Long-term and daily planning of the work of a secondary group teacher. Calendar planning “Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!” in the middle group Scheduling middle group dow

The work of a kindergarten teacher cannot be imagined without a clear plan. Only by distributing all types of activities in advance according to the physiological and psychological characteristics of the children, taking into account the sanitary requirements for the organization of each routine moment, can the teacher be completely confident that his working day will be beneficial for the children. In the middle group, when students reach the age of little ones and fidgets, it is necessary to pay special attention to their intellectual and physical development. Long-term and daily planning will help in this difficult task.

The essence and goals of planning in preschool educational institutions

Planning educational and educational work with children is a necessary and very important part of the work of a teacher in a preschool educational institution (DOU). In light of the new requirements for education, both educators and kindergarten management are looking for new types and forms of planning that would help achieve primarily the following goals:

  • Implementation of continuity and systematicity of the educational process.
  • Fulfillment of the complex of educational tasks set by the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) and the Preschool Education Program.
  • Individualization of education. Conducting educational situations and routine moments during the day, taking into account the capabilities and needs of children of each age group.
  • Implementation of an activity-based approach to preschool education. Now the emphasis is not on the system of knowledge, skills and abilities that the child must master, but on the types of activities in which the child actively learns about the world around him and realizes himself.

Planning is an advance, preliminary thinking through the sequence of work, “building” a model of interaction between the teacher and children and children with each other over a certain period of time.

Planning is necessary for both beginning and experienced teachers. It helps to optimally distribute the load on children, cover all the phenomena and objects of the surrounding world, nature, society provided for by the program, avoid unnecessary repetitions and introduce elements of entertainment and unloading moments into the educational process so that they do not harm, but help the main activity.

Remember that every minute you spend planning saves ten minutes of your work.

Brian Tracy, businessman

A clear, practical structure for planning work in a preschool institution helps achieve these goals. Its basis is the main program - the annual plan of the preschool educational institution, which is developed and approved by the administration before the start of the school year. Group teachers draw up long-term and daily plans.

If the relationship between the teacher and the children is warm and trusting, all planned types of work will go as successfully as possible.

Basic requirements for work plans in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Both long-term and daily plans drawn up by group teachers are based on the Federal State Educational Standard, the annual plan of the educational institution, the main program of the preschool educational institution, SanPin. This allows us to maintain the unity of requirements and ways of their implementation. In particular, the following requirements are set for planning children's activities:

  • Reality, feasibility. When drawing up a work plan, the teacher must know whether materials and equipment are available for it, whether the subject-development environment will allow the planned routine moment, lesson, etc. to be fully carried out.
  • Scientificity, reliability. Children in the middle group are able to learn simple scientific facts, interesting cognitive information, presented not only in a playful form, but also in the form of a short story or oral note. This is due to the rapid development of thinking processes. All data that the teacher communicates to the kids must be based on scientific material, unless it is a fairy tale or a game. For example, in children's books you can often see images of a hedgehog with apples and mushrooms on its back. The teacher can tell the children. that the hedgehog eats not only mushrooms and apples, his favorite food is beetles and worms. But forest hedgehogs can also feast on fruits and mushrooms.
  • Implementation of the triune task of pedagogy (training, education, development).
    • The fulfillment of this requirement is especially noticeable when planning direct educational activities (DEA), that is, daily classes, observations during walks, conversations, reading fiction. These types of activities in the daily plan are necessarily accompanied by a listing of all three types of tasks.
    • The educational, developmental and training load can also be borne by individual work and independent activities of children. In this case, it is possible to plan not three, but two tasks according to the situation. This can be reflected in the plan as follows: “Joint play activities of children in the “Family”, “Transport” zone. To develop children’s ability to build playful dialogues, unite in small groups based on interests, independently assign roles and follow them. To develop the ability to put away toys and substitute items after games, and to take care of play equipment.”
  • Integration of educational areas. The rapid development of science, the rapidly changing sociocultural space requires from modern education the formation of not only a comprehensively developed, harmonious personality, but also one with fast, creative, diverse thinking, able to see the interconnection of phenomena and events, and notice the new and unusual around. The development of these qualities in a child of the fifth year of life is facilitated by an integrated (interpenetrating) approach to the presentation of material throughout the day.
    • For example, while looking at trees or bushes on a walk, a teacher can not only talk with children about their structure and benefits (cognitive development). You can invite children to describe the trees (speech development), determine which is on the left, right, in the middle, which is higher or lower (formation of elementary mathematical concepts), convey the mood of the trees with facial expressions and gestures (socio-communicative development). To do this, after observation, they plan an appropriate didactic game or creative sketch.
  • An integrated approach to solving educational problems. This is facilitated by the wide range of topics that children will be taught throughout the year, as well as the variety of activities carried out daily.
  • The work plan should clearly outline the educational route for the entire group as a whole and for each of the children. The first is achieved by increasing the complexity of tasks and activities throughout the year. The second is reflected in individual work with students.
  • Taking into account age characteristics and physiology of children. To achieve this, organized educational activities are distributed so that activities that require mental stress (FEMP, speech development) are combined with those where children have the opportunity to move around and relax (music, physical education). Between classes, active breaks and dance minutes are planned. This is also reflected in the change in the duration of classes at each age. In the average group, NOD can last no more than 20 minutes.
  • Game priority. Since gaming activity is the leading one for children of the fifth year of life, the teacher must reflect on the conduct of various types of games (educational, active, plot) and gaming situations, both in the long-term and in daily terms.

the main attention when planning is paid to Her Majesty's game as the main and most natural type of children's activity

Types and forms of planning

The main types of planning of educational work in kindergarten include comprehensive, long-term and calendar.

Comprehensive thematic planning

Comprehensive planning is often called complex-thematic, since the work is divided into thematic weeks or months. A comprehensive plan is usually drawn up for a year, separately for each age group. It indicates the time period during which the topic will be studied, the name of the topic, program tasks to be implemented, as well as a version of the final event.

It is important that the topic of the month or week is tied to real events occurring in the lives of children during its study and has a logical connection with them. It is not advisable to study the topics “Autumn Phenomena”, “Vegetables and Fruits” in winter or spring, but the topic “My Family”, “About Our Beloved Mothers and Grandmothers” is best put at the end of February - beginning of March, coinciding with International Women’s Day.

In exemplary educational programs, such as “From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, examples of complex thematic planning are given. The teaching staff of a separate preschool institution can take them as a basis, supplementing them with regional characteristics, in-depth study of the culture and traditions of their native land, creatively reworking them and making them most suitable for the conditions of this particular preschool educational institution.

Studying the culture of the Fatherland and small homeland is interesting for children of middle preschool age

The program “From Birth to School” devotes 3 weeks to one topic; other programs recommend studying one topic from 2 weeks to a month. The right to choose the optimal option remains with preschool teachers. Each day of the thematic section has its own themes, which are revealed in different types of activities. On the first day, children are introduced to a general topic during GCD, conversation, and

Topic of the week:

"Hello, kindergarten"

Program content:

1. Formation of skills for identifying changes that have occurred in kindergarten (the fence is painted, new furniture has appeared, new toys in the group, new plants on the site).

2. Expanding ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees (nurse, cook, janitor).

3. Formation of friendly relations between children (mutual assistance, sympathy, desire to be fair).



Topic of the week:

"Hello, kindergarten"

From 01.09.15-04.09.15

Program content:

1. Formation of skills for identifying changes that have occurred in kindergarten (the fence is painted, new furniture has appeared, new toys in the group, new plants on the site).

2. Expanding ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees (nurse, cook, janitor).

3. Formation of friendly relations between children (mutual assistance, sympathy, desire to be fair).







Artistic aesthetic development (app)


“Color Flowerbed” by I.A. Lykova p.24

Physical development


L.I. Penzulaeva

Lesson 1, page 19

Cognitive development (FEMP)


I/c “Journey to the Autumn Forest”

I.A. Pomoraeva, V.A. Pozina p. 12 Lesson No. 1

Speech development


Description of the appearance of the Olya doll. O.S. Ushakova str. 23

Physical development


L.I. Penzulaeva

Lesson 2, page 20

Artistic aesthetic development (drawing)


"Funny pictures"

I.A. Lykova p.18

Physical development (outdoors)


L.I. Penzulaeva

Lesson 3, page 21

Artistic aesthetic development (music)


According to the music director's plan

Subject: "Hello, kindergarten"Program content:1. Formation of skills for identifying changes that have occurred in kindergarten (the fence is painted, new furniture has appeared, new toys in the group, new plants on the site).2. Expanding ideas about the professions of kindergarten employees (nurse, cook, janitor).3. Formation of friendly relations between children (mutual assistance, sympathy, desire to be fair).

Day of the week


Group, subgroup




Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Morning exercises.

Morning exercises

Goal: Development of basic types of movements

Conversation “Me and my friends” Purpose: to consolidate the names of the children of the group

D/i “What is this?” Goal: to consolidate the ability to name familiar objects and explain their purpose

D/i “Whose baby?”

Goal: to teach children to recognize and name young domestic animals. Enrich your vocabulary.

D/i “Let’s show Bunny how we wash our hands”

Purpose: to consolidate after washing hands

adding attributes for the independent game “Kindergarten” Goal: to teach children to play together

Artistic.aesthetic.development (app)

“Color Flowerbed” Purpose: To teach children to make a flower from 2-3 paper forms, beautifully combining them in color, shape and size. Show techniques for sculpting a flower design.

Physical development

Lesson 1 Goal. Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time; learn to maintain stable balance on a reduced support area; practice energetic push-off with both legs from the floor (ground) and a soft landing when jumping.


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

K No. C1

P/i “From hummock to hummock” C: practice high jumps

Solving the problem situation “What to do if...”

Goal: continue to learn how to tell adults about your well-being

Create conditions for games with external material Create conditions for teaching

"Shaggy Forest"

Develop the ability to depict certain actions

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

D/i “We are already quite big” C: identifying the level of development of independent dressing and undressing skills


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Reading a fairy tale at the request of children Purpose: to teach to listen carefully, answer questions about what they read. empathize with the characters of the work

conducting lexical exercises “What has changed” on the use of prepositions of spatial meaning

D/u “Gather the Harvest” Purpose: to teach how to correctly correlate objects

D/i “every thing has its place Goal: identifying the level of ability to put things neatly in a closet

Create conditions Exercise “Add a picture from geometric shapes” (blocks)

Improving visual perception


physical development.

P/i “On a narrow path” C: consolidate the ability to step from circle to circle

P/i “Sunshine and Rain” C: identifying the level of development of the skill to follow the rules of the game.

Create conditions for independent activities at the request of children

Subject: "Hello, kindergarten"

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

Conversation “What is our group?” Purpose: to teach children to conduct a dialogue, pronounce words correctly, and answer the teacher’s questions.

I/c “If the baby is injured”

Goal: to introduce children to basic first aid techniques, because this can often save their health and life.

Educational mosaic for the development of fine motor skills, observation, visual perception, speech and intellectual abilities.

Conversation “Who works in our kindergarten”: the peculiarities of the work of kindergarten workers (nurse, cook, janitor). Goal: To expand understanding of the professions of kindergarten employees (nurse, cook, janitor),

form a positive attitude towards their work.

Create conditions for viewing illustrations about the professions of adults in kindergarten.

Goal: Enriching children's vocabulary with nouns denoting professions and verbs characterizing work actions. Learn to participate in a conversation, answer questions without deviating from their content.

Direct educational activities

Cognitive development (FEMP)

I/c “Journey to the Autumn Forest” Purpose: to improve the ability to compare two equal groups of objects, to indicate the results of comparison with the words: equally, as many. Strengthen the ability to compare two objects by size, denote the results of comparison with the words: big, small, more less. Practice identifying spatial directions from yourself and naming them with words: in front, behind, left, right, above, below.

Artistic-aesthetic development (music)

According to the music director's plan


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

K No. C2

Outdoor games

"Ducklings", "Birds and Rain". Goals:

  • practice running, climbing, jumping;
  • develop agility and speed.

Labor activity

Collection of flower seeds.

Goal: develop the desire to do work together.

Remote material

Rakes, buckets, stretchers, brooms. Create conditions for the game “Let's help the janitor.” Goal: to encourage children to help an adult.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

Introduction to boring fairy tales“Once upon a time there was Yashka...” Goal:Introduce children to the genre of boring fairy tales. (Our home is the Southern Urals)


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Reading “Two Greedy Little Bears” Goal: to cultivate a desire to listen to works of fiction

"Game-dramatization Teremok"

Goal: to teach children to act out a dramatization based on the content of a well-known fairy tale. Involve children in the game.

“working with balls”; learn to throw a ball and catch it, develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction

Problem situation “My friend is a comb” Goal: learning the skills to take care of your appearance

Creation of conditions for s/r “Home, Family” C: identification of formed skills, role distribution

Create a convention for viewing illustrations in books


physical development.

Outdoor games

“Throw it - catch it”, “Find where it’s hidden.” Goals:

  • practice throwing and catching a ball;
  • teach orientation in space.

Individual work"Gather your toys." Goal: develop mindfulness.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises.

Conversation about morning weather Purpose:Learn to participate in a conversation, answer questions without deviating from their content,talk about changes in the weather

Round dance game “We are walking in a circle” Purpose: to teach children to stand in a circle

game exercise “Why is this necessary?” to develop attention, imagination and coordination of movements

Story “My Favorite Toy” Purpose: To teach to name, examine and describe a toy, highlighting its external features (color, shape, material from which it is made)

Create conditions for a conversation “What are we made of (skeleton, muscles) Goal:To consolidate knowledge about the functions of parts of the human body. (me and my health Tarasova)

Direct educational activities

Speech development

Description of the appearance of Olya's doll Purpose: to learn to look at objects, to develop the ability to answer the teacher's questions, to compose a short descriptive story with his help. To learn to determine the color of an object, to use antonyms, to coordinate nouns and adjectives in gender and number. Clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound (O), pay attention to the presence of the sound (O) in words.

physical development.

Lesson 2

Main types of movements. L.I. Penzulaeva str. 20


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

K No. C3

Development of movements.

Target: consolidate the ability to jump on one leg (right and left).

Labor activity

Collecting flowers in boxes.

Purpose: to learn to distinguish mature seeds from immature ones.

Removable material Buckets, rakes, brooms.

Create conditions for p/i

Goal: to develop coordination of movements, the ability to impart force to a throw.

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

S/r about the rules of conduct in group C: identifying the level of development of ethical standards

Reading a lullaby“Night has come, darkness has brought...” Goal: Enrich and clarify children's knowledge about the features Russian folklullabies. (Our home is the Southern Urals)


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Reading “Geese-Swans” Purpose: observing the ability to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale, teaching to listen carefully.

The plot-role-playing game “Chauffeurs” invites children to play out various situations, to promote the development of behavior patterns in various situations. Help enrich the familiar game with new solutions.

Finger game


Come on, brothers, let's get to work! Show your hunting. For the big one - to chop wood,

All the stoves are for you to heat,

And you should carry water,

And for you to cook dinner,

And for the little one to sing songs,

Sing songs and dance,

To amuse siblings.

Build a House for your favorite toy

Goal: To develop design skills according to the scheme (considering building options, their analysis, selection of building materials

Create conditions for Russian folk game-fun (verbal)

This finger wants to sleep, This finger went to bed, This finger took a nap, This finger has already fallen asleep. The fingers stood up. Hurray! It’s high time for them to go for a walk. Goal: to teach how to control their body, to promote speech development. (folk games of Yu.U)


physical development.

Outdoor games “Bird and Cat”, “Colored Cars”.Goal: to learn to move in all directions without bumping into each other.

Games with external materials: buckets, shovels, rakes, molds

Topic: “Hello, kindergarten”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Morning exercises

Goal: development of basic types of movements

Looking at story pictures

Goal: identifying the level of skill in making sentences

D/i “Room for dolls” Purpose: identifying the level of ideas about objects in the immediate environment

game “Tell about sand, water and snow” Purpose: to identify the level of ideas about the properties of water, sand and snow

S/r about the use of soap, comb, towel C: monitoring the level of formation of the cognitive group

Create conditions for play activities “Concert for dolls” Purpose: observation of the ability to select attributes

Direct educational activities

Artistic.aesthetic.development (drawing)

"Funny pictures"

Goal: to teach children to draw simple plots according to plan. Identify the level of development of graphic skills and compositional abilities. Create conditions for independent production of applicative frames. Cultivate curiosity and interest in learning about your immediate environment in drawing

physical development.(outdoors)

Lesson 3

Purpose: To train children in walking and running in a column, one at a time and scattered; in the ability to act on a signal; develop dexterity and eye when rolling the ball with both hands. L.I. Penzulaeva str. 21


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development; physical development

K No. C4

Outdoor game “Catch up” Goal: the ability to run quickly and act on a signal

Solving the problem situation “Is it necessary to dress for the street?” Goal: identifying the level of formation of the group of people

Create conditions for games with external material Goal: observe the ability to select attributes for games

Create conditions for n/a at the request of children Goal: increase YES during a walk

Work before bed

social and communicative development;

D/i “We are already quite big” Goal: to teach children to undress independently before going to bed

D/i “Wonderful bag” Purpose: to teach to identify objects by touch, to identify objects by touch


social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Gymnastics after sleep will improve your health

Goal: improving children's health

Reading “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” Purpose: to teach to listen carefully to a fairy tale, answer questions, and conduct a dialogue

Imitation games Purpose: to teach to imitate animals

D/u “Gather the Harvest” Purpose: to teach how to group vegetables and fruits

Problem situation “Neatly folded clothes” Goal: learning the skills to monitor one’s appearance view

Create conditions for IOS “Let’s help the doll get dressed for a walk” Purpose: observing the ability to combine several game actions into a single storyline


physical development.

K No. C5

P/i “Birds in Nests” Purpose: to teach walking and running in all directions without bumping into each other

P/i “Find your house” Purpose: to teach how to quickly act on a signal, navigate in space

Day of the week: Thursday September 1, 2016 avg. No. 11 Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Physical development.

Cognitive development.

Looking at illustrations about summer. Goal: remember summer and create a positive atmosphere.

Did. game "What color?" With Timur F., Nikita. Goal: consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

Conversations: “Kindergarten”, “What is our group”

Looking at the painting “It’s good in our garden.”

Reading poems about O. Vygotskaya’s kindergarten “Kindergarten!” Goal: to instill in children a joyful mood from being in kindergarten.

Did. game “Girls and boys”, “Name objects and a general word”, “Toys”.

S/r game: “At a doctor’s appointment.” Goal: development of dialogical speech.

Consultation: “Teaching a child to communicate”

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Life in kindergarten.” Collective storytelling “What we do in kindergarten”

Goal: teach to talk about life in kindergarten; develop logical thinking.

“Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.38

Tatar language. UMK "Tatarcha soylәshәbez". Project “Minem Oem.” Topic: “Getting to know each other.” Vocabulary work: isanmesez, sau bulygyz. Structure: Conversation (in Russian). F/s: “Acquaintance.” Conversation in Russian.

Physical development

Physical education.

Topic: “Meeting autumn.” Goal: to practice walking in a “snake” between objects, to practice running in a “snake”, to create conditions for the manifestation of endurance when performing exercises. Introductory part: walking in a column one after another with a change in the pace of movement, easy running. Outdoor switchgear without objects. OVD: walking and running like a snake between objects. Jumping forward. P/i “Run quietly,” “Clappers” (Tat. game) Calm walking around the hall. UMK: isanmesez, sau bulygyz, yoger, siker.


“What kind of work is available to children”


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation. “What a miracle - a long house! There are a lot of passengers in it.” Goal: to teach to distinguish transport by appearance, to name where and in which direction the bus is moving; give the concepts of “stop”, “movement”, “front, back of the bus”, “passenger”. Make a wish: “The box is on wheels, if it goes a little further, it will stop” (bus).

2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Ustin, Emir, Irina. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Goal: development of motor activity. Continue to teach children to dress themselves and take care of their appearance. Game "Say hello". Goal: development of coherent speech.

D/i: “What has changed.” With Timur A., ​​Bulat. Goal: development of attention and memory.

Construction from building material: “Model of a kindergarten.” Purpose: to learn to construct buildings from large and small building materials, to use parts of different colors to create and decorate buildings; continue to develop the ability to distinguish and name the elements of a building construct.

S/r game: “Shop”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “My apartment.” Goal: development of imaginative thinking. Sensory game: “Floor mosaic”. Goal: development of tactile sensations.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social – communicative, physical development

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Monday September 5, 2016 avg. No. 11

Topic: “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Finger game: "Shadow - shadow - shadow." Goal: development of hand motor skills, ability to coordinate movements according to text.

Morning exercises: “Zoo”.

Repetition of poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle

D/game: “Who will wear what?” With Arina, Polina. Goal: to activate speech, to consolidate the general concept of “clothing”.

FCCM, broadening your horizons: “Seasonal observations” (early autumn). Goal: learn to describe early autumn, find differences between summer and autumn. D/i: “Correct the mistakes”, “Complete the sentence.”

S/r game “Vegetable store” Purpose: to teach to clearly and understandably explain what they want to buy in the store; develop cultural communication skills with each other.

Board games: puzzles, mosaics, construction sets. Goal: to develop independence in choosing a game and in implementing what is planned.

Consultation: “The art of praising a child”


“Learning to communicate with a child”

Musical"Journey to Knowledge"

Target: Encourage children to want to engage.

To develop cognitive motivation and interest in knowledge in children.

Form friendly relationships between children.

The desire to perform simple movements, listen to music.

Perform familiar songs expressively

Play familiar games.


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observing birds while feeding. Goal: to instill a desire to take care of birds; pay attention to the shape, size and parts of birds; teach to distinguish birds by size - large and small, name some birds, describe what they peck. Riddle: Chip-chirp jump to the grains, don’t be shy to peck. Who is this? (sparrow) 2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Dasha, Irina, Karolina. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

4. Games: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics. Walking along massage paths. Foot massage “Builders”. Goal: prevention of flat feet.

Teach children to dress independently and notice problems in appearance.

D/n: “Find somewhere else.” With Kolya, Arina. Goal: to teach how to navigate in space.

Situational conversation: “Behavior on the road.” Goal: to form in children ideas about orientation on the road (“look left”, “look right”)

S/R game: “Toy Store”. Goal: development of dialogical speech. D/i: “Make a whole from parts.” Goal: development of thinking. Sensory game: “Floor mosaic”. Goal: development of tactile sensations.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation: “Wind is a breeze.” Goal: Encourage children to establish causal connections: autumn has come, a strong wind is blowing, leaves are falling from the trees. P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday September 7, 2016 avg. No. 11

Topic: “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Finger game: "Cat's claws."

Monitoring and watering indoor plants. Goal: to cultivate a desire to participate in work activities. NRC: Reading by R.K. Shaekhov “One word, two words.” "The hamster is a braggart." Goal: conversation on content.

Did. exercise: “Arrange by color” with Timur, Irina. Goal: to consolidate the ability to group homogeneous objects by color.

Situational conversation: “He who is neat is pleasant.” Goal: to give an idea of ​​personal hygiene, its impact on the health and relationships of people.

Drawing:“Drawing your favorite toys” (children’s choice). Goal: learn to correlate objects by size.

S/r game: “Hospital”. Goal: to contribute to an enriching gaming experience. Construction games. Goal: to develop the desire to build buildings according to your own design.

Consultation: “Healthy eating for preschoolers”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical:"Be healthy"

Target: Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through exercise and play.

Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle through the development of physical qualities and skills.

Teach children to move in accordance with the energetic nature of the music.

Teach children to respond to the calm, gentle nature of music and to sing along.

Distinguish between high and low sounds.

To develop speed, dexterity, and activity of children in games.


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation. "By the flower bed." Goal: to introduce the names of several flowers: marigolds, asters, etc. To consolidate the concept of color.

2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Kayum, Bulat, Irina. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

4. Games: “Hang yourself, wreath.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to follow each other. P/n: “At the bear’s place in the forest.” Goal: learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: “We woke up.”

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

D/n: “Find somewhere else.” With Timur, Bulat. Goal: to teach how to navigate in space.

Situational conversation “What is possible, what is not.” Attention game: “Hide the doll Masha”

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about spatial prepositions: behind, before, about, on, under. V. Bianchi “Like an ant hurried home.”

Construction games.

S/r game: Steamboat.

Sensory game: “Floor mosaic”. Goal: development of tactile sensations.

Speech development

Tatar language. UMK "Tatarcha soylәshәbez". Project “Minem Oem”. Subject: “Games in the office.”

Vocabulary work: Isanmesez, sau bulygyz, keregez, utyrygyz.

A/c: “Let’s get acquainted (Әydәgez tanysyk)”

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation: “What grows where”? Purpose: To consolidate knowledge about the plant world, about where what grows. P/n: “Run to what I call.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find the right place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday September 8, 2016 avg. No. 11

Topic: “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” Project "Kindergarten!" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Conversation: “Why are rules needed?” Goal: talk about the norms of communication, obedience to general rules. Finger gymnastics: “Nails” (E. Zheleznova). Did. games: “Think and Say”

Situational conversation:

S/r game: “Guests”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to the names of tableware items and cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Consultation: “How to answer children’s questions?”

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Description of the toy.” Goal: learn to describe an object, name the location of an object; encourage the use of antonyms, the plural form of the genitive case of nouns.

“Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.52.

Tatar language. UMK "Tatarcha soylәshәbez". Project “Minem Oem.” Subject: “We play games.”

Vocabulary work: isanmesez, keregez, utyrygyz, sau bulygyz . Structure: I/s: “Hello.”

Games with toys. F/s: “Goodbye.”

Physical development

Physical education

"Talk to me, mom"


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation. "Colors of Autumn". Purpose: To introduce the names of several flowers - phlox, marigold. Reinforce the concept of color.

2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Nastya E., Arina, Kayum. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: to teach how to use brooms correctly.

4. Games: “Hang a wreath.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to follow each other. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Gymnastics awakening

nia. Walking along massage paths.

Goal: prevention of flat feet.

Game: “Name the object by description.” Goal: to develop children’s ability to guess an object based on a description of its features

With Polina, Ralina

D/n: “Which one?”

Purpose: to consolidate primary colors.

Game: "Assignment".

Learn to put toys away. With Caroline.

Construction“Paper Frog” Purpose: to learn to bend a sheet of paper in half, align the sides and corners; learn to follow instructions. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.53

S/r game: “Hospital”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to the work of a doctor and teach them how to perform game actions.

Independent games for children in play areas.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Cat observation. Goal: to strengthen children’s understanding of the characteristic features of a cat. “Soft paws, and scratchy paws.” P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “On a difficult path.” Goal: to develop coordination of arms and legs when moving, a sense of balance, and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday September 14, 2016 avg. No. 11

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Formation of a culture of behavior: greetings, polite relationships with peers.

Conversation with children: “How to play together.” Goal: fostering positive relationships. Finger gymnastics “Glasses” Purpose: development of speech, fine motor skills of the hands. D/i: “Edible - inedible.”

D/i game: “Big and Small”

Goal: To develop the ability to navigate contrasting things. With Nastya, Kayum.

Conversation with children: “I am good.” Goal: formation of elementary ideas about what is good and what is bad.

Drawing: “Favorite vegetable.” Goal: learn to describe vegetables, work with paints, strengthen the ability to rinse the brush cleanly before using paint of a different color.

D/game: “Find along the contour.” Goal: Development of imaginative thinking. S/r game: “Family”. Purpose: to provide an understanding of the role in the game. Construction games. Goal: development of constructive abilities.

Consultation: “Why you need to develop fine motor skills”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical “Trip around the city of Naberezhnye Chelny”

Goal: To introduce children to the hometown in which we live . Teach children to move rhythmically to music. Deepen your knowledge of the pitch position of sound. Getting to know your hometown through listening.

Exercise"March" by Lomova. Musical and didactic game:"Bird and Chicks"

Hearing: “Hymn of Chelny” Singing: “Autumn” Kishko/ “Kozge yafraklar” t.kh.k (tat. gr.)

"Rain". Dance"Dancing in couples"

UMK Subject:“Minem gailam” - “My family” Vocabulary work: Әti, әni. Listen! Sing! Әti-әti,Әni-әni. 1st topic. Track 5


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observing birds while feeding. Goal: to instill a desire to take care of birds; develop knowledge about the habits of birds; cultivate a love for nature. Make a wish: “A little boy, in a gray army jacket, is walking around the yard, collecting crumbs.”2. Individual work “On a difficult path” with Salavat, Emir, Karolina. Goal: to develop coordination of arms and legs when moving, a sense of balance, and dexterity. 3. Labor: collecting flower seeds. Goal: explain the significance of their work.

4. Games: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to jump softly, bending your knees. “P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.


"A toy in a child's life"

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: “We woke up.”

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Wolf and the Little Goats." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds.

P/n “Where did the mouse hide?” with Irina, Caroline. Goal: develop the ability to find objects in space (above, below)

Situational conversation:

“Children, drink milk, you will be healthy.” Goal: developing ideas about healthy food (dairy products).

S/r game: “Katya is having lunch”

Goal: we continue to teach children the names of tableware items, to cultivate a culture of behavior at the table.

Game: Putting toys back in place.

Goal: teach you to put toys back in their places

Speech development

Tatar language Topic: “My family.”

Vocabulary work:

isanmesez, keregez, utyrygyz, sau bulygyz


Audio: No. 1-5.

Listening to the song: “Әti, әni”.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Introduction to the pedestrian path - sidewalk. Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street; develop attention and spatial orientation skills. P/n: “Dashing and catching up” Purpose: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.“P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

Independent activity: games with external material.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday September 15, 2016 average group No. 11

Theme: “Autumn has come.” Project "Flower Garden Plants"

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Finger gymnastics: “Hedgehogs laugh” (K. Chukovsky) In a corner of nature: water the flowers, wipe the dust from the leaves.

Goal: we teach how to water flowers, instill a desire to take care of indoor plants.

D/i: “Turning a square into a circle.” With Azalea, Sofia, Kayum. Goal: Learn to round corners and use scissors.

Situational conversation: “Don’t be greedy.” Goal: to form an idea of ​​generosity and greed. To instill in children a negative attitude towards greed, a desire to share even little. Reading Wenger. folk tale “Two Greedy Little Bears.”

In the game corner “Barbershop” Goal: to develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters.

Consultation: “The ABCs of the rights of the child”

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Description of fruits.” Goal: learn to compare and describe fruits, solve riddles, agree on definitions and nouns. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.67.

Tatar language. Subject: “Boy, girl (Malay, kyz).”

Vocabulary work: Malay, Kyz.

Structure: D/i: “Guess.”

Audio: No. 6-7.

D/n: “Who’s missing? (Kem yuk?)”

Physical development

Physical education. Topic: “We are getting used to it.” Goal: to practice running in pairs in different directions, to teach children to independently perform motor tasks. Introductory part: walking in pairs, with different hand positions; easy running in pairs. Outdoor switchgear in pairs with ribbons. ATS: walking around the bench. Jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs. P/n: “Find yourself a mate”, low mobility game “I am a blackbird”. UMK: uyna, zur, kechkenә, ochty.

Parent meeting:

"Age characteristics of middle-aged children"


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of the sun. Goal: to develop the idea that when the sun is shining, it’s warm outside; maintain a joyful mood. 2. Individual work: on the development of the “Get in a circle” movements with Kolya and Gena. Goal: improve the ability to operate with objects; learn to hit the target. 3. Labor: harvesting the garden. Goal: continue to cultivate the desire to participate in work.

4. Games: “Catch up with me.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Wolf and the Little Goats." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds.

D/n: “Which one?”

Goal: we continue to learn to name the colors of objects with Dasha and Ustin.

Construction"Fences and Fences"

Target. Exercise children in closing space by arranging planar figures; in distinguishing and naming geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle); consolidate ideas about the main construction parts and parts of the designer (cube, brick, block); teach to understand an adult, think, find your own solutions. (L.V. Kutsakova)

S/r game: “Shop”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “Loto: vegetables and fruits.” Goal: development of thinking.

Washing toys. Target:

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Looking at an autumn tree. Goal: to develop knowledge about the main parts of a tree, their height and thickness. P/n: “Birds in nests.” Goal: to teach how to quickly act on a signal from the teacher. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Monday September 19, 2016 avg. No. 11

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Finger game: “Dad, mom, I want to eat!” Goal: development of reaction speed.

Morning exercises.

Examination of illustrations about autumn - teach to see changes in nature (leaves turn yellow, it has become cold outside).

Did. game "What color?" With Eva, Azalea, Nastya B. Goal: to consolidate knowledge of primary colors.

FCCM: " Family" Goal: to teach how to correctly identify family members in a photo, talk about them; develop thinking, cultivate respect for family.

Place game accessories in the “Hairdresser” play corner: comb, ribbon, rubber bands. Goal: to teach children to act with objects for their intended purpose.

Recommend visiting the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science http :// mon . tatarstan . ru / in the “Preschool Education” section for using the material, teaching children two official languages.


"The art of praising a child"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical:"Walk on the site":

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​what was seen during the walk.

(Music, socialization)

Teach children to distinguish the character of music, to convey it in movement.

To consolidate knowledge about the march, lullaby, and dance.

Properly convey the melody, sing drawn out.

We consolidate the techniques of playing the bell.

Coordinate the dance movements with your partner. Exercise"Walk"

Hearing:“March” “Lullaby”, “Dance” / “March” N.Khikhanov, “Bishek Khyry” N.Khihanov, “Biyu koe” (Tat.gr.)

Singing: “Autumn” Kishko (2nd song at the request of the children) / “Kozge yafraklar” t.h.k

Playing musical instruments"Rain"

Dance“Dancing in Couples” lit. n. m.

and LINRK game "Leap-jump"


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Monitoring of freight transport. Purpose: to teach how to distinguish freight transport by appearance. Make a wish: “It doesn’t fly, it doesn’t buzz – the beetle is running down the street. And two brilliant lights burn in the beetle’s eyes.”2. Individual work: on developing the “Get in a circle” movements with Ralina, Sofia, Amir. Goal: improve the ability to operate with objects; learn to hit the target. 3. Labor: collecting stones. Goal: continue to cultivate the desire to participate in work. 4. Games: “Hang yourself, wreath.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to follow each other. P/n: “At the bear’s place in the forest.” Goal: learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics:

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Wolf and the Little Goats." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds.

Board game: “What has changed.” With Bogdan, Ustin. Goal: development of visual perception.

A fairy tale on the table:

remember the fairy tale “Teremok” with your children. Conversation based on a fairy tale. Goal: to promote memory development, encourage people to speak out about the performance they liked, teach expressive intonation, and give an example of basic puppeteering.

S/r game: “Hospital”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. Offer children coloring books. Goal: learn to color carefully, without going beyond the outline of the drawing.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Monitoring the weather conditions. Goal: to learn to determine the time of year by its characteristic features. P/n: “Find your house.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday September 21, 2016 avg. No. 11

Theme: “Family Traditions”. Project “I am a man”. Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Morning and finger exercises “Finger, finger, where have you been?” Goal: development of speech, fine motor skills. P/game: “Cap”. Goal: To develop the ability to follow the basic rules of the game Did./game: “Name who is in your family”

Game: "Assignment".

Learn to put toys away. With Carolina, Nastya B. Goal: education of responsibility and responsiveness.

Conversation: “How I help mom and dad.” Goal: to encourage showing care and love for family and friends,

cultivate a good attitude towards them,

learn to name your family members correctly and talk about them.

Drawing:"My family". Goal: learn to draw characteristic features of appearance; direct attention to the ratio of objects in size. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.71.

S/r game: “Holidays in the family.” Goal: to teach children to maintain family traditions. Lotto: "Associations". Goal: development of thinking and memory. Construction games. Goal: development of constructive abilities. S/r. Games "Holidays in the family"


"Sensory development of children with speech disorders"


"Child and Book"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical: “House for Toys”

Goal: To bring joy from play activities (“Building a house”) and communication with toys.

Learn to play noise musical instruments in an ensemble

Learn to distinguish different parts of music and move in accordance with them.


Hearing:“Building a house.” V. Kraseva

Singing:“Autumn” Kishko/“Kozge yafraklar” t.kh.k (Tat. gr.)

Chant"Bunny" Karaseva

Finger game“Jolly Dwarf” or (at the discretion of the music director)

Playing musical instruments"Plyasovaya" r. n. p./ “B iyu kөe” t.h.k.

Dance“Dancing in Couples” lit. n. m.

UMK Subject:“Malay, kyz” - “Boy, girl”

Vocabulary work:Malay, Kyz. Listen! Sing! 2nd theme. 7 track.


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of leaf fall. Goal: learn to identify the signs of autumn; develop observation skills; to cultivate the ability to enjoy the beautiful, to treat nature with care. Make a wish: “The wind tore it from a branch and scattered it around the world. They spin and spin and spread to the ground” (leaves). 2. Individual work: to develop the “Get in a circle” movements with Polina, Timur, Nastya B. Goal: to improve the ability to act with objects; learn to hit the target

4. Games: “Mice in the Pantry.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Goal: development of motor activity.

Reading fiction: Ch. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”. Goal: to teach the ability to listen to works, to cultivate interest in the content.

Individual work in notebooks: with Kayum, Nikita, Irina. Goal: fostering perseverance and diligence.

Tatar: Topic: “My family.”

Vocabulary work:

Әti, әni, malay, kyz,

isanmesez, with au bulygyz.


Audio: No. 7.

Playing on an interactive whiteboard (or D/i): “Hello, mom... (Isanme, ani...)”

Making attributes for the role-playing game “Shop”. Acting out. Goal: to teach to take care of attributes during the game. Construction games with various construction sets. Washing toys.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Watching the wind. Goal: continue monitoring the wind; learn to determine the direction of the wind. P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday September 22, 2016 avg.

Theme: “Family Traditions”. Project “I am a man”. Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Morning exercises. Finger gymnastics: “Elephant” by E. Savelyeva. Goal: To teach children to perform movements according to the text.

D/game: “Name your mother (dad, grandmother, etc.) affectionately, with Kolya, Gena, Nikita. Goal: fostering love for family members.

Talk with children about medical professions, explain the significance of their work. Goal: instilling respect for the work of adults.

D/game: “I know all professions.” Goal: systematize children's knowledge. S/r game: “Family”. Purpose: to provide an understanding of the role in the game. Board games: “Puzzles”, “Mosaic”

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Description of the family.” Goal: learn to describe a family, talk about helping parents. Selection of definitions. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.74

Tatar language: Topic: “My family.” Vocabulary work: Әti, әni, malay, kyz, isәnme, bu whom? by whom yuk? D/and: “Guess!”

D/i: “Who’s missing? (Kem yuk?)”

Physical development

Physical education. Topic: “In the autumn garden in September.” Purpose: to teach to maintain certain intervals while moving; practice jumping on two legs in place and moving forward. Introductory part: walking in a column one after another, easy running. Outdoor switchgear with leaves. OVD: jumping on two legs with forward movement. Throwing the ball up. P/i "Birds and Rain". Low mobility game: “We are autumn leaves.” UMK: By whom? Sin by whom? Stupid, min.


“Health is the head of everything”


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation of the driver’s work. Purpose: to introduce the work of a driver; cultivate a positive attitude towards the work of adults.2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Dima, Bulat, Azalea. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: learn to use brooms.

4. Games: "Bus". Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, follow each other, run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “Dashing and catching up” Purpose: to learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: “We woke up.”

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”. Goal: to consolidate the dialogues between the characters of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds. Repeat songs for the autumn matinee with the children.

Examination of plot pictures with Timur F. Purpose: activation of speech.

Design: " Houses, sheds"

Target. Exercise children in fencing small spaces with bricks and plates installed vertically and horizontally; in the ability to make floors; in mastering spatial concepts (in front, behind, below, above, left, right); in distinguishing and naming colors. Develop independence in finding design methods; promote playful communication. (L.V. Kutsakova)

S/r game: “Shop”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “My apartment.” Goal: development of imaginative thinking.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation of the flora. Purpose: to introduce the structure of a tree; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Riddle: “What kind of girl is this? Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman sews anything herself, but she wears needles all year round.” (Spruce) P/n: “Sparrows and a cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Monday September 26, 2016 avg. No. 11

Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Morning exercises

FCCM: “The teacher is the best friend.” “The work of an assistant teacher”

Goal: developing a positive attitude towards the teaching profession, other professions of preschool workers, kindergarten, as the closest society.

S/r game: “Mothers and Daughters”. Goal: to teach interactions in stories with two characters. Lotto: "Clothes". Purpose: to consolidate the name and purpose of clothing items. Construction games. Goal: development of constructive abilities.

Consultation: “Children’s stubbornness”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical “My favorite kindergarten”

Goal: To arouse interest in kindergarten and a desire to attend it.

Develop a feeling of love for kindergarten and friends.

Listen and understand the content of the song.

independently begin and end the movement with the beginning and end of the music.

Develop emotional responsiveness to the song and sing according to character.

Learn the Tatar dance movement. Exercise: “March” by Lomova, “Walk” by Rauchwerger

Hearing: “Kindergarten” by A. Filippenko / “Balalar bakchasynda” (Tat.gr)

Singing“Bunny” by Karaseva, “Autumn” (at the discretion of the music director) / “Ak kuyan” by M. Bikbov, “Yangyr”

NRC “Әpipә” by R. Enikeeva.


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observation in the garden. Goal: to form generalized ideas about vegetables; clarify the idea of ​​the variety of vegetables. 2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Carolina, Gena, Emir. Walking on a log, placing the heel of one foot to the toe of the other.

3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: learn to use brooms.

4. Games: “Hares and the wolf.” Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “Who will collect the most?” Purpose: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics: .

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: “What do crafts smell like?” Goal: to teach children that they can learn a lot of interesting things from books.

With Irina, Ralina

D/n: “Which one?”

Goal: learn to agree nouns with adjectives.

Situational conversation: “How to behave during a conversation.” Goal: to introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

S/r game: “In kindergarten.” Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “Associations”. Goal: development of imaginative thinking.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Insect observation. Purpose: to clarify ideas about the ways insects adapt to the cold period; cultivate curiosity, attentiveness, love for nature, and the desire to protect it. P/n: “Bees.” Goal: to learn to run without touching each other, to act on a verbal signal. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Wednesday September 28, 2016 average group No. 11

Theme "Teacher's Day" Project "Professions" Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Formation of a culture of behavior: greetings, polite relationships with peers. Goal: to develop cultural communication skills with each other. Observation and care of indoor plants. Goal: to encourage children to independently carry out basic tasks.

Morning exercises

D/n: “What’s missing?” With Timur, Bulat. Goal: development of attention, activation of vocabulary.

Situational conversation: “So that your teeth don’t hurt.” Purpose: to introduce the rules of dental care; give information about the toothbrush as a personal hygiene item. Bring up

desire to take care of your teeth.

Drawing:“My dear teacher” Purpose: to learn to draw characteristic features of appearance; direct attention to the ratio of objects in size.

S/r game: “Ride the Bus.” Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “My apartment.” Goal: development of imaginative thinking.

Consultation: “Education of correct posture”

Artistic and aesthetic development

"Our friendly family"

Target: Cultivate love for family and loved ones

Cultivate love and respect for your family.

Learn to walk calmly, without waving your arms, walk. Exercise"Walk" by Rauchwerger

Hearing“Smile” V. Shainsky

Singing: "Autumn Song" / “Yangyr” by M. Bikbov

Musical and didactic game“Well, guess”

Finger game"Our family"

Game "Zhmurka" by Flotov

UMK Subject: "Әydәgez, tanyshiyk »

Vocabulary work:

min (Olya, Sasha),

sau bulygyz, isәnmesez. Sin by whom?(Listen! Sing! 4th theme. 9,10 track)


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observing the work of adults. Goal: expand the understanding of the relationship between nature and man, develop cognitive interests, cultivate sustained attention, observation, respect for people’s work, and the desire to help them. 2. Individual work: on the development of the “Get in the circle” movements with Timur, Sofia, Amir. Goal: improve the ability to operate with objects; learn to hit the target. 3. Labor: sweeping the path leading to the site. Goal: learn to use brooms.

4. Games: “Traps”. Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, to run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.


"The desire to break a toy"

Speech development

Tatar language. Topic: “Let’s get acquainted.”

Vocabulary work:


D/n: “ Who are you? (Sin who?)”

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics. Walking along massage paths.

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Three Little Pigs." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “Only boys, only girls.” Goal: education of attention and intelligence.

D/i: “The bear is wrong”

Goal: we continue to learn to name the colors of objects with Ralina and Bogdan.

Inviting children to the “autumn garden”. Improvisation game “Leaves in the Garden”. Imitation of birds chirping with children. Goal: learn to move beautifully to calm music, making smooth movements; encourage onomatopoeia.

S/r game: “Shop”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. D/i: “My apartment.” Goal: development of imaginative thinking. Washing toys. Goal: to develop a value-based attitude towards one’s own work.

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observing people's clothes. Goals: expand the understanding of natural objects and phenomena, the relationship between nature and man; cultivate sustained attention. P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.

PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK. Day of the week: Thursday September 29, 2016 avg. No. 11

Theme "Teacher's Day" Project "Professions"» Educator: Shagalieva L.R.

Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Finger gymnastics “Who lives here?” Goal: development of speech, fine motor skills. Reading the fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox.” Goal: To develop the ability to listen to fairy tales and empathize with the characters. P/game: “Cap”. Develop the ability to follow the basic rules of the game

In notebooks with Nikita, Bulat. Goal: to consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to paint without going beyond the contours of the lines.

Conversation on the topic: “We are adults’ helpers” Goal: to encourage children to help adults, to develop working prerequisites.

D/game: “Fourth wheel”. Goal: systematize children's knowledge. S/r game: “Hospital”. Purpose: to provide an understanding of the role in the game. Construction games. Goal: development of constructive abilities.


"The desire to break a toy"

Speech development

Speech development. Topic: “Description of professions” Purpose: to teach how to talk about a profession according to plan. Develop thinking and attention. “Comprehensive Lessons”, ed. N.E. Veraksy p.122.

Tatar language. Topic: “Let’s get acquainted.”

Vocabulary work: min (Olya, Sasha), sau bulygyz, isәnmesez, sin whom?

Structure: D/i: “Who are you? (Sin who?)

Physical development

Physical education."Autumn flowers". Goal: to correct the emotional behavior of children with the help of colors; to form the plasticity of movements against the emotional background of perception of the beauty of the word. Vv.ch. walking in a column one after another, easy running. ORU to music. accompaniment. OVD: walk on a gymnastic bench, sit down in the middle of the bench. P/i “Collect flowers”, “The fox and the hens” (tat. game). Finger game “Our tender flowers” ​​UMK: matur, al.


“The age of obstinacy; How to teach a child to respond correctly to the word “no”


Cognitive development.

Social and communicative development.

Physical development

1. Observing the diversity of birds. (Magpie) Purpose: to clarify and expand the understanding of the diversity of birds; develop knowledge about the general characteristics of birds; teach to see features in their structure and behavior. Make a wish: “Flies, sings, two wings, beak, paws, feathers. Who is this? (Bird) 2. Individual work: on the development of movements with Timur, Salavat, Ralina, Eva. Exercise: “Jump over the groove” Purpose: to learn to coordinate the actions of the arms and legs.3. Labor: cleaning flower beds, clearing dried plants and foliage. Goal: to accustom children to feasible work.

4. Games: "Bus". Goal: to teach children to navigate in space, follow each other, run around the playground in different directions. P/n: “We are funny guys” Goal: to teach how to coordinate your actions with the actions of others.

5. Independent activity: games with external material.

Social and communicative development.

Speech development.

Cognitive development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Awakening gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Goal: development of motor activity. Reading: "The Fox and the Hare." Goal: developing sympathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.

D/i game: “What does it sound like?”

Goal: we continue to introduce children to musical instruments and distinguish them by their sounds.

D/i: “The bear is wrong”

Goal: we continue to learn to name the colors of objects with

Timur F., Irina.

Construction. Topic: "Tempera"

Target: Develop children's design skills; practice in the construction of durable buildings with floors, constructing superstructures on the floors, decorating the roofs with various details; practice distinguishing and naming basic geometric shapes and shading. Develop imagination, creativity, the ability to independently perform a sequence of actions, generalize, compare, find commonalities and highlight differences.

S/r game: “Guests”. Goal: develop the ability to interact and get along with each other. “Syyla”, “Akbai kuchtәnache” (game situations)

Evening walk

Cognitive development.

Social - communicative.

Physical development

Observation: “The clouds float without stopping.” Purpose: to introduce the concepts of clouds and clouds; consider the features of the clouds in the autumn sky. P/n: “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: learn to run without touching each other, run away quickly, and find your place. P/n: “Get into the circle.” Goal: to develop the ability to throw objects into a certain place with both and one hand, to develop the eye, coordination of movements and dexterity. Games with portable toys.


Group: secondary Topic: “Our friends in kindergarten”

Target: Create an emotionally positive attitude towards the kindergarten as a whole, and towards the people who work here, and contribute to the establishment of friendly relationships. Continue to introduce kindergarten as the child’s immediate social environment. Continue to introduce the group’s environment and the premises of the kindergarten. Create conditions for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts; development of creative and constructive abilities.

Final event:

Final event date: Thursday

Responsible for the final event: teacher

Day of the week




Monday – 11.09.17.


Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Physical development.

Problematic questions: What is a kindergarten? Who works in the kindergarten? How to decorate a kindergarten and areas where children walk? Goal: to develop the ability to support and end communication, taking into account the conditions and situation of communication, to supplement, to ask.

“Lessons from Moidodyr”: solving problem situations, experiments “Cube - soap”, “Dry soap”.

DI. "Polite words"

Goal: To instill in children a culture of behavior, politeness, respect for each other, a desire to help each other

Game “Give the doll some tea.” Create conditions for the development of role communication.

Placement in the book corner of brightly illustrated literature about people working in kindergarten.

Speech development. Sound culture of speech: sounds s and s. Goal: Create conditions for maintaining children's attention and desire to work together with the teacher. Explain to children the articulation of the sound s, practice its correct, distinct pronunciation (in words, phrasal speech)

Indoor physical education. Goal: To promote the development of physical skills. Exercise children in vigorously pushing off the floor and landing on bent legs while jumping up, reaching for an object; practice rolling the ball.


Observing autumn flowers Purpose: to introduce children to the names of flowers - marigold (calendula), kosneya, nasturtium. Reinforce the concepts of “high - low” (flower), “short - long” (stem).

P.I. "On a level path." "Burners"

The goal is to teach how to follow the rules of the game, develop dexterity and speed.

Movement development work. (games with sports elements). jumping on two legs while moving around the flowerbed. Goal: teach children to jump on two legs. Dima, Vlad B. Zakhar.

Situational conversation “Getting to know the street.” Supplement children's ideas about the street with new information: the houses on it have different purposes, people live in some of them. In others there are institutions - shops, a school, a post office. Cars are moving along the roadway.

Taking out toys, natural and waste materials for playing with sand - building a city out of sand, playing with it.

Enrichment with s.r. materials games “Toy Store” - development of skills in constructing role-playing dialogue.

Return from a walk, lunch

Continue to teach children to undress consistently and carefully put things in their locker. Teach children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry). KGN. Teach children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry). Continue to teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons. Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

work before bed


Reading fiction. E. Uspensky, V. Chizhikov “Vera and Anfisa in kindergarten” Purpose: to introduce children to a new literary work. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work.

D.I “every thing has its place Goal: identifying the level of ability to put things neatly in a closet

Remind children that toys need to be kept in order, reading Z. Alexandrov’s “What you took, put it back in its place,” the game “1, 2, 3 - put away the toys!”

Exercise “Fold a picture from geometric shapes”

Improving visual perception.

Labor “The soap is foaming in the washtub, we are washing - look!” (washing doll clothes).

Afternoon snack.


A targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten. Observe the cleanliness around, talk about who is cleaning the area and why. Organize the provision of all possible assistance. Foster a desire to participate in work activities.

P.I. “We won’t say where we hit, but we’ll show what we did.”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners



Educational activities in special moments

Tuesday – 12.09.17.


Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development

Conversation “Who works in our kindergarten”: characteristics of the work of kindergarten workers (nurse, cook, janitor). Goal: To expand understanding of the professions of kindergarten employees (nurse, cook, janitor),

form a positive attitude towards their work.

Morning exercises: “We will help the bunny and do exercises.” Goal: Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

“What am I, what’s inside me”

Goal: To provide children with basic knowledge about the structure of the human body (head, torso, arms, legs). To instill in children a sense of respect for themselves and other children.

Game “Tell me about your favorite toy.” Goal: to consolidate the ability to describe an object, coordinating definitions with nouns.

Create conditions for viewing illustrations about the professions of adults in kindergarten.

Goal: Enriching children's vocabulary with nouns denoting professions and verbs characterizing work actions. Learn to participate in a conversation, answer questions without deviating from their content.

Admission of children to the group. Conversations about the state of health of children, their mood.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast

Continue teaching children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry).

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At breakfast, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

Direct educational activities

FEMP. Program content: Exercise in comparing two groups of objects, different in color, shape, determining their equality or inequality based on comparison of pairs, learn to denote the results of comparison with the words: more, less, equally, as much - how many. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

Music. According to the music director's plan.


Observing the signs of early autumn Purpose: to teach children to find and name the signs of autumn, to remember them.

P.I. "Freeze." Purpose: to teach to understand a schematic representation of a person’s posture.

"The Hunter and the Hares." Goal: learn to throw a ball at a moving target.

Movement development work. Walking on your toes on a board lying on the ground. Goal: monitor children's posture. (Vika, Tanya, Nastya B.)

Labor actions. Invite the children to collect sand in the sandbox.

Goal: to instill a love of work in the team.

“Let’s go for a visit” - mutual visits, the creation of children’s play communities of different ages, the activation and enrichment of children’s play experience, the development of communication skills and independence.

Return from a walk, lunch

Teach children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry).

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At lunch, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

work before bed

Talking with children about the benefits of naps. Continue to teach the skills of neatly folding clothes on their chairs. Listening to music.


Reading fiction.

Gymnastics after sleep - “Cheerful Kitten”. Hardening procedures. The goal is to create a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

DI. “Who wears what?” Target. Learn to find differences in the appearance of boys and girls.

(formation of gender identity).

“working with balls”; learn to throw a ball and catch it, develop coordination of movements, speed of reaction (Vanya, Timosha, Vlad B.)

Exercise "Clean"

Goal: To form a k.g. skills, teach children to keep their bodies clean. Form the habit of performing hygiene procedures yourself as needed.

C.R.I. “Kindergarten” - development of game design, role-playing skills, constructive ways of interaction.

Afternoon snack.

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.


Game-competition “Birds are flying.” Goal: to teach children to jump from low objects, run in all directions, and act on a signal.

Movement development work. (games with sports elements). throwing a ball up and catching it with both hands. Goal: develop dexterity, learn to catch the ball with both hands.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners



Educational activities in special moments

Wednesday – 09.13.17.


Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

DI. “Name the tree one, two, three.”

Goal: To fix the name of the trees (birch, oak, maple, spruce, rowan).

Morning exercises: “We will help the bunny and do exercises.” Goal: Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Problem situation “My friend is a comb” Goal: learning the skills to take care of your appearance

Game exercise “Why is this needed?” on the development of attention, imagination and coordination of movements (Dima, Vlad Sh., Nastya S.)

Role-playing game "Kindergarten". Goal: To develop in children the ability to select toys and attributes for play, to expand the scope of children’s independent actions in choosing a role, developing and implementing a plan.

Admission of children to the group. Conversations about the state of health of children, their mood.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast

Continue teaching children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry). Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons. Learn to carry out assignments responsibly. At breakfast, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

Direct educational activities

F.C.K.M. “Our kindergarten is so good - you won’t find a better kindergarten.

Physical education on the street. Program content: Create conditions for the development of children's physical capabilities. Practice walking and running one at a time, on your toes; practice skating hoops for each other; practice jumping.


Cloud watching. Purpose: to involve in the observation of natural phenomena.

Work assignments: let's collect sand in the sandbox. Goal: to continue to instill in children a desire to participate in work.

Ind. work on the development of movements: walking on a log - a game exercise. “Walk - don’t fall” (Vanya, Tanya, Yura).

Create conditions for games with external material Goal: observe the ability to select attributes for games

Create conditions for n/a at the request of children Goal: increase YES during a walk.

Return from a walk, lunch

Continue to teach children to undress consistently and carefully put things in their locker.KGN. Teach children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry).Continue to teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons. Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At lunch, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

work before bed

Continue to teach the skills of neatly folding clothes on their chairs. Remind children that bedspreads must be folded carefully.


Reading fiction.

Gymnastics after sleep - “Cheerful Kitten”. Hardening procedures. The goal is to create a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

Reading fiction. Reading E. Permyak’s story “How Masha Got Big” Goal: Continue to develop the ability to listen to works of different genres; “include” children in joint discussion; cultivate hard work.

staging a problem situation “The little hare and the little fox quarreled”, situational conversation “If you quarrel, if you fight” - statement of the problem.

“Let’s help the doll get dressed for a walk” Purpose: observing the ability to combine several game actions into a single storyline

Afternoon snack.

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.


Watching the falling leaves.

Labor activities: Collecting fallen maple leaves. Goal: learn to work together.

Work on sound pronunciation: the game “Who screams?” Goal: to develop children's hearing and onomatopoeia skills. Teach to distinguish animals by their appearance and sounds made.

Outdoor games at the request of children.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners



Educational activities in special moments

Thursday – 09.14.17.


Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Situational conversation “Who helps the teacher in the group.” Goal: Development of coherent speech. Help children, answer simple questions.

Morning exercises: “We will help the bunny and do exercises.” Goal: Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Observation of the nanny’s work: table setting, situational conversation “How will we be on duty”,

D.I. “Tell me which one.” Goal: develop logical thinking, memory, speech, build skills

Selection of definitions for the word (Nastya B., Tanya, Timosha)

Independent work in the center of theatrical activities. Game “Where we were, we won’t tell.”

Goal: To learn to listen attentively to a poetic text and correlate its meaning with expressive movement to music.

Admission of children to the group. Conversations about the state of health of children, their mood.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast

“How to behave at the table?” - explain the need to eat carefully (take food little by little, chew thoroughly), do not knock spoons, use a napkin.

Verbal game “Let’s set the table” - repeat the rules for setting the table

Direct educational activities

Drawing. “The apples are ripe on the apple tree.” Program content: Introduce children to the method of depicting a tree, the method of conveying its characteristic features: the trunk, the long and short branches diverging from it. Reinforce drawing techniques with colored pencils. Lead children to an emotional aesthetic assessment of their work.

Musical. According to the music director's plan.


Observation in nature: seasonal signs. Observing the sun. Goal: to introduce children to the changes occurring with the sun.

P.I. "The Crow and the Dog" Goal: To teach children to imitate the movements and voices of birds; move without interfering with each other.

Labor actions. Cleaning up trash on site. Goal: to cultivate a desire to work.

Experiment “Soil condition depending on temperature.” Goal: to identify the dependence of soil conditions on weather conditions.

Taking out toys for games-experiments with the wind - intensifying cognitive and research activities, creating situations for meaningful communication on educational topics.

Return from a walk, lunch

Continue to teach children to undress consistently and carefully put things in their locker.

KGN. Teach children to use soap and towels.

A pre-dinner conversation about the names of the dishes.

Continue to teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At lunch, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

work before bed

Working with the canteen attendants. Remind children of neatness skills.


Reading fiction.

Gymnastics after sleep - “Cheerful Kitten”. Hardening procedures. The goal is to create a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

Leisure “Guests have come to us.” Goal: To promote the creation of an environment of general joy and good mood.

Situational conversation about the work of adults in kindergarten, did. games “Who needs what?”, “Who does what?”, “Who cares about us?”

Independent activity in activity centers. Creating situations for meaningful communication.

Afternoon snack.

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.


Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners



Educational activities in special moments

Friday – 09/15/17.


Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

Situational conversation about the profession of a music director. Talk about musical instruments, show how sound is produced, and how to use them correctly. Invite children to sing any songs they want for the dolls.

Morning exercises: “We will help the bunny and do exercises.” Goal: Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

DI. “Let’s give the dolls different hairstyles.” Goal: to consolidate hair care skills, clarify the names of the items necessary for this, and formulate the concept of “neat appearance.”

Game “What is green?”

Goal: to consolidate the ability to coordinate an adjective with a noun in gender and number (Zlata, Vanya, Dima)

Placing books and pictures about friendship in the book corner for independent viewing - creating conditions for the emergence of meaningful communication and the development of friendly relationships.

Admission of children to the group. Conversations about the state of health of children, their mood.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast

Continue teaching children to use soap and towels (wash hands clean and dry).

Teach children to carry out simple tasks: put napkins on the table, lay out spoons.

Learn to carry out assignments responsibly.

At breakfast, continue to teach how to eat carefully, not to stuff your mouth full, how to finish food, and how to use a napkin.

Direct educational activities

Modeling. "Big and small carrots." Program content: To introduce children to the method of sculpting elongated objects, tapering towards one end, by slightly pulling and narrowing the end with your fingers. Strengthen the ability to sculpt large and small objects and handle materials carefully.

Indoor physical education. Program content: Promote the development of physical skills. Exercise children in vigorously pushing off the floor and landing on bent legs while jumping up, reaching for an object; practice rolling the ball.


Targeted walk to the school stadium. Purpose: Observe how students are engaged.

P.I. “Hide your hands behind your back” Goal: to develop in children the speed of reaction to a signal. Practice running, catching, and strengthen correct posture. "Throw it - catch it." Goal: to develop independence in organizing outdoor games.

Conversation - “Rules of behavior in the garden area during a walk.” Goal: Remember the rules of safe behavior at the village site; know the boundaries of your site; remind them of the dangers that await them on the site.

Individual work on movement development. Goal: to improve hoop rolling skills in any direction.

Enrichment of the subject-development environment on the site.

(independent motor activity) “Sly Fox”

Goal: to develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running fast, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Return from a walk, lunch

work before bed

Continue to teach the skills of neatly folding clothes on their chairs.


Reading fiction.

Gymnastics after sleep - “Cheerful Kitten”. Hardening procedures. The goal is to create a healthy lifestyle and positive emotions.

Listening and performing songs “Song about friendship”, “Smile”, “about kindergarten”. Goal: Continue to develop interest in music, the desire to listen, sing along, develop the vocal apparatus, teach children to perform simple dance movements. Develop a sense of rhythm, tact, emotionality, imagery, perception of music through movements.

Memorizing rhymes and little rhymes (Vlad B., Zakhar, Vanya).

Situational conversation Why do they say “hello”?

Goal: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting. Introduce greeting methods. To consolidate ideas about the importance and necessity of using “kind words” in colloquial speech, to arouse the desire to use them.

Games with didactic material at the center of gaming activity.

"Who will roll the tape sooner"

Goal: continue to form an attitude towards size as a significant feature, pay attention to length, introduce the words “long”, “short”.

Afternoon snack.

Fostering a culture of behavior during afternoon tea.


Sedentary game "Find what's hidden." Objectives: To increase the motor activity of children, to teach them to navigate in space, to move in accordance with the instructions of the teacher, to understand constructions using the prepositions “under”, “on”, “in”, “behind”, “about”, “next to”, “between” ", correctly form phrases using these prepositions. Form the grammatical structure of speech, enrich motor and gaming experience.

Independent motor activity.

Mavlyutova Sirenya Rafikovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU d/s No. 229
Locality: Ulyanovsk city, Ulyanovsk region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject:"Calendar-thematic planning in the middle group"
Publication date: 23.04.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Calendar-thematic plan of educational work in the middle group of kindergarten

"Feathered Neighbors and Friends"

Dates: 03.27.17-03.31.17

Objectives: To deepen children’s interest in literature, to cultivate a desire for constant communication with books together with an adult and independently

activities; expand the “reading” experience (listening experience) through different genres; develop the ability to perceive a text holistically, in which

combines the skills to identify the main content, establish temporary, sequential and simple causal relationships, understand the main

characteristics of the heroes, simple motives for their actions; continue to learn to retell fairy tales and stories (including by role), to read expressively

by heart nursery rhymes and jokes, poems and poetic rhymes; support children's desire to participate in literary games with onomatopoeia,

rhymes and words based on literary text, reflect your impressions of the works you listened to, literary characters, events in

various types of activities.







Collaborative activities between teachers and children




Work with


Specially organized

group, subgroup activities


nal work

with kids


activities in




"Feathered Neighbors and Friends"


Conversation“What do you know about birds?” Objective:

Enrich children's understanding of birds,

way of life of birds.

D/ game “Wintering and migratory birds”:

consolidate the ability to classify birds by

“wintering-migratory” trait.

Game situation: “Tender chain” C:

develop a friendly attitude towards children

groups, activation of the dictionary.

D/i “Who is more

will he remember? Target:


children's dictionary





Explanation of watering

flowers and plants in

corner of nature after



illustrations with


domestic and wild


Expansion and



and wild birds.






with spring




Ushakova page “Talking about objects” Strengthen

articulatory apparatus with special controls.

Teach: hear sounds [р], [р"] in words; select

words with these sounds; pronounce words clearly and clearly

and phrases rich in sounds [р], [р"]; pronounce

pure language clearly at different volumes and tempos.

Strengthen skills: in pronunciation of sounds

writing a description of the item; talking about

appearance, qualities and properties of the item

according to the physical instructor's plan.

"Catching the ball"

Purpose: Teach


ball up and

catch him

with both hands.



D/i "Wonderful

pouch." Purpose:

teach to recognize

items by


Activate in speech

children related concepts

with name, details and

properties of objects

DI. "Who am I?"

Goal: Teach children

create riddles -

descriptions that

hidden object

need to know by



Birdwatching.C: clarification

ideas about migratory birds..

P/i “Migration of Birds” C: development of dexterity.

Did. game “Which flower?” develop skills

select adjectives, enrich vocabulary

P/ game "Sparrows and the car": C: develop

ability to perform movements on cue,

practice running in different directions and

"Get to the ball."

Keep learning


push of two legs;

hit the ball


with both hands.

S/r about seasonal

changes in nature

"How we walked in

park", "What steel

trees" Goal: development





children. Games by




Reading stories by S. V. Obraztsov “Nothing

special”, M. N. Bogdanova “House Sparrow”:

T: introduce children to new literary

works, continue to develop the ability

maintain a conversation based on the content of what you read,

instill in children a love for the environment.

D/game “Good-bad”

Form distinguish

good and bad


Preparation for

sleep, cultural






along the massage paths.

Conversations “What is a vehicle fleet”, “Who works in

vehicle fleet.”Ts: Enrich content e With-

r/i " Car park " due to expansion

children's ideas about the world around them.

S-r game « Car park » Target. Form

ability to play role-playing games

« Car park ».

Watching the wind. Goals: - continue

reinforce ideas about weather

changes; - form concepts about the wind, its

properties; - learn to determine the direction of the wind.

P/n “Whoever is named catches the ball.” Target:

strengthen the skills of throwing and catching the ball

two hands; cultivate attention and dexterity.

Teach to see


e figures in


those around


Situational conversation

about what is needed

maintain order in

group at the playground

site -

cultivate culture



activities in

employment centers.

04/18/17 Tuesday

"Feathered Neighbors and Friends"


Reception of children. Morning exercises.

“Moving around the kindergarten” -C:

teach children safety rules

movement around the kindergarten; Educate

endurance, desire to consciously lead correctly

yourself in the premises of the d/s.

D/i “Wonderful bag”. Purpose: to teach

recognize objects by description.

"Where, hid

matryoshka" -



plants in

corner of nature,

bring up


t. (Dasha)


talking with children about


ethical standards.


thematic al-

Transport", "

Auto repair shop",

C: acquaintance with


gas station attendant,

car mechanic,

car washer




"keys" from

taxi drivers

According to the plan of the muses. leader.

Topic “Your favorite doll” Teach: create in

drawing an image of a favorite toy; consider

drawings, choose the best one, justify your

choice. Strengthen the ability to convey form, position

movement of the parts of the human figure, their relative

size. Continue learning to draw large, in full

Exercise in

drawing and

painting over.

Teach children to cook

workplace in

According to

Consider with children

pattern, highlight

elements, their



Observation of titmouses: Purpose: to introduce

titmouses, learn to distinguish titmouses by size,

external features. Expand

ideas about the nutritional characteristics of these

birds in winter, introduce them to their habits.

Outdoor game: “Geese-Geese” - consolidate

game rules.

D/I “Run to the object” - development of auditory



on two legs -


push off and



l: develop

agility. (Marat,


conversation: “If a friend

suddenly appeared"

(consolidate understanding

the words "friendship"


understanding about

mutual assistance.



children's activities

on the site, games but

select Remind

about friendly

attitude towards each other




Fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky “Confusion” and

“Barmaley”, Purpose: conversation on the content of fairy tales,

develop interest in the events depicted in

D/i “When is it

It happens?" C: teach

find out by

description and


name phenomena

situational conversations

about the right


with a towel.Purpose:

consolidate the skill


towel, education

Preparation for

sleep, cultural






Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking

along the massage paths.

Drawing "Titmouse": T: learn to draw a bird -

titmouse Continue learning evenly

paint over with gouache without going beyond the edges of the drawing.

Develop your imagination.

S/r game “Car Park” C:

Introduce children to

new roles: car repair mechanic ,

controller , b tanker. Expand

children's ideas about the driver's actions,

passengers, etc. Learn to turn around plot

cook independently and with the help of a teacher

environment for the game.

Observation "Sky in the evening" - C:continue

introduce children to the signs of spring associated

with the color of the sky, changing the appearance of the clouds,

position of the sun above the horizon. Teach children

talk about the features of the spring sky.


game "Cold"

hot" - teach


in space

(Lera, Gleb)

P/i "Flight"

birds.” Purpose: to teach

execute quickly

actions on signal



plot role-playing

optional games

Bring up


relationships in

04/19/17 Wednesday


Reception of children. Morning exercises.

D/i “Who lives where”: C: consolidate the words-names

bird houses (nest, hollow, etc.).

Looking at the album “Birds”, illustrations

in books. Target: To develop children’s ability

recognize birds they know by their appearance and

name them, develop cognitive interest.

Didactic game “Whose children”

Goal: consolidate knowledge about

poultry, their young, who screams,

practice matching images of adult birds

and their cubs

With Stepa



Through the forests, through

to the meadows he……

(K. Chukovsky)

Duty at the center

nature: continue

teach children to notice


requiring care

(watering, loosening).


play activity

Teach children

on one's own

find something to do

according to interests, teach

"negotiate" with


determine which


material needed

to implement




on cleaning

plot and

Bring closer


th work


reinforce the idea that the result

accounts does not depend on qualitative characteristics

object (size, color). Exercise skill

compare objects by size (within 5,

arrange them in descending and ascending order

D/i “What for

Purpose: exercise


subject with

D/i “Counting Birds”:

C: fastening


numerals with


(one sparrow, two

D/i “Divide into

groups", divide


items by

"Feathered Neighbors and Friends"

sequences, indicate results

comparisons with words: biggest, smaller, yet

less, smallest, more.

According to the physical instructor's plan.


sparrow, three sparrows and






Observation of sparrows: Purpose: to introduce

wintering birds - sparrows, teach

distinguish sparrows by size, external

features. Expand ideas about

feeding habits of these birds in spring,

introduce them to their habits.

Game “Sparrows and the Cat”: Ts: consolidate knowledge

D/i “One - many”: formation of multiple

noun numbers (crow-crows and

D/n: “Name

in a word"

pick up




(Egor, Milana)


errands: cleaning

Tasks. Shape


skills, teach

act together

finish the job you started

to the end, be proud





children. Games by




D/i "Name the bird that is gone":

C: development of mindfulness and

children's observation skills, consolidation

names of birds.



"Let's brush our teeth"



apparatus. (Maxim)

During meals

consolidate the skill

use carefully


to make a request,

thank, reinforce

names of dishes.

Preparation for

sleep, cultural






Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking

along the massage paths.

D/games: “Find the symbol of the type of transport”, “Find out

car", "Find a safe route" C:

Expand children's ideas about the profession

driver and types of transport.

D/i “Call it affectionately”: to train children in

word formation, form diminutive

endearing forms of nouns (sparrow-

sparrow, little sparrow).

Observation of the sky and clouds Goal: Consolidate

ideas about spring. Emphasize on

changes that have taken place in the sky. Look at

sky: was it like this in winter? What changed?

The sky turned blue. White lungs appeared

"I'm a cloud,

cloud, cloud, me

bear" -

say with different

intonation -





Talking about rules

table manners

(chew with mouth closed,

use a napkin

drink from a cup)


printed games:


lotto", "Domino",

"Fold the pattern"


Kusener" - study



take them into account



clouds that float slowly, without hurrying,

admiring the children from above.

04/20/17 Thursday


Reception of children. Morning exercises.

Conversation: about transport, about the work of a driver. Target:

clarify children's knowledge about vehicles,

replenish their active vocabulary with names

cars, talk about the work of the driver.

D/ game: “Assemble a car” (cubes) Goal:

develop children's thinking and attention, consolidate

knowledge of basic machine parts and colors.

S/ conversation: “What I saw on the street when I walked to

kindergarten". Goal: develop attention,

observation, child's speech when composing


Exercise in

counting and counting

items in

within 5

sample and


number. (Lera)

Situational conversations about



hands (before meals, according to

pollution, after

using the toilet).



small constructor

and large -


work off

folding ability

cubes (bricks,

bars) each on




“Larks on the hill, come to us”

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about migratory birds;

show changes in bird life in spring;

cultivate a humane relationship with birds. “I recognize

world”, p. 53 “Welcome to ecology”, p. 115

According to the plan of the muses. leader.

According to the swimming instructor's plan.

DI. “What’s extra?”

C. Develop


thinking. Form

ability to justify

own choice.



"Feathered Neighbors and Friends"


Observation “What sounds do birds make”:

(crows cawing, sparrows chirping,

cooing of pigeons), observe the behavior of birds and

explain in what cases they make sounds, and in

which ones are silent.

Ball game “Pick up the action”: C: pin

children's knowledge about birds, about the actions that they


P/i “Dog and Sparrows”: C: consolidate knowledge

teach children about the characteristic movements of birds

Labor - cleaning the site - accustoming to work, providing

help for adults.

D/game “When

This happens" -



signs of the times


Did. game “Who likes

Purpose: to exercise


pronunciation of sounds

native language,

cultivate attention



activities under




activities on


Games with remote

material. to help

children to establish

interactions in

cooperative game




Did. game “Helpful - Harmful” Purpose: to encourage

children based on previously acquired knowledge

name harmful and healthy

human products, expand ideas about

their benefit or harm, promote the development

verbal communication based on joint


And/situations with a goal


skills to use


objects (nasal

handkerchief, napkin,

towel, comb);

Preparation for

sleep, cultural






massage paths.

Theatrical game "Aibolit" - to teach children

expressively pronounce the words of your role,

supplement speech with appropriate facial expressions,

movements, convey emotional

the state of the characters.

D/i "Guess the bird from the description": C: riddle

riddles on behalf of birds.

Observation of poplar buds. Goals:

continue to get acquainted with the trees on the site;

form the idea that the kidney is

house for a leaf. Labor activity.

Cleaning up the area, collecting branches and

old leaves. Purpose: to promote desire

work together, experience joy

communication with each other.

game "Name

in a word" -

practice in



ball." Goal:

practice in

hit the ball

with both hands.

D/game “I know everything”

professions" - teach

distinguish between professions

develop logical


P/game “Who left?” -

develop in children

skill quickly

navigate in


attention and speed

reactions. Bring up

the boys have confidence in

to yourself, to accustom

watch your

posture during



game "Bus".

Goal: consolidate

behavior in



04/21/17 Friday

"Feathered Neighbors and Friends"


Reception of children. Morning exercises.

Conversation “Birds are our friends” Goal: Continue

introduce the characteristic signs of spring,

expand children's knowledge about birds, their life in

spring period, about the features of external

appearance, habits. Introduce children to some

migratory birds (rook, cuckoo, starling).

Develop an interest in bird life. Bring up

kind, caring attitude towards birds

Game “Wonderful Bag” Purpose: to train children in

guessing familiar objects by touch.



pens" - teach

children correctly,


and neatly

to wash hands.

Strengthen the skill

follow the rules

stay in children's

garden through


problem solving





children's activities in

centers of activity.

Board games by

children's wishes.

"Mosaic", "Puzzles".


children's activities in

book centers.


Theme “Lamb” C: Introduce the Filimonovskys

toys (birds, animals). Call positive

positive emotional attitude towards toys,

prepared by folk craftsmen, the desire to mold

such a toy. Learn to identify distinctive features

Features of Filimonov toys: beautiful smooth

form; bright, elegant stripes.

According to the plan, physical Instructor.


movements. Target:

teach to save

balance, standing

on one leg

hands on the belt.

Labor - duty



children's activities.

Goal: to educate in

child friendliness,


give in.


Crow watching - offer to children

look at the bird, talk about its features

behavior. Supplement children's ideas about

life of a crow in spring. Learn to use in speech

words and phrases: large, important,

calm, proud, attentive.

outdoor game “Traps in pairs” -C: exercise

children in running, agility, cunning, ingenuity.

Games with objects: “Hit the target” - throwing

vertical target with your left and right hands.

Word games: “Riddle » - continue

to develop in children the ability to identify individual

signs of objects. Make up riddles about them

using figurative words and expressions.


fluffs" -

teach Stepa


turns around

yourself, preserving

hand position

on the belt.


balance, balance



Remind children about

rules of conduct in

outdoor play time.

Development game

thinking: "Guess what

P/ game "Carousel" -

teach at the same time

move and talk

act quickly

after the signal.




Goal: teach children

be active

In the organisation

outdoor games with


bring up


develop creativity.




Reading and discussion of poems by N. Rubtsov

“Crow” and others: C: continue to improve

children's artistic and speech skills

reading poems, develop memory, logic

thinking, cultivate love for wintering

birds, aesthetic feelings.

KGN - eat silently,

carefully, as far as possible


use a napkin.

Preparation for

sleep, cultural






Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking

massage paths.

Modeling “Learning to sculpt birds”: T: learn to sculpt

birds from a whole piece based on folk

clay toys. Encourage to

independent search for decorative techniques


Watching a magpie. Goals: - to form

ideas about the appearance of a magpie, its

characteristic signs, habits; bring up

the need to care for wintering birds.

Outdoor games: “Crow and the Dog”, “Catch

ball". Goals: - teach to imitate movements and sounds

birds; catch the ball with both hands.

D/i “Tell

affectionately" Purpose:


children's dictionary

words with




Develop skill


data words;

speech, memory,



game: "Chauffeur"

Keep learning

to interact

in stories with two
