Why sick children are born. Karmic causes of diseases: why sick children are born

What is the real danger of having an unhealthy child?
In recent decades, on average, for every 1000 births, there are from 35 to 50 children with one or another defect. Is it a lot? At first glance, not too much - only 3.5-5%. It is especially easy to talk about such a topic in the abstract.

But if you look at these unfortunate children, the numbers will seem very large. If you do not engage in special study, a lot of information, in particular, such that may be useful, will not be obtained from known percentages. Therefore, doctors analyze all cases of the birth of handicapped children, establish, for example, from which pregnancy the child was born, what is the age of the mother, how often and how much the husband drinks alcohol, whether the mother smokes, and much more.

When information is processed in this way, the picture becomes more homogeneous. It turns out that there is a greater chance of having a handicapped child in late primiparas, in spouses who are blood relatives (some religions allow marriages even between cousins), in people with hereditary diseases, but most often in people who abuse alcohol, and also in smokers. unhealthy child can also be born as a result of a single use of alcohol during the day before conception, but more often this is the result of more or less regular drinking, and it practically does not matter who drinks, the father or mother.

Due to the fact that an average of 270 days pass from the moment of conception to the birth of a child, and several more months before the deformity is detected, it is almost impossible to establish exactly how much a husband or wife drank on the day of conception. Sometimes it is not even possible to establish whether they drank at all. Hence, there is a certain discrepancy in the figures characterizing the influence of alcohol on the appearance of deformities. Some experts claim that at least 80% of all birth defects are due to alcohol, others call the figure 70%. Be that as it may, but most of all deformities arise precisely under the influence of this poison.

It must be emphasized that for the birth of a child with deformities, it is not at all necessary that the mother or father be chronic alcoholics, a single use is enough. And this is scary, especially in connection with the custom that still exists in some places to divide the “loaf” at the wedding. Actually, it’s scary, of course, not that the guests hand envelopes with money to the newlyweds, this is apparently more practical and expedient than acquiring ten floor lamps in one day. The terrible thing is that the custom requires a drink with everyone who hands over an envelope. And even if it’s not a full glass, even if it’s just a few sips, but there are so many guests ...

In addition to alcohol and smoking (it's hard to separate the two because almost everyone who drinks alcohol also smokes), there are several other reasons why about 7 to 10 children out of 1000 are born malformed. Improving working and living conditions, tightening many norms and maximum allowable concentrations of various environmental pollutants, creating a wide network of medical genetic consultations, in which even before the onset of pregnancy they can say whether the risk of birth defects is high, will lead to the fact that already at the very In the near future, this part of the reasons can be forgotten.

Thus, there is nothing unrealistic in the assumption that the day is not far off when all developmental defects will be the result of only one cause - drunkenness.

Scientists in their studies found that in 23 families of chronic alcoholics, pregnancies ended in this way: 15 stillbirths and 8 children with developmental defects and various deformities, that is, in 100% of cases, this or that pathology.

In a special study of the problem of how long alcohol poisons the body in terms of its effect on the unborn child (for in everything else - the destruction of nerve cells, the destruction of the liver, etc., the changes caused by alcohol are lifelong), it was found that in a family of chronic alcoholics, normal children can be born after at least two or three years after the parents completely abstinent from drinking alcohol.


Pregnancy is a joyful and at the same time anxious expectation of the mystery of nature, which is about to happen. Throughout the path of intrauterine development of the baby, the mother sensitively listens to his every movement, awaits with trepidation the results of all the tests and the results of any study passed. Everyone wants to hear the same phrase from doctors: "Your child is healthy." But this is not always the case.

There are various fetal pathologies that are diagnosed at different stages of pregnancy and force parents to make a serious decision - will the baby be born or not. Painful deviations from the normal developmental process can be congenital or acquired.


Since the causes of pathologies in the fetus can be due to genetics or external factors, congenital and acquired abnormalities differ. The former are present from the very moment of conception and are diagnosed most often in the early stages, while the latter can appear in a child and be detected by doctors at any stage of pregnancy.


Congenital, genetic pathologies of the fetus in medicine are called trisomies. This is a deviation from the norm of the child's chromosomes, which appears at the earliest stages of its intrauterine formation.

Pathologies due to the wrong number of chromosomes:

  • Down syndrome - problems with the 21st chromosome; signs - dementia, peculiar appearance, growth retardation;
  • Patau syndrome - disorders with the 13th chromosome; manifestations - multiple malformations, idiocy, multi-fingering, problems with the genitals, deafness; sick children rarely live up to 1 year;
  • Edwards syndrome - pathology of the 18th chromosome; symptoms - small lower jaw and mouth, narrow and short palpebral fissures, deformed auricles; 60% of children do not live up to 3 months, only 10% reach 1 year.

Diseases dictated by the wrong number of sex chromosomes:

  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome - the absence of an X chromosome in a girl; signs - short stature, infertility, sexual infantilism, somatic disorders;
  • polysomy on the X chromosome is manifested by a slight decrease in intelligence, psychosis and schizophrenia;
  • polysomy on the Y chromosome, the symptoms are similar to the previous pathology;
  • Klinefelter's syndrome affects boys, signs - weakened hair growth on the body, infertility, sexual infantilism; in most cases - mental retardation.

Pathologies caused by polyploidy (the same number of chromosomes in the nucleus):

  • triploidy;
  • tetraploidy;
  • cause - gene mutations of the fetus;
  • lethal before birth.

If the causes of fetal pathology during pregnancy are genetic in nature, they can no longer be corrected, such diseases are incurable. The child will have to live with them all his life, and the parents will have to sacrifice a lot to raise him. Of course, among patients with Down syndrome, for example, there are talented, even gifted people who have become famous throughout the world, but you need to understand that these are a few, happy exceptions to the rules.


It also happens that an embryo can be absolutely healthy genetically, but acquires deviations in the process of its uterine development under the influence of a variety of unfavorable factors. These can be diseases of the mother that she suffered during pregnancy, poor environmental conditions, an unhealthy lifestyle, etc.

Acquired pathology of the fetus during pregnancy can affect a variety of organs and systems. Among the most common are the following:

  • deformation or absence (complete, partial) of internal organs (most often the brain suffers) or parts of the body (limbs, for example);
  • anatomical defects of the facial skeleton;
  • heart defects;
  • non-closure of the spinal canal;
  • cerebral hypoexcitability (perinatal) manifests itself after the birth of a baby in the form of low muscle tone, lethargy, drowsiness, unwillingness to suckle, lack of crying, but this pathology is treatable;
  • cerebral hyperexcitability (perinatal) is also successfully treated, symptoms - severe tension, trembling of the chin, long crying, screaming;
  • hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome is characterized by an increased volume of the head, bulging of the fontanel, disproportions between the facial and cerebral lobes of the skull, and developmental delays.

In a special group, deviations from normal intrauterine development can also be distinguished, the causes of which are very difficult to determine. This is what nature has decreed, and nothing can be done about it. These include:

  • the pathology of the umbilical cord of the fetus detected at different stages of pregnancy: it can be too long or very short, prolapse of its loops, knots, abnormal attachment, thrombosis and cysts - all this can lead to hypoxia and death of the child;
  • multiple pregnancy (including Siamese twins);
  • many and low water;
  • placental pathology: hyperplasia (its weight is too large) and hypoplasia (if its mass is less than 400 g), heart attack, chorioangioma, trophoblastic disease, placental insufficiency;
  • incorrect presentation of the fetus, some doctors also call pathology.

Each of these deviations requires doctors and parents to have a special attitude towards the child they are carrying, utmost care, and most importantly, to remain calm. In order not to hear a disappointing diagnosis from a doctor, you need to try to exclude from your life all the factors that can cause acquired fetal pathologies. This is in the power of every woman who is expecting a child.

Stars with Down Syndrome. People with Down syndrome can be gifted. Among celebrities with such a congenital pathology are artist Raymond Hu, swimming champion Maria Langovaya, lawyer Paula Sage, actors Pascal Dukenne and Max Lewis, musician and composer Ronald Jenkins.

The reasons

Prevention of fetal pathologies involves the exclusion from the life of a young mother of those factors that can provoke the development of intrauterine abnormalities. The most common causes of such diseases include the following.


If you know about the presence of genetic abnormalities in your family, even before conception, you need to undergo a series of examinations and tests.

Unfavorable environmental conditions

Mom's work at a chemical plant, in a laboratory with toxic substances, living near large industrial enterprises or a radiation zone can lead to irreversible consequences.

Wrong way of life

External deformities of newborns are very often caused by smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, insufficient or poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy.


Viral and bacterial diseases can turn into the most dangerous pathologies for the baby:

  • influenza up to 12 weeks ends either in a miscarriage, or the child will be completely healthy;
  • influenza after 12 weeks can lead to hydrocephalus and placental pathologies;
  • rubella is fraught with deafness, blindness, glaucoma and damage to the skeletal system of the fetus;
  • toxoplasmosis, transmitted through cats, provokes the development of microcephaly, meningoencephalitis, dropsy of the brain, damage to the eyes and central nervous system;
  • hepatitis B: intrauterine infection of the fetus with this virus is dangerous, as a result, 40% of children can be cured, but 40% die before the age of 2 years;
  • cytomegaly can be transmitted to the baby in the womb, and he risks being born blind, deaf, with cirrhosis of the liver, damage to the intestines and kidneys, and encephalopathy.

Venereal diseases are no less dangerous for the intrauterine development of the fetus:

  • herpes can be transmitted to a child and cause pathologies such as microcephaly, malnutrition, blindness;
  • in a fetus infected with syphilis, a specific rash, damage to the skeletal system, liver, kidneys, and central nervous system are observed;
  • gonorrhea leads to eye disease, conjunctivitis, generalized infection (sepsis), amnionitis or chorioamnionitis.

To avoid such dangerous consequences for the life and health of an unborn baby, parents should do everything possible to eliminate the above causes. Quit hazardous work, move away from the industrial zone, stop smoking and drinking, eat well, avoid diseases and treat them at the first symptoms. You can learn about the pathology of the fetus as early as 12 weeks, when the first examination for its presence is performed.

Lots of statistics. With mother's alcoholism, toxicosis is found in 26%, intrauterine death of the child - in 12%, miscarriages - in 22%, difficult births - in 10%, premature babies - in 34%, birth injuries - in 8%, asphyxia - in 12%, weakened newborns - in 19%.

Diagnosis and timing

Prenatal diagnosis of abnormalities in the development of the fetus is a complex and capacious process. One of the most important stages is the screening of fetal pathology, which is a set of examinations prescribed for pregnant women at 12, 20 and 30 weeks. As a rule, this is a blood test for the presence of biochemical serum markers of chromosomal disorders. Usually, checking the fetus for pathology includes the following activities.

Blood tests

I trimester (double test):

  • free β-subunit (its concentration) hCG;
  • PAPP-A: plasma protein A.

II trimester (triple test for fetal pathology):

  • either total hCG is detected, or, as in the first trimester, a free β-subunit of hCG;
  • α-fetoprotein (AFP protein);
  • free estriol (unconjugated).

An obligatory addition to blood tests is ultrasound. Evaluation of results is always complex. However, a blood test for fetal pathology, even with ultrasound, cannot give a 100% guarantee, therefore, if abnormalities are suspected, invasive diagnostic methods are performed: chorionbiopsy and cordocentesis.

Chorionic biopsy

This is the receipt of chorion tissue for the detection and prevention of chromosomal diseases, the carriage of chromosomal abnormalities and monogenic diseases. It is performed in the form of a uterine puncture, which can be carried out through the abdominal wall, vagina or cervix with special forceps or an aspiration catheter.

Those parents who want to know how to determine the pathology of the fetus in the early stages can use this analysis, since its main advantage is that diagnostics are performed already at 9-12 weeks, as well as quick results (2-3 days). Indications for carrying out:

  • age over 35;
  • the presence of a child with CM (congenital malformation), monogenic, chromosomal diseases;
  • heredity of chromosomal abnormality, gene mutation;
  • at 10-14 weeks of pregnancy, according to echography, the thickness of the collar space is more than 3 mm.

This analysis for fetal pathology is quite painful and can provoke bleeding, but with experienced medical staff everything goes without complications.


This is a method of obtaining cord (cord) blood of a child for research. It is usually performed in parallel with amniocentesis (analysis of amniotic fluid). Available up to 18 weeks.

Under infiltration anesthesia, a needle is punctured through the abdominal anterior wall and the necessary amount of blood is pumped out of the umbilical cord vessel. Such examination of the fetus for pathology can reveal chromosomal and hereditary diseases, Rhesus conflict, hemolytic disease.

More about the method here.


One of the most accurate and reliable diagnostics is ultrasound. Many parents are concerned about which fetal pathologies can be detected during pregnancy on ultrasound, and which ones can remain, as they say, “behind the scenes”.

Ultrasound at 12 weeks reveals:

  • CNS defects (anencephaly);
  • absence of the peritoneal anterior wall (gastroschisis);
  • pathology of the spine in the fetus;
  • umbilical hernia (omphalocele);
  • absence of limbs;
  • Down syndrome.

At week 20, almost all visible pathologies of the fetus on ultrasound can be diagnosed. This is due to the fact that most of the internal organs and systems of the baby are already well formed.

At week 30, an ultrasound examination can only confirm or refute the data obtained by other methods (using a blood test, cordocentesis, chorionbiopsy).

Now - about what fetal pathologies are not detected by ultrasound:

  • blindness;
  • mental retardation;
  • deafness
  • minor organ defects in the fetus - obstruction of the liver ducts, defects in the cardiac septa;
  • genetic diseases: Duchenne myopathy, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria;
  • fetal chromosomal pathologies - Edwards, Patau, Turner syndrome.

However, the last group of these deviations does not elude doctors, as they are helped by a pregnant woman's blood test for fetal pathology and other diagnostic methods.

A young mother cannot herself feel any symptoms that something is wrong with her baby. Only a set of diagnostic measures at different stages of pregnancy can reveal deviations. Thus, signs of fetal pathology in the early stages, detected by ultrasound, should be visually noticeable. These are external deviations in its development: the shape of the skull, the ratio of sizes, the features of skin folds, etc.

Unfortunately, there are cases when a child is born with pathologies not detected prenatally. This happens either due to the inexperience and unprofessionalism of the medical staff, or due to a malfunction or dilapidation of the ultrasound equipment.

Data. Thanks to ultrasound, up to 80% of congenital pathologies in the fetus are detected in time, of which 40% of pregnancies are terminated due to severe, disabling or life-incompatible defects.

At-risk groups

There is a group of women who come under the closest attention of geneticists, since the risk of developing abnormalities is very high. They are required to take blood for fetal pathology and carry out other diagnostic measures at different stages of pregnancy. These are the following cases:

  • age over 35;
  • if the family already has a child with a pathology;
  • previous miscarriages, stillbirths, miscarriages;
  • heredity (if one of the parents has Down syndrome);
  • long-term use of strong medications during pregnancy;
  • the effect of radiation on the mother's body.

If a woman falls into a risk group, she is given a detailed consultation on how to find out if the fetus has pathologies, and prescribe all the necessary measures for this. The main purpose of such screenings is to find out if the child can be helped and whether such a pregnancy should be left until delivery.

Attention: radiation! If a young mother has been exposed to radiation, she must be sure to inform the doctor about it, since it is for this reason that babies are most often born with irreversible and incorrigible external deformities.


Further development of events largely depends on how long fetal pathologies are detected (the sooner the better) and what kind of deviation was diagnosed. The doctor can only advise, but the decision is made by the parents themselves.

If the genetic mutation is strong and entails the inevitable death of the child (intrauterine or in the first year of life), abortion is suggested. If external deformities are few, modern plastic surgery works wonders, and the child in the future may look the same as other children. Each case is too individual and unique, therefore it requires a special approach.

If pathologies of fetal development have been identified, parents should first of all listen to the opinion of doctors. If the deviations are too serious and will make the life of the baby unbearable in the future, and at the same time the young couple has every chance to conceive a healthy child next time, doctors suggest abortion. Each case is unique and requires an individual approach.

The right decision can be made by weighing all the pros and cons. Do not panic or despair: this will only aggravate the situation. Modern medicine works wonders, and you need to rely entirely on the professional opinion of an experienced, knowledgeable doctor in this matter.

The statistics are inexorable: every year the number of children born with pathologies of various sizes is only growing. At the same time, infant mortality rates are falling. This trend cannot be very encouraging, because a sick child is a colossal burden on parents and the state. A huge amount of effort, labor and financial resources are invested in it. And if the disease is serious, then, despite all the efforts, he may never become a full-fledged member of society. Sociologists, doctors, and all caring people are interested in the question: why is a child born sick, especially if there were no prerequisites for this? Let's try to figure this out together.

The opinion of children's doctors

Someone who, and they should be aware of the latest events. Pediatric surgeons themselves complain about the fact that children are now being born with such pathologies that they have not seen before. Multiple malformations of the intestines and lungs, heart and stomach, esophagus and central nervous system, underdeveloped internal organs ... They are operated on, but there is no guarantee that further development will proceed normally. Why is the baby born sick? Doctors are sure that not least the matter is in their parents. Now gives birth to a generation that grew up in the 90s. The lack of everything necessary affected the formation of their body. And today, instead of serious preparation for pregnancy, examinations and treatment, many people prefer to go to clubs. We see results every day.

Bad heredity

You can talk for a long time about the crisis of the modern generation, but you should not attribute everything to the frivolity of young people. In the days of our grandmothers, there was a healthy diet, a sufficient amount of physical activity, a normal ecological situation, but children died often and in large numbers. The reasons were different: childhood diseases, poor sanitary and hygienic conditions, lack of preventive vaccinations. But the fact remains: people did not know why the child was born sick, but if this happened, they more calmly perceived the fact of his death. He will not suffer himself and will not give offspring, even weaker. This is called natural selection. No wonder families often had ten children, and only three or four survived.

Modern advances in medicine

And how are things today? The question of why a child is born sick is very multifaceted. There are many different factors, related questions and few answers. They are studied by geneticists, physiologists, doctors, but they cannot give an unequivocal answer. Today, medicine has taken a big step forward. Doctors help to get pregnant those couples who would never be able to have offspring. Those born at the earliest terms are saved and "carried out" in special incubators. That's all well and good, but what about the consequences? Is it because these man and woman did not have children that their genes were not to be passed on to the next generation? Was nature so mistaken when it tried to stop the development of a baby who was saved by doctors? It is difficult to answer these questions unambiguously.

Severe consequences

Speaking about why sick children are born, they often remember the harm of alcoholism and smoking. It's no secret that today young girls and boys have become addicted to such things more often than sports. It would seem that they took a walk in their youth, and then they grew up, settled down, and forgot like a bad dream ... And everything would be fine, but only harmful substances taken directly during pregnancy influence the development of the child. A girl's eggs are formed once and for all her life, gradually maturing in turn. Therefore, you need to remember in advance about your role as a future mother.

For men, things are a little easier. Spermatozoa are completely renewed over and over again, therefore, if you are planning to become a father, it is enough to eat right for the last month or two, give up alcohol and smoking. This does not guarantee that you will have a healthy baby, but it reduces the chances of having a baby with pathologies.

Here I would also like to talk about modern ecology. You ask why non-smokers have sick children. And who canceled the passive inhalation of cigarette smoke at bus stops and in public places? But it's not just smokers that create problems. Cars, factories - there are so many emissions of toxic substances in the air that one can wonder how healthy children are born in our country. What is a woman's choice? More often to be in nature, spend time in parks.

Proper nutrition

Continuing to consider why sick children are born to healthy parents, I would like to note that the nutrition of future parents plays an important role. Now we do not mean the period of pregnancy itself, when what the mother eats has a direct impact on the baby.

What do kids and teens love? Chips and crackers, cola and hamburgers. And porridge and kefir are disgusting for them. If a young organism regularly lacks the substances it needs, and is simultaneously saturated with transgenic fats, this will not bring anything good in the future. As they grow older, they may begin to be more aware of their health and rethink their eating habits. But at this moment the development of the organism is completely completed and it is not possible to correct any mistakes. They may not be critical, but, adding up among themselves, in the next generation they will lead to more serious deviations. So, time after time, we get a less and less viable generation.

Genetic diseases

All of the above seems logical, but does not answer the question of why sick children are born to healthy parents. Even if we assume that the mother and father grew up in ideal conditions, carefully planned a future pregnancy and followed all the recommendations of doctors, it is not possible to exclude the possibility of pathologies in the fetus.

Mutations are the cause of hereditary diseases. Today, geneticists have already come to the conclusion that each person is a carrier of 2-4 recessive mutations that are responsible for severe hereditary diseases. Their diversity is very great. Imagine a kaleidoscope, where there are a huge number of particles that do not add up to the big picture. These are people who are carriers of different genes. But if the spouses have violations of one gene, then the chance of developing intrauterine defects in the child increases significantly. That is why closely related marriages are prohibited, because they greatly increase the chances of having a baby with pathologies.

Genetically modified foods

This is another big topic around which controversy does not stop. Some people, when asked why many sick children are born, will answer: and you remember how many products with GMOs are sold in stores today. Moreover, even among scientists, disputes do not stop about whether genetically modified vegetables can influence the human gene pool. There have been attempts to trace the development of several generations of mice that were fed genetically modified grain, but the results were different each time. Yes, our bodies are very different.

Today you can find two opinions that are radically different from each other. First: GMO products are evil, which in a few generations will lead to the complete extinction of mankind. Second: there is nothing dangerous in them, they are ordinary food. In fact, there is more evidence for the second statement than for the first. Geneticists say that every day a large number of plant and animal genes enter our body, because each cell carries DNA. But no matter how much you eat genes, our own DNA does not change from this. The body does not use the nucleotide (DNA link) that came with food in direct form. Instead, he takes it as a material, on the basis of which he already synthesizes his nucleotides. Of course, there are substances that we call mutagens. They just differ in that they are capable of causing DNA damage. But GMO products are not one of them.

Genetic examinations

There is another question here that causes some confusion. Clearly, it is difficult to answer why healthy mothers give birth to sick children. There is also a huge number of factors that can affect the formation of a tiny organism. But why can't doctors say in advance that the baby will be defective? It would seem that now all the possibilities for this are. Regularly, a woman undergoes ultrasound, donates blood for hormones and genetic tests, consults with dozens of specialists.

In fact, none of the modern methods of diagnosing intrauterine development gives a 100% guarantee that the conclusion will be correct. Moreover, errors occur both in one direction and in the other. An example is the analysis of the probability of having a child Down. Some mothers decide, contrary to forecasts, to leave the baby, having a high risk of having a sick child, and give birth to a healthy baby, while others do the opposite. Of course, early detection of developmental pathology could greatly facilitate the task of doctors and the fate of the mother, but so far doctors can detect only a part of probable diseases and malformations.

IVF is the solution to all problems?

If the normal course of pregnancy cannot be diagnosed at such a deep level, then perhaps IVF is the best alternative. They paid, underwent a genetic examination, the doctors fertilized the egg, planted it in the uterus and took a sample of the amniotic fluid for analysis. As a result, you already know in the first days of pregnancy whether a boy or a girl will be born to you, and whether they have genetic anomalies. On the one hand, this is a way out. But again, we are faced with the fact that modern equipment does not allow us to determine all possible pathologies with 100% certainty. Again, ahead of 9 months of pregnancy, during which the development of the fetus can change its vector under the influence of various external factors. We have not been able to find a clear answer to why so many sick children are being born now, but there are too many variables in this problem to be able to answer in a nutshell.

Instead of a conclusion

Of course, everything we talked about today can play a role in the development of a child. This is the health of parents, the presence or absence of bad habits, chronic diseases and infections that have not been cured in time. But that's not all. All these factors give a chance to be born to an embryo without any pathologies. But he still needs to grow. And for this, a pregnant woman must eat right, observe the regime of work and rest, not overstrain physically and psychologically, take the necessary vitamins and minerals and take care of herself.

The most common of them are commented by our expert, geneticist, candidate of medical sciences Yulia Kotalevskaya.

Myth one. Genetic disease is the result of poor heredity

In fact. Theoretically, any married couple has. On average, it is 5%. In the vast majority of cases, the birth of a child with a genetic anomaly is a completely unpredictable process. A gene defect often occurs spontaneously, from the very first hours of intrauterine life.

In addition, each of us is a hidden carrier of an average of five. But in order for this risk to materialize, you need to meet a person who has pathological changes in the same gene. The probability of such a meeting is very small.

Myth two. Handicapped children are born from consanguineous marriages

In fact. Not always. Another thing is that the risk of meeting a person with a similar gene mutation in such a marriage is much higher: a man and a woman have a common ancestor. In the language of genetics, this is called the "founder effect", in which the probability of passing pathologically altered genes to offspring increases. That is why such marriages in different countries of the world have been banned for a long time.

Myth three. The birth of a sick child is a consequence of drunken conception

In fact. And it's not. After conception, there is a relatively safe period in which it moves along the internal female genital organs to the place of implantation (attachment) to the uterine wall and does not have any contact with the mother's blood.

What can not be said about the further period of pregnancy, during which a woman should not drink alcohol in any case. Especially in the period up to 12 weeks, when all organs and systems are formed in the child.

Myth four. It's all about taking medication during pregnancy

In fact. The list of teratogenic drugs that cause severe fetal malformations is small. It includes antitumor, a number of antibiotics.

In addition, there are situations when a pregnant woman suffering from some chronic disease (thyroid gland, heart, etc.) simply cannot do without taking certain medications. In medicine, there is a golden rule in this regard: if the benefits of taking the drug outweigh the harm, you can take it during pregnancy.

The same applies to fetal ultrasound, which some pregnant women are so afraid to do. And often they miss a really serious pathology in the unborn child. Long-term obstetric and gynecological practice all over the world shows that ultrasound is absolutely harmless for the fetus.

Myth five. The birth of a child with a genetic anomaly is a cross for the whole family

Infectious diseases (rubella, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, herpes virus) and maternal diseases (autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, phenylketonuria, hypothyroidism) can also lead to gross malformations in a child during pregnancy.In fact. There is a chance to give birth to a healthy child even in those families where there have already been several cases of the birth of a handicapped child. It all depends on the type of this genetic disease. But only a geneticist can calculate this risk. That is why it is so important to know the genealogy and medical history of one's family, as well as to examine the sick child already in the family as carefully as possible. Accurate knowledge of his diagnosis will help, at the planning stage of the next pregnancy, to assess the risk and prevent the possibility of a recurrence of a family tragedy.

There are also methods of prenatal (intrauterine) diagnostics, when, with the help of a study of amniotic fluid in certain diseases, it is possible to say exactly which child a given woman “carries” under her heart.

There is a lot of suffering in the world. Illness, loss, destruction - it's hard to determine which is scarier on this list. And everyone who has to endure suffering is often left alone with his pain, mental or physical. But there is one suffering that can be singled out from the general list - this is suffering not for oneself, but for one's own child, who, by the will of fate, was born not like everyone else. Why are sick children born? Why are children born with disabilities? Why are children born with pathologies? Why? For what? Hundreds of parents ask themselves these questions and do not find an answer to them. Their torment cannot be compared with anything, and their life is full of pain.

For a person who has not experienced a severe, incurable illness of his own child, it is difficult to understand a parent in such a situation. Of course, many people sympathize with such people, of course, they feel sorry for them. But it is simply impossible to truly feel and understand this pain. Because this is super-suffering for any person, which not everyone could endure.

When a sick baby is born in a family, a state of complete doom and helplessness sets in. Moreover, the relatives of the child are immediately faced with the fact that medicine simply does not know how to really help children with cerebral palsy or downs, blind or deaf children, in general, children with disabilities. Yes, there are many methods to alleviate their suffering, as well as adapt them. But no one knows how to cure them. As well as clearly answering the question - why were they born like that? Wherever parents turn, they are always full of hope and faith that everything will come to their senses, the child will recover and live a happy life, just like any of his peers. But, unfortunately, every year we are met by a harsh reality - this is a life-long tragedy.

Raising a child is not an easy task, but raising a terminally ill child is a difficult and responsible step for any adult. Every parent who has not abandoned such a baby deserves the highest praise. And he rightfully deserves respect from other people, as well as understanding himself, his own significant role. And also - a normal, happy life, like all other people.
But in reality it turns out differently. Instead of living normally and loving their child as he is, parents and relatives of terminally ill children very often suffer in search of an answer to why this tragedy happened in their lives.

Why are disabled children born?

Questions "Why did I give birth to a sick child?" or "Why exactly did I have a baby down?" can drive any mother crazy. Every day, waking up, such a woman sees her child, his torment. Someone manages to ease this pain, these unresolved questions, at least for a while. But sooner or later they come back. For another, they are constantly spinning in the head, and like an itch they do not give the opportunity to live in peace and enjoy life. And very often this psychological problem becomes a real obstacle to a normal life.

I often communicate with parents and other relatives of children with disabilities. These are very brave, strong people who every day struggle with life itself so that their child does not suffer. And it is not customary for them to talk about themselves, their suffering, especially psychological ones. They push any of their own suffering into the background, any of their own questions, even if they torment them, they put away in the dark box of the soul. This box can be opened only when the child does not see it - for example, in the dead of night in insomnia - only then the pillow becomes wet with tears, and the heart contracts so that it is not possible to breathe. From this unbearable pain. Not for myself, no. For a little man who was destined to be born terminally ill. Why?

Why did we have a disabled child? Most parents, grandparents, look for the answer to this question in their biography. They remember their sins, go over in their minds all their misdeeds. But each person has his own, secret thoughts and actions, which are ashamed to admit. Grandmothers, as well as mothers, remember their abortions, which they had in their youth. And also alcohol, smoking, which seemed so harmless. Grandfathers and dads, aunts and uncles recall their reckless actions of childhood and youth. Perhaps these are petty thefts, or, for example, sadistic thoughts that constantly come to mind from childhood, or even lead to certain actions that are also carefully hidden from others. Thousands of such things that we, under the influence of society and our stereotypes of morality, consider criminal and sinful.

And all this leads to one thing - eating oneself for the fact that the irreparable happened - a child was born with an incurable disease. This is a real self-flagellation, which very often continues for years.

By the way, although almost every person in the family constantly thinks about his guilt, but in quarrels and scandals, in despair and emotional hysteria, we often throw accusations at each other, which increases the pain of another person tenfold, grows resentment, misunderstanding and rejection in him.

But is pain not enough in such a family? Isn't there enough psychological suffering associated with a child's illness? Maybe it's time to stop it?

Why are disabled children, children with cerebral palsy, down children born? This is a very difficult question, which can only be answered together with other questions of the universe "Why are we born? Why does everyone live? What is the meaning of life and suffering?". Opening them for themselves, any parent of a sick child begins to understand how everything really works. A sick child is not a punishment and his illnesses are not a consequence of the sins of his parents. On the contrary, life works the other way around. And for what? Unfortunately, in the format of a small article there is no way to answer these questions. But this does not mean that there are no such answers. Today, each person can receive them, which means - to calm the soul and understand the root cause of their suffering. Each their own. And the parents of a sick child, get an answer to the question "Why are disabled children, sick children, blind and deaf children, downy children born?"

We invite you to attend a special training in system-vector psychology. Its author, Yuri Burlan, in his lectures reveals to the audience the root causes of all our suffering, actions, our desires and innate characteristics.

The training takes place online and is available anywhere in the world, all you need to connect is a computer and the Internet. Every month there are free, introductory lectures, where you can learn a lot of useful and interesting things for yourself. And after passing the entire training, the worldview changes completely, answers to all questions appear.
