their cubs. Not only those children who got lost become feral, but also those who were specially kept in an isolated room, never being released outside.

(slide number 5)

Unfortunately, more and more children - Mowgli began to be found not in the forest and not in the jungle, but next to us, in cities and villages, in our time. They live very close, sometimes in neighboring apartments or houses, but most often they are found by pure chance, and often only when irreversible changes in their physical development and psyche have already occurred.

"Children of Mowgli" among us.

It turns out that people who grew up among animals are found almost every year. And their fate is not at all like in a fairy tale ...(slide number 6)

(slide number 7)

Cat boy. In the fall of 2003, 3-year-old Anton Adamov was found in one of the houses in the village of Goritsy, Ivanovo Region. The kid behaved like a real cat: meowing, scratching, hissing, moving on all fours, rubbing his back against the legs of people. For the entire short life of the boy, only a cat communicated with him, with whom the 28-year-old parent locked the child - so as not to distract him from drinking.

(slide number 8)

Podolsky dog ​​boy. In the city of Podolsk near Moscow in 2008, a seven-year-old child was discovered who lived in an apartment with his mother, and, nevertheless, suffered from "Mowgli's syndrome". In fact, he was raised by a dog: Vitya Kozlovtsev was fluent in all dog habits. He ran beautifully on all fours, barked, lapped from a bowl and curled up comfortably on the rug. After the boy was found, his mother was deprived of parental rights. Vitya himself was transferred to the "House of Mercy" Lilit and Alexander Gorelov.

(slide number 9)

Boy from Reutovwho became the leader of the dogs. In 1996, 4-year-old Vanya ran away from his drinking mother and her boyfriend, an alcoholic. Having replenished the two millionth army of homeless children of the Russian Federation. He tried to beg food from passers-by on the outskirts of Moscow, climbed into a dumpster and met a pack of stray dogs, with whom he shared the edible garbage he found. They began to wander together. The dogs protected Vanya and warmed him up on winter nights, they chose him as the leader of the pack. So two years passed, until Mishukov was detained by the police, luring him to the back entrance to the restaurant kitchen. The boy was sent to an orphanage.

(slide number 10)

Skipping on all fours, a fifteen-year-old girl from Ukraine, Oksana Malaya, grew up in a doghouse, abandoned to the mercy of fate by her own parents, and miraculously survived, eating the milk of mongrels. In the orphanage, where she was finally taken, the dog girl does not like it. She strives with all her might to return to her former life - she mixes all the dishes in one plate and laps from there like a dog, and at the first opportunity begins to move on all fours.

The most famous are the Indian girls Kamala and Amala, found in the jungle in 1920. Until the trustee of the orphanage in Midnapore, Dr. Singh, caught the sisters, the locals who met the girls in the forest believed them to be werewolves. The sisters lived in a pack of wolves and moved either on their knees and elbows (when walking slowly) or on their hands and feet (when running fast). They didn't like daylight. The girls ate raw meat and self-caught chickens. In order to take the girls from the wolf lair, people had to shoot their "mother" she-wolf. At that time, the baby, who was later named Amala, was about one and a half years old, and the one who was given the name Kamala was about eight years old. Amala, less than a year after beginning life among humans, died of nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys). Kamala lived in civilization for about nine years. She adapted very poorly to human life: she learned only a few words and could not get rid of the habit of getting on all fours.

In China in 1996, a two-year-old boy was caught living with pandas. He crawled on the ground on all fours and ate bamboo. The body of the child, due to a genetic anomaly, was completely covered with hair. Perhaps it was because of this that superstitious parents once took the baby to the forest and left him there.

In 2001, a boy was caught in Chile who, at the age of 7, ran away from a shelter with a pack of dogs. For two years, the child wandered along the street with the dogs, running away from the policemen who were trying to grab him.

Many other examples are known:

Volgograd bird boy.

Ufa dog girl.

Vyazemsky girl-Mowgli.

Dog girl from Chita and many others.

(slide number 11)

Children raised by animals sufferdisease - "Mowgli's syndrome".

(slide number 12)

Signs of "Mowgli's syndrome".

According to the candidate of psychological sciences, teacher of the department of "Special and Clinical Psychology" Galina Alekseevna Panina, "Mowgli's syndrome" is a set of syndromes that a child who has grown up outside the social environment demonstrates.

Among the general signs of "Mowgli's syndrome" are speech disorders or inability to speak, inability to walk upright, desocialization, lack of skills in using cutlery, fear of people. At the same time, they often have excellent health and much more stable immunity than people living in society. Psychologists often noted that a person who has spent quite a long time among animals begins to identify himself with his "brothers".

The terrible diagnosis "Mowgli's Syndrome" - the irreversibility of defects in mental development - is one of the rarest in medicine, but doctors will have to make it until society learns to take care of unfortunate children deprived of the attention of their relatives, until it stops shifting to animal paws what is its prerogative until he realizes that he is losing a person in the most horrifying way - the loss of his soul.

Is the process of human recovery possible?

(slide number 13)

Social isolation in the first months and years of a person's life can lead to severe emotional instability and mental retardation, including the so-called "Mowgli syndrome". Lack of communication in a child leads to an abnormal formation of cells that isolate neurons and slows communication between different areas of the brain.

American neurophysiologists from Harvard Medical School in Boston conducted a study. One group of newborn mice was isolated from relatives, and the second was left to develop in a normal environment. After two weeks, the researchers compared the brains of the rodents from these groups. As it turned out, in isolated mice there was a malfunction of the cells that produce the substance myelin, which is responsible for the sheath of nerve fibers. Myelin protects neurons from mechanical and electrical damage. Violation of the production of this substance is the cause of diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

According to the results of the study, in the brains of mice that were in isolation, significantly less myelin was produced than in the brains of their socialized counterparts. Scientists do not exclude that a similar relationship exists in humans. It is quite possible that the same processes occur during the development of the so-called Mowgli children.

(slide number 14)

To the question whether the process of human recovery is possible after a long stay outside the human environment in society, experts do not give an unequivocal answer: everything is too individual. In the event that a person does not develop any of the functions in time, it is almost impossible to replenish them later. According to experts, after the 12-13 year old threshold of an undeveloped person, it is only possible to "train" or, in some cases, minimally adapt to the social environment, but whether it is possible to socialize him as a person is a big question. If a child enters the animal community before he has formed the skill of upright walking, then moving on all fours will become the only possible way for life - it will be impossible to retrain.

(slide number 15)

Yuri Levchenko, candidate of psychological sciences, says that in the period up to five years, the child develops elements of communication and psychosomatic functions(Appendix No. 1).Children in isolation do not have psychosomatic stability, and the elements of communication will not be developed in its complete absence. First of all, the child must communicate with his own kind. It is difficult to cure a child who before this age had no contact with people.

Two sisters taken from a pack of wolves, both dead; the youngest - almost immediately, and the eldest - a few years later, without having learned to speak

Podolsky dog ​​boy, Vitya Kozlovtsev, learned to walk, talk, use a spoon and fork, play and laugh in a year.

Oksana Malaya has been humanized for many years. Taught to scribble on a typewriter, embroider, count to twenty. But she couldn't be left unattended. The grown-up girl was transferred to a boarding school for adults, where she is allowed to communicate with her best friends - yard dogs. And help take care of the cows. Already matured, the dog girl is gradually degrading. Despite all the efforts of educators and teachers, she cannot read and write, although she could a year ago. With difficulty, he stands on two legs, to the question: “What do you like to do most of all?” answers: “Swing on the grass and bark”, and to the question: “Who are you? Are you human?", the girl, baring her teeth, gives a heartbreaking answer: "No, I'm an animal, I'm a dog."

(slide number 16)

There are cases when the "children of Mowgli" managed to survive among people. A ten-year-old boy lived with monkeys for three years, but was able to
