Dreams and desires. Why do my dreams come true for others and not for me? Best Wish Fulfillment Techniques

We often wish our loved ones that their most cherished dreams come true. And we want our dreams to come true. Is it that easy to achieve?

Today we will talk about how our dreams come true. And how do you get them to come true. A practical lesson will help us in this. Arm yourself with a mountain of various magazines, pencils, felt-tip pens, whatman paper, glue and scissors.

Often I hear stories about how a person achieves what he wanted with all his might, discovers that this is not what he needed. Or that this, it turns out, is what others needed from him. It happens, we make mistakes in our desires under the pressure of the environment(significant people, advertising). Sometimes we simply do not give ourselves time to listen and notice what desires are really ours and what is alien to us, but we are accustomed to their realization out of habit. Then they do not bring proper satisfaction.

This article includes a practical task that will help you pause, listen to yourself, hear yourself, weigh everything, feel what you want.

You have a lot to realize desires, fulfill dreams. But you often don't see it under your nose. Sometimes, just like sorcerers, you speak to yourself: “it’s impossible”, “I won’t succeed”, “I’m not capable of it”, “the task is too difficult”, “it doesn’t happen”, “there is no way out of this situation” . These are just general phrases. Each of them sound different, with details and shades. limiting beliefs, which you carry with you through life, having already ceased not only to check them, but also to notice, distinguish, deprive you of vision - a vision of ways, opportunities, chances. They prevent you from really assessing the realism of desires, goals and plans.

If you start doing something on the way to fulfilling your dreams, then two scenarios are possible. Either you succeed or you fail. BUT, if you do not start doing something, definitely nothing will work.

We want something but we don't appreciate it when we already have it. So we deprive ourselves of support and resources. We have nothing to rely on in achieving new goals. And sometimes we are not satiated, because no matter how much we have something, we do not notice it and do not fully appreciate it.

It happens that we want and don't want at the same time. It is very difficult and unaccustomed to hold on to such a contradiction. And we are trying to resolve it as quickly as possible by eliminating one of the “conflicting” parties and intensively developing the other. As a result, we get an interesting picture: either it seems to us that we want something, but at the same time we can’t realize this “something”, get it; or it seems to us that we don’t want something, but this “something” happens to us with enviable regularity or we get it.

What will you get after reading this article?

You will create. Interesting, lively and emotional. Each in their own way.

You will meditate. Fun and serious, planned and spontaneous.

You will make discoveries. Pleasant and sad, perplexing and inspiring. So, be honest with yourself.

You will learn new things that you may have known for a long time. Even if you are familiar with the techniques of goal setting, planning, achievement, etc. You may discover something new about how to use them to help you rather than harm you.

Let's remember the realized dream and discuss this topic:

  • How was it formed?
  • What have you done to make it happen?
  • What difficulties arose in the process?
  • Who or what helped?
  • When did the dream come true?

Before proceeding to the main task, I want to briefly talk about the basic rules.

Rule One: goal must be formulated positively.

This means that when formulating a goal, desire, you need to write about what do you want to get, and not about what you want to exclude from your life. For example, if you do not want to live with your parents or in a rented apartment, then when formulating the goal, you need to write that you want to live in your own separate apartment. If you want to live there with your loved one, then this must also be indicated. Write about what you want, what should be present in your life, and not vice versa.

Rule Two: goal should be specific.

Here we are talking about who you want to live with in your separate apartment, what this apartment should be like, as well as other details. Make your goal as specific as possible. If you want love, then describe your chosen one. If you need a new job, then imagine what salary you want to receive, what duties to perform, what kind of team, position, etc. should be. It is very useful to visualize your goal, but be sure to imagine yourself as a participant in the visualization. Imagine that you have already achieved what you want, feel your emotions, feel like the owner of an apartment, a happy spouse or wife, a respected specialist in a new job, in a word, imagine yourself at a time when you have already reached your goal. Here, determine for yourself the criteria by which you can understand that the goal has been achieved. It can be a certain amount of money, some emotions, or something else.

Rule Three: the target must be about you, not someone else.

You cannot control other people by wanting them to change or take action. The object of your attention is yourself, so all goals should concern you and your actions. That is, if you want the boss to raise your salary, then nothing will come of it. But if you want to receive a salary 2 times more - this is a completely different matter.

Rule Four: goal should be eco-friendly.

Your goal should satisfy your values ​​and principles, not conflict with inner feelings. So, if you want to have perfect health, but at the same time are not ready to give up smoking 2 packs of cigarettes a day and are not going to do any kind of sports, then part of your subconscious will oppose and will by all means interfere with the realization of your goal of having perfect health. If you want to buy a car and drive, but are afraid of difficult situations on the road, then it is likely that you will buy a car for a very long time.

Rule Five: you must believe in the achievability of your goal.

Whatever your goal, if it is formulated correctly and concerns you, and not other people, then it has every chance of being achieved. If all the rules for setting a goal are followed, then you can be sure that your subconscious and the forces of the world around you are already working to achieve it. Little is required of you - confidence in success. Just believe! And do not forget to take advantage of the opportunities that will soon open before you, thereby showing that the goal is important to you, and you are ready to take steps towards its implementation.

So let's get started with " Collage of wishes».

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your desires for various areas of your life. Imagine what you want in the smallest detail. If at the same time you have positive feelings, you are on the right track.

In front of you are stationery and magazines.

Your task is to reflect (i.e. stick, draw) everything you aspire to on a piece of drawing paper or its half using any material.

Hang the "Collage of Desires" in a conspicuous place, it will be a good incentive for you on the way to achieving your goals.

Why is the article titled "Caution! Dreams Come True!"? The thing is that a curious incident happened to one of my clients. She wanted a red car, and since she couldn't find a picture in a magazine of just a red car, she cut out a red car with a young man and pasted it into her collage. After a while, she married a man who had a red car. It's good that everything ends well. Therefore, be extremely specific in your desires.

Thoughts materialize! Dreams come true if you really want it! I know it for sure!

I wish you the fulfillment of your cherished desires!

Today I will tell you about the fulfillment of my dream, about how important it is to trust the Universe and be able to let go of your desires.

Many years ago I had a dream to publish a book. At that moment, I had no idea what kind of book it would be and what I would tell the world about in it. I wanted her to bring joy and positive emotions to people.

I will say more, this dream comes from childhood itself, but until recently it was deeply hidden behind seven locks of disbelief and doubt.

“God, what do you think of yourself, what book?” My fears repeated to me.

But if there is a desire, it will certainly come true, it is worth allowing it. Thoughts about the book appeared again and again, and also came the understanding that this is all very difficult: material and energy-consuming, and most importantly, labor-intensive. The inner skeptic did not give rest.

After some time, I realized how great and sincere the desire really is. The first thing I did was put it on the wish card and wrote a fairy tale about it.

Difficulties arose at the initial stage. Not all publishing houses are ready to work with young authors, and printing and publishing on their own is very expensive (sometimes the cost exceeds a million rubles), so this desire has become unrealistic. I decided to switch to something else, to stop thinking about the book altogether, to do other things. “It will come when there is a better time,” I thought.

About 3 years have passed and in my life there was an opportunity to write my own book! Quite by accident, I stumbled upon a newly opened publishing house when my iPad was stuck on a page on their website. I contacted him and got all the information I needed.

At first, I was haunted by thoughts like “Oh, this must be difficult ... Should I try ?! What am I losing? Time? Forces? But that's what I want! And here is a great opportunity! ”, And then confidence came, and I began to act.

I wanted to bring together the most useful and effective techniques that I use personally and in my work with clients, while describing everything in a lively and simple language so that every reader can feel my energy and feel support.

I wanted to be sure that the book would benefit people. To get rid of doubts, I asked all my friends and acquaintances to write reviews of the draft manuscript of the book. As a result, more than 100 people read it, they were different people: those who believed in the power of thought and real skeptics; those who knew me personally and people completely unfamiliar to me.

I waited for each review, the opinion of readers was very important to me. To my surprise, only one review was negative. Many wondered why I still do not print? Some asked permission to print and show to relatives. It inspired me so much that I moved on.

After studying the reviews and analyzing the needs, I put together a whole life-changing program, from finding blockages, working through them, and ending with the most effective exercises to attract health, love, beauty and money. It turned out to be a collection of excellent recipes for getting what you want in all areas of life. It includes the best exercises from my methods, marathons and articles.

A lot of work was done, including arguments with the editor, I wanted the book to have an easy style, as if I were talking to the reader live.

It took a long time to choose the name, the cover design, it all turned out to be quite complicated, but I really wanted the first pancake to turn out to be a delicious pancake, not a lump)))

The universe did not give me the opportunity to retreat, interesting people appeared in my life, professionals in their field, who supported me very much. Ideas for titles and cover options poured in.

That's all and ready, it seemed to me! But it was not there! Writing and publishing a book is just the beginning... I want her to live.

“Nothing is impossible!”, I remembered and again made a wish!

Then the real miracles began to happen. The first edition of the book has arrived. That feeling when you hold your old dream in your hands, hear its smell, feel its energy, is indescribable... Recently it was hanging on the map of desires, and now it is in your hands!

When I signed each copy for my friends and readers, I really wanted my wishes to come true. It's like giving a piece of love to everyone.

Reviews rained down, the book was sold out, given as a gift to close friends and relatives! They sent photos with a book ... photos of children with a book! It's so cool! It's beyond words!

The most interesting thing began in the New Year, when they began to send me letters with stories about how you can find answers to exciting questions from my book. I was so wondering how is it? That I conducted a whole experiment, gathered all my friends and asked them to check it out. Surprisingly, the book really gave the answer and it came true after a while. “Sveta, how does she know this?”, the audience did not stop.

Friends, if you have a printed copy of the book, try asking a question, open it on any page and read the paragraph where your eyes fell. Perhaps you will see the answer to your question. I would be grateful if you share the result.

I wanted to show you, using a ready-made example, how important it is to believe in your dreams. Nothing is impossible in this life! Until you solve your dream, it will remain a dream. The Universe gives everything at the best time, but you need to be really ready for it.

When I hear something like: “I would like to become a designer, but I’m afraid that I won’t succeed ...”

What can I say? Of course you won't succeed until you try! It is important not just to wish, it is important to believe, to act. Sometimes all opportunities are given: a fishing rod, and tackle, and a bucket, and bait, all that remains is to catch luck, realize a dream, you can’t say: “No, I’m afraid .... What if nothing comes of it… I can’t…” You need to be bolder. You can!

If there is a fear that it will not work out, allow yourself to be afraid and switch to something else. So you do not overestimate the importance, you will not constantly twist doubts and worries in your head. Tell yourself: "I will get everything at the right time." And you will get!

You can do it, friends.

If 10 years ago they told me that I would have a book, I would have smiled and twisted my finger at my temple.

Today it can be bought in bookstores in Moscow.

Dreams do come true, we've proven it here time and again!

I wish you fulfillment of desires!

Read also:



I also want to write a book that will touch hearts, I know its title, in general I understand what it should be about. But the inner skeptic does not give rest. BUT I already put it on the wish card! And I believe that the day will come when inspiration will do its job, and then a lucky chance will turn up! Thank you for confirming my Desire!
I realized that it would be necessary to take not an electronic version, as I thought from the beginning, but a paper version.


Svetlana, thank you for the book! She is magical! And answers questions even in electronic form!


Good afternoon! I live in Europe. I would really like to buy your book, I searched all Russian bookstores, but there are no books anywhere (((
Please tell me how to buy it.
Answer: Write to me by mail, I send my autographed books to Europe.


Good evening! Thank you Svetlana for the book, it is wonderful!!! I bought it on ozone, waited almost 2 weeks, and not in vain, I really liked it, the book inspired me. After reading the book, I even began to dance to Natalie's song "Oh my God, what a man." Although I haven't danced for a long time ;)
Thank you Svetlana for the book!!! Thank you girls for the best positive site in the world!
Health to you, love, beauty;)))


The book is simply wonderful, read in one breath. You write so cool, so positively charged, it seems to me that after reading the book I can do everything, all my dreams will come true. I will definitely do the exercises from the book, I'm sure the results will be. Svetlana, you are a talent, you write very cool, I am waiting for your new book


Where can you buy your book in Moscow?


Hello Svetlana! Where can I buy your printed book in Moscow?
Answer: In bookstores Biblio-Globus, bookstore Moscow on the street. Tverskaya and Moscow House of Books on Novy Arbat, Medvedkovo book house.


Three days ago I bought your book on Tverskaya, I decided to immediately try it with a question. I asked the book a question about the sale of the apartment, as the buyer took a very long time to answer. The book answered me: "Take a landscape sheet, paints, brushes or felt-tip pens. Draw yourself, express yourself happy, your heart is filled with love. Next, depict how your life is filled with love." I thought for a long time what this meant, then I decided to execute verbatim what the book answered me. I took an A4 sheet, felt-tip pens, pens were still colored and began to draw. I drew myself, my future buyer, how I hand over the keys to my apartment and receive a bag of money, as well as how I send love to the customer, and she to my apartment and me. Drawn and left on the table. Yesterday I was just speechless when the buyer called me and made a deposit, tomorrow we are going to make a deal. Svetlana, thank you so much for your book, for your magical energy and positivity. You made me believe in miracles.


I ordered your book and can't wait. I love your articles and website.


Svetlana, I bought your book in a bookstore last week, it's wonderful. It was my first weekend that I spent reading and didn't want to break away. Thank you for the hope, inspiration and your work.


This book is the bomb! I love her, she really answers questions and charges with positive. Svetlana, you are a real sunshine.


Good afternoon! And where can I buy a printed book in Ukraine? I live in Kyiv.
Answer: On the site ozon.ru. You can search in Kyiv on the Internet or in the "Joint purchases from the site ozon.ru" groups, so delivery will be cheaper for you.


On Thursday I asked your book about one interview, a page about a fairy tale fell out. I decided this is a sign, I need to write a fairy tale. I wrote a fairy tale about a miracle, on Saturday they called and said to go to work on Monday. I really liked this position, the company, the conditions, I can say the job of my dreams. Thank you so much for your book, it is truly magical.


And where can I buy a printed book in St. Petersburg?
Answer: There are no books in St. Petersburg bookstores yet, but you can buy a printed version on the website ozon.ru or Ridero.


I often ask questions to your book when the situation is difficult, the answers are always very accurate and a lot has already come true. I don't know how, but it really works.


Svetlana, you know how to inspire, now I want your book.

Answer: Elena, my book was in my head, there were drafts, manuscripts. And since I doubted whether such a book would be needed, how to start everything, I didn’t understand all the subtleties, I didn’t waste time on finalizing it. When the publishing house appeared, I began, on my part, to design, edit, and refine it. This is not an art book. With a fiction book, I think the version you wrote would be appropriate. And my book is a practice, it contains my practice and work.


But I can’t order it in any way, I live in Kazakhstan. Previously ordered on ozone, but it was not possible to contact me and me with them. What to do? Send it by mail, I'll pay
Answer: Send me an email.


Svetlana, great book! I read it in one breath, and how much light and positive is in it ... Thank youooooooo!


Yesterday I specifically ran into the store for your book, it is amazing. It seems to me that such a powerful energy comes from her. I don’t know, or I was so happy with the purchase, or your book is really magical, but a stranger on the subway gave me flowers. For the first time in my life this happened to me) I just started reading, I haven’t asked questions yet, but I really want to try it, then I’ll unsubscribe how it worked. Thank you.


Svetlana, finally got your book, it is magical. I asked a question and my answer was about the fulfillment of desires with the help of a fairy tale. I will write.


It's great that you share your successes, it's very inspiring. I live in America, how can I get a printed copy of your book?
Answer: Try on the site ozon.ru. And after March 21, this opportunity will appear on the Ridero website.. The printed book can be purchased on the ozon.ru website, in Moscow bookstores: Biblio-globus, Moscow bookstore on st. Tverskaya and Moscow House of Books on Novy Arbat.


Dreams do come true and here's the proof

You know, dreams do come true, and here's why...

  • Do you want to get on a plane and fly far from home?
  • Do you dream of traveling to different continents?
  • Do you want to have a prestigious business that brings pleasure and a lot of money?
  • Do you want to get married, have a baby...
  • Or is your main goal today is harmony and beauty?

Important! I've learned from my own experience that dreams do come true! Moreover, even if at first glance they seem completely fantastic and impossible. But

If a person's dreams come true, then this is included in his life plans.

© Juliana Wilson

This is my favorite quote!

She is 100% true. And now, my dear reader, I will tell you how you can make your dreams come true in your life plans)))

Dreams Come True! And I know this for sure, since a lot of my desires have already become a reality. This is what my entire blog is about.

And with this article, I want to inspire you to fulfill your most cherished desires! I will tell the most exciting stories and share techniques for making dreams come true 🙂

By the way, famous people also grant their wishes, here is a cool story by Jim Carrey:

What are you dreaming about?

I am sure that most of those who are reading this article right now does not know what he really wants.

No, of course we all know that we want to become rich, strong, healthy, beautiful, have a successful business or a great job, travel and enjoy many other things.

But often it's all very abstract....

And which of you imagined your dream in detail?

But exactly to see your desire, to understand why and what it should be - this is half the success of its implementation!

If you don't put something specific in front of your SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, then you don't put anything. Yes, yes ... And dealing with your dreams is an important first step towards their fulfillment.

By the way, how I understand my “Wishlist”, read the article:. And after that dreams come true!

You can understand why your subconscious mind needs clear instructions by reading one of my old articles:

Are these your dreams?

I always advise you to start with your desires.

Work with each of them, understand:

  • why is it needed
  • is it really necessary for your happiness?

Or maybe your passionate desire, which you have nurtured for so long, spent time and energy on its fulfillment, is not yours at all? You ask "how can this be?". In fact, this happens very often.

Test your desire with a subconscious question using the method from this article of mine:

For example, one of my good friends always wanted to have a lot of dresses and shoes in her closet.

And when working with this dream, I imagined a huge dressing room, in which there are a lot of things from fashion designers, shoes of famous brands in all colors of the rainbow. But for some reason the dream did not come true. No, she got a big dressing room (after all, dreams do come true), she bought herself new dresses, but it wasn't fun.

Talking to me, she once complained that dreams do not come true and all these techniques are nonsense ...

But when we began to analyze her desire, it turned out that a completely different thing was hiding behind the dream of having a lot of things in the closet - the need for communication, admiring glances, fun pastime.

And a well-formed dream began to bear fruit after a week.

My friend met a man who later became her husband. Today they travel a lot, she does not lack new acquaintances, communication and attention.

By the way, I recently watched a cool documentary film on the topic of fulfillment of desires, I advise from the bottom of my heart, everything is on the shelves:

How to make dreams come true?

Dream: Dreams do come true and you can't argue with that!

But in order for the desire to become a reality, you need to work with it correctly. I always recommend doing it like this:

When you make a wish, do not think that you do not know how it can come true. Do not slow down the Universe on the way to its fulfillment.

Try to avoid fears, insecurities, thoughts that something will not work out or is impossible.

And, of course, form your dream without any "not" and "no". Be the desire to remove something, get rid of it, etc. And with the desire to create something beautiful.

At this time, do not think about ways to fulfill your desire. Do not worry about the money, which is not enough for him now.

Try to just get into the dreams and feel them and the emotions that they will give you when they come true.

Think over the details.

You can write a letter to yourself!

One of my students shared an amazing result of this technique.

She grew up in a poor family and dreamed of owning a computer as a child. But even to believe that there could be money for him in a house where there was not always enough for bread was difficult. And then the little girl began to write letters - it happened to her purely intuitively.

She wrote that she has a computer, described how she plays on it, draws, what pages she visits on the Internet, how he helps her study at school. Surprisingly, the dream came true after six months. For her birthday, the godmothers decided to give her a computer. Dreams Come True!

If you want something specific, like a dishwasher or a bicycle, decide which model you want to buy. To do this, read reviews about the desired device, go shopping.

Act as if you are already choosing the right thing.

Everyone writes about this cool technique, even Zeland. In an article about his latest book, we well described how to “pretend” correctly in order for a dream to come true:

Detailed dreams come true fastest.

For better visualization, I often make a wish map. The pictures that I put on it program my subconscious and help my wish come true.

By the way, I immediately invite you to my next open online meeting with subscribers, come to

Be careful! Dreams come true or come true almost always, no matter how impossible they may seem at first glance. But the universe does not select the ways that are convenient for you to realize your desires.

And here it all depends on your thoughts. If you dream of getting something "at any cost", then over time you will be surprised to realize that your dreams come true, but cost you too much.

For example, one of my students told me that she dreamed of having her own apartment, in which there is a lot of sun and bright yellow curtains. This is exactly the image she visualized for herself.

A year later, her wish came true. After all, dreams do come true!

Her father died, and left her a two-room apartment as a legacy. When she came to her father and went into the house, she was surprised: bright sunlight shone through the window, and the curtains in the room were brand new bright yellow.

To protect yourself from such situations, you need to add to your desire, or simply sentence:

May it be filled in the most peaceful way for the benefit of all living on earth!

Real stories of my followers

Of course, we are motivated to dream by the stories of the fulfillment of the desires of other people.

And of course I have prepared a portion of inspiration for you, hold on!

Magic Number 23

The story of Svetlana Popova, in the first person:

Since school, various miracles have happened to me, how and why this happened, I did not even guess.

When I wanted to take a longer walk on weekends, and there were comments in my diary about my behavior, I could not even think about walking at all. But, I somehow heard a children's joke, if you accidentally see two identical numbers on an electronic watch, then you can make a wish that will come true. And I guessed (and I was already in the 9th grade), I didn’t let go of the phone all day, I was waiting for the same numbers. And they always let me go.

After school, there were still moments that I really wanted and they came true.

But the real miracle happened when my pregnancy test showed two strips. It was a planned pregnancy for the baby to be in July.

And I told my husband that I would give birth to a girl, Lisa, on July 23 (according to my zodiac sign, I didn’t want cancer, on July 24, my husband had a doctor, on July 25, my sister had a doctor, and after these dates it was somehow not right). The husband just laughed.

And this thought, to give birth to a girl on July 23, was with me 24 hours a day. When we told the grandmothers about the pregnancy, I also firmly told them that I would give birth to only 23 girls. And here is the day "X" 07/23/2013 I gave birth to a healthy girl, Elizabeth. The husband was shocked.

We later had a second planned pregnancy for December. All relatives jokingly asked whom and when? And I already knew for sure that the boy is 23.12 .... Dreams Come True!

Date with a star

The story of Catherine in the first person:

My most vivid wish fulfillment is associated with a personal meeting with my favorite musician. I bought a ticket for a concert in Moscow. I used the visualization technique. I imagined how I would look, my blue dress, I curled my hair ... I imagined with my own eyes and from the outside. Visualization was daily, approximately 1.5 months.

In the photo, Catherine and her idol David Garrett

When I arrived in Moscow, I was wearing a red dress (my mother said that it is better to go to the violinist in a classic dress). But I took the blue dress with me!

Somehow I met the girls from the fan group, and they were planning a meeting with the musician. But we were not allowed to meet, as it was the Kremlin Palace. A day later there was the next concert in St. Petersburg, the fans left for him, but I stayed.

But at the last moment I decided to go too, at that moment I saw a picture of my visualization. In St. Petersburg the concert was much cooler!

After the concert, the girls went to a meeting with the musician, but I was not on this list ((They skipped strictly according to the list. I decided to try, but I still didn’t understand how I would do it. But I managed to pass, I won’t say what I had to say security so that he let me in. But I'm the only one who was not on the list and I passed.

Everything was just as I imagined. I talked to him, got an autograph, and hugged him, as planned (no one had done this before me) And yes, I was in a blue dress and with curled hair!

dream figure

Anna says:

Now I want to talk about a particular technique that I tried 3 years ago, which miraculously fulfilled my desires. This technique is a “wish map”, which I made for the first time in my life in January 2015.

Made simply by inspiration, without observing the rules for placing pictures in the cardinal directions) And I didn’t prepare the pictures themselves in advance, but hastily found illustrations in magazines that more or less fit my desires.

I was very passionate about the process of selecting pictures, cutting them out and placing them on my map. And, I won’t be modest, my card was the brightest and most elegant compared to the “wish cards” of other members of my family - then we created with the whole family)))

After that, I solemnly hung the map on the wall opposite the bed.

During the week, I even illuminated my “map” with a flashlight in the evenings (I read somewhere that this speeds up the fulfillment of desires). And then everyday life swallowed up, and I forgot about my card. Well, that is, of course, I looked at her every day waking up, but I didn’t do anything, I didn’t imagine, I didn’t say ... In general, as they say, I “let go” of my desires ...

And what was my surprise when, while preparing for the move, I remembered my “wish card”, which by that moment had already become a familiar element of the interior of my room. To be honest, I was shocked that a lot of what was depicted on the map came true ... Moreover, something quickly enough!

I will not describe about the fulfillment of small desires, pI will tell you about the fulfillment of the most significant desire at that time.

This is a concern for many girls, the problem of losing weight. I have never been slim, but I always dreamed about it. I went in for sports, went on diets, but to no avail ... (

Then she got married and thanks to her loving and caring husband, who actively feeds me with sweets, in general, she recovered very much.

And the Universe heard me again!) Dreams come true!

Here are the opportunities that the Universe threw at me quite SUDDENLY:an annual card to the fitness club as a birthday gift + an invitation to participate in a free online marathon on proper nutrition "Eat and Lose Weight" + a team of like-minded people for sports and cycling (including the same MCH).

In general, everything is easy and relaxed, without any special restrictions on food and grueling workouts.

Of course, and effortlessly, an active process of losing weight began. I noticed that I was losing weight only because of the surprised compliments of others and the need to periodically change my wardrobe ... But now, when I look at my BEFORE and AFTER photos, I understand the reason for questions like: “How did you do it ???”)))

I will not write in kg and cm. I will just show visual results:

This is how my “wish map” worked!) And I thank the Universe for the realization of these and many more smaller desires!!! And I know that dreams DEFINITELY come true!!

Met love and got married

Mary's story:

I have been studying the power of thought for many years and have already materialized hundreds of desires, but I want to tell you about how I met my beloved)

I want to inspire those who are looking for love, because for many this is the most difficult question in materialization)

At the time of the meeting, I was almost 27 years old and there were practically no long and serious relationships before meeting my beloved, firstly, I didn’t really want to)) this really happens)

I had a great time - I did what I wanted, lived in different cities and even in Anapa for a couple of years)) It seemed that a man would only interfere with development, set limits and distract (I didn’t understand women who see the joy of life only in a man and children).

To be honest, like many, I didn’t believe that you can love the real me, that you still need to lose weight, besides, there were “treason and betrayal” behind your back. Yes, and I grew up in a dysfunctional family, where the example of family relationships discouraged any desire to come even close to a man.

At school and kindergarten, no one paid attention to me, since I was very plump and a bunch of different charms that clearly do not contribute to love (although over the years I have become very slim (by 20 kg) and also prettier with the help of the power of thought !!)

In addition, due to circumstances, I returned to live in a small northern village where I come from, where “normal men were snatched up as puppies, and the rest are uninteresting, undeveloped drinking cattle”))

(I paint all this especially for those who believe that love cannot be found in his conditions).

I am now very grateful to all this and consider it a gift of fate, in fact.

And there were a lot of stupid beliefs that prevented me from focusing on meeting my loved one.

At some point, I realized that I want a real family! And I knew for sure that dreams come true!

I threw back in my head all the former (this was the MOST strong step). And clearly focused on the sensations that I want to experience in a relationship!

Firstly, I went into a relationship with a clear feeling of giving, I had accumulated a lot in a purely feminine way that needed to be given away - tenderness, love, inspiration.

I was a very happy person (at that time I worked a lot in myself and in my thinking) and I needed to share my happiness with someone.

Secondly, I wrote that I want to meet a man who will be my true love, soul mate, who will also want to develop, will be in the subject of materialization, will want a family and, in the future, children from me.

I painted some more pleasant little things, BUT nothing of the kind that was on a BMW, height 180 and worked in the oil industry.

This is all acquired and, fortunately, has little to do with it. I wrote what love means to me, family, what it means to be with a loved one and how it feels, where we could meet, all in order to keep the focus on meeting love as much as possible.

No “come back my ex, I’m sure you are the one who is needed, I will make you fall in love with me, I’ll just do this technique”))

I told everyone around that I was about to meet my beloved, that I directly feel, I began to watch films about love and listen to songs only about happy love !!!

I, the one who always laughed at all this romance, began to look for examples of happy relationships in the environment and among the stars (there is an excellent program on music TV “love stories” - stories of how the stars found their “half”), I began to notice in every man something interesting, and in my reality, a ton of free, interesting, handsome men have opened up in my village!!! (this was the time)

Many wanted love and relationships, a family, but could not meet a girl.

I spread a field of such men around me, besides, I went to the gym, where they increased))

I don't know what was going on, but there was an unreal amount of attention from gorgeous men. And I also got prettier, dressed beautifully for work and was ready everywhere))) By the way, I registered all this in early December, and I clearly decided to celebrate the new year with my beloved man!

On December 10, my now husband wrote to me in a personal message. How he found me is a separate story (he accidentally saw me in a local public in the comments under a girl’s advertisement for the sale of a subscription), he moved to live due to circumstances from Irkutsk to our village about six months ago and we started talking.

On the 15th, our first date took place, we talked in a cafe for several hours, and when he escorted me home in a taxi, the song “tramp, single in life, oh, this wedding, goodbye now is peace, today you became his wife))))

(looking ahead, then this song played at our wedding a year and a half later)

After this date, he began to court me very persistently, resorted to me in 40-degree frosts at work, just to see me, and I held the defense, because his intentions were immediately serious, which scared me a lot)))

And he immediately said that we would have beautiful children (I laughed so hard)), and at work he said that I was his girlfriend, although we didn’t even kiss, he didn’t fool me, he knew what he wanted, and on December 26th he already rented our first home...

We already celebrated the New Year and my birthday (January 1) together, in January he already introduced me to his relatives and family! From the moment we met, at most, we parted for a day. Later, I found out that 2 days before seeing me “in contact”, my beloved went to church and asked God to meet true love)) Dreams come true!

True, from his list of clarifications it was only that I should be economic and with large breasts.

If you also want to fulfill your desires, come to my free master class. I will share the most effective techniques and how I apply them for the best results. And may your dreams come true 🙂

Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed or made wishes. And everyone wants them to come true as quickly and concretely as possible! And how often do wishes come true and what does it depend on? And is it possible to learn how to make them so that they come true?

Desires are called certain needs of a person, in whose head every day dozens, and maybe hundreds of different “I want” rush through. Therefore, most often our desires are just a fleeting whim that is quickly forgotten, but there are also dreams with which you can live your whole life without getting what you want!

People thought about how to fulfill their aspirations many centuries ago. All sorts of conspiracies serve as confirmation of this., amulets, amulets and rituals left by our ancestors in large numbers.

In our world, whether we believe in it or not, all living things, including our thoughts. The Universe fixes our requests and intentions as energy impulses and strictly monitors their implementation. Everything is interconnected here, the Universe realizes our dreams, and we feed it with our love and faith.

However, modern psychologists and astrologers claim that the main driving force for the fulfillment of desire is the person himself, or rather, his desire to get the hidden. It is important to correctly formulate what you want and direct your desire to the Universe in order to get its response as quickly as possible.

The quality and speed of its execution depend on how strongly conceived and how correctly it is formulated. Skeptics are convinced that this is a useless exercise, but it can be said with 100% certainty - it actually works!

Fate throws us many opportunities in order to realize your plans and dreams, it is important to notice them in time and take advantage of the given chance.

Best Wish Fulfillment Techniques

School Simoron

This movement offers funny and humorous techniques, the main point of which is to take life lightly and with a smile on your face. The main condition for the rituals of this school is unshakable confidence in the fulfillment of the plan.

For example, ritual to attract money- green socks To do this, you need to take socks of a green (money) color, wash them well, and after drying, place a banknote in each, saying, “Charge with money!”. Next, on a blank sheet of paper, you need to visualize your desire, with the help of an image of what this very money is not enough for. It remains to put the sheet on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on it at night, and place green socks on top. In the morning, the sheet must be hidden in a safe place, and banknotes from socks must be exchanged on the same day.

Wish card

The essence of the technique is that all dreams are written in the present tense, and pictures on the topic are selected for words. To do this, on a large sheet of paper it is necessary to write your plans and intentions with the exact wording in the present tense. In the center of the paper, they usually stick their photo, and around it - what they want (a car, a country they want to go to, a house or write the amount of which is missing). The card is hung in the most prominent place so that it always catches the eye. Everything is very simple - the main thing is to believe!

One hundred pages

They need to be counted in a notebook or notebook. On the last, that is, the hundredth page, desires are written in the affirmative form, as a completed action. Then every day, starting from the first page, describe the actions that were taken to implement the plan, or simply describe the events of the day and its mood. This technique is aimed at awakening purposefulness and programming oneself for success.

Affirmations for the fulfillment of intentions

Affirmations are life-affirming attitudes that set you in the right mood. Interestingly, one way or another, everyone uses them in life, but not everyone benefits from them. You need to understand that affirmation has nothing to do with the goal, its essence is in a positive mood, which leads to the fulfillment of everything planned. . It must be in the affirmative form., without the NOT particle, to be used only in the present tense and directed exclusively at oneself. An excellent example of an affirmation, the well-known “good luck song” to many:

My dreams are coming true! Wishes come true!

All goals are achieved! Great life all around!

My income is multiplying! And everything will turn out as it should!

I know that the Universe is my best friend!

If you sing this song several times a day, then the result will definitely not be long in coming, problems will begin to go away by themselves, and all dreams will become reality!

The technique of setting strict limits and promises

This technique is often used in the work of psychologists. Its essence is that it is necessary to create for yourself such conditions under which it is impossible not to start moving towards the intended goal. You can promise yourself that if you fail to achieve what you want, you will have to pay a friend for dinner at a restaurant, that is, the price should be such that you make yourself move. This is a tough exercise that takes you out of your comfort zone, but is very effective. It is important that the terms are real, and the punishment is the most severe!

Glass of water

One of the most effective methods for the implementation of the envisioned. It is similar to the performance of ancient rituals of incantation of water. To fulfill it, a wish is written on a piece of paper, which is formulated as a fact that has come true, for example: “I am completely healthy” or “I work on television.” A glass of clean water is placed on this sheet., then, rubbing your hands, you need to try to feel your own energy between your palms in the form of a dense clot or ball.

After you manage to concentrate, the hands are placed around the glass of water placed on the sheet with the desire, as if charging it with energy. At the same time, the intention must be repeated and visualized, and then just drink the water. This ritual is best done early in the morning or in the evening before going to bed.

25 wishes

To carry out this technique, you need to write a list of 25 most cherished desires on a piece of paper. It is required to formulate them as clearly as possible and according to all the listed rules. In addition, the intentions of I should be only positive and not contain negative information. After compiling the list, it is read aloud and rewritten on a new sheet of paper, which must be put into an envelope and hidden away. Now 10 days in a row, you must definitely please yourself with something. Suitable meeting with friends, shopping, buying your favorite treats, going to the movies and theaters. The bottom line is that all this time you need to think only about your pleasures and needs.

Wish List Coming Soon but they will come true and you need to cross them out with gratitude to the Universe. Not all wishes will necessarily come true, but most of them - that's for sure!

A talisman is a thing on which you can make one wish and it will surely come true. It is important that the amulet be made of natural material, so the stone is ideal for this purpose. You can take any stone you like and not necessarily precious. First it is cleaned with salt water, on the first lunar day and only then proceed to the ritual.

It must be remembered that only one wish is made for one stone, you cannot entrust it with several aspirations at once. Each new wish requires the manufacture of a new amulet.

The most important conditions for performing techniques

  • The main thing is that what is conceived cannot harm anyone or anything - this is the most important condition for existence in harmony with the Universe.
  • There must be an unshakable faith in the obligatory fulfillment of desire, and even better - if there is a feeling that the wish has already happened. So, the subconscious is tuned to the implementation of all possible activities leading to the cherished goal.

For skeptics

With each passing year, we became more and more skeptical, we learned long ago that gifts under the Christmas tree or money under the pillow are not brought to us by fairy-tale heroes. We just stopped believing in miracles, unfortunately!

Let modern life look a little like a fairy tale, but after all, each of us hardens his own heart and turns from a trusting enthusiastic baby into a boring grumbling cracker. Is it possible for people who have lost faith in miracles to have their wishes come true?

Leave at least some room for magic in your soul, regardless of age, academic degrees, titles, life experience and the number of books read. And all desires and dreams will come true for sure and very soon!

Attention, only TODAY!
