Why don't they give what is given? Is it possible to re-gift gifts? What to do with an unnecessary gift

What is given is not given - this saying is familiar to all of us from childhood. Yes, in Russia it is considered indecent to re-gift an item given by someone.

Sacred roots of taboo

In the old days, gifts were given a certain sacred meaning. By giving something, a person gave a piece of himself, and then this thing constantly reminded of its giver. Moreover, in the distant past, gifts were most often not bought, but made with their own hands: for example, they could give a tablecloth embroidered with their own hands, knitted shawl, a tailored shirt or boots. To give a gift means to cut off the connection with the person who gave it to you.

Ethical aspect

Nowadays, gifts are no longer given away for ethical reasons: after all, this indicates disrespect for the one who gave you the gift. It’s not for nothing that they say: “It’s not a gift that’s precious, but attention.” Then, there is no guarantee that both the one who originally gave the gift and the one to whom you gave it will not find out about your action.

What gifts can be re-gifted?

These are primarily family heirlooms - jewelry, antiques, paintings. They are often passed down from generation to generation, for example, a mother gives it to her daughter, she gives it to her granddaughter, and a mother-in-law gives it to her daughter-in-law.

What about other nations?

Gift-giving is also discouraged in other cultures. Thus, in European countries, it is customary to present gifts with a receipt from the store. If suddenly the gift turns out to be unnecessary, then you can take it to the store and either exchange it or take the money. Whereas among us Russians, unlike pragmatic Europeans, it is considered indecent to leave a price tag on a gift.

If we are talking about a major celebration - a wedding or anniversary, then in Europe and the USA, newlyweds or birthday people usually make up in advance lists of gifts that they would like to receive, and even indicate the store where it is sold.

And in China it is customary to ask what a person wants to receive as a gift. So it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of the “extra” souvenir in this way.

Americans are increasingly giving gifts instead Gift certificates on a certain amount: a person himself will acquire what he likes.

The British often keep special books where information about received Christmas and New Year's gifts, donor's name and approximate cost. On next year this person is given an equivalent gift.

The Portuguese love to give each other handmade gifts: napkins, tapestries, panels, collars, homemade wooden dishes, candlesticks and picture frames.

They say that what is given is not given. This superstition has become firmly entrenched in the minds of many people. But why can’t you give something that was given as a gift, and what will happen if you still give something that was once given to you?

Many people are not ashamed of the fact that they often give what was given to them. As a rule, such gifts include things that turned out to be unnecessary to a person. For example, you were accidentally given two identical vacuum cleaners for your birthday, and a relative, for example, also has a holiday in a week. So why not save money and donate the item?

Why don't they give what is given?

It is believed that when giving a thing, a person puts a piece of his soul into it. Giving is a special sacrament when a person gives not the gift itself, but, first of all, his good disposition, warmth and love.

What happens when a person gives away a gift? By giving away an item, you may lose energy connection with the one who gave it to you. By such an act you show disrespect for the person and his disposition towards you. According to popular belief, a given gift will not bring anything good either to you or to the person to whom you present it. You won’t be able to put a piece of your soul, your warmth and love into this thing, so the thing won’t bring anything good.

If you want to establish contact with a person, emotional connection If you want to please him, then choose a gift especially for him. Believe me, it is better to give a trinket chosen specifically for a person than the same vacuum cleaner that you found unnecessary. Such a gift will be filled with goodness and joy and will bring happiness to the birthday person.

There are situations when what is given can be regifted. For example, when something is passed down from generation to generation in a family. In this case, the gift will bring good luck and can protect from troubles and adversity. By the way, residents Western countries We have long made it a habit to give gifts with checks. Thus, they show that the gift was chosen specifically for the birthday person, and was not given out of necessity.

Whether you believe in signs and superstitions or not, you should remember that any gift must be given with soul. Only then will it bring joy and happiness. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.07.2014 09:13

There are many folk signs that are associated with important events our life. It's about about signs...

Our ancestors paid great attention gift. If they gave something, then this thing was not only...

As the saying goes, “What is given is not given,” but many people wonder “Why?” After all, sometimes cases occur when the gift given is simply not liked, or does not suit the type, appearance, color or size, or the idle time is not the right thing in the house. Of course, by giving a gift you can offend a person, but still some of us do not pay attention to this.
Naturally, some people manage to over-give gifts, but is this always good, and how is this reflected in the folk superstition that almost every person believes and strives not to succumb to? You will find answers to this question in this article.

Should I re-give gifts?

If you believe it, then re-giving gifts is extremely bad. So, why don’t they give what is given? This can be explained by many facts and folk signs, one of which is the human energy field.
When a person is given a gift, they are giving away a part of themselves, or rather a part of their spiritual energy(in cases where the gift is given from the heart). With the help of this energy, an energy field is created between two people, that is soul connection. As long as the gift belongs to this particular person and periodically contacts him, the connection maintains its position. After the gift is given, the energy field is interrupted.
Interrupt energy field between two people can lead to quarrels, failures and a break in relationships, be they friendly or family.
Another fact to the question “Is it possible to give something gifted?” is that even in ancient times, giving gifts meant giving away your success in life. It was believed that if a person gave a gift that belonged exclusively to him, he gave away his luck. Failures happened to this man, he lost his job, friendship, love and everything that was dear to him.
By folk signs we can also say that a gift that is given to another person is a meaningless and empty thing that carries neither positive nor negative energy. It will not bring good luck, it will not bring joy and hope to a person.
Do not forget that by giving gifts, you show disrespect for the person, which is extremely unpleasant and offensive.

In what cases can gifts be re-gifted?

There are cases when re-giving gifts is not only possible, but even necessary. This applies to those cases when it is customary to pass on something from generation to generation, for example:
- ancient jewelry
- antiques
- original paintings
To give away such a thing means to convey your wisdom and your mind, thereby not depriving yourself of all this. Such a gift tends to bring good luck, happiness, health and even peace. Its energy is absolutely harmless to you and the person who received the gift. An example of such a successful gift is old tradition giving knives or personalized daggers, which was also considered a valuable and important gift.
One more point - the gift can not be re-gifted, but given away. In this case, the gift given to you will not carry with it a bad energy field, but, on the contrary, will strengthen it.

The question of whether it is possible to re-gift gifts worries many people. It is believed that when a person gives a gift, he puts a piece of his soul into it. First of all, the giver gives not only a thing, but a piece of his love, warmth and Have a good mood. Therefore, it is generally accepted that after this thing is given, you may lose the energetic connection with the person from whom this gift was received.

Popular signs say that a given gift cannot bring anything good either to you or to the person to whom it will be addressed. After all, a piece of another person has already been invested in the gift, which is why you will not be able to put your energy there. In addition, the donor will probably be upset if he finds out that the item he chose and gave with love upset you and turned out to be unnecessary.

If you want to do not only pleasant to a loved one, but also to establish an emotional connection, then choose a gift especially for him. It is better to give some not very expensive, but useful trinket, than to give away some valuable thing that costs a lot of money. In the first case, the gift may be small, but it will be filled with your love, warmth and energy. In the second, it can bring misfortune to the birthday boy.

In any case, you should not re-gift gifts, even if they have become unusable or you simply don’t like them.

In the West, they have long begun to give gifts with checks, thereby showing that it was chosen specifically for the recipient. And if you don’t like the gift, you can return it to the same store from which it came. But in our realities, such a practice has not yet taken root.

The only time gifts can be re-gifted are family heirlooms. For example, rings. In this case, the gift can protect the family from various troubles. This list can include chains, crosses and other family valuables.

What to do with an “undesirable” thing?

If you receive a gift that you don’t like, you don’t need to make a face, showing your disappointment, and refuse it. After all, a person spent not only his money, but also time, energy, emotions during the choice. He probably tried to please you, but the fact that he made a small mistake by not guessing your preferences does not mean anything. Be lenient, because you yourself could find yourself in the place of the donor.

There are cases when a gift was relevant, but time passed and it became unnecessary. In both cases, there is no need to try to give them to someone else. If you don’t know exactly why you can’t give something as a gift, but are hesitant, you can simply give it to one of your relatives for temporary use. As you know, nothing more permanent than temporary exists.

If it doesn’t bother you, then it’s best to carefully fold everything unnecessary gifts in a separate box or in a separate room. Surely the time will come when a seemingly useless trinket will find its use. If the gift is clothes, then you can give them to an orphanage. Children will certainly be happy to receive such a gift, and you will not only get rid of unnecessary things, but also help people.

It is a bad sign to re-gift jewelry. Under no circumstances should you get rid of donated rings, crosses or other jewelry in this way. If a ring or earrings do not suit your style, send them for melting down, and then order a new piece of jewelry from the same metal. The cross, if you do not wear a symbol of faith, can simply be left in the jewelry box.

Probably many remember the children's proverb “Gifts are not gifts.” The question of whether it is possible to re-gift is really relevant, because they often present something that we do not need, but would be useful to other people. It's time to find out when you can and when you can't get rid of unnecessary gifts.

Why you can’t re-gift - signs

There are many signs associated with gifts. One of the most common is that what is given is not given.

According to one theory, the fact is that previously almost all gifts were “handmade” and a person invested a piece of his soul, his energy, time into what he created, and therefore getting rid of the gift would be blasphemy.

At a minimum, a person who took such a step would be offended. On the other hand, by giving a gift, a person loses all the good things that were wished for him.

People believe that when giving a gift, the giver gives away part of his spiritual energy and an energy field, a strong connection, is formed between two people.

While the gift is in the hands of the birthday person, the giver is remembered, and the connection is maintained. And if you give a gift, the energy field breaks. Accordingly, the relationship between these two people may also deteriorate. Having given a gift to a friend, you may lose it.

What gifts can you get rid of?

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There are exceptions to all rules. There really are items that can be presented a second time. For example:

  • decorations;
  • antiques;
  • original paintings;
  • any things that are passed down from generation to generation.

This can only be done after cleaning the item first. Otherwise, together with the accumulated energy of someone else, the donated mirror, dagger, painting (which may turn out to be negative) will be transferred to another person.

The same applies precious jewelry. Especially if he doesn’t give the ring blood relative. In this case, the item must be blessed in church or washed with holy water yourself and the “Our Father” read over it.

Eat different opinions regarding the tradition of giving personalized knives or daggers. In a similar way you can perpetuate the memory of the ancestors who passed this weapon on in their family (from father to son). However, the knife itself does not carry positive energy and there are many signs confirming that piercing and cutting objects will attract negativity to the new owner.

Psychics insist that if the dagger was not used for self-defense, it does not “know what blood is” and accumulates negative energy, and wisdom, experience that is transmitted to the younger generation, then this is a good gift.

What to do with an unnecessary gift?

Perhaps someone gave you a little thing that you don’t need and you don’t mind getting rid of it. You can do things differently. In the first case, if you have a receipt, change it in the store for more suitable product or return it.

Take things to charitable foundation or Orphanage. They will bring much more benefits than being in the closet. Give the item to the person who you think will need it more.

Giving gifts, of course, is not the best good idea. Especially if they were presented from pure heart and with all my soul. However, there are situations in which you can get rid of a gift without attracting negative energy.
