Is it okay to hit kids? To beat or not to beat a child is the consequences of physical punishment of children.

Few people can say with certainty that raising children is an easy process. While almost every parent these days is aware of the negative effects of physical punishment, there are people who stubbornly hold the opposite view. In this article, we will find out why you shouldn't hit kids, head, face, and also tell you why physical punishment is dangerous.

Punishing children with a belt

Unfortunately, for many parents in certain situations, the belt is a kind of lifesaver. BUT is it possible to hit a child with a belt? Yes, with the help of this item, you can easily calm the baby, and in subsequent cases, you just need to show the belt, and he will quickly calm down. But, can a good, strong and warm family relationship between parents and children be built in this way? Naturally, no. Undoubtedly, such methods can achieve an effect, but only temporary. What will happen when the baby grows up and stops being afraid of a strict parent? It is unlikely that he will treat you with respect and understanding. Therefore, in order to avoid such disastrous consequences in the future, mothers and fathers should now think about the correctness of their upbringing methods.

Many parents make excuses "I was once brought up with a belt, and nothing - I'm alive and well and nothing will happen to my child." But tell me, do you remember such moments with warmth and love? How did you feel at a time when your parents were "hard" involved in your upbringing: betrayal, pain, disappointment? Would you like your child to experience the same? Probably not. And besides, each baby is an individual and one cannot be completely sure that he will normally survive this type of punishment.

Beat children with a belt on the pope- this is not a way of education, but one of the types of humiliation that undermines trusting relationships in the family and is characterized by disrespect for the child's personality.

Psychologists say that it is unacceptable to beat children. Komarovsky E.O. is also not a supporter of such methods. To learn more about the opinion of the doctor and other specialists, we suggest you watch this video:

Punishment of children in the pope

Who among us was not punished in the ass as a child? Probably everyone. But this in no way means that the same upbringing model should be tried on for your fidgets. Why? Let's think logically. The kid did something wrong, the angry parent starts slapping him on the pope, saying “I’ll show you now and explain how it’s impossible, you will get it from me.” Tell me, what can a little fidget learn from the current situation? He will simply understand that dad or mom is stronger than him and at any moment can show his strength. But, spanking children the conflict does not exhaust, but, on the contrary, provokes the appearance of another crisis in relations. Therefore, parents need to understand that strength is not the best way to deal with children's disobedience.

Plus, experts have proven that you can’t hit girls in the ass. In the future, this may adversely affect the childbearing functions of the baby.

If in some situation the parent could not resist and slapped the baby on the pope, psychologists recommend to smooth out the conflict as soon as possible. Explain that you didn't mean to hurt him, you were just angry and out of control.

Whether to beat a child in the pope? The following video will help you understand why this should not be done:

Is it possible to hit a child on the hands

For many parents, slapping children on the hands is already like a reflex: if the baby reaches for an outlet, for dangerous objects, the blow will not take long. Where are the words and explanations? No, parental "no" doesn't count. Children do not understand why it is impossible, they are wondering what will happen if they try to touch the outlet. Understand that the baby is developing, he is attracted to everything, even what is forbidden. And prohibitions cause even greater interest to explore this or that object. Only by arguing the prohibitions set can obedience of children be achieved.

All parents know that while developing the fine motor skills of the baby's hands, his speech apparatus is being improved in parallel. Not only is the emotional-cognitive process destroyed when beating on the hands, it can also be the cause of a slowdown in the development of speech. That is why you can not hit the child on the hands. Is your baby not talking for a long time? Rethink your parenting methods.

MIs it okay to punch a child in the mouth?

The well-known psychologist D. Karpachev claims that parents use physical force on little fidgets for only one simple reason - the baby cannot fight back. Of course, if the little one said something wrong, why have a conversation, explaining why he is wrong, you can just hit him on the lips and everything, as they say, is in the bag. And for how long? Have you ever wondered how much a blow to the lips can hurt? Such actions on the part of close people greatly humiliates and offends children. What can I say, none of the adults will like it when such radical methods are used in dealing with them.

Most often, parents choose such punishment as hit a child on the lips, as a result of the last pronunciation of obscene words. Thus, mother re-educates and makes it clear that it is impossible to speak like that. Let's figure out what a mat is and why children love it so much. Mat is part of colloquial culture, everyone knows about it, but only a part of people use it in communication. The baby grows, develops and learns all aspects of this world. The time will come when he will hear unfamiliar, until now, words. The first reaction of every fidget is to repeat the expression and share their new knowledge with others. And it is quite normal when your child tells you about his affairs, this is a sign that he trusts you. Under no circumstances should you hit him for it. Never. Not only will the baby stop believing in you, he will grow up to be a fearful, insecure, irritable person. It is unlikely that a good parent wants such a future for their child.

Watching this video, you will understand why many parents beat their children and find out what reasons encourage them to do this:

Why you shouldn't hit a child on the head

Not only is this method of education completely unacceptable from a psychological point of view, it can also harm the physical health of the baby. The head is the most important and weakest part of the child's body. The skull in children is still very fragile, so you can not hit the child on the head, as even a slight blow can cause serious developmental abnormalities.

Such a “method of education” can lead to such serious consequences as visual impairment, deterioration in the development of the speech apparatus, the development of memory problems, and more.

Blows to the head or face can cause rupture of cell membranes and damage to the vascular walls of the child's brain, which in the future may lead to:

  • complete loss of vision and hearing;
  • mental retardation;
  • epilepsy;
  • paralysis.

Why You Shouldn't Hit Children in the Face

In the face, as well as in the head, the baby should not be beaten due to similar reasons. On the psychological side, this type of punishment is an acute form of physical abuse and humiliation, especially if the blows are inflicted by the hand of a loved one. If such a process of education takes place on the street or surrounded by people, the negative consequences increase. Blows to the face have a bad effect on the psyche of a little fidget and in the future, when communicating with their peers, the baby will use a similar model of relationships. A parent is a role model and, as they say, "what you sow, so you reap." Therefore, the answer to the question “is it possible to hit a child in the face?” Will be unambiguous - no.

Every self-respecting person will not humiliate and insult children with the help of words or assault. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but if you want to raise a confident, responsible, kind and balanced person, you should abandon the physical method of education.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video in which a famous psychologist discusses whether it is worth using physical punishment children and also reveals the consequences of such educational work.

“Of course not,” psychologists and educators will answer. “In some cases, this is simply necessary,” some ordinary people say, and to be honest, some psychologists and teachers.

When punished with a belt

Before moving on to the question “Should a child be beaten with a belt or not?”, Let's think: “What, in fact, can be beaten with a belt?”.

In the Middle Ages, corporal punishment was considered the norm in the educational process. They beat me, however, with rods, not with a belt. And in this way children were punished for any faults. He does not listen to the teacher - 10 rods, did not do his homework - 15 rods, and there could be no talk of bickering with elders. Let's turn to history and remember that in the Middle Ages, during the time of the Inquisition, adults were executed in public in the square, and skillful devices were invented for this. Moreover, in all countries of Western Europe and Russia, corporal punishment concerned people of the lower classes and children. Isn't it humiliating? Even then, such means of education were opposed by J. A. Comenius and the thinkers of the Enlightenment J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, Pestalozzi. And we seem to be moving in the right direction, appealing to the individual and appealing to the conscience of the child. Yes, not everywhere: since the end of August 2011, corporal punishment of schoolchildren with rods has been allowed in the UK. Is it the impotence of teachers or the need for time?

Will this solve the problem of education? Probably not. It's just that it's easier: I took a stick / belt, unfastened it, as it should be, so that it would be disrespectful, so that the child would be afraid and not do it again. But I don’t want to explain, look for the reasons for the “bad” behavior of the child, and I don’t want to change something in myself and the environment of the child, it’s too difficult.

Any child's behavior is understandable. It’s just not clear for what offenses you can beat with a belt.

Many faced the fact that a teenager came home with the smell of tobacco, which means he smoked. Therefore, it harmed your health. The restless father takes the belt and ... discourages smoking. Who stopped using tobacco after that? Nobody, really. Later, the same child begins to simply drink more alcohol. Is it about the child? Doesn't reach? No, he just does what he wants, he just got the right company, but where is the father? He is busy with his own business. He earns money, at best, and even sits at home, defiantly drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. In the first case, the parent provides money for bad habits, and in the second case, he sets an example. How to be? Lead a healthy lifestyle and instill it in your child through joint sports. Otherwise, for the sake of justice, ask the same teenager to beat you too.

What else is a belt used as a punishment for?

For a damaged item, such as a broken window, a broken toy, a torn dress, or a parent's car. It's just that all these things are expensive, and the child does not understand this, does not know "how hard money is earned." Only the next time you break the rules of the road, ask the traffic police inspector to beat you off. And why not rejoice that your child is alive and well?

For the fact that mom / dad was late somewhere because of the slowness of the child (he dressed slowly, walked along the slippery street not as fast as he would like) or his whims (“wrong dress”, “I don’t want to go anywhere”). Only the next time you dress up, changing one dress / suit for another, when you are going to visit, take a belt with you so that you would be punished there for being late due to your fault.

Why is there NO belt?

Precisely because:

  • physical punishment can lead to physical injury to the child: slapping a baby in the hearts can cause not only pain, but also harm to his health;
  • punishment with a belt is a compensation for the unjustified ambitions of parents, and what it is like for a child, they do not think, therefore we say NO to parental weakness and impotence;
  • corporal punishment is a way to show a child that you are superior to him, for this reason we say: NO to a belt;
  • causing pain and suffering to a weaker one is low and vile, it brings up cruelty, therefore: NO beating children;
  • it is useless for the child, therefore: NO, NO and NO PUNISHMENTS WITH A BELT, ROCK, etc.

These tools are not educational in and of themselves.

How to react when “a belt is crying for a child”?

The best educators are our example, our love and attention.

If the child's behavior threatens his life:

  1. Warn him about it.
  2. Set an example of the right choice (not just in words, but in deeds). A preschool kid should be stopped, holding calmly and quietly by the elbow or shoulders, as an option, you can hug.
  3. Sometimes give the opportunity to "fall" so that there is something to compare.
  4. Support in good endeavors.

If the child's actions are destructive for the world around him (breaks, destroys, spoils):

  1. Stop.
  2. When the child's outbursts of anger/tantrums stop, explain the wrong behavior and how you feel about it.
  3. Offer to fix the situation: wipe up the spilled, repair the broken, sew up the torn. For kids - with you. For the older ones, as an option - to compensate for the material value: to work out (clean up the house, pick up the younger brother from school / kindergarten - the main thing is that this is in addition to the child's permanent duties), find a way to earn money (develop an income plan and implement it - in modern In the tech world, it's not that hard.

Understanding our children to us, and let them grow up as worthy people with a sense of self-sufficiency and confidence. A belt in this matter will not help us.

Why you can’t beat a child, watch the video - a consultation with a psychological service:

Unfortunately, there are still many families where they try to achieve obedience from a child through assault. Parents who beat their children with a belt are sure that they will be able to raise a person in this way. However, in reality, the use of brute physical force by the elders only proves their complete failure and confirms their inability to find an acceptable way to influence the child.

What is the result of punishing children with a belt?

Scientists and psychologists have proven that a child whose parents use physical superiority for pedagogical purposes suffers from this throughout his life: child abuse, juvenile delinquency and sexual disorders - often corporal punishment at a young age is behind all this. Of course, if the kid is guilty, you should not let him get away with it. However, before beating children with a belt, let's look at what prompts adults to choose such a punishment and how it can turn out.

To begin with, try to put yourself in the place of a child who is about to be taught a lesson with a rod. Will you feel love for the person who raises his hand to you? Of course no. Experiencing physical pain and humiliation, the baby is not able to answer you in the same way. Often the thought flashes through his head: “Well, it’s okay, I’ll grow up, I’ll definitely take revenge on you.” Now answer: is it really your goal to raise a person who, as an adult, will begin to take out his anger on you for the beatings inflicted on him in childhood?

Of course, over time, the pain subsides, insults are forgotten, but the thought of revenge remains in the subconscious mind an unfulfilled need for aggression, which sooner or later finds a way out. Surely, after all, each of us has had occasion to intersect with cruel, ruthless, hostile to all people. Remember that by punishing children with a belt, cuffs, slaps on the pope, you will not be able to achieve the desired pedagogical result. By such actions, you either instill anger and stubbornness in your child, or develop cowardice and deceit in him.

Many will say: "But I was beaten as a child - and nothing, I became a man." Firstly, do not forget that every child is an individual, and it is impossible to say unequivocally how the baby will survive this or that type of punishment. Secondly, even if you do not hold a grudge against your parents for the physical approach to parenting, you are unlikely to be grateful to them for everything that happened. In most cases, people are simply afraid to admit that it was possible to do without assault; they just don't believe it's different.

So, parents who beat their children with a belt forget that this way of punishment only humiliates them. The use of physical force demonstrates indifference and disregard for the child as a person - screams and blows make him close himself from adults and undermine confidence in them. As a result of the use of such educational techniques, children are afraid of the closest people. In addition, being regularly beaten, the baby begins to believe that all problems are solved with the help of assault; that it is possible to offend and humiliate the weak.

How to raise a child without a belt?

For some, this may seem strange, but in fact, children are usually not afraid of a belt, a corner, or a rod. Psychological methods of upbringing affect the child more strongly than assault, because in this case, the parents are forced to look into the eyes, require a response in the form of an agreement, denial or compromise. However, even this pedagogical approach has its drawbacks. Here it is very important not to overdo it with the educational function, so as not to develop in the child a tendency to hypocrisy, fear of making mistakes or the habit of meekly following other people's rules, killing his inner "I".

So, how to raise a child without a belt? One of the most effective ways is to have a calm conversation with the child after committing any misconduct and a ban on your favorite pastime (watching cartoons, buying sweets) for a certain period of time. Choosing this method of exposure, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Before punishing your child, think about whether you really understood the reasons that pushed him to misbehavior. Perhaps you are making a mistake;
  • If the child is naughty for the first time, do not be too strict with him. Better explain what he did wrong, and agree that this should not be repeated;
  • Refrain from reading notations. If the kid broke a toy, just say that tomorrow he will have nothing to show off to his friends. This is much more effective than scolding him for being careless and telling him that he does not appreciate what you are doing for him;
  • Remember that hitting children with a belt and using other physical methods is unacceptable. At a family council in a calm atmosphere, clearly define the rules of punishment and encouragement. Tell the child what these or other pranks can result in for him;
  • If you had to say that for educational purposes access to the computer will be limited for a week, be sure to keep your promise. Never throw words to the wind, otherwise the child will decide that everything is permissible for him;
  • Criticize only actions, not the child.

Beating children with a belt is not the only parenting method that has become obsolete. It is impossible to choose labor as a punishment, because in this case the baby will begin to treat work as hard labor. Do not scold the child if he is ill, faced with problems; before going to bed or immediately after waking up, during games or meals. Punishment is inappropriate in moments of acute emotional distress, in particular after a fall, fight, quarrel, getting a bad grade in school, etc. This does not mean that you should regret - just do not add fuel to the fire.

Can you punish your child? Most often this question is asked by young parents. The topic of corporal punishment is very controversial. There are 2 categories of parents: the first ones use physical punishment, and the second ones do not. To hit on the pope or not to hit? if he doesn't listen? What are the consequences?

Key Parenting Styles

The history of human development identifies three main parenting styles that parents use:

What is physical punishment?

The type of punishment, the purpose of which is to cause bodily pain to the offender, is considered to be physical. In addition to well-known methods (a slap, a strap on the buttocks), there are also punishments with a towel, slippers, a flick on the forehead, etc. All these methods have one goal: to show their superiority over the child, to create a painful effect, to prove their case.

The main reasons for physical punishment of children

Most modern mothers and fathers, when punishing their children, believe that this is their parental duty. But there are several key reasons for this:

Why don't kids listen?

We all know that perfect and obedient children do not exist. In psychology, there are several reasons for child disobedience:

  • lack of self-esteem;
  • gaps in education;
  • way to get attention
  • desire for contradictions;
  • a way to assert oneself;
  • many demands on the child.

Most children's whims and cases of disobedience are due to the fact that the child grows up, feels like a unit on his own, and parents still think that he is still a baby. The kid does not obey if mom and dad do not pay attention to him. This is a very efficient method. If you don’t devote enough time to your child, then he may be offended, and then he can do everything not the way you want, but as he sees fit.

Your heir may feel in case of increased irritability of parents and frequent pulling on clothes. The absence of a system in the upbringing of children is observed when a large number of people take part in this process - father and mother, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Each of the educators has his own method, it may differ from the methods of other members of the family. For some, the behavior of the crumbs is the norm, for others it is unacceptable, and then the baby does not know how to behave correctly.

Parents who use an authoritarian parenting style have many requirements for their child, sometimes not corresponding to their development and age. They put their opinion above all else, but the opinion of the child is not taken into account, they are only required from him. If he does not follow the instructions, then he is punished. It is very difficult for a child to develop in such an environment.

Impact on the child

Physical and psychological is prohibited by law, but many parents practice this method, considering it the most effective. Adults often cannot contain their anger, it is easier for them to give a belt on the pope than to explain in an accessible language to a child that he is wrong. If you use one as corporal punishment, then expect the consequences. Often, a little man has a fear, which later can greatly affect his future life.

If a child is afraid of a loved one, then in the future this may affect his interpersonal relationships, adaptation in society, and at work. Parents should know that it is impossible to beat on the priest, humiliate, shout at their heir, because he can grow up insecure, without aspirations in life. He will think that whoever has the power is right.

Physical Consequences of Corporal Punishment

Very often, corporal punishment leads to physical injury in your child. This is due to the fact that many parents do not calculate their strength when punishing children. There is an addiction to slaps on the buttocks, especially if they are applied every day. This leads to the fact that the child's behavior does not change, and the strength of bodily influences increases. The result is severe bodily injury.

Without self-control, a parent is capable of inflicting trauma on a child that is incompatible with his life. And then the punishment of children will lead to disastrous consequences. Cuffs and cuffs lead to the fact that the baby can hit a sharp corner or other objects in the house.

The physical consequences may be enuresis, various tics, encopresis, etc. Don't hit the kids, be smart! After all, the child is several times smaller than you.

Psychological consequences of corporal punishment

  • Low self-esteem. The child will be guided in life by the principle: whoever has the power is right.
  • Influence on the child's psyche, developmental delay is possible.
  • Lack of concentration in lessons, in games.
  • The projection of the same behavior on their own children.
  • Most children who are physically abused become abusers in the future.
  • The child ceases to live in reality, not solving the problems that have arisen, not studying.
  • Feelings of fear and a desire for revenge are constantly present.
  • Punishment and humiliation leads to loneliness, the child feels alienated, useless.
  • There is a estrangement from parents, relationships deteriorate. If violence is used in the family, then there will be no points of contact.

Psychological consequences are also frequent anxiety, confusion, fear, increased anxiety. Appetite may worsen, the child may sleep poorly, hyperactivity increases.

An alternative to corporal punishment, or how to punish a child

The manifestation of weakness, the lack of certain pedagogical knowledge and skills in parents leads to physical so as not to harm him? You can not hit the bottom of children, use an alternative. What is needed for this:

  • It is necessary to switch the attention of the child to something else.
  • You should captivate the little one with such an activity that he stops indulging.
  • Come up with new entertainment to encourage the baby, and not vice versa. For example, you can put all the scattered toys in a box. Read him his favorite book or bedtime story.
  • Kiss and hug your child so that he feels your warmth and love. Spend more free time with him.
  • Replace corporal punishment with more loyal methods (do not go for a walk, turn off the TV, take the tablet).

Treat the pranks of your children philosophically, projecting the whole range of actions onto yourself. Try to communicate more with your children, create a trusting relationship with each other, and then the problems will become much less. Learn to deal with problems without punishment. It is important for parents to understand that children should not be beaten in the butt under any circumstances!

You can often see an outraged mother on the street spanking a roaring baby on the ass. This common method of education is firmly rooted in our society and is considered a necessary measure of influence on a naughty child. Is it possible to hit a child on the pope, and what do psychologists say about it?

As soon as the little one begins to move independently on legs, he is inevitably exposed to educational influence from adults. "Do not go there! Do not take any in your hands! Get away from the TV!" - the whole day the baby does something wrong. What are educational interventions?

Throughout its history of development, mankind has formed three educational methods:

  1. authoritarian;
  2. democratic;
  3. mixed.

In the first case, the baby is subjected to training or drill: he must accurately follow all the orders of adults, otherwise he will be punished. The kid gets used to a similar educational style. Well, if it is not accompanied by physical suggestions.

The democratic method involves communication with the little one, gives him the right to express his opinion and defend his position. Parents are ready for this style of communication, who do not spare their efforts in the educational process and wish to form a complete personality with a sense of human dignity from the crumbs.

With a mixed style, there is a "carrot and stick" in accordance with the circumstances. Where it is necessary - they screwed the nuts, where it is necessary - they let go. Basically, "nuts are screwed" by mood: when mom / dad is too lazy to explain the truth.

Dangerous Methods

“I was beaten as a child, so what?” - this is how modern mothers argue, justifying their blossoming nerves. Everyone was taught at school that offending little ones is unworthy and cruel: they cannot respond to aggression. Everyone was taught that "they don't beat the lying down." So why don't these rules apply to your own children? Maybe because the baby is considered property?

First, it hurts. Second, it's embarrassing. Thirdly, it generates aggression in response. Then the parents wonder why their adult son is so cruel! Another extreme of this method can be the child's lack of confidence in his abilities and capabilities: the baby will be afraid to reveal his potential. So is it okay to hit a child? Categorically: it is impossible. This is violence.

Violence can result in:

  • injury to the child's body;
  • mental trauma;
  • accumulation of aggression;
  • desire to go against;
  • desire for revenge.

This set of character traits is formed imperceptibly and is like a time bomb. Fear of punishment (especially when they hit the priest with a belt from “good intentions”) negatively affects not only the psyche, but also the metabolic processes of the body:

  • with a feeling of resentment, the throat contracts;
  • the excretory system suffers from fear.

Remember your feelings during nervous experiences: either uncontrollable hunger attacks, or you don’t feel like eating at all. The child feels the same! With a strong sense of fear, the baby can poop in panties or crap one's pants - this will further aggravate the unpleasant situation. Is it necessary to apply such educational measures?

Advice. If your hands open and you want to hit the baby on the ass, you need to put yourself in his place. Pleasant little.

But the most unpleasant thing is yet to come: some kids can suffer from enuresis from blows with a belt or a hand on the pope! Do you need a wet bed in the morning for educational purposes? A strong blow to the pope shakes the whole body of the baby and hits the kidneys. Here's an explanation for why you shouldn't beat children. But parents do not want to think about this in educational excitement.

Why is the baby not listening?

Psychologists have identified several reasons for children's disobedience. These include:

  1. struggle for self-assertion;
  2. way to get attention
  3. desire to contradict;
  4. feeling of insecurity;
  5. inconsistency in education;
  6. excessive demands on the baby.

The feeling of uniqueness is inherent in all people, however, over time it can disappear. By the year, the baby is aware of himself as a person who has his own opinion and position. It is adults who perceive him as a baby, but not himself! Many children's whims and misunderstandings take roots from here.

If the little one does not have enough attention, he finds a way to influence adults - disobedience. A very efficient way! Doing the opposite is also one of the ways the baby influences the parents. The reasons for this behavior may be resentment or lack of attention from parents.

The feeling of self-doubt arises on the basis of the constant jerking of the baby and the irritation of the parents for the slightest reason. The little man is simply trying to defend himself and ceases to perceive the constant pulling from the mother, is abstracted.

Unsystematic upbringing is obtained when the crumbs have a lot of educators - mothers with fathers, grandmothers with grandfathers, uncles with aunts. Each of the educators has their own ideas about the right upbringing, which may contradict the ideas of other family members. This style can be called "swan, crayfish and pike". The kid simply does not know what to do: some praise him, others punish him.

Some parents make the little man simply impossible demands. This usually happens with authoritarian parents who elevate their word and power to the absolute. No one listens to the child, no one is interested in his condition - they only demand. If the requirement is not met, punishment follows. Being in such an atmosphere is extremely difficult even for adults, not to mention children.

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What to do with a naughty baby?

Japanese tradition forbids scolding and punishing children under the age of five. This time is considered sacred, the child should not be touched for educational purposes. How to be, and is it possible to spank a child if he does not understand the words? In this situation it is better to do this:

  1. switch the attention of the little one to another object;
  2. take him away from the place where he indulges and does not obey;
  3. try to negotiate.

Many parents, and even psychologists, advise in case of inappropriate behavior of the baby, it is easy to hit the pope with the palm of your hand. Does it need to be done? Moms motivate their right to strike like this: out of surprise, the baby forgets about his pranks and begins to perceive educational information better. Maybe this is rational. But the consequences of such an approach will be negative: over time.

How to replace a slap on the pope? As a last resort, you can:

  • scream at the baby
  • grab him by the hand.

Remember that only parents have the right to yell at a child or pull his hand. Do not let kindergarten teachers treat your child rudely: they do not have the right to do so. Moreover, spank on the pope or on the back! If you learn about this from a toddler, put the question point-blank at a meeting or in the manager's office. The baby should feel the protection of his parents.

How else can you punish a little naughty? It is allowed to isolate the baby: put it in a corner for a short time or close it in your room. You can deprive a walk to the playground or not give sweets.

Important! You can not intimidate small children with babayki and wolves! Some sensitive babies may get a lot of stress due to their fear of monsters.

obedient children

What kind of children are obedient? Psychologists are sure that absolute obedience is unnatural for a normal, cheerful child who is in good health. Children are completely obedient.

  • with a phlegmatic character;
  • with congenital diseases;
  • with weak immunity;
  • afraid of punishment.

Phlegmatic by nature, children do not interfere with anyone, do not create problems and do not distract adults “on trifles”. Such children do not need to be beaten with a belt and spanked on the bottom - they do not set a precedent. However, with this type of character, it will be difficult for a baby to adapt in a society where most people are sanguine or choleric.

Children who are naturally sick are also “obedient”: they do not have a source of additional energy for curiosity, which causes displeasure of parents. The fact that for the baby is the process of learning the world - causes reproach or anger of parents. "Don't touch the outlet! Who did you tell?” Mom screams. Do you think the baby will listen? All the same, it will climb, and then it will get hit in the pope with a belt or hand. Curiosity is one of the causes of disobedience.

He was beaten with a belt many times and left a deep wound in his soul with such methods of education. This is just an ideal child: he does not complain about anything, does not ask for anything, does not annoy adults. But how difficult it will be for him in life, mom and dad do not even guess! It will be an adult with a full range of phobias and complexes.


Let's see why parents resort to child abuse? Do they have the right to do so? Theoretically, they have: the baby is completely at the mercy of adults. Dependent position and gives parents the right to go too far for educational purposes at any time. However, this is just an excuse for their pedagogical incompetence: mothers do not want to waste their energy on persuading the baby. The simplest and easiest way is to hit the pope with a swing.

The educational process is never smooth and takes a lot of mental energy from adults. However, it is important to show patience and understanding towards the little man. Why shouldn't children be beaten? Physical impact:

  • damages health;
  • cripples the psyche;
  • provokes retaliatory aggression;
  • generates feelings of anger.

Many babies withdraw into themselves and try to distance themselves from the endless stream of complaints. Over time, you can get an uncontrollable teenager, embittered and cruel. It is better not to use physical force for educational reasons.

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