Ways to improve karma in everyday life. Creating good karma

Any daily actions have an impact on our destiny. By improving your karma, you will be able to avoid failures, and problems will become an unpleasant rarity in your life.

Lest the future bring you unpleasant surprises, try not to commit evil deeds in the present. Karma is a kind of boomerang effect. If today you decide to harm someone, tomorrow your actions may come back to you. Each of us at least sometimes did what he has Negative consequences. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to improve our karma or whether our sins will torment us throughout life. It is difficult to answer this question without thinking, but do not lose faith. Dailyhoro.ru site experts bring to your attention several simple tips that will help you change your life and destiny.

How to improve your karma

Fate can be changed, and many people who have made efforts to this end will agree with us. If previously your behavior was immoral, but on this moment you are overcome by a stream of bad luck, try to change your life using effective methods for this.

Release evil. Very often it is difficult for us to forgive insults, especially if someone has greatly harmed us. However, do not focus on this. Learn to let go of evil. This will help you not only improve karma, but also clear your energy background. When we are overwhelmed by unpleasant memories, we accumulate negativity around and inside ourselves. All this affects our condition and, of course, our destiny. If you learn to forgive other people, you will notice significant improvements in your own life.

Love. It is important to give your love not to everyone around, but only to close people. If you lack romance, don't seek adventure with every member of the opposite sex. Awaken in yourself deep feelings to one partner and avoid a riotous lifestyle. Thus, you will not only change your karma, but also achieve improvements in your personal life. only sincere and faithful relationship able to give you happiness.

Develop spiritually. Religion - personal choice each person. You can adhere to any faith, but you need to have an idea about the spiritual life. Sometimes simple prayer or even mental communication with the Saints can give inner peace. If you are far from religion, then find for yourself spiritual guide to help you decide on your faith. The most important thing is that it be sincere and meaningful. You should not go to church if you do not have a voluntary desire.

Create. Even if you are not a talented artist or writer, this will not stop you from trying your hand at creative activity. You may not be able to write a work of genius, and your paintings will be amateur, but it is important to try your hand. Creativity helps you relax and let go negative thoughts. Any negative has bad influence on our life. To improve your karma, you need to direct your forces in the right and useful direction. Create more often, and soon you will notice positive changes around and inside you.

Communicate with your inner voice. Perhaps someone does not see the point in talking to himself. However, this will help you adequately analyze your life and understand what you did wrong. Communicating with your inner voice helps you understand your sins and avoid them in the future. Of course, it is always much better to speak out to your loved ones, to pour out your soul in a warm atmosphere. Knowing the price for your actions in the past, you will not want to do them in the future.

The well-known Hollywood actress Sandra Bullock said very clearly about the laws of karma: - "I am a true believer in karma. You get what you give, be it good or bad."

The laws of karma are really based on the principle that everything that happens around you happens to you. This is the cycle of your actions that can determine the fate of your future existences. It is for this reason that our parents taught us from childhood to carefully "filter" words, actions, thoughts and intentions. Here are 10 laws of karma that are not meant to make you a believer in the Buddha, but will radically change your thought process.

law of karma

Karma is universal law which no one can bypass. It is a delusion that karma is necessarily a negative debt. Karma is both positive and negative. It all depends on the actions in all forms that we perform. Karma is one of the key elements of Buddhism. And it is completely alien to the Judeo-Christian tradition. You will not find the word karma in the Bible, as the concept of karma is closely related to the belief in reincarnation. The Buddha teaches that we must move away from all desires and feelings in order to overcome karma in general and not be afraid of rebirth in a new life, in order to reach nirvana sooner or later and get out of the circle of rebirths.

In Buddhism there is no place for divine forgiveness and universal salvation in the cycle of rebirth. The immutable law of karma does not provide for any divine intervention. The only way to get rid of bad karma is to replace it with good karma or good deeds and virtuous life. But who among us can claim that he is absolutely virtuous?

1. The Law of Cause and Effect

This law of karma is beautifully illustrated by the well-known saying "what you sow, so shall you reap." It means that if you wish bad on someone, the same will happen to you. But, on the other hand, if you want the other person to live in peace, prosperity and harmony, you will get the same. This is one of the greatest laws karma and one of the most powerful.

The universe will definitely return the "debt" to us. If you want love, friendship and peace, then you yourself must give others love, friendship and peace.

2. Law of creation

This law of karma implies that life is not something that just happens to you - it requires active participation in order to move forward. Never forget that you and the universe are made up of the same elements. So, what you think about helps shape the world around you. You are responsible for life and the people in it.

Surround yourself with people and things that you truly love. It will help you to be yourself because it is a conscious desire.

3. The law of humility

Humility is about accepting circumstances, whether they are good or bad. You should welcome what tomorrow may bring and accept it with open arms. If you feel that your circumstances are not favorable, you must work towards changing them and continue to believe that everything happens for a reason.

You can't change a situation until you first accept it.

4. Law of growth

Inertia is bad for the soul. Instead of dwelling on your past, you must move forward. This is evidenced by the law of karma "the process of growth and development." According to his postulates, the reins of your life in your own hands, and you can send it wherever you want. You are capable of leading a life that pleases you and should be just the person you want to be.

All that we have in reality is our life and the time allotted to us by the Universe. The main thing is to change and grow yourself, and not to people, technologies and cities around us.

5. Liability law

You and only you can be held accountable for your actions, words and thoughts. There is no point in looking for someone to blame. The law of karma about responsibility is interpreted in such a way that all your failures and successes are, in essence, the fruit of your own activity. You have the power to change your life, but it will require changing your thought process and the environment in which you operate.

Whenever something goes wrong in our lives, the cause of the problem lies within ourselves.

6. The law of connection (relationship)

As mentioned earlier, you and the universe are made up of the same elements. This means that everything in this universe, large or small, living or non-living, is interconnected and has the ability to influence others. Therefore, if you really want to observe changes in your world, in your life, in your situation, you must connect to common system changes.

Even when you do something that seems insignificant to you, it is very important, because all phenomena and things in the Universe are interconnected.

7. The Law of Concentration

No matter what you do, even if it's like this simple thing like drinking a glass of water, you need to direct all your attention to the action. A brain that only half-concentrates on what needs to be done is left full of negative thoughts and therefore unable to reach its full potential. You must eradicate negative thoughts from your mind because they are holding you back and replace them with positive ones that will help you achieve what you want. Law of Karma - Concentrate fully to perform any action.

You can't think about two things at the same time, you can't do two things at the same time

8. Law of hospitality and giving

If you have a place in your heart, then the space in your home becomes irrelevant. You should always be kind, courteous and affable, giving more than you expect to receive. Not only will the fulfillment of this law of karma help you achieve spiritual growth, but you will also learn to enjoy the small joys of life.

"I only know what I know" - when you believe something is true, you must be ready to demonstrate it on own experience. If you are not ready, then you have only an opinion, not knowledge.

9. The law of change and karma

Nothing is permanent, be it happiness or sorrow, rain or heat. Everything goes through cyclic change, starting anew as soon as the next cycle ends. If the same things happen to you over and over again, it's because you are failing to learn the lessons of life that is trying to teach you. Only awareness of this lesson can help you break out of the cycle of repetition.

History will repeat itself until you learn lessons from it that force you to change your cyclical path. It is foolish to do the same thing every time and expect different results.

10. Law "here and now"

The past is immaterial, as is the future. The only thing that matters is what is happening right here and right now. Realizing this will teach you to live your life to the fullest and not chase the ghostly crane in the sky. However, beautiful and beautiful tomorrows and memories can be yours if you can live happily in the present moment.

Regrettably, but what has happened has already happened and there is no way to change it.

Brow with a clear mind and with a pure heart put into practice at least a few of the above laws of karma and this can change your life for the better.

In fact, a person with light karma is happier, healthier, more prosperous in every sense of the word, that is, all this is the result of his light karma.

Let's look at a few ways to improve or brighten karma.

1. Before you start creating light karma, you need to cleanse yourself of the dark. To do this, remember those people who greatly offended you, deceived or treated you badly. The result of this could be illness, problems in his personal life, a constant lack of money, and the like.

Forgive them, you can do any forgiveness ritual that psychologists offer. Forgiveness energetically frees you from offenders and makes you free from dark karma, which continued to act on you as a result of the fact that you did not draw conclusions from what happened, did not see how you attracted this situation into your life, but harbored a grudge .

2. Remember the people you offended, if possible, meet with them and ask for forgiveness. AT last resort, you can call them. If those people have already passed away, then mentally ask for forgiveness, you can go to church and order a memorial service for them or light a candle for the repose of the Soul.

3. In order to improve karma, it is important to establish a dialogue with life and learn to understand the symbols and signs with which she communicates with us. Life speaks to us through people, situations and circumstances that do not leave us indifferent. It happens that you need to make a choice on which your fate depends, if there is contact with life, then make right choice will be easy.

4. In addition, very often people are prevented from creating bright karma by resentment for life., therefore, in this matter it is important to build a dialogue with life, that is, constantly look for an answer to the question of what life wants to tell me through this negative, in my opinion, situation or person. After all, it gives us those situations and circumstances that will contribute to our growth and development, and not to worsen our fate. Remember that the cross is given in the strictest accordance with our back, that is, there are no circumstances that could be higher than us.

5. To create light karma will help the attitude that determines You as a dark or light person. Learn to treat all living things with love, it means to see Divinity and uniqueness in every creation. Learn to love yourself, the people close to you and life itself. Find every day something for which you are grateful in life, even if it seems to you that this is a trifle. Gratitude is a quality that is characteristic of bright people, they always find something to be grateful for.

6. Do charity work however, it is important here that it be absolutely disinterested. If you do charity work and expect that life will thank you, then this will no longer be a way to improve karma.

Therefore, let it be something that you can really do with pleasure, without expecting anything in return. Maybe you take food to an orphanage, take a homeless cat to your place, or just help a lonely old woman, it doesn't matter.

7. Find your mission. Each person should have his own mission and benefit people and life itself. What will it be? It is up to you, the main thing is that these actions are systematic, for example, once a month or a week. The mission also implies that you will do it just like that.

One of the most better ways to create light karma is not to commit evil deeds that will harm someone. And actions are always motivated by feelings, which are based on thoughts, so the most important thing is to have pure thoughts. Dream of something bright and move towards your dream bright way, this is best method create good karma.

Karma, fate, sometimes fate... In different peoples of the world, what dominates our lives is called differently. The materialistic view of "nothing prevails over us" is shattered simple observation. "Happy you, Verka" - say friends with secret envy. "You have everything - a wonderful husband and healthy children, share the secret of success." And it happens that a person is both smart and handsome, and it seems that he should be successful. It beats like a fish on ice. And success is still there. Somewhere over the horizon. So what's the deal?

At the same time, we are not talking about mysticism, but about quite real things available to ordinary observation. There are, relatively speaking, "lucky", and there is - walking grief, and by no means onion. Why is that?

There are several points of view on this matter. And one of them - the happiness or unhappiness of a person is caused by how sinful (he committed acts against people and heaven) the whole human race (sins of the ancestors).

Orthodoxy assumes that God perceives us unusually. He sees us not only as individuals that exist in isolation from others. It seems that we are also seen as a cathedral of us and our ancestors and descendants. Like a certain, if you like, crowd of people, consisting of parents, grandparents, and even more distant ancestors. And some kind of grief or joy laid down for us is, as it were, "divided" into the whole race. For example, very often those who destroyed churches in the 1930s had children and grandchildren born sick.

And the cult of ancestors, the culture of veneration of ancestors among the most different peoples The world is based precisely on the assumption that ancestors can somehow influence their descendants. Such are the beliefs of the Indians, and of many other small peoples. Yes, it is difficult to find a people on earth who would not intuitively feel that the piety or sins of their parents affect the family. Sometimes such thoughts take the form of "appeasement" of the ancestors, who for some reason became angry.

In Orthodox Christianity, things are somewhat more complicated.

First, Orthodox Christianity has a different attitude towards suffering in life. Orthodox Christian perceives his own suffering and trials not only as a punishment, but also as a possible care of God for himself. It is not for nothing that many Orthodox saints were upset if "nothing bad happened" in their lives. It was believed that it was "God forgot about you."

The idea, although surprising, is based on the assumption (reasonable, by the way) that a person who suffers becomes a better person. he becomes kinder, softer, suffering softens nature, makes a person more sensitive to someone else's pain. And since the goal of the Orthodox faith is salvation, that is, the transformation and union of the soul with God and life with God after death in the Kingdom of Heaven, suffering during life can actually help to become better.

But everything has a measure, right?

After all, suffering is different. It is one thing - a noble, purifying suffering, when you suffer, but you understand how great and important your work is. Probably, such is the suffering from illnesses of an elderly grandmother, loved by the whole family and literally carried in her arms. Although you experience physical pain, it is buried in a hot wave of warmth and love from your family.

And there is suffering cruel, ruthless. Suffering that literally twists the human soul. What is it like for a mother to see her son drowning in drunkenness or drugs? What is it like for this mother to see how a son or daughter, rejecting any help, clings to frankly vicious people, spends time with them, while the helping hand extended by relatives is rejected with contempt? This is the kind of pain that cannot be relieved. This is one of the manifestations of the "difficult fate", which would not be bad to improve.

Orthodoxy offers a really working mechanism for improving fate, improving, if you like, "karma". After all, what is "karma"? This is the burden of past deeds that weighs on a person, which positively or negatively affects later life. If "karma" is a burden of past deeds, frankly bad, then it is difficult to expect good luck, happiness, prosperity from life. Bad "karma", the influence of past misdeeds, like a corrosive acid, spoils all undertakings of a person.

And the idea that the universe or God perceives us in conjunction with our ancestors completely immerses us in an unusual picture. The frankly harmful and pernicious life of our ancestor complicates our life as a son or daughter. Decreases luck. For there is no blessing from God for such a person.

In our country, in long-suffering Russia, which has gone through 70 years of godlessness, there are many stories among the people about how those who blew up churches, smashed bells with a hammer - dumb children were born, sick children, how these same children lived far from the happiest life.

Orthodox do not believe in fate and karma. In Orthodoxy, they believe in the destructive power of sin, corroding our lives. And most importantly, the sins of the fathers can deprive the sons of happiness.

Yes, just look at our country. Is it really possible to say out loud and seriously that this is a country happy people? And what's the reason? This is a country in which icons were burned, in which believers were dug into trenches with tractors and excavators, this is a country of tens of thousands of priests and laity who were shot. And this weighs heavily on the country.

I remember reading with surprise interesting story. The young deacon, whose wife was pregnant and expecting her first child, was arrested and shot for his faith at the age of 37. That is, he became a martyr for the faith, a saint of a very high rank.

Nowadays. An elderly lonely woman cannot possibly die. A priest is called to her. Turns out she's not baptized at all. She is baptized and dies almost immediately. In Orthodoxy, this is a guarantee of the salvation of the soul, since baptism washes away all sins and a few days after baptism a person is literally temporarily holy. It may seem unconvincing from a worldly point of view, they say, "well, wow, your baptism is also dangerous to health." Well, we're talking about a very old man. It's a miracle she survived to this day. It is a miracle that she not only survived, but died immediately after baptism.

The priest knows that usually such accidents do not happen (usually a heavy and painful death among outright sinners, drunkards, thieves, murderers, rapists and people who are simply angry at heart and tongue). And here - clearly a holy death. What's the matter? He asks the neighbors, "why, they say, God endured her for so long and accepted her immediately after baptism, while she is sinless. Why mercy"? And a poignant reply followed. "Her father at 37 (he was a deacon) was shot for his faith."

The holiness of her father influenced her fate. As they say in Orthodoxy, "the father begged for his daughter." He begged, that is, he begged God to do good to his daughter, to do mercy to his daughter. That is, in Orthodoxy they believe in the holy power of a feat, the feat of our ancestor, whose good deeds or an act pleasing to God can lead to the blessing of descendants.

By the way, this is one of the reasons why saints were born to pious parents (read the lives of the saints ... as a rule, real saints were born to worthy, God-fearing people).

That is, there is a fairly transparent logic. Holy ancestors are good, it improves your destiny, your chances to live life (or at least finish it) joyfully, correctly, in conscience, in peace with people and God. And vice versa. Outright theomachists, drunkards, fornicators, parents cast a shadow of a curse on their children, on the whole family.

And what to do? After all, we do not choose parents, but grandparents.

We don't choose.

But we can use a simple and very reliable way to improve our own destiny. We can use in Orthodox Church by the method of cleansing deceased relatives from sins called "sorokoust".

Sorokoust is a special commemoration of your relative's name at every service. This commemoration contains a request for the forgiveness of the sins of the one whose name you indicate.

Sorokoust can be ordered for one name for 40 days (which gave the name to the sorokoust - a person is commemorated for 40 days during 40 services). But there are magpies for half a year and for a year. And even "eternal commemoration".

The logic of frequent commemoration is based on the fact that in the Gospel God said "knock and it will be opened" (not knock a couple of times), that is, God himself favors perseverance. This is a kind of test of the sincerity of our intentions. If we are sincere, we will be persistent. If we are formal, then our "come-gone-forgotten" behavior will immediately betray complete inner indifference to the content of our request.

Sorokoust - paid. It costs one name for 40 days from 100 to 200-300 rubles. The most profitable in terms of money is ordering a magpie for a year. Then, at a cost of up to 1000 rubles (usually 600-800 rubles), you will receive a commemoration of your deceased ancestor all year round. The idea of ​​improving one's own life is based on the fact that for all your dead ancestors (only baptized ones!) Magpies must be ordered continuously in the nearest Orthodox Church.

It works? It works! You will not immediately, but you will begin to notice it. Everything seems to be starting to improve. And noticeable for decent periods of time. It's just that the line of fate seemed to have switched arrows and you went on a different track. Your branch now, though slowly, but leads to joy, tranquility, and you are moving further and further away from the terrible abyss.

By the way, you can also order a magpie for the living, and it also helps a lot (life also begins to straighten out). Ideally, everything should be done in a complex - order a magpie for the person who wants to help and for his deceased relatives. A person begins to somehow behave softer and kinder, begins to reach for spiritual values. Ideally, magpies should be continuously ordered for both the living and the dead.

Isn't that magic? Not paganism?

No. These are spiritual laws.

"When the Lord forgives dead sinners, then their sins do not fall on the shoulders of their descendants. This is the meaning of church prayers for the dead, so that the Lord forgives their sins and that the punishment does not fall on their children."- writes St. Nicholas of Serbia.

It is clear that we ourselves would not hurt to lead a spiritual life, go to church, pray for forgiveness and our own sins and shortcomings. But modern man you have to start with something simple.

And the magpie order about relatives (dead and living) is the simplest and effective way objectively influence own life. Not to mention the fact that a magpie for deceased relatives is a thousand times better than any commemoration for them. There are many cases when a relative was objectively saved from hell with the help of magpies!

We spend so much effort, time, money on all sorts of strange refresher courses, on irrelevant and dubious projects. Despite the fact that an objectively working and proven method is very close, in the nearest Orthodox church. Literally for a penny. Welcome to pure form. For what can be higher than prayer for someone.

Don't put off until tomorrow.

Start improving your life today.

A person must replenish good karma. If you only use it, that is, be lucky and receive benefits from the Universe, but do not do good deeds, karma will gradually be spent and sooner or later it will come to zero. If, however, you still earn bad karma, then the new incarnation is unlikely to be rosy.

Moreover - good karma can be spent even before a new incarnation. Now the processes in the Universe are proceeding at an ever greater speed. As a result, people often start working off bad karma right away. Therefore, everyone - - needs to replenish the reserves of goodness, good karma.

What you will learn from the article:

7 Ways to Increase Piety and Improve Karma

1. Cleanliness

Maintaining purity on all material and spiritual planes = purification of karma.

I will not write about how to maintain the cleanliness of the body. This is not only about the rejection of promiscuous sexual relations. Take a shower or at least wash your feet every time you take off your shoes when you get home. Before praying and reciting mantras, as well as preparing food, you should also take a dip.

It is also necessary to keep the place where you live clean. Regular wet cleaning, I'm sure, is not new to all of us. But do not forget to also clean the home from negative energies. I've already covered several ways to do this:


Many say they will do charity work when they have the opportunity to do so. But in fact, absolutely everyone has the opportunity. If you don't have extra money, give a smile, care, a compliment, a kind encouraging word, help on your own or give advice. This is also charity.

As for alms and charity. It is better to donate money to those people in relation to whom you feel gratitude - teachers, inspirers, your spiritual mentors. It is better to give food to the poor.

According to the Vedas, for example, there are such types of charity: plant a tree, marry a daughter, dig a well, provide medical care, feed the hungry, make lighting in the dark public place, give a roof over your head (any guest is considered a guest from God - therefore, it is important to receive guests most in the best way!), contribute to education, build roads, share food with neighbors, give essentials to those in need. As you can see - not a word about money ...

3. Help the elders

Those people who, by fate, are given to look after the elders, the elderly - whether they are relatives or strangers- blessed. They were blessed in this life to improve their own karma many times over.

Let these words be a consolation to those who are tired of such guardianship. And also an important argument for those who do not dare to take it.

4. Helping other people

Helping other people opens the incoming flow for us. Because if you lend a helping hand to your reflection in the mirror, you will see the person giving you. It's the same with the universe.

There are two types of help - relief from suffering and help in achieving success. On both paths, be vigilant and reasonable: everyone has their own karma, and help should not be in alleviating this karma, but in showing the path of accumulating piety.

5. Discipline

The accumulation of piety is also facilitated by the daily routine, nutrition, as well as social discipline. The simplest thing is to get up and go to bed with the sun, eat right, devote time to spiritual practice, follow the traditions of the society in which you live.

6. Animal protection

Everything is clear here. And at the same time, not completely and not for everyone - after all, most of us eat animal meat. To be a vegetarian or not is a matter of choice for each person. But one thing is clear: if you don’t eat meat, you will get more good karma in reserve.

7.Good behavior

Keep the commandments or laws of your faith - this will improve your karma. And also be polite, merciful, honest, keep your duties towards other people, stay honest with others and with yourself, visit, believe in God (in your religion) - all this will increase your piety.
