Is it possible to iron a leatherette jacket with an iron. Express method of smoothing with an iron

As a result of active use, dents and bumps appear on clothes and accessories made of artificial leather. Often, even new items after purchase due to improper storage have an unaesthetic appearance. In order to smooth out the wrinkles, it is not necessary to go to a dry cleaner. You can return a presentable appearance to a jacket, bag or any other thing made of leatherette yourself at home, using an iron, steamer, hair dryer, water or ordinary shoe cream to choose from.

You can smooth out dents in artificial leather using high temperature. Before starting work, you must Read the product care instructions on the tag or label. If the heat treatment does not harm the leatherette product, you can proceed.

For this procedure, you will need an iron, a towel and a mannequin (hanger).

When ironing, you should try not to touch the parts of the jacket, otherwise the fabric may stick together.

The procedure is as follows:

  • turn the jacket inside out;
  • twist a roller from a towel and put it under the place that needs to be stroked;
  • cover the product with a thin lining with a cotton cloth;
  • set the “Silk” or “Wool” mode on the iron and turn off the steam supply;
  • iron the product without effort and without stopping;
  • Turn the smoothed jacket right side out.
  • to keep the shape, hold it for 1 hour on a mannequin or hanger.


This method of getting rid of wrinkles and irregularities in artificial leather is more gentle than ironing. To carry it out, you will need the same set of available tools: an iron with a steam function, a terry towel and a hanger or a mannequin. It is important to remember that during processing it is impossible to touch the jacket, otherwise traces will remain on it.

The procedure is as follows:

  • The jacket is hung on a mannequin or coat hanger, rolls of towels are inserted into the sleeves.
  • The iron is switched on in the "vertical steam" mode.
  • A small area on the jacket is treated with steam, while the iron is kept at a distance of at least 10 cm from it.
  • The procedure is continued on the remaining parts of the jacket if the leatherette reacts normally to steaming.
  • Steamed clothes are left to dry on hangers for at least half an hour.

You can do the same with a leatherette bag: stuff it with a towel, hang it by the handles on a coat hanger and steam it.

If the iron does not have a “steaming” mode, you can arrange a “steam bath” for a jacket or bag:

  • hang on hangers over a bathtub filled with hot water;
  • leave the leatherette product in an impromptu "sauna" for 5-6 hours (the door to it must be kept closed);
  • dry the steamed item in a cool room.

hot air

Pretty quick way to smooth out dents. Hairdryer, handkerchief and blanket needed.

The procedure is as follows:

  • A blanket is placed inside the garment to keep its shape.
  • The outlet of the hair dryer is covered with a damp handkerchief.
  • The hair dryer is turned on to the hottest air supply mode.
  • Problematic places on clothes are blown with this hair dryer, holding it at a distance of 20–30 cm.
  • The hair dryer is turned off, and the thing is left to cool.
  • If the folds are not completely straightened, after a while the procedure is repeated.

Exposure to cold water

Unlike temperature, water is more gentle on artificial skin, and the effect of its use is about the same. You will need clean water - filtered or drinking from the store, and a coat hanger. It is better that the hanger matches the size of the jacket or is slightly smaller. So she will not delay the sleeves and deform clothes.

Water is poured into a container with a spray bottle and sprayed liberally on the surface of the jacket. Then the thing is left to dry in the room for 12 hours. At the same time, there should not be sudden changes in temperature and drafts in the apartment - they will negatively affect the condition of the wet product. After a while, all the folds on the clothes will straighten out on their own.

A simple but slightly extreme way to smooth leatherette clothes is a natural shower. Enough in rainy or foggy weather to go out for a walk in a jacket or raincoat made of artificial leather.

The external environment will moisten the clothes, and body heat will warm them, a greenhouse effect will be created. As a result, the folds on things will straighten out naturally. Just do not get too carried away with this method of "ironing" so as not to catch a cold.

Cream "mask"

You can deal with dents in leatherette with a colorless shoe polish or glycerin. It is enough to apply the product to problem areas, rub it well and leave to dry.

Since the shoe cream does not have the most pleasant aroma, the processed clothes should be hung out on the balcony for a while to ventilate. During this time, the product will moisturize the folds of the clothes and smooth them out.

Multi-component "bomb"

Fast and effective home remedy for creases in faux leather. To prepare it, you will need drinking water, table vinegar (alcohol solution 9%) and fabric softener - all products in the same proportions.


  • hang clothes on hangers over a bathtub or sink;
  • mix ingredients;
  • pour the product into a container with a spray;
  • spray the mixture abundantly on the surface of the jacket (cloak, etc.), paying special attention to the places of the deepest dents;
  • leave clothes to dry in the bathroom.

If small stains from the product remain on the material, they can be removed with a damp cloth.

Any of the described operations with leatherette should be carried out carefully. Then the jacket or raincoat will regain its excellent appearance and will please its owner for a long time.

Your favorite leather dress is wrinkled and you are looking for a way to smooth out eco-leather? Creases and wrinkling are very often created on artificial leather clothing, and in order to give the product its original appearance and eliminate wrinkling, special knowledge and experience of other people is required. The first thing that comes to mind is to iron a dress or jacket, eco-leather tunic with an iron. Let's find out if it is possible to iron eco-leather with an iron.

Is it possible to iron eco-leather with an iron?

In most cases, you can iron a jacket, trousers, a dress, a leatherette tunic with an iron. It's simple, from stains and dirt. And in order not to spoil the thing, you need to know and follow a number of rules.

Rules for smoothing leatherette with an iron

  • Before ironing an eco-leather jacket with an iron at home, perform the following manipulation: turn it inside out, roll two towels into a roll and tuck them into the sleeves of the jacket. This is necessary in order to protect the leatherette from gluing.
  • We iron the jacket, dress, trousers made of eco-leather only from the wrong side. If the lining is thin, then take an extra piece of thin fabric. Gauze is not suitable, it has too coarse fibers, they can be imprinted on the surface of artificial leather.
  • Before you start ironing eco-leather with an iron, turn off the steam function of the appliance. The recommended mode is sparing, and if you have a degree scale, then 30 degrees. Dots on your iron instead of temperature? Choose the very first position with one or two labels.
  • If it is necessary to smooth out not the entire jacket, but only some wrinkled fragment, then you can not turn the product inside out. But you will need a calico fabric folded in half. Place the product on an ironing board, cover the wrinkled place with material on top, then gently smooth out the bumps with light movements. Your movements should be jerky. Check the condition of your eco-leather from time to time.
  • Sometimes it is enough to heat the material a little and leave it flat on the ironing board. As it cools, the wrinkle or crease will disappear.
  • If you iron a jacket or trousers on the wrong side, then after all the manipulations, turn the clothes inside out. To better smooth out the material, it is necessary to give the product volume. A pillow will help you with this, put it inside the jacket, and the sleeves - a towel. Hang all this funny design on a hanger.

Attention! Some artificial leather cannot be ironed! Find the label on the product, it contains information on how to care for the leatherette product.

How to iron eco-leather at home with a steamer

Are you afraid to iron leatherette with an iron? There is another way to remove creases and wrinkles on a leatherette jacket or dress. To do this, you will need a steamer. With the help of a household steamer, smoothing a leatherette jacket at home will be easy and simple.

To begin with, to check the reaction of the leather substitute to hot steam, treat a small area from the inside or a piece of eco-leather that is applied to the product along with the label.

It is best to iron clothes with a steamer if you create volume. It’s just right to use a mannequin for this, but it’s unlikely that you have one at home)) Therefore, take an ordinary pillow, push it inside a jacket or dress, fasten your clothes, and put a roll of a towel or any fabric into your sleeves. Smoothing eco-leather trousers is also easy: put a folded large towel or a small blanket into each leg, you can use a long pillow.

Creases and wrinkled places are treated with steam for a short time, just a few seconds. Keep your distance. You need to keep the steamer from the product at a distance of 10 cm. Do not touch the eco-leather with your hands - stains will remain.

You can use the thing for its intended purpose only after 30-40 minutes, when the artificial leather has cooled down and will not deform.

How to smooth leatherette and eco-leather: alternative ways

There are several unusual ways to remove creases and wrinkling from faux leather. They can be used if you do not have an iron or steamer on hand. With me there was such a case. On a business trip in a foreign city, I could not find an iron, but I urgently needed to smooth out an eco-leather dress. A hair dryer came to my rescue.

Hang the dress on a hanger, put a rolled-up blanket inside it (you'll have to hold it with one hand so it doesn't fall out) or just lay it on the bed. Turn on the hair dryer to the hottest air jet. Cover the nozzle with a damp handkerchief. Direct a jet of warm and moist air to the crumpled place. The distance to the clothes should be 20 cm, and if the hair dryer is powerful, then all 30 cm. Heat the wrinkled leatherette product with a hair dryer, leave to cool. If there are still creases, then repeat the procedure.

The second way is simpler. The main thing is to create conditions for eco-leather clothes to straighten out on their own. Plain water will help speed up the process. How to smooth a leatherette jacket or a skirt at home without an iron and a steamer? Grab the recipe!

  • Put the kettle on. Heat water and mix it from cold to warm. The temperature should be 30-35 degrees. Pour water into a spray bottle. For this purpose, you can use a special garden tool for spraying flowers.
  • Turn the product inside out, hang on a coat hanger. For this purpose, a hanger with round hangers is best suited. And if you iron a skirt or trousers, then with clothespins. Attach them to the belt strictly vertically, do not forget to turn them inside out.
  • Spray the lining with water from a spray bottle. Make sure that the material is evenly moistened. It is not necessary to wet strongly.
  • Leave your eco-leather dress, trousers or skirt in the room to dry away from heating appliances. After 12 hours, your clothes will look like they've been ironed out.

You can simplify the task of smoothing things from leatherette more: pour hot water into the bath. Hang your clothes flat on a hanger above your bathtub. Close the room. After 2-3 hours, take the straightened things and dry them in a well-ventilated room.

These are far from all the ways to smooth out a jacket, skirt, trousers or dress made of leatherette and eco-leather, in my opinion, they are more related to the means of caring for clothes made of artificial and genuine leather.

05/22/2017 1 1 103 views

How to iron a jacket and other leatherette items at home and can they be ironed at all? Consider tips and tricks for housewives, on which the neat appearance of clothing and accessories depends.

Can an iron be used?

Most housewives, when asked whether it is possible to iron a jacket made of leather substitute, will confidently give a negative answer. But it turns out that with the help of an iron, you can fix wrinkling on your favorite things and thus extend their life.

There are important secrets in this process:

  • in fact, some items of leatherette clothing cannot be ironed, which is usually indicated by a label that must be studied before starting work;
  • leatherette should be ironed from the wrong side: a leather jacket, jacket, skirt, trousers or bag is completely turned out and carefully laid out on a flat surface so that the skin does not come into contact with itself;
  • if it is a jacket, the sleeves are stuffed with paper or cloth;
  • it is more convenient to iron the bag in parts on the ironing board attachment for ironing the sleeves;
  • before completely ironing the product, they test it: when the iron heats up, they only slightly try to press it against the surface of the lining fabric and watch how the leatherette thing reacts to high temperature;
  • if the lining fabric is too thin, a thin natural material is placed on it in 2 layers;
  • choose an iron mode suitable for woolen and silk products when the temperature does not exceed 30 degrees;
  • turn off the steamer on the household appliance;
  • with a heated iron, smooth out the folds with light movements;
  • after ironing, the product is turned inside out and put on to give it volume, while a pillow or a large towel is placed in the bag for this purpose;
  • in an hour you can put on your favorite jacket or other piece of clothing.

To avoid unnecessary trouble in the future, you need to properly store clothes, carefully placing them in the closet on a coat hanger.

Smoothing with water

Ironing a leatherette jacket with water is a real housewife trick. To carry out a water procedure for the product, you need a spray bottle with warm water. Next, in order:

  1. The jacket is turned inside out and carefully weighed on a coat hanger.
  2. Spray the lining fabric with a spray bottle until it is damp but not too damp.
  3. Dry the item naturally.

Usually after 12-14 hours the jacket is ready.

Steam method

This is another opportunity to smoothen the surface of a wrinkled leather jacket. To do this, you must have either a steamer or an iron with a vertical steam function.

In order to process an artificial leather product with steam, it is better to hang it on a coat hanger, and stuff the sleeves with paper or fabric rollers. Next, test a small area of ​​skin, and then walk over the surface of the skin with a steam generator, following the recommendations:

  • the distance between the household appliance and the skin should not be less than 10 cm;
  • steam should come into contact with the skin literally within a few seconds;
  • to protect the skin from hot steam, 11 cover with gauze in 1 layer.

The item can only be put on when it is completely dry.

Folk remedies

But an iron, a spray bottle, and a steamer aren't the only housewives' helpers who successfully deal with wrinkled leatherette clothing. Such material was familiar to our grandmothers, and they knew how to take care of it. Here are some of the secrets they used:

  1. With steam in the bath. Get hot water in the bathroom and leave the thing in a closed room for the night. In the morning it will be as good as new.
  2. By walking in the rain. You don’t need to substitute the product under the drops, because the high humidity itself will straighten the creases on your jacket.
  3. With glycerin. The secret is simple - just wipe the leatherette with a cotton pad dipped in glycerin. The procedure should be repeated twice or even three times, after checking the reaction of the material to glycerin.
  4. With vinegar. In a glass of water, dilute 5 tablespoons of 9% vinegar and apply the solution to the creases.

Video: how to iron leatherette?

Leatherette Care

In order for an expensive thing made of leather substitute to serve you as long as possible, you need to follow the rules for caring for it. The most important thing is to know what type of leather substitutes your product is made from.

Types of artificial leather

The material is created chemically using polymer fibers. The most popular types are:

  1. Vinyl is what most raincoats and bags are made of, because it is dense and resistant to damage.
  2. Leatherette is the cheapest option that mimics the skin. It is inexpensive, but also short-lived. It is almost impossible to level its stale surface.
  3. Stretch - Imitation of stretching skin helps to create tight-fitting clothes. Its plus is that it almost does not wrinkle, and if it does wrinkle, it is well smoothed out on a person.

Of the above types, only the first two are suitable for ironing.

A faux leather jacket that has been hanging in the closet for a long time among other things often acquires folds and wrinkles. Waiting for them to smooth out while wearing them is useless. Leatherette has a much less flexible structure than genuine leather, so all deformations can remain on it for a very long time. So, if you want to bring your thing into proper shape, you will have to smooth it out yourself.

First, determine what type of leatherette the jacket is made of. If it is leatherette or vinyl artificial leather - that is, monolithic or porous polyvinyl chloride on a cotton or knitted basis - then it can be ironed with an ordinary iron. Naturally, this should be done as carefully as possible, turning the jacket inside out. The temperature of the iron should be around 30-35 degrees.

Never iron the leatherette itself directly, even through gauze or fabric. Iron only the inside out and do not wet it too much at the same time - under the influence of temperature and moisture, the leatherette may begin to delaminate. It is advisable to do without wetting and without steam at all - in this case, they can only deform the thing even more.

Steam can only be used in one case - if you need to smooth out only a small area. For example, if a jacket has a wrinkled sleeve. In this case, hang the jacket on the “shoulders”, turning it inside out, insert a roller from a folded towel into the crumpled sleeve to straighten it as much as possible. Then place the iron vertically and very carefully, from a distance of 10-15 centimeters, pour over the wrinkled areas with steam - just a few times. It is important to maintain a sense of proportion here. After that, we smooth the lining fabric with our hands and let the jacket “sag” a little - literally a quarter of an hour until the lining dries. After that, turn the jacket right side out and check the result. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

When ironing a jacket, it is important to lay it out correctly. It is best to use a special ironing board, preferably with additional devices inserted into the sleeves. If these are not available, you can use terry towels. Roll them into rectangular pillows and tuck them inside the sleeves.

If the jacket is made of a softer type of leatherette, and you are afraid of damaging it with an iron, try another method. For him, you will need a spray bottle, water and a coat hanger (or even better - a mannequin). Type plain water into the spray bottle, turn the jacket inside out and moisten it evenly from the inside. Then hang it on a hanger or a mannequin, straighten it as much as possible and smooth it. After that, the jacket should “sag” in this position for at least a day, gradually drying out at room temperature.

If in this way it was not possible to smooth the jacket the first time, try to pre-moisten the top layer of leatherette as well. This is best done with a colorless shoe polish or water-repellent shoe spray sprayed on. Ordinary glycerin will do. Before applying the product, thoroughly clean the jacket by wiping it with a damp cloth.

Well, and the last piece of advice - if the jacket is wrinkled very much, and you are not sure that you can bring it into proper shape on your own - it is better to turn to dry cleaning professionals. There it will be ironed and cleaned thoroughly, it will be like new.

Leatherette has a number of advantages, but flexibility and shape retention are not among them. Eliminate small cracks, you can restore smoothness at home.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Check out the information on the label. Find out if this item can be ironed and steamed.
  • Based on the information received, select the best straightening option.
  • Before applying any chemical and home remedies, test them on a small area. It is best to do this in the evening to get reliable results in the morning.
  • If you are going to iron, set the lowest temperature.
  • Check the lining before ironing. If the fabric is too thin, one-colored, then you should not expose it directly to a hot iron. It is better to use multilayer gauze. A worn-out pillowcase made of natural materials is also suitable.

You should also take into account the following nuances:

  • leatherette is also referred to as leatherette, but it is extremely difficult to remove wrinkles from it;
  • shoes made of this material must be tightly stuffed with old newspapers before processing, and the straightening procedure itself comes down to applying cream and waiting for a long time for the effect.

How to iron a faux leather jacket

Steam with an iron or steam generator

  1. Do a practice test.
  2. Hang your jacket on your shoulders.
  3. Spray the problem area with steam from an iron or steam generator. Duration of exposure: a few seconds. Recommended distance: 10-12 cm.
  4. Leave alone for 30 minutes.

Steam in the bathroom

Hang an item of clothing on hangers in the bathroom. Turn on hot water. Wait until the humidity rises in the room and smudges begin to form on the mirror. The steam will straighten out small creases, you do not have to resort to an iron, provided there are no drafts and the door is tightly closed.

This method has disadvantages. First, it takes a lot of time. Moreover, you will need to maintain the temperature in the room, add hot water. You will have to do this for 2 hours, no less. The second controversial point: you can not leave the jacket unattended. It is necessary to correct the thing, smooth out the wrinkles, set the direction.

After the specified period, transfer outerwear to a heated room. Hang away from the battery and other heat sources. Let dry.

Attention! When steaming, location plays a role. Place the jacket directly over the tub so that the rising steam can reach it. The thing itself should hang high. Make sure she doesn't touch the water.

Other possible ways

Small defects can be eliminated by walking in clothes in the rain. The main condition: the thing must be completely wet and dry naturally. The second way of delicate straightening:

  1. Turn the garment inside out. Make sure that the sleeves do not remain in the same position.
  2. Hang the item on your hanger.
  3. Pour soft drinking water warmed up to room temperature into a spray bottle.
  4. Wet the product lining evenly. Perfect condition: the jacket is already wet, but it does not drip.
  5. Leave alone for 12 hours. During this time, the clothes should be completely dry. If this does not happen, increase the period.

Important! Do not use dryers, hair dryers, or other heat sources. The process should take place in a natural order and under normal room conditions. It can be accelerated in only 1 way: by preventing a temperature drop, by preventing the formation of drafts.

It is not recommended to often resort to this technology for eliminating defects on leatherette. Use it once per season. For example, before the first sock. If the need arises more often, use the following option:

  • take an undyed rag made of natural fabric;
  • soak a rag in glycerin;
  • Treat the problem areas of the product 2-3 times, and then the entire front side;
  • hang the thing on a coat hanger, but not in the wardrobe, but in the room (it should not come into contact with other wardrobe items);
  • leave alone until completely dry.

It should be noted that some synthetic materials, which are referred to as leatherette, are extremely sensitive. It is impossible to predict their reaction to glycerol. Be sure to conduct an experiment to see if the fabric will not change its original properties when in contact with chemicals.

Instead of glycerin, you can use shoe polish. In order not to make a mistake with the shade, test on a small area. Apply the product on it and wait until it is absorbed. Check if the color has changed. If not, then proceed with the processing of the entire product.

Experienced housewives create and use homemade straightening mixtures. To prepare the solution you will need:

  • vinegar essence (3%);
  • fabric softener;
  • soft water.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Fill the spray bottle with the mixture. Spray the deformed surface. The application should be point, do not go beyond the damaged area.

Immediately after treating the problem area, pick up the jacket, pull the front material in the area of ​​deformation in opposite directions. When choosing a direction, push off from the crack. If it runs from the bottom up, then you need to pull left and right.

Duration of action: 2-3 minutes. Then you can move on to another section. You don't need to rinse anything. The mixture is non-toxic, leatherette from contact with it will not lose color.

If you don't have vinegar on hand, replace it with double the conditioner. Then the composition of the home remedy will schematically look like this: 2 parts conditioner, 1 part water.

It is possible to shape the sleeves of the jacket at the beginning of the season without resorting to ingenious manipulations. It is enough to fill them with rolls of paper or towels and leave them alone for a day.

How to iron a leatherette skirt

To straighten this outfit, simply wash it in the machine. Optimum mode: hand wash with a minimum number of revolutions during the spin cycle. Immediately after stopping the household appliance, remove the skirt from it. Hang it vertically. Let dry at room temperature.

Important! Don't miss the end of the wash. If you do not hurry, even more folds will appear on the product.

If this method does not work, try ironing the skirt, based on the recommendations above.

How to straighten a leatherette bag

There are 2 ways. For the first, you only need paper and a sheet made of natural fabric.

Action algorithm:

  • fill the bag with cut paper so that there is no free space left;
  • wet the sheet, wring out;
  • wrap a leatherette accessory with wet bedding;
  • leave alone until completely dry.

The second smoothing technology:

  • fill the bag in the manner described above;
  • defects on the material - creases, cracks - grease with cream;
  • let the product soak in;
  • wipe the surface with a cloth made of natural cloth;
  • inspect the accessory for creases, repeat the procedure.

Attention! If the bag is made of light-colored material, slightly warmed milk should be used instead of cream.
